User:Chen/Temp Work Page

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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Chen/Temp Work Page
Four Letter Code BOLN
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Bolarus IX
Encountered TNG: Allegiance, as well as DS9: The Forsaken
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N-
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  • Proper Name: Bolian
  • Pronunciation: 'Boh'-lee-uhn

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Bolian Sector
  • Proper Name: Bolarus
  • Pronunciation: Boh-'la'-rus
  • Star: Type-F
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions: 15 other planets

Home World

  • Proper Name: Bolarus IX
  • Pronunciation: Boh-'la'-rus 9
  • Satellites: 4 moons
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity: 1.1 times standard Earth gravity
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period: 585 days
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 86%
    • Atmosphere: Nitrogen-Oxygen-Argon atmosphere
    • Climate: Warm. Average temperature is 22°C. Temperature at the equator averages 36°C.• Bolarus IX often experiences turbulent weather, including hurricanes, typhoons and monsoons, which happen on an annual cycle. Due to the relative lack of land on the planet, storm fronts tend to be severe over the ocean, as there is little that would cause them to break. However, there are seasons of good weather in addition to the cycle of storms.
    • Population: 5.7 billion


Bolarus IX is home to three main continents, Rabinu, Rasara and Bol’ki. These continents lie along the planet's equator, making Bolarus a much more temperate planet than Earth. Its land mass is mostly hydrosphere, although aside from the major continents there are other smaller landmasses, B’olos, Izos and Kastron, each named for the tectonic plate to which they are attached. While these are technically continents in themselves, they are comparatively very small. Due to the increased proportion of water to land on the planet, tectonic shift is somewhat slower than normal, and nearly all of the planet's fault lines line below the surface of the ocean. As such, mountain ranges are very rare, but ranges of island archipelagos are common.


While much of the Bolian landscape is comparable to Earth, the increased amount of water on the planet has caused a striking difference in areas near sea level. Water erosion has caused the formation of sheer cliffs, waterfalls and jagged rock formations. Flood plains are wide and expansive, and home to plants that can survive both dry and extremely wet conditions.

The Senden Funnel

Hundreds of years ago an unusual storm front developed over a large area very close to the southern ice cap of Bolarus IX. It became stronger, but conditions at the time prevented it from breaking or moving. As such, a standing storm developed, which remains in situe even at present. Manifested as a violent electrical storm accompanied by torrential rain above an oceanic maelstrom, scientists have been unable to determine what caused this strange atmospheric event. Starfleet scientists have debated various ideas, but without the ability to watch its original formation they are unable to settle upon a final hypothesis.


Bolian world history follows three individual strands before the 22nd Century, as the three main continents formed nations that were largely self-sufficient and contained. However, during the 22nd Century, advances in technology led to increased contact between the three continental powers, which eventually led to serious cultural disputes, and eventually war. The war was not over territory, but over which cultural practices were correct and proper, and the three sides raged in an unbreakable equilibrium for many years.

It was during this cultural war that warp travel was developed. However, far from demonstrating to the Bolians that under a united planetary government they could make a stance as a galactic power, the development of warp travel did little to impact upon the cultural differences between the three civilisations. First contact with two alien races inflamed the disputes further. One race, the Iren, contacted the Bolians in an effort to seek aid in defending their homeworld against alien aggressors. That same people, the Uzor, contacted the Bolians to explain the motives behind their attacks, which they claimed to be in self-defense against a people that refused to help their civilisation, which was fast running out of natural resources. Two of the continental powers took opposite sides in this conflict, one providing the Iren with weapons and technology but not involving themselves directly in the conflict, the other providing resources to assist the Uzor that so badly needed them.

The third power looked upon its rivals with scorn, and developed a somewhat jingoist stance. They were not resentful of the other races, but they were thoroughly convinced that their societies were not, and would never be, as productive as those that resided on Bolarus IX. They refused to help either side and pressed for their traditions and cultures to be accepted planetwide at the expense of all else.

During this time, the Ferengi were known to have had dealings with the Bolians, who, while slightly less advanced in the field of technology, were able to hold their own during business negotiations. This earned them some respect in the eyes of the Ferengi. First Contact did not go so well with the Moropa, another neighbouring race, and hostilities erupted in the late 23rd Century.

By 2289, Bolarus had made first contact with the Federation. Initial talks with a number of factions went well, but moreover showed the Bolian people that it was possible for many different cultures to coexist under one unified banner. Later that year, the Bolian states had set aside their differences and formed a world government, and by 2320 they were accepted into the Federation as full members.

During the Dominion War, the Bolian sector was a hotbed of military activity. By 2374 the 6th Fleet was deployed there as a solid front against a rapid Dominion incursion into Federation territory. After the Romulans joined the war, pressure was relieved from this sector during what came to be known as the "Bolian Operation".


The Bolian world government is an elected quasi-meritocracy based around the Central Council, which is made up of representatives from each township. As Bolians do not divide their land by border in the same way that humans did (and to some extent still do), this literally means a representative from each family. Bolian families tend to live in a tightly knit community, and therefore even if some members of the family are removed by a relatively short physical distance, their wishes are still presented to the council as unified. Council representatives are chosen from each family through discussion and debate amongst all of its adult members, and the family representative can be changed at any time.

All issues that are presented to the council are decided by public forum, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential. A vote is taken by the entire council, and a simple majority in the voting is the deciding factor on most decisions, even if the margin of difference is very small. A Councilor is appointed by the government to act as spokesperson for foreign matters, but other than this duty he or she holds no augmented power in the council itself. The term for this office is not fixed - in the same way as families can change their representatives at will, the council can change its councilor at will.

Despite the seemingly drawn out process that this method of government would hint at, this has long proven to be a reliable and efficient method of government for the Bolians, who by their nature excel at group work. Compromises are reached quickly through succint discussion, and the council tend to be in large-scale agreement over major issues before they take a vote.


The most characteristic features of the Bolian race are their blue skin, the distinctive ridge that bisects their face, and indeed their whole skull, and their bald heads. However, there are other features that can be noticed if the Bolian species are examined in further detail. Their ears are very slightly longer than those found on a human, and some individuals have additional ridges that run across the top and back of their head, from ear to ear.

Bolian skin tone can vary from blue with a yellowish green tinge through medium blue to dark blue. Their eyes are predominantly yellow, but in some rare cases orange-eyed Bolians have been known to exist.













Federation Intelligence Files
