SIM:German Galven - Inside the Denobulan Scientist's Mind
((Within German’s Mind, German Galven))
::As German slipped into unconsciousness, he was surrounded by a immense white light. Everywhere he looked was so bright that there was no floor, no nothing. His mind was playing some sort of trick on him and then he heard voices coming from all around him. Once he was able to determine what it was, it somewhat became clearer to him. However, once he realized that this wasn’t a dream, but right after falling after he felt sick.::
::He started to walk toward the voices, but then it was in another direction. The Denobulan was ever more curious what his mind was leading him to. So he stopped where he was and raised his hand over his eyebrows to shield himself from the bright white light. He squinted and then completely focused on what the voices were saying.::
Disembodied voices: Breathe in… out, slowly… Nurse… removing… this possible, Doctors...vital signs...same...General...flawed...Denobulans have...Klingons....One...Two...Three.
::After the voices had counted, he felt something move underneath him and then a rumble happened. Then he further realized that the voices were the crew that had been in the ward with him before he had collapsed. He couldn’t make out anything else and then something that he couldn’t explain to anyone happened. The area started to morph itself as if his mind was a holodeck.::
::The bright white light started to diminish and what surrounded him now looked to be a tropical beach. He saw people of different races walking and talking with one another which German wondered if they could see him. He approached a Bolian and Kerelian talking with one another and as he got closer, they stopped and glanced his direction.::
Galven: Where am I?
Bolian male: ::arches an eyebrow:: You don’t know?
Galven: If I did, I wouldn’t have asked.
::Both men huffed and walked in the other direction. German was getting more confused as to where his mind took him. He started walking alongside a dirt path that had trees everywhere on each side of him. He continued along the path and then came up to what looked like a tiki hut, but with no walls. Only poles that held it up. He saw several people gathering inside and walked ever so slowly towards them hoping not to disturb them like he had with the first two he met.::
::When he glanced around, he saw a big log that was resting on the other end of the structure. There wasn’t anyone sitting there at the moment so he went over to sit to gather his thoughts. He still was clueless and it was showing as a woman approached him whose expression seemed like she knew him.::
Woman: This can’t be.
::German cocked his head and looked up at her. The woman seemed to be in her twenties with red hair and somewhat familiar features on her face. Once he stood up, he scratched his head. Which was odd because he could feel himself doing just that.::
Galven: Do I know you?
Woman: ::glances down and murmurs:: It’s been a while. 16 years to be exact.
::With another scratch to his head, he folded his arms and tried to remember what exactly happened sixteen years ago. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks.::
((San Diego, California, Earth))
Template:Time Index: Stardate 238010.17
::German was 15 years old coming home from school late at night and saw his 9 year old sister, Arlil, playing in the front yard. He walked up to her smiling.::
Galven: Hey sis! What are you doing? Playing a little game?
Arlil: ::giggles:: I was playing Klingons versus Federation!
Galven: ::furrowed his eyebrows:: Now, Arlil. We don't talk about them. You know our family history, right?
::With their family history regarding Klingons, they weren’t ever to speak of the race. After his great great grandfather was killed by a lost Klingon that crash landed on Denobula, his entire family afterwards decided it was best never to even think of Klingons. He saw that she looked like she was about to cry, so he lightened up his mood.::
Galven: How about we play hide and seek?! You go hide!
Arlil: ::Excited:: Okay!
Galven: You go hide and I'll look for you!
::Arlil ran towards the house giggling. German smiled and yelled out his countdown.::
Galven: 1! 2! 3! 4…
::He stopped counting when he heard a rumbling all around him. He hesitated and looked all around him. He saw a cube shaped object coming down towards them and it crashed through the back of the house. He ran towards the house.::
Galven: ARLIL! Where are you?! Yell out my name!
:: He heard nothing other than crumpled wood and a mechanical noise. He tried to go through the debris and saw a odd looking man pick up his sister and caught the tail end of what it was saying ::
Drone: ...You will be assimilated.
:: He heard a scream most likely from Arlil. He ran as fast as he could and some debris fell on top of him, preventing him from saving his sister. He fell unconscious, but not before in a daze he saw them fade away.
((End Flashback))
Galven: Arlil? How is this possible?
::She tilted her head to follow wherever she was going. German was extremely curious and also wondered if the woman beside him was actually his little sister. She spoke once again as they got to a clearing that overlapped the beach and ocean. He could actually feel the wind blowing.::
Arlil: I’ve been trying to get through to you for a while now, German.
Galven: But how? I thought you were gone. Where are we?
::As Arlil was about to talk, a couple people walked in between them which made them both step out of their way. One of them, a woman, looked also very familiar. German glanced at her closely and saw that it was Mary. Three of Ten. The woman he had saved from the Hive Mind months ago aboard the Veritas.::
Galven: ::points to her:: Wait… that’s--
Arlil: ::sighs:: Yes, I know you know her. You’re in the Unimatrix.
::That didn’t make sense to the Denobulan as to how he would be there. The Unimatrix was when drones were in their regeneration cycles and only if they had the genetic mutation to do so. And as far as German knew, he hadn’t experienced any mind melds with a drone to become a part of this virtual world.::
Galven: How is that even possible?
Arlil: Remember when you disconnected her from the Collective after they tried speaking to you?
Galven: Yes, I had a head device that was able to disrupt the communication between the Hive Mind and her own mind before they tried to assimilate me.
::Arlil glanced back to take in the scenery and view of the beach. Her lips formed a straight line and she sighed. German could tell that he was about to hear something that he probably wouldn’t like. He approached her and brought his hand up to her cheek, hoping for her gaze to meet his which it did. All this time he had been thinking she was either dead or that he’s never see her again. She gave him a wry grin and came in to kiss him on his cheek.::
Arlil: Brother, I don’t know how to tell you this, but when you were in the process of deactivating her…::glances down and shuffles her feet::when the collective was speaking to you that had latched themselves onto your mind. Not fully though. You know how you’ll forget something sometimes and get random headaches sometimes?
::The news that Arlil just said to German hit him full force and he felt sick to his stomach. It did make sense. Right before he had deactivated Mary from the collective, there was a moment that they tried to distract him.::
((Engineering Lab 3, Deck 7, USS Veritas))
Template:Time Index: Stardate 239508.06
::German walked briskly over towards Three of Ten who was at the moment not doing anything. She hadn't spoke in a while. He got really close to her and put his tricorder in her face.::
J'vreh: There is data from previous attempts at separation from the collective. :: To Galven :: Are we ready to move forward? Or are there other needs first?
Galven: ::inquisitively:: There's something wrong ::beat:: I was getting a few things earlier and now it's just static
Alexander-Dalton: ::pauses:: Is it possible her colleagues have caught on and are somehow blocking your equipment?
J'vreh: :: J'vreh motioned to Galven's headset system :: Perhaps while Ensign Galven finishes collecting his data, we should evaluate...
::It was then he realized he had his visor's settings were on too high. He adjusted the frequency volume to medium low.::
J'vreh: ... the patient's immune system and prepare the body for the crash of having the implants shut down and auto-immune full sensory function returned to the patient's organic system. Based on the available data, if we can prevent the patient's body from self-destructing, the worst challenge is over.
::He got to just the right settings when he finally heard something other than static. ::
The Collective: ~We::beat::the Bor...~
::It appeared that the Hive was trying to communicate, but with the wide nearly 600 year gap, their connection was weak.::
::The Denobulan ensign laughed as the The Collective tried to talk with one another and then adjusted his visor even lower and then Three of Ten looked as if she was turned on, but didn't speak. She just looked directly at German.::
The Collective: ~Galven, we are the Borg. We will adapt to your Denobulan species.~
::He had an idea, he looked on his PADD deep in his files and found what he needed. It read "The Cataclyst", a program that severs The Collective connection with the drones. He learned how to make it by reading history books of another Starfleet ship that nicknamed it after some sort of insect.::
::German didn't know how many it'd affect himself. He was only concerned with Three of Ten at the moment. He was feeling more confident. He turned back towards the three crew staring back at him.::
Galven: ::whispers:: The Collective are trying to adapt to me. I found a kill switch that'll hopefully destroy their connection with Three of Ten. ::towards J'vreh and A-D still whispering:: When the moment happens, she'll be in pain. But she won't self destruct without The Collective. Take her to Sickbay immediately.
::He saw both of them nod.::
Galven: ::towards Cullins with a lower whisper:: Crewman, if I show that I'm still connected with them. Set your phaser to stun and shoot me so it terminates their adaptive process.
Cullin: ::nods hesitantly:: Yes, sir.
::German turned back around to Three of Ten and as he was about to attach the file from his PADD to his tricorder, the Collective was already going through their process, but at a much smaller speed.::
The Collective: ~We are adapting. You will be assimilated.~
Galven: ::raised, but calm voice:: Just like what you did to my sister?!
The Collective: ~Irrelevant. We...~
::German looked down and downloaded the file and looked back up at Three of Ten.::
Galven: This is for Arlil! ADAPT TO THIS!
::When he pushed the demand button, for a moment Three of Ten looked like she was confused and then her Borg tech shorted by a series of sparks. She fell down writhing in pain. He tried to adjust his visor, but heard nothing. Then a buzzing noise happened and he threw off his visor which shorted and a mini explosion shot everywhere midair making a crunching noise when it hit the floor.::
((End Flashback))
Galven: So what does this mean?
Arlil: I think you know what this means, German. The Borg are very adamant in adapting to your physiology that ever since they lost their queen many years ago, they’re looking for a new leader.
::German had a feeling something had been up ever since that day on the USS Veritas. He just didn’t want to believe it. With all this information coming through, he had to think of something once he was out of the Unimatrix and conscious enough to wake up. The plague had definitely done a number on him, but his immune system had put his body into hibernation mode to fight the virus. As he stood there, Arlil started to look very nervous. She glanced around and then got extremely close to him.::
Arlil: ::whispers:: They know you’re here. Whatever you do, don’t use your Borg Tactical Map. Throw that PADD away. Destroy it. Whenever it’s activated, the Borg draw themselves nearer. My regeneration cycle is nearly complete. I have to go back.
Galven: ::shakes his head:: No! I don’t want you to leave. It took me almost 16 years to find you Arlil. ::pauses:: Can’t you come back with me?
Arlil: ::brings her hand up to brush through his hair:: You know you’ll have to find me out there, big brother. You’re already doing more progress.
::He didn’t want her to leave again. Now that he knew that she was alive. There had to be a way to find her drone.::
Galven: Where are you at?
Arlil: With the Borg, it’s hard to know where and when I am.
Galven: When?
::Before she could answer, the whole place started to dematerialize. He reached out for her, but before his hand touched her she was gone. He didn’t know what was happening, but before he lost all kind sense of what was going on, German made a promise to himself that he’d set out to look for her. But how was going to be a very difficult process. He couldn’t let the Borg win again. Not this time.::