Memory Book/Darius Clack (Rob H)

I am a happy 38 year old, 6'5 single white male with curly brown hair. In real life, I am an aerospace engineer currently working for the space program in the area of advanced rocket propulsion systems. As my seven year old niece is so fond of telling everyone, I am a rocket man. (Please no jokes. I get enough of them as it is.)

When I turned eighteen, I followed in my father's footsteps (he was a career man in the Air Force) and joined the U.S. Air Force. Several months later, I was sent overseas and was part of the Gulf War in 1990. Once my term was up, I came back to the states and enrolled at the University of Michigan in Aerospace Engineering. The rest as they say is history.

When not working or traveling, I enjoy writing which lead me to UFOP. I have tried several times at writing a novel but so far I haven't published anything other than technical journals that pertain to my job.

I am also an amateur pilot and have my own 1995 Piper Saratoga HP single prop that I love dearly. I love fast cars, (I have a '66 Vette that I hope to restore one day) deep sea fishing and sailing.


I write for Lt Darius Clack, the Assistant Chief Engineer of the USS URSA MAJOR. I also have two NPCs, Katherine Sharkey and Wayne Jenkins.

In case some of you were wondering, Clack is based loosely on the Master Sergeant I knew while serving in the U.S. Air Force. He was a crazy man with a dark personality. During the Gulf War in 1990, I was with this man just about every day and got to see first hand what a complex individual he really was. Sadly, he was killed four years later. I think he would have been proud to have seen elements of himself in the Star Trek Universe.

How you came to UFOP: SB118

Basically, I did an online search for Star Trek PBE. I was involved with a fanfiction site several years but the organization dissolved after a lack of support from its members. It was very important for me to find a place where the members posted on a regular basis.


  • Where were you first placed? What was it like starting to sim on your vessel?

I am currently still serving on my first assignment. At first it was difficult in deciding the direction I wanted my character (Clack) to go. Before I officially signed up with UFOP, I wrote out an extensive outline of Clack and his history. It was things such as where did he come from? Strengths? Weaknesses? Before I entered my first training class, I wrote the last scene in Darius' life before he dies. My character is on a colision course, due to his extreme complex nature, with his past. Now whether the SIM actually gets posted is another issue but I still write the character from the prospective that he is a 'dead man walking.'

  • What have been your greatest challenges in this group?

Clack is at times very arrogant and has a lot of emotional energy. At times, I have to tone him down or he will become a monster.

  • What have been your greatest achievements in this group?

Getting to know the people on the Ursa Major. The ship is really gifted with good writers and it is a joy to read their posts. Many times I am disappointed when I check my email in the mornings and don't find any posts to read.

  • What do you hope to ultimately accomplish?

I would like to develop Clack's character more. Many facets of his life, I have yet to write about. It is exciting to see how your character reacts given a certain situation. Star Wars was about alien worlds and alien civilizations. While Star Trek has those same elements, it more about ourselves. It is more about humanity and how we relate to the real world we live in.

  • Where do you see this group in five years?

Hopefully, UFOP continues to grow strong. With the release of a new Star Trek movie in 2009, hopefully it will generate new interest to a whole new generaton.

  • How do you think this group has contributed to Star Trek's legacy? How has the group contributed to the internet community?

I believe in Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock, before the end credits the phrase "the human adventure is just beginning" runs across the screen. In a way UFOP is accomplishing just that because it is allowing the true fans of Star Trek to expand on the cannon literature by telling stories of the future generations of Star Fleet Officers. In doing this, it has allowed people to come together on the internet to become part of a wonderful organzation reguardless of age, gender, or occupation. All you need is a love of Star Trek and of course fairly good writing skills.