Member Testimonials: Difference between revisions

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* Why you joined
* Why you joined
* Any kind words about the website
* Any kind words about the website
* Mention of the wiki, UPDS, forums, etc.
* Mention of the wiki, forums, etc.
* What you thought of the training
* What you thought of the training
* What you think of your ship
* What you think of your ship
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Please feel free to add your own testimonial at the '''top''' of the list.
Please feel free to add your own testimonial at the '''top''' of the list.
===Mary Fenelli===
* Date of Review: Saturday, September 5, 2015
: Star Trek, a wonderful enterprise that entered my house before I was even born. I remember as I was growing up we used to watch it all the time, especially Star Trek: The Next Generation. I myself was not a fan of Star Trek, and I used to hide away in my room while my family watched. Years and years passed and I finally decided to try to watch it. I began with Star Trek: Voyager. I will never regret the decision I made that day, because to this day, I now consider myself a Trekkie.   
: About nine months ago, I was encouraged by my brother to join Starbase118. After much consideration, I decided to agree, but only because I love to write, and enjoy Star Trek. After being on the site I realized how Starbase118 is for more than writing and Star Trek. Starbase118 is a place you get to be expressive and creative, it's a place to meet new people with the same interests as you, and it's a safe haven. In the time that I have been here, I have made many friends and written many stories. My crew on the ship I write for is like my family, and Starbase118 is like my home away from home.
: UFOP: Starbase-118 is a really easy site to use, and a great place to be. It is a simple Role play Game that you can access through email. Whether you have a Hotmail, a Gmail, a Yahoo, or an Outlook, this place will suit all your writing and Star Trek needs. Starbase118 has something for just about everyone, and anyone can join. Once in the Starbase118 community, you will also be able to join groups, like; Top Sims contest Judge, or The Image Collective. The most fun thing here though is, being able to rise through the ranks. I am very pleased with Starbase118, and I hope to stay here for a long time.

===Cayden Dunn===
===Cayden Dunn===
* Date of Review: 17 January 2012‎
: I have been watching Star Trek since I was a young boy hooked on Season 2 of TNG. Since then, I have dreamed of the stars and distant places. I also dreamed of piloting exotic space craft so much that I pursued a pilot’s license in real life. Another long time hobby of mine has always been fictional writing however, I found I sometimes lacked the inspiration needed to write consistently.   
: I have been watching Star Trek since I was a young boy hooked on Season 2 of TNG. Since then, I have dreamed of the stars and distant places. I also dreamed of piloting exotic space craft so much that I pursued a pilot’s license in real life. Another long time hobby of mine has always been fictional writing however, I found I sometimes lacked the inspiration needed to write consistently.   

