User:Della Vetri/Vine, Aria
cadet Aria Vine is currently in her final year at Starfleet Academy.
- Full Name: Aria Constanza Vine.
- Race: Betazoid
- Date of Birth: 236409.11
- Place of Birth: Betazed
- Age: 23
- Gender: Female
- Telepathic status: E4/T4
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight: 128 lbs.
- Hair Color: Blonde
- Length of Hair: Very long, usually held in a waist-long braid.
- Eye Color: Black
- Skin Tone: Fairly pale.
- Build: Slim.
- Carriage: Relaxed, often deceptively so.
- Voice: Soft, rarely raising to anything more unless required.
- Handedness: Right.
- Habits: Often plays with the ring on her right thumb whilst thinking.
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None in particular.
- Hobbies and Pastimes: Tinkering with technology, reading, and mok'bara.
- Likes: Being trusted to do the job, well-made coffee.
- Dislikes: Equipment that doesn't do as it's told, people who seek to "take care of the little girlie".
- Ambitions and Goals: As long a career in Starfleet as she can manage, getting as far as her abilities will take her.
- Achievements in Life: Aria's greatest achievement (in her opinion) is getting into the Academy, something she honestly never really expected to happen.
- Disappointments in Life: Apart from the usual ups and downs in life, nothing in particular.
- Temperament: Calm, collected, and always ready with a sarcastic come-back in she thinks someone deserves it.
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Since arriving at the Academy, Aria has had next to no contact with her family, showing every sign of simply having left them behind her. This cutting off has led to some concern amongst those who know her, as she has no close friends at all, leaving her with virtually no-one to act as a social support system should she need one.
- Physical Limitations: Nothing unusual.
- Marital Status: Single.
- Children: None.
- Parents
- Father: Lakus Vine
- Mother: Corrine Vine
- Siblings: Dellan (Younger brother)
Personal History
People have often been a little surprised by just how bland and average Aria's upbringing was. Daughter of a pair of white-collar office drones, nobody expected her ambitions in life to reach much further afield than a middle-management position in some company or other. This is most likely why her application for, and acceptance into Starfleet Academy caught so many of her friends and family totally unawares - all except her brother, who'd long known that her habit of tinkering with things was going to get her into trouble some day...
Professional History
- Current Rank: Cadet (4th Class)
- Current Assignment: Starfleet Academy.