Doyle Simming Guide/Simming Examples


Below are some explanations of different things we’ve seen in simming that is either discouraged, or encouraged. Along with the explanation, you will see a practical example and how to correct it.

In this section, we will cover Power Simming, Meta Simming, Dialog Heavy sims, How to Expand part a sim, Backsimming, and Re-tagging.

For our practical examples, we are taking a written finished sim between the USS Doyle’s Captain Shelther Faranster, and Sundassa Faranster, and applying each situation to it to show how these situations could look.

Power Simming:

Powersimming, the way it’s seen, is leaving no room for a scene to go another way, and writing your fellow writer(s) into a corner. Or, running the scene.

Other descriptions of: Power simming is any action that just solves anything or uses information their character shouldn't possess.

(( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle ))

:: After Sun left the party, she knew her brother was going to the Doyle at some point, so she made her way there, and asked the
 computer for his location, to which it was only so kind to relay to her. On her way to his ready room, she prepared herself for the 
barrage of questions she wanted to ask. First starting with what quarters were hers for the night, surely he didn't think she'd 
disappear the same day she showed up, but more importantly if she could stay for a few days, and following it up with questions about 
this Selene person that his Chief Medical Officer was asking about earlier. ::

:: After she left the turbolift, she walked past a few ops and engineering officers looking over the bridge, final check, she was sure, 
as she made her way to the door of his ready room. It only took a few steps before she was able to press the chime, and wait for a 
response. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Stepping through the door, she immediately noticed the scent of a flower she hadn't smelled in a while, she turned to see the 
Fuyaqas, and smiled, leaning down to inhale their fragrance before approaching her brother's desk. ::

Sundassa: Nice office.

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: I received an inquiry as to some of your preferences, but I didn't expect the flowers to be tracked down. Thought it might be 
a nice reminder of home.

:: Not to mention, it would help mask any odors from having long hours. Men tended to have a different fragrance to them when they 
worked hard, but she wasn't going to open those doors. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Before taking the seat across from him, she eyed the overstuffed recliner near the couches, wondering if he had even had a chance to sit 
in it, or if she should take the opportunity to rob him of the opportunity to be the first one. Being nice, she resigned herself to 
the seat at his desk. ::

Sundassa: So, I was wondering where Jalana and I could stow our bags for the night, perhaps you can spare one of your VIP suites.

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: But then it wouldn't be so easy to bug my brother for breakfast.

:: She smirked at him, of course she was hoping he would be making breakfast too, she missed the cooking he did on the Apollo. While she
could, put together food and call it a meal, he did it more to the art of cooking. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: About that, I was hoping I could stay for a couple days. I am not sure if Jalana wishes to as well or if she wants to head 
back and get used to her new condition, but I wouldn't mind catching up with my brother, and meeting some of the crew.

:: Curiosity had peeked about who Selene was, plus she didn't want to head back to the quarters that were more of a stopping place for 
her and Andy to lay their heads at night. She would miss Puck, but he was being taken care of by Ensign Kapoor and her family, so he was 
probably too busy to miss her much. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: She thought about the question for a moment before responding. If she knew that Andy had time to do some things with her, she might 
have wanted to travel with him, but she took a look at his schedule, least the parts she was allowed to know about, and it looked a bit 
too booked to pencil in anything much with her. ::

Sundassa: I declared him more important than my career, but I am beginning to think his career is too big to allow any room for me. As 
you know we still hadn't set a date.

:: That was a big thing to admit, but once she did, her shoulders slumped a little. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: The thought wasn't one she wanted to think about, she loved him. But, last time she thought she found her Ba'vira, it ended with him 
going off in a stolen military craft for a joyride, with no thoughts of her. She didn't think he was disregarding her, just overwhelmed. 
But with someone so used to adventures, and enjoying their moments together, with no moments together, or adventures, it felt like 
things weren't moving the same way they had been. And, it was something she wasn't ready to face yet. ::

Sundassa: Shel, why aren't you wanting me to stay here? Does it have something to do with Selene?

:: She watched her brother's jaw open, close and then tighten, obviously he didn't know what to say. Now she had flipped the tables, and 
gotten him in a corner where he didn't want to talk about something. ::

Sundassa: If you are seeing someone, I promise I won't scare her off.

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: Then why haven't you mentioned her? We have never been afraid to talk about anything. And, I will meet her, you can't stop 
that, so whatever you are hiding, you should tell me.

:: It wasn't how she initially planned the conversation, but her mood about her relationship with Andy was affecting how she brought up 
the woman. She couldn't be failing at both being in love with her fiance, and being a reliable confidant for her sibling. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: She stood up and thrust her hands down to her side, preparing to storm out. Suddenly she didn't want to spend time with her brother, 
not if he couldn't talk to her. ::

Sundassa: Shelther Faranster, tell me, :: she paused, his face was wrinkled with the cringe of her addressing him that way, 
knowing the words coming next :: or I'll never speak to you again!

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Sitting down again, she didn't understand what he said to her. How was it her secret, it belonged between Shel and Selene. ::

Sundassa: I am lost.

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Sun tried to follow where he was going, but he wasn't exactly the most discrete when it came to her secrets. He told Andy when she 
was going to do the phaser experiment, and he told their parents when he found out she was in love again. ::

Sundassa: Yes, but you tell my secrets to ma and da whenever you feel like it.

Faranster: <Tag>

Dialog Heavy Simming:

This is a sim where there’s little, to no description, so it leaves almost everything that is going on with their motivations, and their thoughts, up to the imagination. Kinda like a computer reading the dialog of a play to someone who isn’t able to see the words. Text can be a bit tone deaf, but with writing descriptives, motivations, actions, thoughts, the reader is better able to see how the scene plays, and how the characters are talking and responding.

(( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle ))

:: Shel had picked up the last few items from his ready room on the Constitution before saying goodbye to his first Command. He
remembered greeting all his officers on the bridge, and making comments about it feeling oddly like a receiving party. There were other
memories on the ship, like thinking Selene was a hallucination, and having a Ferengi bartender use his communications system as a way 
to deliver ads. ::

Faranster: Enter.

Sundassa: Nice office.

Faranster: Did you have something to do with the decorations?

Sundassa: I received an inquiry as to some of your preferences, but I didn't expect the flowers to be tracked down. Thought it might be a nice reminder of home.

Faranster: Thank you.

Sundassa: So, I was wondering where Jalana and I could stow our bags for the night, perhaps you can spare one of your VIP suites.

:: Normally Shel would have jumped at the opportunity to have his little sister on the ship with him, but at the moment he had 
something else to consider, Selene. ::

Faranster: You could always stay on DS10, there's plenty of places there.

Sundassa: But then it wouldn't be so easy to bug my brother for breakfast.

Faranster: I know, but we're just so busy, and I wouldn't want you to be caught on the ship if we needed to unexpectedly head out.

:: It was a lame excuse. ::

Sundassa: About that, I was hoping I could stay for a couple days. I am not sure if Jalana wishes to as well or if she wants to 
head back and get used to her new condition, but I wouldn't mind catching up with my brother, and meeting some of the crew.

Faranster: What about Jaxx, aren't you traveling with him, now that you caught up?

Sundassa: I declared him more important than my career, but I am beginning to think his career is too big to allow any room for me. 
As you know we still hadn't set a date.

Faranster: Well, have you talked to him? If he's your Ba'vira, he wouldn't allow you this pain.

Sundassa: Shel, why aren't you wanting me to stay here? Does it have something to do with Selene?

:: The way the tone of her voice changed, alerted him to the sensitivity of the subject. ::

Sundassa: If you are seeing someone, I promise I won't scare her off.

Faranster: What? No. That's not it. She's like family.

Sundassa: Then why haven't you mentioned her? We have never been afraid to talk about anything. And, I will meet her, you can't 
stop that, so whatever you are hiding, you should tell me.

Faranster: I can't.

Sundassa: Shelther Faranster, tell me, :: she paused, his face was wrinkled with the cringe of her addressing him that way, knowing 
the words coming next :: or I'll never speak to you again!

Faranster: Sun, it's not my secret, it's yours.

Sundassa: I am lost.

Faranster: If you told me a secret, you would want me to keep it from everyone.

Sundassa: Yes, but you tell my secrets to ma and da whenever you feel like it.

:: While she was right, the only times he had done so, was usually to spare her the harm of having to do it herself later. ::

Faranster: Only when it is to your benefit, some things are more harmful to keep secret. I've always looked out for your best 
interests. If you told me a secret that was in your best interests to keep it, I would. I won't stop you from talking to Selene, 
but it's her secret, it's your secret, and it's not in either of your best interests for me to be in the middle of it.

Sundassa: By keeping the secret, you are in the middle. Please tell me.

:: There were a few awkward moments as Sun stared at Shel before he spoke again. ::

Faranster: You're not going to let up, are you? :: he grabbed a PADD and handed it to her. :: Does she look familiar, to you?

Sundassa: How is this possible? Why is she here?

Faranster: She's here because she requested it. As for how, you'll have to talk to her.

Sundassa: Does Andy know?

:: As it was the Admiral's name on her ultimate transfer order to the Constitution. ::

Sundassa: I want to talk to her, but the question still remains, can I stay for a couple days. I'll need some time to process all of
 this, and I'd like to do that here.

Faranster: Only a couple days, you can't hide here, sis, I have a ship to run. But I don't mind you visiting.

Sundassa: Thank you, I'll let you get back to what you were doing, but you still owe me that tour. And, :: she paused :: what room 
would we be in?

Faranster: I'll send a message to ops to have one of the VIP suites on deck 2 setup for you. As for the tour, I haven't forgotten,
tomorrow. Right now I had an unexpected development and need to choose my First Officer's replacement.

Expanding part of a Sim:

So, someone writes you a scene, and you would like to expand parts of it, so that you can include more of how your character might react, perhaps you want to have a specific conversation, and it makes sense happening between two different responses by someone, however there isn’t enough room to make it seem plausible, or comfortable to write. So you want to expand the scene. (This will usually result in a backsim by the person you are tagging.) This would be how that might look, when you write your response, remember to leave tags at the end of the conversation, keeping the scene moving:

(( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle ))

:: After Sun left the party, she knew her brother was going to the Doyle at some point, so she made her way there, and asked the
computer for his location, to which it was only so kind to relay to her. On her way to his ready room, she prepared herself for the
barrage of questions she wanted to ask. First starting with what quarters were hers for the night, surely he didn't think she'd
disappear the same day she showed up, but more importantly if she could stay for a few days, and following it up with questions about
this Selene person that his Chief Medical Officer was asking about earlier. ::

:: After she left the turbolift, she walked past a few ops and engineering officers looking over the bridge, final check, she was sure,
as she made her way to the door of his ready room. It only took a few steps before she was able to press the chime, and wait for a
response. ::

Faranster: Enter.

:: Stepping through the door, she immediately noticed the scent of a flower she hadn't smelled in a while, she turned to see the
 Fuyaqas, and smiled, leaning down to inhale their fragrance before approaching her brother's desk. ::

Sundassa: Nice office.

Faranster: Did you have something to do with the decorations?

Sundassa: I received an inquiry as to some of your preferences, but I didn't expect the flowers to be tracked down. Thought it might 
be a nice reminder of home.

:: Not to mention, it would help mask any odors from having long hours. Men tended to have a different fragrance to them when they
worked hard, but she wasn't going to open those doors. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Before taking the seat across from him, she eyed the overstuffed recliner near the couches, wondering if he had even had a chance 
to sit in it, or if she should take the opportunity to rob him of the opportunity to be the first one. Being nice, she resigned 
herself to the seat at his desk. ::

Sundassa: So, I was wondering where Jalana and I could stow our bags for the night, perhaps you can spare one of your VIP suites.

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: But then it wouldn't be so easy to bug my brother for breakfast.

:: She smirked at him, of course she was hoping he would be making breakfast too, she missed the cooking he did on the Apollo. While 
she could, put together food and call it a meal, he did it more to the art of cooking. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: About that, I was hoping I could stay for a couple days. I am not sure if Jalana wishes to as well or if she wants to 
head back and get used to her new condition, but I wouldn't mind catching up with my brother, and meeting some of the crew.

:: Curiosity had peeked about who Selene was, plus she didn't want to head back to the quarters that were more of a stopping place 
for her and Andy to lay their heads at night. She would miss Puck, but he was being taken care of by Ensign Kapoor and her family, 
so he was probably too busy to miss her much. ::

Faranster: What about Jaxx, aren't you traveling with him, now that you caught up?

:: She thought about the question for a moment before responding. If she knew that Andy had time to do some things with her, she 
might have wanted to travel with him, but she took a look at his schedule, least the parts she was allowed to know about, and it 
looked a bit too booked to pencil in anything much with her. ::

Sundassa: I declared him more important than my career, but I am beginning to think his career is too big to allow any room for me. 
As you know we still hadn't set a date.

:: That was a big thing to admit, but once she did, her shoulders slumped a little. ::

Faranster: Well, have you talked to him? If he's your Ba'vira, he wouldn't allow you this pain.

:: The thought wasn't one she wanted to think about, she loved him. But, last time she thought she found her Ba'vira, it ended with 
him going off in a stolen military craft for a joyride, with no thoughts of her. She didn't think he was disregarding her, just
overwhelmed. But with someone so used to adventures, and enjoying their moments together, with no moments together, or adventures, 
it felt like things weren't moving the same way they had been. And, it was something she wasn't ready to face yet. ::

Sundassa: Shel, why aren't you wanting me to stay here? Does it have something to do with Selene?

:: She watched her brother's jaw open, close and then tighten, obviously he didn't know what to say. Now she had flipped the tables, 
and gotten him in a corner where he didn't want to talk about something. ::

Sundassa: If you are seeing someone, I promise I won't scare her off.

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: Then why haven't you mentioned her? We have never been afraid to talk about anything. And, I will meet her, you can't stop
 that, so whatever you are hiding, you should tell me.

:: It wasn't how she initially planned the conversation, but her mood about her relationship with Andy was affecting how she brought 
up the woman. She couldn't be failing at both being in love with her fiance, and being a reliable confidant for her sibling. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

:: She stood up and thrust her hands down to her side, preparing to storm out. Suddenly she didn't want to spend time with her 
brother, not if he couldn't talk to her. ::

Sundassa: Shelther Faranster, tell me, :: she paused dramatically, it wasn't a threat she used on him since she was a child, but it 
was one that almost always worked :: or I'll never speak to you again!

Faranster: <Tag>

:: Sitting down again, she didn't understand what he said to her. How was it her secret, it belonged between Shel and Selene. ::

Back Simming

This is when you go back and write responses to a sim, after you have gone past the conversation with another sim.

It’s usually noted in the title: BACKSIM - Captain Shelther Faranster - Where are we now? or in location tags when responding to something quick: (( Backsim - Prior to conversation with Captain )). If using location tags option for backsimming, to end it (( End Backsim )) or

(( Timeskip - back to present, conversation with Captain )) are among the options you can use.


Okay, let’s just say you wanted to expand the scene, thought it was missing something, and you didn’t know what it was. So, you ‘re-tag’ someone to try to encourage them to fill in the blanks that you don’t know are missing.

(( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle ))

:: Stepping through the door, she immediately noticed the scent of a flower she hadn't smelled in a while, she turned to see the 
Fuyaqas, and smiled, leaning down to inhale their fragrance before approaching her brother's desk. ::

Sundassa: Nice office.

Faranster: Did you have something to do with the decorations?

Sundassa: I received an inquiry as to some of your preferences, but I didn't expect the flowers to be tracked down. Thought it might 
be a nice reminder of home.

:: Not to mention, it would help mask any odors from having long hours. Men tended to have a different fragrance to them when they
worked hard, but she wasn't going to open those doors. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

Faranster: Thank you.

:: Before taking the seat across from him, she eyed the overstuffed recliner near the couches, wondering if he had even had a chance 
to sit in it, or if she should take the opportunity to rob him of the opportunity to be the first one. Being nice, she resigned 
herself to the seat at his desk. ::

Sundassa: So, I was wondering where Jalana and I could stow our bags for the night, perhaps you can spare one of your VIP suites.

Faranster: You could always stay on DS10, there's plenty of places there.

Sundassa: But then it wouldn't be so easy to bug my brother for breakfast.

:: She smirked at him, of course she was hoping he would be making breakfast too, she missed the cooking he did on the Apollo. While 
she could, put together food and call it a meal, he did it more to the art of cooking. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

Faranster: What about Jaxx, aren't you traveling with him, now that you caught up?

:: She thought about the question for a moment before responding. If she knew that Andy had time to do some things with her, she 
might have wanted to travel with him, but she took a look at his schedule, least the parts she was allowed to know about, and it 
looked a bit too booked to pencil in anything much with her. ::

Sundassa: I declared him more important than my career, but I am beginning to think his career is too big to allow any room for me. 
As you know we still hadn't set a date.

:: That was a big thing to admit, but once she did, her shoulders slumped a little. ::

Faranster: <Tag>

Sundassa: Shel, why aren't you wanting me to stay here? Does it have something to do with Selene?

:: She watched her brother's jaw open, close and then tighten, obviously he didn't know what to say. Now she had flipped the tables, 
and gotten him in a corner where he didn't want to talk about something. ::

Sundassa: If you are seeing someone, I promise I won't scare her off.

Faranster: <Tag>

This is actually better handled by properly expanding the sim if you really want to fill in the blanks. Or by leaving that area you think something is missing, alone. If you don’t know what it’s missing, your fellow writer probably doesn’t know either, and doing this might feel like you are trying to force your fellow writer to fill in the blanks for you. Just fill in the tags, and leave tags pushing the plot at the end.

Original sim:

(( Captain's Ready Room, Deck 1, USS Doyle ))

:: Shel had picked up the last few items from his ready room on the Constitution before saying goodbye to his first Command. He
remembered greeting all his officers on the bridge, and making comments about it feeling oddly like a receiving party. There were 
other memories on the ship, like thinking Selene was a hallucination, and having a Ferengi bartender use his communications system 
as a way to deliver ads. ::

:: As he walked through the doors to his new ready room, he already felt at home. The other ready room wasn't designed with him in 
mind, it was mostly a collection of other people's items that fit together. This one had brand new furniture, an oversized reclining
chair, in a metalic sunburst fabric, which he was gladly going to claim as his. Another recliner was positioned across from it, at 
a black coffee styled table. On the long side of the table, was a multiple seat couch, in a Cafe Noir shade. The surface areas 
included a desk, hutch/bookshelf and what appeared to be a filing cabinet, all in a beautiful two tone wood finish of black and 
cherry. Inside the filing cabinet like structure, was a camouflaged refrigerator. As he turned around, to see what else was there, 
he noticed quickly a picture his sister drew of their family, and two colorful plants, yellow Fuyaqas. ::

:: He was caught getting comfortable in his new desk chair, getting things straightened out on his desk and with the new computer, 
when the buzzer to his ready room alerted him to a visitor. ::

*:: After Sun left the party, she knew her brother was going to the Doyle at some point, so she made her way there, and asked the
 computer for his location, to which it was only so kind to relay to her. On her way to his ready room, she prepared herself for 
the barrage of questions she wanted to ask. First starting with what quarters were hers for the night, surely he didn't think 
she'd disappear the same day she showed up, but more importantly if she could stay for a few days, and following it up with 
questions about this Selene person that his Chief Medical Officer was asking about earlier. ::

*:: After she left the turbolift, she walked past a few ops and engineering officers looking over the bridge, final check, she was 
sure, as she made her way to the door of his ready room. It only took a few steps before she was able to press the chime, and wait 
for a response. ::

Faranster: Enter.

*:: Stepping through the door, she immediately noticed the scent of a flower she hadn't smelled in a while, she turned to see 
the Fuyaqas, and smiled, leaning down to inhale their fragrance before approaching her brother's desk. ::

Sundassa: Nice office.

:: The way she said it made him suspect that somehow she had arranged everything. Or at least had a hand in it. The flowers were 
the major key to note her involvement. ::

Faranster: Did you have something to do with the decorations?

Sundassa: I received an inquiry as to some of your preferences, but I didn't expect the flowers to be tracked down. Thought it 
might be a nice reminder of home.

*:: Not to mention, it would help mask any odors from having long hours. Men tended to have a different fragrance to them when 
they worked hard, but she wasn't going to open those doors. ::

Faranster: Thank you.

*:: Before taking the seat across from him, she eyed the overstuffed recliner near the couches, wondering if he had even had a 
chance to sit in it, or if she should take the opportunity to rob him of the opportunity to be the first one. Being nice, she 
resigned herself to the seat at his desk. ::

Sundassa: So, I was wondering where Jalana and I could stow our bags for the night, perhaps you can spare one of your VIP suites.

:: Normally Shel would have jumped at the opportunity to have his little sister on the ship with him, but at the moment he had 
something else to consider, Selene. As the Doyle was currently docked at the station, there was an alternative until Selene 
decided how she wanted to handle things. ::

Faranster: You could always stay on DS10, there's plenty of places there.

Sundassa: But then it wouldn't be so easy to bug my brother for breakfast.

*:: She smirked at him, of course she was hoping he would be making breakfast too, she missed the cooking he did on the Apollo. 
While she could, put together food and call it a meal, he did it more to the art of cooking. ::

Faranster: I know, but we're just so busy, and I wouldn't want you to be caught on the ship if we needed to unexpectedly head out.

:: It was a lame excuse, but it was the best he could come up with at the spur of the moment, he really hated being stuck in this 
position. Fending off one Sun to prevent her from becoming aware of the other. ::

Sundassa: About that, I was hoping I could stay for a couple days. I am not sure if Jalana wishes to as well or if she wants to head 
back and get used to her new condition, but I wouldn't mind catching up with my brother, and meeting some of the crew.

*:: Curiosity had peeked about who Selene was, plus she didn't want to head back to the quarters that were more of a stopping place 
for her and Andy to lay their heads at night. She would miss Puck, but he was being taken care of by Ensign Kapoor and her family,
so he was probably too busy to miss her much. ::

:: Now that struck him as odd, Jaxx was on the ship, and she probably had some time to travel with him or go back to the Apollo 
with him. But instead, after having been separated from him, when she was back around, she wanted to stay on her brother's ship? ::

Faranster: What about Jaxx, aren't you traveling with him, now that you caught up?

*:: She thought about the question for a moment before responding. If she knew that Andy had time to do some things with her, she 
might have wanted to travel with him, but she took a look at his schedule, least the parts she was allowed to know about, and it
looked a bit too booked to pencil in anything much with her. ::

Sundassa: I declared him more important than my career, but I am beginning to think his career is too big to allow any room for me.
 As you know we still hadn't set a date.

:: The words made him think more about his assessment of Ba'vira's. With her finding one that wasn't Antosian, he had wondered if 
their Ba'viras were spread throughout the universe. But if that was the case, Sun's meeting hers so quickly, was extremely lucky. 
Not to mention the people on Antosia finding theirs. It would be an extraordinarily rare thing to find your Ba'viras. He wondered 
if it might have been more likely that some people within the Antosian people, were born with the ability to connect more deeply 
and intensely with another people, and if they found one that was compatible, drawing out a similar connection with them. Of course
that would seem like love, but most people don't move in sync the way he's seen people move when they thought they found their 
Ba'vira, like magnets. ::

*:: That was a big thing to admit, but once she did, her shoulders slumped a little. ::

Faranster: Well, have you talked to him? If he's your Ba'vira, he wouldn't allow you this pain.

:: He didn't want to give up on his sister and Jaxx being Ba'viras. The way they moved was like magnets, they compensated for 
each other. While Jaxx was a little more reserved, he seemed to fold when Sun asked for something, and vice versa. He suspected 
the only reason he was able to keep the shooting secret before hand, was because she didn't suspect anything to ask. ::

*:: The thought wasn't one she wanted to think about, she loved him. But, last time she thought she found her Ba'vira, it ended 
with him going off in a stolen military craft for a joyride, with no thoughts of her. She didn't think he was disregarding her, 
just overwhelmed. But with someone so used to adventures, and enjoying their moments together, with no moments together, 
or adventures, it felt like things weren't moving the same way they had been. And, it was something she wasn't ready to face yet. ::

Sundassa: Shel, why aren't you wanting me to stay here? Does it have something to do with Selene?

*:: She watched her brother's jaw open, close and then tighten, obviously he didn't know what to say. Now she had flipped the tables,
 and gotten him in a corner where he didn't want to talk about something. ::

:: The way the tone of her voice changed, alerted him to the sensitivity of the subject, however he didn't know how to answer
 her question. His jaw dropped as he fumbled through how he might answer, but there wasn't a way he could, not without telling 
her Selene's secret. ::

Sundassa: If you are seeing someone, I promise I won't scare her off.

:: The suggestion that he was seeing Selene, was even more shocking than the tone she used when she asked why she wasn't allowed to stay. ::

Faranster: What? No. That's not it. She's like family.

Sundassa: Then why haven't you mentioned her? We have never been afraid to talk about anything. And, I will meet her, you can't stop
 that, so whatever you are hiding, you should tell me.

*:: It wasn't how she initially planned the conversation, but her mood about her relationship with Andy was affecting how she brought
up the woman. She couldn't be failing at both being in love with her fiance, and being a reliable confidant for her sibling. ::

.oO It's not that simple, sis. Oo.

Faranster: I can't.

*:: She stood up and thrust her hands down to her side, preparing to storm out. Suddenly she didn't want to spend time with her 
brother, not if he couldn't talk to her. ::

:: He could see the frustration and anger on her face as she stood, her fists balled at her sides. Suddenly he was reminded of her 
when she was a young child and he wanted to do something other than chase her around, looking out for her. ::

Sundassa: Shelther Faranster, tell me, :: she paused, his face was wrinkled with the cringe of her addressing him that way, 
knowing the words coming next :: or I'll never speak to you again!

Faranster: Sun, it's not my secret, it's yours.

*:: Sitting down again, she didn't understand what he said to her. How was it her secret, it belonged between Shel and Selene. ::

Sundassa: I am lost.

:: At least he got her slightly calmed down, even if it was with confusion. He was keeping a promise of Sun's from Sun. He always 
looked out for her, and would keep any of her secrets as long as they were in her best interest. Even though he would take care 
with other's secrets, he couldn't always promise maintaining the same level of regard, in keeping it. Often times, for that purpose,
 he would purposefully forget them, for that very reason. ::

Faranster: If you told me a secret, you would want me to keep it from everyone.

*:: Sun tried to follow where he was going, but he wasn't exactly the most discrete when it came to her secrets. He told Andy when 
she was going to do the phaser experiment, and he told their parents when he found out she was in love again. ::

Sundassa: Yes, but you tell my secrets to ma and da whenever you feel like it.

:: While she was right, the only times he had done so, was when it was better for her if he did. It was usually to spare her the harm 
of having to do it herself later, and only on the secrets that were going to come out regardless. It was easier for him to put himself in the path of whatever was coming because of it. ::

Faranster: Only when it is to your benefit, some things are more harmful to keep secret. I've always looked out for your best interests.
If you told me a secret that was in your best interests to keep it, I would. I won't stop you from talking to Selene, but it's her
secret, it's your secret, and it's not in either of your best interests for me to be in the middle of it.

Sundassa: By keeping the secret, you are in the middle. Please tell me.

*:: While she could have gone to these Selene person, she didn't know if what she had to say would be the truth, but her brother she
 trusted. He didn't always tell her everything, and hid things from her, but he never outright lied to her. ::

:: Shel heard the pleading in her voice, knowing how persistent she could be when she wanted to know something, he knew she wasn't 
going to stop until she got what she wanted. Even if she had to hunt down Selene and ask her, herself. The silence as Shel processed
this, was more than a little awkward for him, as she stared him down. ::

*:: There were a few awkward moments as Sun stared at Shel before he spoke again. ::

Faranster: You're not going to let up, are you? :: When she shook her head, he grabbed his PADD and brought up Selene's personnel 
file, the file that people had access to, including her picture, and handed it to her. :: Does she look familiar, to you?

*:: Taking the PADD, she glanced over the picture, and leaned back in her seat. The face in the picture was older, and she looked 
slightly different, but she recognized the facial structure as the same one that she saw in the mirror. ::

:: He watched as she processed the picture, knowing it was dawning on her the meaning of 'It's not my secret, it's yours'. ::

Sundassa: How is this possible? Why is she here?

Faranster: She's here because she requested it. As for how, you'll have to talk to her.

Sundassa: Does Andy know?

:: As it was the Admiral's name on her ultimate transfer order to the Constitution, it was clear from the start that he knew who the 
woman was. But, he also didn't know how to answer that. He didn't want to tell her that her fiance kept Selene secret. ::

*:: There was some quiet between them, it was a stupid question, there wasn't much Andy didn't know. But that meant he knew and 
failed to tell her. Did he go see her and talk to her? Why didn't he tell Sun about the other version of her? It felt a little like 
more of him was being pulled from her. ::

Sundassa: I want to talk to her, but the question still remains, can I stay for a couple days. I'll need some time to process all 
of this, and I'd like to do that here.

:: The request, with what he laid on her, was reasonable. Of course she couldn't hinder the running of his ship, she had other people
besides him that she could lean on. If he needed to, he would be happy to send her home to their mother, who would gladly take care 
of her, while she thought things out. Of course, he also knew that there was a favor or three stored up with Jalana, not that friends
needed favors to take care of each other. ::

Faranster: Only a couple days, you can't hide here, sis, I have a ship to run. But I don't mind you visiting.

*:: Sun nodded, she knew she had some thinking to do, and some talking. She wasn't sure how long Jalana was going to want to stay, 
but even if her friend didn't stay, she still had her brother to keep her company while she brooded over what was going on. She 
also knew she couldn't fall back into old habits of needing him to take care of her, she was able to take care of herself, even 
if she relied on others to do so from time to time. ::

Sundassa: Thank you, I'll let you get back to what you were doing, but you still owe me that tour. And, :: she paused :: what room 
would we be in?

:: He paused, taking back the PADD that he had handed her, bringing up a messaging system, starting the process of putting in a 
request. ::

Faranster: I'll send a message to ops to have one of the VIP suites on deck 2 setup for you. As for the tour, I haven't forgotten, tomorrow. Right now I had an unexpected development and need to choose my First Officer's replacement.

*:: Standing, she moved around the desk and gave her brother a hug, and kissed his cheek before leaving his ready room. ::

:: Earlier that day, after he had finished all his morning preparations, but before the dinner, he received transfer orders for 
Siris. Now he was left without a First Officer, and he was looking through his ranks for someone he wanted to step into the 
position. ::