Starfleet Medal of Valour

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Starfleet Medal of Valour
Starfleet Medal of Valour.png
(direct image file)
Type: service ribbon

The Starfleet Medal of Valour is a gallantry & heroism service ribbon awarded to individuals who have displayed extraordinary bravery and courage in the finest traditions of Starfleet, while not engaged in conflict with an enemy of the Federation. The act or acts of heroism must be particularly notable and involve a conspicuous risk of life, setting the recipient apart from their comrades.

Service Ribbons

generalmilestonegallantry & heroismlifesavingcampaign
Federation Cross Starfleet Medal of Valour Distinguished Service Ribbon Starfleet Medal of Commendation
Awards ServiceRibbons FederationCross 2011.jpg
Starfleet Medal of Valour.png
Awards ServiceRibbons DistinguishedService 2011.jpg
Starfleet Medal of Commendation.png
Silver Star Good Conduct Ribbon Legion of Merit UFP Medal of Freedom
Awards ServiceRibbons SilverStar 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg
Awards ServiceRibbons MedalOfFreedom 2011.jpg

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