SIM:Sinda: Brace For Impact

Lt(jg) Sinda Essen - Brace For Impact

(( USS Eagle - Bridge ))

:: Ess kept her eyes focussed on the spread of torpedoes as they sped across the void. Even through the tactical sensors in front of her could get a better track of their course, there was something fascinating about watching the ordnance of the main viewer. With an inevitable finality the torpedoes slammed into the Cardassian ship, the deep explosions ripping the embedded nacelle free from the rest of the hull. Still under power by the remaining nacelle, the Cardassian vessel began to spin and drift away from the Voila. ::

DANZIA: Nice shooting. ::There was a moment's pause. Ess allowed herself a satisfied smile:: I suggest we stay back. The Voila took some bad hits. I don't think we'll be towing her back to spacedock.

O. WESTON: Captain I've narrowed down the remote signal to two possible locations. The Cardassian signal is coming from the event horizon or the nebula. The torpedo impact disrupted the signal and I'm guessing, ::Oliver pointed at the twirling Cardassian vessel:: that is why she?s still dancing in space.

REYNOLDS: The nebula doesn't seem like the most likely candidate, given what we've observed so far.

O. WESTON: If I had to guess I'd say the Event Horizon, as we saw them come through it. How likely would it be that they were controlling her from the nebula while she was on the other side of the wormhole? Either way I think Commander Danzia is right, we shouldn't leave the Voila unguarded. If the signal resumes then we might still have a fight on our hands.

::Quinn glanced at Danzia, then back to the intelligence officer.::

REYNOLDS: I... don't think that's quite what Commander Danzia meant.

O. WESTON: I can nail down the signal if it starts again. Everything else is just guess work. I'm sorry Captain.

REYNOLDS: If we...

:: The Captain's voice trailed off as she looked at the viewscreen. Essen followed her gaze - the Voila was turning to face the stricken Cardassian ship. Ess cursed her own inattention and checked the sensor readouts which confirmed what they already knew, the Voila was accelerating quickly. When Captain Reynolds spoke next her voice sounded a little strained. ::

REYNOLDS: Ensign Deacon, get us out of here. Commander Danzia, please make sure our officers and guests in the cargo bay know to brace for impact. Sinda, our shields had better be at maximum, or this could *really* hurt.

SINDA: Aye Captain.

:: Ess checked the tactical data. The forward shields were still overcharged - more than enough to absorb fire from Cardassian phasers but how would it fare with the power from two exploding warp cores? Ess had just enough time to worry about the sort of feedback that would cause before the ships collided. Within a second an expanding band of energy was racing towards them. Dimly, Ess was aware of a message coming in from Lieutenant Kanz before the shockwave hit them and the bridge turned upside down. ::

KANZ: =/\= Lt. Kanz to the bridge ... =/\=

:: It was dark. There was a buzzing sound somewhere in the background and Essen's back felt like it was burning. Her nose was filled with a familiar smell of singed flesh and her mouth with the metallic taste of blood. A voice echoed around her head. ::

REYNOLDS: Is everyone all right?

:: Ess tried to lift her head. She found she was face down on the main deck after toppling over the tactical console. She tried to replay the last couple of seconds in her mind - the ramming, the shockwave, Kanz's distant message, the heat and force that suddenly hit her from behind, as if the shockwave had suddenly been directed right at her spine. Behind her, as she turned her head with some difficulty, the tactical station was a mass of smoke and sparks. ::

SINDA: oO Great. More scars. Oo

:: She tried to carefully push herself up from the deck and found that she couldn't. A cold feeling of fear washed over her, over the burning pain in her back - she couldn't move her legs. ::

SINDA: ::weakly:: Captain...