Frontier Day (Fleet Blockbuster) (Chin'toka): Difference between revisions

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The Chin'toka system was a star system located in the Alpha Quadrant. This Cardassian-controlled system contained four planets, the second and third of which were inhabited and formed a binary pair. It was the scene of two major confrontations in the Dominion War. (Chin'toka system, Memory Alpha)
The Chin'toka system was a star system located in the Alpha Quadrant. This Cardassian-controlled system contained four planets, the second and third of which were inhabited and formed a binary pair. It was the scene of two major confrontations in the Dominion War. (Chin'toka system, Memory Alpha)
[[File:FrontierDay.jpg|150px|Daystrom Station (Source: Memory Alpha, Doug Drexler)]]
====[[Daystrom Station]]====
====[| Daystrom Station]====

====[[San Francisco Ship Yards]]====
====[[San Francisco Ship Yards]]====

<!--Crewmembers who participated in the mission-->
<!--Crewmembers who participated in the mission-->