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==Starfleet Academy Record==
{{LCARS-bar-left|Academy Grades|COLOR=#BB8A33}}

'''Year 1'''
|Name on Transcript= Kaito Takeshi Moore
|Serial Number= KM-2376-07A
|Graduation Date= 240006.06
|Dates of Attendance= 239608.01 - 240006.06
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
|Major= Tactical
|Major Division Color= Gold
|Minor= Security & Helm/Navigation

Semester 1: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Code= MATH101
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Code= LANG101
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Title= Federation Standard
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Code= HIST101
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Title= Birth of the Federation
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Code= SURV101
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Title= Starship Emergencies
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Code= TAC101
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Title= Combat, Unarmed
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Grade= A

MATH101: Concepts
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Code= ADMIN101
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Title= Starfleet Operations
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Grade= A
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Code= MED101
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Title= First Aid & Field Medicine
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Grade= B
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Code= PHYS101
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Code= PILOT101
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Title= Runabouts & Shuttles
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Grade= A
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Code= ARM101
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Title= Introduction to Weapons
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Grade= A-

LANG101: Federation Standard
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Code= BIO101
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Title= Concepts
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC200
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Title= Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu & Federation Standard  
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Code= ADMIN110
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Title= Chain of Command & General Protocol
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Code= END221
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Title= LCARS Programming 1
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Grade= B-
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Code= TAC210
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Title= Combat, Marksmanship
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Grade= A

HIST101: Birth of the Federation
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Code= DIPL101
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Title= General
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Code= LAW101
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Title= Federation, General
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Code= TAC110
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Title= Combat, Small Weapons
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Code= ENG231
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Title= Computer Memory & Personal Interfaces
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Grade= B
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Code= SURV150
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Title= Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle & Moderate Conditions
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Grade= A-

SURV101: Starship Emergencies
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Code= ENG232
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Title= Replicators, Transporters & Holodecks
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Code= SURV110
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Title= Enviromental Suits & Zero-G Training
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Code= LANG190
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Title= Cardassian
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Code= XEN101
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Title= General
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Code= HIST200
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Title= Starfleet History
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Grade= A

TAC200: Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu and Federation Standard
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Code= END233
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Title= Sensors, Communications & Helm Systems
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Code=PILOT210
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Title= Minor Ships
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Code= ENG234
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Title= Deflectors, WEapons & Security Systems
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Code= TAC300
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Title= Leadership
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Code= LANG290
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Title= Cardassian
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Grade= B-

|Year3Sem1 Course1 Code= PILOT220
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Title= Major Ships
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Code= TAC260
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Title= Combat, Minor Starships
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Code= ARM200
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Title= Starship Phasers & Phaser Cannons
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Code= TAC170
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Title=  Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Code= HIST110
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Title= Pop Culture
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Grade= B+

Semester 2: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Code= ARM210
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Title= Photon Torpedoes
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Code= TAC170
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Title= Combat, Phasers & Photon Torpedos
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Code= ASTRG101
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Title= Navigation of Starships, Sublight
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Code= LANG390
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Title= Cardassian
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-

ADMIN101: Starfleet Operations
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Code= TAC270
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Title= Combat, Major Starships
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC220
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Title= Small Units
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Code= ASTRG102
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Title= Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Code= TAC250
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Title= Combat, Shuttles & Runabouts
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Code=ASTRO301
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Title= Stellar Cartography 1
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Grade= A-

MED101: First Aid and Field Medicine
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Code= ENG331
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Title= Operations & Command Functions
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Code= TAC289
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Title= Combat, Non-Federation Starships
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Code= PILOT100
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Title= Land Vehicles
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Code= ASTRO302
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Title= Stellar Cartography 2
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Code= ASTRG103
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Title= Navigation of Starships, Postwarp speed
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Grade= A-

PHYS101: Concepts
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Code= DIPL200
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Title= Hostile Species
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Code= ENG321
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Title= Base-Mode Programming
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Code= PSY302
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Title= Hostilities
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Code= TAC301
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Title= Strategy of Battle 1
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Grade= A

PILOT101: Runabouts and Shuttles
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Code= SURV200
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Title= Captivity
ARM101: Introduction to Weapons
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC302
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Title= Strategy of Battle 2
Semester 3: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Code= TAC230
BIO101: Concepts
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Title= Large Units
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
TAC101: Combat, Unarmed
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Code= DIPL250
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Title= Non-Traditional Situations
ADMIN110: Chain of Command and General Protocol
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade= A-
ENG221: LCARS Programming 1
Tactics: Combat, Marksmanship
'''Year 2'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
DIPL101: General
LAW101: Federation, General
TAC110: Combat, Small Weapons
ENG231: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
SURV150: Land-based Survival in Desert, Ocean, Jungle, and Moderate conditions.
Semester 2: 5 credits (4 core, 1 elective)
ENG232: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
SURV110: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
LANG190: Cardassian
XEN101: General
HIST200: Starfleet History
Semester 3: 5 credits (1 core, 2 major, 2 elective)
ENG233: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
Piloting: Minor Ships
Engineering: Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems
Tactics: Leadership
LANG290: Cardassian
'''Year 3'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (2 major, 1 minor, 2 elective)
Piloting: Major Ships
Tactics: Combat, Minor Starships
Armory: Starship Phasers and Phaser Cannons
Tactics: Combat, Introduction to Starship Combat
HIST110: Pop Culture
Semester 2: 4 credits (2 major, 1 minor, 1 elective)
Armory: Photon Torpedos
Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Sublight
LANG390: Cardassian
Semester 3: 5 credits (2 major, 2 minor, 1 elective )
Tactics: Combat, Major Starships
Tactics: Small Units
Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
Tactics: Combat, Shuttles and Runabouts
Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
'''Year 4'''
Semester 1: 5 credits (2 major, 2 minor, 1 elective)
Engineering: Operations and Command Functions
Tactics: Combat, Non-Federation Starships
Piloting: Land Vehicles
Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
Semester 2: 4 credits ( 4 major)
Diplomacy: Non-Traditional Situations
Engineering: Base-Mode Operations
Psychology: Hostilities
Tactics: Strategy of Battle 1
Semester 3: 4 credits (4 major)
Survival: Captivity
Tactics: Strategy of Battle 2
Tactics: Large Units
Diplomacy: Hostile Species

