SIM:German Galven - Bungalows and Savages

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((Courtyard, Starfleet Headquarters, Earth))

There was quite a lot of people were coming and going that were mostly cadets, but there were a bountiful of officers as well, some civilians. He found a few people he did recognize and approached them with a genuine smile.::

Galven: Certainly a nice day for a walk. What are y’alls plans for shoreleave?

Termine: Unfortunately I seem to have more business on my mind than pleasure at the moment Commander.

Stendhal: Hallo my beautiful workmates!

German was quite pleased at how enthusiastic the medical officer was as she bowed theatrically, then she smiled to all them in a pose. Dante seemed like he might be harder to persuade. So he turned on his best advertisement voice.::

Galven: ::smirks:: Please, call me German. I left the Lt. Commander somewhere back on the Narendra. ::chuckles:: I’m not sure yet. I was thinking about either going to Paris or Maldives in South Asia. Both places are absolutely beautiful. If anyone is interested, you’re more than welcome to join me?

Stendhal: Well my granddad still leaves in Provence in the south east of France, you know lush hills of vineyards, olive groves, pine forests and colorful perfumed lavender fields, impressionist skies with waving clouds and boring things like that. Then the French Riviera where we can find the elegant city of Nice and luxury resorts like Saint-Tropez and Cannes. All of this at the south of Paris, so if we can go to Paris I’ll deffo want to pay a visit the wineyards and farm of Julien Stendhal. He will probably moan at me, about the dangers of Star Fleet and he will try again to marry me to somebody.So if anybody likes to join me, he will be extremely happy to share his moans to all of you. Then we can also jump to Maldives, why not?

Galven: ::laughs:: My mother is the same way with trying to make me marry a few people. I totally understand where you’re coming from. How about we leave the parents to their own accords for right now and experience what the seas have to offer us.

Termine: Sounds like either will be quite the adventure! *Dante checked the time on a slim bracelet which also acted as a display and saw that technically he was off the clock.* I dont'… technically have anywhere to be and It seems like my feet are itching for an adventure…. But I'm still in my dress whites. Are you all packed and ready to go?

Galven: Have I packed? ::shakes his head:: Spur of the moment kind of thing. It just came across my mind a few minutes ago. I like to live on the spontaneous side every now and then to avoid the routine. I’m sure there’s things I might need once I get there. ::shrugs::

Stendhal: My bag is always ready!

Termine: Well if we're all taking votes, I'd personally put my money on the Maldives. I've been to Paris enough times for one lifetime with my father to see the opera. Somewhere warm and far away from any sort of diplomatic engagement sounds just like the sort of thing I need. Who knows, maybe this is when I take up Hoversurfing!

His eyebrows arched clear up his forehead. That kind of sport was too much for the Denobulan, but he wanted to try something new. Perhaps that was it.::

Stendhal: That’s ok to me, I can go to visit my granddad after the Maldives, maybe is better if I go alone. Otherwise he will make all of us leave Starfleet to do vine with him.

Galven: If you need protection from your granddad, we can always tag along. ::winks, then chuckles:: No one won’t really know we’re there. It’s pretty low tech and secluded.

Termine: Really? A low-tech community? That actually sounds… kind of nice. No PADS, no transporters, just an island, some rum and a sunset.

Stendhal: Is it safe?

Karen seemed to be nervous about something. German didn’t know, but it was probably a story he would like to hear about another time once the ensign wasn’t apprehensive about sharing what was bothering her.::

Galven: There’s still some minimal technology there for security. No need to worry, Karen. ::smiles::

Termine: *Dante unclasped the tight collar of his formal uniform, and pulled the tunic off, revealing a grey undershirt* If we're being all spur-of-the-moment about it, I guess I'm ready to go!

She turn herself and she pulled her uniform just a bit.

Stendhal: Well no, I need a bikini, but I guess I can find one there.

It looked like everyone was set to go. German nodded and was pleasantly surprised by the spontaneous atmosphere.::

Galven: Sounds great then! Karen, if you’d like, you can go grab a bikini at a replicator if you wish? Dante, you know where the Transporter Center is?

Stendhal: Yeah I’ll do that and I’ll grab something else useful for our holiday! A couple of dresses, make up, some shoes…

German was trying to understand why she would need all that stuff, but he decided it would be best not to say anything. He learned in his last relationship to just go with the flow and leave them to their own devices. The corner of his vision noticed that Dante was standing with his hands on sides on his hips, then looked back and forth.::

Termine: Ah! I think it's that way actually. There's good connectivity to the network from there so it should be able to put us exactly wherever we request - receiving pad or not.

Galven: ::nods and smiles:: I forgot that it was that way. Been a while since I’ve been on Earth. ::starts walking:: So, tell me a little about you guys? Favorite hobbies?

Stendhal: Well I love to read, paint, swim and many other things, meditative walks, holodeck novels.

Termine: I'm not prone to hobbies too much but… recently my passion for music has started to re-emerge. I was trained as an opera singer from an early age actually. It's probably the reason for my love of speaking in-front of others.

((Transporter Center))

Galven: Well, being a temporal scientist is my favorite pastime. ::smirks:: Just a little humor there. I’m going to punch in the locational code while you two get on the pad and I’ll be there in just a moment.

At some point in the small adventure, Karen had gotten a lot of things inside a huge overstuffed bag. German was worried it might not all be able to hold during mid beam and turned to look at the transporter worker to see if they looked concerned. Apparently it must’ve been normal because the worker paid no mind as she helped the medical officer set her large bag on its own designated pad.::

Stendhal: I’m ready guys! ::She said to the group.::

Termine: Ready to beam to the beach!

Galven: I’m ready too. Let’s get going and start swimming. Energize.

((Maldives, South Asia))

It was only a few seconds when German felt that familiar tingling sensation overtake his entire body. What was the transporter center, turned into a gentle breeze as they materialized onto the sandy beach. German took in the moment and smiled listening to the crinkle of water pushing itself onto the beach. As far as the eye could see, there were different shades of bright blues. He glanced over to his right and saw a small bungalow being held up by stilts above the water with a wooden walkway leading to it.::

Galven: Welcome to the Maldives! My family’s bungalow is that one over there. If you need to get changed, feel free to use the facilities.

Termine: Ah It's even more beautiful than I imagined! I'm so glad We chose this over Paris - or my stinkin' paperwork!

Stendhal: Wow! This place is amazing! I guess that in the galactic dictionary at the Heaven's definition you can find this picture! How lucky you are to own a bungalow here, Mr Galven!

German presented his signature wide Denobulan grin and inclined his head as a way to thank Karen for the compliment. She was a really sweet person and was glad she came along.

Galven: About 9 hours northeast of us, there’s an island full of savages still living in the stone age. The North Sentinel Island. We could go there by boat at some point to study the natives or take in the sights and smells here. Your guys’ choice!

Stendhal: Wait, savages ? There's still savages in this planet in this 25th century and half ? ::She made a little squicky voice repeating that word: 'savages'.:: What kind of savages? Are they cannibals too? ::She didn't liked the idea of savages!::

Termine: That could be interesting. I think I remember hearing about this un-contacted tribes. I'd wanna record it on a holocamera. Is there a replomat around here?

Galven: ::shakes his head:: Not on this island. There’s another one around here that has smart tech. Also every now and then a droid will come bearing gifts and food.

Which there was a spread of food already laying about on a wooden table outside the bungalow. Something seemed to be off though as he narrowed his eyes off in the horizon, then glanced upwards taking a mental note of the location.::

Termine: I guess my shave kit will also have to wait then huh? Until then, maybe we should focus on getting drinks? How about a nice mojito Karen?

Stendhal: That's sounds better, I feel much much better now. ::She said covering the sun light with an arm, it was very strong there.::

Stendhal: Give me just a minute, I'm 'cooking' under this sun!  ::Karen walked quickly into Galven's bungalow where she changed dress, wearing her bikini and a very colorful sarong. :: The walk on the Beach to reach the bar for the drinks was nice, but a bit too long than expected…

Karen’s choice of clothes momentarily distracted German and he nearly flushed a beat red in his cheeks, but quickly went back to studying the area. She was a sight to take in and German needed to stay professional. She was a colleague.::
Even though that hardly stopped the Denobulan before.::

Termine: Is.. something wrong German?

Galven: There’s something different about this place… ::turns around:: I’ve never seen these trees before. I have a feeling we may be lost.

Stendhal: How this is possible? How we got lost? Maybe we just choose the wrong side of the beach? Shall we walk back?

Termine: I mean, whole villages shouldn't move… Maybe we just started down the wrong way on the beach?

As he walked up the platform towards the bungalow, German noticed that even the inside didn’t look familiar. With each step, he went in and noticed some papers. He thought that was odd since things like that weren’t used that much in the 24th century. German grabbed a handful and flipped through them as he walked back outside and his eyes went wide.::

Galven: Umm… We’re in the right place for sure. It appears that we’ve traveled back in time.

Stendhal: That doesn't make any sense to me!

Termine: Well, the only other possibility is that.. we weren't where we want to be. But how could that be? Planetary transport these day's don't…MISS.

Galven: ::shrugs:: I’m not an engineer or I would know.

Stendhal: So that's means that it wasn't your bungalow, so I changed dress in somebody else bungalow!? That means that I left my stuff and clothes in there ahah! Well, no problem, we ll just have to call our vessel for a lift to the right beach…

Termine: *Dante fumbled for his combadge and touched it* Mine neither. Not a signal.

He fished his out of his pocket and then tapped it, but there it didn’t do anything as if it were just a toy.::

Stendhal: Oh well ... I suggest to go to France haven't l ? Well my commy is still in that bungalow, I don't have place in my bikini for that anyway!

Termine: No ship, no coms, no tech…. Are we…. Stranded?

Stendhal: Naaa they'll find us , they have just to miss us, so we have to wait the end of the shore break and err a little more, then somebody will just have too looks at the transporters logs... A few days l guess...

Termine: A few days!? Well, I guess there's not much we CAN do but wait huh? I said i wanted to get away from it all but… this might be TOO far away.

Galven: It looks like we’ve transported back to the 21st century. A few decades before Humans had warp capabilities..

A cheeky monkey screamed to get their attention, then not pleased for their attention she decided to trow a little coconut that falls on Dante's head…::

Termine: Dio cane! What's that thing doing!? It's one thing to be stranded but now we're under attack from the locals! hahaha~

Galven: It appears that you found yourself a friend Dante. ::chuckles::

The monkey didn't pay any attention to the complaints and she threw more nuts on them. German was already losing his patience with the animal and turned to Karen.::

Galven: Karen, I’m going to need your sarong.

Stendhal: Isn’t better to go back to the bungalow for this? Ahahaah

Termine: If you guys want come privacy…. *Dante pretended to cover his eyes bashfully*

Galven: ::shakes his head:: No, I’m not trying to flirt with you. I’m going to place a coconut inside it and then use it as a sling to shoe our guest away.

She took off her sarong with an elegant and sensual movement.::

Stendhal: Ok here my sarong for you! I have the Bikini anyway!

Termine: Here, i'll hold one side…. Ready…. PULL!

Galven: ::swings and misses, but the monkey runs off anyways:: Well, that was taken care of, but ::hears a loud explosion off in the distance, then something coming closer:: Move! Into the canopy! ::grabs them both and pushes them into the trees, hears another explosion:: What the hell? Pirates? They’ve destroyed the bungalow! What are our options now?

The two looked confused and just stood there as German tried to act like some sort of hero, but was obviously failing by his cheesy and dorky attitude. The tattooed and sword wielding maniacs were coming fast upon them,::

Stendhal: ?

Termine: What the…. hell?

Galven: Seems like we’re traveling further back in time. My guess is that we’re now in the 18th century because of those pirates.

Stendhal: ?

German turned to see where to run and noticed that Dante was trying to make sense of something around them. The man was pretty smart because he knew exactly what was going on in his head. It seemed that German needed to create more realistic programs.::

Termine: Uh…. Arch?

A smirk appeared on German’s face as the arch appeared in the thick brush behind them. He glanced at Karen and shrugged. The pirates were hot on their tail, but it was obviously not going to hurt them.::

Termine: ugh of COURSE! We didn't end up on a different island, we got transported into one of the holosuites! Galven, didn't you say all the tech was localized? The holosuites must be right beside the transport pads. Computer freeze program.

The entire beach resort along with the wind and waves, plus the pirates all froze in place. German even saw that the monkey had stayed in its place which was a relief. Somehow he didn’t remember adding that, but did see a beautiful bird completely still in mid flight. He turned his attention to the officers.::

Galven: It looks like someone just earned some fake extra credit. ::grins:: You as well, Karen. Welcome to my temporal mechanics program. ::chuckles::

Stendhal: Arch? Temporal mechanics simulations ? Are you kidding me? So what happened ? The transporter beam really beamed us here instead of the beach???

Termine: Well, this does change things. We aren't exactly trapped anymore.

Stendhal: No! No! Really!

Galven: We never really trapped to begin with. Got any ideas on how to spend the rest of the day?

Termine: Well… since we're here, I think we finally deserve that vacation that we were talking about, don't you?

Dante went up to the archway and pressed a few buttons. Between them appeared a cache of food, delicious drinks and most importantly a few long curved cutlasses. Dante picked on up.

Termine: So what do yee say me hearties!?

Galven: ::squints with one eye barely closed:: Arg! Shiver me timbers! What will it be m’lady?

Stendhal: Well I’m hungry now! I’ll have a shrimp salad with cherry tomatoes, olives and lettuce with a couple of toasted slices of bread. mmmm. and of course a glass of sparkling wine.

With a whoop and a hollar the three of them ran down the beach to meet their computer generated pirates and the start of an adventure they'd talk about for years to come - The time they got shipwrecked with a bunch of pirates.::
A few hours had passed and German knew it was about time to resume this another day. With a hearty laugh and a few bites of whatever their hearts desired, he stopped the program and started to walk towards the arch way.::

Stendhal: So… When the music is over… Turn up the light? I would really preferred a real one, the gods know when we’ll be again around Earth again.. but at the end we had fun here.

Galven: It’s getting late and I think we’ve had enough practice for the day. Besides, I smell something a brewin’ that’s about to happen.

Stendhal: What is about to happens ?

Galven: What usually happens towards the end of leave on Ops? I’m still quite the new guy. ::chuckles and winks::

Stendhal: I’m a new girl here too so. This was my first mission on Ops after what happened to the Columbia. So I’m sure that Dante knows better how it goes.

German was trying not to laugh as she made some hand gestures that mimicked an explosion. It was then that he realized she was still in her bikini. Which was distracting to the Denobulan male, but came to when Dante spoke.

Stendhal: Sorry guys, but I promised that I would visit my granddad in France if and when I would come back to earth. So, well if any of you want to escort me in this mission of mine is welcome, but I have to go. Shore leave will end soon and then. I think you’re busy now.. So well if you are both busy, well I’ll go myself…

There seemed to be a clue in those few words of hers that Karen was hoping that she didn't want to be alone. German cleared his throat and all of a sudden had a thought that France might be really nice to go this time of year.::

Galven: I can't really think of anything that I'm too busy with. I would love to come with you. ::swings his head over to Dante, arches an eyebrow:: What about you?

Termine: Well i DO have that paperwork… but It can wait a little more. Paris isn't all that bad, and maybe I can show you two a few of my favourite spots.

Stendhal: Ok! ::She simply answered.::

Galven: ::coughs:: Not that I'm complaining, but should you change into your normal clothes?

Stendhal: Oh! Yes sure, I can’t go to visit my granddad flashing my bum like that! ::She blinked to the guys. Then she looked around searching for her case, and it was just there where she left it, like if they just walked around during the simulation.:: Well maybe I can run something like a changing cabin program or similar.

She walked away swaying sensuously like she was always doing. The Denobulan watched her go off somewhere private and might've been staring a little too long. There was definitely a disturbance in the force building up in German.::

Termine: *cough cough* Developing a crush there German?

Galven: What? ..err.. No of course not. I'm a scientist. Just surveying the area. One of my trades is Xenobiology. Would you happen to know if Karen is single? Observational research and all.

Termine: *laughs casually* To be honest doctor that's more of a question for our good councillor. As a rule I try to stay away from dating colleagues. But you never know~ It's not an uncommon thing for crewmates to become more than that.
It wouldn’t be the first time that German developed a relationship with a colleague. He had an extensive relationship with his superior officer for the better part of the year last year. There was also that time before joining Starfleet that he nearly had forgotten about until his mother reminded him recently about a long lost fling he had with a Betazoid while working with his mother in her lab during his twenties.::

Galven: I mean things with officers can go either way. Do you think she’s interested?

Termine: I'm afraid I couldn't say. I think it's up to the lady. You might wanna ask her yourself you know. *Dante nudged Galven in good humour*

Dante saw Stendhal emerge from her changing nook which made German look in the same direction and both men were in stunned silence. For the first time in a while, the scientist was at a loss for words and didn’t know what to think as the stunning woman approached them.::

Stendhal: Shall we go? I have the coordinates for the transporters, in France should be late afternoon. That means that my granddad will welcome us with a beautiful dinner and a glass of good wine. ::She whispered the last words in a funny way.::

Termine: On second hand… Maybe I should return back to my paperwork. I'm a new department head and all that. Plus… I think the two of you can manage to enjoy yourself in Paris by yourselves… With any luck you'll both find a few spots the other will enjoy ::Dante couldn't help but smirk at his own pun, even as he saw the flush come over German's face:: Will you walk with me to the transporter at least? I'll be returning to my humble little abode aboard the Narendra.

German had to admit that the diplomat sure did have a way with words as he tried to hide the red cherry flushed face as he glanced opposite of Karen’s direction and coughed a bit. How this was more of a struggle than any kind of mission he had been on was certainly giving him a ride for his money. He was finally able to get his composure down and turned himself back around.::

Galven: Yes, of course. ::tries his best to sound calm and collected::