Columbia Ship Specs: Difference between revisions

Adding 2 Type-9 Shuttles
(→‎Deck Layout: moving Deck Layout to subpage)
(Adding 2 Type-9 Shuttles)
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Named in honor of the old Earth space shuttle that was destroyed in a tragic accident in 2003.  It was initially commissioned under [[Avatar, Mal|Captain Mal Avatar]] as an exploration vessel and then reassigned as a support ship for [[Starbase 118 Ops|Starbase 118]].  It was severely damaged in 2390 requiring extensive repairs and upgrades.  It was recommissioned under [[Livingston, Benjamin|Captain Benjamin Livingston]] on 239107.14 and given a mandate of exploration. On Stardate 239207.26, Commander Brek became Commanding Officer of {{USS|Columbia}}.  The ship was decommissioned on 239211.12 and returned to Earth for repairs and upgrades before returning to StarBase 118 as it's primary support ship on 239309.18 under the command of Captain Sal Taybrim and Lt Commander Theo Whittaker

[[File:Columbiawiki.PNG‎|center|500px|Columbia Image]]
[[File:Columbia Promo.jpg|left|800px|Columbia Image]]

* '''Registry''': NCC-85279
* '''Type''': Explorer / Heavy Cruiser - basic
* '''Crew''': 750, ''9,800 person evacuation limit''
|Ship = USS Columbia
* '''Warp Speeds'''
|ShipClass = Nebula
** Normal Cruise : 6
|ShipReg = NCC-85279
** Maximum Cruise : 9
|CO1-First = Theo|CO1-Last = Whittaker}}<br style="clear:both;" />
** Maximum Rated : 9.4 for 12 hours
* '''[[ma:Starship classification|Category]]''': ''[[ma:Explorer ship|Explorer]]'' / [[ma:Heavy Cruiser|Heavy Cruiser-basic]]
* '''Strength Indices''' ''(Galaxy class = 1,000)''
* '''Strength Index''': 841 (see: [ Daystrom Institute Technical Library]) (Galaxy Class = 1,000)
** Beam Firepower : 650
** Beam Firepower : 650
** Torpedo Firepower : 1,000
** Torpedo Firepower : 1,000
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** Speed : 917
** Speed : 917
** Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,500
** Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,500
* '''Diplomatic Capability''': 7
* '''Motto''': "There are always possibilities."
* '''Height''': 130.43 meters
* '''Width (Beam)''': 318.11 meters
* '''Length''': 442.23 meters
* '''Number of Decks''': 30
''' [[/Deck Layout|Deck Layout]] '''
* '''Complement''': 750
** '''Officers''': 200
** '''Enlisted''': 550
* '''Civilians''': Permitted
* '''Evacuation Capacity''': 9,800
* '''Diplomatic Capacity''': [ 7]
* '''Warp Engines''': MARA
* '''Impulse Engines''': Standard
* '''Speed''':
** '''Cruising''': Warp 6
** '''Emergency''': Warp 9
** '''Maximum''': 9.4 for 12 hours
* '''Computer System''': LCARS, Three AC-16 Bio-Neural Gelpack Cores
* '''Hull Duration''': 100 years
* '''Re-Supply Cycle''': 1 year
* '''Refit Cycle''':
** '''Minor''': 1 year
** '''Major''': 20 years
* '''Beam Weapons''': 8 Type X phaser arrays, total output 32,500 TeraWatts
* '''Torpedo Launchers''': 25 Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo tube
** '''Torpedo Payload''': 180 rounds
==Defensive Systems==
* '''Shield Capacity''': 2,160,000 TeraJoules
* '''Armor Type''':
** Standard Duranium/Tritanium Double hull
** 9 cm High density armour.
** Standard level Structural Integrity Field
==Support Vessels==
* 5x Type 8 shuttles
* 4x Type 9 shuttles
* 1x [[USS Kumari|Captain's Yacht]] - the ''USS Kumari''
For more information see [[Columbia Shuttlecrafts|Support Craft]]

'''[[/Deck Layout]]'''
[[File:Columbiawiki.PNG‎|center|500px|Columbia Image]]

[[Category:USS Columbia|Specs]]
[[Category:USS Columbia|Specs]]
