
Template Documentation
For the creation of Wiki article message boxes.


Full usage:

|type = 
|text = 
|style = 
|image = 
|imageright = 
|mini = 
|category = 
|includecat = 

text determines the text within the main body of the template. Use this to explain the purpose of the notice and possibly give instructions.

type parameter determines the color of the colorband on left and the default image by the intention of the template. The different types are as follows:

  • "Serious" is used for major issues conserning the page, such as nomination for deletion. Type "Delete" can also be used, but it's currently identical with "serious".
  • "Content" is used for issues in the content of the page that affect the quality and reliability of the page to the reader.
  • "Style" is used for issues in the styling of the page that may make it difficult to read or stand out among similar pages, but don't affect the content of the page itself.
  • "Merge" may be used to indicate the page should be merged, split, moved or altered in similar way.
  • "Protection" may be used to indicate that the page is being protected against disallowed changes.
  • "Notice" may be used to give readers information about the page without indicating it is an issue. This is the default type in case no type is given.
  • "Blank" may be useful for some purposes.

style parameter allows including CSS style choices.

image parameter allows changing the left image from type specific default to another. Writing "none" will remove the image on the left completely. For optional image, use form [[File:File name|40px]] or similar.

{{Ambox|type=content|text=Hello world!|image=none}}
{{Ambox|type=content|text=Hello world!|image=[[File:Award-goldstar.png|40px]]}}

imageright parameter allows including an image to the right of the template box. Use similar form as in image.

{{Ambox|type=content|text=Hello world!|imageright=[[File:Award-goldstar.png|40px]]}}

mini parameter allows changing the message box to a mini version. The mini version is a smaller, right floating box with smaller text and smaller default images. Example on the right. Note that if you use custom images through image or rightimage, you must change their size yourself. In order to use the mini version, write "yes".

{{Ambox|type=content|text=Hello world!|mini=yes}}

category parameter allows a tracking category for pages with this template. Only use the name of the category, without "Category:" in front.

cat2 parameter allows additional or more complex tracking categorization. Can be used in addition or instead of category. Use form [[Category:Category name]] or similar.

includecat parameter disables the tracking category for an instant. This way the template can be used for showcasing without including it to the tracking category. Disables both category and cat2 parameters. Write "no" to disable the tracking category.


Simple example

This is the code for Template:Attention as of 2 Feb 2024.

|text='''This article is in need of attention.'''<br>
<small>Please '''[{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{PAGENAME}}|action=edit}} improve it]''' in any way you see fit.</small>
|category=Pages needing attention

The result is as follows:

Here, the parameter includecat is introduced in the new template if needed for showcasing. The formulation
prevents the template itself from being added to the tracking category.


The message boxes can be used alone, as is done in every example above. If you wish to use multiple message boxes in a single page, they will stack if placed below one another.
