Page history
29 January 2015
9 December 2014
4 December 2014
fixed a typo in pathout 2 link
added 1 to first PathOut link, created second link
deleted redundant text, added scroll bar, changed eye of the storm link to Skyfire's sim archive version, added quotes, more text and shifted thumbnail.
changed color of the quote box, added bold to Skyfire's name within the quote box, added recent things about his misunderstanding, added link.
changed the color and border around the quote box
changed color of the quote boxes, added scroll bar to Captain Egan Manno's entry. changed widths slightly.
26 November 2014
4 November 2014
1 October 2014
added block of text to Cassandra Egan Manno
added a block of text to Raissa's section
changed sidebar rank, note to add more to Cassie and Moonsong later on.
24 August 2014
17 August 2014
changed layout of the sidebar just a wee bit by commenting out stuff that was on the main page. Makes smaller, easier to read, doesn't screw up my sections as much.
added Skyfirenav template. Makes the page more...streamlined, I guess.
forgot to add romance. added. Only Debra so far.
14 August 2014
8 August 2014
changed positioning of the opening paragraph to above the TOC
Redesigned the page, took out the under construction template
oops. Forgot to do the edit summary that put the template here, and had to update this anyway.
no edit summary
blanking for the moment. Need to redesign it.
created the page. I'll be fixing this shortly.