SIM:Constitution-Family Crisis

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Family Crisis


Paul felt the transporter effect take hold as the inside of the

runabout was replaced with the crisp cool air of the Nebraska climate. Paul turned around where he stood and saw the hospital. It was a tall modern building with a large medical insignia on the side. He walked through the double doors and made his way to the lift. He took it to the Administration Floor and located the office he was looking for. Walking up, he was stopped by a young man.::

Secretary: May I help you?

Diamond: Yes, I would like to see the Personnel Director.

Secretary: I'm sorry but she can't be disturbed. If I may have your name, she will contact you when she is available.

Diamond: I'm only in town for a few days, now is the best time for me.

Secretary: I'm sorry sir, but like I said…

Diamond: Let me make this easy, I'm her son, Dr. Paul Diamond, I'm on leave and came to take her to lunch.

Secretary: ::turning white:: Can you prove this? ::Paul handed over his identification card and as the secretary read it, he turned even whiter.:: I'm sorry Lieutenant, I didn't recognize you. You can find your mother on Floor 18, Room 1820.

With the look on the secretaries face, Paul didn't ask anymore

questions. He dropped his things and took off for the lift. Sheila stuck her head out of the bag and started to follow.::

Diamond: Sheila, STAY!

Sheila landed on the desk of the secretary and laid down and

waited. Paul entered the lift, gave it the proper floor and room, and waited. It seemed like forever but the lift finally arrived. Paul stepped out as soon as the doors opened and headed for the room. He was soon intercepted by a Nurse that tried to stop him.::

Nurse: I'm sorry sir, you are not allowed here, this is only for family.

Paul pushed past her and headed for room 1820 at the end of the

hall. The nurse followed him emphasizing the fact he wasn't suppose be there until a woman stepped out of the room. At first she was surprised, then relieved to see Paul.::

Margret: It's ok Maryanne; this is my son. ::hugging Paul:: Paul, what are you doing here? You should be on your ship.

Diamond: I have some leave and I decided to visit. What's going on?

Paul's mother didn't say a word, tears started to roll down her

cheeks as she looked into the room. Paul disengaged himself from his mother and walked in. The sight he found was one he would never forget. Tubes and wires going to and from the patients body to various machines told him all he needed to know. This was one time he wished he wasn't a doctor, that way he wouldn't know that this patient had just had a massive coronary. He fell to his knees and took the man's hand into his.

Diamond: Dad…

((Time Warp))

The piece of wood that was held in the small vice had ceased being

a branch of ash and was shaping into a fine bow under the hands of Paul. Ever since Paul had left the hospital four days ago he had hidden in the workshop that he had built when he was young making bow's for both his friends and one special bow in particular. Paul had created around six bows of good quality, but his energy went towards the special bow. This one he took his time sanding, notching, and varnishing than the others. He had also made around twenty arrows and a carrying case for it as well. He was almost finished with the finishing touches when he was interrupted.::

Charles: There he is, hiding in his little room playing with his sticks. What's the matter can't face the inevitable?

Diamond: ::ignoring the remark:: Charles, what brings you here? Where are Janet and my little niece, Samantha?

Charles: They are in the house. I was sent to find you for dinner.

Diamond: Didn't realize that time had flown like that.

Paul reached down and removed the bow from the small vise and gave

it one last once over. The bow was smooth and strong. Paul had chosen the best branch out of the bunch and transformed it into one of the best bows he had ever made. The crowning point was the crest that he had found from some research that he had engraved above the handle. Paul carefully laid the bow in its case and closed it.::

Charles: I don't understand you. You pay more attention to your "sticks" than you do your family.

Diamond: ::disgusted:: This is for a fellow crewmate.

Charles: Oh yeah, that's right, you're going to run away to your ship instead of helping here.

Diamond: ::slamming the lid close:: What are you getting at? You have a problem with my choice of careers?

Charles: It just seems that when the way get's tough Paul runs away to his ship. You never want to face trouble, you… ::moves his first two fingers in a running motion:: run away. No wonder your mother is talking of selling the farm.

Diamond: WHAT? She wouldn't sell the farm without talking to me.

Charles: Why? You're never home to have a say, let alone help run the farm. It was I that suggested it since it has always fallen to your sister and I to help around here and not you.

Diamond: YOU have no say in the matter, you are not a Diamond, you only married into the family. This farm and all its land go to the oldest male DIAMOND, not "son-in-law", and that is me. I have MORE say in this than you.

Charles: ::Laughs:: You? You will leave at the first chance you get. How do you expect your mother to run a farm this size and continue to work at the hospital?

Diamond: You'd be surprised at what she is capable of doing. Besides, my father ISN'T dead yet, he's only laid up for a few weeks.

Charles: Even so, he won't be able to handle a farm this size anymore.

Paul knew his brother in law was right, but he didn't have to

believe it. There had to be a way to keep the farm in the family, there had to be.::

Diamond: One thing I've learned in Star Fleet is that there is more than one option and this isn't any different. ::looking at Charles:: And YOU will not have any say in this, this is for my IMMEDIATE family to discuss, tonight.

The two men stared at each other waiting for the other to make a

move. Who knows how long it would have lasted, no one will because Paul's sister, Janet, walked in.::

Janet: There you two are, dinner is on the table.

Charles: ::staring at Paul:: We were just coming, you go ahead and make sure Sammy is ready.

Janet: She's is already in there with Mom and…

Charles: ::turning on her:: DON'T TALK BACK, DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD.

Janet cringed from him, but before he could do anything, Charles

stormed out of the room.::

Diamond: ::walking to his sister:: What was THAT about?

Janet: Ignore him, he'll calm down.

Diamond: How long has he been like that?

Janet: Ever since he lost his contract with Star Fleet for cutting corners. He's been in a bad mood ever since because no one will hire him anymore.

Diamond: ::moving Janet's face towards him and looking in her eyes:: Has he hit you or Samantha?

Janet pulled her face from his hand and walked away.::

Janet: Come on, dinners getting cold.

Paul let the subject drop but vowed to keep an eye on Charles. He

followed his sister into the house they, and his father, and his father's fathers grew up in. The family was sitting around the table with his father sitting at the head, exactly where he had always been. He thought back four days ago and the words from his mother.::


Diamond: Dad…

Margret: He's resting comfortably.

Diamond: ::turning to his mother:: What happened?

Margret: He was plowing the backfield when he had a heart attack. Fortunately your sister stopped by for a visit and found him in time.  ::starting to cry:: I've been telling him he had to slow down.

Diamond: ::moving to his mother and hugged her:: Mom, you're not to blame, he's stubborn, no matter what you'd tell him, he would always do it his way.

Margret: ::looking at her son:: Sounds like his son, don't you think?

Diamond: ::smiling, he looked back at his father:: What does the cardiologist say?

Margret: No permanent damage, he'll come home in a few days as long as he progresses like he expects.

Diamond: So, he's going to…

Margret: Live? Of course, he's stubborn remember? He just refuses to die. ::smiles:: But there will have to be changes, diet, work load, things like that.

Paul looked at his sleeping father and was relieved.::


That same feeling he had in the hospital room flooded Paul as he

looked at his father sitting in his chair as if nothing had happened. His father tried to hide the fact he was sick, but Paul could tell, he could see the signs.::

Daniel: Are you going to sit down with us son or stand there all night?

Paul smiled and took his place. Dinner went off without an

argument. Charles was even civil; the signs of his anger had evaporated. The conversations were of happy days gone by, and those ahead. This was why Paul had come home, to relax with family. After what he had been through since arriving on the Constitution, he needed to recharge not only his body, but his soul as well. Dinner was finished and the family retired to the living room where they all sat with their coffee and tea.::

Diamond: That was a wonderful dinner mother.

Margret: Thank you, it was a special occasion, I had everyone home at the same time.

Daniel: They're home for only one reason.

Margret: Daniel, don't be cynical.

Daniel: You know why we're all here as well as I do, so don't tell me not to be cynical.

Janet: Daddy, calm down, you don't need to be upset.

Daniel: Don't tell me what to do young lady, ::turning to Paul:: or you either young man. I don't care if you ARE a famous doctor, I'll do what I want when I want.

Margret: Daniel, stop it, they are trying to help.

Daniel: I don't care, we are NOT going to sell the farm and that's final.

Diamond: Dad, I agree, you shouldn't sell the farm. But you should find someone to help.

Charles: See, what did I tell you, pushing his responsibilities off onto someone else.

Janet: Charles, that's not fair, he has a responsibility to Star Fleet first.

Daniel: And you don't talk about a member of my family like that in my house.

Charles: I'm just telling the truth, if no one else can see that.

Janet: That's my father you're talking to.

Charles: And I am your husband, don't you forget it.

Charles lifted his hand to strike Janet, but before he could, Paul

was on him in a blur before anyone could react. Paul had pulled Charles off the couch where he had sat by his raised arm, grabbed his throat with his free hand and started to squeeze. His anger had risen when his sister was threatened which lent to his strength. Part of him encouraged him to squeeze harder while another told him to let go. Charles was fighting at Paul's hand to get him to release but he was starting to lose conscientiousness.::

Margret: PAUL MICHEAL DIAMOND, you release him this instant!

The voice of his mother penetrated his anger and Paul released his

brother in law. Charles fell to the floor wheezing, trying to catch his breath.::

Margret: ::walking over to Paul:: Don't you EVER choke someone like that again. "Do No Harm" remember?

Diamond: But mom, he was going to hit Janet.

Margret: That doesn't give you the right to hurt him like that. ::helping Charles up:: Are you alright?

Charles: Yes, thanks.

No one saw her hand because it moved so fast as Paul's mother

slapped Charles across the face. The look on both Paul's and Janet's faces were of shock, where Daniel's was of humor.::

Margret: Now, don't you EVER raise your hand to my daughter again, or next time I won't stop Paul. Gather your things and leave my house, you are no longer welcomed in this family. ::turning to Janet:: You and Samantha will stay here until everything is final. I will not have you near him again.

Daniel: ::laughs to himself:: I told him not to piss her off.

Charles rubbed his face, looked at Margret, looked at his wife,

and sulked out of the house. Margret moved to the comm. padd and called the authorities to report the incident. They informed her that everything would be handled. Janet left the room as well to put her own daughter to bed which left Paul with his father.::

Daniel: That was admirable what you did for your sister, even if your mother won't tell you.

Diamond: He made me so angry.

Daniel: I know, me too, but I couldn't…

Diamond: Dad, don't do that to yourself, you will be able to soon.

Just then his mother entered the room again and his father shook

his head to end the conversation.::

Margret: There, everything is taken care of.  ::turns to Paul:: Now, about you young man, we have to do something about your anger.

Daniel: I know the perfect punishment. ::looks at his wife:: The tickets, you know, to that concert? We can't go now, I have to "rest", and you know what they say, "music calms the savage beast".

Margret: You will find any way to get out of going, won't you? ::sighs:: But you're right, you need the rest, and Paul needs to relax, and sunny California would be the best place for that.

Diamond: What are you two talking about?

Margret: ::moves over to bureau:: I was given two tickets to a Piano Concert in California just before you fathers attack. He can't go now, so I think you should go and represent our family. ::hands the tickets to Paul:: Front row seats and backstage passes to meet the pianist.

Diamond: Pianist? ::looking at the tickets he couldn't make out the name of the performer, it looked Scandinavian or something:: Who is it?

Margret: I can't pronounce his name well, Weylanndro or something like that. But that doesn't mean he isn't great, he is. The shuttle leaves tomorrow at noon, the concert is tomorrow night, and you have a room at the Walmount.

Diamond: But there are two tickets, who is going with me?

Margret: I don't care you just go and relax. No arguments.

Paul knew better to argue with his mother, so he accepted his

fate, his punishment, and headed to pack. In the hall he ran into his sister coming from her old room. They just stood there looking at each other, Paul with a look of concern for her, Janet with embarrassment. Soon tears rolled down her cheeks and she rushed into his arms for a hug.::

Janet: ::whispering:: Thanks bookworm!

Janet then ran down the hall into the guest room and locked the

door behind her. Paul, not knowing what to do or say, went to his room and went to bed.