Constitution-B PNPC Listing: Difference between revisions

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[[Constitution Personal-NPCs|To view a list of Personal-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.]]

Personal-NPCs are somewhere between Secondary-NPCs and Traditional-NPCs. They are similar to Secondary-NPCs in that they are only simmed by one player (belong to them). Despite this, they are just background characters used to help fill gaps in our sims. An example would be Milani the
nanny of Rocar and Hilzarie's children. Only Gwen Hilzarie writes the Milani character (as she's personal to her) but we never do whole sims devoted to her or exploring her back story. She's like an extra.
[[Constitution Personal-NPCs|To view a list of Personal-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.]]

