Species Development Committee

Revision as of 14:14, 31 January 2012 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (experiment)

Welcome to the home of the Species Development Committee. We are responsible for the creation of new species, updating old species and doing rewrites on all species that may require it. Currently the SDC is busy rewriting most of the species entries on the Intelligent Lifeform Index. Anyone can be a member of this team. All we require is an interest in the various species found in the Star Trek universe.


New here?

Just joined UFOP: SB118, and want to help out? You've come to the right place! You must be a full Ensign before you can be a part of a team, but once you are, just head to the Species Development Committee Yahoo! Group and request membership.

Species Projects

Once you have become a member of the SDC you will be able to work on various species projects such as:

  • 1) The creation of brand new species
  • 2) Expanding and rewriting old species entries
  • 3) Adding new data that has been created by players during their simming adventures
  • 4) Researching the internet for data regarding various species

SDC Team

All the members of the SDC are available to assist with creative feedback, suggestions or advice.

SDC Mandate

The SDC is dedicated to the over all improvement and development of every species entry on our own SB118 wiki. This is for a few reasons.

  • First so as to provide our players with the best resource available when picking a species to play or use in a sim.
  • Next so that all new species created by this community can be preserved for future use.
  • So that new ideas and concepts created during a simming adventure are saved and preserved for future use on the correct species wiki page.

In this way we hope that with time our species will grow and develop into complex and fully realized races with histories, customs, backgrounds in such a way as to make them individuals like the more recognised and established races we all know and love such as Klingons, Cardassians, Vulcans, Romulans, Andorians and Bajorans just to name a few.

Process for Creating Species Entries

All species entries on our own SB118 wiki follow the same process regardless of origin.