Template:Psychological Profile

You can use this template to create a psychological profile for your character:
  1. Create a new subpage for your character by adding "/Psychological Profile" to the end of your character's current bio page.
    The new page will have the address Name/Psychological Profile
  2. Insert {{subst:Psychological Profile}} into the body of the new subpage and click save.
  3. Click edit once the page is created and fill out the details as you wish.


NOTE: To see the code that created the following output below, click here.

Starfleet Medical.png

Psychological Profile

  • Serial Number: EZ - 123 - 456
  • Current Assignment: Commanding Officer
  • Current Posting: USS Victory
  • Current Rank: Captain
  • Telepathic Status: T0/E0
NOTICE: This personnel record and any attached reports are confidential and intended solely for the use of authorized officers of sufficient clearance. Violations of confidentiality are subject to punishment under the Federation Uniform Code of Justice.
  • Condition: Asberger's Syndrome
  • Counselor: Captain Jordan Hurne
  • Counselor Notes: This is to be some information..
  • Medical Notes: Here is anything to supplement from Medical.