User:Dickens/Cadet Rashuu
Cadet Rashuu is a Saurian that is undergoing the final phase of his academy training.
- Full Name: Rashuu
- Race: Saurian
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth: Lyaksti'kton (Sauria)
- Age: 21
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: None
- Height: 1.89 m
- Weight: 86 Kilos
- Hair Color: None
- Length of Hair:
- Eye Color: Red
- Skin Tone: Green
- Birthmarks, Scars:
- Build: Stron but not overmuscular
- Face: Slightly elongated
- Eyes: Big
- Mouth: Sleek, seems smiling when relaxed
- Arms: Long with pointed nails in his fingers
- Legs: Strong
- Carriage:
- Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): Tends to cross his arms when in thought
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): He likes adjusted clothes with tones varying from blue to green, ocasionally wearing white.
- Shoes:
- Voice: A bit rasp and very rasp when not using the UT
- Handedness: Primarily right
- Quarters: Likes to have plants and 'cause of the academy training tends to be ordenate
- Favorite Room: The bath with very hot water
- Habits:
- Mannerisms:
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None
- Hobbies and Pastimes: Swimming, running and playing hunting games
- Likes: To frighten people that is bothering him, from children to bar brawlers.
- Dislikes: Xenophobic people, specially when it refers to him
- Ambitions and Goals: Right now his dream is to command his own ship someday and discover new phenomenons, planets and if possible, civilizations.
- Achievements in Life:
- Disappointments in Life:
- Temperment: Easily angered when in battle. Prefers hand to hand combat than in distance.
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias):
- Physical Limitations: He's very sensible to low temperatures.
- Marital Status: Single
- Spouse:
- Place of Marriage:
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: Rakkrai
- Mother: Shaurii
- Siblings: Koree, Laurii, Pakree
Personal History
- 236607.19: Born in planet Lyaksti'kton, known as Sauria in the Federation.
- 237003.02: Started primary education
Professional History
- Date Graduated from Academy:
- Current Rank: Cadet
- Current Assignment: Starfleet academy
- Duty Post:
Awards & Commendations
Cadet Rashuu is a Saurian that is undergoing the final phase of his academy training.
- Full Name: Rashuu
- Current Rank: Cadet
- Race: Saurian
- Date of Birth:
- Place of Birth: Sauria
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: None
- Height: 1,89 meters
- Weight: 86 Kilos
- Hair Color: None
- Eye Color: Red
- Spouse: None
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: Rakkrai
- Mother: Shaurii
- Siblings: Koree, Laurii, Pakree