What lies below (Constitution): Difference between revisions

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== Plot summary ==  
== Plot summary ==  
''' Previously on USS Constitution - What lies below ... ''' <br>
''' Previously on USS Constitution - What lies below ... ''' <br>
The crew of the Constitution wrapped up their shore leave and good fun and headed off, back into the working force that is StarFleet. Captain Jalan Rajel was more than happy to reclaim her chair, though he knew she had left it very capable hands. (Now) Commander T'Mar and (now) Lieutenant Commander Rustyy Hael, where more than ready to go back to their normal positions. After a night of promotions and bowling, and a couple of days of shore leave afterwards the crew was eager as ever to get back out into open space.
Word arrived of a group of Dokkaran's needing to jump limb and root into new soil. An unknown toxin poisoning their soil and local mother tree on Kelan. If they remained they would risk all their lives, but to leave meant letting go of what was. After careful deliberations the Dokkoaran's leader, Awern Sedean, made the decision to reach out.
The USS Constitution-B jumped at the chance to assist. Captain Rajel spread the work out amongst her crew to make preparations for the arrival of some very interesting guests, between 60 and 70 Dokkarans. Most crew members had never encountered the species, which sent the ship into a hive of excitement.
Lieutenant Junior Grade Chelin Ch'Gabor set out in search of a new home, while Ensign Dag Sindri and Lieutenant Commanders Rustyy Hael and Danzia worked to make comfortable living quarters for the 70-odd Dokkarans. Which had been made easy with the help of Sherana, the ship's arboretum caregiver.
Sickbay was also kept busy, tasked with preparations for medical treatment for the flock of unusual species with an unusual ailment. Goal of the treatment was to rid the Dokkarans of the unknown poison and make sure that they would not transfer it to the new soil.
Two Dokkaran colonisation vessels arrived to meet with the USS Constitution-B and boarded in Shuttle Bay, where they were greeted by Captain Rajel, Cmdr T'Mar and LtCmdrs Danzia, Sinda Essen and Shar'Wyn Foster. The Dokkarans - Leader Awern Sedean and Head Scientist Merina Lirane - were informed about the new planet - Dagorin VI, a naturalist and scientist paradise - before they were lead to Sick bay for their treatment.
On the way back to the bridge T'Mar received an urgent call and shortly after left the Constitution to head to Vulcan for a family matter, which lead to Jalana announcing for Rustyy to be acting FO.
Meanwhile Lt JG Ch'Gabor sent a scout probe towards the new prospective planet Dagorin VI and picked up a strange signal. Dagorin VI was right in line of the signal, that Lt JG Solaris McLaren identified as *possibly* being generated by the Orion Syndiate.
Ensign Akoni Soriano looked into possibilities for what cause once healthy grounds of Kelan to become suddenly devastating to plant and people plant alike, upon research - she reached out to her chief Lt JG McLaren to discuss possible, unlikeable scenario's...
Ensigns Mandak and Blackwell used the quiet time on the bridge to check out the Dokkaran ships, as they had never seen any. While exploring the ship Mandak found a tracker on the ship and alarmed the Captain about the possibility that someone was having an eye on the Dokkarans.

== Mission reports ==  
== Mission reports ==  
