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====Personal Achievements====
====Personal Achievements====

Degree's: 5(One partial and almost complete)
Degree's: 4(One partial and almost complete)
As usual Adani has the standard 2 degrees from Starfleet Academy but has another from her double major and her masters from Starfleet Academy one contributed to her MD.
* '''Bachelors in Archeology: Starfleet Academy
* ''' Bachelors Archeology
* '''Masters in Archeology: Starfleet Academy
* ''' Bachelors General Science
* '''Medical Doctorette: Starfleet Medical Academy
* ''' Masters Xeno-Archeology
* '''Bachelors in Applied Diplomacy and Law: Carvousier Campus
* ''' M.D.
Currently working on Masters Degree of Applied Diplomacy and Law: Carvousier Campus

