Featured Bio Contest Rules: Difference between revisions

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==Section I: Composition of the Featured Bio Contest Team==
==Section I: Composition of the Featured Bio Contest Team==
#The Featured Bio Contest Team shall be comprised of ideally no less than three (3) members, with one member serving as the team leader.
#The Featured Bio Contest Team shall be comprised of ideally '''no less than three (3) members''', with one member serving as the team leader.
#If the team has an even number of members, the team leader shall cast the deciding vote in the event that a tie should arise during voting.
#If the team has an even number of members, the team leader shall cast the deciding vote in the event that a tie should arise during voting.
#A team member must be an active member of SB118 in good standing.
#A team member must be an '''active member''' of SB118 in '''good standing'''.
#The team leader must hold the rank of lieutenant junior grade.
#The team leader must hold the rank of '''lieutenant junior grade'''.
#If the team is comprised of two or fewer members, the team leader shall endeavor to actively recruit additional members to the team to meet the ideal goal of at least three members.
#If the team is comprised of two or fewer members, the team leader shall endeavor to actively recruit additional members to the team to meet the ideal goal of at least three members.
#Team members must ensure that their own primary characters’ articles meet the [[Featured Bio Contest Minimum Selection Criteria|minimum selection criteria]] for featured articles outlined in Section III.
#Team members must ensure that their own primary characters’ articles meet the [[Featured Bio Contest Judging Criteria|judging criteria]] for featured articles outlined in Section III.
#Team members must be willing to take an active role in not only judging other articles to be featured but also helping other members with constructive feedback on how to improve their articles.
#Team members must be willing to take an '''active role''' in not only judging other articles to be featured but also helping other members with constructive feedback on how to improve their articles.
#Team members should be reasonably proficient with using and editing the wiki such that they could assist other members who have questions about it.
#Team members should be reasonably proficient with using and editing the wiki such that they could assist other members who have questions about it.
#Team members must be willing to forego their own characters' articles from being chosen as Featured Nominees or Featured Bios. It will instead be listed as a Featured Bio Contest Team Member (Sapphire) article.
#Team members must be willing to forego their own characters' articles from being chosen as Featured Nominees or Featured Bios. It will instead be listed as a '''Featured Bio Contest Team Member''' (Sapphire) article.

==Section II: Submission of Articles for Consideration==
==Section II: Submission of Articles for Consideration==
#Articles to be featured will be selected in one of two ways:
#Articles to be featured will be selected in one of two ways:
##Members may nominate articles, either their own or that of another member, for consideration.
##Members may nominate articles, either their own or that of another member, for consideration.
##If necessary, the Featured Bio Contest team will review rosters and select an article themselves that meets the minimum selection criteria.
##If necessary, the Featured Bio Contest team will review rosters and select an article themselves to be included as a nominee in any given round.
#Articles nominated by members that meet the minimum selection criteria will be featured before articles chosen by the Featured Bio Contest team.
#Articles nominated by members that meet the judging criteria will be featured before articles chosen by the Featured Bio Contest team.
#Once an article from a ship/station is selected as the Featured Bio of StarBase 118, no additional articles from that ship/station shall be selected for Featured Bio for the next two selection cycles, although articles from that ship/station would still be eligible for Featured Nominee status.
#Judging criteria for featured articles will be made public for the benefit of those wishing to ensure their submissions meet the criteria as best they feel possible.
#Minimum selection criteria for featured articles will be made public for the benefit of those wishing to ensure their submissions meet the criteria as best they feel possible.

==[[Featured Bio Contest Minimum Selection Criteria|Section III: Minimum Selection Criteria for Featured Articles]]==
==[[Featured Bio Contest Judging Criteria|Section III: Judging Criteria for Featured Articles]]==

==Section IV: Selection Process for Featured Article==
==Section IV: Selection Process for Featured Article==
#There are three levels of recognition awarded by the Featured Bio Contest:
#There are three levels of recognition awarded by the Featured Bio Contest:
##Featured Bio of StarBase118 (Gold)
##'''Featured Bio of StarBase118''' (Eligible to wear Gold Badge)
##Featured Nominee (Silver)
##'''Featured Nominee''' (Eligible to wear Silver Badge)
##Featured Bio Contest Team Member (Sapphire)
##'''Featured Bio Contest Team Member''' (Eligible to wear Sapphire badge)
#Nominations for featured articles are due at the first of the month.
#Nominations for featured articles are due at the '''first of the month'''.
#If articles are nominated by someone other than the article’s author, the project team will verify with the author that he or she wishes for the article to undergo the selection process.
#If no nominations are received by the due date, the project team will begin surveying ship/station rosters to select appropriate articles.
#If no nominations are received by the due date, the project team will begin surveying ship/station rosters to select appropriate articles.
#Nominated articles will get an initial review within the first two weeks of the month by the project team to ensure they meet the minimum selection criteria.
#The project team will hold a confidential vote '''within the third week''' of the month ranking the nominated articles. The winner will be designated the Featured Bio for the next month. The runner up will be designated the Featured Nominee.
#If a nominated article fails to meet the criteria, the project team will communicate with the article’s author on how to improve the article so that the article may be resubmitted for the next round of nominations.
#Communication among project team members will be handled on a closed Google group to ensure that communication can be reviewed by the Captains Council or Executive Council.
#If the nominated article meets the criteria, the project team will inform the article’s author that the article has now been awarded "Featured Nominee" status and approved for consideration to the final judging round. A Featured Nominee (silver) badge may be added to the article indefinitely by the author if he or she wishes to showcase this status.
#'''The vote for Featured Bio of the month is final'''.
#The project team will hold a confidential vote within the third week of the month to select the Featured Bio for the next month.
#Communication among project team members will be handled on a closed Yahoo group to ensure that communication can be reviewed by the Captains Council or Executive Council.
#The vote for Featured Bio of the month is final.

==Section V: Featured Article Publicity==
==Section V: Featured Bio Publicity==
#Once a Featured Bio has been selected, the Featured Bio Contest team will notify the following teams within the fourth week of the month to coordinate publicity regarding the selected article:
#The news of the Featured Bio will not be published until the '''first of the next month''' (the due date for the next selection cycle).
##Newsies Team
#The author will not be informed of the article’s selection until the '''first of the next month'''.
##Newsletter Team
#Upon announcement of the Featured Bio, the bio may display '''Featured Bio of StarBase 118 (gold) badge'''.
##Reporter Team
##Publicity Team
#The news of the Featured Bio will not be published until the first of the next month (the due date for the next selection cycle).
#The author will not be informed of the article’s selection until the first of the next month.
#Upon announcement of the Featured Bio, the Featured Nominee (silver) badge may be replaced with a Featured Bio of StarBase 118 (gold) badge.
#The main page of the SB118 Wiki will also include a link to the Featured Bio.
#The main page of the SB118 Wiki will also include a link to the Featured Bio.
#All featured articles will be listed under a Featured Bio category as well as on the Featured Bio Contest wiki page.
#All featured articles will be listed under a [[:Category:Featured Bios|Featured Bio category]] as well as on the [[Featured Bio Contest|Featured Bio Contest wiki page]].

==Section VI: Remaining Silver Level Articles==
==Section VI: Featured Nominees==
#The remaining Featured Nominees will also be listed on the Featured Bio Contest wiki page and in a separate Featured Nominees category.
#The news of the Featured Nominee will not be published until the '''first of the next month''' (the due date for the next selection cycle).
#Authors whose articles were approved for Featured Nominee status but not selected to be the Featured Bio of the month will be notified.
#The author will not be informed of the article’s selection until the '''first of the next month'''.
#While Featured Nominees have been determined to meet the minimum selection criteria, that does not mean they cannot be improved.
#Upon announcement of the Featured Nominee, the bio may display '''Featured Nominee (silver) badge'''.
#Authors will be encouraged to continue updating their articles as needed and expanding them where they see fit.
#Bios awarded ''Featured Nominee status'' are listed on the in a separate [[:Category:Featured Nominees|Featured Nominees category]].
#Authors may also ask the project team for feedback on ways to improve their articles, although such feedback will not be given unless requested.
#Featured Nominees must be '''resubmitted''' for consideration for any future selection cycles of the Featured Bio Contest.
#Featured Nominees that were not selected to become the Featured Bio must be resubmitted for consideration for any future selection cycles.