Romulan Free State/Ranks: Difference between revisions

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!style="background:#343434;color:white" colspan=3|Political Positions
!style="background:#343434;color:white" colspan=3|Political Positions
!Political Official
|Higher offices of power within the Romulan government such as '''senator''' and '''chairman''' hold authority over the military.
|Higher offices of power within the Romulan government such as '''senator''' and '''chairman''' hold authority over the military.

Revision as of 06:44, 11 May 2015


Klingon Empire-Gray.png
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Romulan Star Empire.png
Romulan Republic-Gray.png
Romulan Republic.png
Cardassian Union-Gray.png
Cardassian Union.png
Tholian Assembly-Gray.png
Tholian Assembly.png
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United Federation of Planets Klingon Empire Romulan Star Empire Romulan Republic Cardassian Union Tholian Assembly Kathesis Pact
Other Powers: Breen ConfederacyDominionSaurian EmpireTalarian RepublicRigelian Assembly


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Romulan Star Empire.png

Ranks of the Romulan Star Empire

The Romulan Star Empire employs the use two ranking systems, one for the Romulan Imperial Navy and the other for the Tal Shiar:

Imperial Navy Ranks
Admiral A flag officer, equivalent to admiral
Commander Equivalent to captain
Subcommander Equivalent to commander
Centurion Equivalent to lieutenant commander
Lieutenant Equivalent to lieutenant
Sublieutenant Equivalent to ensign or lieutenant junior grade
Uhlan An enlisted rank, equivalent to crewman
Tal Shiar Ranks
General A flag officer, equivalent to admiral
Colonel A senior officer, equivalent to captain
Major A mid-level officer, equivalent to commander
The Tal Shiar does not use lower ranks, instead recruiting experienced officers directly from the Romulan Imperial Navy. Their authority supersedes that of the Imperial Navy, with a Tal Shiar major for instance being able to overrule the command of a supposedly higher ranking naval officer. Likewise, Tal Shiar colonels can command fleet of ships, and generals are considered higher ranking than admirals.
Political Positions
Political Official Higher offices of power within the Romulan government such as senator and chairman hold authority over the military.

Background Note

The pips above are from, and have been renamed to conform with only those ranks seen onscreen or listed in official reference works.

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