Chin'toka Officer's Manual/Mentors

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Chin'toka Officer's Manual


Chin'toka Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: Sim Format
3: General Tips
4: Types of Characters
  • B: the Posting
1: Ship 101
2: The Par'tha Expanse
3: The Crew
  • C: Operating Procedures
1: Missions
2: Shoreleave
3: Submit a Mission
  • D: Advanced Topics
1: Promotions
2: Secondary Characters
3: Department Heads
4: Mentors
5: OOC Activities

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I'm A Mentor! What Does That Mean?

Being a mentor is one of the key positions in our group designed to help new Ensigns, or really anyone transferring aboard the Chin'toka, integrate as seamlessly as possible. Throughout this process, the mentor will guide, advise and otherwise assist newer mentees through simming, OOC matters, and any other topics or concerns that are raised in the process of collaborative writing.

How Do I Become A Good Mentor?

The key to good mentoring is contact. While each new player is different, during the first mission you should be contacting the player more regularly. They will likely be relying on you to guide them through areas of confusion or concern. The emails reaching out to new players need not be long; just long enough to find out how the player is doing and learn what you can do to support them. Always remember the value of constructive feedback; for every improvement, there should always be room for plenty of praise as well.

Around the time the mentee is promoted to Lieutenant you should be able to lessen- but not abandon- your mentor/mentee relationship. How formal this is is wholly up to the mentee and mentor.

Obligations For Mentees And Mentors

In all scenarios, respect is key. Problems and issues should be raised sensitively by the mentor, with an emphasis on ways to correct the problem. Similarly, a mentee is expected to earnestly try to implement corrections and improvements offered by the staff. On the Chin’toaka, mentors are expected to follow up with mentees on a one-month rotation. This is variable, but this structure hopes to offer both guidance and allow time for writers to develop their own styles. New players, including transfers, may be contacted more often than this as appropriate. All new Ensigns should be mentored on a weekly basis when they first arrive. While a response to all mentoring is appreciated, mentoring sent as a part of this rotation does not require an acknowledgement. Other mentoring that specifically requests a response will be sent out periodically to address urgent, delicate, or time-sensitive matters.

What if Something Goes Wrong?

If a mentor feels something is going bad such as: a mentee not responding, a mentee has questions a mentor cannot answer or some sort of OOC issue, please refer the issue to the command staff for help.

Mentoring and Privacy

It should be noted that, for the record, all mentoring conversations should be and are copied to the staff list. The staff list is a separate email list, much like the OOC channel, in which staff members are able to freely discuss shipboard business. These conversations are copied as a matter of record keeping more than anything else; updates and constant communication are essential to the success of the staff, and concurrently, the ship. With that in mind, these conversations are generally left alone unless the mentor specifically brings the staff’s attention to them. We value the privacy of each of our members, and we go to great lengths to respect it.

In that same vein, from time to time, delicate, sensitive or controversial topics may arise in the course of mentoring. Those who are mentors have been placed in a position of extraordinary trust. As a result, if a mentor feels that an email or a topic of conversation is too personal to share with the rest of the staff, or if the mentee would prefer that a certain discussion be kept off the official record, both parties are allowed to act on those impressions. In such a case, the mentor should not share these details with the staff, but should still inform the CO and FO.

Other Mentor Resources

Please note that some of these resources may be restricted to ship staff members only. Please contact the CO or FO if you don't have access and think you should!

REV SD 239709.08