Beelam Grog

Joined 11 December 2018
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Aly, you have grown to be a brilliant and respected simmer on StarBase 118 and this shines through all the effort and passion you put into your writing. I am so proud to be able to recognize all your hard work and honor you in this year’s fleetwide awards!"}}
Aly, you have grown to be a brilliant and respected simmer on StarBase 118 and this shines through all the effort and passion you put into your writing. I am so proud to be able to recognize all your hard work and honor you in this year’s fleetwide awards!"}}
{{Citation|3-year Member|2300|2022 Award Ceremony; 118 Ops}}
{{Citation|3-year Member|2300|2022 Award Ceremony; 118 Ops| Recognition for three years in the community.}}
{{Citation|Natasha Yar Pin|240007.07|2023 Award ceremony; 118 Ops|Aly, the writer behind Haukea-Willow, faced some challenges in the past year which led to her creating a brand new character - Haukea-Willow in a brand new department - Security.  Change can be difficult and scary at the time, but in the case of Haukea-Willow, Aly has found the place where she can absolutely shine.  Her portrayal of a security officer with a sweet demeanor and a heart of gold seems like an unusual choice at first - because a security officer is a position where 'sweet' doesn't usually factor into the equation.  
{{Citation|Natasha Yar Pin|240007.07|2023 Award ceremony; 118 Ops|Aly, the writer behind Haukea-Willow, faced some challenges in the past year which led to her creating a brand new character - Haukea-Willow in a brand new department - Security.  Change can be difficult and scary at the time, but in the case of Haukea-Willow, Aly has found the place where she can absolutely shine.  Her portrayal of a security officer with a sweet demeanor and a heart of gold seems like an unusual choice at first - because a security officer is a position where 'sweet' doesn't usually factor into the equation.  

