Outpost Echo Deck Listing/Match-Make-Gagh!

< Outpost Echo Deck Listing
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Under construction - naDevvo' yIghoS!



  • A combination Klingon restaurant and dating service that offers the traditional serpent worm delicacy as well as dating assistance. The company allows singles to fully delegate their dating chores to a team of Klingon experts. Match-Make-Gagh! handles it all, from choosing the right dating databases to setting the time, date and location of the first in-person meet-up.


  • Gopox of the house of Noggra - Head Chef (Runs the restaurant)
  • Kekt of the house of Noggra - Maker of Par'Mach (Runs the dating service)


  • Gagh - The signature dish of the house. Serpent worms are shipped in daily to ensure only the liveliest of plates!


Deck Six Promenade - near UFP Diplomatic Corps offices.