Counselor's Office (Constitution)

Revision as of 14:39, 3 June 2015 by Jalana (talk | contribs)

The Counselor's office is located in the forward section of Deck 9, with a pair of viewports giving a clear view of where the ship is heading, and is a lot more neat and tidy (which isn't hard) than Della's quarters.

The area is laid out in a way as far removed as possible from the classic view of the psychiatrist's lair. That said, there is a couch for patients, though anyone who wishes to use it will have to move the pair of cuddly Targs that are usually in residence.

Most business is carried out in and around the area by the windows, where a quartet of armchairs are arranged around a glass-topped coffee table, which is also designed to double as a flat-screen computer console, allowing anyone sat nearby to access the ship's records. This set-up is intended to allow rapid checking of data, as well as serving a role in a number of counseling techniques.

GalaxyCounselorOffice.jpg GalaxyCounselorOffice2.jpg