Old Mc Bolen has a farm (Constitution): Difference between revisions

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{{Heading|Act 3|#800000}}
{{Heading|Drever IV|#800000}}
This information has been gathered during the mission and is available to all players.
== Inhabitation ==
The location for the colony was carefully chosen. The planet did not have inhabitants until about 2392 when Adirim Bolen founded Paoike Colony. He oversaw much of the surveys personally to make sure there was no indigenous sentient life or other settlements.<ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/xvxWxTBA24s/m/3TdY0dtCAgAJ "Bolen's Pride"], Adirim Bolen, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240004.08</ref>
As of 2402 the colony has 100 inhabitants of various species and ages.
== Buildings ==
The homes of colonists are round buildings constructed of building kits that are made to look like wood to fit into the environment.
There are a few buildings a bit outside of town from the early days. The original power generation plant, a small landing strip for larger transports, some expansions that never took off. All abandoned for some time now as their functions were replaced or no longer needed, left overs from initial plans for the colony that didn't work out. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/xvxWxTBA24s/m/3TdY0dtCAgAJ "Bolen's Pride"], Adirim Bolen, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240004.08</ref>
