Constitution-B PNPC Listing: Difference between revisions

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[[constitution-secondary-npcs|To view a list of Secondary-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.]]
Secondary-NPC are simmed by one player in addition to their primary
character on this ship. They are simmed almost as much as their
primary and usually only done by senior players. As such these
NPC-Secondaries have a big character backstory, feature in their own
sims and have their own personal reactions and B-Plots etc. Everyone
is free to do this but MUST be able to commit to simming both their
primary and NPC-Secondary regularly. Currently the only NPC-Secondary
being played are Lieutenant Keely Lahrel who is in Engineering. This
is played by our First Officer Cmdr Taboo (who some of you haven't met
yet at he was off ship but will be back now.)
[[constitution-secondary-npcs|To view a list of Secondary-NPCs that anyone is free to use in their sims click here.]]

