Tarla Dean

Commander Tarla Dean is an specialist with Starfleet Tactical, a division of Starfleet Command. Prior to that, she served as an instructor at Starfleet Academy, regularly teaching tactical and security courses at both the San Francisco and Starbase 118 campuses. Dean started her career as an enlisted officer during the Dominion War. Following the war, her commanding officer recommended her for accelerated placement as an officer candidate at Starfleet Academy. After two years at the Academy, she spent the next ten years in various starship assignments, most notably as the chief of security and tactical on the USS Astraeus for three years.

Starfleet Tactical
Tarla Dean
Position Specialist
Rank Commander
Species Human
Gender Female
DOB 235106.14
Age 50
Birthplace Las Vegas, Earth
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

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Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
Awards General BPlot 2011.jpg
Awards General SheathedSword 2011.jpg
Awards General NebulaBar 2011.jpg
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1-year Member
3-year Member
B-Plot Award
Sheathed Sword
Nebula Bar
Khan Award

25th Anniversary
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Awards Committee
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Awards Ceremony Nominator Elite
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Commandant's Citation
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Chat Trivia Participant
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Writing Challenge Runner Up
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Top Sim Judge
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Featured Bio of StarBase 118
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About the Writer

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Physical Characteristics

Height: 5' 8" (1.8 m)
Weight: 140 lbs (63.5 kg)
Hair Color: dark brown
Length of Hair: Shoulder length
Eye Color: Dark brown
Birthmarks, Scars: n/a
Build: athletic build
Handedness: Left


Residence: Apartment in Sausalito
Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Agnostic Atheist.
Hobbies and Pastimes: Fitness, hiking and camping, painting, music (specifically, she is an accomplished pianist)
Temperament: Calm, patient, deliberate, focused


  • Date Graduated from Academy: 277705.25
  • Current Rank: Commander
  • Current Assignment: Starfleet Tactical
  • Duty Post: Specialist


Tarla Dean was born in Las Vegas in 2351. She spend much of her childhood exploring the Mojave Desert and, at a young age, developed a fondness for the extreme conditions and unique forms of life. After completing secondary school in 2369, Dean began taking courses at University Nevada Las Vegas with plans of becoming a biologist. Those plans changed in 2370, when her brother was killed while serving on the USS Odyssey. Believing that war with the Dominion was inevitable, Dean decided to enlist in Starfleet.
Dean distinguished herself during the years of war and conflict during her five year tour as a crewman. Notably, she was decorated for her service aboard the USS Potemkin during the Battle of Sector 001, and received multiple commendations for her combat roles during the Federation-Klingon war of 2372 and the Dominion War from 2373 to 2375.
After the War, Dean was accepted into an accelerated officer training program. She received her commission as an Ensign in 2377. Just three years later, she became chief of security of the USS Astreaus, a galaxy class ship on a long-range exploration mission. In 2383, Dean married and took a leave of absence from Starfleet to give birth to her first child. Her commission was reactivated in 2386, but Dean remained on Earth as an instructor at Starfleet Academy.

Timeline of Personal Events

  • 235106.14: Born in Las Vegas on Earth.
  • 236812.02: Accepted into biology program at UNLV.
  • 236906.03: Graduated from High School.
  • 237007.45: Dropped out of UNLV to enlist in Starfleet.
  • 237101.04: Assigned to USS Sarek.
  • 237206.21: Assumed Acting Chief of Security position and maintained through the end of the Federation-Klingon War.
  • 237305.21: Transferred to Starbase 19.
  • 237403.19: Transferred to USS Armistice.
  • 237504.01: Recommended for officer training at Starfleet Academy following the Dominion War.
  • 237509.03: Began accelerated training program.
  • 237705.25: Graduated from Starfleet Academy. Assigned to USS Orion.
  • 237904.21: Transferred to USS Astraeus.
  • 238001.13: Promoted to Lieutenant, assigned as chief of security/tactical aboard USS Astraeus.
  • 238301.15: Granted family leave of absence.
  • 238305.12: Daughter, Emily, born in San Francisco.
  • 238409.02: Son, Paul, born in San Francisco.
  • 238601.01: Leave of Absence ended, returned to Starfleet, assigned to Starfleet Academy.
  • 238705.23: Promoted to Lt. Commander. Assigned to advisory role for the Admiralty board.

  237509.03 — 237705.25
Starfleet Academy Cadet
Major: TacticalMinor: Security
Academy Transcript
Starfleet Academy
Insignia Rank Dates Assignment Duty Post
  Crewman 237101.04 - 237305.21 USS Sarek
Acting Chief of Security
  Chief Petty Officer 237305.21 - 237403.19 Starbase 19 Assistant Chief of Security
  Senior Chief Petty Officer 237403.19 - 237509.03 USS Armistice Assault Team Specialist
  Cadet 237509.03 - 237705.25 Starfleet Academy Tactical Major