Chin'toka Officer's Manual

Revision as of 03:23, 16 October 2020 by Serala (talk | contribs)
Chin'toka Officer's Manual

Akira class


Welcome Aboard

Welcome to the USS Chin'toka simming group, part of the larger UFOP: StarBase 118 fleet. The Chin'toka was launched in September 2020 (stardate 239709.01).

This manual is designed for both experienced and new players aboard the USS Chin'toka, new to the group, new to the fleet, or players who might have a question about something they thought they learned some time ago. It is the staff's sincere hope that you will find everything you will need to be happy, successful, and productive here on the Chin'toka in these pages. That said, if you find something unclear or are just unsure, please do not hesitate to contact the CO, the FO, or your Department Head.

Table of Contents

Section A - The Basics

How to be successful on the Chin'toka
How to format your sims for the Chin'toka
Some general tips for being successful on the Chin'toka.
The types of characters you will encounter on the Chin'toka.

Section B - the Posting

A Ship, the Ship
A remote area of space in the Beta Quadrant underneath the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire where we make our home.
Who's on the crew, have you added your character?

Section C - Operating Procedures

Some things to keep in mind on missions.
Downtime, there's downtime?
Want to help guide the Chin'toka through a mission?

Section D - Advanced Topics

How do I get promoted?
I'd like to place a secondary character on the Chin'toka, now what?
I finally made Department Head, now what?
We always need good mentors, what do they do?
What kind of OOC Activities does the ship need help with?
Player Achievements, like merit badges, but cooler.

REV SD 239710.16