SIM:Sabdok's Sims: The Accident

Revision as of 10:34, 21 October 2005 by Keln Sabdok (talk | contribs)
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This is the sim in which Sabdok was 'created', bear in mind at the time I wasn't particularily great at simming, and didn't really have the Brikar character down that well.

((Transporter Room - Brikar ship))

::Sean, the chancellor and his two security men were ready to go, all they were waiting for was the all clear from the Steadfast. Sean tapped his commbadge.::

Sabbage: =/\= Lt. Sabbage to Lt. Cmdr. T'Pen on the Steadfast =/\=

T'Pen: =/\= Doc here, Go ahead Lt. =/\=

Sabbage: =/\= We're ready here sir... do we have the all clear? =/\=

T'Pen: =/\=Permission Granted, Lt. and it's Ma'am. Not sir. See you on the bridge in a few then?!=/\=

Sabbage: <Whoops> =/\= Acknowledged... Sabbage out =/\=

Sabbage: ::Turning to the Chancellor:: We're clear to go sir.

::The chancellor stepped onto the transporter pad, flanked by Ensign Morndok and Lt. Gerusha. Sean stepped on, still unused to the low gravity of the ship, pushed too hard, and almost banged his head on the roof of the transporter room. Ensign Morndok stretched out a long arm and pulled him down.::

Sabbage: Thanks.. that was a close one.

Morndok: You're welcome.

::Sean made it onto the transporter pad and watched as the chancellor nodded to the Ensign in charge of the controls.::

Bleeen: Energize!

((Ensign's point of view)) ::Ensign Larm watched as the three Brikar and the one human dematerialised. Suddenly a power surge hit the transporter controls and redirected them from the Steadfast to the planet. She furiously began trying to compensate, but the best she could do before she lost them was to get them down to the surface. She prayed that they'd be alright.::

((Zamakon II))

(Sean's point of view)

::Sean felt himself re-materialise in the conference hall, but something felt very wrong. His body felt heavier... he looked around seeing a new place, which was not where he wanted to be. He saw the chancellor and Lt. Gerusha looking at him in horror... Strange, they looked shorter than he remembered... but there was no sign of Morndok. He tried to speak, but his voice sounded... like a Brikar.::

Sabbage: Where's Morndok?

(Morndok's point of view) ::After Kel Morndok had re-materialised on the surface of the planet, not where they were supposed to be, he felt his head being moved, and he could see his friend Meb Gerusha and the chancellor looking at him strangely. He felt his mouth opening, and he was saying something, but in a voice that was not quite his.::

Sabbage/Morndok: Where's Mornok?

((OOC: The person who's name is first is the one who is speaking, all the way through))

::Why was he asking where he was? That wasn't right... something was not right. He decided to answer anyway::

Morndok/Sabbage: I'm right here

(Sean) ::By this time, Sean felt there was something very, very wrong with the situation. So he turned to the chancellor who was still looking at him.::

Sabbage/Morndok: What's going on?

Bleeen: *Gulp* Look at yourself ::Sean lifted up his hand and looked at it... what he saw was a strange merging of a human hand and a Brikar hand, it was if they were in the process of morphing from one to the other. It was like something out of a nightmare... but it was far too real. He followed his arm with his eyes and saw that it carried on all the way down. He yelled.



::Morndok clapped his hands to the side of his head to cover his ears, and managing to keep his calm Brikar composure, and guessing what had happened, he 'felt' out for Sabbage in his head.::

Morkdok: Oo Calm down human! Oo

::The screaming stopped...::

Sabbage: oO Wha-? What's going on? Oo

Morndok: oO I'm guessing that we were merged during the transport Oo

Sabbage: oO What? How? Oo

Morndok: oO I don't know... your ship will be better equipped to deal with this. Now let me take control of my body Oo

Sabbage: oO Our body Oo ::Their body sagged as Sean let go of the control. Kel took hold of it and turned to the chancellor::

Morndok/Sabbage: Permission to go up to the Steadfast, sir.

Bleeen: Permission granted

::Kel looked down and noticed that the commbadge was, amazingly, still intact. He tapped the commbadge and let Sean take control of their mouth.::

Sabbage/Morndok: =/\= L- Lt. Sabbage to Steadfast. Emer-emergency medical transport... b-beam me directly to sickbay=/\=


::They felt themselves dematerialise and were soon in Sickbay... Looking around, they could see the horrified looks of the staff and patients as a team rushed to see to them. Sean saw Chemarin and, taking control of their mouth, called to her.::

Sabbage/Morndok: Jess! It's me... Sean, I don't know what's happened... I need you to inform T'Pen of this immediately!

Chemarin: Of course. Uh... who are you?

Sabbage: oO Morndok... can you do this? I--I'm not feeling up to it Oo

Morndok: oO *sigh* yes.. I can, SabbageOo

Morndok/Sabbage: We are Kel Morndok and Sabbage

Chemarin ::sounding dazed::: Oh. =/\= Chemarin to bridge. Doctor T'Pen is needed in sickbay. Now, preferably. Chemarin out. =/\=

Chemarin: Doctor T'Pen should be here soon. Meanwhile, take a seat - or bed, rather - and tell me what happened.

::They sat down::

Morndok/Sabbage: As you can see, we have been merged by some sort of transporter malfunction.