The family tree being compiled that you just added to shows which Captains trained which newer Captains basically. If Tekra was an XO/FO to someone before a command, then yes, he belongs on there. If he hasn't commanded a ship/been a Captain, then... well, we haven't worked a way of showing lower ranked officers yet. Currently, you've listed him as "Tekra, a Captain, who was trained by we don't know who." We have a text tree being worked together on the talk page too. If you have info that can shed light on the many gaps, we'd love to hear it. - Lt. SalakUSS TigerTalk 13:48, 9 July 2008 (EDT)

Ok, ya beat me to it, lol. Have replied on talk page (the text list on there is more complete than the table) - Lt. SalakUSS TigerTalk 13:52, 9 July 2008 (EDT)