
Revision as of 20:21, 22 June 2015 by Varaan (talk | contribs) (creating template)

This template adds the writer listing. The variables are, in order:

  • Character - Who the character on the ship is.
  • Writer - The writer's Real Life name
  • City - What City they are from
  • Country - What Country they are from
  • Time Zone - GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) + or - how many hours
  • Occupation - what the writer does for a living in Real Life
  • Gender - the writer's gender
  • Birth Year - what year the writer was born in
  • Birth Month - what Month the writer was born in (a number from 01 to 12)
  • Birth Day Number - what number of day the writer was born on (1 to 28, 30, or 31)
  • Marital Status - is the writer married, single, divorced, dating, etc.
  • Children - names of any children the writer may have
  • Picture - want to upload a pic of the writer in Real Life?
  • Other - any other relevant information about the writer