SIM:When All Else Fails, Bundle Of Joy

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((Matthews’s Quarters-Deck Four-USS Mercury))

Alexander walked in to find Jade in the bedroom, with the feeling of relief and happiness. He looked at her with passion, and the love in his heart. He was feeling kind of tired because he did not sleep the night before. He found everyday is so much better when Jade is next to him.::

Jade: Hey Alex- glad you’re home.

Alex: So am I. How did things go for you today? ::Walking her over to the couch. He held her hands and sat down next to her.::

Jade: Hectic like ever. We’re guarding the Cardassian -making sure nothin bad happens.There always seems to be something stalking us on the ship.

Alex: You know, I missed you today. I was busy, but you were on my mind as always. Infact you are always on my mind babe. ::Touching her face gently.::

Jade: Aw I missed ya too. ::She brushed her face on his hand, and then ran her fingers through his hair.:: I think about constantly.

Alex: ::Smiling as she touched his hair.:: Have I told you that I’m in love you with today ? Well, If I have not forgive me with this. I’m in love with you Jade. ::Smiling as he looked deeply into her green eyes.:: I’m wondering what is going on with the Apollo, since we are heading into a warzone.

Jade: Do you think we’ll be going off ship?

Alex: I have been called to be on the away team with the Captain, to help with the relief effort. I know something that will take our minds off the rest of the ship duties for a bit if you are up for it.

Jade: Of course hon.

Alex stood up taking her hands into his. He walked over to the computer and put on some music, placed his arm around her waist. Taking her hand in his and placing it on his heart, looking into her eyes as the music takes them into a world of their own. He held her tight and close, her hair shined from the stars that came in from the view port. He smelled the perfume and was engulfed by the memory of the day he saw her walking down the aisle towards him in her wedding dress. She glided that day as she always does, she made his life that was conflicted and chaotic, peaceful. He looked at her as he could see her thinking.::

Alex: What are you thinking about my lovely one? ::Touching her face.::

Jade: I never want this moment to end - that is what I am thinking.

Alex: In my heart and mind you and I are always dancing.

Jade: I don’t want to lose you, ever.

Alex: Hey, what’s this ? Why are you looking so sad ?

Jade: Hold me close.

Alexander took her closer into his arms and looked deeply into her eyes. He touched her face and brought his lips close to hers, he kissed her gently with passion he holds only for her.::

Alex: Don’t worry honey, I will return.

Jade: Please do. ::a single tear rolled down her cheek as her sweetheart turned to leave.::

Alexander turned back to her wiped the tear, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, where she told him that she is carrying their first unborn child. He looked into her eyes and felt that he was to rough with her. His joy was more than he could contain, he looked to find a seat for himself and recover from the news, but then he thought about her and sat her down on the bed asking her if she needed anything. He looked into her eyes and smiled at her. He then bent down on his knee in front of her and touched her stomach to feel the new life. They smiled at each other and agreed upon a name the the baby. If it’s a boy Jaden Alexander, if a girl Alexandra Elizabeth. He looked to her and could see that she was even more beautiful than before. He touched her face gently and kissed her soft lips that felt like soft rose petals. All he could do was look into the eyes that launched his heart into the one place that only gave happiness and joy to them both. The bonding emotion of love.::


Lt Jade Matthews Security - Mercury


Lt. Cmdr. Alexander James Matthews Chief Of Operations USS Mercury NCC-99812