Mar Culemerwin, Idril
Commander Idril Mar is the Executive Officer of the USS Independence.
- Full Name: Idril Mar
- Race: Trill
- Date of Birth: 235307.4
- Age:
- Place of Birth:
- Gender: Female
- Telepathic status: 0
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight:
- Hair Color: Dark Red
- Length of Hair: Above the shoulder.
- Eye Color: Green
- Skin Tone:
- Birthmarks, Scars:
- Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
- Handedness: Left/
- Poses:
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
- Voice:
- Quarters:
- Favorite Room:
- Mannerisms/Habits:
- Temperment:
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion:
Hobbies and Pastimes
Likes and Dislikes
- Likes
- Dislikes
Ambitions and Goals
Personal Achievements and Disappointments
- Marital Status: Single.
- None
- Mother:
- Father:
Personal History
- 235506.21:
Professional Status
- Date Graduated from Academy: 237505.6
- Current Rank: Commander
- Current Assignment: USS Independence / Deep Space 17
- Duty Post: Executive Officer
StarFleet Assessments and Records
Career History
- 237108.9 -- Entered Starfleet Academy on a Engineering/Science mixed-track program.
- 237505.6 -- Graduated near the top of the class in Math and Physics. Resigned commission in Starfleet due to frustration with poor performance in other areas.
- 237909.24 -- Was accepted back into Starfleet, and was assigned to a refresher cadet program on Starbase 118.
- 237910.18 -- Promoted to Ensign and assigned to the USS Independence as an Engineering Officer.
238001.13 -- Promoted to Lieutenant (jg).
- 238004.08 -- Temporarily assigned to the position of Chief of Engineering during the Captain's absence with much of the senior staff.
- 238007.16 -- Given the position of Chief Engineer on a permanent basis.
- 238007.18 -- Promoted to full Lieutenant.
- 238011.18 -- Promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
- 238105.15 -- Lead first away mission, to find information on a missing Klingon artifact.
- 238110.19 -- Promoted to First Officer, as the current First Officer is assigned to command the USS Wallace.
- 238201.30 -- Demoted to Lieutenant after a number of significant violations of the SCMJ, and returned to the position of Chief Engineer. (Note: this is strictly IC, not OOC)
- 238207.17 -- Reinstated to the rank of Lt. Commander.
- 238208.03 -- Named Acting Commanding Officer of the Independence after the Captain is attacked and subsequently dies from her injuries. It is later revealed that this was all part of a holographic practical exam and the Captain, nor the others who died during the course of the events, had been injured.
- 238210.26 -- Promoted to the rank of Commander and moved back into the position of First Officer.