Player achievements/Training Team

< Player achievements
Revision as of 16:42, 28 July 2021 by Jocelyn Marshall (talk | contribs) (Added achievement)
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'Training Team achievements are a bit of fun and encouragement among the members of the Training Team taskforce. By participating and being a giant doofus, the members will earn a player achievement given by the Training Team members during the class. These achievements can be displayed on a wiki user page.

Player Achievements
Player Achievement-Data hound.png
Mission and Location
Duty Post
Character Interaction
Tour of Duty
Wiki Events
Drone Events
Training Team
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Achievement Name Achievement Description
That Came Out Wrong
That Came Out Wrong
A character may have said something innocuous, but it can easily be misconstrued. We delight in these moments and honour them with this small token of appreciation for giving us the giggles.
Too Cool for School
Too Cool for School
Have a witty one-liner or humorous dialogue/narrative showcased in the Appreciations thread for the Training Team.