Star Trek: An Introduction/Viewer Guide

< Star Trek: An Introduction
Revision as of 00:08, 1 February 2023 by FltAdml. Wolf (talk | contribs) (Moving Feature Film #1 (TMP) way down in the recommended viewing order as it doesn't hold up well, and the rest of TOS movies don't rely on TMP for any backstory.)
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01 The future
02 Starfleet
03 Viewer Guide
04 Learn more

From Star Trek's first air date in 1966 through the present, there have been over 700 episodes (some feature length), 11 series, and 13 cinematic movies released on the big screen - not to mention the numerous fan works and movies that you can find on the internet.

Where to watch

All Star Trek content is available on Paramount Plus, but other services like Netflix and Amazon Prime also have some or all of the older series available. International viewers can watch Discovery on Netflix, and Picard on Amazon Prime. Amazon also has every Star Trek episode and movie available for purchase, from just about anywhere in the world, with on-demand video or in physical media like DVD.

Viewing order

If you're not sure yet whether you'll enjoy watching Star Trek, consider the "Top 10 Episodes" section below to try out some of the best of Star Trek. But if you're ready for a marathon, we've got the series and movies listed in both our recommended order and the chronological order, for reference.

Note that The Original Series (TOS) – which aired in the 1960s – is placed later in the recommended order as it doesn't hold up as well for younger viewers as it does for those who saw it when it was on air. We think most people will want to start with Strange New Worlds, which captures some of the spirit of TOS with a modern and fresh look, proceeding next to the entertaining feature films that star the TOS cast, and watching The Original Series itself much later in the sequence.

  • Recommended viewing order
    • Strange New Worlds
    • Feature films 2 - 6
    • The Next Generation
    • Deep Space Nine
    • Feature films 7 - 9
    • Voyager
    • Feature film 10
    • Lower Decks
    • Enterprise
    • Discovery
    • The Original Series
    • The Animated Series
    • Feature film 1
    • Picard
    • Prodigy
  • Chronological order
    • Enterprise
    • Strange New Worlds
    • Discovery
    • The Original Series
    • The Animated Series
    • Feature films 1 - 6
    • The Next Generation
    • Lower Decks
    • Deep Space Nine
    • Feature films 7 - 9
    • Voyager
    • Feature film 10
    • Prodigy
    • Picard

There are also three "reboot" movies, produced by J.J. Abrams, titled: Star Trek, Star Trek Into Darkness, and Star Trek Beyond. We recommend watching these moves in any time after you've watched feature films 1 - 6.

The Top 10 episodes

Thankfully, you don't need to watch every episode to understand the show and the basics of the universe within it. In this section, we will discuss episodes that best demonstrate the Star Trek universe, as well as the idea of the show.

While we could easily make a top 30 or even 50 list, this list is pared down to 10, with recommendations, should you wish to investigate further. This list is in no particular order - feel free to skip around.

  • "Measure of a Man"
    • The Next Generation, Season 2, Episode 9
This episode showcases a bit of the structure, as well as an excellent example of one of the strengths of the Star Trek franchise - a look at contemporary and past issues given a new look, so that they can be examined. The episode is about Data, who is being ordered by Starfleet Command to surrender himself to disassembly. The trial is about his right to choose.
  • "Lower Decks"
    • The Next Generation, Season 7, Episode 15
This episode takes a brief diversion from the main cast and focuses on several minor officers, and how they see what the ship does. It contains a look into some of the main cast’s characters, and examines some of the issues of being a Starfleet officer. It’s also a very well written episode.
  • "In The Pale Moonlight"
    • Deep Space Nine, Season 6, Episode 19
This episode is more told from one character’s viewpoint, but shows the state of Starfleet during the Dominion War. It is about one man’s decision and where it leads him - to seemingly violate the Federation’s ethics in order to save it. In the end, it’s a confession.
  • "City on the Edge of Forever"
    • The Original Series, Season 1, Episode 28
One of the more powerful episodes of the series. This addresses a what-if scenario. Kirk and Spock must stop McCoy from changing the past. During it, Kirk falls in love with a woman taking care of the homeless. However, saving her changed the world, and now they have to deal with the aftermath. Sometimes.. doing what’s right, means doing something that is painful.
  • "Living Witness"
    • Voyager, Season 4, Episode 23
This tells a version of Voyager from the perspective of a race before the Doctor was accidentally activated. The result of him arguing Voyager’s case changes the two worlds forever. It deals with the conflict of two desires : the desire to see historical truth and the desire to do no harm.
  • "Best of Both Worlds"
    • The Next Generation, Season 3, Episode 26 & Season 4, Episode 1
This introduces the Borg to the Federation, with the climatic battle at Wolf 359 - but it starts with Picard being assimilated. This is a major event in the Federation’s history, to the point where you can divide the universe into post and pre Wolf 359.
  • "Nor The Battle to the Strong"
    • Deep Space Nine, Season 5, Episode 4
This follows Jake Sisko, who’s traveling with Bashir. The two are diverted to an outpost where they urgently need medical aid - they’re under attack by the Klingons. What follows is Jake trying to write about the experience as he fights off his fear of the attack.
  • "Balance of Terror"
    • The Original Series Season 1, Episode 8
One of the original classics, this contains the story of two ships in a cat and mouse game. It introduces the Romulans, and some of their ancestry to us. It also establishes the Earth-Romulan War, and the “primitive technology” of the era. Great echos of submarine drama.
  • "Duet"
    • Deep Space Nine, Season 1, Episode 19
This is an early Deep Space Nine episode. The Cardassians had just left Bajor, and they run across one of the Cardassians running a concentration camp on Bajor. The XO of the station, Major Kira, wants to try him for capital crimes. However, an investigation reveals that not all is all it seems. It is an excellent example of the terrible price that vengeance can pay, and why justice is not vengeance.
  • "Kir’Shara"
    • Enterprise, Season 4, Episode 9
This is the end of an arc episode (so if you want the fuller picture, I would start at "The Forge," which is Episode 7), but it shows the formation of the Federation in a sense - with the rediscovery of the writings of Surak. I’d say more, but it’d ruin the episode.

Additional Recommendations

  • Strange New Worlds
    • "Memento Mori"
    • "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach"

  • The Original Series
    • "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"
    • "Court Martial"
    • "The Trouble with Tribbles"

  • Picard and Discovery are
    heavily serialized shows,
    making it difficult to
    pick out specific episodes.

  • We don't yet have
    recommendations for
    Lower Decks, or Prodigy.
  • The Next Generation
    • "Drumhead"
    • "Tapestry"
    • "The First Duty"
    • "Darmok"
    • "The Wounded"
    • "The Offspring"
    • "Rightful Heir"
    • "The Pegasus"
    • "Relics"

  • Deep Space Nine
    • "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges"
    • "It's Only a Paper Moon"
    • "The Siege of AR-558"
    • "Visionary"
    • "Sacrifice of Angels"
    • "Whispers"
  • Voyager
    • "Dark Frontier"
    • "The Thaw"
    • "The Void"
    • "Deathwish"
    • "Life Line"
    • "Critical Care"

  • Enterprise
    • "Cogenitor"
    • "Demons"
    • "Terra Prime"


Thanks to Nicholas (Ceciri Hakashri) for compiling the viewing order.

01: The future 02: Starfleet 03: Viewer Guide 04: Learn more

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