Gila Sadar (talk | contribs) (Finishing up Phase 1 - adding hour 1 of Phase 2 (tags still missing)) |
Gila Sadar (talk | contribs) (→Phase 2: Frontier Day celebration & fleet demonstration at Earth, Sector 001: - Adding the unedited Discord-only Astraean summaries, so I don't have to go Discord-huntin' again) |
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'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | '''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | ||
With the antilepton signal, set up by Lieutenant Commander Kiax @○●● Esa Kiax and Lieutenant 101 @101 & 000 - Mason 🌈⚧, starting to block the Borg signal, several officers slowly regain control of their bodies and minds. In Sickbay, Doctor Saa @○● Dr. Sevantha Saa tries desperately to reach the still controlled mind of Lieutenant 000 but the arrival of an injured Charles Matthews @Lt Charles Matthews puts a stop to the attempt. Not responding to treatment, the Acting Chief is soon technically dead as a Code White emergency is declared by the Betazoid Ensign and the Mark IV EMH. | |||
Back on the Main Bridge, Captain Mei’konda @Mei'konda Delano , First Officer Rosek-Skyfire @○●● Lael Rosek-Skyfire/Tai Ilsam , Lieutenant Caldwell @●● Christopher Caldwell and Ensign Tasen @○● Gwen Tasen discuss their options as the Astraeus drops out of warp as the assimilated Fleet rains fire down on Probert Station. The skeleton crew on the Bridge decide to separate the ship and thin out their numbers even further; with the secondary hull acting as defence and the saucer section leading the evacuation attempts from the large beleaguered Station. The Caitian leaves the saucer in the capable hands of Lieutenant Commander Rosek-Skyfire, supported by Ensign Tasen and a smattering of relief staff, as he announces the separation of the ship and orders Officers Kiax, Alentonis @Alentonis: Science Nerd , 101 and Caldwell to accompany him. | |||
In Cargo Bay Four, Ensign Fianna @●○ Dr. Kris Fianna finds herself in a firefight against Borgified crew who have not managed to break away from the signal that caused their assimilation in the first place. With assistance from a recently free Ensign Tam @Divya Tam, the pair are able to identify as many drones as possible and transport them to another Cargo Bay and hold them there indefinitely until they are safe from Borg control. | |||
Just before Doctor Fianna is attacked by an assailant, Divya manages to beam her out of the Bay and to the relative safety of Sickbay, where she finds Doctor Saa treating Matthews, Lieutenant Shewytch @Lt. JG. Slav Shewytch working on a somewhat radical treatment and a recently freed Lieutenant 000. | |||
After a heart to heart with a visage of his deceased twin sister, Matthews is revived due to the medical and telepathic skills of Ensign Saa. Quickly treated and given the OK in Sickbay; he, Ensign Fianna and Lieutenant 000 are ordered to the Main Bridge just moments before the saucer separates from the secondary hull. | |||
Once the separation is complete, the First Officer starts to direct the evacuation measures and liaise with the staff of Probert Station. The Captain and the crew of the star drive turn to intercept the Borg controlled Enterprise-F before it can intercept the primary hull, hoping to keep the flagship busy long enough for survivors to be beamed to safety. After a brief flurry of weapons fire, they are promptly assisted by the Chin’toka and Narendra before the Enterprise breaks off and goes against the Ambassador class starship. The moment of peace is short lived however; as they are soon faced with the USS Cabot and USS Venture and are pelted with weapons fire…<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | '''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | ||
TBD<br><br> | TBD<br><br> | ||
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'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | '''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | ||
The star drive of the Astraeus was starting to feel the effects of the continuous barrage it was receiving; shields were draining quickly and minor damage was developing into full blown losses of structural integrity. Some quick thinking from Esa Kiax @○●● Esa Kiax aboard the Battle Bridge would hopefully turn the tide in their favour as she ordered Lieutenant 101 @101 & 000 - Mason 🌈⚧ to attempt to break through the digital firewalls of their opponents computers and transmit a chaos-inducing payload into their systems. The Trill Officer requested Lieutenant Commander Alentonis @Alentonis: Science Nerd monitor the antilepton field while she and the Bynar subordinate worked tirelessly. | |||
With the situation looking increasingly bleak, and Lieutenant Caldwell @●● Christopher Caldwell monitoring their quickly depleting weapons, Esa and 101 quickly declared control over the Cabot’s and Venture’s transporters, forward sensor arrays and warp core ejection sequences. However, the excitement is short-lived. Lieutenant Ral @Wyatt Ral soon reports that the shields cannot survive much more of a beating, that the warp core containment field is dropping and the deflector dish, previously modified to block the Borg assimilation signal, is now offline. Captain Mei’konda @Mei'konda Delano quickly decides to liaise with Commander Serala @Serala of the Chin’toka and Commander Rosek-Skyfire @○●● Lael Rosek-Skyfire/Tai Ilsam aboard the saucer section, to discuss reconnecting the ship into one piece before the secondary hull is blown into several.<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | '''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | ||
TBD<br><br> | TBD<br><br> | ||
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'''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | '''USS ''Astraeus'''''<br> | ||
After a brief discussion with other senior officers, Captain Mei'konda @Mei'konda Delano proceeds to get his ship back whole again. Whilst in discussion with the other officers on the Battle Bridge, two plans bring to take shape; Lieutenant Commander Kiax @○●● Esa Kiax recalls the Enterprise-D launching antimatter particles from their phaser array during the events surrounding The Battle of Wolf 359 and wonders if a similar idea with antilepton particles could be beneficial in this instance, and Lieutenant Caldwell @●● Christopher Caldwell and Lieutenant Commander Alentonis @Alentonis: Science Nerd are tasked with leading a team onto Sol Station to assist with the removal of survivors before the assimilated Fleet blows the beleaguered outpost into smithereens. | |||
Back on the Main Bridge, an injured Ensign Tasen @○● Gwen Tasen has reported that the sweeps for Thelomium-847 have not given any indications of any extra Changelings on board the Astraeus. As the saucer section approaches the secondary hull, they are forced to combat the Norway class USS Budapest. After orders from First Officer Rosek-Skyfire @○●● Lael Rosek-Skyfire/Tai Ilsam , the ship performs a quick manoeuvre as Lieutenant Matthews is able to disable the vessel with a fierce volley of torpedoes and phaser blasts. Hoping to avoid any further fighting, they now find themselves being approached by the USS Thunderchild, which closes quickly and will intercept the ship just three minutes after the split pieces are put back together again. | |||
Ensign Tam @Divya Tam, with the assistance of Ensigns Saa @○● Dr. Sevantha Saa and Shewytch @Lt. JG. Slav Shewytch, finally gets the two parts of the Changeling captured and sent to the Brig just before the young Barzan woman informs Lieutenant Matthews than one of the Changelings let slip that the Borg used the transporters to help execute their plan. At the same time, Lieutenant 101 @101 & 000 - Mason 🌈⚧ sends an encrypted communication to Matthews, informing him of the plan that they and Commander Kiax have worked on, and the Acting Chief quickly gets to work modifying the phaser arrays. | |||
Finally back together again, Ensign Fianna @●○ Dr. Kris Fianna provides an update on how many survivors have been transported from Sol Station, with the amount remaining still numbering in the hundreds and thousands. Captain Mei’konda orders Commander Rosek-Skyfire to Engineering with the Lieutenants 101 and 000, to assist Chief Engineer Ral @Wyatt Ral and his team with repairs, Matthews provides an update on the potential effectiveness of the Esa Kiax / Bynar plan, Lieutenant Caldwell and Commander Alentonis are making their way through Probert Station with pattern enhancers to clear out the survivors and Ensigns Saa, Shewytch and Tam are working in Sickbay to treat those who have already been beamed to the Astraeus…<br><br> | |||
'''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | '''USS ''Chin'toka'''''<br> | ||
TBD<br><br> | TBD<br><br> |