
Planet Rodul
System Basul Rodul
Region The Eastern Gate, Krzexxi
General Information
Constructed 1999
Destroyed n/a
Builder Krzexxi
Points of interest Rodulan spaceport
Primary Construction Materials Eco-friendly, sustainable materials
Societal Information
Population 4 million
Affiliation Betreka Defense League, Rodulan Security Services
Predominant Species Rodulans

Toprera is the capital city of Krzexxi. With a population of approximately four million Rodulans, it sits on the coast of the Eastern Gate, opposite Tikan's Western Gate, which also earned the city's local nickname of "Krzexxi's gateway".

The city itself is home to Rodul's only interplanetary spaceport, which is operated by both the Betreka Defense League and Rodulan Security Services, built in the 2360s after a tourist attacked a Rodulan artist - prior to its construction, the Rodulan government had up to that point assumed good faith when travelers arrived in the planet's local transport stations. Now, all entering Rodul, be they returning Rodulans, tourists or immigrants, must first go through the spaceports security gates before setting foot on true Rodulan soil.[1]


  1. "Landing.", LtCmdr T.Core, USS Invicta, SD 239311.15