SIM:Della Vetri - Talking to yourself can sometimes pay off...

((USS Constitution-B, Sickbay))

Another bedside conversation over, and Della was still not even close to feeling normal.

oO Nice work, dumb-ass. Now you've made good progress on driving both of them away from you. Oo

The subtle murmur in the back of her mind seemed to rise up in answer to her silent comment, and she rubbed a hand over the back of her neck to try and ease the sensation away.

oO So... Either there's something screwy with my symbiote, which may well be affecting my psi abilities, or it's the other way around. Oo

Careful not to probe too deep, she let her mind skim the surface of some of the memories that had been bubbling to the surface.

oO I'm inclined to suspect the former, I think. Of course, there's only one person I can really ask, isn't here. Unless... Hell, it's worth a shot. Oo

The idea that was forming in her head was something she'd never tried before - though she'd learned the theory whilst an Initiate. The process was simple enough, but she wasn't certain she'd be able to focus enough to pull it off. Still, it wouldn't cost her anything but time to try. Of course, there was one other thing to arrange, assuming she was welcome.

Vetri: =/\= Vetri to Perkins =/\=

Perkins: =/\= Perkins here. =/\=

Vetri: =/\= I know I'm not cleared for duty again yet, but I'd like to sit in on that staff meeting, if it's okay? =/\=

Perkins: =/\= Well you should really be cleared for duty. =/\=

Vetri: =/\= Understood, sir. I'll keep quiet. I just want to keep up to speed on things. =/\=

Perkins: =/\= Ok you can attend, it's for later this afternoon. =/\=

Vetri: =/\= Thank you, sir. I'll see you there. =/\=

oO Well, that was pretty painless. Let's see if we can keep that record going. Oo

Slipping off of the biobed, she worked her way toward the nearest bathroom, aiming for a little of the privacy she could really have used during her recent 'discussion' with T'lea. Closing the door behind her, she took a moment to splash some water over her face as she ran through a couple of meditative exercises to clear her mind.

Vetri: Well, as ready as I'm going to be, I guess.

Resting her hands on the sides of the sink, she looked herself in the eye in the mirror, doing nothing but breathing for a minute or two before focusing her thoughts and speaking again.

Vetri: I'nora, ja'kala vok... 'za Della... zhian'tara rek... pora'al Zheem Vetri... Rynn Tanas Rhem.

Just for an instant, her nostrils caught the scent of stale booze and cigars, but it was gone again almost as soon as it registered on her senses.

Vetri: 'za Della Tanas Rhem Rynn. Rynn Tanas Rhem. Vok Della...

Her vision seemed to blur for a moment, and her reflection in the mirror suddenly wasn't hers at all. The middle-aged man looking back at her had the little grin he almost always wore on his lips, and a knowing twinkle in his eye.

Rynn: What'cha need girlie? Bit of a drastic step if it ain't for something important.

Vetri: You tell me, you old bastard. What the frak is going on here?

Rynn: Can't tell ya, sorry.

Vetri: Crap.

Turning her back on the mirror, she wasn't even close to surprised to see him leaning against the door.

Vetri: Whatever is happening, it's messing with my brain. I find this... annoying.

Rynn nodded, accepting her words, and abruptly looking a whole lot more serious.

Rynn: I wasn't kidding, Della. I *can't* tell you. But..

Vetri: ::Raising an annoyed eyebrow:: But?

Rynn: I'll see if I can't keep things under control.

Between one blink of her eyes and the next, he was gone. Cutting loose with some of the choicer curses her several lives gave her to choose from, Della directed a savage kick at the toilet itself, only to start swearing again as the pain shooting up her leg reminded her that she'd left her boots by the bed.

Vetri: Dammit! Miserable old... No wonder he never stayed in one place very long - he was probably one step ahead of people wanting to kick that 'charm' of his somewhere painful.

Limping her way back to her biobed to get ready for the staff meeting, she came to a halt halfway as she realized something that was both a relief and a shock - the silent chorus in her mind was gone completely, and her mind was clearer than it had felt in days.

Vetri: ::softly:: Tricky little freller... I *knew* you were up to something.

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