
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code VARA
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Varala III
Encountered DS9: Chimera
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N-
List of Named Varalans

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"Why mess with a good thing."
a Varalan saying.
The Varalan are a species content to just be. Change of any kind comes very slowly to them. They are happy, content and enjoy life. They have little contact with other species and that is fine with them. As a result they are content to ignore the universe around them, live their lives as they always have and maybe, eventually try out that new device when and if they get the time.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Avon Chas'is Sector (coordinates B25-0001-1302)
  • Proper Name: Varala system
  • Star: It orbits a class K (Orange) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 47 million km
  • Companions: It is the 3rd of 8 planets in the system
  • Moons: it has 8 moons.

Home World

  • Proper Name: Varala III
  • Diameter: 20,538 km (12,762 miles)
  • Gravity: 0.99 standard gravity with a density of 3.4
  • Axial Tilt: 8.3% with minimal seasonal effects
  • Orbital Period: 351 days
  • Rotational Period: 23.1 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 57%
  • Atmosphere: 1.08 is a standard pressure with 72% nitrogen, 25% oxygen, 3% trace gases/chemicals
  • Climate: Mostly a semi-tropical and tropical world with mild if intense tropical storms
  • Terrain: It has jungles, rain forests, forests, extremely rough hilly zones leading to mountains.
  • Population: Just over 9 billion


Their history is rather bland and predictable with no real interesting occurrences ever being recorded. No wars, plagues, natural disasters or social revolutions of any kind. They lived, evolved, developed and expanded across their world at a slow and tedious pace.

Even when they finally entered the industrial revolution period of their history it was more of a slow glacial transition with few of the expected social ramifications ever occurring. This is the same of every other important milestone period in their history including their becoming a space fairing species in 2192.

Laas, one of the Hundred Changelings lived among the Varalans and assumed a similar form in the 22nd century. The name "Laas" means "changeable" in the Varalan language.

No Starfleet ship had visited their planet as of 2375 when Laas left there.

Since then they have continued to live as they wish, slow to change, accepting of their current quality of life and while they welcome other species they don't do anything to make their visit anything other than boring.


They have a central government, one that deals with the day to day issues a few months after they should have as they need to debate, study and consider the problem and it’s possible solutions in full detail and then commission an outside study to make their recommendations before they ever even consider putting a plan into effect.


They are a typical humanoid species with males being on average between 5’9” and 6’1” and females 5’7” to 5’11”. For the most part they vary in body size and shape and fitness levels. Their hair tends to be various shades of browns and blacks with men keeping their hair cut very short and women growing their hair down past their shoulders. This is typically the best and in some cases only way to tell the men from the women.


As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids.


They tend to be a little high strung and have a problem with dealing with stress. Fortunately there really is not that much in the way of stress in their normal daily lives. Things are predictable, routine and change normally comes slow, both to their daily way of living and to the way things, society functions around them.


They believe in a sky god they call T’shuumm. One to whom all flying creatures are messengers. As a result it is forbidden to kill or harm any flying creature. They are allowed to go anywhere and it is not unusual to find them in homes, business and other locations.

Temples are solid structures with large flat roofs that are normally higher than the roofs of the tallest buildings in the community. One has to climb very steep steps around the outside in order to reach the top. What few rooms are inside are reserved for temple staff only and consist of their living accommodations and facilities. The entrance is usually halfway up the outside of the temple.


They have a very complex and complicated set of myths that all revolve around T’shuumm and his creation of the world and all life on it. The most popular of these myths are those that explain why he created flying creatures, how he birthed them from his own form and why he uses them as his messengers and spy’s.


They have fairly laid back society with little crime, almost no social unrest and numerous social and recreational programs for all. Cities are well laid out, with most of the population able to access all of the amenities. These cities could do with improvements, tend to be rather drab and run down in appearance.


While they do have music, dancing and various other artistic forms of expression it is only the music and dance that is highly developed, encouraged and enjoyed by all. All the other forms of artistic expression seems to be very impressionistic in nature and could be just about anything depending on who is doing the looking.


Their most unusual custom is called the Assention. This is when a child who has just turned 10 climbs to the top of one of the temples for the first time in their life and then stays there for 100 days. They have only the clothes that they are wearing and each day their family brings them water and food. They sleep, live and exist by themselves, punished by the winds and the elements. After 100 days they walk down from the temple. At this time they are now considered to be an adult.


While they do have warp technology and other advanced forms of technology they are noticeably less advanced than even the most technologically challenged of the Federation member worlds. Their research and development programs are poorly funded and ill supplied.


While they do have a fairly self-sufficient economy they have been slowly expanding and developing various trade and mercantile contacts. So far this has been successful as 45 years ago they had none and now have double what they had 10 years ago.


They have none and have never needed one as they are not near any shipping lanes, are located nowhere near any strategic location and have no significant natural resources.

What they do have is a planet wide civil police force that could in a pinch act as a defensive force. Unfortunately this police force is not that large, has basic weapons and no significant attack craft of any kind.

All they do have is about a dozen police cruisers that are about half the size of a frigate with a crew size of less than 20. In power and strength they are a match for any armed freighter and most smugglers or pirates but not equal to tackling a true warship. These ships can and do land on the planet’s surface as they do not have any orbital space stations of any kind.

Federation Intelligence Files

In the 22nd century, Laas, one of the Hundred Changelings, found himself among the Varalans. They gave him his name (which means "changeable" in their language) and he assumed their appearance, to mixed success. Laas would later begin a relationship with a Varalan woman, although it ended as the couple could not have children. Laas had left the Varalans by 2375 and had begun his search for other members of the Hundred. No Starfleet ship had visited their planet as of 2375.

Laas would revert to his Varalan form when he was not in the Great Link when he returned home in 2376.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following TV episode, DS9: Chimera. The following written novel was also used, DS9: The Dominion: Olympus Descending.


This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 6 June 2014.

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239401.31
Please add any new information discovered during the course of a mission or shore leave.