PNPC - Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar


Lt., Tegik

  • Position: Engineer
  • Rank: Lt.
  • Gender:Male
  • Race: Tellarite

Character Information

  • Full Name: Horg,Teg'ik
  • Race: Tellarite
  • DoB: 236407.14
  • Age: 25
  • Birthplace: In the city of Kurvin on the colony world of Devios III.
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: N/A


  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Hair: Shoulder length and dirty brown
  • Beard: He has a nice thick beard.
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Skin Tone: light brown, tanned.
  • Face: a rounded face with plenty of wrinkles.
  • Build: Bulky, stocky, pudgy
  • Identifying Marks: none
  • Clothing (Off-Duty): He tends to wear loose shirts and typical Tellarite garments.
  • Voice: deep and grating.
  • Handednesss: right
  • Tattoos: None


Horg is slightly taller than most Tellarite males. Other than that he is very similar with a thick beard, wiry hair and many facial lines. He also tends to be in slightly better shape than most other Tellarites.


Horg,Teg'ik was born and raised on the colony world of Devios III. A fairly typical terraformed colony world where his parents had been part of the terraforming crew that remained once their work was done. After that they helped build the city of Kurvin and now work to maintain many of its technical systems.

  • Father: Diry Teg’ik is a mechanical engineer.
  • Mother: Hurnis Teg’ik is an engineering systems designer.
  • Siblings: He comes from a fairly large family with 5 brothers and 4 sisters. He is the 2nd youngest.

Personal Friends and Relationships

  • Marital Status: Single
  • Friends:  ??

Minor Details and Mannerisms

  • Favorite Drink: Tellarite beer.
  • Favorite Food: Anything Tellarite as it reminds him of home.
  • Music Tastes: Soft music that mimics nature.
  • Religious Beliefs:

Languages Spoken

  • Federation standard (Fluent)
  • Tellarite (Fluent)
  • Arkenite (Basic)
  • Bolian (Basic)
  • Caitian (Basic)
  • Denobulan (Basic)
  • Rigelian (Basic)


Born on the terraformed colony world of Devios III in the city of Kurvin on the southern continent, Horg grew up the 2nd youngest of 10 kids. With a population of just under 7,000 there were not a lot of Tellarites in the colony. As a result he grew up playing and attending school with kids from a large number of different species.

Unlike most of his family he wanted more of a challenge out of life. As a result he applied for and was accepted into Starfleet.

Medical History

  • Pre-Starfleet Medical Records - He had the regular child hood ailments expected of a member of his species prior to his admittance to the Academy. Scans indicated a number of broken bones that had all healed within acceptable parameters.
  • Starfleet Medical Records - He has been fairly healthy so far.
  • Physiological Profile - He tested well, with no phobias or other mental issues. He deals well with stress and tends to remain calm in most situations. He communicates and works well with others.

Professional History

  • Academy Record - Horg was a good student, who did well academically. He also seemed to fit in more smoothly with others than most members of his species. This was probably due to his childhood growing up in a colony that was a mix of many different species.
  • Qualifications and Specialties - Fully qualified as a lab tech with a minor in engineering that allows him to also repair all the high tech lab equipment that he works with.
  • Assignments
  • Cadet cruise was on the USS Porter
  • Graduated and posted to the USS Silverfish
  • Transferred to the USS Eagle