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| Current Project: USS Aurora Mission History/Crew History
| | '''Project: USS Aurora Mission History/Crew History''' |
| |
| Below is sim information for reference
| | {{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Aurora}} |
| | {{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}} |
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}} |
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | {{Post|Red|First Officer}} |
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | {{Label|Next Division/Department Name}} |
| | {{Post|Color|Position Name}} |
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | {{CrewHistory End}} |
| |
| |
| <!--
| | '''Project: USS Caledonia Crew History''' |
| Table structure for `posts`
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| -->
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| {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" | | {{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Caledonia}} |
| |+'''posts'''
| | {{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}} |
| |-
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| ! Type
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}} |
| | int(11)
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | int(11)
| | {{Post|Red|First Officer}} |
| | int(11)
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | int(11)
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | varchar(256)
| | {{Label|Next Division/Department Name}} |
| | text
| | {{Post|Color|Position Name}} |
| | datetime
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| |- | | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| ! Null
| | {{CrewHistory End}} |
| | NO
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| | YES
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| | YES
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| | YES
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| | YES
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| | YES
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| | YES
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| ! Default
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| |}
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| <!--
| | '''Project: USS Morningstar/USS Discovery Crew History''' |
| Table data for `posts`
| |
| -->
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| |
| {| class="wikitable sortable" style="text-align:center;" | | {{CrewHistory|SHIP = USS Morningstar}} |
| |+'''posts''' | | {{Post|Red|Commanding Officer}} |
| |- | | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | 46486
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}} |
| | 12
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | 2
| | {{Post|Red|First Officer}} |
| | 1061
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers - First Impressions
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| | ((Personal Quarters))
| | {{Label|Next Division/Department Name}} |
| | | {{Post|Color|Position Name}} |
| :: After training Max was pretty excited. He felt
| | {{New|Current PC in the position}} |
| like he had done his best but there was still that
| | {{Old|Previous PC in the position}}, etc. |
| little flicker of doubt in the back of his mind.
| | {{CrewHistory End}} |
| Maybe there was something he did that Captain Waltas
| |
| hadn?t liked. Maybe there was something he could have
| |
| done better. Or worse, maybe there was something he
| |
| *should* have done better. Ensign Powers worried
| |
| himself sick and decided to retire to his personal
| |
| quarters for the night.::
| |
| | |
| ::After waking up Max checked to see if he had any
| |
| messages. He had one. Not only had he passed
| |
| training, he had been assigned to the newly
| |
| commissioned USS Aurora. She was designed with
| |
| diplomacy in mind but she also had some search and
| |
| rescue capabilities as well. Max was overwhelmed with
| |
| joy. He had worked so hard to get to this point. All
| |
| his years of studying and sacrifice were paying off.
| |
| He couldn?t wait to tell his folks::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Comptuer. Open channel to my father.
| |
| | |
| :: The computer chirped in compliance and the image of
| |
| Wayne Powers came to the screen.::
| |
| | |
| WAYNE POWERS (WP): Son! How?s it going?
| |
| | |
| MAX POWERS (MP): Great dad. It?s so good to see your
| |
| face.
| |
| | |
| WP: You?re mother and I haven?t heard from you in a
| |
| while. Is everything ok?
| |
| | |
| MP: It?s great dad. Couldn?t be better.
| |
| | |
| WP: You seem to be in a really good mood. What?s
| |
| going on?
| |
| | |
| MP: I just finished my training mission and . . . ::
| |
| he paused for dramatic effect:: I passed!
| |
| | |
| :: A look of sheer exuberance came over the face of
| |
| Wayne Powers::
| |
| | |
| WP: Judy! Come quick! Max passed his training
| |
| mission!
| |
| | |
| :: Max?s mother appeared alongside his father and the
| |
| two of them just smiled and made all kinds of
| |
| congratulatory remarks.::
| |
| | |
| WP: We?re so proud of you son. We knew you could do
| |
| it.
| |
| | |
| JP: Yes. Have you received your assignment yet?
| |
| | |
| MP: Yes. I?ve been assigned to the USS Aurora. She?s
| |
| brand new.
| |
| | |
| ::Max?s mother started to tear up. She was so proud
| |
| of her little boy. Max would always be her little
| |
| boy, especially with Max?s brother Drew still
| |
| missing.::
| |
| | |
| WP: That?s great news son.
| |
| | |
| MP: Thanks guys. I?m so happy right now. I?m going
| |
| to go check out the ship and try to learn my way
| |
| around. I?ll contact you guys soon. Promise.
| |
| | |
| JP: Ok honey. Take care. Be safe. Do what your
| |
| commanding officers tell you to do.
| |
| | |
| :: Max chuckled to himself. His mom, the ever
| |
| constant worrier.::
| |
| | |
| MP: Ok mom. I will. You guys take care. Love you
| |
| both!
| |
| | |
| :: The screen went blank as the connection was cut.
| |
| Max got up and headed towards the Aurora::
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge ? USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::Max had come to the bridge first. Max was impressed
| |
| by the ship. She was smaller than a lot of the other
| |
| ships but she looked good. The Aurora had that new
| |
| starship smell too. Ensign Powers took a deep breath.
| |
| Max was so excited he had neglected to see who else
| |
| had been stationed on the Aurora. He wasn?t even sure
| |
| who his commanding officers were going to be. He sat
| |
| down at the nearest console.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Computer, bring up the ship manifest. I?d
| |
| like to see the officers assigned to this ship.
| |
| | |
| :: The computer complied and the list of the officers
| |
| assigned to the Aurora came up on the screen. Max
| |
| noticed that several of the members of his training
| |
| class had also been assigned to the Aurora::
| |
| | |
| oO Oh good. Some familiar faces. This will make
| |
| things a little easier. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Just then the doors to the bridge opened up. Max
| |
| looked up from the screen to see who it was.
| |
| | |
| ZAZOU/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hey there! How are you?
| |
| | |
| ((OOC: I?ll back sim as much of the conversation as
| |
| you want))
| |
| | |
| ::A short while later the doors parted. A woman
| |
| walked onto the bridge. She was human and a little on
| |
| the short side. Max noticed that she had four pips on
| |
| her collar::
| |
| | |
| oO This must be Captain Parker! Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Max wasted no time in introducing himself. He
| |
| walked over to Captain Parker and extended his hand.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hello, ma?am. I?m Ensign Max Powers.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes ma?am. I?ve been assigned to the Aurora.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I am very excited. Honestly, a little nervous
| |
| too, but very excited. How about you? Nervous?
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ((OOC: I?ll stop here so everyone can get involved in
| |
| the conversation. I?m excited how about everyone
| |
| else??))
| |
| | |
| ----------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| USS Aurora NCC 72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-05-29 19:48:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46497
| |
| | 12
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| | 14
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers EO - Finding Engineering
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::The three green-as-can-be ensigns finished their
| |
| initial meeting with their new captain. Max was
| |
| impressed. She obviously had the abilities need to be
| |
| a captain otherwise Starfleet would not have promoted
| |
| her this far. But, and more perhaps more important to
| |
| Max, she seemed approachable too. He wasn?t afraid of
| |
| her. She wasn?t imtimidating. Ensign Powers liked
| |
| Captain Parker already and he knew that he would learn
| |
| a lot from her.::
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was curious to find out what his
| |
| training classmates thought of their new CO but he
| |
| wanted to get down to engineering too::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hey guys.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensigns Harley and Zazou turned towards him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I want to know what you guys thought about our
| |
| new CO. Do you like her?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY/ZAOU: response?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yeah. I know what you mean. She seems really
| |
| friendly. Approachable. Like, if we have a problem
| |
| or a concern we can take it up with her.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY/ZAZOU: response?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Exactly. Tough but fair.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY/ZAZOU: response?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well, we should all catch up later. I?m going
| |
| to head down to engineering before our briefing. I
| |
| want to see where I?ll be working.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY/ZAZOU: response?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Bye!
| |
| | |
| :: Max turned and headed towards to turbolift. The
| |
| doors parted with the typical rush of air and Max
| |
| stepped aboard::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Deck seven.
| |
| | |
| :: As the turbolift jumped into action there was
| |
| hardly any noticeable movement. It was so smooth.
| |
| The ride was fast but Max?s thoughts were racing
| |
| through his head the entire time. Not only was this
| |
| his first assignment, but in a way, it was the
| |
| Aurora?s too. This was to be her maiden voyage. Max
| |
| did not want to mess it up. It was going to be his
| |
| job to make sure that they could get wherever they
| |
| needed to get. He gave the ship power. He gave it
| |
| life. He didn?t want anything to happen on his
| |
| watch::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Main Engineering))
| |
| | |
| :: The turbolift came to a stop and the doors parted.
| |
| Max looked out at the scene ahead of him. There were
| |
| still some Starfleet personnel putting finishing
| |
| touches on the ship. A few lights were still being
| |
| installed. Some of the panels were getting their
| |
| final tweaks before the Aurora pulled out of her dock.
| |
| Max could hear more work being done to engineering
| |
| but it seemed like only cosmetics at this point. He
| |
| knew that the bulk of the ship was done. The crew of
| |
| the Aurora was about to embark on the most exciting
| |
| journey of their lives and Max, for one, couldn?t
| |
| wait.::
| |
| | |
| :: He started to walk around engineering, trying to
| |
| get a feel for his new surroundings. Max wanted to
| |
| know where everything was. He knew that sooner or
| |
| later, and more likely sooner than later, his skills
| |
| would be put to the test. He heard somebody come up
| |
| behind him. Max spun around to see who it was.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: Oh I?m sorry sir. Didn?t mean to scare you.
| |
| | |
| ::Max put his right hand over his heart and let out a
| |
| little sigh.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It?s ok. I was just lost in my thoughts and
| |
| didn?t expect anyone to be behind me. Who might you
| |
| be?
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: I?m Crewman Will Cristo. And you?
| |
| | |
| :: Crewman Cristo stuck out his hand. Max grabbed
| |
| it.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ensign Max Powers. I?ve been assigned here to
| |
| engineering. How about you?
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: Well then, I guess I?m at your service. I?ve
| |
| been assigned here to engineering as well.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Great. Have you had a chance to look around?
| |
| | |
| :: Cristo nodded.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: Yes sir I have. Everything seems to be just
| |
| about ready to go. As you can see Starfleet is just
| |
| putting the finishing touches on.
| |
| | |
| :: There was a slight pause as Powers looked around
| |
| engineering, trying to take it all in.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: Judging by the single pip on your collar I?m
| |
| assuming this is your first assignment. What do you
| |
| think about the Aurora?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: So far so good. The Aurora?s a little smaller
| |
| a ship than I expected to be assigned to, but I think
| |
| it?s going to be a great ship.
| |
| | |
| :: Their conversation was interrupted by his comm
| |
| badge.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response?
| |
| | |
| ::Max tapped his comm badge to reply.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Ensign Powers here. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response?
| |
| | |
| ::A briefing. Max figured that the Captain would
| |
| explain a little bit about what she expects. Tell
| |
| them how she was going to run her ship. Maybe even a
| |
| little bit about their first mission.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Yes ma?am. Understood. I?ll be there.
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned back to Crewman Cristo::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well you heard the lady. I better get going.
| |
| It was nice meeting you Crewman.
| |
| | |
| ::They shook hands again.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: You too sir. I?ll be seeing you.
| |
| | |
| | |
| -------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering
| |
| USS Aurora NCC 72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| |
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| |
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| | 2005-06-01 22:57:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46499
| |
| | 12
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| | 16
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| | 887
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley: Meetings and friends
| |
| | ((OOC1 - sorry if this a bit too long SIM, wanted to put alot in...Took a chunk out of the draft, then I lost the one i was going to send..so this is smaller then that.))
| |
| |
| ((OOC2 - Who does Harley report to? department head wise.))
| |
| |
| |
| (Aurora - Bridge)
| |
| |
| :: Joshua and Romi exited the turbolift, his darted to the front of the bridge, the lonely console, at the front...a solem chair turned slightly to face the port 2 tier set of steps, There was one or two technitions making the finishing touches, the ship externally looked ready to go. Romi and Josh walked over to the back of the bridge, where Max was talking to Commander parker. He caught the tail end of their conversation. ::
| |
| |
| Powers: Yes ma?am. I?ve been assigned to the Aurora.
| |
| | |
| :: The commander took the Padds from the 3 new Ensigns, she scanned them quickly. ::
| |
| | |
| Parker: So Mister Powers, you're my new engineer ...
| |
| welcome aboard.
| |
| | |
| Powers: I am very excited. Honestly, a little nervous too, but very excited. How about you? Nervous?
| |
| | |
| Parker: Even Commanders get nervous and excited ... but it's our job to maintain control so we rarely show it.
| |
| | |
| Ensign Zazou?
| |
| | |
| Zazou: Yes, ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Parker: Aurora's new medical officer ... it may surprise you to learn that I am a Starfleet surgeon. I'll be expecting the best for medical.
| |
| | |
| Zazou: Of course, now pressure here. ::Romi gave a big smile.::
| |
| | |
| Parker: Don't worry, it's a small crew ... medical
| |
| shouldn't keep you too busy. (turning to the last) Ensign Harley?
| |
| Harley: Yes Ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Parker: Ever flown an starship before?
| |
| | |
| Harley: Freighters, cargo ships, that's it.
| |
| | |
| Parker: Well as helm officer you'll be getting alot of time at the controls here. Just try not to dent my ship leaving spacedock.
| |
| | |
| :: Parker attempted to look stern, it faltered and broke into a smile. ::
| |
| | |
| Don't worry, Aurora is state of the art ... she'll practically fly herself.
| |
| | |
| oOI hope notOo
| |
| |
| :: Josh grinned and spoke jokingly. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: If I dent her ... I'll bang it out myself.
| |
| |
| Parker: Get your gear stowed, check in with your departments ... a brief will be scheduled shortly.
| |
| |
| :: They murmured, there "yes Ma'am", Parker turned and walked away, leaving the 3 of them alone. ::
| |
| |
| |
| Powers: Hey guys.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensigns Harley and Zazou turned towards him.::
| |
| | |
| Powers: I want to know what you guys thought about our
| |
| new CO. Do you like her?
| |
| | |
| Zazou: Zazou: She has something gentile.
| |
| Harley: Good sense of humour, seems leniant as well.
| |
| | |
| Powers: Yeah. I know what you mean. She seems really
| |
| friendly. Approachable. Like, if we have a problem
| |
| or a concern we can take it up with her.
| |
| | |
| Zazou: Yes, exactly.
| |
| Harley: I bet she'll tell you if you make a few mistakes to many.
| |
| | |
| Powers: Exactly. Tough but fair.
| |
| | |
| Zazou: Right you are!
| |
| Harley: Best way to be.
| |
| | |
| Powers: Well, we should all catch up later. I?m going
| |
| to head down to engineering before our briefing. I
| |
| want to see where I?ll be working.
| |
| | |
| Zazou: That is a great idea. I think I'll go to medical. Joshua, would you like to come?
| |
| :: Josh hesitated, he was very tempted to say yes, but he needed to look his work place over. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: Like you two, I have to look over my workplace, I'll drop by later on.
| |
| | |
| Powers: Bye!
| |
| | |
| Harley: Catch you both later.
| |
| |
| :: He watched both Max and Romi exit the bridge, he was alone, Josh circled the bridge, walked down the steps to his console, he noticed that it's setup had changed, he was about to change it back to starfleet standard, when he realised that he hadn't requested or had got his security clearance and access codes, a costly mistake if he had tripped the alarm. ::
| |
| |
| :: He walked up to the command stage, hoped over the safty barrier and looked at the MSD, he found the security office, which was on deck 3, as was Sickbay he walked into the turbolift and staed his destination ::
| |
| |
| Harley: Deck 3
| |
| |
| (Deck 3)
| |
| |
| :: He walked through the cooridoors, and headed into sickbay, he saw Romi. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: (jokeingly) I'm ready for my medical, Doctor.
| |
| |
| Zazou: ???
| |
| |
| Harley: Actually I was heading to the COS' office to get my security clearance and codes ...Thought I'd just ... drop in.
| |
| |
| Zazou: ???
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helmsman
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-02 17:34:00
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| |-
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| | 46501
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| | 12
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| | 18
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| | 1052
| |
| | Lt (jg) Dominus, CSO USS Aurora - Reporting in
| |
| | OOC: sorry guys i really would have like one of the first sims but i
| |
| was on holiday in corfu so didn't have chance... and to be honest i
| |
| wasn't really expecting the Aurora to be launched when it was...
| |
| | |
| Congrats Parker btw on getting your own command and thanks for
| |
| bringing me aboard.
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora - Science Lab 1
| |
| | |
| ::Dominus had been brought aboard the brand new ship the USS Aurora.
| |
| Captain Parker as she know was had requested him aboard the ship
| |
| which was a privelage. Dominus had been aboard the ship for around
| |
| two hours and had been arranging his quarters and sorting the science
| |
| lab to his own specifications.
| |
| | |
| Dominus started making his way to the bridge he thought it
| |
| appropriate to meet Captain Parker and report for duty as he had done
| |
| on arrival to the Victory. As Dominus entered the turbo-lift it went
| |
| up around two decks and stopped as the doors opened he saw Lt. Cmdr
| |
| Beta and Lt. Thomas on the way to the turbo-lift.
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Hello Lt. Cmdr, Lt. I am on my way to report to Captain
| |
| Parker care to join me?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::The three officers took the turbo-lift up to the bridge and stepped
| |
| out on to the deck.
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge ? Deck 1 ? USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| :: Beta stood next to the door, tapping the door bell,
| |
| the lifeless bleep rang out, the soften answer return
| |
| and both men entered.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Sir.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: (reponse)
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Lt. (jg) Dominus
| |
| Chief of Science
| |
| USS Victory
| |
| | 2005-06-03 16:12:00
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| |-
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| | 46510
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| | 12
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| | 29
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Two Briefings and a Launch
| |
| | ((Main Engineering))
| |
| | |
| :: Max was getting used to his new surroundings. Even
| |
| though the Aurora was small compared to the other
| |
| ships in the fleet she was big to Ensign Powers. He
| |
| had never been inside main engineering on an actual
| |
| Federation starship before. He just wanted to enjoy
| |
| the feeling and experience for a little while. He
| |
| found a comfy chair and just swirled back and forth
| |
| for a minute.::
| |
| | |
| :: He closed his eyes and imagined the ship in some
| |
| sort of battle with things badly damaged. Sparks
| |
| flying everywhere. Casualties and injuries mounting.
| |
| Things were looking bad for the Aurora and her crew.
| |
| But somehow, and Max hadn?t quite worked out the
| |
| details yet, he and the rest of engineering were able
| |
| to somehow give Parker all the power she needed to get
| |
| the ship and her crew to safety.::
| |
| | |
| oO One day . . . I know I?m going to come through big
| |
| time for this ship. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: He was brought out of his little fantasy by a
| |
| voice.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: Ensign Powers?
| |
| | |
| :: Max sat upright and gave a few tugs at the uniform
| |
| while clearing his throat.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes Cristo, what is it?
| |
| | |
| ::Cristo walked over the Max and handed him a padd.::
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: I just wanted to give you a copy of the status
| |
| reports from engineering so far. It seems that
| |
| everything is in order for the most part.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thanks.
| |
| | |
| ::Max looked over the reports quickly, trying to see
| |
| if anything would jump out at him as a problem.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You did a great job with this. Thanks. I?m
| |
| going to run this up to the captain so she can look it
| |
| over.
| |
| | |
| ((A few minutes later))
| |
| | |
| :: Max stood at the door to Parker?s ready room and
| |
| heard the familiar chime.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ::Max stepped through the now open doors and saw his
| |
| captain sitting behind her desk.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I just wanted to give you a report about the
| |
| status of engineering ma?am.
| |
| | |
| ::Max handed her the padd so she could read it over.
| |
| As she was reading Max went ahead and gave a quick
| |
| synopsis.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It seems that everything is up and running.
| |
| The work the yard workers are doing is purely cosmetic
| |
| at this point. I anticipate some minor problems that
| |
| will creep up as we first leave dock but I don?t
| |
| foresee anything too major.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes ma?am. I have one more diagnostic running
| |
| on some of the peripheral systems down in engineering
| |
| but those results should come back shortly and well
| |
| within Starfleet?s parameters.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: As you can see we have full impulse and warp
| |
| capabilities. Power level throughout the ship are
| |
| right where they should be. Everything is coming back
| |
| just they way we?d like it to.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Is there anything else ma?am?
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| OOC: I guess what happens next depends on the response
| |
| here so I?m going to leave this alone and jump to the
| |
| group briefing. I will backsim if needed. Feel free
| |
| to kick me out of the office 
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ((Conference Room ? 1100 hours))
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone was sitting around and talking when
| |
| Commander Parker came in. Then entire group jumped to
| |
| their feet.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: As you were.
| |
| | |
| ::She moved to the head of the large conference table
| |
| and took her chair.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Anyone have anything for me before I begin?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: I've just received word, our last remaining
| |
| supplies including medical supplies have arrived. The
| |
| good doctor can arranged for everything she needs to
| |
| be brought to sickbay when she has the time.
| |
| Operations reports maximum efficiency commander.
| |
| | |
| ::She listened before continuing.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Launch preparations are proceeding more
| |
| rapidly then expected ... by all reports. The crew
| |
| and the yard hands have done an outstanding job
| |
| getting us ready.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: The yard chief has given us the green light
| |
| to launch ... today.
| |
| | |
| :: Max?s eyebrows went upwards in shock. All his hard
| |
| work was about to be put to the test.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: After this meeting you will have 1 hour to
| |
| prepare, then we head out for a shakedown. I want to
| |
| use this flight to double check our readiness.
| |
| Commander Beta and Lieutenant Thomas will be running
| |
| readiness drills at random. Expect the unexpected.
| |
| | |
| :: That was one of those phrases that everyone knew
| |
| what it meant while at the same time had absolutely no
| |
| clue what it meant. Max smiled to himself a little.::
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: If there's nothing else ... I suggest you
| |
| return to your stations and prepare for launch.
| |
| Dismissed.
| |
| | |
| ((TIME WARP ? 1 hour later))
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone was one the bridge. Max knew that he
| |
| should probably be down in engineering but he wanted
| |
| to be on the bridge for the maiden launch. Parker
| |
| gave the order, Harley?s fingers danced across his
| |
| console, and the ship slowly began to crawl forward.
| |
| It had begun.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| |
| | 2005-06-06 18:37:00
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| | 46511
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| | 12
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| | 30
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| | 887
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley - Helm - Under way
| |
| | ( Yesterday)
| |
| |
| :: Harley had had nice chat with Zazou, it was cut short when the CO asked Zazou for status reports from her. Harley took that point as a time to leave her to it, he headed to the Security Office but found Solon was not there, he learned from Lt(jg) Birk that he was in a meeting with Cmdr Parker. ::
| |
| |
| :: Harley made his way back to the turbolift, and headed to deck 4, there a was a shuttle craft that he wanted to check out, one he had never seen before and for that matter heard of ... the WaveRider. It was not in the shuttlebay ...Infact to get to it, you climbed down a ladder ... not easy ... but space was limited on the Aurora, he enjoyed the exercise if he was to be truthfull. ::
| |
| |
| :: Looking over the shuttle from end to end, he looked at the Helm layout, as well as Ops, they weren't big consoles, they only had the basics ... but again this was for atmospheric flight and again for science. ::
| |
| |
| (present day - Quarters)
| |
| |
| :: Joshua was up early...they were not yet put on a shift, a meeting was called for 1100hrs, he had got his security codes late last night, he headed to the mess hall and got some breakfast, making idle chit chat with the few crew members who were in there. ::
| |
| (1050hrs - conference room - deck1)
| |
| |
| :: Josh entered the conference room, some Senior Officers were there already ... Josh made his way to his seat and sat down, looking over the PADD, There was No problems with helm whatsoever. ::
| |
| |
| (1100hrs - conference room - deck1)
| |
| |
| :: Commander Paker entered the room, the chat was low, in a whisper like tone. ::
| |
| |
| Beta: ???
| |
| |
| :: Everyone stopped talking, and stood to attention, almost as one. ::
| |
| |
| Parker: As you were.
| |
| :: They sat down, and waited for Parker to talk, for Harley and he guessed the same for the other Ensigns, eagerly waiting for her to begin. ::
| |
| |
| Parker: Anyone have anything for me before I begin?
| |
| Solon: Tactical and Security report everything is ready. The transport for our photon torpedoes arrived on schedule, and transfer is complete. Security has everything we need.
| |
| Thomas: I've just received word, our last remaining supplies including medical supplies have arrived. The good doctor can arranged for everything she needs to be brought to sickbay when she has the time. Operations reports maximum efficiency commander.
| |
| Harley: Helm is a go Captain, Everything's running at 100%
| |
| Parker: Launch preparations are proceeding more rapidly then expected ... by all reports. The crew and the yard hands have done an outstanding job getting us ready.
| |
| :: This was good news to Harley, he understood the need to make sure the ship was ready ...especially a new ship like this, but he wanted to take her out, he wanted to be at the helm, taking this ship to where-ever she had to go. ::
| |
| Parker: The yard chief has given us the green light to launch ... today.
| |
| | |
| :: Harley was pleased, they were finaly going to be leaving the Starbase. ::
| |
| Parker: After this meeting you will have 1 hour to prepare, then we head out for a shakedown. I want to use this flight to double check our readiness.
| |
| Commander Beta and Lieutenant Thomas will be running
| |
| readiness drills at random. Expect the unexpected.
| |
| | |
| Parker: If there's nothing else ... I suggest you return to your stations and prepare for launch.
| |
| Dismissed.
| |
| Parker: If there's nothing else ... I suggest you return to your stations and prepare for launch.
| |
| Dismissed.
| |
| | |
| :: They stood up and left the room, heading there separate ways, Josh headed to the bridge, exiting the bridge door, he walked to his console and began to make last minute preparations, throughout the hour readiness drills were done, they all worked out ... getting better as they were done. ::
| |
| (1 hour later - Bridge)
| |
| :: Josh read the sequence out in his mind. ::
| |
| oORCS Thrusters ... ready, Impulse engines ...Online, Warp ... operational, Navigational sensors ... Operational. oO
| |
| :: The checks were complete, Helm check was complete. ::
| |
| :: The bridge was by now a hub of activity, there was a air of anticipation with a slight tinge of tension ... this was Aurora's first proper cruise, a shakedown. ::
| |
| Thomas: We have been given the all clear. Commander we are clear for launch.
| |
| Parker: Very well Lieutenant. Throw off all moorings ... secure from external support mode.
| |
| | |
| Mister Harley ... take us out, thrusters only.
| |
| | |
| :: Josh heard the Mooring clamps disengage, and the sound the ship made, began a slighty higher tone, as her systems and operations was done under her own power, without seeing them, he knew that the ships lights were coming on, almost simutaniously, It would be a sight to see for anybody watching, part of him wished he could see it from the outside ... but he was even more pleased to be piloting the ship himself, to be on the ship. ::
| |
| Harley: Aye Sir, taking us out Thrusters only.
| |
| :: Parker had obviously asked The stations CO, not to have there tractor beams, 'taxi', the ship out of the doors, Harley was a little nervous about this fact, he knew he was more then capable of doing this operation, although doing it for real was totaly different from the simulations. ::
| |
| oO Is She testing me? Oo
| |
| :: He kept an eye on his little veiw screen, it came up with more information, distance to the doors, distance between the ship and both sides of the doors and other information he needed, he kept looking from the veiwscreen to his console. ::
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helmsman
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-06-06 18:44:00
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| | 46514
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| |
| | Lt Thomas; Aurora; smooth sailing
| |
| | ((Bridge, Deck 1 – USS AURORA))
| |
| |
| ::Aurora was clear of the space dock. She was
| |
| Making it on her own now. What lay ahead
| |
| Of her, would be up to the crew and its CO.
| |
| |
| PARKER: Helm ... make our course 27 mark 116, 1/4
| |
| impulse.
| |
| |
| ::Ensign Harley was at the helm, and doing a fine
| |
| Job, despite his apparent apprehension before
| |
| Departure::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| |
| PARKER: Mister Thomas, what's our status .. still green I hope?
| |
| |
| THOMAS: All systems are operational commander.
| |
| |
| PARKER: Double check all departments. Are we still clear for this test?
| |
| |
| :: Pausing for a few seconds Kael spoke up::
| |
| |
| THOMAS: I’m reading a small pressure spike in the plasma inducer.
| |
| Its within limits. Can you compensate Ensign Power?
| |
| |
| POWERS: Response
| |
| |
| :: Studying the readings, the Ensign Successfully lowered the spike.
| |
| Kael made a note, that would have to be checked out ::
| |
| |
| THOMAS: Very good Ensign. The pressure is returning to standard
| |
| Levels. Commander we are good to go.
| |
| |
| ::Megan turned to her engineer.::
| |
| |
| Mister Powers, I trust we'll have warp when I need it?
| |
| |
| POWERS: response
| |
| |
| PARKER: Helm, when we clear the system change our heading to 16 mark 75, take us to warp 3.
| |
| |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| |
| ::The ship made the jump to Warp 3 with ease. All systems
| |
| Are green. Looking over at the science station Kael noticed
| |
| Dominus there, busy working::
| |
| |
| THOMAS: Science, anything of interest coming up ahead we can
| |
| Test our sensors on?
| |
| |
| DOMINUS: Response
| |
| |
| THOMAS: Commander. It would give us something to test.
| |
| |
| PARKER: Response
| |
| |
| :: Kael never did take much interest in science, well the
| |
| Interest was there he just never had any speciality
| |
| In science specifics. He would endeavour while on aurora
| |
| To change that::
| |
| |
| Lt Kael Thomas
| |
| Chief Operations Officer
| |
| |
| | 2005-06-08 03:25:00
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb188-aurora] Ensign Powers, EO - After the Launch
| |
| | ((Bridge, Deck 1 ? USS AURORA))
| |
| | |
| ::The Aurora slowly slid from her dock and into space.
| |
| Infinite possibilities lay before her and Max felt
| |
| fortunate to be a part of her legacy. As the last of
| |
| the ship cleared the confines of the dock Captain
| |
| Parker gave her first orders.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Helm ... make our course 27 mark 116, ¼
| |
| impulse.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Harley was at the helm, and doing a fine job,
| |
| despite his apparent apprehension before departure::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Thomas, what's our status, still green
| |
| I hope?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: All systems are operational commander.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Double check all departments. Are we still
| |
| clear for this test?
| |
| | |
| :: Pausing for a few seconds Kael spoke up::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: I?m reading a small pressure spike in the
| |
| plasma inducer. It?s within limits. Can you
| |
| compensate Ensign Power?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. Give me one minute.
| |
| | |
| :: Max looked down at his console and found that he
| |
| was picking up the same readings and Lt. Thomas. With
| |
| a few simple changes he was able to get the spike
| |
| under control and bring the power levels back to where
| |
| they were supposed to be. Max made a mental note to
| |
| check on on the plasma inducer when he got the
| |
| chance.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Very good Ensign. The pressure is returning
| |
| to standard levels. Commander, we are good to go.
| |
| | |
| ::Megan turned to her engineer.::
| |
| | |
| Mister Powers, I trust we'll have warp when I need it?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes ma?am. Engineering has full
| |
| capabilities. I wouldn?t push her too hard right now
| |
| just to make sure everything is in line.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Helm, when we clear the system change our
| |
| heading to 16 mark 75, take us to warp 3.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was curious as to where this new
| |
| heading would take them. He took a breath and opened
| |
| his mouth to ask but then thought better of it. He
| |
| didn?t want it to seem like he was questioning Captain
| |
| Parker. Instead, he thought he should get somebody to
| |
| take a look at the plasma inducer.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Powers to Cristo =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Cristo here. What is it sir? =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= We just detected a small spike in the
| |
| power levels for the plasma inducer. Any chance you
| |
| could check that out? =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Sure. I?ll get right on it =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Thanks. =/=/
| |
| | |
| ::The ship made the jump to Warp 3 with ease. All
| |
| systems were green and showed no signs of trouble. Lt
| |
| Thomas tried to get something going on the bridge,
| |
| seemingly hoping to test Aurora and some of her
| |
| capabilities.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Science, anything of interest coming up ahead
| |
| we can test our sensors on?
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Response
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Commander. It would give us something to
| |
| test.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-09 00:45:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46521
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| | 12
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| | 41
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers & Lt Thomas - Checking the Sensors
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Max was enjoying his time on the bridge. Things had
| |
| been running pretty smoothly now for a while. He
| |
| never got to watch the stars dance across a view
| |
| screen growing up so he was trying to take in as much
| |
| as he could. As a good a time as he was having he
| |
| couldn?t wait to get into engineering and get his
| |
| hands dirty.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Commander, there is an Incoming message from
| |
| Starfleet command.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: I'll take it in my ready room.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Ay sir. I'll patch it through
| |
| | |
| ::Megan got up to leave, turning at the last minute.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Solan ... you have the Conn.
| |
| | |
| ::Solan moved over and took his newly appointed seat.
| |
| He seemed comfortable, like he enjoyed sitting in the
| |
| captain?s chair. Max wondered if Solan had any
| |
| aspirations to become a captain someday.::
| |
| | |
| ((Time warp ? 20 minutes later))
| |
| | |
| ::Captain Parker emerged from her ready room.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Helm ... set course for the Caraban system,
| |
| warp 6.
| |
| | |
| ::Max wondered what was going on. A change of plans
| |
| meant something important. Something special. Warp
| |
| 6. That meant the ship was going to be getting
| |
| wherever it was they were headed pretty fast. Max was
| |
| curious by nature and this was killing him. He needed
| |
| something to keep himself busy and his mind off of
| |
| what might be.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Solan, arrange an all officers call in one
| |
| hour in the conference room.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Aye, Commander.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: I'll be in my ready room if needed before
| |
| then.
| |
| | |
| ::Parker turned and left the bridge.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Cmdr Solan I'd like to inspect the internal
| |
| sensors control. I believe its using a substantial
| |
| amount of power, more than I'd like. If Ensign Powers
| |
| has a moment, I could use his assistance.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan turned around.:: It'll have to be
| |
| quick, Lieutenant.
| |
| The briefing won't wait.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Of course. It shouldn't take us long. Two
| |
| heads are better than one.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: What deck Lt?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Its in Jeffries tube junction 64e. Deck 3.
| |
| | |
| ::The two headed towards the turbolift and stepped in.
| |
| Lt Thomas called out their destination.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Deck 3
| |
| | |
| ::The chirped in compliance and the turbolift began
| |
| it?s decent. There was a moment of silence before Lt
| |
| Thomas broke it.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: We haven't had a chance to meet yet have we
| |
| ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No sir, we really haven?t had a chance to meet
| |
| yet.
| |
| | |
| ::Max stuck out his hand and the two shook. It only
| |
| lasted a second and then the turbolift stopped and the
| |
| doors opened. Max gestured for Lt Thomas to go first.
| |
| Lt Thomas stepped through the doors but Max was close
| |
| on his heels. He wanted to learn everything he could
| |
| from his superior but he also wanted to impress him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: The junction you?re talking about should be
| |
| just up ahead sir.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: You did well at the academy ensign. You
| |
| highly impressed your lecturers. I'm sure you'll be
| |
| doing the same onboard.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir. I just hope to impress Captain
| |
| Parker.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: ::Laughing:: She runs a tight ship, but she's
| |
| more understanding than you might realize.
| |
| | |
| ::As they approached the access panel Max knelt down.
| |
| With a little effort Max was able to remove the access
| |
| panel to the Jeffries tube. Again, Max motioned for
| |
| Lt Thomas to go first. The two dropped to their hands
| |
| and knees and crawled through the small access space
| |
| in the wall and into the Jeffries tube.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Nothing seems to be damaged as far as I can
| |
| see sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Thomas nodded. There definitely didn?t seem to
| |
| be anything wrong as far as the eye could tell. Ensign
| |
| Powers pulled out his tricorder and did a quick scan.
| |
| He handed his tricorder over the Lt Thomas.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: What do you make of these readings sir?
| |
| | |
| ::Thomas took the tricorder and looked at it for a
| |
| second before responding.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: The plasma resister here is misconfigured.
| |
| Its letting too much power through.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Thomas handed the tricorder back to Ensign Powers
| |
| who put it back in its holder.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Exactly what I was thinking. Let?s check with
| |
| engineering too, just to make sure. =/= Ensign
| |
| Powers to Cristo =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Cristo here. What do you need sir? =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Can you take a quick look at the plasma
| |
| grid? We noticed that the internal sensors were
| |
| taking a little more power than they should be. =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/=Yeah. It does seem a little high. Well
| |
| within Starfleet?s range though sir.=/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= I know. We just want to get everything
| |
| perfect. =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Do you want me to do anything from down
| |
| here sir? =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= No, that?s ok. I?m looking at the EPS
| |
| conduit in Jeffries tube junction 64e right now with
| |
| Lt Thomas. We?ll get it from here. Thanks. =/=
| |
| ::turning back to Lt Thomas:: Can you open that
| |
| storage cabinet there and hand me the kit inside?
| |
| | |
| ::Max pointed to a small cubby hole sized portion on
| |
| the wall inside the Jeffries tube. Lt. Thomas handed
| |
| over. Ensign Powers opened it up and took out the
| |
| needed tools. He handed one to Lt Thomas.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I think that if we both work on this it
| |
| shouldn?t take too long. If you get it from this side
| |
| here ::Max pointed:: and I?ll get from this other
| |
| side. It should only need a minor adjustment.
| |
| | |
| ::The two got to work and the conversation continued::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Got any Family back home Powers?
| |
| | |
| ::Kael took this opportunity to get to know Mr. Powers
| |
| a little better. He hoped they could work hands on
| |
| like this together on more than one occasion::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yeah. My mom and my dad are still around but
| |
| I don?t get to see them or talk to them much anymore.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Yeah. Such is the life of a Starfleet
| |
| officer. Mine are mostly on active service. I see
| |
| them even less regularly.
| |
| | |
| ::The two completed their configuration changes with
| |
| relative ease::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: There, that should do it. Let?s give it a
| |
| try.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers again made a pass over the EPS conduit
| |
| with his tricorder and this time everything came back
| |
| ok.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Looks good. Let?s test down in engineering
| |
| too. =/= Powers to Cristo =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Yes sir? =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= We think we?ve fixed it but I want to
| |
| make sure. Can you send a quick surge to the EPS
| |
| conduit at junction 64e? =/=
| |
| | |
| CRISTO: =/= Sure thing =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Max had his tricorder ready. The surge came and the
| |
| EPS conduit handled it perfectly. Not a single thing
| |
| needed to be changed.::
| |
| | |
| ::Kael was quite impressed with Ensign powers
| |
| progress. He would fit in well, and be a vital officer
| |
| onboard::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Good job Lt. I didn?t know you had a penchant
| |
| for engineering.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: It was my first duty posting. I specialized
| |
| in it at the academy. I always like to get my hands
| |
| dirty with everyone else.
| |
| | |
| ::Kael reminisced about the days of the academy. He
| |
| had a lot of fun, he did enjoy being taught::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I guess you learn something every day, sir.
| |
| Maybe I?ll bounce some ideas off you some time.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Now Ensign. Lets get back to our briefing,
| |
| before we are late.
| |
| | |
| ::The two headed back out of the Jeffries tubes.
| |
| Always a tight squeeze, Kael thanked his diligence in
| |
| his usual gym routine for keeping him in shape. The
| |
| two headed to the turbolift and to the briefing::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ----------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| Lt Kael Thomas
| |
| Chief Operations Officer
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-11 06:53:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - Breifing Pt1
| |
| | (Bridge)
| |
| |
| :: Harley had sucessfully taken the ship out of port, without making a dent, his nervousness ... His Apprehension was disappearing, A few minutes at Warp and his apprehension flying wise would be gone, He was like this when he first flew a cargo ship and he had to admit to himself that flying the Aurora or any Starfleet vessel was easier then a cargo ship, the newiest systems in automated flight, top notch sensors, as Cmdr Parker had said, the ship pretty much flew herself. ::
| |
| |
| :: Harley was ordered to take the ship to warp 3, he was guessing that it was going to be a quick run around the block. ::
| |
| |
| Solan: Ensign Harley, are you seeing a small discrepancy in our Structural Integrity Field output, and our current warp velocity?
| |
| :: Josh tapped a few keys, he saw what Solan saw. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: I'm picking it up, it's just above Starfleet regulations, any suggestions?
| |
| |
| Solan: I see. I think we can compensate with a simple realignment.
| |
| |
| Harley: Yes, If we realine the the SIF, it should drop back to normal.
| |
| |
| Solan: Beginning now . . .
| |
| |
| :: While Solan was doing the realignment, Josh watched his own readings, they slowly dropped to the regulation number. ::
| |
| |
| Solan: Ensign, please confirm discrepancy solved.
| |
| |
| Harley: The SIF and warp velocity are normal. Could you keep an eye on it Sir?
| |
| |
| Solan: ???
| |
| |
| (Sometime later)
| |
| |
| Parker: Helm ... set course for the Caraban system, warp 6.
| |
| |
| :: Josh set the course and speed, he didn't know the Caraban System, he hadn't even heard of it. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: Course and speed laid in Sir.
| |
| |
| :: Solan made the annoucement, Josh nodded and returned to work. ::
| |
| |
| (1Hour later - conferance room)
| |
| |
| :: Parker entered the room, they all stood, she told them to sit down again, and Parker began to tell them what there mission was. ::
| |
| |
| Parker: Well, it appears we have our first
| |
| assignment.
| |
| | |
| As you may already be aware we'll be entering the
| |
| Caraban system in just over 6 hours.
| |
| | |
| Caraban II is an "M" class planet, second of 4
| |
| orbiting the Caraban star. The native inhabitants
| |
| appear for the most part Terran, with only the
| |
| addition of cranial ridges making them distinct.
| |
| Technologically speaking they are approximately equal
| |
| to 20th century Earth. And that's our destination.
| |
| | |
| 3 days ago, 2 members of the Federation Observation
| |
| team went missing. We have no details on which
| |
| members are missing or the circumstances that led up
| |
| to their loss. The loss was only reported this
| |
| morning. Shortly after a heated report of the
| |
| disappearance, contact with the team was lost.
| |
| | |
| 3 days ago, 2 members of the Federation Observation
| |
| team went missing. We have no details on which
| |
| members are missing or the circumstances that led up
| |
| to their loss. The loss was only reported this
| |
| morning. Shortly after a heated report of the
| |
| disappearance, contact with the team was lost.
| |
| | |
| :: Josh had questions ... he was buzzing with them ... although not all were prudent to his job, he was just curious. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: Do we know why it took so long for them to report the disappearance?
| |
| | |
| Parker: ???
| |
| |
| Harley: You said that tech speaking, they were 20th century earth, by the late 20th century we had crude space travel, we had satilites in orbit, and an internatinal space station, and had landed on the moon.
| |
| |
| Are the :It occured to Josh that Parker hadn't given them a name, so he improvised: Caraban's At that stage?
| |
| |
| Parker: ???
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helmsman
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-12 11:12:00
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| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers, EO - A little Q & A
| |
| | ((Deck Three))
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers and Lieutenant Thomas were making
| |
| their way back to deck one for the officer briefing.
| |
| Personally, Max could not wait to get things started.
| |
| He knew his was probably in a little over is head, and
| |
| that maybe, just maybe, he had bitten off a little
| |
| more than he could chew with this ?gung ho? attitude
| |
| he was adopting.::
| |
| | |
| oO I?m normally not like this. It must be the
| |
| adrenaline. Oo
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thanks again for letting me help you sir. It
| |
| feels god to get your hands dirty, you know?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| ::The two stepped into the turbolift and Lt Thomas
| |
| gave the desired deck number::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| ::The turbolift took them to deck one in a matter of
| |
| seconds. It was only a few steps from the turbolift
| |
| doors to the doors of the conference room were the
| |
| briefing was going to be held. Both Lt Thomas and
| |
| Ensign Powers took their seats and waited with
| |
| everyone else for Captain Parker to arrive. While
| |
| they waited Ensign Powers was trying to think of
| |
| anything he knew about the Caraban system. Nothing
| |
| was coming to mind. The name didn?t even sound
| |
| familiar to him. He was just going to have to wait
| |
| with everyone to find out more about the system they
| |
| were headed to.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Deck 1 ? Conference Room))
| |
| | |
| ::After just a few minutes she walked through the
| |
| doors. Everyone rose from their seats out of respect
| |
| for their commanding officer.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Parker encouraged everyone to sit back down so she
| |
| could begin the briefing.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Well, it appears we have our first
| |
| assignment.
| |
| | |
| ::She went on the give the rundown of the situation
| |
| and what the Aurora?s orders were. The room was
| |
| silent as the Aurora?s CO spoke. Everyone was
| |
| completely focused on Captain Parker and what she had
| |
| to say. After she was done Ensign Powers had a few
| |
| questions. He was sure everyone else did as well.
| |
| Ensign Harley spoke first::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Do we know why it took so long for them to
| |
| report the disappearance?
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: You said that tech speaking, they were 20th
| |
| century earth, by the late 20th century we had crude
| |
| space travel, we had satellites in orbit, and an
| |
| international space station, and had landed on the
| |
| moon.
| |
| | |
| Are the ::It occurred to Josh that Parker hadn't given
| |
| them a name, so he improvised:: Caraban's At that
| |
| stage?
| |
| | |
| ::Max was curious about this as well. Early 20th
| |
| century Earth was completely different from the latter
| |
| part of the century in terms of technological
| |
| advancements.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ::As Captain Parker was answering Ensign Harley?s
| |
| questions Max had his ears listening to the answer but
| |
| his eyes were scanning the information on the PADD in
| |
| front of him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ma?am, do we know anything about the members
| |
| of the observation team? Was one of them mad or upset
| |
| with the federation? Did they fight amongst
| |
| themselves? Anything like that to give one of them a
| |
| motive to make this an inside job?
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ::Something about the mission details was troubling
| |
| Max. He couldn?t shake it. He decided to ask one of
| |
| his other questions.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Do we know who reported the disappearance? It
| |
| seems odd to me that we know two of the five are
| |
| missing but not which two. How it that possible?
| |
| Where are the members of the team who didn?t
| |
| disappear?
| |
| | |
| ::Max waited for the answer.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers still had more questions, his mind was
| |
| full of them, but he decided to let other have a
| |
| chance. Maybe they had picked up on something that he
| |
| hadn?t or had a different take on things that would
| |
| help with the investigation.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-12 19:26:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers, EO - Getting ready
| |
| | ((Conference Room, Deck One ? USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::Captain Parker was answering all the last minutes
| |
| questions and putting the final touches on the
| |
| briefing::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Very good. (standing) If there's nothing
| |
| else. Team leaders get your teams prepared.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers got a rush of adrenaline. His first
| |
| real mission with Starfleet was about to begin. Not
| |
| only was this going to be his first mission but he was
| |
| going to be part of the away team responsible for
| |
| setting up communications with Starfleet. Then young
| |
| ensign knew that this was an important piece to the
| |
| mission. Not only that, but he also realized that
| |
| there was some potential for danger on the mission.
| |
| Something happened to the observation team that caused
| |
| their communications to suddenly stop. The easiest
| |
| solution to this was a problem with the technology
| |
| that they were unable to fix. Another answer for
| |
| their disappearance was that they were attacked or
| |
| somehow forced to leave their post. Max wondered
| |
| about the latter and what could have caused it. He
| |
| heard his name.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Ensign Powers and Lt. Thomas meet me in
| |
| Engineering in 3 ½ hours to prepare for the mission.
| |
| Ensign we may also need a mass data storage device if
| |
| we are unable to reconnect the uplink with Starfleet.
| |
| Have one prepared.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ok. I?ll make sure to bring something.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good, we will reconvene later.
| |
| | |
| ((3 ½ Hours TIME WARP ? Engineering))
| |
| | |
| ::After the briefing Max headed back to engineering.
| |
| He wanted to get the data storage unit that Lt Cmdr
| |
| Beta had asked for. He also was assembling a few
| |
| things that might help them re-establish
| |
| communications with Starfleet. Some tools, some spare
| |
| parts, anything he could think of to repair damaged
| |
| communications equipment. The tough part was trying
| |
| to limit the amount of stuff to actually pack and
| |
| bring along. He wanted to be flexible but he also had
| |
| to account for portability.::
| |
| | |
| ::Max finally felt satisfied with his selections and
| |
| looked up from the table he was at, trying to see if
| |
| Lt Cmdr Beta or LT Thomas had arrived. Both were
| |
| standing near the entrance of engineering. Max
| |
| grabbed what he was going to bring along and headed
| |
| over towards them.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good to see you all have arrived.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers answered hoping to elicit a smile from
| |
| either Lt. Cmdr Beta or Lt Thomas::
| |
| | |
| POWER: I practically live down here now sir.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response?
| |
| | |
| ::He Stepped to the side.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: This is Lt. Birk; he will be our security on
| |
| this mission.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Nice to meet you.
| |
| | |
| ::Max extended his hand.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ensign Powers. Let me know if there?s
| |
| anything I can do for you.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response?
| |
| | |
| BETA: I do not expect any problems but it is Starfleet
| |
| regulations to have one with in an away team. What
| |
| problems do you for see?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well, I?ve been thinking about it a lot. I
| |
| see two outcomes. First, a simple communications
| |
| malfunction that the observation team has been unable
| |
| to fix. I have a basic kit packed with some tools and
| |
| spare parts that might be of assistance. The second
| |
| is that they were forced to leave for some reason.
| |
| Whatever forced them to leave could still be there.
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned to Ensign Birk.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You?re the security officer. Do you think we
| |
| have anything to worry about? I?d love to get your
| |
| opinion.
| |
| | |
| BIRK: reponse?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-16 00:09:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - Here we go
| |
| | (Briefing room)
| |
| |
| :: The briefing was winding down, Ideas had been thrown around, they knew more now, and Harley was more confident, although there were still some unanswerd question. ::
| |
| |
| Parker: Commander Solan will take Lieutenant Dominus and Ensigns Harley and Shiozaki and begin a search for the missing team. Solan, you won't have any problem appearing like any other Caraban, and medical with make what cosmetic changes the rest of the team will
| |
| need.
| |
| :: The meeting continued, then came to an end, Josh turned to Solan as he spoke. Josh had no questions yet, the mission although difficult wasn't hard to understand, find the missing team and stay undetected. ::
| |
| |
| :: They headed to sickbay, Dominus went through the changes first, being a Vulcan the procedure took longer then it would take for a Terren. Harley went next, his facial texture looked different, a more tanned colour but the most shocking difference was the cranal ridges, he felt them and his hand reflexed away instantly sending a slight chill down his spin... he would have to get used to looking different. ::
| |
| |
| :: Once they were done, they headed there seperate ways, Harley headed to the bridge, he want to sort things out with the crewman at helm, a terren called Sally Hargreaves. Her record spoke for itself, a fine Helmsman who if wanted could become an Officer, Josh hoped she would stay a little longer though ... he needed that experianced person behind him. ::
| |
| |
| (Bridge - deck1)
| |
| |
| :: Harley walked over to the helm, where Hargreaves was working, She didn't look up, and didn't stop working. ::
| |
| |
| Hargreaves: We're in orbit of the moon, keeping on the darkside, a probe will be launched in 5 minutes.
| |
| |
| Harley: Guess that means the missions going ahead.
| |
| |
| Hargreaves: Nervous Sir?
| |
| |
| Harley: Very, Don't surpose you'd like swap places?
| |
| |
| Hargreaves: I'm happy where I am,
| |
| |
| :: She grinned. ::
| |
| |
| Hargreaves: Besides, If we get in trouble ... I'm the one who'll get us out.
| |
| |
| :: Josh chuckled, and looked at her. ::
| |
| |
| Harley: Not if I can help it.
| |
| |
| :: Harley turned and left, he felt his new ridges and went to his quarters, Dominus had already put the clothes on file, he replicated a garment and headed to the transporter room. ::
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helm Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-06-18 11:34:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers, EO - Who could it be?
| |
| | OOC: I just want to apologize for not simming in a few
| |
| days. Saturday was a big birthday party for my
| |
| sister?s fiancé, Father?s Day was a little crazier
| |
| than I expected, and earlier tonight I was at a
| |
| funeral. Pretty full weekend. Hope this is ok!
| |
| | |
| ((Duck Blind - Planets Surface - Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| ::The team materialised on the surface, behind the
| |
| duck blind. The blind was still operational, however
| |
| it was clear the blind itself was failing. Lt Cmdr
| |
| Beta wasted little time getting started.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Report, Any life signs?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: None sir
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Negative, sir. I'm not getting anything.
| |
| | |
| BETA: There are 2 levels the only exit is on the
| |
| ground floor my team and I will search level 2 while
| |
| you search here. If you fail to find anything of
| |
| significant interest leave the blind and continue on
| |
| with you mission to find the missing officers .
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Aye, Commander.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good, we shall move out.
| |
| | |
| ::The team moved under the relative veil of darkness.
| |
| Some sever damage had occurred here. The cause of the
| |
| officers dissappaerace, the team did not know, but it
| |
| was apparent, someone had been here::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Any life signs yet?
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers looked down at his tricorder.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Nothing sir. I?m only reading our away team
| |
| and Lt Commander Solan?s away team.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Interesting there still maybe something deeper
| |
| inside the complex.
| |
| | |
| ::The team moved on, slowly, their wrist lights,
| |
| providing the only source of light::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, should there not be a ladder in the
| |
| vicinity?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: According to the map that?s coming up on my
| |
| tricorder yes. It looks like it should be just up
| |
| ahead a little ways.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Lead on then.
| |
| | |
| ::Max took the lead and carefully moved forward. The
| |
| blind was in pretty bad shape and Ensign Powers didn?t
| |
| know what to expect. The rookie officer was afraid of
| |
| tripping over some fallen debris or running into a
| |
| wall while checking his tricorder. It almost
| |
| happened. Max let out a yell.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Whoah!!!!
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers had found the ladder and had almost
| |
| walked into it. It appeared to be in very bad
| |
| shape.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: I will go first then if it's safe each come
| |
| after me. One at a time understood?
| |
| | |
| ::Commander Beta, being the heaviest of the team
| |
| decided to go first. Obviously, if it held his weight
| |
| it should no doubt hold the other team members.
| |
| Scanning the ladder with his tri-corder, it was well
| |
| below its normal integrity, but it would hold them::
| |
| | |
| BETA: It is fine to climb up. Ensign Powers first,
| |
| then Lt. Thomas and Finally Lt. Birk.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. Be careful.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Cmdr Beta moved ever so slowly up the ladder and
| |
| Ensign Powers followed. With every rung he ascended
| |
| Max was nervous. The ladder didn?t feel very steady
| |
| and he wasn?t sure if the thing could continue to hold
| |
| the weight of the away team. After a few minutes all
| |
| three members had made it to the upper floor.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, since there is no one here, your
| |
| first priority is to begin to download all the data in
| |
| the banks.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. I?ll get on that right away.
| |
| | |
| ::Beta went on the give orders to both Thomas and
| |
| Birk. Powers knelt down to the first console he
| |
| found. He took out to storage unit that he brought
| |
| with him and connected it to the console. He pressed
| |
| a few keys and got the data transfer underway. Lt
| |
| Cmdr Beta was trying to establish contact with the
| |
| Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good =/= Beta to Aurora =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= (Garbled response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mister Thomas can you clear that up?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Compensating
| |
| | |
| ::The communications array was out of alignment. Kael
| |
| configuring the frequency to match the probein orbit
| |
| around the moon, re-estabilish communications::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Try that commander
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to aurora =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= (response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= We are currently on second level of the
| |
| blind, there seems to be no sign of life so far. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= (response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Command Solan, is searching the lower level
| |
| and should report in soon. But I would not hold out
| |
| much hope, sir since the blind is a bit worse for
| |
| wear. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= (response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Aye sir, Beta out. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Commander, I can restore the uplink with
| |
| Aurora for the moment. I'll need....about 20 minutes
| |
| however to do so. I'm not sure we have the power
| |
| here, to restore uplink with Starfleet via subspace
| |
| relays.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: If we can upload our database here, into
| |
| Aurora, than we can simply had in all information once
| |
| were back in starbase.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Yes Commander
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Thomas got to work right away. Max was impressed
| |
| as he watched the other officer work. He seemed to
| |
| know so much about the system. He didn?t look
| |
| stressed or worried. Calm and collected were the
| |
| words that came to Ensign Powers? mind.::
| |
| | |
| ((Timewarp, 19mins))
| |
| | |
| ::Suddenly Lt Thomas spoke.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Commander, the uplink is restored and
| |
| functioning perfectly. The captain will need to
| |
| access the more classified information
| |
| | |
| oO Uplink restored? Wow he?s good. Oo
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Yes commander. Sir, if this duck blind fails
| |
| Starfleet?s presence here my be exposed. As of yet we
| |
| are unsure if it has been. I'd like permission to
| |
| stay and attempt
| |
| to restore its stability.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned to Lt Cmdr Beta.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sir, should I continue to transfer the
| |
| information from the data banks or should we allow the
| |
| Aurora to take what she needs?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::The was a little blip coming from Ensign Powers?
| |
| tricorder. He picked it up to see what it was. He
| |
| just stared. He gave it a little tap and refreshed
| |
| the incoming data just to be sure the information he
| |
| was getting was not only accurate but correct.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sir, I?ve got something.
| |
| | |
| ::Beta came over to see what it was. There was an
| |
| unknown lifesign heading their way.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
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| | 2005-06-21 06:13:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ens Harley - Helm - Team Solan - Outside the blind
| |
| | ((OOC - sorry for not simming latley, I have no excuse))
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| |
| (Transporter room - Aurora)
| |
| |
| |
| :: The team gathered in the transporter room. Solan glanced them over. They all had on Caraban garb, and all had been surgically altered to fit into the local populace, they were ready. Josh was Nervous, his first away mission, and he hadn't been on the ship for more then 5 minutes, not even proven his worth to the experianced crew, now was his chance to prove himself, although nervouse he didn't show it except maybe the way he moved from one leg to the other every 2 minutes, and the fact he couldn't still. but other then that he was fine, he never had been able to keep still, Josh had to do something...even if it was just fiddling around with some discarded equipment or object. ::
| |
| |
| Solan: Team, our mission is to find the missing blind personnel. We have minimal intel on where they are, so we'll just have to search the surrounding territory. After we get out of the blind, we'll head for a nearby town, its possible the missing personnel went there. It's a
| |
| small town, no more than 200 people. Obviously, we'll have to keep our use of technology minimum, keep your tricorders concealed at all times, and DON'T use your phasers unless absolutely necessary.
| |
| | |
| Once in the town, we'll try to find out something, anything, about
| |
| the missing personnel. Any questions?
| |
| | |
| Dominus: No questions sir, team is ready to move out on your orders.
| |
| |
| :: This was true, Josh had gone over the observation teams reports, and files to Starfleet, and was fairly confident about there language, he had memoriorzed their grammer, and although the spelling side of things would let him down, the grammer, how they sounded and pronouced he could do, he just hoped that if the time arose that they had to talk he wouldn't falter or clam up. ::
| |
| |
| :: They stepped onto the transport pad and were whisked away to the blind. ::
| |
| |
| (Observation Post - 1st floor)
| |
| |
| :: The blue light dissovled around Harley, the whine dissappeared, they were in the blind, Josh flipped the tricorder open and made a scan, along with everyone else. There were no life signs, Solan and Beta talked, orders were given. with no-one inside Solan's team moved outside. ::
| |
| |
| Dominus: Aye sir, suggest individual tricorders should be set on a wide band frequency scanning for one member of the team bio-signal, if the planet is as Starfleet records indicate they should be the only ones with com-badges or alien signatures to that of the planets
| |
| inhabitants.
| |
| Harley: Lt, Sir, your Logic is flawed, there's 5 observation team members and only 4 of us, to scan for induvidual members would mean missing one of them, however seeing as two members are Terran I'll scan for both, Williams the Engineer and Pollock the Commanding Officer.
| |
| |
| Responses (If any)
| |
| |
| Harley: There is another problem, with us all searching for certain life signs, we won't know if an inhabitant is getting too close or not.
| |
| |
| Anyone: ???
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-22 23:55:00
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| |-
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| | 46555
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| | 12
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| | 75
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| | 887
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| | [sb118-aurora] Pfet and M'rund - NPC - Seriy
| |
| | (( OOC- I did check with Parker to see if I could do this, I have his permission, any problems tell me, and I'll correct it when I get back on Monday/Tuesday.))
| |
| |
| | |
| (Caraban Town - Seriy)
| |
| |
| :: Pfet looked at his paper filled desk, for the last 6 hours he had read the reports, he first heard of the sighting's 5 days ago, The goverment put it down to farmers with too much time on their hands, and wanted to liven their lives up, but when a report came in from an on duty town guard, the goverment listened, and Pfet was sent to Seriy with the task of finding out what was really going on, it was a hard task, most of the public didn't know about the sighting's, and those that did thought it was a practical joke, Pfet wasn't laughing, he couldn't believe that aliens would come to Caraban and not say hello, He did believe that there was life out in the stars, but he didn't believe that anyone would come to this planet ... a planet that was only just getting back on it's economy feet after the 60 year war which ended just 40 years ago. ::
| |
| |
| :: Pfet looked out the window, he had been here 3 days, and their was no other sightings, still he had to investigate, the majority of the sightings came from the Seriy Hills just 200km west of Seriy, it was a hot day, the hottest day so far this year ... and there was still 7 months left. ::
| |
| |
| Pfet: A heatwave ... thank god.
| |
| |
| :: M'rund looked up from her table, tiredness showed in her eyes, she could quiet easily go to sleep. ::
| |
| |
| M'rund: What did you say?
| |
| |
| Pfet: I was just saying how nice it is to have a heatwave.
| |
| |
| M'rund: (Grumbling) It's too hot if you ask me, I can't sleep, even with the bay windows open. and the Cold air conditioner.
| |
| |
| :: Pfet chuckled lightly, and walked over to his colleague and friend. M'rund was from the geffid province, where winter was below freezing and summer was like Seriy Autum, He understood her frustrations, even if he didn't understand them. ::
| |
| |
| Pfet: So I suppose your going to stay here, while I check out the hills?
| |
| |
| M'rund: There's no aliens here! Mountains with big gaps in them, then dissappearing and being replaced by the face, A blue alien with 2 anteni. :: M'rund huffed :: It's just a town looking for some glory.
| |
| |
| Pfet: You may be right, you may be wrong... At least we get an all expenses payed Holiday, so what if we have to do a little bit of work?
| |
| |
| :: M'rund just roleld her eyes and went back to work, she would be doing the interveiws again, stuck in a very hot, box with no windows, just a solitary light for illumination. ::
| |
| |
| :: Pfet walked out the balcony and looked over the town, a rough terrain car parked outside, the driver got out, Pfet could see 3 soilders in the back. He turned and walked back in, the heat whacking his face like a hot poker. ::
| |
| |
| Pfet: They called for a military escort!
| |
| |
| M'rund: Rather you then me, they shoot anything that moves.
| |
| |
| :: Pfet walked out the room, leaving M'rund grumbling about Aliens ... and the heat. ::
| |
| |
| (Seriy town goverment building - outside)
| |
| |
| :: Pfet looked at the Man standing before him, he had a gleam in his eye, almost murdeous, as if he believed that the Aliens were real, and was ready to kill them, both of them. ::
| |
| |
| Pfet: I'm Goverment Paranormal investigator, Pfet.
| |
| |
| Major Hyder: I'm Major Hyder, Your escort, where are we starting from?
| |
| |
| Pfet: The First sighting, down the second Valley with water, on the east side of Seriy Hills.
| |
| |
| Hyder: It'll take about 2 hours to get their, and we'll have to walk for another hour, no vehicle could get to that point.
| |
| |
| Pfet: Come on, I don't have time to waste.
| |
| |
| :: Pfet, put his shades and hat on, went into the cab, made himself comfortable and promtly fell asleep. ::
| |
| |
| |
| Pfet (NPC)
| |
| |
| |
| M'rund (NPC)
| |
| Pfet's Assistant
| |
| |
| Simmed by
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-23 13:13:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Powers, EO - Heading Our Way
| |
| | ((Duck Blind - Planets Surface - Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| :: Lt Cmdr Beta?s team had been going over the blind
| |
| for a while now, trying to find something that might
| |
| help them find the missing Starfleet observation team.
| |
| Any clue would be a big help at this point but the
| |
| team was coming up blank. A tiny blip came up on
| |
| Ensign Powers? tricorder.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sir, I've got something.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers can you be more specific?
| |
| | |
| POWER: No, sir. I?m sorry. It?s at the outer range
| |
| of the tricorder and the signal is too faint to
| |
| identify.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Thomas, can you use the blind sensor?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Negative. Sensors are offline
| |
| | |
| BETA: Okay, Lt. Thomas, Ensign Powers get them back
| |
| online.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Ay sir
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers turned to Lt Thomas::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Let?s see what we can do.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Until the data stream has been fully uploaded we
| |
| have to wait to contact the aurora. Mr. Birk, watch
| |
| the ladder I do not wish anything to take us by
| |
| surprise.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Ensign, I want you to open the converter panel
| |
| over there. I want you to tell me when it fluctuates
| |
| into the red.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| ::From the looks of things it was pretty bad. It
| |
| seemed like a good chunk of the systems inside the
| |
| blind had been damaged or destroyed. It was going to
| |
| take a little bit of work to get this done. Max
| |
| opened the panel as he was ordered and kept an eye on
| |
| it. Lt Thomas got to work and wasted little time.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Have you finished?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Yes Sir. Brining Sensors online now.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good then way I inquire as to what it is?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Powers, check the science station.
| |
| | |
| ::The young ensign moved towards at the science
| |
| station, and was working to bring up the results:
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It doesn?t appear to be humanoid sir. Some
| |
| type of animal. I?m not sure what kind. I?ve never
| |
| seen it before.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, we cannot give you anymore than that.
| |
| Not without more extensive repairs. How far away is
| |
| it Ensign?
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers checked the readings so he could
| |
| answer the question. What he found surprised him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It?s right on top of us sir! Just outside the
| |
| blind!
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone was on edge. Max took a step away from the
| |
| door and took a defensive pose just incase there was
| |
| going to be some kind of fight. A large, four-legged
| |
| creature strolled into the room. It very closely
| |
| resembled a dog from Earth, however it had no tail,
| |
| and was hairless. Kael didn?t' find the creature must
| |
| to his taste at all. Regardless it didn't look
| |
| dangerous, and was it seemed like most animals,
| |
| hungry::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Response
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Harmless enough. It appears it is the life
| |
| sign we were picking up commander.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Response
| |
| | |
| ::The team continued to work on stabilizing the blind
| |
| it took sometime but eventually Kael was happy it was
| |
| stable, when Kael picked up something on sensors. It
| |
| was outside the blind this time.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, I think you may want to take a look at
| |
| this
| |
| | |
| ::Kael brought up a visual image of his sensor
| |
| readings. It appeared that a large group of people
| |
| were heading towards the blind. Ensign Powers wasn?t
| |
| sure what to make of it. Coincidence? He thought
| |
| not. Not with the current situation anyway. The
| |
| group was still a little ways off but it still didn?t
| |
| leave the away team much time to leave and find a
| |
| secure place to hide.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, how should we proceed?
| |
| | |
| BETA: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| OOC: I will add more as soon as I know how the away
| |
| team is going to proceed. I don?t want to overstep my
| |
| bounds and inadvertently make a decision about our
| |
| next step
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-27 22:56:00
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| | 46570
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Close Call
| |
| | ((Duck Blind - Planets Surface - Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| :: After the dog like creature left the room it was
| |
| pretty quiet in the blind. The next few minutes
| |
| passed uneventfully, until Lt. Thomas called something
| |
| to Lt.Cmdr Beta?s attention.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, I think you may want to take a look at
| |
| this
| |
| | |
| ::Kael brought up a visual image of his sensor
| |
| readings. It appeared that a large group of people
| |
| were heading towards the blind..::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, how should we proceed?
| |
| | |
| BETA: We can not allow them to find the blind it would
| |
| break the prime directive if found. How long until
| |
| they arrive?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: We do not have that long. Mr. Thomas does this
| |
| base have a basic outside holographic projector?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good. ::Beta point to the map to show an area
| |
| they would reach in the next 9 or 10 minutes.:: Could
| |
| you create a fake holo-image of rock face there?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Where is the broken generator?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Okay, please transfer the location to Mr.
| |
| Powers? tricorder we shall repair it.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: ::After his tricorder beeped:: OK I have the
| |
| location of the generator sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers and Lt Cmdr Beta moved quickly through
| |
| the blind as they made their way towards the
| |
| generator. The blind had two holographic systems.
| |
| There was one internal system and another for the
| |
| external. Each of the holographic systems had their
| |
| own generator nearby which meant that Ensign Powers
| |
| and Lt Cmdr Beta were heading outside. This normally
| |
| wouldn?t be a problem except for the fact that Lt Cmdr
| |
| Beta?s team did not have the alterations made their
| |
| enable them to blend in with the native inhabitants of
| |
| the Caraban system. Just as the two reached the door
| |
| to the outside they noticed a coat rack with two
| |
| cloaks hanging from it.::
| |
| | |
| oO The observation team must have used these whenever
| |
| they left the blind Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Beta handed Powers one of the two cloaks and Max put
| |
| it on with little hesitation.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Does it fit you well ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well enough I suppose.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good now remember we are to avoid all contact
| |
| with these people if are found avoid looking them in
| |
| the face.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes, sir.
| |
| | |
| ::They moved out running down the hill quickly. On the
| |
| way Beta hit his combadge and made contact with Lt
| |
| Thomas back in the blind.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to Thomas how long do we have? =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= (response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Contact Commander Parker an advise if they
| |
| get to close to the blind. Beta out =/=
| |
| | |
| ::As they drew with in 5 or 6 meters of the generator
| |
| they violently slowed down. Mr. Powers was the teams
| |
| only hope. If this failed it would result breaking
| |
| the prime directive. The dry hard dust and rocks were
| |
| hard on the feat every second they where getting
| |
| closer and
| |
| closer they halted as they reached it.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, you have 3 minutes 45 seconds to
| |
| repair it.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t know if that?s enough time sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Do not worry I consider you, one of the finest
| |
| Engineering officer I have met. Now what do you need,
| |
| for the moment ensign, give me the orders.
| |
| | |
| ::Hearing those words gave Ensign Powers a new sense
| |
| of self confidence. He began to feel like he could do
| |
| it.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ok then. Um . . . best bet is probably to
| |
| keep an eye on the group heading our way. Keep me
| |
| updated on their location and how much time I have
| |
| left.
| |
| | |
| ::Max got down to business. The generator didn?t seem
| |
| to be in bad shape. That was a bad sign. It wasn?t
| |
| going to be easy to figure out what was wrong. Max
| |
| tried to turn the thing on just to get some initial
| |
| readings and noticed that the power level was low.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Powers to Thomas =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Are you reading low power levels for the outer
| |
| generator on your end? I can?t seem to get enough
| |
| power out here.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= reponse =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Thanks =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Almost immediately the generator came to life. More
| |
| power was all it needed. Max moved on to the
| |
| projector. Max flipped a switch and it came to life.
| |
| There was a image being projected in front of the
| |
| blind but it was fuzzy and it kept jumping.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: This doesn?t look good sir. There seems to be
| |
| enough power but somehow the actual projection in out
| |
| of alignment. The mirrors it uses to project the
| |
| image are highly sensitive and require specialized
| |
| equipment to align.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Understood sir. I?ll do what I can.
| |
| | |
| ::Max took out his tricorder and placed in so it was
| |
| constantly scanning the projection portion of the
| |
| hologram system. With one eye fixed on the tricorder
| |
| and the other on the actual system itself Max tried to
| |
| align the projector as best he could. The image on
| |
| the blind would fade and then come back, nothing
| |
| constant or steady.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Time was running out. The group was getting close.
| |
| Max was beginning to have second thoughts. It was
| |
| going to be a close call, a lot closer than he or
| |
| anyone else would have liked it to be. Suddenly there
| |
| was a voice.::
| |
| | |
| RIA: You there! In the cloak!
| |
| | |
| ::It was a guard, probably from the search party.
| |
| Both Beta and Powers knew that the guard was referring
| |
| to them. The turned towards them but kept their faces
| |
| down for fear of being recognized as ?aliens?.::
| |
| | |
| RIA: Yes you. Both of you. Have you seen anything
| |
| unusual out here?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| RIA: Nothing you say?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::While Beta kept the guard busy by answering the
| |
| questions Max kept working on the projectors. Beta
| |
| had brilliantly turned the guard ever so slightly away
| |
| so that Max could slip away unseen by the guard. It
| |
| still wasn?t working yet and lucky for them the guard
| |
| hadn?t turned around yet otherwise he would have seen
| |
| the blind in full view. After another minute of work
| |
| the image of a mountain side flashed up against the
| |
| side of the blind, completely camouflaging it.::
| |
| | |
| RIA: Hmm . . . what?s the deal with the cloaks? Isn?t
| |
| it a little warm to be wearing them?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: We were in an accident not to long ago and our
| |
| skin in very sensitive to the light from the sun. We
| |
| get terrible rashes and it?s very painful. Our doctor
| |
| said it?s best to wear cloaks like this for
| |
| protection.
| |
| | |
| RIA: Well why are you all the way out here? Shouldn?t
| |
| you be at home recovering?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Mountain air should do us good. Better air
| |
| out here you know. Might help us recover faster.
| |
| | |
| ::The guard seemed to believe the story. Between the
| |
| two officers, Beta and Powers had come up with some
| |
| quick thinking. Ria, the guard, put a device to his
| |
| mouth that resembled an old 20th century
| |
| walkie-talkie.::
| |
| | |
| RIA: Lt Ria to Major Hyder. Nothing over here Major
| |
| Hyder. Just two locals milling about. I?m heading
| |
| back your way. ::Ria turned back to Beta and Powers::
| |
| I?m sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you get
| |
| better soon. Be careful out here. You should
| |
| probably head back to town. We?re tracking some . . .
| |
| ::he didn?t want to give too much information away::
| |
| something very dangerous out here in this area. We?re
| |
| no sure what we?re dealing with so be careful.
| |
| | |
| ::With that Lt Ria walked away back towards the rest
| |
| of the search party.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It seems as though their fanning out sir. He
| |
| was all by himself. The fact that he was by himself
| |
| suggests that they don?t take the observation team to
| |
| be very dangerous. Although I doubt we?ve seen the
| |
| last of this search party. What now?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-06-28 22:50:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - The great thing about news
| |
| | ((Surface-Caraban-TEAM SOLAN))
| |
| | |
| ::Solan and Harley were contacting the Aurora. They needed orders on
| |
| what to do next.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Solan to Aurora, please come in. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Aurora here. How goes it Commander?
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= Captain, we may have a problem. =/=
| |
| | |
| :: Harley heard Parker's voice, welcome voice after all that had happend.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= What kind of problem Solan? =/=
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: =/= It's Hectic down here Ma'am =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= A really, really big problem. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Solan went on to describe the situation on the
| |
| planet, how it seemed a premature first contact had
| |
| been made. He ended off by explaining about the
| |
| communicator in the possession of the farmer.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= I'll agree that the possession of the
| |
| communicator by the locals is a problem and must be
| |
| recovered.
| |
| | |
| As for the possibility of a premature first contact, I
| |
| can't agree based simply on local superstition. Earth
| |
| of the 20th century had many scares with alien
| |
| invasions ... all were fakes or imaginations. =/=
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: =/= Caused a lot of panic, hysteria and conspiracy therories, Little green men from saturn...or was it mars? =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= Orders, ma'am? =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Recover that comm badge ... and continue
| |
| your search. Parker out. =/=
| |
| ::Solan grimaced visibly and pressed two fingers against the
| |
| bridge of his nose, Josh knew how he was feeling::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Nothing too hard then.
| |
| :: He tried to lighten the mood, but it was useless, the situation was grime, and wasn't going to be easy to rectify ... all they could do was think of a way to get that comm-badge. ::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Yeah, we need to get that communicator back. ::Solan lowered
| |
| his hand to his side to look at the Ensign.::
| |
| | |
| Any ideas?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: First, I suggest we find him, we can discuss 'How' and 'When', as we're walking.
| |
| SOLAN: ???
| |
| :: They set off from their secure place and headed back towards the farmland, they were silent, both of them contemplateing the problem ahead of them, sure they could stun him...but that was not only against orders but make things alot worse, Josh's eyes darted from store to store looking at what was on offer, amulats, mantle peices, pictures, food etc, and of course tall green aliens from the next planet over. ::
| |
| HARLEY: Thats interesting.
| |
| SOLAN: ???
| |
| :: Josh picked up the paper, The alien text was not terren language, indeed if he hadn't of read how to read the Caraban language, he wouldn't of been able to say what was on offer at all ... as for speaking, thank god for the universal translator. ::
| |
| HARLEY: It says something about goverment paranormal investigaters are in town.
| |
| SOLAN: ???
| |
| | |
| :: To Joshua an answer had been placed on their laps, but it didn't solve all the problems. ::
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helm Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-30 21:12:00
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| | 46580
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| | 12
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| | 100
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| | 887
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Pfet and M'rund - NPC - Aliens
| |
| | (Seriy Hills)
| |
| |
| :: Pfet stumbled over some loss rocks, exhausted, Hyder had said it was a long, hard walk, Pfet would call it a long, almost impossable walk!, he hated mountains, for his entire carrer alien sightings had been spotted in the most odd parts of the world, in the sticks where no-one was around, and hardly ever went, to Pfet it was a holiday all the time, little work, average pay, this was the biggest investigation he had been on, and the most prominant, lots of sightings, some far fetched, others believable, Hyder came over and helped Pfet up. ::
| |
| |
| Hyder: You should of stayed in the jeep, your not cut out for this.
| |
| |
| Pfet: What? An miltary man?
| |
| |
| :: Hyder laughed, he found what Pfet said a joke. ::
| |
| |
| Hyder: 60 years war killed alot of people ... alot of servicemen, as it stands anyone can join the military, whether there cut out for it or not!
| |
| |
| :: Hyder let go of Pfet, and carried on walking ahead, he shouted over his shoulder. ::
| |
| |
| Hyder: Your not cut out for these mountains!
| |
| |
| :: Pfet mumbled under his breath, he was not a fighting man, he didn't have the strengh or the ability, but Hyder had been pushing Pfet to his limits, there was only so much a man could take. ::
| |
| |
| Hyder: Alright men, Fan out, you know what to do, keep your guns trained and eyes open,
| |
| |
| :: They moved away, leaving Hyder and Pfet alone, they walked in silence for what seemed like hours, a call came in over the radio. Hyder didn't reply, he just looked fed up, but to Pfet ... it caused interest, maybe they were alien hunters? what if they had something that Pfet needed? ::
| |
| |
| :: Pfet carried on stumbling over loose rocks and stones, it didn't matter, they had to get to thier destination before dark, then Pfet could start doing his job. ::
| |
| |
| (Seriy - Goverment building)
| |
| |
| :: M'rund watched the Television, she was very agitated, here on the screen was that farmer, the one who didn't turn up for the interveiw and was showing a silver arrow head shaped object to the reporter, shouting at the camera. She sighed. ::
| |
| |
| M'rund: I'll have to get that thing, It's proberly a fake ... but towns people are taking it seriously.
| |
| |
| :: She was talking to her self, the phone rang, she answered. ::
| |
| |
| M'rund: Hello? ... Yes Sir ... I Underst... Yes sir,... If you'll let me... Yes sir, Sorry Sir.
| |
| |
| :: She took the phone away from her ear and walked to the kettle switched it on and listend the the person on the other end of the phone. ::
| |
| |
| M'RUND: Sir, I will get it, but the towns people aren't being very co-operative. ... Yes Sir I know Sir, He's not here Sir, ... Yes sir, Good bye Sir.
| |
| |
| :: She slammed the phone down, frustrated, she hadn't been able to get a word in edgeways, she sat back down and watched the farmer with a toothy grin talk about what he saw. ::
| |
| |
| oOThis is a messOo
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Pfet
| |
| |
| |
| and
| |
| |
| M'rund
| |
| |
| |
| SIMmed by
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helmsman
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-06-30 21:47:00
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| |-
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| | 46584
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| | 12
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| | 104
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| | 1052
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| | Lt. (jg) Dominus - Aurora collection service
| |
| | ((Marketplace - Alien Town))
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Akiyo this is not good, we cannot allow that
| |
| toy to be purchased, if my tricorder is correct then
| |
| Doctor Voran Grees' tricorder and combadge are inside
| |
| that toy?
| |
| | |
| SHIOZAKI: (shocked) Why would he put them in that?
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: I believe the best course of action although
| |
| the least covert would be to have the Aurora get a
| |
| transporter lock on the toy and us and beam us
| |
| directly to the science department where I can analyse
| |
| the bear and the tricorder.
| |
| | |
| SHIOZAKI: A disappearing toy would cause quite some
| |
| commotion.
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Perhaps if we arranged for some kind of
| |
| diversion while it was beamed away. The locals would
| |
| simply believe someone had stolen it.
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: You stay here Akiyo I will make contact with
| |
| the Aurora, if someone purchases the toy follow them
| |
| and keep a shadow distance, if it comes to it use a
| |
| level 1 stun from the stun baton. Then communicate
| |
| with the Aurora and get yourself aboard. Understood
| |
| Ensign?
| |
| | |
| SHIOZAKI: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Very good I will make contact. ::Dominus
| |
| walked away from the ensign into an alley and made
| |
| sure the area was clear and then contacted the
| |
| Aurora:: =/=Dominus to Aurora, Aurora come in. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Aurora here .. What is your status? =/=
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: =/= I have a situation on my hands
| |
| commander? Ensign Shiozaki and I have located Doctor
| |
| Voran's tricorder and combadge inside an Andorian
| |
| plush toy, the Aurora should be able to focus on
| |
| our combadge signal and bring us and the toy back
| |
| aboard for further investigation =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Is the surrounding area secured.. I
| |
| can't have you beamed out of a crowd. Starfleet would
| |
| have a fit. =/=
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: =/= Negative ma'am but we could make a small diversion
| |
| possibly a level one phaser on overload, myself and Shiozaki will
| |
| arrange it and I will contact you during the incident. Dominus out. =/
| |
| =
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Very well, make your diversion and
| |
| contact us then. I'll have the transporter room stand
| |
| by. Aurora out. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Akiyo had watched several people examine the strange
| |
| toy, but none had purchased it ... it seemed more
| |
| oddity then anything else.::
| |
| | |
| ::Dominus strolled casually out of the ally way, this was the second
| |
| away mission in which he had to dress in native garb... he only had
| |
| one complaint? the costumes were always so inefficient. He had
| |
| designed the costumes himself, based on the records in the ships
| |
| databanks. Not that it mattered he wasn't intending too get into any
| |
| fights or need to run anywhere. Dominus carried on and walked up to
| |
| the Ensign who was casually watching the toy. He placed a hand on her
| |
| shoulder and she span round in surprise. The Vulcan raised his
| |
| eyebrow slightly and began to talk in a whisper.::
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: ::whispers:: We are needed to create a minor distraction in
| |
| order for the Aurora to get the toy aboard. Cmdr. Parker has agreed
| |
| to the use of overloading a level 1 phaser to cause a sufficient
| |
| explosion. During this time we are to contact the aurora and have
| |
| them beam the toy directly to science. We will the leave the town
| |
| and return aboard ourselves for a brief while and then return to help
| |
| find the other members.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Very well. Lets begin.
| |
| | |
| ::Dominus walked back down into the alley way flanked by Shiozaki.
| |
| He looked around and made sure the area was secure and then pulled
| |
| out his phaser and set it to overload. He and Shiozaki casually left
| |
| the alley way and started strolling around the market. A few seconds
| |
| later a loud bang was heard and the crowds of people near the market
| |
| stall all started panicking and screaming::
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: =/= Dominus to Aurora, diversion complete get the bear out
| |
| of there.=/=
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| TAG?
| |
| | |
| Lt. (jg) Dominus
| |
| Chief of Science
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2005-07-03 14:21:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - BINGO!
| |
| | (( Planets Surface, Duck blind - Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| ::With a little bit of quick thinking and a whole lot
| |
| of improvisation Beta?s away team was able to restore
| |
| the holographic projector. Ensign Powers still wasn?t
| |
| sure how it all happened but it did. The unexpected
| |
| encounter with the local authorities only made it more
| |
| interesting. Max was beginning to enjoy the pressure
| |
| a little bit. The adrenaline that was coursing
| |
| through his body only moments ago was leveling off and
| |
| he was returning to a more normal and calm state of
| |
| mind.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Thomas, Mr. Powers well done. For the
| |
| moment we should not be discovered.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: It was the ensigns quick thinking really.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?m not taking all the credit. You definitely
| |
| did your part here in the blind.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Well again well done. Cmdr. Parker has ordered
| |
| us to find a rare fruit, it's a small red berry. Mr.
| |
| Powers, Mr. Thomas can you locate it?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Not currently. I'll need to patch into the
| |
| subsidiary sensors systems.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good. Could you set up a link to the blind's
| |
| sensors this should give us a larger scanning range.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: I'll need a few moments::
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Thomas turned around to work on the sensors a
| |
| little bit when suddenly there was an incoming
| |
| transport taking place. Nobody was expecting it.
| |
| Naturally, everyone jumped a little bit but it was
| |
| Thomas who seemed to jump a little more than the
| |
| others. When the transport was finished there was a
| |
| Starfleet ensign standing in front of the group.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Oh, I'm sorry Lieutenant. Captain didn't tell
| |
| you I'm coming?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Never mind. You arrived not long ago Ensign?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Yes, I'm the fresh one. Does it show?
| |
| | |
| ::The two shook hands, the doctor had a firm grip::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Doctor Jophry Calhan. Lt. Thomas, isn't it?
| |
| Quite peculiar scenery for introductions.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Ensign welcome to the blind. Not the best place
| |
| to be right now.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Oh, boy. That was quite an entrance, Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| BETA: I am sorry I did not mean to frighten you,
| |
| strange the aurora only detect Lt. Thomas. Most likely
| |
| interference, by the way why are you here?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Must be this interference you mention. I asked
| |
| for the fruit so Captain Parker sent me to look for
| |
| it.
| |
| | |
| BETA: I see, so you are the one that want this berry.
| |
| Well myself and Mr. Powers where attempting to locate
| |
| it.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: I see you do not waste time. May I be of
| |
| assistance?
| |
| | |
| BETA: Your help would be much appreciated.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Glad to hear there's place for me here.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Commander I've re-established sensor imagery.
| |
| You should be able to scan far enough to locate some
| |
| plant life forms. Doctor, if you could assist Ensign
| |
| Powers with the specifics of the Berry, we can cut our
| |
| time in half.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thanks Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned to the doctor.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Do you happen to have any information about
| |
| these berries that I could input into the computer to
| |
| help scan for the berries.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Oh anything really. If you had a sample that
| |
| would be best. If you know anything about the
| |
| signature it has that would help. Just something that
| |
| the sensors can lock onto.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Perfect. Let me add that information and see
| |
| what comes up.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers turned back to his console and added
| |
| the data that the doctor had given him and started the
| |
| scan. While the scan was going on Max took the
| |
| opportunity to introduce himself.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hey. By the way, I?m Ensign Max Powers. It?s
| |
| nice to meet you.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: If you have any questions you can definitely
| |
| ask. I only arrived on the Aurora a short while
| |
| before you did so we?re in the same boat. I?m sure
| |
| we?ll be spending some time together as we get used to
| |
| our new ship and our new roles in Starfleet.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| OOC: Please feel free to continue the conversation as
| |
| long as you want. I will backsim as needed.
| |
| | |
| ::It only took a few moments for the results to come
| |
| back.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Bingo! I think we?ve found it.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, it is a short walk from here. Our
| |
| communications with Victory have also been restored
| |
| commander; our datastream transfer is complete.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Victory? Are we assisted by another ship on
| |
| this mission?
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers smiled. He had caught the mistake as
| |
| well. Trying to save Lt Thomas any kind of
| |
| embarrassment he whispered in Doctor Calhan?s ear.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: He means the Aurora. Lt Thomas transferred
| |
| from the Victory. Actually, a lot of the crew of the
| |
| Aurora came from the Victory.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Calhan gave a nod to indicate that had
| |
| understood. Max turned to Commander Beta.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sir, I?ve downloaded the location of the
| |
| berries that Doctor wants to my tricorder. Should the
| |
| doctor and I go look for them and see if we can bring
| |
| them back?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| OOC: I?m going to assume that you will want us to
| |
| locate the berries ourselves so that?s where I?m
| |
| taking this sim. If not then change this next part as
| |
| you want or need to
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ready doctor?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::Max grabbed two of the brown robes that he and
| |
| Commander Beta had been wearing earlier ? one for
| |
| himself and one for Doctor Calhan.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You?ll want to put this on. It will help
| |
| disguise us a little bit while we?re outside the
| |
| blind.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Here we go.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-07-06 21:45:00
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| | 46596
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| | 12
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - More Guests
| |
| | (( Planets Surface, Duck blind - Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| OOC: I just wanted to start off with a little backsim
| |
| of the conversation
| |
| | |
| ::Things were going well so far. Ensign Jophry Calhan
| |
| seemed nice enough and definitely competent. When
| |
| Ensign Powers asked for something that would help in
| |
| the scanning of the berries he wasn?t expecting as
| |
| much information as the good doctor had provided. Max
| |
| knew that if he ever got injured he would have nothing
| |
| to worry about. The whole crew was in good hands.
| |
| While they waited for the scan Max tried to get a
| |
| little small talk going to help break the ice.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: If you have any questions you can definitely
| |
| ask. I only arrived on the Aurora a short while
| |
| before you did so we?re in the same boat. I?m sure
| |
| we?ll be spending some time together as we get used to
| |
| our new ship and our new roles in Starfleet.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Thanks. I didn't expect such a warm welcome.
| |
| I'll try not to fail any of you.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was kind of surprised by the
| |
| seriousness of Doctor Calhan?s response. From the
| |
| look that came across Doctor Calhan?s face he
| |
| surprised himself a little bit.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Don?t worry. We?re all going to make a few
| |
| mistakes but that doesn?t mean we?ve failed. Let?s
| |
| keep an eye out for each other. Us new guys got to
| |
| stick together, help each other out. I?ll give you
| |
| any little tips I catch a long the way.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: And same to you. I'm already feeling better.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| OOC: Now to move forward!
| |
| | |
| (Time Warp)
| |
| | |
| | |
| POWERS: Sir, I?ve downloaded the location of the
| |
| berries that Doctor wants to my tricorder. Should the
| |
| doctor and I go look for them and see if we can bring
| |
| them back?
| |
| | |
| BETA: Okay, but you both must report in every 5
| |
| minutes.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ready doctor?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Of course.
| |
| | |
| ::As the to ensign departed Beta turned to Lt.
| |
| Thomas.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Keep them in sensor range, and keep scanning
| |
| ahead of them I do not wish to have and surprises.
| |
| | |
| ::Max grabbed two of the brown robes that he and
| |
| Commander Beta had been wearing earlier ? one for
| |
| himself and one for Doctor Calhan.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You?ll want to put this on. It will help
| |
| disguise us a little bit while we?re outside the
| |
| blind.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Local customs? I hope we meet none.
| |
| | |
| ::Doctor put the robe on quickly.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Here we go.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: What's the chance of the encounter?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I think we?ll be ok. Earlier Commander Beta
| |
| and I ran into one member of a search team just
| |
| outside the blind but he left. I don?t think they?ll
| |
| come back this way. If we do run into them it might
| |
| require a little fast talking.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: I'll do my best. But I am not a linguist.
| |
| | |
| ::Max smiled and tried to make a joke.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well we?re in trouble then because neither am
| |
| I.
| |
| | |
| ::The two headed out the door of the blind and headed
| |
| around back, trying not to disturb the hologram
| |
| projected image that was displayed across the front of
| |
| the blind. Max poked his head around the corner first
| |
| to see if there was anyone walking around.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t see anybody. Are you picking anything
| |
| up on your tricorder?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ok. We should try to go around it. I could
| |
| be an animal but why risk it. We should probably try
| |
| to avoid using the paths as much as possible.
| |
| | |
| ::The two headed off towards the location of the
| |
| berries. The ground was hard and dusty. As little
| |
| wisps of wind came through the mountainous region the
| |
| loose dirt on the top of the ground was lifted into
| |
| the air. It was getting later in the evening and one
| |
| of the suns around the planet was setting, creating a
| |
| brilliant array of colors along the horizon. Clouds
| |
| lit up different shades of red and purple while the
| |
| once blue sky took on an orange hue. It was a
| |
| beautiful scene. For a brief moment it reminded him
| |
| of home and spending warm summer evenings our back
| |
| watching the sun set and trying to catch fireflies.
| |
| Simpler times then. He was enjoying Starfleet but at
| |
| the exact moment he felt a little homesick.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::Max snapped back into the current situation.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?m sorry, what was that?
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Oh right, the berries are just up ahead. Keep
| |
| an eye out for anyone or anything.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::As they came to the edge of a large bush that they
| |
| were behind Ensign Powers checked his tricorder to see
| |
| if anyone was on the other side. The screen of his
| |
| tricorder showed two life forms standing still.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: :: in a whisper:: Do you read the same thing?
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers showed Doctor Calhan his tricorder and
| |
| the doctor confirmed the readings.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Ok. We better contact Beta and see what he
| |
| wants us to do. =/= Ensign Powers to Commander Beta
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Life signs sir. Two of them. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= No, the tricorder doesn?t show us who it
| |
| is. I?m afraid to look because I don?t want to be
| |
| spotted. Can you pick up anything from the blind?s
| |
| sensors? =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Here. Transmitting our coordinates now.
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Thank you sir. We?ll sit tight here
| |
| while we run the scan. Powers out =/=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Close Call
| |
| | ((Planet Surface, Outside of the Blind ? Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| ::The two young officers were sitting on the ground,
| |
| trying to avoid detection by whatever was on the other
| |
| side of the bush they were hiding behind. Their
| |
| tricorders were not working properly for some reason.
| |
| Ensign Powers couldn?t figure out what would be
| |
| causing the problems. The best he could come up with
| |
| was some sort of interference from the planet?s
| |
| magnetic field. No matter the reason things weren?t
| |
| right with the tricorders and Ensigns Powers and
| |
| Calhan were going to have to wait until Commander Beta
| |
| got back to them with the information they needed. It
| |
| was Doctor Calhan who broke the silence.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: How long till we get the readout?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Depends. As long as the sensors are working
| |
| back at the blind it shouldn?t take that long. If
| |
| they?re encountering the same problems we are it could
| |
| be a while. They might not even be able to get us a
| |
| reading.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Do we absolutely must go this way?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: According to the scan I did before we left
| |
| yes. These are the only berries in the area that the
| |
| blind?s sensors could pick up.
| |
| | |
| ::Jo glanced at his tricorder and got stiff.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: They're closing on us.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Quick! Hide!
| |
| | |
| ::The two officers jumped underneath the bush they
| |
| were hiding behind. The branches hung low and the
| |
| pointy ends scratched their faces as they climbed
| |
| underneath.::
| |
| | |
| oO No time to complain now Max, just deal with it.
| |
| You have a doctor here with you. He can fix those
| |
| scratches when it?s safe. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Looking from under the bush Calhan and Powers could
| |
| see two sets of feet. One set was wearing large,
| |
| thick, black boots with a leathery texture. The other
| |
| was wearing brown boots of the same material. Both
| |
| sets of feet looked dusty as if they had been walking
| |
| for some time of the dusty mountain terrain. The
| |
| steps were coming closer and the voices were getting
| |
| louder as well.::
| |
| | |
| VOICE 1: Are you sure you heard something?
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: Yes. It sure sounded like something was on
| |
| this side of the bush.
| |
| | |
| VOICE 1: I don?t see anything. It was probably just
| |
| the wind.
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: Yeah. You?re probably right.
| |
| | |
| ::The two sets of dusty boots were right next to the
| |
| bush. Max closed his eyes and the dust clouds that
| |
| got kicked up from their walking floated underneath
| |
| the bush and into his eyes. A little bit got into his
| |
| nose and Max began to fight off a sneeze. As quietly
| |
| as he could he reached up and pinched his noise
| |
| closed, hoping to stifle the sneeze. Doctor Calhan
| |
| looked and Ensign Powers and saw the sneeze coming and
| |
| simply closed his eyes and held his breath for there
| |
| was nothing he could do but hope that Ensign Powers
| |
| was able to fight off the urge. Slowly the need to
| |
| sneeze faded away and the young Ensign let out a quiet
| |
| but relieved sigh. Suddenly there was another problem
| |
| though.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Interesting. =/= Beta ensign Powers they are
| |
| ((OOC: insert Thomas)). =/=
| |
| | |
| VOICE 1: What was that?
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: See! I knew I heard something!
| |
| | |
| ::Max reached up and covered his comm badge with his
| |
| hands hoping to muzzle the voice of Lieutenant
| |
| Commander Beta. Max looked out from underneath the
| |
| bush and see the two feet scurrying about, trying
| |
| desperately to find where the voice was coming from.::
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: It sounded like it was right next to us.
| |
| | |
| VOICE 1: I don?t see anything though.
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: Keep looking. Who knows what it is.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers and Doctor Calhan just looked at each
| |
| other not knowing what to do next. It sounded like
| |
| the two voices from the outside were looking through
| |
| the bushes in the area now, still trying to find the
| |
| cause of the voice they had heard. Lt. Comdr Beta
| |
| spoke again since Ensign Powers had not responded to
| |
| his original transmission.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers could not make out with his superior
| |
| was saying. His hand was muffling the speaker and
| |
| doing a pretty good job. Not good enough though, for
| |
| this time the two sets of feet outside the bush
| |
| stopped moving. They stayed where they were. Max
| |
| figured that the two people were looking at each other
| |
| and trying to figure out their plan with out talking.
| |
| Slowly the feet made their way towards the bush. Max
| |
| tapped Doctor Calhan on the shoulder and pointed to
| |
| the other side of the bush from where the feet were
| |
| coming. The two Starfleet officers slid out from the
| |
| bush just and the two people outside the bush pulled
| |
| the bush aside to look underneath.::
| |
| | |
| VOICE 1: Weird. I could have sworn that noise came
| |
| from under the bush.
| |
| | |
| VOICE 2: Yeah. It sounded like it was right there. I
| |
| wonder what?s going on.
| |
| | |
| ::Powers and Calhan had ended up on the other side of
| |
| the bush but right on the main path running through
| |
| that part of the mountain. Ensign Powers was
| |
| whispering now.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: We need to head that way.
| |
| | |
| ::He was pointing across the path.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It looks like there?s cover on the other side
| |
| of that tree.
| |
| | |
| ::The two officers made a break for it. They ran
| |
| quietly and bent over, running and closely to the
| |
| ground as possible. They got past the tree and behind
| |
| more cover without being noticed. Max decided to let
| |
| Lt Cmdr Beta know what was going on.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Ensign Powers to Lieutenant Commander
| |
| Beta =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/=Sorry sir. The two people we came across
| |
| almost found us. Doctor Calhan and I were hiding
| |
| underneath a bush to avoid detection. I couldn?t
| |
| reply otherwise they would have found us. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= No sir. I don?t believe they saw us.
| |
| We?ve crossed to the other side of the path. Should
| |
| we continue towards the berries? =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Yes sir. Powers out. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned to Doctor Calhan.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You heard the man. Let?s go.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-07-11 18:16:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46603
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| | 123
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - Even the best laid plans can go wrong ... but not this one, yet!
| |
| | ((OOC - Just a quick SIM, been a bit busy))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Surface, Caraban-TEAM SOLAN))
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan closed the channel with Dominus and turned to Harley.
| |
| The Lieutenant would be arriving soon:: We've got
| |
| a few minutes until he comes, got any ideas on how to approach him?
| |
| | |
| | |
| HARLEY: Nothing new, I still say impersonating a GPI is our best bet ... at least for a bit.
| |
| | |
| ::Dominus and Ensign Shiozaki appeared not far away from Harley and
| |
| Solan. They quickly met up to form a plan.::
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: Lt. Cmdr Solan good to see you? I take it you have a course
| |
| of action already?
| |
| | |
| :: Joshua frowned, this was not going well. ::
| |
| HARLEY: Half a plan.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan frowned slightly and looked at the barn where Loshe
| |
| had disappeared.:: I'm working on it.
| |
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan pointed at Dominus and Shiozaki.:: You two should
| |
| search his house, my tricorder isn't picking anyone up inside, and
| |
| I'm not seeing any kind of a security system. We want to find the
| |
| comm.-badge, and any other Starfleet technology he's got.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: When you're done, contact us and we'll compare findings.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Mr. Harley and I will confront Mr. Loshe...somehow.
| |
| | |
| :: Harley pulled the paper out from his pocket, he hadn't ment to steal it, but they had been in such a hurry he hadn't put it down ... still no-one seemed to notice. He began to read through the pages trying to see if there was anything usefull in it. He didn't know the entire Caraban language and some bits didn't make sense..to him, Josh belatedly replied. ::
| |
| HARLEY: I'm working on it.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Mr. Dominus, wait until we're inside the barn and talking to
| |
| him. It wouldn't do for him to come out and find you two in his
| |
| house.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Let's go.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Harley and Solan strode quickly towards the barn.
| |
| | |
| They would have to find a way to convince Loshe to tell them where
| |
| he had found the comm.-badge, and if he had anything else from
| |
| Starfleet, without revealing that they knew a lot more about the
| |
| situation than he did. It would take some careful maneuvering.::
| |
| | |
| Mr. Harley, we'll try the government agent ploy first, see what we
| |
| can get.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: May I suggest I do the talking.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::They arrived at the barn, and Solan knocked on the door,
| |
| which was half open already.::
| |
| | |
| Excuse me? Mr. Loshe?
| |
| | |
| LOSHE: ::Loshe had been feeding some animals that were in pens in
| |
| the barn, he seemed startled by the knock at the door. He turned
| |
| around.::
| |
| | |
| Yes? I'm Loshe, what's this about?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: I'm Agent Harley and this is Agent Solan, We're on attachment to Agents M'rund and P'feet.
| |
| | |
| LOSHE: ???
| |
| :: Joshua inwardly gasped, the slip of the tounge, an honest mistake by a green Officer but one which could be costly, he let slip a small smile, Loshe hadn't noticed. ::
| |
| HARLEY: Mister Loshe, you have been interveiwed correct?
| |
| LOSHE: ???
| |
| HARLEY: Then why didn't you mention the ... :: Josh thought about mentioning the word alien, but the pronoucination was was close to Alen which was a herbal tea, and Josh couldn't remember which was which. :: ... Artifact?
| |
| :: From the back of the barn, a horse like animal picked up the tricorder along with several straws of hay, the animal spat it out quickly and it made a tapping noise as it skidded across the floor, in opening veiw of Solan and Harley, and if Loshe turned round to find the noise he would see it to, Joshua had to act quickly, he tugged Loshe's arm to get his attention, it worked he hadn't seen the tricorder, it was up to Solan to get the equipment, and Josh had to keep Loshe talking, and get that Comm-badge. ::
| |
| HARLEY: Mr Loshe, if you could answer the question!
| |
| LOSHE: ???
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helm Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-07-11 22:30:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Cracking the Data
| |
| | ((Time Warp - Planets Surface, Duck Blind, Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Glad we're back in one piece. ::he said
| |
| undressing native robe::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Me too.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Well done ensigns.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Ensign Powers is the real hero here. He got us
| |
| through the harsh time situation.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No. It was a team effort. I think we both
| |
| did well out there.
| |
| | |
| ::Lieutenant Thomas turned to Lieutenant Commander
| |
| Beta and the two had a discussion about the berries.
| |
| Lt Thomas expressed his concern about the science
| |
| facilities and their capabilities at the blind and
| |
| suggested that the research be done back aboard the
| |
| Aurora. Everyone in the room seemed to agree. The
| |
| voice of the Aurora?s captain came loud and clear over
| |
| Lt Commander?s comm badge.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Parker to Commander Beta. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Go ahead sir. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= What is your status? =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Ensign Calhan and Powers have located the
| |
| berries and returned back to the blind with them. The
| |
| blind is operating at 43%. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Good, secure the blind and return with
| |
| your team to the ship. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Aye sir. =/= Mr. Thomas set the blind on
| |
| minimal power out put.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good is every one ready to go?
| |
| | |
| ::The entire group just nodded in agreement.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to aurora 4 to beam up. =/=
| |
| | |
| OOC: Maybe I missed something along the way but what
| |
| happened to Birk? Wasn?t he in the blind also?
| |
| | |
| ::The Blind was absorbed in a blue haze, and in a
| |
| blink of a eye it was replaced by the Aurora?s
| |
| transported room.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Transporter Room - Deck 2 - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::The team materialized once again in Aurora's
| |
| transporter room. The ship?s captain was there
| |
| waiting for them as they materialized. She
| |
| congratulated the team on their work and got them up
| |
| to speed a little bit on what was going on and what
| |
| Lieutenant Commander Solan?s away team had found. She
| |
| was gave out a few new orders. There was a patient
| |
| for Doctor Calhan to attend to and work for everyone
| |
| else.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Lieutenant, I want you and Mister Powers to
| |
| start examining the data from the blind and see if you
| |
| can find any hint to what happened.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: ::Looking at the Ensign:: We'll get straight
| |
| on it.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers and Lt. Thomas made their way to
| |
| engineering to collate and analyze the datastream
| |
| obtained from the duck blind::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Main Engineering - Deck 7))
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Ensign, begin decrypting the data, using all
| |
| standard Starfleet encryptions.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: This could take a while. I'll begin compiling
| |
| a search algorithm to narrow down the search somewhat.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Good idea. We might want to include something
| |
| about the berries. See if there were any personal log
| |
| entries talking about the food they ate or things of
| |
| that nature. Just to go along with Doctor Calhan?s
| |
| theory.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: This will take some time Ensign. I'm going to
| |
| grab something
| |
| to drink, you want anything?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Um. Sure. Bring me back whatever you?re
| |
| having.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt. Thomas nodded and headed out the door in search
| |
| of food and drinks. Max thought he might be a little
| |
| nervous about being left in charge of the search but
| |
| he wasn?t.::
| |
| | |
| oO I guess I?m getting used to this Starfleet thing Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Slowly some results poured in. Nothing useful, only
| |
| superficial results from the beginning of the data
| |
| that the away team had transferred. Ensign Powers
| |
| expected a few results like this. There was always
| |
| bound to be some information and data that the
| |
| computer extracted that had little or no relevance
| |
| other than a few of the matches keywords or phrases.::
| |
| | |
| ::Suddenly something a little more interesting flashed
| |
| up on the screen. Then another. Belong long the
| |
| computer seemed to be finding all sorts of useful
| |
| entries that could help them figure out what happened
| |
| at the blind. Ensign Powers spun around in his chair
| |
| and was reaching for his comm badge to contact Lt
| |
| Thomas when he saw him walking through the doors of
| |
| main engineering with food in hand.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Talk about good timing sir. You?re going to
| |
| want to see this.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt. Thomas hurried over to the young Ensign to see
| |
| what was coming up on the screen.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-07-15 06:10:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46621
| |
| | 12
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| | 141
| |
| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Timing is Everything
| |
| | ((Main Engineering ? Deck 7, USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::Lieutenant Thomas had just returned with the drinks
| |
| when the computer began finding information that could
| |
| prove useful. Ensign Powers brought up some of the
| |
| surveillance footage picked up by the internal
| |
| security system in the blind to show Lt Thomas. In
| |
| the footage you could see the observation team jumping
| |
| around like monkeys and climbing on all the equipment.
| |
| They were pointing to random spots in the air and
| |
| yelling only there was nothing in the footage where
| |
| they were pointing. Phasers came out and they were
| |
| sometimes shooting at these invisible intruders and
| |
| other times it seemed as if they were shooting at each
| |
| other.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: What does this say to you ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It looks like they?ve all gone . . . crazy or
| |
| something.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: I agree. Something drove these people mad.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Let?s let the captain know.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Lt Thomas, to Commander Parker =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Parker here, go. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Commander, I believe I've found some
| |
| interesting data in the stream, that you would find
| |
| interesting. It appears, the occupants of the blind,
| |
| in fact, did most of the damage themselves. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= I'll take that into account. Anything
| |
| else? =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Yes commander, they appear to have been
| |
| driven mad =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= That is very interesting. Send the data
| |
| up to my ready room if you please. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Aye commander. I'll forward the
| |
| information to your ready room. There is also some
| |
| classified personnel logs here. Your clearance may
| |
| work on them. I'll patch them through also. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Very good, continue your search and keep
| |
| me informed. Parker out. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was watching Lt Thomas throughout the
| |
| conversation. When it was done a look came over his
| |
| face that Max couldn?t quite figure out.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Good work ensign. It appears your having a
| |
| great deal of success today. Now, let?s get to work.
| |
| | |
| ::The two officers continued to pour through the data
| |
| hoping to find a clue as to what caused this sudden
| |
| hysteria among the observation team. Ensign Powers
| |
| was putting his hope in Doctor Calhan?s theory of the
| |
| berries and included that as one of the parameters in
| |
| his searches. Results seemed to be abundant now. The
| |
| computer was finding all kinds of personal log entries
| |
| that contained references to berries. The only thing
| |
| that confused Ensign Powers was the timeline. He
| |
| wasn?t sure how long the team had been on the planet?s
| |
| surface but he figured it was for some time. It
| |
| didn?t make sense to him how they could be there for
| |
| so long and for the berries to take effect just
| |
| recently. It seemed as more questions got answered
| |
| those answers brought about new questions.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Look at this! The computer has found all
| |
| kinds of log entries dealing with the berries.
| |
| Everyone was talking about it. Each member of the
| |
| observation team has several entries talking about it.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Right. I?ll send these to Captain Parker as
| |
| the computer finds them.
| |
| | |
| ::These was a long pause as the two continued to work.
| |
| Max played with the delay of the berries effect in
| |
| his head, rolling the idea around over and over but he
| |
| didn?t have any ideas that made sense.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: What?s your take on the berry thing?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I mean, do you think they caused this sudden
| |
| hysteria?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: But why the delay?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: What I mean is, the away team was down there
| |
| for so long. Why did the berries just have this
| |
| effect?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t doubt that it was the berries. They
| |
| seem to make the most sense. Just the timing seems
| |
| off and I want to make sure that we?re covering all of
| |
| our bases.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: All I can come up with is dosage. Maybe in
| |
| small quantities they are ok to eat but when consumed
| |
| in large amounts they have this kind of effect.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Did Doctor Calhan mention anything to you
| |
| about how potent the berries are?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No. Me either. Let?s ask.
| |
| | |
| ::The young engineering officer tapped his comm
| |
| badge::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Ensign Powers to Doctor Calhan =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= I was wondering how potent the berries
| |
| are. How much would the observation team have to
| |
| consume before they would feel the effects? =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= So they would have to eat that much in
| |
| one sitting? =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Is there any chance that they could build
| |
| up an immunity to the effects by eating them in
| |
| smaller amounts for some time? =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| (OOC: Feel free to throw in more conversation if you
| |
| want. I?m more than happy to backsim anything you
| |
| want.)
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Ok. Thanks Doctor. Powers out. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::With another tap of the comm badge the conversation
| |
| was over.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-07-19 18:51:00
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| |-
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| | 46629
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| | 12
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| | 149
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| | 887
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| | [sb118-aurora] P'fet and M'rund - What to do with a dead alein.
| |
| | (Somewhere on Caraban)
| |
| |
| :: M'rund looked at the table, the blue being lying silently as if sleeping, but even if she didn't know what had happend she would of known, the blood was a giveaway, the eyes were closed and non receptive and there as no pulse ... the alien was dead, and now they had a chance to find out about the species ... everyone's mind was changed, there was other life in space, they wouldn't tell the public, couldn't tell the public, just the rumours of aleins on Caraban had caused blind panic, riots, even bloodshed as believers and non believes clashed, of course some people were more reserved then others, some believed the rumours but did not publicly say so. what would happen if they found out the rumours were true? what would happen if they saw this pale blue alien ... she dreaded to think about it, it made her uneasy, her job the department to the 'in' people wouldn't be a laughing stock, more money would be plowed in the space agency, maybe they would try and make contact. ::
| |
| |
| P'fet: What were thse aliens thinking!
| |
| |
| :: M'rund just looked at him, not saying a word, it wasn't a question he asked it was a statement, he would go on to explain what he ment. ::
| |
| |
| P'fet: Send an alien in and what? make contact? cause panic? maybe see if we were worthy of contact? who ever these people are they need to think about the effects of making contact.
| |
| |
| M'rund: How can you say what they should do?
| |
| |
| P'fet: I'm merely going by our own past, the way we made contact with other countrys. we've fought war after war after war all because we were too eager to say hello and not look at there customs, there ways and see for our selves how they would react to us. knowing that just a short trip over that water would lead to other lands ... other people with other beliefs.
| |
| |
| M'rund: We don't even know if blueie here ::She pointed to the alien:: was sent to make contact.
| |
| |
| P'fet: Then why's he here!
| |
| |
| :: M'rund shook her head, P'fet could be stubburn at times and this was one of those times, no-one could talk sense to him now. They walked away leaving the doctor to do the autospsy and see what is different to him, then Carabans ... the noise ridge was the most noticable, and the antena's which were on top of his head. ::
| |
| |
| :: They walked to another room a few floors up, there on the table laid the belongings the alein carried, a brick like object that flipped open to reveal a screen and buttons with unknown words on them, and the noise a nice sounding noise. the other object looked like an arrow head, with a collum through the centre, they had no idea what it was used for. and next to that was they didn't know what it was, it had a handle or what they assumed was a handle, little buttons in front of the handle, and a dark glass like front, it looked like a weapon and untill further examination, all of these were treated as deadly weapons. ::
| |
| |
| M'rund: P'fet, were does this leave our investigation?
| |
| |
| P'fet: I don't M'rund, we have what we were looking for but if we pack up and leave without an explanation people will get suspicous.
| |
| |
| |
| Pf'et and M'rund
| |
| |
| |
| simmed by
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-07-22 16:30:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46635
| |
| | 12
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| | 156
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Reaching the Planet
| |
| | (( Main Engineering ? Deck 7 ))
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers and Lieutenant Thomas had been working
| |
| on the data recovered from the blind for some time.
| |
| They had found some interesting reports, log entries,
| |
| sensor readings, surveillance footage, and more.
| |
| Things were looking more and more like the berries
| |
| were the culprit that the Aurora and her crew were
| |
| looking for. Lieutenant Commander Beta walked into
| |
| engineering to get things started on the next part of
| |
| the mission.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Excuse me gentlemen.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: What can we do for you sir?
| |
| | |
| BETA: Cmdr Parker has order myself and you ::Looking
| |
| at Ensign Powers.:: To beam down to the surface to aid
| |
| Cmdr Solan?s team in searching for the remaining team.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Sir, I believe I may have sensor readings as
| |
| to the coordinates of their last sightings. It may
| |
| help to tell you where the remaining crew are.
| |
| Unfortunately it is heavily encrypted. I'll need some
| |
| time to decode it.
| |
| | |
| BETA: That is unfortunate, please continue your
| |
| efforts in decoding them, and contact me as soon you
| |
| decode them.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Yes sir. I'll send it straight away.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Now if you would excuse me and Mr. Powers.
| |
| | |
| ::Both men walked out on there way to Sickbay.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| (( Time warp ))
| |
| (( Transporter Room ? Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::After a quick visit to sickbay for the needed
| |
| cosmetic changes the two officers headed to the
| |
| transporter room. On the way there Ensign Powers kept
| |
| reaching towards his face. While they changes were
| |
| only slight they were enough to bother the young
| |
| Starfleet officer. He wasn?t used to having anything
| |
| on his face and he just couldn?t seem to get used to
| |
| the new shape of his face. Eventually the two came to
| |
| the transporter room and they each took their spot.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Ready ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: As ready as I?ll ever be sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good, ::turning to the transported chief.::
| |
| Energize.
| |
| | |
| (( Caraban II ? TEAM BETA ))
| |
| | |
| ::The transported room slipped away into a blue light
| |
| then the image of the planet appeared in front of
| |
| them. They appeared in a clearing a few meters just to
| |
| their left was Cmdr Solan as they approached they
| |
| heard the team speak.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: (Response)
| |
| | |
| SHIOZAKI: What's the plan Commander?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| BETA: I concur.
| |
| | |
| ::Beta speaking took the whole team by surprise.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: I am sorry, I did not mean to cause shock.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: (response)
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: That's quite alright, sir. I take it you're the
| |
| backup we requested?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: (Response)
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Commander Pollock was just transported up, as
| |
| I'm sure you're aware. He told us the Andorian member
| |
| of the group headed for a city ::Solan gestured
| |
| towards the town they'd come from.:: over there. We
| |
| don't know exactly where he is, but that was our next
| |
| destination.
| |
| | |
| BETA: That would be the best course of action. But a
| |
| group of 6 may look suspicious. Myself, Mr. Powers and
| |
| Mr. Harley will go on ahead. Cmdr Solan, follow
| |
| briefly after with the rest of the team.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE ELSE: response
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good then if that is all, Mr. Powers, Mr. Harley
| |
| your with me.
| |
| | |
| ::Beta and Ensigns Harley and Powers moved off.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers could you direct us as to the likely
| |
| root to the town?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers checked his tricorder quickly. He
| |
| looked up to get his bearing and then back down at the
| |
| screen.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: ::extending his hand to the right:: It seems
| |
| that if we follow the shape of the terrain off to the
| |
| right we should wind up in town with minimal chance of
| |
| contact. I wouldn?t want to have to put us on the
| |
| spot with more acting again.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good I would not worried I think your acting
| |
| skills will help us.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: I am sorry ensign I did not explain while we
| |
| where at the blind Mr. Powers here had to get us, what
| |
| is that situation. ::pause.:: adhesive like situation?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: A sticky situation I believe is the term
| |
| you?re looking for sir. And it was nothing really.
| |
| ::he turned to Ensign Harley:: We ran into part of a
| |
| search party while we were repairing the hologram
| |
| projector outside of the blind and we just kept him
| |
| busy. Questions and pointing at things that weren?t
| |
| really there. Eventually he just got tired and
| |
| confused with us and left.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Besides, it took both of us for it to work. I
| |
| was impressed by what you did back there sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| | |
| (( Time Warp ))
| |
| | |
| ::After a few more minutes of talk and a few more
| |
| minutes of silence, Beta?s portion of the away team
| |
| had reached the outskirts of the town. The air seemed
| |
| heavy about the town. All of the recent activity and
| |
| commotion caused by the observation team?s discovery
| |
| changed the atmosphere around the area. The town
| |
| seemed somewhat quiet. The people that were out and
| |
| about kept looking over their shoulder and to both
| |
| sides, seemingly on the lookout for aliens or anything
| |
| else out of the ordinary.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Which way should we go?
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?d say logic is out of the question. Judging
| |
| by the random nature of the observation team?s
| |
| behavior I don?t think we can know for sure which way
| |
| he?d go.
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: That might work. Do we have a signature that
| |
| we could use to trace?
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Harley took out his tricorder, plugged in the
| |
| needed information, and began to scan for the missing
| |
| observation member.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Nothing was coming up on the Ensign?s tricorder.
| |
| The away team was going to need a new plan.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Good idea sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Beta?s half of the away team got going in hopes of
| |
| finding Doctor Voran Grees. Ensign Powers was hoping
| |
| that maybe he could help shed some light on the
| |
| berries and what happened with the observation team.
| |
| Max figured that he might have some data that he took
| |
| while the group was consuming the mystery food. Only
| |
| time would tell, and they needed to find the doctor
| |
| first. Max tried to put the thoughts out of his head
| |
| and focus on the task at hand ? find Doctor Grees.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-07-26 04:28:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46639
| |
| | 12
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| | 160
| |
| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Success
| |
| | (( Caraban II ? Team Beta ))
| |
| | |
| ::Lieutenant Commander Beta had made the call to head
| |
| towards the slums of the planet?s surface. A very
| |
| logical and smart choice. Obviously a call made by an
| |
| experienced Starfleet officer. Beta?s away team
| |
| slowly made their way through the town, trying to draw
| |
| as little attention to themselves as possible. Even
| |
| with the exterior alterations to help them blend in
| |
| Ensign Powers was still a little uneasy with the idea
| |
| of walking through down. He felt a little nervous
| |
| about doing something that didn?t fit in with the
| |
| local culture that would blow their cover and
| |
| jeopardize the mission.::
| |
| | |
| ::Nothing of incident happened on the way to the
| |
| slums. Upon reaching that area of the town Ensign
| |
| Powers was quite surprised. It reminded him very much
| |
| of the pictures and stories he had heard of 20th
| |
| century Earth and what their run down areas looked
| |
| like. Boarded up windows. Trash in the street. The
| |
| smell of urine creeping out from ally ways. Cars with
| |
| broken windows. Young people standing on corner
| |
| exchanging money and bags of what Ensign Powers could
| |
| only assume was some form of drug. Suddenly, one of
| |
| the men sitting against the wall spoke.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Hey you!
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers turned to face the man. The man was
| |
| wearing clothes that looked old and worn. The pants
| |
| had frazzled edges and didn?t seem to fit very well.
| |
| The shirt had holes and stains over much of it.
| |
| Ensign Powers pointed at his chest to make sure the
| |
| man was referring to him.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Yeah you.
| |
| | |
| ::The man looked side to side as if to make sure
| |
| nobody was watching. When he was satisfied that the
| |
| coast was clear he spoke again.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: You want to buy some stuff?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Stuff?
| |
| | |
| MAN: Yeah, you know . . . spank.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers wasn?t familiar with the term but
| |
| figured that the man sitting against the wall was
| |
| referring to some form of local drug. Probably quite
| |
| illegal.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No thank you sir.
| |
| | |
| MAN: No spank? Need a lift though? I?ve got spank,
| |
| mist, blur, anything you want.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No thank you.
| |
| | |
| ::The young ensign wanted to be polite but the man
| |
| just wouldn?t seem to take no for an answer.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Come on buddy. You think you?re too good for it?
| |
| Are you too good for us?
| |
| | |
| ::The man got to his feet and pointed a finger at
| |
| Ensign Powers. Powers wasn?t sure how to handle the
| |
| situation. He decided the best course of action was
| |
| to simply walk away and ignore the man and he screams.
| |
| He pulled the hood of his cloak up over he head and
| |
| walked away with the rest of the away team.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Don?t walk away like that. I know who you are!
| |
| I know what you want. You better not go buy from
| |
| somebody else! I own these streets!
| |
| | |
| ::The man continued on. All the yelling was getting
| |
| to him and he began to cough. Eventually he gave up
| |
| and sat back down against the wall, harassing the next
| |
| group of people to walk too close to him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sorry about that sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t know why he picked me. He just
| |
| started. I hope I didn?t attract too much attention
| |
| to us.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::The commotion had drawn some attention. Many of the
| |
| people standing on the near corner were watching
| |
| Beta?s group move down the street. After a second or
| |
| two they went back to their own business and ignored
| |
| Beta, Harley, and Powers as they had minutes before.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Max was excited. Ensign Harley had picked up the
| |
| signal of Doctor Voran Grees on his tricorder and it
| |
| was nearby. The trio made their way carefully down an
| |
| ally way and they came to a door.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::The door was locked but the away team needed to get
| |
| inside that building.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Allow me sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers knelt down next to the door and
| |
| started to play with the lock.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I think I?ve almost got it sir. I?m going to
| |
| try a different approach.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers stood up, took a few steps back, and
| |
| then leapt at the door with his right foot extended.
| |
| With a loud and forceful collision to lock gave way
| |
| and the door opened.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was a little nervous about going
| |
| inside but the fact that Ensign Harley wasn?t picking
| |
| up any other life signs in the building was a good
| |
| sign and a good start as far as Max was concerned.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Harley was right, Doctor Grees was just up
| |
| ahead. As the group entered a large room they could
| |
| see the doctor hanging upside down from a large beam
| |
| that ran the length of the room. A thick rope had
| |
| been tied around his feet in the fashion of a noose.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Why would anyone do this?
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Harley used his tricorder to check on the
| |
| doctor?s status. It wasn?t as accurate as a medical
| |
| tricorder but the results would help decide the next
| |
| course of action.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Lt. Cmdr. Beta made the call to the Aurora to fill
| |
| them in on the discovery of Doctor Grees and his
| |
| current medical condiditon.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| OOC: I hope I?m not moving the plot too far ahead by
| |
| finding the doctor. If I was a little premature in
| |
| doing this I?m sorry and I can correct my sim. I just
| |
| thought his capture would make for an interesting
| |
| twist.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
| Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
| |
| http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs
| |
| | 2005-07-29 06:11:00
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| | 46643
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley - Helm - Bad news
| |
| | (( Caraban - Team Beta))
| |
| |
| :: Harley walked along the road with the rest of the team, Josh walked quietly, he didn't talk, just walked and looked, read the signs, and covertly looked at his tri-corder, Beta motioned for them to walk into an alley way, Harley didn't know why, had he seen something that Josh missed? his question was answerd when he tapped his comm badge. ::
| |
| |
| THOMAS: =/= Lt Thomas to commander Beta =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Go ahead Lt. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= I've discovered some of the last known
| |
| co-ordinates of some of the crew. It may help in your search.
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Thank you lt. Transfer and director us as
| |
| need later. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Yes sir. I will patch up blind controls
| |
| to the aurora sir. I'll attempt to assist you further from here. Thomas
| |
| out =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The rest of the trip was uneventful until a man in the street called out to the team.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Hey you!
| |
| | |
| ::The team turned. A man was standing there wearing clothes that looked old and worn. The pants had frazzled edges and didn?t seem to fit very well. The shirt had holes and stains over much of it. Ensign Powers pointed at his chest assuming he was referring to him.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Yeah you.
| |
| | |
| :: The ensign Moved off from the team but not to far. And began to speak to the shifty person. He began to speak to the man and a few minutes later he began to yell.::
| |
| | |
| MAN: Don?t walk away like that. I know who you are! I know what you want. You better not go buy from somebody else! I own these streets!
| |
| | |
| ::The man continued on. All the yelling was getting to him and he began to cough. Eventually he gave up and sat back down against the wall, harassing the next group of people to walk too close to him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Sorry about that sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: I would not worry about it. It is surprising why he had chosen to pick on you.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t know why he picked me. He just started. I hope I didn?t attract too much attention to us.
| |
| | |
| BETA: I would not worry to much by how much he harassed the next group I would amuse this is a common thing.
| |
| | |
| ::The commotion had drawn some attention. Many of the people standing on the near corner were watching Beta?s group move down the street. After a second or two they went back to their own business and ignored Beta, Harley, and Powers as they had minutes before.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: We're searching for a eedle in a very large haystack, We need more then a Tri-corder.
| |
| | |
| BETA: I Would agree ensign. =/= Beta to Lt. Thomas
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Could you scan this area going out to 750m
| |
| for any federation personal or equipment. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: (response)
| |
| | |
| :: Harley parted from the group, although they blended well with the Caraban's there was no need to tempt fate ... at least not yet. Joshua made his way not far from them to a building with a glass front, and several box with glass fronts and moving pictures were behind the big glass window, people were walking in, talking amongst themselves, one nudged Josh and said. ::
| |
| |
| MAN: Huyt xer zerfar, ker.
| |
| |
| :: Joshua toyed with the words in his head, and tried to connect the words with the english language. ::
| |
| |
| oO Huyt - we? no,who? no thats not right, you, yes. xer - can ... Oo
| |
| |
| HARLEY: You can see, yes!
| |
| |
| :: The man looked blank, puzzled, Josh simply said 'Ker' Josh asked what was happening, he face darkend, it wasn't good. the man turned to the screen. Josh waved the others over, he didn't know what Thomas had said. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: There's an announcement about to be made.
| |
| |
| responces: ???
| |
| |
| :: Josh raised an eyebrow. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: It concerns us.
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| |
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-08-01 22:19:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley - Helm - A lead
| |
| | ((Caraban - team Beta))
| |
| |
| :: The group was gathered in front of the shop window, a large crowd gathered around them, taking amongst themselves, Josh watched silently as the screen flickerd from the words 'Emergency broadcast annoucement' to a newsroom with a single person sitting at a desk. ::
| |
| BROADCASTER: Hello and welcome to a special news broadcast. We'll soon be crossing live to Santerigo, where the president is due to make a speech, in light of several weeks of rumours and investigations into the alleged alien sightings.
| |
| :: The broadcaster waited a few moments before carrying on. ::
| |
| BROADCASTER: First though we bring a special report from Seriy where the first sightings allegedly took place.
| |
| :: Seriy appeared on a map, then the report followed, Josh turned to Beta and the team. What was happening he didn't know, but Josh had some suggestions, but he would not press them. ::
| |
| HARLEY: What do you think?
| |
| Responces
| |
| :: They began to discuss the development. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: We don't know if Gress is being held at Santerigo, we don't know what it is
| |
| |
| HARLEY: May I make a suggestion :he waited for approval before carrying on: We should watch the rest of the broadcast it may give us a clue.
| |
| Responces
| |
| :: The news broadcaster returned. started talking about the report to an 'paranormal expert' about the sightings, whether they were true or not, his reponces caused some unrest with the assembled people, Joshua moved slightly into a more defenseive stance, trouble could erupt at any time, he didn't want to be off guard. ::
| |
| BROADCASTER: We're going to cross live to Santerigo now, we're our reporter An**ooi Oypas**is, is waiting.
| |
| :: Joshua noticed that the UT had a little bit of trouble translating the reporters name, he looked at a name on the screen, he to had trouble translating it. ::
| |
| oO äçìïóé ïãñÜöïò Oo
| |
| HARLEY: Onooi Oyaos?
| |
| BETA: ???
| |
| Harley: Sorry Sir, Just trying to prounouce her name, it's difficult.
| |
| BETA: ???
| |
| REPORTER: I'm here at the goverments top research facility here in Santerigo, where an alein has allegedly been taken, the people we've spoken to have denied these reports and stated nothing ahs been brought here.
| |
| :: She carried on talking, the words Alien sunk into Josh, could Gress have been taking there? ::
| |
| BETA: ???
| |
| HARLEY: It's the only lead we've got Sir.
| |
| Responces.
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
| |
| | 2005-08-04 18:23:00
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| | 46650
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - The President Speaks
| |
| | (( Caragan II ? Team BETA ))
| |
| | |
| ::The three officers had reached a large building with
| |
| a mostly glass exterior that was full of activity.
| |
| There was a large flow of people heading towards the
| |
| building. By looking through the glass windows the
| |
| away team could see inside and the commotion that
| |
| awaited them. The crowd that had gathered inside was
| |
| quite large and more people were filling in. There
| |
| were several large screens, which looked like 20th
| |
| century televisions, that were posted along the back
| |
| wall. Ensign Powers could quite make out what the
| |
| picture was because some of the people and equipment
| |
| inside were blocking his view.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Do you guys see those pictures?
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I can?t tell what they are. How about you
| |
| guys?
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Harley took a few steps away trying to see
| |
| what it was and was approached by one of the locals.
| |
| Max could not hear what was exchanged between the two
| |
| but from the look on Ensign Harley?s face seemed
| |
| urgent.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: There's an announcement about to be made.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers was just as curious and Lieutenant
| |
| Commander Beta. Josh raised an eyebrow. ::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: It concerns us.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::As per Beta?s order the away team moved into the
| |
| building. It was a tight fit to get in. It seemed
| |
| like so many people wanted to hear the announcement
| |
| and see the screen. Everyone inside was talking and
| |
| the noise level was quite high. Some seemed to be
| |
| pointing at the screen, others seemed to be locked in
| |
| heavy conversation of their own making.::
| |
| | |
| ::Suddenly the conversations stopped. The picture on
| |
| the screen changed to a news broadcaster standing in
| |
| front of a most impressive building. The building was
| |
| tall with a high fence going all around it. Armed
| |
| guards stood at the post near what appeared to be
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Any ideas who this guy is or what he?s going
| |
| to talk about?
| |
| | |
| BETA/HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| BROADCASTER: Hello and welcome to a special news
| |
| broadcast. We'll soon be crossing live to Santerigo,
| |
| where the president is due to make a speech, in light
| |
| of several weeks of rumors and investigations into the
| |
| alleged alien sightings.
| |
| | |
| :: The broadcaster waited a few moments before
| |
| carrying on. ::
| |
| | |
| BROADCASTER: First though we bring a special report
| |
| from Seriy where the first sightings allegedly took
| |
| place.
| |
| | |
| :: Seriy appeared on a map, then the report followed,
| |
| Josh turned to Beta and the team. What was happening
| |
| he didn't know, but Josh had some suggestions, but he
| |
| would not press them. ::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: What do you think?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: This could be the break we need.
| |
| | |
| :: They began to discuss the development. ::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: We don't know if Grees is being held at
| |
| Santerigo, we don't know what it is.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: But what else could it be? The president
| |
| wouldn?t come on to say it?s nothing would he? I
| |
| think this is big.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: May I make a suggestion ::he waited for
| |
| approval before carrying on: We should watch the rest
| |
| of the broadcast it may give us a clue.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| :: The news broadcaster returned. started talking
| |
| about the report to an 'paranormal expert' about the
| |
| sightings, whether they were true or not, his
| |
| responses caused some unrest with the assembled
| |
| people, Joshua moved slightly into a more defensive
| |
| stance, trouble could erupt at any time, he didn't
| |
| want to be off guard. ::
| |
| | |
| BROADCASTER: We're going to cross live to Santerigo
| |
| now, we're our reporter An**ooi Oypas**is, is
| |
| waiting.
| |
| | |
| :: Joshua noticed that the UT had a little bit of
| |
| trouble translating the reporters name, he looked at a
| |
| name on the screen, he to had trouble translating it.
| |
| ::
| |
| oO äçìïóé ïãñÜöïò Oo
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Onooi Oyaos?
| |
| | |
| BETA: ???
| |
| | |
| Harley: Sorry Sir, Just trying to pronounce her name,
| |
| it's difficult.
| |
| | |
| BETA: ???
| |
| | |
| REPORTER: I'm here at the governments top research
| |
| facility here in Santerigo, where an alein has
| |
| allegedly been taken, the people we've spoken to have
| |
| denied these reports and stated nothing ahs been
| |
| brought here.
| |
| | |
| :: She carried on talking, the words Alien sunk into
| |
| Josh, could Grees have been taking there? ::
| |
| | |
| BETA: ???
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: It's the only lead we've got Sir.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Look sir!
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers pointed to the screen. The image on
| |
| the screen had changed. The reporter was gone and had
| |
| been replaced by the image of an impressive looking
| |
| gentleman sitting behind a wooden desk, similar to
| |
| that of a 20th century American President.. Ensign
| |
| Powers figured that this was the president making his
| |
| announcement.::
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Good evening everyone. As you are all well
| |
| aware, there has been quite a lot of rumor and
| |
| speculation lately about our beloved planet being
| |
| visited by aliens. There have been stories saying
| |
| these visitors are dangerous. Some say they are
| |
| friendly. Some have even claimed to possess alien
| |
| technology. I wanted to come here tonight to put to
| |
| rest any and all rumors and the set the record
| |
| straight. We have been contacted.
| |
| | |
| :: The crowd gasped in shock. They had never
| |
| encountered an alien before. And, up until a few days
| |
| ago, the locals probably never really fathomed that
| |
| aliens had made contact here before.::
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Yes. Aliens have landed here and we have
| |
| one in custody. Unfortunately he . . . it died before
| |
| we could get any information from him . . . it. We
| |
| did not harm it. We believe that it died from natural
| |
| causes. From preliminary tests it shows that it may
| |
| have ingested the poisonous berries that flourish in
| |
| our mountainous regions around own capitol. Our
| |
| scientist are still conducting an autopsy to discover
| |
| the actual cause of death and to hopefully find out
| |
| more about this alien creature.
| |
| | |
| ::As the man spoke a large screen came down behind him
| |
| and a bluish blob was being projected to it.::
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Behind me is a picture of the creature that
| |
| we have discovered.
| |
| | |
| :: At first the image that the screen showed was a
| |
| bluish blob. Slowly the image focused and the bluish
| |
| blob was actually a dead Andorian. The image was just
| |
| a headshot. Max could not make out any kind of
| |
| clothing except for pips on his collar.::
| |
| PRESIDENT: Please do not be alarmed or panic. We
| |
| believe this one to be alone. There is not sign of
| |
| any activity around our planet. Our scientist have
| |
| had all of our equipment trained on the skies trying
| |
| to pick up either transmissions or ship movement. So
| |
| far there is nothing. When we have more information
| |
| we will let you know. Again, I repeat. Please do not
| |
| panic. We believe that there is no need for alarm.
| |
| I?ve been this honest with you, don?t think that I?m
| |
| going to be holding anything back. This is a major
| |
| event that involves everyone so you should be
| |
| included. I thank you for your time, your attention,
| |
| and you cooperation.
| |
| | |
| ::The screen went back to the reporter who began to
| |
| recap the president?s speech.::
| |
| | |
| ::The away tam was going to have to contact the
| |
| Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
| | 2005-08-04 19:07:00
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| |
| | [sb188-aurora] Caraban President - Reccomendations?
| |
| | (( Caraban II ? Presidential Quarters ))
| |
| | |
| ::As the speech came to a close all the lights that
| |
| were used to illuminate the president turned off,
| |
| sending the room back into it?s normal brightness.::
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Thank goodness. I could hardly see with
| |
| all those things on.
| |
| | |
| TV CREW: I know but they?re necessary sir. Besides,
| |
| you did a good job.
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Really? Thanks. ::He turned to another
| |
| man in the room.:: Do you think they bought it?
| |
| | |
| PFET: response
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Good. We need to find out more about these
| |
| aliens. Where are they from? Why did they come? How
| |
| many were there? How many *are* there? Are we in
| |
| danger? You know.
| |
| | |
| PFET: response
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: I just didn?t want everyone panicking and
| |
| helping you look. The last thing I want in civilian
| |
| interference with this investigation. Besides, if I
| |
| come through this thing looking good politically,
| |
| there might be a big promotion for you Pfet.
| |
| | |
| PFET: response
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Yes sir. Well, if, and that?s a big if, we
| |
| all get through this little episode. I want
| |
| everything to run smoothly. We give the public enough
| |
| information to make them feel like we?re being honest.
| |
| Enough to make them feel as comfortable as possible
| |
| with any changes we might need to enact to aid our
| |
| investigation. Nothing more. They don?t need to know
| |
| the whole truth. Understood?
| |
| | |
| PFET: response
| |
| | |
| PRESIDENT: Good. Now, what recommendations do you
| |
| have?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| Caraban President(NPC)
| |
| | |
| Simmed by
| |
| | |
| Ensign Manx Powers
| |
| Engineering
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
| Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page
| |
| http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs
| |
| | 2005-08-07 21:12:00
| |
| |-
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| | 46656
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| | 12
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| | 1061
| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Getting Inside
| |
| | ((Caraban II Surface))
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Cmdr Beta to Aurora. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Aurora here Commander. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Sir we have problem, the Doctor?s has been
| |
| captured and maybe killed by the local inhabitancy .::
| |
| | |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= We saw the report, we have few options
| |
| now I'm afraid. We can either recover the body and
| |
| all evidence and hope this all goes away, or we can
| |
| make First Contact. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= Captain, things are going to get tricky.
| |
| The President claimed they think Grees was alone, but
| |
| there's still going to be heavy Security. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Any ideas? =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= We could try to transport past most of
| |
| their Security, but I'm betting they'll be prepared
| |
| for that, possibly even people stationed around the
| |
| body itself. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= The cmdr could be right, but they are not
| |
| sure if we have transporter devices, and may not be
| |
| prepared. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= I don't want to be responsible for a
| |
| premature first contact situation ... get that body
| |
| and all evidence back. Stun the locals if necessary.
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| ::This surprised Max. He never thought that he would
| |
| have to use force against the Caraban people. They
| |
| seemed kind enough, just curious about things they
| |
| didn?t understand. Maybe that made them more
| |
| dangerous than the young ensign realized.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= We can do it, Captain. Wiping their
| |
| computer systems shouldn't be too hard. And recovering
| |
| the physical evidence can be done, but it won't be
| |
| easy. =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/=Ensign Powers ma?am. Lieutenant Thomas
| |
| and I can take care of the computer systems easily.
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Ma'am, there would be less risk of causing
| |
| a premature
| |
| first contact if we had another advantage. Stunning a
| |
| large amount
| |
| of security just isn't feasible. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= The Cmdr is correct this would most likely
| |
| lead to a some what paranoid society, if people
| |
| mysteriously stunned.=/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=What about a shuttle? We could keep it
| |
| hidden outside the city, it'd make for a quicker
| |
| escape, and reduce the risk of Aurora being
| |
| spotted.=/=
| |
| | |
| ::A shuttle could get them out but there still had to
| |
| be a good way in. Ensign Powers? mind was racing,
| |
| trying to think of anything that could help them. The
| |
| guards were the problem. They would be everywhere
| |
| inside the building. How could the away team take
| |
| care of the guards without endangering their own
| |
| safety? Suddenly he had an idea. He wasn?t sure how
| |
| good it was but it was something.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER/ANYONE: =/= There might be a way in ma?am.
| |
| It?s similar to stunning the guards but not with our
| |
| phasers =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Would I be possible to Doctor Calhan to
| |
| create some kind of knockout gas? =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER/ANYONE: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Well, what I was thinking was, with a
| |
| building of this size there has to be some sort of
| |
| environmental control center. If Doctor Calhan could
| |
| make this gas for us, somebody could be transported
| |
| inside and place the gas in the ventilation system.
| |
| The gas would spread through the entire compound
| |
| knocking everyone unconscious without us having to
| |
| actually confront them. It would then be a lot easier
| |
| for us to make our way inside the compound and the
| |
| Doctor Grees? remains. =/=
| |
| | |
| PAKER/ANYONE: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= I doubt the control room for the
| |
| ventilation system would be under heavy guard. As far
| |
| as the Caraban?s know the only way to get there would
| |
| be to go through the main doors of the compound. If
| |
| we transport into the compound directly to that
| |
| control room it would catch them off guard and
| |
| shouldn?t be a problem. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER/ANYONE: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= As far as contact goes, any guard who
| |
| might see something will be found unconscious.
| |
| Doctors may say that anything the guard claims to have
| |
| seen as far as us transporting in and out was actually
| |
| a hallucinogenic side effect of being unconscious. We
| |
| will leave no evidence of who or what we are for the
| |
| Carban?s to find.=/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER/ANYONE: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-08-08 18:32:00
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley - Helm - Recover pt1
| |
| | ((Caraban II - Surface))
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=What about a shuttle? We could keep it hidden outside the city, it'd make for a quicker escape, and reduce the risk of Aurora being spotted.=/=
| |
| | |
| ::There was a brief pause and the Mr. Powers spoke.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= There might be a way in ma'am. It's similar to stunning the guards but not with our phasers =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Go on. =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Would I be possible to Doctor Calhan to create some kind of knockout gas? =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Possibly, how did you intent to deliver it? =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Well, what I was thinking was, with a building of this size there has to be some sort of environmental control center. If Doctor Calhan could make this gas for us, somebody could be transported inside and place the gas in the ventilation system. The gas would spread through the entire compound knocking everyone unconscious without us having to actually confront them. It would then be a lot easier
| |
| for us to make our way inside the compound and the Doctor Grees' remains. =/=
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: =/= response =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= I doubt the control room for the ventilation system would be under heavy guard. As far as the Caraban's know the only way to get there would
| |
| be to go through the main doors of the compound. If we transport into the compound directly to that control room it would catch them off guard and shouldn't be a problem. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= But there is a chance we might be spotted. =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= As far as contact goes, any guard who might see something will be found unconscious. Doctors may say that anything the guard claims to have
| |
| seen as far as us transporting in and out was actually a hallucinogenic side effect of being unconscious. We will leave no evidence of who or what we are for the Carban's to find.=/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= There is also the option of a wide dispersal phaser blast on low power from Aurora. That would stun everyone, but I'll leave the final call up to the away team commander. =/=
| |
| | |
| :: Beta took a few seconds and in his head putting all
| |
| the plans together.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= This is the plan, at 22:50 hours Mr. Solan
| |
| beam down into the control room from the ship
| |
| discussed as a common object. Then clear the room.
| |
| After which Mr. Harley, Mr. Thomas, Doctor Calhan will
| |
| follow with the gas and releasing it. Mean while
| |
| myself, Mr. Powers Mr. Dominus and the designated
| |
| shuttle pilot will be waiting in the upper thermal
| |
| sphere. Then we will make our move coming in looking
| |
| like a native plane. Then we will beam down removed
| |
| the body get to the transporter site and on the 2nd or
| |
| 3rd pass of the shuttle beam back Solan's team to the
| |
| aurora and beam my team and the doctor back to the
| |
| shuttle. Then fly back to the aurora. =/=
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: =/= (response) =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to aurora 7 to beam back. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The shadowed alley way disappeared and was replaced
| |
| by the common transporter room.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Move out people, we have 4 hours until we have
| |
| to leave, I suggest you all get sleep.
| |
| | |
| :: Joshua moved out of the transporter room, They had been down on the planet for most of the day, and Beta's plans ment checks, a degsignated pilot ... Joshua was new, how could he name a pilot, who could do what Beta needed, when he didn't know the people, nor what they were best at. ::
| |
| ((Mess Hall - USS Aurora))
| |
| :: Joshua sat in the corner, huddled over his coffee, the moon, reminded Harley of Earths moon ... only there was no buildings or land vehicles, and no Starships. He looked over the files of all his department, his department, he didn't know how long he would be in charge, but a full department head needed to be appointed ... not just for Paper work issues, but also Morale ... they needed to know who was in charge ... who to make complaints to. ::
| |
| :: He took a sip of his coffee and read the next file, a few moments later he was interupted, he had been expecting it. ::
| |
| Hargreaves: You should sleep.
| |
| Harley: Can't sleep ... I've managed to get 16 hours sleep since we started this mission.
| |
| Hargreaves: The Doctor can provide something to help that.
| |
| Harley: Maybe, but I think it's the buzz, my first mission, the only Officer in this department, I have no idea what i'm supposed to do.
| |
| Hargreaves: Your doing a good job.
| |
| Harley: Comeing from a Klingon, thats high praise.
| |
| Hargreaves: Half Klingon!
| |
| :: Joshua smiled, Sally was his closest friend on this ship, she had been keeping him in check, making sure that the others, not just the department, but the rest of the ships crew, were confident of his abilities. ::
| |
| Harley: I need to name a Pilot to take a shuttle to the surface, and wait for us.
| |
| Hargreaves: I will do it.
| |
| Harley: No I need you here, at the helm of Aurora, if anything goes wrong ...
| |
| Hargreaves: Crewman Cane, he knows his stuff ... even if he has no sense of Humour.
| |
| Harley: And Klingons do?
| |
| Hargreaves: We have an exellent sense of humour.
| |
| :: Sally smiled, she was only half Human, but that half was the one that shone through most. Joshua looked at Cane's file, it was immpeccable although all former CO's reported the same thing, he was a loner, prefered to work on his own, wasn't a team player and rarely attented public ship events. ::
| |
| :: Joshua knew what it was like to be alone, hauling cargo could get lonely, sometimes people spent their whole life with just the crew, the crew became family, loners they maybe, but they were tough, they could get through anything, Joshua wasn't a loner but he was tough, and had learnt many things from cargo crew. He would get to know Cane, his own personal goal. ::
| |
| Hargreaves: Your daydreaming Josh.
| |
| Harley: Noooo, I'm thinking.
| |
| :: They carried on talking and drinking, Sally making sure that Josh hadn't forgotten anything. He contacted Cane and told him to be in the shuttlebay in 2 hours. ::
| |
| (Timewarp - 2 hours)
| |
| ((Shuttlebay))
| |
| :: Joshua looked over the shuttle, waiting for the day when he would take her out, but for the moment that time hadn't come, instead Cane got that chance, the Shuttles first outing since being onboard. He made a ship wide announcement. ::
| |
| Harley: =/= Shuttlebay to Pilot Cane, your late Crewman! =/=
| |
| Cane: =/= I'm on my way =/=
| |
| :: It wasn't a good start, Josh would let it pass this time. Cane entered the bay. ::
| |
| Cane: I'm ready for the breifing.
| |
| :: Joshua said nothing, they walked over to the corner, where briefings took place, Josh pressed a button, a holographic image of Caraban appeared on screen, it had the latest sensor information on it. ::
| |
| :: Joshua began to explain Cane's mission, the orders, and Beta's plan. At the end of the briefing, a simulation took place, to give Cane an idea of what was to be done. ::
| |
| Cane: So, go down to 25000 feet, do a few fly overs wait for you guys and come back.
| |
| Harley: Yes, we've been monitoring flight paths, there is a flight path close to the area, so to diviate from it shouldn't be a problem, also you won't be caught on radar, there isn't any.
| |
| Cane: I'll start checking the shuttle over.
| |
| :: Harley nodded and left his crew to it, He wanted to check things over with Solon and Calhorn. ::
| |
| ((Sickbay))
| |
| :: Harley entered and walked upto Calhorn, who was checking on a female patient, he guessed it was one of the OP team. ::
| |
| Calhorn: ???
| |
| Harley: Doctor, Ensign Kazar.
| |
| Calhorn/Kazar: ???
| |
| Harley: Ensign Joshua Harley, Doc how do you plan on releasing the gas?
| |
| Calhorn: ???
| |
| |
| Ens Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
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| | 2005-08-09 21:54:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Trouble with the Engines
| |
| | ((Shuttle))
| |
| | |
| ::Beta was giving out his last minute instructions
| |
| before the shuttle launched. He had questions and
| |
| precautions for everyone just like a good commanding
| |
| officer should. It was Ensign Powers? turn.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, there maybe something containing the
| |
| body a primitive force field perhaps, I want you
| |
| prepare to disarm them as need.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. I?ll monitor sensor scans on the
| |
| approach to see if we can get a fix on Doctor Grees?
| |
| body and if there is anything near by.
| |
| | |
| ::After a minute there was contact from Lieutenant
| |
| Commander Solan?s part of the away team. They had
| |
| begun to disperse the gas through the ventilation
| |
| system.::
| |
| | |
| oO So far so good. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Things were running smoothly as the shuttle made its
| |
| way through to atmosphere of the until there was a
| |
| loud bang. The shuttle shook violently. People were
| |
| tossed from the seats to the floor. Nobody was
| |
| seriously injured, just a little sore from impacts.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, what happened?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?m checking now sir! It seems that we
| |
| somehow one of the impulse reaction chambers in out of
| |
| alignment on the starboard side of the shuttle. I
| |
| need to shut it down.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: We will still have enough power with only one
| |
| engine. Handling might be a little different due to
| |
| the change in propulsion.
| |
| | |
| CANE: response
| |
| | |
| ::The crewman did a wonderful job of piloting the
| |
| shuttle given the circumstances. The shuttle did tend
| |
| to turn a little to the starboard as the shuttle was
| |
| unable to give power from that side. The way the
| |
| shuttle was flying was similar to the way someone who
| |
| paddles a canoe with one paddle must do ? constantly
| |
| correcting their heading due to only having power from
| |
| one side.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eventually the shuttle had been piloted down through
| |
| the atmosphere and it entered its flight pattern near
| |
| the compound in which the remains of Doctor Grees were
| |
| being held. The time had come to transport down and
| |
| find the body.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: No sir. The sensors can?t seem to lock onto
| |
| his signal. There is some sort of interference. I?m
| |
| picking up his signal in a few places. Should I
| |
| download all the information into my tricorder?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::The young ensign did as he was asked. After
| |
| Lieutenant Commander Beta had given the command to
| |
| transport the away team disappeared in the familiar
| |
| transport haze of lights.::
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban II - Government Compound))
| |
| | |
| ::The away team rematerialized in much the same way
| |
| the dematerialized. It was always an interesting
| |
| sight to see the whole come back into focus after
| |
| being transported. The scene that lay before them was
| |
| interesting. There were bodies lying all around.
| |
| Some were lying on the floor. Some were still sitting
| |
| in their chairs. The gas seemed to have worked
| |
| perfectly. Now it was time to find to doctor.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-08-11 18:37:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley, Helm - Almost caught
| |
| | ((Transporter room))
| |
| |
| :: Joshua had spent the last few hours in his quarters, not sleeping, he was too buzzed to be sleeping, He had gone over charts and diagrams of the building they were going to enter, technically it was security's job, but he didn't want to rely too much on Solon, if they did get split up he wanted to at least have an idea of where they were. Calhon, Solan and Thomas were in the transporter room already, Joshua felt confident, this mission although short had turned Josh from a green eyed freshman to a freshman with limited experiance, he smiled to himself, he was on his first mission, and hopefully it would come to an end soon, not that he wanted it to. ::
| |
| |
| Solan: Alright people, when I give the signal, I need you all to beam down and deploy the gas as fast as possible. We won't have much time. Make sure you all being gas masks.
| |
| :: Josh nodded, the transporter technition beamed Solon away, and they were alone, there was some idle chit chat but nothing serious, Josh checked his things, gas mask, tricorder and phaser. Solon's voice came over there comm-badges. ::
| |
| |
| SOLAN: =/=Solan to Away Team, you're clear to beam down. =/=
| |
| |
| HARLEY: =/= Harley here sir, we're on our way =/=
| |
| |
| ((Vent room))
| |
| |
| :: They all stepped onto the transport padd and were beamed away in a blue flash, they rematirllised in a room, as Harley's vision cleared up he saw a man lying on the floor, Solon gave the orders. ::
| |
| |
| SOLON: Mr. Harley, see if he's got anything that might help us. Check for an access card,
| |
| we may need it.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Aye.
| |
| |
| :: Solon gave orders to the others, Josh quickly walked over to the knocked out man and began to search him, in his top pocket was an access card. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: We've hit the jackpot sir, :: Josh handed the card to Solon :: Access to all areas.
| |
| |
| SOLON: ???
| |
| |
| HARLEY: I'll keep searching him.
| |
| |
| :: Harley continued to search the body, finding odd bits and peices, he came across a circular object, with writting on it, named 'Case number 2475 - Unknown Alien'. ::
| |
| |
| :: Without asking Joshua strood to the computer and placed the disk in the open drawer, it closed automatically and loaded ... asking for a password. by this time Solon had noticed what Harley was doing. ::
| |
| |
| SOLON: ???
| |
| |
| :: Before Josh could answer someone spoke from the otherside of the door. ::
| |
| |
| - Tar'h, what are you doing there?
| |
| |
| - I'm coming in. You better have good excuse or I'll kick your ass.
| |
| |
| :: Joshua looked at Solon, not knowing what to do, he drew his phaser, there was a slight buzz and the sound of the door unlocking, before he realised what he was doing, Josh had jumped off his seat and long hopped to the door, the unknown man froze and Josh's left fist hit him squarely in the jaw, sending the man into the room, the door shut, the man dazzled and confused began to stand, looked at Calhon, Josh stunned the man with his phaser and he crumbled to the floor. ::
| |
| |
| :: It Harley a few moments to realise what hjad just happend. ::
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-08-11 23:10:00
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| |-
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| | 46674
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| | 12
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - One Step Forward . . .
| |
| | ((Caraban II - Government Compound))
| |
| | |
| ::The away team rematerialized in a room it was
| |
| obviously with in the government compound. They all
| |
| wore their oxygen mask but cmdr Beta who didn?t
| |
| require one, because he didn?t breath.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Report?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: From the looks of things sir everyone seems
| |
| incapacitated thanks to the gas.
| |
| | |
| BETA: We do not have much time until the gas will wear
| |
| off. Mr. Powers which signature is the closest?
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers checked his tricorder.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Closest signature is about 25 meters of to the
| |
| right.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Then Lead on, Lt. Dominus just in front of me, I
| |
| shall take the rear and cover just in case there where
| |
| a few unaffected by the gas. Remember wide phaser
| |
| sweeps set to stun.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| ::The team was moving for 1 minute 13 seconds when the
| |
| came to a room and with in was one of the signals. It
| |
| was a simple handle system and as Ensign Powers
| |
| pressed down on the handle it swung open. Beta moved
| |
| in closely followed by Powers.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Lt. Dominus Guard the door I do not wish to get
| |
| any uninvited guests, also try to contact Cmdr. Solan
| |
| he maybe able to direct us.
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: (response)
| |
| | |
| ::Just as Lt. Dominus was going for his comm badge
| |
| Doctor Calhan contacted Beta?s half of the away
| |
| team.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= Doctor Calhan to Team Beta =/=
| |
| | |
| ::It was Lieutenant Dominus who answered.::
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: response
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= There was a small interruption but we
| |
| gained access to compound's database. We're currently
| |
| searching for a more specific information on Doctor
| |
| Grees' whereabouts. =/=
| |
| | |
| DOMINUS: response
| |
| | |
| ::Cmdr. Beta and Ensign Powers moved deeper and deeper
| |
| into the room, the further the got into the darken
| |
| room the less they heard from Lt. Dominus.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: The signal is coming from right over here sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers pointed to the far corner of the room.
| |
| It didn?t make sense to keep a body under
| |
| surveillance in the side of a room. Ensign Powers
| |
| expected the body to be on a large table in the middle
| |
| of an oversized examination room.::
| |
| | |
| ::As Ensign Powers and Lt. Commander Beta approached
| |
| the signal they noticed some Starfleet paraphernalia.
| |
| It appeared to be Doctor Grees? comm badge and
| |
| tricorder. Both showed scratches on the edges as if
| |
| someone was tampering with them, perhaps trying to get
| |
| inside to see how things worked.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It looks like they were interested in out
| |
| technology.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well, the next signature is coming from the
| |
| other end of the hallway we materialized in. The
| |
| other is coming from a few rooms away in that
| |
| direction.::
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers pointed towards the far end of the
| |
| room they were currently in.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I can?t tell for sure which signature is
| |
| Doctor Grees?. It appears that our scanners picked up
| |
| traces of his signature on his belongings. It could
| |
| be the doctor or maybe his clothes or something else
| |
| he had with him. Maybe Lt Dominus has heard
| |
| something?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Lt. Dominus didn?t answer. Commander Beta tried
| |
| again.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| ::Still nothing. The two exchanged a worried look and
| |
| headed over towards the door. Lt. Dominus wasn?t
| |
| there.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
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| | 2005-08-13 04:37:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Max Powers, EO - Going Home
| |
| | OOC: This one is really long and I want to apologize.
| |
| I was just trying to respond to all the sims that have
| |
| happened recently. Lots of sims have been happening
| |
| lately and I have quite a few things that I need to
| |
| respond to so I figured it?s easiest just to put it
| |
| all in one big sim. I think I got them all, at least
| |
| I?ve got my fingers crossed that I got them all.
| |
| Great job everyone. This one has been a lot of fun.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Caraban II ? Government Building))
| |
| | |
| BETA: We have to recover every object. We can not,
| |
| and will not leave anything behind.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Understood sir.
| |
| | |
| ::The two men moved through the room checking
| |
| constantly over their shoulders. They moved within
| |
| 70cm of the signature.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Where is it ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: (response)
| |
| | |
| ::He pointed at the table in front of it, a scientist
| |
| was slumped over a desk he had obviously inhaled the
| |
| gas and passed out, trace amounts where still in the
| |
| air. Beta lifted him off slowly placing him on the
| |
| floor. On the table where vials of a blue liquid most
| |
| likely Andorian blood and there was star fleet uniform
| |
| covered by a plastic film.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers pack it up.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers picked up the viles and the uniform,
| |
| placing them under his arm. He tried to place them in
| |
| such a way that it would not hinder his ability to
| |
| move and do his job. A few minutes later they had
| |
| everything on the table and had exited the room::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Now we look for Mr. Dominus, then the doctor,
| |
| and then get out of here.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Do you think Lt. Cmdr Solan could help us
| |
| locate Lt. Dominus?
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to team Solan. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Solan here, Commander.=/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Can you scan for Mr. Dominus he has
| |
| disappeared. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= Sir, I don't have a specific location on
| |
| Lt. Dominus, but some sort of low level security alert
| |
| is coming up near your position, I've deactivated it,
| |
| and I don't think anyone took notice.=/=
| |
| | |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Thank you transmit the locations to Ensign
| |
| Powers tricorder. Beta out. =/= Do you have it
| |
| ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. Just arrived.
| |
| | |
| ::The two men walked down the corridor and were
| |
| heading towards the coordinates they received from
| |
| Solan and his group. Around one of the corners there
| |
| was Dominus lying on the floor. His stun baton lay on
| |
| the ground next to him. Immediately Beta knelt down
| |
| and scanned Dominus. His findings suggested that he
| |
| had been hit by a stunning weapon. There was a little
| |
| device next to him. Beta picked it up, as it did it
| |
| started to screech loudly, Beta quickly analysed the
| |
| signal, it was intended to knock some one out.
| |
| Knowing full well that it would do this to Ensign
| |
| Powers he crushed in his hand.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir. That noise was making my head
| |
| feel funny. Any idea what did this to Lt Dominus?
| |
| | |
| BETA: I believe that this device, ::Putting his hand
| |
| forward.:: Did this.
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Cmdr beta to doctor Calhan. =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= Yes, Sir?
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Lt. Dominus had been knocked out by a
| |
| device of some kind they are small and can knock a
| |
| person out with in 25 seconds I estimate. I am going
| |
| to beam him to you now so you can treat him. =/=
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: =/= Yes, Sir. I'll prepare everything. Calhan
| |
| out. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Cmdr Beta to Crewman Cane. =/=
| |
| | |
| CANE: =/= Go ahead sir. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Please transport Dominus to Mr. Calhan?s
| |
| location on your next pass of the bunker. =/=
| |
| | |
| CANE: =/= Aye. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Dominus disappeared from the hallway and Crewman
| |
| Cane transported him to Doctor Calhan. Beta and
| |
| Powers were now on their own to find Doctor Grees, or
| |
| at least what was left of him.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers, we have to find the body soon we do
| |
| not have a lot of time.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. We still have three different
| |
| signatures that our initial scan detected. I?m not
| |
| sure which one to follow.
| |
| | |
| ::The two had little choice. They picked one and
| |
| began to head in it?s direction.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Solan to Commander Beta. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Go ahead Mr. Solan. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Sir, we believe we've found the location of
| |
| Doctor
| |
| Grees's body. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Are you sure? =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/= That we are, Commander. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Good then transfer the location to Mr.
| |
| Power's tricorder, monitor us until we get with in 2
| |
| metres of the body then beam out with Dominus in the
| |
| next transport window. Also wipe the computer anything
| |
| concerning Grees and our selves, if you can but make
| |
| it look like an accident rather then something
| |
| deliberate. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Aye, sir. We're on it.=/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta out. =/= Ensign, do you have the
| |
| coordinates?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir, they are coming through now.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Then please lead on.
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban Skies ? Shuttle Plato ))
| |
| | |
| ::Crewman Cane was making his 7th sweep of the surface
| |
| in the
| |
| shuttle, still nothing from the Cmdr's Team. Cane
| |
| scanned the
| |
| surface once more; it had been fun for the most part.
| |
| There was a
| |
| rather interesting town he passed it looked as if he
| |
| could have had
| |
| a good time there. As well as nuclear power plant, a
| |
| coal burning
| |
| power plant and an off shore wind farm. It was like
| |
| looking through
| |
| a window in history looking back at earth's past, just
| |
| after the
| |
| eugenics war. The only thing that differs was not too
| |
| many planes;
| |
| he knew that the planet had them he saw a air strip
| |
| where there
| |
| where jet planes those obviously where the ones that
| |
| the shuttle
| |
| shield refraction made it look like. Still puzzled
| |
| him, why he
| |
| hadn't been challenge by another air craft.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: Computer how long has the Cmdr been on the
| |
| surface?
| |
| | |
| COMPUTER: 27 minutes.
| |
| | |
| o0 Come on, come on, you're running out of time cmdr.
| |
| 0o
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban, Government compound-Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| :: They had 11 or 12 minutes till the gas wore off,
| |
| Cmdr Solan's
| |
| team was almost ready to beam back. They came to the
| |
| end of a
| |
| corridor going left and going right.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Ensign?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Um, it looks like we should head left.
| |
| | |
| BETA: Left it is then.
| |
| | |
| ::The two men increased in speed, moving into a fast
| |
| joy, they did
| |
| not have the time to waste.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Lt. Commander Solan to Commander Beta.=/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Go ahead Cmdr. =/=
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Our information puts you within a few dozen
| |
| meters of
| |
| the body. We've disabled the security systems, you
| |
| should be able to
| |
| walk right in.=/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Good thank you Cmdr, beam out in the next
| |
| transport
| |
| window. See you back on the aurora Cmdr. Beta out.
| |
| =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The two men came to the door and entered.::
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban Skies ? Shuttle Plato ))
| |
| | |
| :: The single bead of sweat ran down Crewman Cane?s
| |
| neck running down and off his uniform. He rubbed his
| |
| had on his trousers to wipe off the
| |
| sweat.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: Computer how long has Cmdr Beta been on he
| |
| surface?
| |
| | |
| COMPUTER: 31 minutes.
| |
| | |
| o0 I am going to have to pull them out we can't risk
| |
| being
| |
| discovered. 0o
| |
| | |
| CANE: =/= Cane to Cmdr Beta I've got to pull you out
| |
| sir, you are
| |
| out of time. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= We are almost there crewman, prepare to
| |
| beam us out on
| |
| your next pass. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::He rubbed his an order was an order.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: =/= Aye. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::He pulled over performing loop he would be in
| |
| transporter range in
| |
| 53 seconds. As the shuttle closed in, crewman cane
| |
| neglected to over
| |
| looked the aft scanners, there was a jet fighter armed
| |
| with machine
| |
| guns a primitive missiles on it's way.::
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban, Government compound-Team Beta))
| |
| | |
| :: As Crewman cane had already stated they where
| |
| running out of
| |
| time, but thankfully on the cold slab of metal was the
| |
| doctor. No
| |
| Force fields, no walls, just a single dim light
| |
| hanging by a single
| |
| thread over the mutilated body. There where 2 trays at
| |
| either sides
| |
| of him as well as array of unconscious doctors.
| |
| Wearing pure blue
| |
| uniforms. Beta Pulled out a phaser and vaporised the
| |
| surgeons
| |
| equipment.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Mr. Powers is there anything else that needs to
| |
| be destroy he
| |
| brought with us?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Not that I can tell sir. Everything seems to
| |
| be in order.
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to Cane 3 to beam up. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::As Lt. Cmdr Beta and Ensign Powers prepared to
| |
| transport back to the shuttle with the remains of
| |
| Doctor Grees they both neglected to see a tiny vile
| |
| filled with blood and another filled with tiny grafts
| |
| of skin that one of the unconscious doctors clenched
| |
| in his hand.::
| |
| | |
| (OOC: I figured I?d add this since there is a guy
| |
| putting away new government secrets in one of the
| |
| sims. I figured that something had to have been left
| |
| behind. Disregard if I?m wrong.)
| |
| | |
| ::The jet pulled with in 25 metres of the shuttle,
| |
| continually
| |
| sending singles to the shuttle on low band radio. But
| |
| it failed to
| |
| pick it up, the jet armed it's missile. Beta and
| |
| Powers, as well as
| |
| Grees beamed up, and at the exact moment the shuttle
| |
| dropped it's
| |
| shields, the jet fired.::
| |
| | |
| ((Caraban Skies ? Shuttle Plato ))
| |
| | |
| ::Beta, Powers and Grees appeared on the shuttle. As
| |
| they did alarm
| |
| went off. And the jet shot pass the shuttle it rocked
| |
| as it did.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: Report?
| |
| | |
| ::Cane did not answer but slammed down on console the
| |
| shields raised
| |
| just in time.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: Hold on it's going to be a bumpy ride.
| |
| | |
| ::He Hammer onto the console causing the shuttle to
| |
| shoot off at
| |
| super sonic speeds. The jet followed close behind fire
| |
| vigorously at
| |
| the shuttle all impacting against the shields.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: Shields are out 94%.
| |
| | |
| ::The jet fired off one last volley of missiles, the
| |
| shuttle pulled
| |
| away faster and faster, exiting the planet, as the
| |
| missiles fell
| |
| back falling into the jet destroying it instantly. The
| |
| jet increased
| |
| in speed as it reach space on it's way back to the
| |
| aurora. Cmdr Beta
| |
| held onto the bar in front of him, if he had been
| |
| human he would
| |
| most likely have been sick. Ensign Powers was
| |
| beginning to feel sick. He wasn?t used to all the
| |
| fast tight maneuvers that Crewman Cane was forcing the
| |
| shuttle through. While Ensign Powers knew the
| |
| maneuvers were needed it didn?t make them any easier
| |
| to take.::
| |
| | |
| ::After just a few seconds the shuttle had managed to
| |
| outrun their attacker and was back in outer space.
| |
| Things seemed to slow down and the ride got
| |
| considerably more comfortable and a lot easier to
| |
| take. Nobody said anything until the ship pulled back
| |
| into the shuttle bay aboard the Aurora. Once
| |
| everything was settled and the shuttle had powered
| |
| down the tension that was in the air was completely
| |
| gone. The crewman turned to face the back of the
| |
| shuttle. Rubbing his neck in embarrassment.::
| |
| | |
| CANE: Sorry sirs, but I did tell you it would be
| |
| bumpy.
| |
| | |
| ::The group disembarked from the shuttle and made
| |
| their way towards the bridge. Powers figured that
| |
| there was going to be a long debriefing about this
| |
| one. The mission had been tough but it seemed to have
| |
| been a huge success. Only time would tell how history
| |
| would tell this tale. History was the ultimate judge
| |
| of success or failure and Ensign Powers couldn?t wait
| |
| for his chance to write that history.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Ensign Max Powers
| |
| Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
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| | 2005-08-18 00:34:00
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| |
| | [sb118-aurora] Lt. JG Max Powers, CEO - Promotions!
| |
| | (( Bridge ? USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::The bridge seemed calm compared to the mission that
| |
| Ensign Powers had left behind. He was both glad and
| |
| sad to leave Caraban II and the observation post
| |
| behind. He felt like there was much they could learn
| |
| about the people of the Caraban system and well as
| |
| much Starfleet could teach them. All in due time he
| |
| realized.::
| |
| | |
| ::Lt. Cmdr Solan was trying to strike up conversation
| |
| on the bridge. Ensign Powers appreciated the gesture.
| |
| He assumed his superior was trying to help calm
| |
| everyone?s nerves as well as continue to get to know
| |
| the crew.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan glanced across to Ensign Powers who was
| |
| pouring over the Engineering Station.:: Is she living
| |
| up to your expectations, Mr. Powers?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. It?s amazing being on a ship like
| |
| this. It?s one thing to read about it and learn about
| |
| it but something entirely different to actually see it
| |
| and work on it.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan chuckled.:: Glad to hear it.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: If you don?t mind sir, I?d like to head to my
| |
| quarters. It?s been a long time since I last slept.
| |
| I could use a few hours of sleep before I get back to
| |
| work.
| |
| | |
| ::There was only a gesture but Max knew the meaning.
| |
| He headed for the turbolift.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| (( Ensign Powers? Quarters ))
| |
| | |
| ::Max went to his quarters after a quick stop on the
| |
| bridge. He wanted to see how everything going there
| |
| before retiring to his room. After reaching his room
| |
| the first thing he did was take a long nap. The last
| |
| few days had been very tiring and trying for the young
| |
| Ensign. It was his first assignment out of Starfleet
| |
| and he had been thrown right into the middle of
| |
| everything. He remembered being so nervous at first,
| |
| not wanting to let anyone down. Now, after a
| |
| successful first mission in which he felt he did a
| |
| pretty good job he felt more comfortable with his
| |
| abilities and his place onboard the Aurora. As he
| |
| closed his eyes his last thoughts were thoughts of
| |
| thanks. These were not directed at anyone or anything
| |
| in particular. It was just one of those moments when
| |
| the mind wanders and talks to whomever or whatever is
| |
| listening.::
| |
| | |
| (( Time Warp ? 0850 ))
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers awoke from his nap and rubbed his eyes
| |
| with the back of his hands. A long stretch and a big
| |
| yawn and he was up. He rolled over and checked to see
| |
| if he had missed any incoming transmissions or
| |
| communications while he had been asleep. He noticed
| |
| that there was one from Lt. Cmdr Beta announcing a
| |
| debriefing at 0900.::
| |
| | |
| oO That?s ten minutes from now! Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Max struggled to get ready and flew out of his
| |
| quarters. Down the hallway and into the turbolift.
| |
| He had never moved so fast in his life. The last
| |
| thing he wanted to do after a mission like the one
| |
| they just had was be late for the debriefing.::
| |
| | |
| (( Mess Hall, 0859 ))
| |
| | |
| ::Ensign Powers flew into the mess hall and grabbed
| |
| one of the remaining seats around a large table. All
| |
| of the other officers had already gathered around it.
| |
| No sooner had he sat down than Captain Parker entered
| |
| the room.::
| |
| | |
| GIBB: Attention on deck!
| |
| | |
| ::The officers came to attention as she entered.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: As you were people.
| |
| | |
| ::Megan made her way to the head table, she had
| |
| several announcements to make to the crew on this
| |
| occasion.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Sit please ...
| |
| | |
| ::She waited while the officers found seats.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Well, we did it. We made it through our
| |
| first mission. I'd like to tell you that I've made a
| |
| full report to Starfleet Command ... and they were
| |
| very impressed.
| |
| | |
| They are not going to give up on the survey of Caraban
| |
| II. They will be sending another team shortly. All
| |
| this is due to your efforts to repair and secure the
| |
| duck blind.
| |
| | |
| ::She let the news sink in for a moment.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: I myself am very proud of each of you. Even
| |
| though we lost Doctor Grees, it can not be placed on
| |
| you. Without you, the Federation may have lost many
| |
| more ... as well as given a premature first contact to
| |
| a growing planet.
| |
| | |
| You should all give yourselves a pat on your backs
| |
| ...you've earned it.
| |
| | |
| ::There was a collective smile that went around the
| |
| table. All of the officers exchanged glances and
| |
| smiles with one another. Megan continues her address
| |
| to her officers.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Now with all that in mind, I'd like Mister
| |
| Powers and Calhan to come forward.
| |
| | |
| ::She waits till their standing before her, and moves
| |
| in front of Powers.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Powers, your performance during this
| |
| mission has been noted as exemplary. You are a fine
| |
| example for all those in Engineering ... and to the
| |
| rest aboard the ship.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you ma?am. That means a lot to me.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: (taking the small wooden box from her aide
| |
| behind her) It is therefore with great pleasure that I
| |
| promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade
| |
| effective immediately.
| |
| | |
| ::She takes a moment to pin the new pip on his collar,
| |
| then holds out her had to shake his.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Congratulations Lieutenant. I'm sure this
| |
| will not be the last time I get to do this.
| |
| | |
| ::Max was speechless. He was at a loss for words. He
| |
| was never one to babble and run on with his thoughts
| |
| but he was far from quiet. This was a rare occasion.
| |
| He moved his mouth, trying to find the right words.
| |
| All he could find were two.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: One other thing. As you have shown great
| |
| engineering skill and leadership abilities, I'm also
| |
| assigning you as Chief Engineering Officer for Aurora.
| |
| Also effective immediately.
| |
| | |
| ::Again she shakes his hand.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Captain, I . . . I . . .
| |
| | |
| ::Max closed his eyes and bit his lips. He lowered
| |
| his head, almost as if bowing slightly as a way of
| |
| showing his gratitude and appreciation. This was
| |
| definitely unexpected. He couldn?t think of anything
| |
| that would make this moment any more special.::
| |
| | |
| ::She moves over in front of Mister Calhan.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Doctor, this was a difficult mission for the
| |
| medical department. We kept you pretty busy down
| |
| there and you showed great promise in your actions.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::Reaching back for a second box.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: As a surgeon myself, I understand the
| |
| pressures that come with the job, it is therefore with
| |
| great pleasure that I promote you to Lieutenant Junior
| |
| Grade effective immediately.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::She pins the extra pip on his collar.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: (shaking his hand) Congratulations Doctor, we
| |
| may make a habit of this. (smiling)
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Medical does have a problem though. As of
| |
| now, we have no Chief Medical Officer assigned.
| |
| Lieutenant, I'd like you to begin those duties
| |
| immediately.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Just remember, I'm trusting you to keep my
| |
| crew safe and ready for duty. I have faith in you.
| |
| | |
| ::She steps back a step.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: You may return to your seats gentlemen. I'm
| |
| sure the crew has words for you.
| |
| | |
| ::After they set back down, Megan allowed a few
| |
| moments for congratulations to be given. Everything
| |
| was still kind of a blur to the newly promoted
| |
| engineer but he could feel the congratulatory pats on
| |
| the back none the less.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: One more thing before we move on into the
| |
| party part of this morning. Mister Jeris, if you'd
| |
| stand please.
| |
| | |
| Ensign Jeris has joined our Science Department. I
| |
| trust each of you to make him feel welcome into our
| |
| little family.
| |
| | |
| JERIS: response
| |
| | |
| ::She pauses for a moment, then turns to her First
| |
| Officer.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Commander, please adjust the duty roster to
| |
| show we're running minimum shifts. Let the crew take
| |
| a rest.
| |
| | |
| We'll be docking back at the starbase in a few days.
| |
| Once we get the go ahead there ... we'll really be
| |
| ready for action.
| |
| | |
| Now ... is this a party or what?
| |
| | |
| ::The music started and everyone cheered. This was
| |
| going to be a night to remember. The first thing Max
| |
| did was head over the Doctor Calhan.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well hello there . . . Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| ::Max extended his hand and followed it up wit ha big
| |
| smile.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You deserve it. You really did a great job
| |
| down there. And discovering the berry! That really
| |
| helped the entire mission.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| (OOC: feel free to add as much as you want. i?ll
| |
| backsim where needed)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | [sb118-aurora] Lt JG Max Powers, CEO - Welcome Mr Jeris
| |
| | (( Mess Hall ? USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::The promotions were done and the party had started.
| |
| Everyone had begun to mingle. Max headed over towards
| |
| the newly named CMO to congratulate him.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well hello there . . . Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| ::Max extended his hand and followed it up wit ha big
| |
| smile.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: ::shaking hands:: Congratulations.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You deserve it. You really did a great job
| |
| down there. And discovering the berry! That really
| |
| helped the entire mission.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Thanks. You did great job too. I know we're
| |
| safe with such CEO. Mind a drink?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?d love one. Bring me whatever you?re
| |
| having.
| |
| | |
| ::Jophry replicated drinks for Max and himself.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: So, what do you think of the crew?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: So far so good. I like everyone. They all
| |
| seem to work pretty hard and are extremely dedicated
| |
| to the job at hand.
| |
| | |
| ::As Lt JG Powers spoke he noticed that Jophry wasn?t
| |
| giving him his one hundred percent attention. Max
| |
| didn?t take this personally. From what he saw of the
| |
| CMO so far he knew that Lt. JG Calhan was a hard
| |
| worker that never stopped. He seemed to have this
| |
| energy that never quit. Max didn?t want to be rude
| |
| and hold the doctor up.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hey, it?s nice talking with you but I?m going
| |
| to make the rounds and introduce myself to the newest
| |
| member of our crew.
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned and headed towards Ensign Jeris. He was
| |
| talking with Lt. Cmdr Solan when Max walked up.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?m not interrupting anything, am I sir?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: ::Extending his hand:: Max Powers. Nice to
| |
| meet you.
| |
| | |
| ::Lt JG Powers thought about giving his rank and
| |
| position but Ensign Jeris was at the briefing and knew
| |
| full well what Powers? name and rank were. Lt JG
| |
| Powers didn?t want t seem like he was rubbing it in or
| |
| bragging about his promotion.::
| |
| | |
| JERIS: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Science eh? I have a lot of respect for
| |
| science officers. It?s a tough position.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN/JERIS: response
| |
| | |
| (OOC: Feel free to add as much as you want to the
| |
| conversation. I?ll backsim as much as either of you
| |
| want me to. I?m going to sim the end of the
| |
| conversation here but please don?t feel like either of
| |
| you has to cut our conversation short.)
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well, welcome aboard Mr. Jeris. I look
| |
| forward to working with you. If you have any
| |
| questions or need any help just ask.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| __________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-08-25 05:26:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Ensign Harley - Helm - Promotions and new arrivals.
| |
| | ((OOC - sorry for not simming ... life has kept me busy. Back now, will be simming alot now. lol))
| |
| |
| ((Mess hall ))
| |
| | |
| :: Harley sat on the seat, listening to what Parker had to say,, the fact that starfleet was pleased with their efforts pleased Josh, even though by the end they had ... at least Harley had had to use force, he had tossed the event through his mind so many times, each time he had come to the same conclusion, he had done what needed to be done - bo regrets. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Parker continues her address to her officers.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Now with all that in mind, I'd like Mister
| |
| Powers and Calhan to come forward.
| |
| | |
| :: Joshua knew what was comeing, no captain would tell an Officer offin front of everyone, they were proberly going to be given reconmendations for their actions on the planet. he was slightly surprised when they were given promotions, Max and Harley went through training together, Cahan arrived about a week later, this ment that they had forged a bond with eachother, being the new guys on the block so to speak. ::
| |
| | |
| :: The ceromery went on, the clapping the cheers, the utter astonishement Max and Cahan showed, Haley smiled, he wanted to be one the first to congratulate them. ::
| |
| PARKER: We'll be docking back at the starbase in a few days.
| |
| Once we get the go ahead there ... we'll really be
| |
| ready for action.
| |
| | |
| Now ... is this a party or what?
| |
| | |
| :: Cheers went around the room, at the statement, Harley cheered after that mission, they needed a party, their first mission completed and approved by Starfleet, new ensigns either promoted or not were not green anymore many more to come. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| HARLEY: :held out his hand: Congratulations guys.
| |
| Powers/Cahan: ???
| |
| :: They made their way over to the new Ensign. ::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan smiled.:: You'll do fine, I'm certain. ::Solan
| |
| pointed out Lt. JG Dominus.:: The Lieutenant over there is our Chief
| |
| Science Officer. Good man, good scientist.
| |
| | |
| JERIS: Ah, perhaps I should speak with him when I get a chance, then.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan grinned.:: I'll have to do some routine security work
| |
| tomorrow morning to get your codes activated, but for now, we should
| |
| both just enjoy the party.
| |
| | |
| ::Rabek grinned at the suggestion.::
| |
| | |
| JERIS: On that, Sir, I agree wholeheartedly.
| |
| | |
| ::Max turned and headed towards Ensign Jeris. He was
| |
| talking with Lt. Cmdr Solan when Max walked up.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I'm not interrupting anything, am I sir?
| |
| | |
| ::Rabek turned his attention to the man approaching.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: ::Extending his hand:: Max Powers. Nice to
| |
| meet you.
| |
| | |
| ::Rabek smiled warmly and shook Powers' hand firmly.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| JERIS: Pleasure to meet you.. Lieutenant, was it?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Science eh? I have a lot of respect for
| |
| science officers. It's a tough position.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Rabek let out a nervous laugh.::
| |
| | |
| JERIS: Thank you. I will try my best to do the job well.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Response?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Joshua Harley, nice to meet you.
| |
| JERIS: ???
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-08-25 19:27:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Lt JG Max Powers, CEO - Wrapping up the Party
| |
| | (( Mess Hall ? USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::The promotion ceremony was winding down and the
| |
| officers were beginning to mingle. Lt JG Powers
| |
| congratulated the newly promoted Doctor Calhan and was
| |
| making his way towards the newly assigned Ensign Jeris
| |
| when another officer approached and stopped him.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Congratulations Lieutenant
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Well you had best get used to it. There will
| |
| be many more to come. I assure you.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I?ve got my fingers crossed. I just don?t
| |
| want to let anyone down.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| ::The reassurance was nice. Max Powers felt good
| |
| knowing that although he had only been onboard the
| |
| Aurora for a short while, he was making a name for
| |
| himself. He was glad that people appreciated the work
| |
| he did and the effort that he gave.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I'm not interrupting anything, am I sir?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan shook his head in an emphatic no.:: Of
| |
| course not, have a seat, Lietenant.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: ::Extending his hand:: Max Powers. Nice to
| |
| meet you.
| |
| | |
| JERIS: Pleasure to meet you.. Lieutenant, was it?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Science eh? I have a lot of respect for
| |
| science officers. It's a tough position.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan chuckled.:: That it is.
| |
| | |
| ::Rabek let out a nervous laugh.::
| |
| | |
| JERIS: Thank you. I will try my best to do the job
| |
| well.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan laughed again.:: That's all we ask.
| |
| | |
| ::Just then, another officer joined the conversation.
| |
| Quite a crowd was gathering.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Joshua Harley, nice to meet you.
| |
| | |
| JERIS: ???
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan turned back to Lt. Powers.::
| |
| Congratulations on your
| |
| promotion, Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: One step up. May it be the first of many.
| |
| | |
| ::Max let out a little chuckle.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I hope so sir. Let?s just hope I keep up the
| |
| good work.
| |
| | |
| ::After the conversation with Ensigns Jeris and Harley
| |
| and Lt Cmdr Solan broke up Max made one more stop.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Good evening sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you sir. I just wanted to say thank you
| |
| for everything you did on the mission.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: You had faith in me. You trusted me. You
| |
| gave me a chance to prove myself. That means a lot to
| |
| me sir.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I was nervous and at times I doubted myself
| |
| but you stuck by me. Thank you. I owe a lot of this
| |
| promotion to you.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| OOC: Feel free to run with this as long as you want.
| |
| | |
| ::The party continued long into the night. Everyone
| |
| was mingling, talking, laughing, and smiling. It was
| |
| definitely a joyous occasion for everyone on board the
| |
| Aurora. Lt JG Powers hoped that this energy and
| |
| bonding would last well beyond this party and carry
| |
| over into the next mission. Maybe even beyond.::
| |
| | |
| (( Time Warp ? Some time later ))
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone was back on the bridge. The Aurora was
| |
| making her final approach to Starbase 118 before the
| |
| docking procedure would begin.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Harley, keep us steady until base
| |
| operations is ready to pull us in.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| ::It seemed like they were in the holding pattern for
| |
| several minutes, and Aurora was the only ship waiting.
| |
| Megan had to wonder what the problem was. When the
| |
| hail finally came to break the silence on the bridge,
| |
| it was a welcome relief.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Very good, signal affirmative. Mister Harley
| |
| turn control over to the base.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Powers, take the warp core offline and
| |
| prepare us for external support mode. I want this to
| |
| be an quick efficient operation.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes ma?am. Would you like me to take impulse
| |
| offline as well?
| |
| | |
| PARKER: No keep the impulse engines hot, we may need
| |
| them ... you know, just in case.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes ma?am.
| |
| | |
| ::In the back of his mind max was hoping that there
| |
| wouldn?t be a ?just in case?.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Solan as soon as we're inside, take
| |
| weapons and tactical offline.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Yes, ma'am. ::He responded brightly, he'd like
| |
| a chance to retune phaser array number 2.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Doctor, is your staff standing by for
| |
| emergencies?
| |
| | |
| ::Max was again impressed with his CO. She didn?t
| |
| take any chances. Even though this was a simple
| |
| docking procedure she made sure she had all her bases
| |
| covered. Nothing was going to get by her.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Very good.
| |
| | |
| ::Everything was going smoothly ... by the book.
| |
| Aurora was smoothy pulled inside, it was slow going
| |
| but efficient. Within ten minutes Aurora was along
| |
| side her moorings.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Secure the moorings and put us in external
| |
| support mode.
| |
| | |
| Give me a shipwide channel.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= This is the Captain. Aurora has docked
| |
| with Starbase 118. Liberty call will begin in two
| |
| hours, if all stations report secure.
| |
| | |
| You've all done a great job on our shakedown cruise.
| |
| Captain out. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::All Lt JG Max Powers could do was smile. He had
| |
| been doing that a lot lately and liked it. That meant
| |
| things were going well. He was glad that his first
| |
| mission was over. He was glad to be back at the
| |
| starbase. He was glad for his promotion. But most of
| |
| all, he was glad to be on this ship with this crew.
| |
| He had a great feeling about their future and the
| |
| things that they could accomplish in the future.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-08-31 05:39:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Lt JG Max Powers, CEO - Personal Log
| |
| | (( Personal Quarters ))
| |
| | |
| ::Before heading out to the starbase for a little
| |
| rest, Max wanted to stop by his quarters for some
| |
| little quiet reflection time.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Computer, start personal log.
| |
| | |
| ::The was a tiny bleep of compliance from the ship?s
| |
| computer.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Personal log, stardate 238208.31. The mission
| |
| is over. Aurora is a full fledged member of
| |
| Starfleet. She preformed well as did her crew. I had
| |
| my worries heading into the mission much like any
| |
| newly commissioned officer I assume. Things started
| |
| off pretty well. The crew was friendly and there were
| |
| some familiar faces from training which made the
| |
| transition easier.
| |
| | |
| The mission itself was interesting. What started off
| |
| as a seemingly routine search and rescue turned into
| |
| anything but. The members of the observation team had
| |
| suffered from some sort of acute hysteria brought on
| |
| by eating some local berries. We were able to locate
| |
| all of the members from the observation team and bring
| |
| them back to the Aurora alive and well except for one
| |
| ? Doctor Voran Grees. We recovered his body from a
| |
| local government compound. The details of our mission
| |
| will be outlined in other reports so I won?t dwell on
| |
| those here. Instead I?d like to talk about my
| |
| commanding officers.
| |
| | |
| The crew has been great. Lieutenant Commander Beta
| |
| was a great leader on the mission. He trusted me.
| |
| Gave me responsibility. He never seemed to loose
| |
| faith in me or my abilities. Even when at time I
| |
| wasn?t sure what to do he showed nothing but the
| |
| utmost confidence in me. His leadership has been a
| |
| huge boost to me and I believe he is a major reason
| |
| for my promotion. If it wasn?t for the opportunity
| |
| that he afforded me on the away mission I wouldn?t
| |
| have been promoted.
| |
| | |
| Captain Parker has also shown some wonderful
| |
| qualities. She definitely knows her stuff and leaves
| |
| nothing to chance. She seems to have a deep love for
| |
| Starfleet and a profound sense of care and concern for
| |
| the crew and their wellbeing. At times she seems very
| |
| serious and others more laid back and relaxed. She is
| |
| able to wear whatever hat is needed at that particular
| |
| time and I really appreciate that. She seems to know
| |
| just what to do to help the mission run smoothly.
| |
| | |
| The rest of the crew has been outstanding. Everyone
| |
| excels at what they do. Each played a major role in
| |
| the rescuing of the observation team. I hope that
| |
| every one of them receives some sort of recognition
| |
| for their hard work. I am eager to work with each of
| |
| them, to learn about them, and to befriend them.
| |
| | |
| My promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and change of
| |
| duty to Chief Engineer has surprised me. I am
| |
| grateful for the trust placed in me but a little
| |
| nervous at the same time. This is a big
| |
| responsibility and I just hope I don?t let down the
| |
| ship or her crew. With a new ship there shouldn?t be
| |
| any major problems, just minor adjustments to get the
| |
| most out of her as possible. I can?t wait to get into
| |
| main engineering and see exactly how the Aurora held
| |
| up. Maybe I?ll be able to sneak into engineering and
| |
| spend a little extra time with the system. Luckily I
| |
| have a great help in Mr. Will Cristo. He really seems
| |
| to know his stuff and did a fantastic job of holding
| |
| down engineering while I was on the away mission.
| |
| | |
| I can?t wait to see what the future brings. The ship
| |
| and this crew seemed destined for great things. I
| |
| feel fortunate to be a part of the history that is
| |
| about to be written.
| |
| | |
| Computer, end log.
| |
| | |
| ::With a second bleep of compliance the computer ended
| |
| to log. Max put a few belonging into a backpack and
| |
| headed out of his quarters and towards the Starbase.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ____________________________________________________
| |
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| | 2005-08-31 06:04:00
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - Docking
| |
| | ((Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| :: The party had gone well, Josh had enjoyed himself, mingling with the crew, he had had the best nights sleep he had had since the mission ended. ::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Mister Harley, keep us steady until base
| |
| operations is ready to pull us in.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Aye, Holding at current co-ordinates.
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora was still, for a few minutes, she was according to sensors the only ship, making way to the starbase there was not even an outgoing ship. The OP's console bleeped to life a small sound which sounded louder due to the silence on the bridge. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Lt Thomas made the annoucement, Harley had already begun handing control to the starbase. ::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Very good, signal affirmative. Mister Harley
| |
| turn control over to the base.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Already have, Ma'am
| |
| | |
| :: Parker began giving orders to the rest of the crew
| |
| | |
| ::Everything was going smoothly ... by the book. Aurora was smoothy pulled inside, it was slow going but efficient. Within ten minutes Aurora was alongside her moorings.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Secure the moorings and put us in external
| |
| support mode.
| |
| | |
| Give me a shipwide channel.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= This is the Captain. Aurora has docked
| |
| with Starbase 118. Liberty call will begin in two
| |
| hours, if all stations report secure.
| |
| | |
| You've all done a great job on our shakedown cruise.
| |
| Captain out. =/=
| |
| :: Joshua smiled at his console, it was nice especially as an Ensign to be told that the first mission with new crew had been good, and to have the captain give a well done, what could be better?. ::
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| How much free photo storage do you get? Store your holiday snaps for FREE with Yahoo! Photos. Get Yahoo! Photos
| |
| | 2005-09-04 19:58:00
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| | Captain Avatar: Coming aboard the Aurora
| |
| | ((Transporter Room - Starbase 118))
| |
| | |
| ::Captain Avatar and his crew remained on Starbase 118 as the USS
| |
| Columbia underwent repairs. The Columbia was in need of a new warp
| |
| core before her mission with the Deloreans. Fortunately, the Aurora
| |
| was also at Starbase for what would be a momentous occassion. Avatar
| |
| had never been aboard a Nova Class ship, but he admired the design.
| |
| Like himself, Parker had fancied the idea of a science vessel.::
| |
| | |
| ::As Avatar stepped onto the transporter platform, he held tightly a
| |
| gift that he was intending to give Parker. It was a bottle of
| |
| Andoria's finest whiskey, "Ambassador Shras' Blue Label." Avatar had
| |
| a small collection of the bottles and he had given away a couple of
| |
| gifts in the past. Avatar tugged down on his white dress uniform and
| |
| signalled for the chief to energize.::
| |
| | |
| ((Transporter Room 1 - Deck 2 - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::The blue shimmering light materialized Captain Avatar on the
| |
| platform. He was surprised to see that the transporter room was
| |
| absolutely full of white dress uniformed officers, including an
| |
| admiral whom he did not recognize. The admiral and Commander Parker
| |
| quickly exited the transporte room in a hurry. No one looked happy.::
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar made eye contact with Commander Solan, who he had gotten to
| |
| know during the joint mission with the Victory.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Solan, what is going on here? I thought I was here for the party.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar shook the changeling's hand. He then noticed that Commander
| |
| Beta, Parker's first officer was present.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Commander Beta, good to see you again.
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Is Captain Hurne coming?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| Captain Mal Avatar
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Columbia
| |
| NCC-85279
| |
| | 2005-09-06 23:58:00
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| | 46742
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| | 12
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| | [sb118-aurora] Lt JG Max Powers, CEO - Decorating for the Admiral
| |
| | (( Starbase 118 ))
| |
| | |
| ::Lieutenant JG Powers was wondering around the
| |
| starbase taking in all the sights and sounds.
| |
| Starbase 118 was massive and had so much to offer.
| |
| While he had enjoyed his first mission aboard the
| |
| Aurora it was nice to get out and ?stretch his legs?
| |
| so to speak. The Aurora didn?t have shops like these.
| |
| It didn?t have holodecks period. Starbase 118 was
| |
| buzzing with activity all about.::
| |
| | |
| ::Max had settled into one of the libraries on the
| |
| middles levels and selected a book on advanced warp
| |
| core theory. He never tired of studying and learning.
| |
| Even when he was ?off duty? he seemed to be doing
| |
| something related to Starfleet. He had gotten to the
| |
| chapter on warp field manipulation when he was
| |
| interrupted by his comm. badge.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Lt. Commander Solan to Lt. Powers. =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/=Ensign . . I mean Lt. Powers here. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The newly promoted officer was still getting used to
| |
| his new rank. Even looking in the mirror was a little
| |
| funny with that extra pip attached to his collar.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: =/=Mr. Powers, we'll be having guests soon of
| |
| the Admiralty nature. Please have the mess hall
| |
| prepared. Don't hold back, Lieutenant. =/=
| |
| | |
| POWERS: =/= Yes sir. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The conversation was over almost as quickly as it
| |
| had began. Max wasted little time and headed as fast
| |
| as he could towards the ship.::
| |
| | |
| (( Mess Hall ? Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::The mess hall was . . . well . . . a mess. The crew
| |
| had enjoyed their party and things had never really
| |
| been cleaned up. The crew had used the mess hall on
| |
| their way to Starbase 118 but it hadn?t been cleaned
| |
| up properly. Things were still in piles on the floors
| |
| or pushed into corners. Everything was out of the way
| |
| but it was still there.::
| |
| | |
| ::Max jumped up onto the first table he saw and
| |
| spoke.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Alright, everyone. I?m going to need your
| |
| help.
| |
| | |
| ::Those that were in the mess hall turned and looked
| |
| at the officer addressing them. It was odd for them
| |
| to see a Starfleet officer standing up on a table.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I just got word that we?re going to be having
| |
| some very special guests. Some pretty important
| |
| people. I don?t know who exactly but I did get a rank
| |
| . . . admiral.
| |
| | |
| ::He emphasized that last word with much dramatic
| |
| flare. He wanted everyone to hear the word and listen
| |
| more closely.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: We need this place looking better than it ever
| |
| has before. After it?s cleaned we need to decorate
| |
| it. Now, nobody has to help but any help will be
| |
| appreciated and I?m sure that the Admiral coming
| |
| onboard would personally thank anyone involved in the
| |
| process. Who?s in?
| |
| | |
| ::Lt Powers had done his best to try and garner up
| |
| some interest. The thought of an Admiral personally
| |
| thanking them was intriguing to some but others didn?t
| |
| seem too excited about the proposition. Those that
| |
| didn?t seem interested politely got up and left,
| |
| leaving Lt Powers with a few other people to help.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Alright guys. I really appreciate it. Let?s
| |
| get to work.
| |
| | |
| ::The small band of workers got started cleaning.
| |
| After what seemed like ages the mess hall was as clean
| |
| as it had ever been. The tables and chairs were all
| |
| arranged neatly in rows just as they had when Aurora
| |
| pulled away from the dock on her first mission. The
| |
| floors were so clean that you could eat off of them.
| |
| Everything was in order.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Great work guys. Now to decorate. Anyone
| |
| have any ideas for a theme or anything?
| |
| | |
| ::There was a general lull and murmur. Nobody really
| |
| wanted to say anything. They all had ideas but were a
| |
| little afraid at disappointing the Admiral.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Come on now. I know you guys have some ideas.
| |
| What do you have? Remember, the only dumb idea is
| |
| the one you don?t share.
| |
| | |
| REAMS: How about Hawaiian?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Hawaiian? Like a luau?
| |
| | |
| REAMS: Yeah. It could be fun.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I don?t know about a whole drawn out luau. It
| |
| might be a little much to get a pig roasting and sand
| |
| in here but I think that?s something we can work with.
| |
| Anyone have any ideas?
| |
| | |
| EASTLY: Well sir, we could use some tiki-torches and
| |
| set them up around the place.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Good idea! I like that. What else do you
| |
| guys have?
| |
| | |
| REAMS: Could we get some pineapple to use as center
| |
| pieces? Or maybe even for drinks? I think I remember
| |
| seeing that from 20th century pictures.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Me too. Hm?.I?m sure we could replicate
| |
| something. Now for music.
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone was at a loss here. They didn?t seem to
| |
| know what kind of music to play. They decided to
| |
| check the computer to see what it suggested.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Computer, what kind of music would be
| |
| appropriate for a Hawaiian themed party?
| |
| | |
| COMPUTER: Traditional Hawaiian music consists of
| |
| chants and hula dancing. During the 20th century a
| |
| Hawaiian musician named Don Ho made a song called
| |
| ?Tiny Bubbles? popular.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Thank you computer. Don Ho it is. Computer,
| |
| search memory for music by Don Ho.
| |
| | |
| COMPUTER: Searching . . . found.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Great. Computer, can you put together a
| |
| compilation of his songs as well as traditional
| |
| Hawaiian music for our party?
| |
| | |
| COMPUTER: Affirmative.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well then, we?re all set. We have our theme.
| |
| We know what we?re decorating. We have music. What
| |
| are we missing?
| |
| | |
| EASTLY: What about clothing? Didn?t they used to wear
| |
| those crazy shirts? You know the ones with the
| |
| pictures all over them of hula girls or surf boards or
| |
| old cars or something?
| |
| | |
| REAMS: Yes, you?re right. I remember that too.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Well then, we?ll have to get those Hawaiian
| |
| shirts for everyone. Reams, you get the tiki-torches.
| |
| Eastly, I want you to get the pineapples, and I?ll
| |
| work on getting the clothes. This is going to be good
| |
| guys. Meet back here as soon as you can. I want this
| |
| to be done as quickly as we can. I don?t know how
| |
| long we have until the Admiral arrives.
| |
| | |
| ::Everyone went off to collect what they needed.::
| |
| | |
| oO I hope this is what Lt. Cmdr Solan was taking
| |
| about. Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________
| |
| Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
| |
| http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/
| |
| | 2005-09-07 01:45:00
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| | Lt. Cmdr Beta FO - Welcome to aurora Avatar
| |
| | ((USS Aurora ? Transporter Room))
| |
| | |
| PARKER: As you wish. (to Beta) Commander, have the
| |
| officers assemble in the messhall.
| |
| Admiral, we can go to my ready room if you like?
| |
| | |
| ::Beta nodded to note he had heard her.::
| |
| | |
| WESTLAKE: Very good.
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to All sensor staff please report to
| |
| the mess hall. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Just after Both officers departed A male andorian
| |
| that was wearing a captains uniform he knew it was
| |
| right away, it was captain Avatar.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Solan, what is going on here? I thought I was
| |
| here for the party.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| :: Cpt. Avatar shook the Solan's hand. After which he
| |
| moved over to .::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Commander Beta, good to see you again.
| |
| | |
| BETA: As it to see you Captain.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Is Captain Hurne coming?
| |
| | |
| BETA: Yes sir, but at the moment I think they are
| |
| delayed momentarily, they should arrive shortly.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: If you would follow Cmdr Solan to the Mess Hall
| |
| I will follow shortly after our other expected guests
| |
| arrive.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: (response)
| |
| | |
| Lt.Cmdr Beta
| |
| FO
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| "It has been said something as small as a flutter of a
| |
| butterfly's
| |
| wings cause a typhoon half way around the world" Chaos Theory
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ___________________________________________________________
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger - NEW crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
| |
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| |
| | 2005-09-07 19:33:00
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| | 46747
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| | Lt.Cmdr Nugra - Onboard the Aurora
| |
| | (( USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| :: The Aurora was a Nova Class vessel and so was the
| |
| first one that Nugra stood on. It had more of a nicer
| |
| and cozier feel then the victory. No doubt, the
| |
| Victory was a warship and The Aurora was one of Star
| |
| Fleet's best science ships. ::
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: oO They made an intelligent decision putting
| |
| Commander Parker in charge.....correction, *Captain*
| |
| Parker. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Nugra stood tall and firm as he kept his distance
| |
| between the Captain and the first officer. As his new
| |
| position as Chief of Security AND tactical, it was now
| |
| his duty to guard the two with his very life. Hurne
| |
| was speaking pleasently with everybody and he turned
| |
| to him. ::
| |
| | |
| HURNE: I see something missing Mr Nugra
| |
| | |
| :: Nugra nodded trying to keep the embarresment down.
| |
| He had not told the Captain though from the man's eyes
| |
| the Gorn could tell he knew. ::
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: Aye, sir. I am not officially allowed to wear
| |
| my Gorn uniform any longer, sir.
| |
| | |
| :: The welcome commitee arrived and Nugra allowed them
| |
| to talk to everybody. The Gorn stepped back and kept
| |
| his eye on his charges. Phaser hidden in his pocket
| |
| just in case. A good security officer was always
| |
| ready! ::
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| Lt.Cmdr Nugra
| |
| Chief of Security/Tactical
| |
| USS Victory
| |
| | |
| OOC: Gorn here and aboard. :)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Jonathan Snyder
| |
| | |
| TlhIngan maH! Nuq Daq yuch Dapol.
| |
| | |
| (ENGLISH TRANSLATION: We are Klingons! Where do you keep the Chocolates?)
| |
| | |
| __________________________________________________
| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
| | 2005-09-07 20:39:00
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| | 46751
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| | Cmdr.Phoenix: Aurora aurora
| |
| | (( USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| ::Robin was standing besides her trusted Captain and friend Jordan
| |
| Hurne. Nugra, Harden and Cicero were also there. Studying the layout
| |
| and looks of the small but ingenious designed vessel Aurora, Robin was
| |
| impressed with the ship. She understood why Megan had been so keen on
| |
| her new job. Straightening her white costume, Robin looked at the
| |
| Captain as he spoke.::
| |
| | |
| HURNE: I must say you two ladies look.....Well ladies in your dress
| |
| whites.
| |
| | |
| HARDEN: (response)
| |
| | |
| PHOENIX: ::letting out a grin.:: Quite true.
| |
| | |
| ::The bunch smiled at each other, a family having fun. As the trip
| |
| continued, so did the conversation. It seemed everyone was in quite a
| |
| good mood, at least as far as she could see and sense.::
| |
| | |
| HURNE: You look about as comfortable as me in your Nick.
| |
| | |
| CICERO: Don't you know it sir, they must design these things to keep
| |
| you awake at diplomatic functions.
| |
| | |
| :: Robin grinned inwardly at the remark.::
| |
| | |
| HURNE: I see something missing Mr Nugra
| |
| | |
| :: Glancing at the large Gorn, Robin noticed the man was having a bit
| |
| trouble with that remark. Nugra had told Robin all about it after his
| |
| return, but it was quite a private matter thus obviously difficult for
| |
| the strong lizard who was her friend. ::
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: Aye, sir. I am not officially allowed to wear my Gorn uniform
| |
| any longer, sir.
| |
| | |
| :;Before the Hurne could reply. The welcoming committee arrived. Robin
| |
| glanced on the faces approaching them and treated them to a warm
| |
| smile. This visit was going to be great!.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Commander Robin Phoenix
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| | 2005-09-08 12:31:00
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - Worries? Not yet
| |
| | ((Transporter room))
| |
| |
| :: A Parade of officers transorted over the Aurora, an Admiral two Captains, a commander or two, a few Lieutenant commanders, a few Lieutenants. and that is where the importantant people ended in rank ... Joshua had a distinct feeling of being out of place and wished he could some how hide the one pip on his collar if only to fit in, that was how he felt on the inside, outside his face stayed the same not a hint of how he really felt. ::
| |
| |
| :: Of course there were Ensigns and Lt(jg) comeing aboard, but they were the Admirals aide's and didn't say much, didn't look like they were here to have fun either. ::
| |
| |
| :: Harley brought his hand up to scratch his neck, he hated dress uniform but would wear it, with no hestitation, no question, and no complaint. ::
| |
| |
| :: Now that all transports were complete everyone left, heading to the mess hall ... it was the largest function room on the ship ... the only function room on the ship. Jo feel instep beside him, He looked anxcious, concerned, Josh waited for him to speak. ::
| |
| |
| CALHAN: What do you think of all this?
| |
| HARLEY: A party Jo. ::He grinned, he knew that wasn't what Jo ment, Josh lost the grin and spoke more seriously. :: The Admiral on the otherhand ... I don't know.
| |
| |
| CALHAN: Yes, something's coming. And I don't like it. Recall that woman... Shee?
| |
| HARLEY: I don't trust her, it seemed as though she wanted to be part of every thing that was going on to she has an air of arragants around her.
| |
| |
| CALHAN: She troubles me the most. Who is she anyway?
| |
| HARLEY: Calm down Jo, She wouldn't of got aboard if they didn't have prior knowledge of her.
| |
| |
| CALHAN: I suppose so. But I won't completely calm down before I know what's going on. Aren't you concerned?
| |
| :: Josh stared at the corridoor ahead, he heard the idle chit chat of the guests behind them, a few thoughts on the question flowed through his mind ... little did he knew that a telepath was just a few steps behind. ::
| |
| |
| oOMaybe it would have a few years ago.Oo
| |
| |
| :: Josh clamped a hand on his friends shoulder in a friendly way. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: (Wrly) Let's, just enjoy the party.
| |
| |
| CALHAN: ???
| |
| |
| :: Josh slowed them both down and dropped his hand, to let the group behind catch up there was a reason to this, If Jo had noticed that it made Josh think, he didn't want the topic of why brought up, and least of all he didn't want ... he wasn't ready to talk about it. ::
| |
| |
| :: Joshua turned his head as far as it could go, and tried to look at the group behind, so as not to appear rude for interupting their conversation, he smiled and spoke ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: What do you think of the ship?
| |
| |
| ANYONE ???
| |
| |
| HARLEY: Yes, You've only seen a few corridoors, but there's a real sense of togetherness here, even though we've been together for only a short time.
| |
| |
| ANYONE ???
| |
| |
| Ensign Joshua Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
| |
| | 2005-09-08 17:41:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Lt JG Max Powers, CEO - And it's begun
| |
| | ((Mess Hall))
| |
| | |
| ::Powers was working hard with the other two members
| |
| of the Aurora crew to get the mess hall ready. Things
| |
| were looking good but it was missing something.::
| |
| | |
| POWERS: We need some more. We need those flower
| |
| necklaces that I?ve seen in pictures. What are those
| |
| called . . .
| |
| | |
| ::His voiced trailed off as he searched for the name
| |
| of the flowery necklace.::
| |
| | |
| REAMS: I believe they are called leis sir.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Excellent. ::he proceeded to the nearest
| |
| replicator.:: Computer, leis for everyone who will be
| |
| at the party.
| |
| | |
| ::Instantly the computer replicated leis for everyone.
| |
| Lt JG Powers put them on a table at the entrance of
| |
| the mess hall along with the Hawaiian shirts. He
| |
| figured that everyone could put them on if they wanted
| |
| but he didn?t want to force it upon anyone.::
| |
| | |
| EASTLY: What about those huts from the pictures? We
| |
| could hang some from the ceiling to give a different
| |
| feel to the room.
| |
| | |
| ::The three all liked the idea. They weren?t sure
| |
| what plant the Hawaiians had used to make their huts
| |
| but they picked some plants that looked close.
| |
| Together they hung them over part of the ceiling but
| |
| left about half uncovered. They wanted to create the
| |
| feel of moving from inside the hut to outside. The
| |
| effect worked nicely when it was all done. It was no
| |
| more than ten minutes after the three had finished
| |
| getting ready that the guests started to arrive. Max
| |
| wanted to help break the ice so he grabbed one of the
| |
| brightest and loudest Hawaiian shirts and put it on
| |
| over his dress uniform, leaving the shirt unbuttoned.
| |
| He also donned a lei as Ensign Reams had called it.::
| |
| | |
| ::The party had started smoothly and almost everyone
| |
| was there. Only the Captain and her guests were
| |
| missing.::
| |
| | |
| ::Solan had shapeshifted his hand to include a small
| |
| coffee cup, and some liquid. He found it made it
| |
| easier for people to talk to him. Solan stood towards
| |
| the rear of the gathering, observing for the most
| |
| part. It was very good to see some old friends from
| |
| the Victory, they had been away for only a short time,
| |
| but it felt like a lot longer. Solan could still
| |
| picture the Security Office on the Victory. He was
| |
| willing to bet Lt. Commander Nugra had gotten that
| |
| post. Well deserved. Solan noticed Lt. Powers a short
| |
| distance away, and strode towards him.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Lieutenant, excellent work. ::Solan gestured to
| |
| the decorations.::
| |
| | |
| POWER: Thank you sir. I actually got the idea from
| |
| two others stationed aboard the Aurora. Ensigns Reams
| |
| and Eastly.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: I'm not entirely familiar with the style, but
| |
| everyone seems comfortable here.
| |
| | |
| POWERS: I tried to study 20th century Earth history
| |
| growing up. It was such an amazing time. That?s when
| |
| all of their technological advances started to happen.
| |
| Somehow though, Hawaii always seemed to lag a little
| |
| behind the hustle of the rest of the world and stay
| |
| very relaxed. A popular vacation spot I understand.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: I see, Hawaiian? Is that on earth?
| |
| | |
| POWERS: Yes sir. I know this may be a little out of
| |
| place but do you know what this is for?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: My guess is Captain Parker. I?m hoping that
| |
| this is her promotion ceremony. I know I?ve only been
| |
| with her a short while but I?d like to see her make it
| |
| official and get the rank of Captain. She?s obviously
| |
| deserved it if they gave her Starfleet?s newest ship.
| |
| Plus, aren?t most of these guests from the Victory?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: And that was Parker?s last assignment right?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| POWERS: It just all seems to make sense to me.
| |
| | |
| ::Only time would tell if the two were right. Max
| |
| Powers had a feeling that he would have to wait too
| |
| long. People were beginning to mingle but Starfleet
| |
| didn?t like the be kept waiting and neither did its
| |
| officers.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --------------------------
| |
| Lieutenant JG Max Powers
| |
| Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________
| |
| Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.
| |
| http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/
| |
| | 2005-09-09 00:46:00
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| |
| | CMO Harden ? USS Aurora
| |
| | (USS Aurora Science Vessel / Mess Hall)
| |
| | |
| ::Behind Captain Hurne and Lt.Cmdr. Nugra, Julia had a hard time
| |
| seeing around them into the mess hall. She could hear Don Ho's voice
| |
| singing and recognized the tune but couldn't quite put a name to it.
| |
| That evening on the holodeck was fast becoming a very vague memory.
| |
| But she remembered the walk on the Hawaiian beach after dinner and
| |
| the show at Don Ho's. A long time ago.
| |
| | |
| Capt. Hurne moved off to greet Capt. Avatar and Nugra moved aside
| |
| allowing her to take in the amazing view. A young ensign walked up
| |
| and held a lei up in front of her. She bowed her head and he placed
| |
| it over her head. Smoothing and straightening it over the front of
| |
| her dress whites, Dr. Harden smiled. Fleetingly, her thoughts were
| |
| back on the holodeck and with John.::
| |
| | |
| HARDEN: ::Softly:: Thank you.
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: What have they done to this room? Someone needs to be put in
| |
| the Brig!
| |
| | |
| TABOO: ::turning to Nugra..:: Not in the party mood commander?
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: I never party, Commander.
| |
| | |
| ::Surprised, Julia looked up at Mr. Nugra. The outburst had managed
| |
| to break her introspective mood. Thankfully, too. It wasn't good to
| |
| know that she'd been there with John and was now seeing another's
| |
| face in the moonlight.
| |
| | |
| Picking up a coconut shell with a white creamy liquid in it, Julia
| |
| looked around, took a sip through the strew and finally spotted Cmdr.
| |
| Phoenix. She headed in his direction not really noticing that
| |
| Lt.Cmdr. Nugra was again just ahead of her.
| |
| | |
| On the way, she watched for familiar faces. Seeing Solan with his
| |
| hand shaped like a cup, she grinned. Beta was moving toward a young
| |
| woman. She looked at Commander Parker and again grinned with
| |
| delight.::
| |
| | |
| PHOENIX: I could ask Julia for some corks?
| |
| | |
| ::The question was directed at Nugra. What was that all about? Julia
| |
| would have to start paying attention.
| |
| | |
| When Captain Hurne moved away, Julia watched him. She couldn't help
| |
| the smile that reached her eyes. She knew what was going to happen
| |
| and after the initial opening sentences, the captain said that one
| |
| all important sentence.::
| |
| | |
| HURNE: Commander Parker. By the power invested in me by Star Fleet it
| |
| is a great pleasure to promote you to Captain. With all the rights
| |
| and privileges that go with said rank.
| |
| | |
| ::The applause was deafening.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Julia Harden, MD
| |
| Chief Medical Officer
| |
| USS Victory
| |
| 238209.11
| |
| | 2005-09-11 15:49:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46778
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| | 12
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| | 300
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| | 1051
| |
| | Lt.jg Jophry Calhan, CMO, USS Aurora
| |
| | OOC: This has accidentally ended in ooc group. Correcting now.
| |
| | |
| (( Corridors - USS Aurora ))
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: I suppose so. But I won't completely calm down before I know
| |
| what's going on. Aren't you concerned?
| |
| | |
| :: Josh clamped a hand on Jo's shoulder in a friendly way. ::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: (Wrly) Let's, just enjoy the party.
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Right. I just like to know what's happening.
| |
| | |
| :: Josh slowed them both down for the group behind to catch. Jo
| |
| didn't mind that really. He was starting to ease. Harley looked over
| |
| his shoulder to the following party.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: What do you think of the ship?
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: The ship quite small, but admirably built.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Yes, You've only seen a few corridoors, but there's a real
| |
| sense of togetherness here, even though we've been together for only
| |
| a short time.
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: Quite. I'm Lieutenant Commander Nugra, Chief
| |
| officer of Tactical and Security.
| |
| | |
| ::Calhan took a brief look. It was quite surprising to see a Gorn.
| |
| Probably more surprises to come with so many people aboard.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: I am honoured to meet another officer of the
| |
| Fleet. Served long as Helm officer aboard the Aurora?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response
| |
| | |
| TABOO: Lieutenant Commander Taboo, Acting First
| |
| Officer and Chief Science Officer of the USS
| |
| Independence.
| |
| | |
| ::Calhan was overwhelmed by walking in front of two unknown senior
| |
| officers. He felt small and insignificant. And he had a feeling they
| |
| think of him so despite their courtesy.::
| |
| | |
| TABOO: Tell me something, the Captain that just beamed
| |
| aboard with his entourage. That was Captain Hurne
| |
| right?
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: Correct, Mr. Taboo. My Captain to be precise.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response, if any.
| |
| | |
| TABOO: Ah, I was just wondering.. I've never met
| |
| anyone outside of the Itahasse fleet, this whole thing
| |
| is quite overwhelming when your new... But exciting
| |
| all the same..
| |
| | |
| oO Quite true. Oo ::it ran through Jophry's mind.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response, if any.
| |
| | |
| TABOO: What is the ceremony for, promotions?
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: I beleive it's a promotion ceromony.....though,
| |
| I was invited here by Captain Parker....
| |
| | |
| ::The news was so reassuring that Jo decided to put his shields
| |
| down.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Ah, finally we get to know what it is all about! ::he laughed
| |
| and turned his head over to them:: Lt. jg Jophry Calhan, Chief
| |
| Medical Officer aboard this fine vessel.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: response, if any.
| |
| | |
| TABOO: Excellent, congratulations....
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: Mr. Taboo, Am I correct that you serve on the
| |
| same USS Independence that Fleet Captain Anassasi is
| |
| commanding officer of?
| |
| | |
| TABOO: response
| |
| | |
| NUGRA: I see. I have met your Captain once or twice in
| |
| the hallways of the Academy on Starbase 118. I have
| |
| heard that she is is an excellent officer and leader.
| |
| | |
| TABOO: response
| |
| | |
| ::The two were back in their world. Doctor kept silent until they
| |
| reached the mess hall.::
| |
| | |
| ((Mess hall))
| |
| | |
| ::Jo was stunned with what he saw. The scenery was... exotic. That
| |
| was a perfect word for the pineapples, plants stretching from the
| |
| ceiling and above all colorful shirts and flower necklaces. It
| |
| reminded him of Earth, though he could not place it specifically. He
| |
| refused the shirt but accepted a lei instead. He still was not in
| |
| party mood, so he sat quietly in the corner, sipped his drink and
| |
| watched a whole lot of people having the fun. Not knowing most of
| |
| them and not feeling too well with the crowd, Jophry just waited for
| |
| his Captain's return.::
| |
| | |
| ::When she arrived, the official part begun. Jo hoped for some
| |
| explanation to Admiral's arrival but Westlake said only few words and
| |
| quickly gave notice to Captain Hurne.::
| |
| | |
| ::When the forth pip finally rested on Parker's collar, Jophry smiled
| |
| and applauded heavily. He knew that his captain was an outstanding
| |
| officer.::
| |
| | |
| oO Congratulations, Captain Parker. You've well deserved it. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::After a brief moment of consideration if he could ever take this
| |
| position, Jo thought of joining to congratulate the promoted, but the
| |
| crowd of those doing so was so dense, that he decided to remain in
| |
| place. Certainly there will be time later.::
| |
| | |
| Lt.jg Jophry Calhan
| |
| CMO, USS Aurora
| |
| | 2005-09-12 12:46:00
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| |
| | Captain Avatar: Goodbye Aurora
| |
| | ((Mess Hall - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::It continued to be a festive occassion in the Aurora Mess Hall
| |
| following the long overdue promotion of Captain Parker. Captain
| |
| Avatar was appreciative of being present at the ceremony and was
| |
| equally satisfied to have the opportunity to reunite with old friends.
| |
| As conversations continued about, Avatar was saddened by the thought
| |
| that something was ending. Hurne, Avatar, and Parker were now
| |
| completely on their own as full fledged captains. It was time now for
| |
| Avatar to leave behind the past memories of his shipmates on the
| |
| Victory and move forward. The Columbia had been his command for
| |
| almost 18 months now, the trip down Victory memory lane was over.::
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar swallowed the last of the gin martini that he had ordered
| |
| earlier, leaving three olives behind in the glass. Captain Hurne had
| |
| just finished polishing off his blood wine and appeared to close to
| |
| calling it an evening himself.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Captain, I think it's time that I get back to my ship. We
| |
| have a warp core to install and a mission to get underway. It has
| |
| been a pleasure to see you again.
| |
| | |
| HURNE: response
| |
| | |
| ::Commander Phoenix was not far away.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Robin, make sure you take good care of that XO chair.
| |
| | |
| PHOENIX: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar exchanged handshakes with the both of them before saying
| |
| goodbye to a few others, especially Lt. Cicero.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Nick, if Hurne ever kicks you off the Victory, give me a call.
| |
| The Columbia would love to have an officer of your caliber.
| |
| | |
| CICERO: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Of course don't tell Hurne about this, he'll think I'm
| |
| campaigning for his officers. ::Smiling.:: Take care of yourself old
| |
| friend and may we meet again out there.
| |
| | |
| CICERO: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar gave Cicero a hearty handshake before making his last stop
| |
| before departing the Aurora. Captain Parker looked complete with her
| |
| fourth pip, an honor that few have achieved.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Good luck Captain and remember, the Columbia is only a
| |
| subspace communication away if you run into any trouble...not that you
| |
| will of course.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: See you around the galaxy.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar gave Megan a light hug before exiting. He was proud of her
| |
| accomplishments and looked forward to seeing what else the former
| |
| doctor and current captain was destined.::
| |
| | |
| OOC: Good luck Aurora!
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| Captain Mal Avatar
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Columbia
| |
| NCC-85279
| |
| | 2005-09-15 01:02:00
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| | 46789
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| | 12
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| | 311
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| | 1048
| |
| | Lt.JG Jophry Calhan, CMO, USS Aurora - Congratulations and back to work
| |
| | ((Mess Hall - USS Aurora))
| |
| |
| ::The line was shrinking and the doc thought it was the time to move out of the shadow. He took the last place in the queue and waited patiently. Finally he reached Captain Parker. She looked tired repeating the same ritual with everyone.::
| |
| |
| CALHAN: Captain ::he nodded his head with regard.::
| |
| |
| PARKER: response
| |
| |
| CALHAN: I know you're sick of this, so I'll just say congratulations. I've never known anyony deserving it more than you.
| |
| |
| PARKER: response
| |
| |
| CALHAN: Now if I may, request permission to leave. I've left some work in my office.
| |
| |
| |
| |
| CALHAN: Thank you. ::he nodded again and left to change uniform. It was good to get out of the dress white. As he was not on duty, he chose something light - jeans and a jumper. It happened to be a little cold in the sickbay.::
| |
| |
| ((Time Warp - CMO's Office - Deck 2 -USS Aurora))
| |
| |
| ::Jo was sitting at his desk and finishing the reports. All of them were done earlier except the one concerning the berry. He had to make a few more tests which proved worth his time. Finding a substance reacting with male hormons had finally explained the last remaining question - why men only? Jo ended typing the entry and sent records to the starbase. Now he could catch some sleep.::
| |
| |
| oO Most of them is probably in their beds already. I'm probably the only weirdo still working. Oo
| |
| |
| CALHAN: -/- Computer, give me time. -/-
| |
| |
| COMPUTER: -/- The time is 0300 hours. -/-
| |
| |
| CALHAN: -/- Thank you. -/-
| |
| |
| ::That left him with about three or four hours sleep. Doctor secured the system, just in case, and left for bedtime.::
| |
| | 2005-09-15 09:19:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46799
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 321
| |
| | 1048
| |
| | Lt.JG Jophry Calhan, CMO, USS Aurora - Supplies
| |
| | ((Calhan's Quarters - Deck 4 - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::After waking up Calhan took a long shower and dressed into his uniform and
| |
| medical tunic. After a small but well balanced breakfast he made his way to the
| |
| medlab.::
| |
| | |
| ((Medlab 2 - Deck 2))
| |
| | |
| ::Jophry was performing a series of tests on some sort of bacteria. The results
| |
| were quite promising. A random pattern of thoughts was slowly beggining to form
| |
| into a theory in doctor's mind when he was interrupted by a call.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Thomas to the Doctor =/=
| |
| | |
| ::Jo nearly dropped a sample in his hand. Shaking his head he put it on the
| |
| table and touched his commbadge.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: ::He didn't avoid a touch of irritation in his voice:: =/= Hope it's
| |
| urgent. I am somewhat busy. =/=
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: =/= Meet me in cargo bay 1. We've important cargo to check out =/=
| |
| | |
| oO Checking cargo? What's in there for a madic? Oo
| |
| | |
| ::He was about to ask but Thomas had ended communication.::
| |
| | |
| oO Well, I can ask him at the bay. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Still in the tunic he made his way out.::
| |
| | |
| ((Cargo Bay 1 - Deck 3))
| |
| | |
| ::Jo went into the large room filled with crates. Kael was waiting for him.::
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Doctor, we've to take inventory of the supplies and ensure all medical
| |
| equipment is in working order
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Medicine? Are we going to deal with ill?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: I'm unsure. We will be briefed on the reasoning later
| |
| | |
| ::Jo moved along the crates, checking the cargo. It was mostly drugs and medical
| |
| equipment as said. Stimulants and anesthetics generally. It must have meant they
| |
| were going to aid someone dealing with plague. The sort of medicine suggested
| |
| that the threat was yet to be specified and cure to be found. Kind of task that
| |
| really put bacteria scans far back in doctor's mind.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: I think we're done ::he said closing the last crate.:: Looks like
| |
| everything's in order.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: Do you know our destination?
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: The Neutral Zone?
| |
| | |
| ::The two words triggered an alarm clock. Jo heard lots of tales and rumors
| |
| about this place. None of them was inviting. His head tried to deal with many
| |
| riddles, some of which the briefing should solve, solutions to others would have
| |
| to be found out.::
| |
| | |
| (OOC: Kael please carry on, I'll gladly share some wild guesses on our mission)
| |
| | |
| tag.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt.JG Jophry Calhan
| |
| Chief Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2005-09-16 20:40:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 46847
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 372
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| | 887
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley: Internal thinkings.
| |
| | (( Bridge))
| |
| |
| :: Josh tapped his console, this was routine, the neutral zone had been visted so many times, so many patrols had passed along it's unseen borders, some ships had even crossed over the border on many occasions, the Enterprise was the first ship that had come to his mind, but others had as well, especially during the Domionion war. And here Aurora headed, to join a short list of ships to cross the unseen border. ::
| |
| |
| :: Morale was hig, but there was a touch of apprehension towards this mission .. maybe not the mission itself but to the 'real' reason, numous times Josh had heard whispers in the mess hall, rumours here and there, even amongst his own staff, the last Josh had heard was that there was an alterier motive about the Aurora... some said a medical ship like the USS Ulize, or Costa De Sol, should be making this run, Josh had stopped the chatter there and then, dead in it's tracks, however the 1st seed had been planted in his mind ... he had managed to push it away ... he just hoped that the chatter was unfounded. ::
| |
| |
| PARKER: Helm, what is our estimated time to
| |
| rendezvous?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Our ETA is 2hours 53min.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Very good. Mister Thomas you have the
| |
| bridge, I'll be in my ready room.
| |
| | |
| Have the senior officers report to the bridge as we
| |
| approach rendezvous. Notify me of anything unusual.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: Ay Ma'am
| |
| | |
| |
| :: Josh kept an eye on his console, making corrections and checks as needed, he had been meaning to talk to LtCmdr Taboo, something he had menttioned when he first arrived Josh was interested in ... interested was the wrong word, but he had to keep his mind on the mission, not delve into past ... not just yet, he would talk to Taboo ... hopefully before they arrived at the RP. ::
| |
| |
| THOMAS: Mr Harley. Notify me 45 minutes before we reach our
| |
| destination please. I'll need to have everyone here before we
| |
| arrive
| |
| |
| HARLEY: Aye Sir.
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora.
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-09-30 20:18:00
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| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens Harley - helm - Romulans
| |
| | ((Bridge - Deck 1 - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::The Romulan Bird of Prey decloaked before Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Not your aged Bird of Prey Commander.
| |
| | |
| TABOO: No Captain, 23rd century, maybe, oddly the
| |
| design is very Klingon wouldn't you say.. It will be
| |
| interesting to see what our scans reveal..
| |
| | |
| We are going to scan them are we not Captain...
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan glanced at Captain Parker.::
| |
| | |
| Ma'am, they'll know if we scan them, it may be
| |
| perceived as a hostile act.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Are you sure you're not the telepath Solan,
| |
| cause you read my mind?
| |
| | |
| TABOO: Captain, they're scanning us!
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Captain, requesting permission to raise
| |
| shields.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Negative Commander ... let them see we're no
| |
| threat.
| |
| | |
| :: Harley kept an eye on his sensors, being scanned, a first..::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Commander Falcon ... anything you can tell us
| |
| about this new Bird of Prey?
| |
| | |
| FALCON: Nothing about this particular class of ship,
| |
| I'm afraid. Seems it got missed with all the
| |
| attention being focused on the Scimitar. Though if
| |
| that ship is any indication, this one might be able to
| |
| shield and fire while cloaked. Their disruptor
| |
| technology is also moving along well One rumor I
| |
| heard, though, was that they've been working on their
| |
| plasma weapons technology again. No clue where they
| |
| were heading with it, but it's probably been
| |
| restarted. As a whole, I doubt it's as strong as a
| |
| D'Deridex or a Norexan, but I'm afraid to say we're
| |
| probably a little out of our league.
| |
| | |
| PARKER: A good thing we're not here to fight then.
| |
| Thomas give me an open channel, audio and visual.
| |
| | |
| THOMAS: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= I say again, Romulan starship, this is
| |
| the Captain Parker of the USS Aurora. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::A Romulan officer appeared on the viewscreen.::
| |
| | |
| TERRH: =/= Federation Commander, this is Colonel
| |
| Terrh of the Romulan Warship D'Vethex. Set course for
| |
| the Truga system warp 4. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::He quickly closed the link as the ship turned away
| |
| from Aurora and towards the system.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Not the friendliest of people ... we'll
| |
| Mister Harley, you heard the man.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Please would be nice :: Josh made a sideways glance at Parker. :: Not you Ma'am, them.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Did you note the uniform and his rank?
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Yes, not the Romulan military ... Tal'Shiar.
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: response
| |
| | |
| PARKER: No ... we'll never reach the system in time
| |
| at warp 4. But I'd be surprised if we stay at that
| |
| speed for long.
| |
| | |
| ::As if on cue, the Romulan ship fell back and took up
| |
| a position directly above Aurora, matching her course
| |
| and speed.
| |
| | |
| Within moments a bluish haze began to cover both the
| |
| ships. As it progressed, it became a blinding white
| |
| ... then slowly fading back to blue and finally gone
| |
| again. All this took less the a minute.::
| |
| | |
| PARKER: Amazing, helm ... what is our position?
| |
| | |
| :: Josh checked and double checked his readings, he couldn't believe his eyes. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: We ... We're just an Hour from the Truga system.
| |
| THOMAS: He's right captain. We've crossed some
| |
| 340 lights years, and I"m not quite sure how just yet.
| |
| |
| :: Words were exchanged on the bridge, he was a little releived that Thomas had the same readings as he did, he was still un easy, Romulans! even though peace talks we're going okay, many people still didn't trust them. ::
| |
| |
| PARKER: Nice guy ... helm, hold your course.
| |
| | |
| Science, put the lateral sensors to work and do scans
| |
| of this area as we press on.
| |
| | |
| I want all senior officers in the briefing room in say
| |
| ... 20 minutes.
| |
| HARLEY: oO Friendly.Oo
| |
| |
| :: Josh held his course, making sure that no deviations would occur, something told him that any movement resulting in them going off course would bring more words from the Romulan. ::
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Yahoo! Messenger NEW - crystal clear PC to PC calling worldwide with voicemail
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| | 2005-10-10 12:34:00
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - leaveing Aurora
| |
| | ((Aristotle - docking bay))
| |
| |
| :: No matter what people said, Josh knew he was he was upside down, and it made him sick. he wasn't claustraphobic, and he had climbed this ladder so many times he had lost count, and now because he hadn't done his boot up, it had slipped off and he was hanging upside down with just his other boot supporting him, he managed to grab the ladder and slowley maneoverd himself gymnast style, head tucked in so as not to hit it, legs tucked in ball shaped - there wasn't enough room to swing a cat let alone a man over 6 foot full length width wise. He managed to right himself and continued down the ladder, stepping onto the shuttles hull he grabbed his boot and made his way inside the shuttle, sitting down he put his boot on, done it up and checked the manifest. ::
| |
| |
| :: The supplies arrived, and bagan to fill up the limited space available, Jo arrived and Chen, then Commander Beta. Josh began the departure procedure ::
| |
| ((Shuttle Aristotle))
| |
| | |
| BETA: Ensign Chen is the shuttle modification on the
| |
| shuttles done?
| |
| | |
| CHEN: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Good, Doctor are all the supplies loaded?
| |
| | |
| CALAHN: (response)
| |
| | |
| BETA: Very well =/= Shuttle Aristotle to shuttles
| |
| Voltaire and Nietzsche. Follow in our wake as we go down to the
| |
| surface. =/=
| |
| | |
| ::The shuttle signalled in response to his command.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Beta to Captain Parker. =/=
| |
| | |
| PAKER: =/= Go ahead number one. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Requesting approve to leave. =/=
| |
| | |
| PARKER: =/= Carry on. Shuttles Plato and Socrates
| |
| have already departed. God speed. =/=
| |
| | |
| BETA: =/= Aye sir. =/= Take us out ensign.
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Aye.
| |
| | |
| :: The Waverider umbillical cord extended out of the docking bay doors, his console beeped and a light blinked when they were at optimal departure length, the shuttle moved forward, Josh deployed the wings and the RCS thrusters fired, they moved towards the planet. ::
| |
| |
| HARLEY: Where to Doc?
| |
| |
| CALHAN: ???
| |
| |
| :: Although Beta was in command of this team, Jo and Ensign Chen were in command of the mission, Harley was their Pilot, apart from making supply journeys to and from the surface and ship, there would be little else he could do ... and Beta was here well, as far as Josh thought because a senior officer needed to be present and Birk was here bacause all away teams were assigned security officer's. ::
| |
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
| |
| | 2005-10-18 14:35:00
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| | 46946
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Harley - Helm - It begins
| |
| | ((Romulan Compound))
| |
| | |
| :: Joshua and the team arrived in the compound, they exchanged greetings and Beta had given them there orders, Josh walked over the transportation console, a voice caught his attention. ::
| |
| | |
| JO?REK: Ensign?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Correct.
| |
| | |
| JO?REK: I pleased that I got your rank correct, am I
| |
| also correct in saying that the android officer
| |
| ordered you to deal with the transportation of the
| |
| medical supplies?
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: Thats right.
| |
| | |
| JO?REK: Good then, my superiors have ordered me to
| |
| help you. Here is the air traffic report and the
| |
| corresponding coordinates of each shuttle as well as
| |
| their routes. ::she handed him a Romulan pad.::
| |
| | |
| HARLEY: ::He took the PADD and looked it over.:: Thankyou Legionnaire ...?
| |
| |
| JO'REK: ???
| |
| |
| :: Joshua looked over the console, and made a note of where each Romulan shuttle was, he then added the location of the 3 federation shuttles that Harley was in control of. ::
| |
| |
| JO'REK: ???
| |
| |
| HARLEY: Those 3 shuttles are at our disposal as and when needed.
| |
| |
| JO'REK: ???
| |
| |
| HARLEY: What supplies will you be needing?
| |
| |
| Ensign Harley
| |
| Helm
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| To help you stay safe and secure online, we've developed the all new Yahoo! Security Centre.
| |
| | 2005-10-31 18:48:00
| |
| |-
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| | 47117
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| | 12
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| | 647
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| | 308
| |
| | Captain Avatar: Coming aboard the Aurora
| |
| | ((Airlock - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::The airlock door opened to the Aurora and Captain Avatar was aboard
| |
| the Aurora for the second time. The last time he was here was during
| |
| Parker's promotion to captain. Unfortunately his second trip was far
| |
| more somber. Commanders Solan and Beta greated him as he entered the
| |
| ship through the airlock.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Commander Solan, Beta, good to see you both again. I assume
| |
| you have heard what happened.
| |
| | |
| ::It was difficult to determine what Solan or Beta's reactions were.
| |
| Solan was a changeling and Beta, a Soong type Android. This could
| |
| make the investigation all the more difficult.::
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Not the specifics, only a few sketchy details. I don't mind
| |
| saying I'd like more information.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Well that is what I am here to find out. Starfleet has placed
| |
| me in charge of this inspection. You will remain in command of the
| |
| Aurora for the time being, but I'm afraid you will all have to remain
| |
| on board this ship until I have completed my inspection.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan nodded.:: Very well.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Please arrange for me to speak with your senior staff as soon
| |
| as possible.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: ::Solan nodded again.:: We're at your disposal. But, Captain,
| |
| I'd like a chance to brief them on what's happened. They have a
| |
| right to know.
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar paused for a moment and considered the commander's request.
| |
| After careful consideration, Avatar decided that it was the correct
| |
| decision on the part of Solan.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Agreed commander. You know your crew better than I do.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: Thank you, sir. ::Solan gestured to Beta.:: Commander, would
| |
| you escort the Captain to the briefing room? I'll speak with the
| |
| crew and get the interviews arranged.
| |
| | |
| BETA: (Response)
| |
| | |
| ::Commander Solan left the airlock area of the Aurora, presumably to
| |
| meet with the rest of the senior staff. Avatar did not know Commander
| |
| Beta as well as he knew Solan. Beta had just come on board the
| |
| Victory when Avatar had departed for the Columbia. Commander Beta
| |
| also did not play a major role in the joint mission between the
| |
| Victory and the Columbia either. So although he was familiar with
| |
| Commander Beta from what Captain Parker had told him, the man was
| |
| mostly a mystery to him.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: I am sorry about what happened to Captain Parker. This
| |
| inquiry is not at all enjoyable for me, but it must be done. I would
| |
| almost rather be interrogated by the Tal Shiar again.
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar ran his fingers through his hair, brushing past the antennae
| |
| that had only partially grown back following his interrogation with
| |
| Uhlan Tomal.::
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: I have read through some of the Aurora logs before coming on
| |
| board and I understand that you were away for part of the mission.
| |
| Would you care to comment on that at this time?
| |
| | |
| BETA: response
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| Captain Mal Avatar
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Columbia
| |
| NCC-85279
| |
| | 2005-12-21 00:48:00
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| | 47150
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| | 12
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| | 680
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| | 1050
| |
| | Dr. Fess-More from the Aurora
| |
| | ((Starbase 118-Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| FESS: ::Dr. Fess was just finishing his morning rounds on a couple
| |
| of patients. Nothing too unusual, a few minor injuries, some
| |
| headaches, and one case of Bolian influenza that would have to be
| |
| cured.
| |
| | |
| He tapped a few notes into his padd, then dropped it off on his
| |
| desk, he had to check on Captain Parker.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: (Response)
| |
| | |
| FESS: ::Fess spun around to face the Doctor. This was the second
| |
| time he'd been approached by an Aurora crewmember.:: Yes, Doctor?
| |
| | |
| ::Fess eyed his pips, Calhan outranked him.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: (Response)
| |
| | |
| FESS: ::Fess paused.:: I'm afraid I can't do...
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: (Response)
| |
| | |
| FESS: ::Fess took the orders padd, and skimmed it quickly.:: Very
| |
| well.
| |
| | |
| ::He led the way to a tightly sealed door.:: Computer, unlock
| |
| security seal, authorization Fess Gamma 025.
| |
| | |
| ::The door slid open, and Fess led the way in, then stood off to the
| |
| side as Calhan moved in.::
| |
| | |
| CALHAN: (Response)
| |
| | |
| Dr. Robert Fess
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| Starbase 118
| |
| | 2005-12-27 16:21:00
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| | Captain Avatar: Leaving the Aurora
| |
| | OOC: This will be my final sim with the Aurora group. It has been fun simming
| |
| with you guys for the last two weeks, but this is now Admiral Hollis' show. I
| |
| leave you all to one of the finest commanding officers that the fleet has ever
| |
| known. You are a wonderful crew and you will enjoy your time with your new ship
| |
| and new CO. Good luck to you all!
| |
| | |
| ((The Shark Tank - Starbase 118))
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: As you may know, I now have my own ship, the Columbia. I'll be master of
| |
| that vessel for two years this March. Time flies when you are in the captain's
| |
| chair I suppose. How's the Kodiak these days? I know she's not the same ship
| |
| that I remember, but she still carries the name.
| |
| | |
| Franky: "You'd never know it but buddy, I'm a kind of poet And I got a lot of
| |
| things to say And when I'm gloomy, you simply gotta listen to me Till it's all
| |
| talked away"
| |
| | |
| HOLLIS: Kodiak's death was brutal. We lost hundreds of good officers. The enemy
| |
| . . . deminsional invaders . . they asked for no quarter. None could be given.
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar could tell there was sorrow in the admiral's voice. Losing a ship and
| |
| officers under one's own command was like losing your own children. He could
| |
| still picture the Dauntless Class Kodiak. She was an immense almost nautical
| |
| looking starship. She had class too.
| |
| | |
| Hollis: Then a new Kodiak and five years stationed at DS17. I reconnected with
| |
| my family in way a boy can't. We did a tour in the founding worlds, and now two
| |
| years out Itahassa. It has been a good run.
| |
| | |
| :Hollis motions for a re fill. ::
| |
| | |
| Hollis: Time change . . every seven years. Gher is stepping down. His last
| |
| request was I take on a new vessel. It is a Sovereign class; a replacement for
| |
| Titan.
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar was familiar with the Titan as well. The Columbia's late barkeep had
| |
| served on the Titan for quite some time. He was pleased that the Starbase 118
| |
| fleet would be receiving a new Sovereign Class ship. Admiral Hollis would be
| |
| the perfect choice to command a ship of that level of grace and power.::
| |
| | |
| Hollis: I accepted. I need to get back out to the frontier soon . . .
| |
| and we need a good command crew. I understand you interviewed the
| |
| Aurora crew. That you know many of them personally?
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: I served with Commanders Solan, Thomas, and Beta on the Victory before I
| |
| took command of the Columbia and I had the opportunity to renew that
| |
| acquaintance several months back when the Columbia and the Victory worked
| |
| together on a mission.
| |
| | |
| Hollis: What kind of shape are they in? They read well on paper, but
| |
| what are they like in person?
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: They are a lot tougher than I thought they would be. The loss of a
| |
| captain is not easy for any starship. However, they have been battle-tested and
| |
| they are certainly well prepared for any challenge that might be in store for
| |
| them. If you are looking for a first officer, Lieutenant Commander Solan should
| |
| be high on the list of contenders.
| |
| | |
| Hollis: I'd be obliged if you would send LCMD Solan my way so we can
| |
| discuss it.
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: I will do so, sir.
| |
| | |
| :: And in the background the music goes on. ::
| |
| | |
| Franky: "Well that's how it goes and Joe, I know your gettin' pretty
| |
| anxious to close So, thanks for the cheer, I hope you didn't mind my
| |
| bendin' your ear This torch that I found must be drowned or it soon
| |
| might explode So, make it one for my baby and one more for the road
| |
| That long, long road"
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Admiral, if you want my opinion, the only way you are going to get Solan
| |
| is if you take the whole Aurora crew with you to your new command. That may not
| |
| be such a bad idea either. You have a crew that has already proven that it can
| |
| work together. With all due respect, sir. Where else are you going to find a
| |
| complete set of senior officers who are already ready to fill the positions on
| |
| your ship?
| |
| | |
| HOLLIS: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: The decision is yours of course, sir. I had best be going. I need to
| |
| depart for the Victory. Captain Hurne has taken a permanent position with
| |
| Intelligence and Commander Phoenix will be assuming command of the Victory.
| |
| | |
| HOLLIS: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Thanks for the drink and as the humans would say, godspeed!
| |
| | |
| HOLLIS: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar exited the Shark Tank lounge. The Columbia's Captain's Yacht, the USS
| |
| Kumari would be departing the Starbase within an hour. This would give Avatar
| |
| just about enough time to talk with Commander Solan.::
| |
| | |
| ::As he walked to the gangway leading to the Aurora, Avatar reflected on what
| |
| Admiral Hollis had just told him. Avatar was quite aware that Hollis had only
| |
| served on starships named Kodiak so this would be a major change of direction
| |
| for the admiral. Perhaps it was a new challenge that an experienced officer
| |
| such as Admiral Hollis needed at this point in his career.::
| |
| | |
| ::After showing his credentials to the security guard, Avatar entered the Aurora
| |
| for what would in all likelihood be the last time. She would now become the
| |
| care of another crew. As Avatar walked through the gangway to the Aurora, he
| |
| noticed a magnificent Sovereign Class ship out the window. He wondered if this
| |
| was the vessel that Admiral Hollis would be commanding.
| |
| | |
| ((Sickbay - USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Commander Solan? Do you have a moment?
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: The CMO's office would suffice. Don't worry it doesn't have a thing to
| |
| do with the investigation. It is more about an opportunity for you.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::The two officers exited the main area of sickbay and entered the office
| |
| generally occupied by Doctor Calhan. Solan appeared curious about what Avatar
| |
| was about to say.::
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: Solan, I don't know if you are familiar with Rear Admiral Hollis Calley,
| |
| but he's currently on the starbase and he wants to meet with you about
| |
| something.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: He may be presenting you with an offer that will have a profound impact
| |
| on your Starfleet career. Consider it carefully, but keep in mind that what he
| |
| will offer you will be a tremendous opportunity.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| AVATAR: I am afraid that I will have to leave your questions to the admiral. I
| |
| must also be leaving you now. I wish you good luck in your future adventures,
| |
| Commander. Until we meet again.
| |
| | |
| SOLAN: response
| |
| | |
| ::Avatar exchanged a handshake with the changeling officer and departed the
| |
| Aurora. The crew would prosper under Admiral Hollis. Nearly every commanding
| |
| officer in the Starbase 118 fleet had either served under Hollis directly or had
| |
| their previous commanding officer serve with him.::
| |
| | |
| ::Before leaving on the Kumari, Avatar made one final stop in the Starbase 118
| |
| medical facility to say goodbye to his old friend, Captain Megan Parker.::
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| Captain Mal Avatar
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Columbia
| |
| NCC-85279
| |
| | 2006-01-07 02:03:00
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| | 47368
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] OOC: My Absence
| |
| | You have our condolences and prayers. Take care of the child and
| |
| yourself. Let us know when you are ready to return.
| |
| | |
| Hollis/Mark
| |
| | |
| ----- Original Message -----
| |
| From: Aaron <eversoar@...>
| |
| Date: Thursday, March 2, 2006 9:43 pm
| |
| Subject: [sb118-aurora] OOC: My Absence
| |
| To: Aurora <sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com>,
| |
| sb118-challenger-ooc@yahoogroups.com
| |
| | |
| > Hey
| |
| >
| |
| > Sorry guys, I've been absent, because I've was called away, to
| |
| > witness a death in the family.
| |
| > And, I've become the temporary parent of their child.
| |
| >
| |
| > I'm sorry, and I"ll attempt to pick up the chain in a couple of days.
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > Kael Thomas & Xavier Proud
| |
| | 2006-03-03 04:07:00
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| | 47405
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| | 12
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| | 938
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| | 426
| |
| | sb118-aurora group name/addresses have changed
| |
| | Hello,
| |
| | |
| The moderator of the sb118-aurora group has changed the group's name.
| |
| This means that both the group's email address and the group home page
| |
| location have changed.
| |
| | |
| The group email address:
| |
| ufop-inactive-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| | |
| The group home page location:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ufop-inactive-aurora
| |
| | |
| If you have links which point to this group or an address book entry
| |
| for the group, you should update them, as the old addresses will no
| |
| longer work.
| |
| | |
| Regards,
| |
| | |
| Yahoo! Groups Customer Care
| |
| | 2006-04-23 04:31:00
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| |
| | [kodiakgamma] Shuttlecraft Aurora
| |
| | IC:
| |
| | |
| (Bridge/ USS Shuttlecraft Aurora)
| |
| | |
| ::Away Team Log, Cadet Stiofain Zennak reporting. We are about to dock with
| |
| the Caldonian science station. We know very little about the status of the
| |
| station, and have been ordered to wear biohazard suits. As security officer
| |
| I have been placed in charge of this mission.::
| |
| | |
| Zennak: OK as soon as we dock we're going to have to search the entire
| |
| station. To save time we're going to split into two teams. Hawkesmoore
| |
| you're with me and we're going to search from the docking bay and then search
| |
| upward. Baltizar and Quinn you're going to search the lower decks. I want
| |
| you to keep comm. channels open at all times. Before we leave the shuttle
| |
| I'm setting the transporters to keep a lock on us. At the first sign of any
| |
| danger to yourself contact the shuttle for emergency beam out. Take no
| |
| chances. We're here to investigate, that's all. There is no way Lcmd Graves
| |
| would want us to blindly put ourselves in danger.
| |
| | |
| ::The shuttle docks with the Station::
| |
| | |
| Zennak: OK, you have your orders. Lets split up, and like I said before be
| |
| careful.
| |
| | |
| Response:
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Cadet Stiofain Zennak
| |
| Security Officer
| |
| |
| | 2001-01-10 18:42:00
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| |-
| |
| | 54738
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| | 22
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| | 30
| |
| | 130
| |
| | Re: [kodiakgamma] Shuttlecraft Aurora
| |
| | IC:
| |
| | |
| (Main Engineering/USS CENTRIS)
| |
| | |
| ::Cadets Hutton and Ramses exit the turbolift bearing repair gear, and
| |
| proceed to the master systems display.::
| |
| | |
| Hutton: Alright Ramses, let's run a Level 3 diagnostic on the long-range
| |
| sensors. Check out the EM scanners. I'll check the calibration on the
| |
| subspace flux sensors.
| |
| | |
| ::Cadet Hutton moves to a nearby console and begins his work.::
| |
| | |
| Hutton: What the...? I don't get it.
| |
| | |
| ::Cadet Hutton moves over to a panel, removes the cover, and runs a
| |
| tricorder over the systems inside.::
| |
| | |
| Hutton: The linear calibration flux sensors are almost completely out of
| |
| sync. How could that...
| |
| | |
| ::All of a sudden, Cadet Hutton is interrupted by an invisible energy wave
| |
| that passes through the room. Everyone inside is temporarily shaken by
| |
| it.::
| |
| | |
| Hutton: (to Ramses) Did you feel that? Hutton to bridge, did anything
| |
| happen up there?
| |
| | |
| Response:
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Cadet Christopher Hutton
| |
| Science Officer
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| _________________________________________________________________________
| |
| Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
| |
| | 2001-01-11 04:44:00
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| | [sb118-aurora] Captain Toni Turner - Old friendships never change
| |
| | ((Utopia Planita's Holodeck ))
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::smiling warmly:: I'm sure you both make a good team. ::glancing around the room:: Do you think we will be starting soon?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, hopefully, Social functions are not my strong point.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: I'm not sure ma'am, the rest of the senior staff should be along soon.
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looking around to see the security teams are in place.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: It looks as if Lt. Commander Barnes' handiwork is in play. He and I served together on the USS Challenger. ::glancing at them quizzically:: Tell me, does he still curse in Klingoneze?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sire.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::laughing slightly:: Yes, we would be on the bridge and he would come out with something that would totally crack us up.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, I took Klingon in secondary school, I know sufficient to get me in trouble. Sire. ::It was meant to be a statement, but it came off very dry and cool::
| |
| | |
| Matthews:
| |
| | |
| Turner: We did have fun, but ::more seriously:: the main thing was that we trusted each other's abilities, and when the chips were down we knew we could count on each other.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, Matthews, here is a good pilot, we and the rest of our little team had one little adventure together, were we went after Lt. Cmdr. Barnes, Lt. Cmdr. Dickens , and the rest of the their away team, it was an interesting trip.
| |
| | |
| Matthews:
| |
| | |
| Turner: Other than Lt. Commander Barnes, I served with Lt. Commander T'Lea on the Challenger and the Constitution. And served with Captain Vetri on the Constitution and at the Academy, as well as Lt. Commander Dickens. I guess it is fair to say we all came up through the ranks with each other and the friendships have survived the test of time.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought about this for a moment, he had not formed any close attachments during his entire time at the academy, but he felt he was making headway on the Aurora.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Hopefully Cmdr. Dickens will be at the ceremony, Captain, but good to have close friends, Sire.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: response
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Looking very smart in your dress robes Eerie. Very nice.
| |
| | |
| ::She continued walking by them::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign Black wood,::raising his voice a bit:: please join us.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood : Response
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw Blackwood?s head turn and then she changed direction, coming over to the Captain and LT. Matthews
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, This is Captain Turner, ::turning to the Captain:: Captain this is Ensign Blackwood, she is in our Science Department, working with Lt. Cmdr. T?Lea.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood : Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::shaking her hand:: Glad to see you again, Ensign. You have one of the best teachers in Commander T'Lea. I trust she is not getting you into too much trouble?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Response
| |
| | |
| ::The holodeck room doors opened and Toni saw Barnes enter, looking around to check on his guards. He stopped and turned a complete 360, then approached, nodding to the three officers with her, and kissing her on the cheek. ::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Toni, it?s good to see you again and please don?t believe anything these three tell you it?s all lies.
| |
| | |
| Turner: Good to see you too, Hugh. ::teasing:: We were just talking about you, and some of your Klingoneze phrases.::
| |
| | |
| Others : Respond.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: How?s Heath?
| |
| | |
| ::She and Heath had parted so long ago that she hadn't thought about running into that question, but here it was, and her answer even surprised her.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::Shrugging:: Your guess is as good as mine.
| |
| | |
| ::Smiling Barnes turned to his associates.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Do not under any circumstances ever let this woman in the pilots seat.
| |
| | |
| ::Laughing Barnes looked back at Turner with a knowing smile. She smiled back, knowing exactly what he was talking about. ::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: So how are things with the easy life? The embassy must be pretty quite after the Challenger?
| |
| | |
| Turner: Easy? ::chuckles:: Don't I wish. The Thunder was called to duty in the midst of the Battle for Bajor. We ran into some heavy resistance from Brotherhood members who were with the Orions. We just got back to Duronis II. We're hoping for some breathing time before the start of the Laudean elections.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood/Matthews/Eerie/Barnes: Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: I understand you have a Laudean in your crew. I would be interested in finding out how she feels about the duty since as far as I know, she is the only in Starfleet.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood/Matthews/Eerie/Barnes/Anyone interested in joining the group: Response
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Guest
| |
| | |
| ~Toni
| |
| CaptainToni Turner
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| Embassy Duronis II
| |
| USS Thunder NCC - 70605
| |
| Deputy Commandant UFOP SB118 Academy
| |
| Captains Council Magistrate
| |
| | 2011-10-12 16:26:29
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| | 97207
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| | 1758
| |
| | Aurora Bonsignore (NPC): Riding with Rumek
| |
| | (( Rumek's ship, just beyond Titan's sensor range ))
| |
| | |
| :: Everything was proceeding according to the plan
| |
| Rumek had laid out for them earlier. Aurora Bonsignore
| |
| stood on the bridge and glanced over as Rumek intently
| |
| watched the progress of his brainchild of a mission.
| |
| Much as she loathed Rumek, the plan certainly was
| |
| cunning. What better way to get back at that
| |
| Federation Captain and crew than to have him attack
| |
| and destroy his own ship. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora had been with the organisation for several
| |
| years now. Of course, she was not one of the motley
| |
| assortment of unsavory characters that had so
| |
| characterised Hevok's villainous band, but she did her
| |
| best to appear one of them. In reality, she worked for
| |
| Romulan intelligence. The Romulan government had a
| |
| great deal of support invested, covertly, of course,
| |
| in Hevok's organisation. Her job was to monitor the
| |
| investment, and make sure it paid dividends for
| |
| Romulus. ::
| |
| | |
| :: She hadn't enjoyed her undercover time, but
| |
| enjoyment was not part of the requirement. The death
| |
| of Hevok had played havoc with the organisation's
| |
| ability to harass the Federation. ::
| |
| | |
| :: That was all about to change however. The scheme
| |
| Rumek had devised to strike back at that Captain
| |
| Draigon was truely brilliant, and if it worked, it
| |
| would represent a blow to the Federation: the loss of
| |
| not only an experienced captain, but of a Sovereign
| |
| Class battleship. ::
| |
| | |
| :: The irony of it all was that Aurora was human, yet
| |
| worked for the Romulans, and was posing as a member of
| |
| an even more assorted group of pirates, lowlifes, and
| |
| villains. She wouldn't enjoy seeing the Titan
| |
| destroyed, but it wouldn't be the first time she'd had
| |
| to come down on a side against her own people, and it
| |
| probably wouldn't be the last. ::
| |
| | |
| :: She brushed a few strands of her long auburn hair
| |
| out of her face and glanced down at the telemetry
| |
| readings coming in from the "Ranger". That was a
| |
| fairly large investment on the part of the Romulan
| |
| government, building a nearly identical model of a
| |
| Federation Nebula Class vessel. This had better work.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| :: The readings she saw when she glanced down,
| |
| however, were not encouraging. ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Damn!
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I'm lookin at the readings we're getting
| |
| from the ship with that Fed on it. There's weapons
| |
| fire going on. The Titan is already fighting someone
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I don't know, can't tell. The data feed
| |
| isn't that great.
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I'm working on it, I'm working on it!
| |
| | |
| :: There were far too many variables. How long could
| |
| the Captain stand the strain of the hookup to the
| |
| "ranger"? What would the presence of a second ship do?
| |
| Would it help or hinder? The plan had made first
| |
| contact with the enemy, and on cue, it was falling
| |
| apart. ::
| |
| | |
| (OOC: something to think about on the Rumek angle,
| |
| cappy. ;) )
| |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________________________
| |
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| |
| | 2004-09-19 05:52:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 97253
| |
| | 25
| |
| | 4801
| |
| | 1758
| |
| | Aurora Bonsignore (NPC): Going dark
| |
| | (( Rumek's Ship ))
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I don't know, can't tell. The data feed
| |
| isn't that great.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Well clear it up.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I'm working on it, I'm working on it!
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Well no matter the program should accommodate
| |
| for the unknown variable.
| |
| Draigon's pretend Ranger will attack them as well.
| |
| Nothing can be done about it
| |
| now.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Sir, Titan has moved off. The Fed is
| |
| fighting with the other ship now. I still can't make
| |
| it out.
| |
| | |
| :: The plan was beginning to fall apart ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Wait, he's activating the comm. Damnit,
| |
| he's sending a transmission. If Titan is still within
| |
| range, they're going to pick it up and figure out who
| |
| he is.
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| :: then the worst news yet came. The feed from the
| |
| Ranger went dead. No information. nothing ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Oh hell!
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: We've lost the feed from Ranger, some sort
| |
| of interference. I can't punch through it from here.
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Aurora Bonsignore
| |
| Munion of Rumek/Human spy for the Romulans (say
| |
| what????)
| |
| | |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________________________
| |
| Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca
| |
| | 2004-09-29 05:40:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 97257
| |
| | 25
| |
| | 4805
| |
| | 1758
| |
| | Aurora Bonsignore(NPC): the plan progresses
| |
| | RUMEK: We couldn't have lost the feed unless someone
| |
| already knows we
| |
| are here. If that is the case then we need to make
| |
| sure we are not
| |
| found. Is the cloaking device still intact?
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Yes. All systems are active, and emmisions
| |
| are within normal ranges. We're fully cloaked.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Activate all Cloaked satellites.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: We were going to task them with watching
| |
| Titan. If we redirect them, we could lose the Titan if
| |
| she decides to run.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: I know they are there to collect data on the
| |
| Titan but they will
| |
| not be able to do so if this project doesn't continue.
| |
| So move us
| |
| slowly into a position that we can use the satellites
| |
| to circumvent the
| |
| jammed area like you would a planet. You should then
| |
| be able to reestablish
| |
| our link.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Yes sir. Bringing satellites on-line now.
| |
| | |
| :: She got things going, and plotted a course. The
| |
| question was what to do? someone was trying to draw
| |
| them out, but who? It couldn't be the Titan, they
| |
| didn't know they were there. The only people who could
| |
| have a hint of their being there were the Romulans.
| |
| But why would they want to mess things up now? ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: The link is coming up now. It's a bit
| |
| fuzzy, but it should clear up as we get closer.
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: who's out there, do you think?
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| :: The tactical feed came back on-line ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: sir, the Titan is coming back towards the
| |
| Ranger. Maybe they figured out who's on board Ranger?
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| (OOC: back to you, Rich! :) )
| |
| | |
| | |
| Aurora Bonsignore (NPC)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________________________
| |
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| |
| | 2004-09-30 05:06:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 97278
| |
| | 25
| |
| | 4826
| |
| | 1758
| |
| | Aurora Bonsignore (NPC): Aboard the Viper
| |
| | ((Bridge of the Viper ))
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Where is the Ranger Bonsignore?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: She couldn't find it. The ship had ben caught in
| |
| the wave of the exploding Reman ship. Their cloak was
| |
| down, and sensors were not functioning at peak
| |
| efficiency ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: I can't find her yet.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: She was caught in the explosion. She must have
| |
| been destroyed in
| |
| the explosion.
| |
| | |
| BONSIGNORE: Maybe, but I can't confirm that.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Well one ay or another we are exposed and if we
| |
| intend to escape
| |
| now would be the time to do so. The Titan is still
| |
| functional and I'm
| |
| sure will be underway shortly. Retrieve all the
| |
| tactical and sensor data
| |
| on the Titan and Ranger from the satellites then set
| |
| the self-destruct
| |
| on them. At the very least the Romulans will have the
| |
| data they wished
| |
| us to obtain.
| |
| | |
| BONSIGNORE: Yes sir.
| |
| | |
| :: There it was ::
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Sir, I found Ranger. It's heavily
| |
| damamged. I'm re-establishing our link with
| |
| her.....Sir, she's been boarded. I think the interface
| |
| has failed with the Fed captain.
| |
| | |
| Rumek: response
| |
| | |
| (OOC: Your call, Cappy!)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Aurora Bonsignore
| |
| Rumek's officer
| |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________________________
| |
| Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca
| |
| | 2004-10-05 06:52:00
| |
| |-
| |
| | 97289
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| | 25
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| | 4838
| |
| | 1758
| |
| | Aurora Bonsignore: self destruct and signal
| |
| | (( Bridge of the Viper ))
| |
| | |
| | |
| RUMEK: Is the link with the main computer still
| |
| stable?
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Yeah.
| |
| | |
| RUMEK: Good. Set the self-destruct sequence for 30
| |
| seconds.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Romulan ship decloaking near Ranger now
| |
| too.
| |
| | |
| | |
| RUMEK: It doesn't matter. If they want to get involved
| |
| they are going
| |
| to have to except the consequences of their actions.
| |
| Set the
| |
| self-destruct and warp us out of here immediately.
| |
| | |
| Bonsignore: Working now.
| |
| | |
| :: She interfaced with the computer and set the self
| |
| destruct. She also set the ship to send a message to
| |
| the Romulan ship. The message read "SELF DESTRUCT
| |
| ACTIVE 30 SECONDS". She sent the orders, then plotted
| |
| a course away from the scene of battle. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ______________________________________________________________________
| |
| Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca
| |
| | 2004-10-07 05:53:00
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| | 167391
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| | 7888
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| | Lt Cmdr Hugh Barnes (Guest) USS Aurora -A strange invitation
| |
| | (Quarters - USS Aurora)
| |
| | |
| ::Barnes sat on his bed and closed his eyes the first couple of days had
| |
| been hectic what with coming on to a new ship and having a new
| |
| department to manage. The bleeping of his console woke him from his doze
| |
| rolling off the bed Barnes crossed he small room and tapped the panel.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Barnes go ahead.
| |
| | |
| Bridge : I have a incoming message from the USS Ronin.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Patch it through
| |
| | |
| ::While he waited he grabbed a coffee from the replicator next to his
| |
| desk and sat down. As the face appeared on the screen Barnes smiled.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Toni. What a pleasant surprise, what can I do for you?
| |
| | |
| Turner: Respond
| |
| | |
| Barnes:: Looking at the screen closely:: I missed the fourth pip.
| |
| Congratulations.
| |
| | |
| Turner: Respond
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I'd be delighted. I'll make the arrangements and see you there.
| |
| | |
| Turner: Respond
| |
| | |
| (OOC - Thought I'd get something out to explain my arrival )
| |
| | |
| Lt Cmdr Hugh Barnes - Guest
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
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| | 2011-02-17 21:02:25
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| | 175725
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| | 1992
| |
| | {sb118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: Operation!!
| |
| | ((Aurora Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was hunkered over her patient when the transporting sequence
| |
| ended. She then moved to the patient's head and spoke out to no one in
| |
| particular.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I need assistance here, stat. This crewman has a fractured
| |
| spine. If we hurry, we might be able to prevent paralysis.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Doctor?
| |
| | |
| ::She glanced over her shoulder to see a human woman in a medical
| |
| officer's uniform.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Are you a physician?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Jen Malcolm. CMO. What do we have here?
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Doctor Re'Maru, newly transferred ... We have a spinal
| |
| fracture along the C5 vertebrae. If we hurry, we should be able to
| |
| repair the fracture before paralysis is permanent. We need to get him
| |
| onto the bed.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen left for a brief moment to retrieve a storage container from one
| |
| of the cabinets. She knew right where the one she wanted had been
| |
| placed, as she had put it there herself. The tedious task of stocking
| |
| Sickbay was proving quite useful. She returned to Re?Maru:::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::opening the case::: Mobility restriction units, if you
| |
| find them necessary.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru hurried to put the units in place in order to move the
| |
| patient. She looked up at nodded to Dr. Malcolm.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Help me get him up onto the bed.
| |
| | |
| ::Together they got the crewman up on the bed, face down. Re'Maru
| |
| hurried to apply the treatments. The bed activated, showing the
| |
| patient's injuries. There seemed to be a couple of other, but the
| |
| Romulan focused on the most severe.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Doctor, were you one of the crew that were trapped?
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: ::Nodded absently, more focused on her patient:: Yes ..
| |
| | |
| :::Jen scanned the woman, looking for visible injuries, but discovered
| |
| none.:::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Were you injured at all?
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: I'll be fine .. just a headache is all.
| |
| | |
| :: She lifted a tricorder and smiled:::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Better safe than sorry, you?ll agree?
| |
| | |
| ::As Re?Maru worked, Jen ran the tricorder over her. It confirmed
| |
| Re?Maru?s diagnosis: Re'Maru took a moment to take a breath. She gave
| |
| a nod to Dr. Malcolm::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Thank you, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru returned to her patient, tapping her fingers along the Bio
| |
| bed. She stepped over to one of the medical carts, getting an
| |
| instrument she needed to begin. She started by applying another
| |
| sedative, one to help keep the patient from waking up for quite a
| |
| while. She then stepped back and went into one of the side rooms of
| |
| the Sickbay to clean up and get into a fresh uniform. She returned,
| |
| straightening her tunic::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Dr. Re?Maru, think you can handle things here in Sickbay without me?
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Yes. Anything I should know about other patients?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: ::nodded:: Very well, good luck, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| ::As Malcolm left, Re'Maru returned to her patient. She motioned to
| |
| one of the nurses and they started the procedure.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Okay, lets start with 10 CCs of hydrolene. Laser Scalpel ...
| |
| | |
| ::The nurse prepared the hypospray and stabbed it into the neck of the
| |
| patient. The next instant, Re'Maru was handed the laser scalpel and
| |
| was making an incision along the spine.::
| |
| | |
| ((moments later))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru passed the beam along the cut, healing it. Her hand was
| |
| steady, and her attention focused. The nurse who assisted seemed
| |
| impressed and gave a smile, to which Re'maru gave a bland nod.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru. Make sure he stays as immobile as possible for the next 6
| |
| hours. Then wake him and try a motion test of the extremities. Make
| |
| sure he gets 20 milligrams of Dolcetrios every 4 hours to help with
| |
| the nerve regeneration.
| |
| | |
| Nurse: Yes, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru stepped over and sat down in the nearest chair she could to
| |
| take a moment and relax. She rubbed her temples, trying to get a
| |
| moment to center herself.::
| |
| | |
| anyone: response?
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| |
| | 2011-03-17 22:39:58
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| | 175758
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| | 12
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| | 1088
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| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: memories
| |
| | (( Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::It was quiet for the moment in the sickbay. Her patients were
| |
| resting quietly. She tabbed through the collection of recent scans,
| |
| mostly to keep her inquisitive mind occupied. She stopped a moment,
| |
| and pulled up an image of her husband, and gave a soft smile as the
| |
| thought back.::
| |
| | |
| ((flashback: Vulcan Science Academy, Vulcan))
| |
| | |
| ::The young romulan student stood before the deans council with her
| |
| hands clasped behind her. She tried to put on her best stoic
| |
| expression. Inside, she was trembling. The eldest of the council made
| |
| a firm rasp with the gavel onto the top of the desk.::
| |
| | |
| Dean of the Academy: This inquisition is brought to order as of
| |
| stardate 238004.05.
| |
| | |
| ::There was a pause as Re'Maru panned the council members.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: We are here because of an incident that occurred five days ago
| |
| on stardate 238004.01. This incident was initially believed to be an
| |
| epidemic outbreak of Bolian Blood Fever, a condition in which the
| |
| earliest symptoms are blue tinted urine. This was proven incorrect
| |
| when detailed scans were taken.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was trying her hardest not to burst out in laughter. The
| |
| emotionless glares, and the deadpan tone of the Dean was making the
| |
| event even funnier than it already was to her.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: These detailed scans did reveal traces of Urised, an old terran
| |
| urinary analgesic that dates back to the 20th century Earth. An
| |
| investigation revealed that the water supply for this academy was
| |
| contaminated with this medicine, and a device was removed from the
| |
| filtration system.
| |
| | |
| ::The Dean held up the device. It taking more and more of her self
| |
| discipline to keep her giggling retained.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: We examined this device and discovered the parts were
| |
| requisitioned by you, Freshman Re'Maru. What is your explanation of
| |
| this act of sabotage? Are you secretly working with the Romulan Empire
| |
| to sabotage this prestigious academy?
| |
| | |
| ::She couldn't help herself anymore and burst out in a fit of
| |
| laughter. The Council Members looked at each other in dismay at this
| |
| student's outburst. She tried to calm down, and looked at the
| |
| councilmen only to burst out further in more laughter. The Dean gave
| |
| the gavel a heavy hit to the desk and stood.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: Freshman Re'Maru!!! Would you restrain your emotions?? This is a
| |
| serious situation.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: NO! You are making it serious!! ::trying to contain herself::
| |
| | |
| Dean: Then explain yourself, Freshman, before we have you expelled.
| |
| | |
| ::The threat of expulsion did help set her straight.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Members of the Council ... This was all a joke. A practical
| |
| joke, harmless fun.
| |
| | |
| ::The Dean eyed her sharply. She swallowed and continued.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Stardate 238004.01 falls upon an old terran holiday known as
| |
| "April Fool's Day", a day celebrated by the practicing of Practical
| |
| Jokes, and telling of Humorous anecdotes. Medical research has shown
| |
| that certain levels of humor is beneficial for the emotional and
| |
| psychological healthiness. This was a medical experiment, conducted by
| |
| myself and my room mate, who is human medical student, to study first
| |
| hand the effects of humor in a vulcan society.
| |
| | |
| ::She tried to keep herself in check, putting on the stoic face once
| |
| more, hoping her bluff worked.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: Did you consult with any of your instructors before carrying out
| |
| this .. experiment?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: We felt it was best to maintain a level of secrecy given the
| |
| nature of this experiment. If we had told others, it would have lead
| |
| to misleading results.
| |
| | |
| ::The Dean looked at the other members of the council, and spoke
| |
| silently amongst themselves. Re'Maru stood silently, hoping that they
| |
| wouldn't expel her.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: With this new information, we are going to postpone your
| |
| expulsion. However, you and your roommate will both be placed on
| |
| academic probation for the duration of one year. After which, you both
| |
| will once again face this council. If you show improvement, and follow
| |
| proper protocols when conducting abnormal experiments, you will both
| |
| be removed from Academic Probation.
| |
| | |
| ::She swallowed and gave a sigh of relief.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Thank you, Dean.
| |
| | |
| ::The Dean motioned to a tall handsome Vulcan gentleman.::
| |
| | |
| Dean: This is S'bien. He is working on his doctrinal thesis, and has
| |
| agreed to oversee your activities during your probationary period. You
| |
| will report to him each week.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru gave a nod, then looked to S'bien. She had to admit he was
| |
| very handsome.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Yes, sir.
| |
| | |
| ((end flashback))
| |
| | |
| ((Aurora Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::She wasn't sure how long she was day dreaming. The familiar woosh of
| |
| the sickbay doors opening brought her back to the present. She tapped
| |
| a key to switch the picture back from her husband to the scans she
| |
| took earlier.::
| |
| | |
| anyone: response?
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| |
| | 2011-03-23 13:55:55
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| |-
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| | 175765
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| | 12
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| | 1095
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| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: bridge work
| |
| | ((Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was at her console, going over the various scans she took,
| |
| and also a bit of day dreaming when the comm bleeped.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Vetri to Re'Maru. Would you come up to the bridge, please. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: =/\= On my way, Captain. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::She immediately grabbed her tricorder and slid it into the holster
| |
| on her hip out of habit and went to the bridge.::
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| :: The bridge doors opened to admit the Romulan doctor, and Della gave
| |
| her a quick nod of greeting.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Doctor, if you'd be so kind, please compare the quantum
| |
| signature Ensign York has found to the readings you took earlier.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Certainly.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru went along the backwall of the bridge to one of the science
| |
| stations, and linked down to her terminal in the Sickbay and recalled
| |
| her scans. After a moment to compare the images, she remarked.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: There are noticable similarities. It is highly probable that
| |
| the source of quantum signature that is causing your headaches,
| |
| Captain, and the source of these readings are one and the same.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Could someone please tell me what *that* is?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru stepped closer to the sceen with Vetri and narrowed her eyes
| |
| to try and get a better view.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Without further scans, Captain, I am unable to hypothosize accurately.
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: ::Raises an eyebrow:: It is a thing. Exactly what kind of
| |
| "thing", I am uncertain, without further scans.
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-03-24 10:45:52
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| | 175814
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| | 1144
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| | 2614
| |
| | Fw: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Ruben Winters - New Facts (Tag Romulan Sickbay/Dickens)
| |
| | Hey folks.
| |
| | |
| Not sure if Yahoo is playing silly beggers again or what - I've reposted my sim
| |
| from 3 days ago below as I'm not sure if everyone received it last time.
| |
| I know that on at least one other ship there have been some problems with Yahoo
| |
| sending sims into people's spam folder. This has caused a lot of confusion as
| |
| you can probably imagine.
| |
| Could people take a quick peek in their spam mail to check? And if you think you
| |
| might be missing any sims take a look at the group homepage as they should all
| |
| be on there.
| |
| | |
| cheers,
| |
| chris h
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ----- Forwarded Message ----
| |
| From: Chris Hutchings
| |
| To: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| Sent: Sun, 3 April, 2011 23:57:26
| |
| Subject: [sb118-aurora] Ens. Ruben Winters - New Facts (Tag Romulan
| |
| Sickbay/Dickens)
| |
| | |
| |
| ( OOC - Very annoyed at Yahoo as it seems to have eaten the original draft of
| |
| this sim while I was actually writing in! For some reason it replaced the entire
| |
| content with an email I'd already sent. So, this is a complete rewrite - the
| |
| original was better...)
| |
| | |
| (( D7 - Sickbay ))
| |
| *snip*
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: May we run a scan on you and the girl?s mother?
| |
| | |
| ::Vaebn gave a curt nod::
| |
| | |
| Vaebn: Yes, you may.
| |
| | |
| ::As Jen raised the tricorder a strong hand clamped on her wrist.S?anra jerked
| |
| her arm away before she could start::
| |
| | |
| S?anra: You may not.
| |
| | |
| Winters: Oh boy...
| |
| | |
| :: Ruben stood with his mouth open as the two Romulans exchanged angry words.
| |
| The older one was holding onto Dr Malcolm's wrist hard enough to leave marks.
| |
| The tension in the room made the Trill suddenly hyper aware of his surroundings;
| |
| the background hum of the machinery, the laboured breathing of the Romulan
| |
| child, the weight of the phaser at his hip. Commander Dickens had only told them
| |
| to stow the rifles, not their sidearms.
| |
| | |
| Ruben let his hand fall to his holster and spoke in a loudly, trying hard to
| |
| keep the quiver from his voice. ::
| |
| | |
| Winters: Unhand Dr Malcolm. ::he paused for effect:: Now.
| |
| | |
| :: He hoped he looked confident and that his hands weren't shaking as much as he
| |
| feared they were. ::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| Vaebn: I want to be scanned, so does my wife. It is my choice to make, not
| |
| yours.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| Winters: If there is a health risk to your crew then we can help.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| :: Ruben let out a sigh as Jen was finally able to use her tricorder. His spots
| |
| felt like they were on fire. ::
| |
| | |
| Vaebn: Well?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| :: Ruben looked at the results. ::
| |
| | |
| Winters: Wait, I've seen that sort of radiation signature before. It's similar
| |
| to the kinoplasmic radiation we detected in the area around the anomaly. Usually
| |
| it only effects computer systems, but in concentrated doses, or long term
| |
| exposure, I believe it can cause deterioration to brain cells.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| Winters: Exactly. So this ship must have been exposed to a number of kinoplasmic
| |
| surges over the years - which indicates that they've been here when the anomaly
| |
| has opened before. And not just once or twice.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/S'anra: response
| |
| | |
| :: Before Ruben could speak again the doors opened to admit a welcome figure.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: So, doctor how're you doing? Have you been able to check many people?
| |
| How's their general situation?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Winters, have you been practicing nursing?
| |
| | |
| Winters: Of a sort, Commander.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Aside from that, have you found anything that could lead us home?
| |
| | |
| :: Ruben exchanged a look with Jen. ::
| |
| | |
| Winters: Not exactly. But we may have uncovered something.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: response
| |
| | |
| Ensign Ruben Winters
| |
| Science Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vaebn
| |
| Romulan Security Guard
| |
| -as simmed by Ruben Winters-
| |
| | 2011-04-06 17:50:14
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| | 175823
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| | 1153
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| | 2616
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Lt(jg) Rebecca Gilaars - Merely Sleeping
| |
| | On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 12:07 AM, Elizabeth Rahuba wrote:
| |
| | |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > *((USS Aurora, Corridors))*
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: ::nodding toward the lift nearby:: Get in, sparky. We've still
| |
| > got to get to sickbay, remember?
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: Good idea. ::enters turbolift:: Once we get you to Sickbay, I need
| |
| > to resume looking for any injured crew.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: As they all entered the lift, Gina - being the closest to the controls -
| |
| > set it heading for sickbay.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: I think that's pretty much been covered by now... We'll need to
| |
| > check, though.
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: There's a lot of things that need checking at the moment.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: I still would like to know what caused you to lapse in
| |
| > Engineering.
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Heh, you and me both. Though I suspect I might want it a bit
| |
| > more...
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Understandable. It was your head, after all...
| |
| >
| |
| > :: The turbolift doors opened, and Gina stepped out, only to stop and look
| |
| > around with a definite air of confusion.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: What's wrong, Cadet?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: I did tell it to take us to sickbay, right?
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: Yes, you did.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: That's what I thought... Shame that's not where we are.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: It wasn't hard to figure out where they *had* ended up - junior officer
| |
| > country. A few of the lights were flickering a bit, probably residue of the
| |
| > battering the ship had taken, but everything seemed otherwise fine...::
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: That don't look good.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Following the Orion woman's gaze, Gina spotted what she meant - the
| |
| > panel beside one of the doors was flashing the particular pattern of
| |
| > warnings that announced a serious problem with the environmental controls on
| |
| > the other side of the door - and that someone was in there.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Guess our search ain't done just yet.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Heading for the door, Corsetto got herself ready to force the thing if
| |
| > needed, gesturing for Gilaars to join her. Whilst the pair did that, Gina
| |
| > concentrated on the door controls, working fast to bypass the system. Within
| |
| > a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing...::
| |
| >
| |
| > ::...nothing out of the ordinary at all. Unless you counted the large
| |
| > figure laid on the deck, doing a reasonable impression of a mountain taking
| |
| > a nap - an image which wasn't *that* unusual when you considered that the
| |
| > figure was a Brikar.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Uh... You okay?
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: It appears he was actually 'hibernating, as is common with the
| |
| > Brikar.
| |
| >
| |
| > *Eerie: LT, I am sorry but.........I did not wait this to happen on my
| |
| > first deep space mission, it is....highly embrassing...*
| |
| >
| |
| ::Getting up was some what difficult, but after switching on his gravity
| |
| unit, Eerie struggled to his feet. Holding onto the side of the bulkhead,
| |
| helped steady him and he adjusted his tunic.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| > *
| |
| > *
| |
| > Gilaars: I did some research on the Brikar, as I like to do in my spare
| |
| > time.
| |
| >
| |
| > *Eerie: Ensign Eerie, reporting for .......well, I think in an hour or two
| |
| > I would be fit for duty, LT.*
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| >
| |
| > *TAG*
| |
| > * *
| |
| > *
| |
| > *
| |
| > *Lt(jg) Rebecca Gilaars*
| |
| > *Security Officer*
| |
| > *USS Aurora*
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-04-08 13:15:38
| |
| |-
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| | 175825
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| | 12
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| | 1155
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] (PNPCs) Cadet Es-Aleh & Lt(JG) Corsetto - Pleasantly Un-battered
| |
| | On Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Alex wrote:
| |
| | |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ((USS Aurora, Eerie's Quarters))
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Guess our search ain't done just yet.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Heading for the door, Corsetto got herself ready to force the thing if
| |
| > needed, gesturing for Gilaars to join her. Whilst the pair did that, Gina
| |
| > concentrated on the door controls, working fast to bypass the system. Within
| |
| > a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing...::
| |
| >
| |
| > ::...nothing out of the ordinary at all. Unless you counted the large
| |
| > figure laid on the deck, doing a reasonable impression of a mountain taking
| |
| > a nap - an image which wasn't *that* unusual when you considered that the
| |
| > figure was a Brikar.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Uh... You okay?
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: It appears he was actually 'hibernating, as is common with the
| |
| > Brikar.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: LT, I am sorry but.........I did not want this to happen on my first
| |
| > deep space mission, it is....highly embarrassing...
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Rising to his feet seemed to be something of an effort, but he managed
| |
| > it without help.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: I did some research on the Brikar, as I like to do in my spare
| |
| > time.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Ensign Eerie, reporting for .......well, I think in an hour or two I
| |
| > would be fit for duty, LT.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: At least it's not something to do with the rough handling this
| |
| > ship took lately.
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Does make a change.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Ensign... Do you mind if I give you a quick check? I know you're
| |
| > probably fine, but a medical scan seldom hurts.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: ........yes...., cadet.
| |
| >
| |
| :: Working fast, Gina pulled out her tricorder, keyed up the right
| |
| > settings for a Brikar, and let it do it's thing.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Well?
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| | |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Nothing to report, apart from some metabolic stuff tied in with
| |
| > the dormancy.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Let me check... ::rooting through her kit:: Nope. What a shock.
| |
| > ::looking to Eerie:: There's some stuff that'll get you feeling right again,
| |
| > but it's in sickbay.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Food would be the best cure, I have not eaten in 4 weeks, my body
| |
| > had been practiacally shut down, but I am very hungrey.
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| | |
| >
| |
| > TAG
| |
| >
| |
| > --------------------
| |
| > Cadet Gina Es-Aleh
| |
| > Medical Trainee
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| > (Simmed by Cmdr Della Vetri)
| |
| > http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=EsAleh,_Gina
| |
| > "I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting. "
| |
| >
| |
| > &
| |
| >
| |
| > (PNPC) Lt(JG) Delvia Corsetto
| |
| > Security
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| > (Simmed by Cmdr Della Vetri)
| |
| > "Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when
| |
| > you don't."
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-04-08 13:59:31
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Lt(JG) Rebecca Gilaars - Further Escort?
| |
| | On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 6:56 PM, Elizabeth Rahuba wrote:
| |
| | |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > *((USS Aurora, Eerie's Quarters))*
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Guess our search ain't done just yet.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Heading for the door, Corsetto got herself ready to force the thing if
| |
| > needed, gesturing for Gilaars to join her. Whilst the pair did that, Gina
| |
| > concentrated on the door controls, working fast to bypass the system. Within
| |
| > a few seconds, the door slid open, revealing...::
| |
| >
| |
| > ::...nothing out of the ordinary at all. Unless you counted the large
| |
| > figure laid on the deck, doing a reasonable impression of a mountain taking
| |
| > a nap - an image which wasn't *that* unusual when you considered that the
| |
| > figure was a Brikar.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Uh... You okay?
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: It appears he was actually 'hibernating', as is common with the
| |
| > Brikar.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: LT, I am sorry but.........I did not want this to happen on my first
| |
| > deep space mission, it is....highly embarrassing...
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Rising to his feet seemed to be something of an effort, but he managed
| |
| > it without help.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: I did some research on the Brikar, as I like to do in my spare
| |
| > time.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Ensign Eerie, reporting for .......well, I think in an hour or two I
| |
| > would be fit for duty, LT.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: At least it's not something to do with the rough handling this
| |
| > ship took lately.
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Does make a change.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Ensign... Do you mind if I give you a quick check? I know you're
| |
| > probably fine, but a medical scan seldom hurts.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: ........yes...., cadet.
| |
| > :: Working fast, Gina pulled out her tricorder, keyed up the right settings
| |
| > for a Brikar, and let it do it's thing.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Well?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Nothing to report, apart from some metabolic stuff tied in with
| |
| > the dormancy.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: Perhaps you have something to help, in your medkit?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Let me check... ::rooting through her kit:: Nope. What a shock.
| |
| > ::looking to Eerie:: There's some stuff that'll get you feeling right again,
| |
| > but it's in sickbay.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Food would be the best cure, I have not eaten in 4 weeks, my body
| |
| > had been practically shut down, but I am very hungry.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: You can get both, in Sickbay, the medication and food as you need
| |
| > it.
| |
| >
| |
| > *Es-Aleh: Response*
| |
| > *
| |
| > *
| |
| > *Eerie: Yes, LT. I will report to Sickbay immediately......
| |
| > *
| |
| > *
| |
| > *
| |
| > Gilaars: Do you need further escort?
| |
| >
| |
| > *E Eerie: Negative. Lt
| |
| > *
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie now feeling a bit better on his feet. Started for the door, the
| |
| familiar swoosh of the door greeted him as he approached the door, With his
| |
| mass he never had a great deal of clearance as he went through the standard
| |
| size Federation doors, Luckily the power cell in the anti grav unit was shut
| |
| down during his hiberation, and the device worked normally::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie went through the door , and in the corridor heading for sickbay::
| |
| | |
| oO Those sickbay tables were too small for him and usually his exam was done
| |
| sitting down, how I disliked doctors, and the scanner always had to be set
| |
| on high to penetrate his dense bodyOo
| |
| | |
| > **
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > *TAG*
| |
| > *Ensign Eerie*
| |
| > *Tac Officer*
| |
| > *USS Aurora*
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-04-11 06:44:18
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| | 175855
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| | 12
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| | 1185
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| | 2616
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] (PNPCs) Cadet Es-Aleh & Lt(JG) Corsetto - Different destinations
| |
| | On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 6:26 AM, Alex Vincent wrote:
| |
| | |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ((OOC - I'm moderately loopy from painkillers right now, so apologies if
| |
| > this (and any others I send out today) don't make quite as much sense as
| |
| > they should...))
| |
| >
| |
| > ((USS Aurora, Eerie's Quarters))
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Food would be the best cure, I have not eaten in 4 weeks, my body
| |
| > had been practically shut down, but I am very hungry.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: You can get both, in Sickbay, the medication and food as you need
| |
| > it.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Sounds like a plan to me...
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Response
| |
| >
| |
| > Gilaars: Do you need further escort?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Nah, we should be-
| |
| >
| |
| > :: The complete failure of the lights kind of cut off what she was going to
| |
| > say, even though the back-ups came on almost immediately.::
| |
| > Eerie: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: I have no idea, but I'm beginning to suspect that you might be
| |
| > better heading to the bridge instead of sickbay ::looking at Gilaars:: Both
| |
| > of you.
| |
| >
| |
| > /Eerie: With the power failure it would not be logicial to go the
| |
| > Sickbay....
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Well, Corsetto *really* needs to get checked out, which kind of
| |
| > leaves you to help out up there.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: The Orion woman in the doorway nodded a little gingerly at the mention
| |
| > of her heading for sickbay, then began patting her pockets as if she was
| |
| > looking for something.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: Food?
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| oO: The thought of food was starting to overdrive his responsiblity for
| |
| duty, and with the good sense of smell, there was something ediable close
| |
| byOo
| |
| | |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Here...
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Producing something from a pocket, she held it out to the Brikar.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Ration bar. About as tasty as dirt, but with plenty of goodness
| |
| > stuffed into it - or so it is claimed.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Is there *anything* you don't randomly carry around?
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Spare underwear.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Okay, didn't need to know that. ::to Eerie:: That thing should
| |
| > give you enough to keep you running until we have time to make sure you're
| |
| > fine.
| |
| >
| |
| > Eerie: More information then I need to know.
| |
| >
| |
| > Corsetto: Well, if something's kicking off, Gina's going to be more use in
| |
| > sickbay, so I'm taking her there. Given that our tactical and security chief
| |
| > is off the ship right now, I think you guys might want to head topside and
| |
| > see if there's anything you can help out with...
| |
| >
| |
| > /Eerie: The bridge it is, but could I have that ration bar?
| |
| >
| |
| > TAG
| |
| >
| |
| > --------------------
| |
| > Cadet Gina Es-Aleh
| |
| > Medical Trainee
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| > (Simmed by Cmdr Della Vetri)
| |
| > http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=EsAleh,_Gina
| |
| > "I suggest a large pizza with pickles, bananas, and mint frosting. "
| |
| >
| |
| > &
| |
| >
| |
| > (PNPC) Lt(JG) Delvia Corsetto
| |
| > Security
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| > (Simmed by Cmdr Della Vetri)
| |
| > "Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when
| |
| > you don't."
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-04-11 06:51:29
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| | 175870
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| | 12
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| | 1200
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118 Aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: catching up
| |
| | ((Conference Room))
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: Lhaes cancel the destruct of the ship. Captian.....::Pausing
| |
| to marshal his thoughts: Captian. Many of my people feel like this. I
| |
| would ask that for those that want to go back that a space could be
| |
| found for them, the rest can stay if they wish.
| |
| | |
| ::Lhaes brought the communicator to his lips and spoke another code in
| |
| romulan that ended the Lockdown and stopped the Self destruct.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: That's a frakking brilliant idea, Elder. Too bad you didn't
| |
| think of it sooner. There's just one problem though. No one is going
| |
| anywhere if we don't get that frakking parasite off our ship.
| |
| Therefore, I suggest you contact your engineers, find out how they
| |
| removed it from your ship, and then share the information with us.
| |
| Excuse me.
| |
| | |
| McKenzie: =/\= Bridge to Captain, Ensign McKenzie here. That crystal
| |
| thing started feeding on us instead of the D7, then something hit it.
| |
| You might want to come up here. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= I'm on my way... Assuming nothing else decides to kick off? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: You're a security officer, Lhaes? Then do your damned job and
| |
| secure *that* before I throw it out of an airlock. ::turning to
| |
| Lacakl:: Elder, I suggest you find out just what the hell is going on
| |
| with your people.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Do what you can to settle this please, Doctor. I'm sorry to
| |
| dump it on you, but as you can tell, we've got a lot on our plates
| |
| right now.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I believe so, Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru watched the Captain step out, then looked over as Lhaes
| |
| stepped over to start securing Kiter's hands behind his back.::
| |
| | |
| Kiter: You'll pay for this. You think subduing me will change
| |
| anything? ::he spat:: It changes nothing. We'll not die for your
| |
| dreams old man. We'll not leave with you. You'll have to kill us
| |
| first.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: All violence will do nothing to solve your concerns.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: Lies. You would never allow us to simply take the ship and go.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| :: He looked to the floor and considered the proposal for a moment.
| |
| If the Elder was telling the truth, then Kiter could walk away with
| |
| the ship. He'd be a bloody hero.::
| |
| | |
| Kiter: I could be persuaded to tell my followers to stand-down, and
| |
| give all those who wish to leave a safe departure. ::there was a
| |
| pause:: If we're guaranteed our own safe departure.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: That might be arranged, under certain conditions.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: I could also be persuaded to tell you how our engineers
| |
| detached the parasite. If we're given six working replicators, food
| |
| and water rations for a year, six air filtration systems, and a full
| |
| restock of medical supplies.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: You underestimate our scientific and engineering capabilities.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru had enough and stepped forward, looking Kiter dead in the
| |
| eye with a cold emotionless glare.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I have a better idea. Your terrorists can submit to the
| |
| Elder's authority and he and his officers can decide what to do with
| |
| them. You on the other hand will be taken to our Brig to await trial.
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: What?
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: response?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Oh, but I can. This is a Starfleet Vessel. Your actions was
| |
| an act of terrorism and war. By article 38 subsection 5 of the
| |
| Romulan-human Treaty of 2160, Starfleet is permitted to apprehend any
| |
| Romulan citizen found within human territory and hold that person for
| |
| trial for crimes against Starfleet, with the provision that a ranking
| |
| member of the Romulan Society is notified.
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: The Elder is a ranking member of the only Romulan society
| |
| currently existing and he is now notified. This is a Starfleet vessel,
| |
| in which this act was committed. I am well within my rights as a
| |
| Starfleet officer to do this.
| |
| | |
| ::She motions to the security guards who came over to grab Kiter's arms.::
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Mar: The Treaty of Algeron was made void when Romulus was
| |
| destroyed. However, this treaty predates the Treaty of Algeron and no
| |
| conditions were set upon when or how it will be nullified. It is still
| |
| in effect.
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'maru looks to Kiter.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Per conditions established with the treaty, The Elder, being
| |
| the senior representative of Romulan Society, can appoint someone to
| |
| represent you during the trial.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru simply nods to the guards, and tries to hide a smirk as they
| |
| remove him from the Conference room. She looked at the Elder and
| |
| Lhaes, and saw the smirk forming on Lhaes's face.::
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: Bold move, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| Responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I do appreciate threats. My husband learned that the hard way
| |
| before we were married.
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I'll not go into details, but I got my revenge by marrying him.
| |
| | |
| ::She gave a half smirk and raised an eyebrow, watching the Elder and
| |
| Lhaes chuckle. She motioned to the door.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: If you will come with me ..
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| ((Aurora: Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru escorted the Elder and Lhaes to the bridge to see what was
| |
| going on. She gave a nod to Vetri.::
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Kiter is being detained in our brig, pending trial for acts
| |
| of terrorism against Starfleet per the Romulan-Human treaty of 2160.
| |
| The Elder will require time with you to discuss the details of the
| |
| trial.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: response?
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lhaes
| |
| Romulan Security Chief
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
| |
| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| |
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| To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
| |
| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
| |
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| |
| | 2011-04-13 15:40:48
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| | 175872
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| | 12
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| | 1202
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| | 1992
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| | [SB118 Aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: catching up ... corrected version.
| |
| | ooc: ignore the first one, made a few errors. I resent this to correct them. thanks
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Conference Room))
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: Lhaes cancel the destruct of the ship. Captian.....::Pausing
| |
| to marshal his thoughts: Captian. Many of my people feel like this. I
| |
| would ask that for those that want to go back that a space could be
| |
| found for them, the rest can stay if they wish.
| |
| | |
| ::Lhaes brought the communicator to his lips and spoke another code in
| |
| romulan that ended the Lockdown and stopped the Self destruct.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: That's a frakking brilliant idea, Elder. Too bad you didn't
| |
| think of it sooner. There's just one problem though. No one is going
| |
| anywhere if we don't get that frakking parasite off our ship.
| |
| Therefore, I suggest you contact your engineers, find out how they
| |
| removed it from your ship, and then share the information with us.
| |
| Excuse me.
| |
| | |
| McKenzie: =/\= Bridge to Captain, Ensign McKenzie here. That crystal
| |
| thing started feeding on us instead of the D7, then something hit it.
| |
| You might want to come up here. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= I'm on my way... Assuming nothing else decides to kick off? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: You're a security officer, Lhaes? Then do your damned job and
| |
| secure *that* before I throw it out of an airlock. ::turning to
| |
| Lacakl:: Elder, I suggest you find out just what the hell is going on
| |
| with your people.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Do what you can to settle this please, Doctor. I'm sorry to
| |
| dump it on you, but as you can tell, we've got a lot on our plates
| |
| right now.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I believe so, Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru watched the Captain step out, then looked over as Lhaes
| |
| stepped over to start securing Kiter's hands behind his back.::
| |
| | |
| Kiter: You'll pay for this. You think subduing me will change
| |
| anything? ::he spat:: It changes nothing. We'll not die for your
| |
| dreams old man. We'll not leave with you. You'll have to kill us
| |
| first.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Violence will do nothing to solve your concerns.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: Lies. You would never allow us to simply take the ship and go.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| :: He looked to the floor and considered the proposal for a moment.
| |
| If the Elder was telling the truth, then Kiter could walk away with
| |
| the ship. He'd be a bloody hero.::
| |
| | |
| Kiter: I could be persuaded to tell my followers to stand-down, and
| |
| give all those who wish to leave a safe departure. ::there was a
| |
| pause:: If we're guaranteed our own safe departure.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: That might be arranged, under certain conditions.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: I could also be persuaded to tell you how our engineers
| |
| detached the parasite. If we're given six working replicators, food
| |
| and water rations for a year, six air filtration systems, and a full
| |
| restock of medical supplies.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: You underestimate our scientific and engineering capabilities.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: ?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru had enough and stepped forward, looking Kiter dead in the
| |
| eye with a cold emotionless glare.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I have a better idea. Your terrorists can submit to the
| |
| Elder's authority and he and his officers can decide what to do with
| |
| them. You on the other hand will be taken to our Brig to await trial.
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: What?
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: response?
| |
| | |
| Kiter: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Oh, but I can. This is a Starfleet Vessel. Your actions was
| |
| an act of terrorism and war. By article 38 subsection 5 of the
| |
| Romulan-human Treaty of 2160, Starfleet is permitted to apprehend any
| |
| Romulan citizen found within human territory and hold that person for
| |
| trial for crimes against Starfleet, with the provision that a ranking
| |
| member of the Romulan Society is notified.
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: The Elder is a ranking member of the only Romulan society
| |
| currently existing and he is now notified. This is a Starfleet vessel,
| |
| in which this act was committed. I am well within my rights as a
| |
| Starfleet officer to do this.
| |
| | |
| ::She motions to the security guards who came over to grab Kiter's arms.::
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Mar: The Treaty of Algeron was made void when Romulus was
| |
| destroyed. However, this treaty predates the Treaty of Algeron and no
| |
| conditions were set upon when or how it will be nullified. It is still
| |
| in effect.
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'maru looks to Kiter.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Per conditions established with the treaty, The Elder, being
| |
| the senior representative of Romulan Society, can appoint someone to
| |
| represent you during the trial.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru simply nods to the guards, and tries to hide a smirk as they
| |
| remove him from the Conference room. She looked at the Elder and
| |
| Lhaes, and saw the smirk forming on Lhaes's face.::
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: Bold move, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| Responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I do not appreciate threats. My husband learned that the hard way
| |
| before we were married.
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I'll not go into details, but I got my revenge by marrying him.
| |
| | |
| ::She gave a half smirk and raised an eyebrow, watching the Elder and
| |
| Lhaes chuckle. She motioned to the door.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: If you will come with me ..
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| ((Aurora: Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru escorted the Elder and Lhaes to the bridge to see what was
| |
| going on. She gave a nod to Vetri.::
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Kiter is being detained in our brig, pending trial for acts
| |
| of terrorism against Starfleet per the Romulan-Human treaty of 2160.
| |
| The Elder will require time with you to discuss the details of the
| |
| trial.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: response?
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lhaes
| |
| Romulan Security Chief
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-04-13 20:46:05
| |
| |-
| |
| | 175895
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1225
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [Sb118-Aurora] Lhaes
| |
| | (( Aurora: bridge))
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: Lhaes did you ever wonder why you where choosen as my first
| |
| adviser and not Kiter? Never mind. I choose you because your level
| |
| headed and will not jump to conclusions and do anything to harm our
| |
| people. :: Pausing Lakacl again stared at his medallion. :: I should
| |
| have done this long ago. :: Reaching up he placed the chain around
| |
| Lhaes neck.
| |
| | |
| Lakacl: I give you our people,lead them as you will, those that wish
| |
| to come here if any allow them. I don't think there'll be many.
| |
| | |
| :: Lhaes didn't know what to say. He merely gave a nod.::
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: If this is your wish, sir.
| |
| | |
| :: He leaned in and gave Lakacl an embrace and smiled. He was escorted
| |
| to the transporter room, where he was beamed over to the Romulan
| |
| Bridge.::
| |
| | |
| (( D7: Bridge))
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| ::He glanced around, looking at the events taking place.::
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: Report?
| |
| | |
| ::He wore the Elder's medallion, showing he now had command.::
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: The Elder is staying behind. Kiter is being detained for acts
| |
| of treason against the Federation. I am now in command.
| |
| | |
| ::He stepped over to the comm station and tapped into the innership
| |
| com system.::
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: =/\= This is Lhaes. I have assumed command of this vessel under
| |
| orders from the Elder. I know there are those who wish to remain and
| |
| find a home of our own. That is what we will do. I also know there are
| |
| those who wish to return to Romulus, and share the Elder's dream to do
| |
| so. The Elder will remain aboard the Federation Vessel to be escorted
| |
| to Romulan Space. After the immediate crisis is over, I want all
| |
| personell who desire to return to Romulan Space to report to the
| |
| Bridge. There will be nothing ill spoken of those who wish to leave.
| |
| Lhaes out ... =/\=
| |
| | |
| response?
| |
| | |
| -tag_
| |
| | |
| Lhaes
| |
| Romulan Commanding Officer
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-04-19 10:26:18
| |
| |-
| |
| | 175914
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1244
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [[sb118-aurora] Lhaes: exodus
| |
| | ((D7: Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Lhaes sat in the command chair, going over reports that were coming
| |
| in from all over the ship from his announcement.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Lhaes =/\=
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: =/\= Go ahead commander =/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= I'm glad to see that you're back to bring some order.
| |
| When do you expect to have your people gathered to go to our ship?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: =/\= ETA unknown at this time. I'll start sending them down as
| |
| soon as I can. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Our first shuttle is ready and we're readying our other
| |
| shuttles to make the transport as smooth as possible. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: =/\=That is good to know.=/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= If you don't need my crew up there, please send them
| |
| here with the first group of your crew. Also if you haven't done so,
| |
| if you give me a list of things your ship will need for those
| |
| remaining on board I'll see what I can do to provide it once we return
| |
| to the Aurora. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: =/\=I'll send them and that information down. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Lhaes started deligating duties to some of the officers under his command.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: One thing if you'll allow. S'Anra, I'd like her to be taken to
| |
| the Aurora for treatment. No slight to yours but the wound is deep
| |
| and to be honest she'll have a better chance.
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: I'll need my medical officer, and I have reports of other
| |
| wounded coming in. You should go.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Thank you. I'll let our medical team know and have S'Anra sent
| |
| across on the first shuttle.
| |
| | |
| ::Moments later, Lhaes was still trying to sort out the situation.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: So Lhaes, how're things here?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: Wish I could say it was going good.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Are there any more people that had to be transferred?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: They're slowing starting to report in.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: response?
| |
| | |
| ::Lhaes stood and motioned for Dickens to follow. They went to the
| |
| equivalent of a Ready Room to talk in private.::
| |
| | |
| ((D7: ready room))
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: Commander, I'll be honest. I have people who are wounded. I
| |
| have fights breaking out over the ship. My security personnel are
| |
| stretched thin to get people down to the shuttles and to stop these
| |
| fights.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Response?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: I don't know .. so far about 30% of the crew wants to leave.
| |
| However, that number keeps increasing. I have families on this ship.
| |
| This ship isn't intended to be a generational vessel. Hell, it wasn't
| |
| intended to be in service for 200 plus years. We have so many systems
| |
| jury rigged to keep going. So many old systems on the verge of falling
| |
| apart. The only thing I have plenty of is power due to the engine
| |
| systems.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: response?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: This ship was a prototype when it launched. The engines are
| |
| powered by a miniature quantum singularity. It's what attracted that
| |
| .. space parasite. This set up was supposed to boast near infinite
| |
| power. ::He grumbles:: Well, we tested that power to it's max. It is
| |
| nearly true. However, the systems that it relies on aren't as
| |
| infinite.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: response?
| |
| | |
| Lhaes: We have to replace the control converters about every 2 years
| |
| now. We keep rebuilding the old ones and replacing them. It used to be
| |
| every 5 years when I was little. According to the Elder, it used to be
| |
| every 10 years. If we can get something that can do the job, but last
| |
| longer, it will help a lot.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: response?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-04-23 11:57:32
| |
| |-
| |
| | 175961
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1291
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-Aurora] Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| | ((Aurora: sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was sitting in her office when Dr. Malcolm stepped in. She
| |
| had been going over S'Anra's charts to monitor progress. Hoping to
| |
| release her soon. She'd been trying to blot out the shouts and
| |
| insults,most of them directed at Re'Maru.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: S'Anra sounds pretty healthy, don't you think?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Indeed. She is most vocal about her ... insights into the
| |
| medical personell.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: I'm more than ready to get her back to her ship.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I am as well. I'm waiting for your permission to release her.
| |
| | |
| ::Suddenly, Jen's commbadge chirped, interrupting them::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: =/\= T'Lea to Sickbay. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: I'm sorry Dr. Re'Maru. I'd appreciate it if you'd see if
| |
| S'Anra is clear for transport.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Very well.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru stood and made her way to S'Anra who was glaring at her angrily.::
| |
| | |
| S'Anra: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: You are not a prisoner. You are a patient.
| |
| | |
| S'Anra: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: If my intent was to harm you, you would not have awoken from
| |
| the sedative.
| |
| | |
| S'Anra: response?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was gradually growing more and more annoyed. She had heard
| |
| the angry shouting and insults from the Romulan Patient most of the
| |
| morning since the sedatives wore off.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: If I sound like a Vulcan, then it is because I was raised
| |
| among Vulcans. Furthermore, I have never stepped foot on Romulus. I
| |
| have never had a desire to go there. Being a "traitor" first implies
| |
| that one has citizenship with the nation or organization in question.
| |
| I have no ties to the Romulan government, or any desire to have such
| |
| ties.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru stepped forward to the control panel on the biobed, tapping
| |
| on a keypad. A pair of security officers stepped inside the sickbay.::
| |
| | |
| S'Anra: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I am releasing you. Your wound is healed. These gentlemen
| |
| will escort you to your ship.
| |
| | |
| S'Anra: response?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru only gave a half hearted wave as she stepped back and let
| |
| the Security Officers escort S'Anra out. After that, Re'Maru took a
| |
| moment to rub her temples. After the shouting died down by the woman
| |
| being escorted out and down the hall, Re'Maru stepped over and
| |
| approached Dr. Malcolm's office.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: The Patient is being escorted to her own ship.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Romulans are naturally suspicious and xenophobic. When they
| |
| see their own working for a potential enemy, they naturally assume
| |
| that the individual is a traitor.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I was raised among Vulcans, Doctor. The only contact with
| |
| Romulans I had before now were my parents and their friends who were
| |
| also trying to adopt the Vulcan way. I am a Romulan only by blood.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Yes, I know about the Romulan culture, some of their history,
| |
| and I speak their language. However, I should note that I also have a
| |
| rudementory knowledge of the Klingon language, and have studied their
| |
| culture and history as a part of my studies for my psychology
| |
| doctorate. That doesn't make me a klingon.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: response?
| |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | |
| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| |
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| |
| | 2011-05-06 11:42:14
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176024
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1354
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-Aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: reflections
| |
| | ((Aurora: sickbay))
| |
| | |
| ::What seemed like the end of a terribly long day was drawing close.
| |
| The last of the patients from going through the wormhole again had
| |
| been treated. Aside from the worst of the cases who resting, most have
| |
| been released for duty. Re'Maru sat in her office, half asleep as she
| |
| stared at an image of her husband on the screen.::
| |
| | |
| ((Flashback: Vulcan Science Academy))
| |
| | |
| ::At the insisting of her human roommate, Re'Maru had been trying on
| |
| various outfits. This was the last one, a simple dark red catsuit like
| |
| outfit that hugged her sensual figure. She raised an eyebrow in a
| |
| vulcan manner and looked back to her roommate, Jan, who was bouncing
| |
| on the bed in joy::
| |
| | |
| Jan: OH Rea!! That's the one!!
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru looked at herself in the mirror with an uneasy look in her
| |
| eyes. Jan bounced off the bed and came over.::
| |
| | |
| Jan: Will you relax, Rea?! If this doesn't send that vulcan hunk of
| |
| yours into Pon Far, nothing will!!
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Given the biological nature of the vulcan mating cycle, I
| |
| serously doubt this simple outfit will trigger it.
| |
| | |
| ::Jan gave a simple swat to Re'Maru's shoulder.::
| |
| | |
| Jan: You know what I mean.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Do you honestly believe wearing something as this will stir
| |
| an emotional response?
| |
| | |
| ::Jan gave a coy yet sarcastic glare to the Romulan woman.::
| |
| | |
| Jan: Hon, with your looks? ::nods:: You bet!!
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru had to admit that she was nervous. She'd been attracted to
| |
| S'bien since she first met him at the hearing a year before. She'd
| |
| been spending a considerable amount of her free time with him,
| |
| learning more about vulcan behavior than she ever knew before. She's
| |
| even learned to control her emotions a lot better. Now it was taking
| |
| every measure of control she had to not tremble with how nervous she
| |
| was at the moment. She moved as she was guided by her human roommate
| |
| and shoved out the door.::
| |
| | |
| Jan: Go get 'im, Tiger!!
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru stumbled at first. Clumsily trying to get her footing on
| |
| those high heeled boots her roommate insisted that she wear. She
| |
| reached out and grabbed the wall to steady herself. Thankfully, no one
| |
| saw her making a fool of herself as she took a few more clumsy steps
| |
| to get used to the heels. She gingerly made her way down the hall. By
| |
| the time she got to the stairs, she was confident on them, at least
| |
| more so than she was when she stepped out of the room. The heels
| |
| clicked on the hard surface of the stairs. When she entered the next
| |
| hall, some men were walking her way. They stopped and stared. She had
| |
| to admit that it was exciting to feel their stares on her.::
| |
| | |
| ::She walked across the quad to the building where S'bien's office was
| |
| at. She stood at the entrance to the building. She squeeked at she
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| felt a shove behind her. She looked back to see Jan.::
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| Jan: Will you get moving?! This is no time for cold feet!!
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| Re'Maru: Given the ambient temperature of Vulcan, I highly doubt that my ...
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| ::Jan cut her off.::
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| Jan: it's an expression, Rea. Sheesh!!! Now get in there!
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| ::Jan was never going to let Re'Maru live this down. She quickly found
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| out how annoying humans could be. Since Re'Maru and S'bien met, Jan
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| had been doing her best to try and get the pair together.::
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| ::Re'Maru made her way inside and to S'bien's office. She tapped the
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| door chime and waited, trying not to pick at her fingernails. When she
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| door opened, she gave a simple smile. S'bien gave a raised eyebrow.
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| Re'Maru stepped into the office, and the door closed behind her.::
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| ((end flashback))
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| ::Re'Maru's head hit the desk where she had aparently fallen asleep.
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| She quickly looked up and glanced to the door groggily.::
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| Re'Maru: huh?
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| response?
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| -tag whoever-
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| Ensign Re'Maru
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| Medical Officer
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| USS Aurora
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
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| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
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| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
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| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-05-21 13:41:57
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| | Fw: [sb118-aurora-ooc] Ensign Blackwood -Assaulting a senior officer
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| | ((OOC - Resending to the right list... :) (Alex/Della)))
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| ((OOC: Sorry for charging in. I just want to move this on a bit as I have a couple of other things I need to get done on shore leave. Besides, after I had the Idea iut was too good to leave))
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| ((Shore Leave - Starbase 23 - The Comet Club - Night))
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| York: Thank the Maker you came. I thought I was going to be standing out here all night, all by myself, getting weird looks from passersby, and I didn't want to go in and sit alone. ::grinning:: There are waaaay too many cute guys and drinks in there.
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| Gilaars: ::chuckling:: Have no fear I'm here, now!
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| York: Any sign of anybody else?
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| Gilaars: Not that I can see. Maybe the rest will show up. Who knows, these days.
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| York: ::smiling:: By the way, I plan on getting really drunk. Make sure I don't dance on the table tops, or do anything embarrassing, will ya?
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| Gilaars: I try my best. I can't guarantee anything though, especially if I get just as drunk! ::laughs::
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| York: ::laughing:: That's the spirit! Although, I don't know how well a drunken Starfleet officer dancing on tables would go over with the Fleet. ::gesturing at her slinky dress:: At least, I wore a disguise.
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| Gilaars: I didn't feel like getting dressed up, plus I don't own much, outside of jeans and t-shirts, right now.
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| York: Hey, have you tried those jeans from Bajor? I hear the material they use is unbelievably soft. ::abrupt subject change:: Oh! Since you're all uniformed-up, mind holding my comm. badge. I'm afraid if I put it on, I'll have a wardrobe malfunction.
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| Gilaars: By the way, I am Lieutenant(jg) Rebecca Gilaars, one of the Security Officers aboard the Aurora. And you?
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| York: Whoops, right. Ensign Penny York. I'm one of the nerd herd. Science.
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| Gilaars: Pleased to meet you! Let's get started, eh? ::waves hand toward Comet Club entrance::
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| York: Good idea. ::chuckling:: Why wait out here, when we can get a head start on the booze in there!
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| :: With a smart little turn on her heels, and in her high heels, Penny gave the bouncer at the doors a lovely little smile as she passed through. The bouncer, a big burly Klingon, merely sneered back at her.::
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| ((Comet Club, Starbase 23))
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| :: The music was incredibly loud, so loud in fact that Penny could feel the bass vibrating her innards. Lights flashed, rhythms pulsed, waitresses passed by with trays of drinks, people came and went from the bar to the dance floor, but finding a free table was proving rather difficult. Eventually, Penny spotted a vacancy at a booth near the dance floor.::
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| :: As she slid in she bumped her elbow on a corner.::
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| York: Oww? funny bone. Not so funny. ::waving over a waitress and yelling over the music:: One Risan Mai-tai, one Starduster, extra strong, a Cardassian Sunrise, and six black icebergs, please. Oh, and a glass of water.
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| :: She turned to Gilaars.::
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| York: What are you gonna have, Gils?
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| Gilaars: I'll have what you just ordered! ::chuckles:: I wanna get hammered tonight!
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| :: While Rebecca ordered, Penny glanced around the club, grooving to the music in her seat. There was a Ferengi licking his lips at her, a sleazy gesture from any species. She recoiled and quickly turned away, only to see Ensign Blackwood waving at her from across the room.::
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| York: ::waving back:: Hey! Over here! ::she poked Gilaars::
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| Ensign Blackwood.
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| Gilaars: Great! The more the merrier!
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| Blackwood: Hiya folks, I'm Ensign Blackwood, new science officer, as you know, ::nods to Ensign York:: of course you can just call me Evanna if you wish.
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| Penny: New rule. First names only, or nicknames. Call me Penny, or Pen. Either works.
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| Gilaars: Call me Becky! This a great break for us!
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| Blackwood: Yeah, it sure is good to catch a break, although I hardly need one! haha I only just GOT here.
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| Gilaars: Still, you were busy as soon as you came aboard.
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| ::Sitting a bit straighter she scooted over in the booth to allow Blackwood some room.::
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| York: We just ordered drinks, the waitress should be back any minute. Gils and I are planning on getting totally hammered -- table dancing optional. As soon as I get tipsy enough, I'm hitting the dance floor. What about you guys?
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| Blackwood: Oh... Well I don't think I will be getting hammered, actually, alcohol and I have a hate-hate relationship.
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| oO Great! I haven't even been here 5 minutes and I?m already the stick in the mud. I haven't even told them I most definitely WON'T be dancing either. Oo
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| Gilaars: Oh, c'mon, lighten up!
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| York: Okay, serious question. Why am I the only one not in uniform? Seriously. At least take off your jackets, please. I'm begging you.
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| Blackwood: :: Turning red. :: Ah, yes ... wardrobe malfunction.
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| Gilaars: ::giggles:; Oh, okay... ::takes jacket off:: Much better!
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| York: ::to Evanna:: You see anybody else out there? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just glad someone showed up. ::chuckling as the waitress dropped off the plethora of drinks:: Hey, girls night out!
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| Blackwood: To be honest I wasn't really looking, heck I probably wouldn't recognise half our crew if they were lined up in front of me.
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| oO Seriously, what?s the matter with you. Just say no. Keep it simple. Oo
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| Gilaars: You'll get to know us soon enough! ::giggles some more::
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| :: York downed a shot, turned beet red and nearly coughed up a lung.::
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| Blackwood: huh
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| Gilaars: ::concerned:: You okay, Penny?
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| York: Oh, Maker! That was great. ::waving a hand:: I'm fine. I'm fine. Just warming up.
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| Blackwood: ::mutters:: oh brother... ::Shakes head and chuckles::
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| Gilaars: Yeah, just give her time.
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| York: ::pointing towards the bar:: There's a Ferengi over there that keeps licking his lips at me. I swear I attract the weirdest people. ::laughing:: He just winked.
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| Blackwood: I'll go punch his lights out if you like...
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| Gilaars: No, no. No need, to do that. Wouldn't want to end up in the Brig, your first night out! ::chuckles::
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| York: It's good to get off the ship. ::over the music:: So where
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| are you guys from?
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| Blackwood: New Scotland
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| Gilaars: I was born on Starbase 38. Kinda boring to say the least.
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| Eerie :: Ensign Blackwood, I promise to behave myself, do you mind?::
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| oO He's haunting me, I swear... You know what, maybe I should just leave. Say I forgot to do something... Oo
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| :: Blackwood chewed her lip for a few moments, pondering what to do, until she became aware of numerous sets of eyes watching her. ::
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| Blackwood: ::Strained smile:: Sure thing, make yourself comfortable...
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| :: Blackwood scooted over to make sure Eerie had enough room to sit comfortably.
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| oO Better make a token gesture of friendliness I suppose. Oo
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| Blackwood: Can I get you anything?
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| :: Blackwood felt quite intimidated and awkward squished up in the booth next to Eerie, but tried to look as casual and relaxed about it as possible. ::
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| Eerie: Er.....Quantum Torpedo with a lime twist, thank you Ensign
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| :: Blackwood blanked out for several minutes thinking to herself whilst sipping a fruit cocktail staring off nowhere as the others talked around her.::
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| Gilaars: God to see you here Ensign Eerie!
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| Eerie: Thank you LT.
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| Anyone: respond
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| Blackwood: ... SO ehhr...Do any of you guys have any hobbies? Something to keep you from tearing your hair out while deployed?
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| :: Blackwood ordered another drink and gulped it down in a hurry. ::
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| Gilaars: I like Holodeck adventures and holonovel re-enactments, chess, bowling, collecting stuffed animals and reading.
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| Eerie : I enjoy a game of chess from time to time.
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| oOActually all the time, but better play it coolOo
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| Anyone: respond
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| Blackwood: Cool beans. Oh err excuse me.
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| :: Blackwood squeezes out of her corner in the booth and heads to the toilet, taking as long as possible. Eventually she decides she's too hot and heads outside to cool down. ::
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| oO Man it's intense in there. So what now? Oo
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| :: Blackwood plonks herself down on a nearby bench and watches people passing for a few minutes, feeling indecisive. ::
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| :: Eerie stared off into the crowd, there was that quiet hush for a moment and the two Narusicaans, started to make their way through the crowd and it appeared that they were heading toward our group of junior officers, they were about 3 meters away from the group and they started to veer away but then..::
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| :: the waitress who was bringing the drinks, to the starfleet officers was knocked over by the Narusicaans, sending the drinks all over the Aurora officers::
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| Narusicaan :: Who is getting all these drinks?, I get you some colored water instead!
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| ::At that point both of the Narusicaans, started to laugh at the group of starfleet officers::
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| Anyone:: RESPONSE
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| :: Blackwood gives herself a slap on the face, puts on her best winning smile and trots merrily back into the club. She heads back to their booth noting a new addition. ::
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| oO Nice! Someone else showed up! See, if you just chill out things work out fine... Hey, but whats this? Oo
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| ::Blackwood noticed a couple of aliens stirring up trouble next to her friends, so she drew herself up to her full height and marched over. ::
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| ((which actually wasn't all that much. she's kinda short))
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| Blackwood: ::Positioning herself behind the group of trouble makers, loudly:: Hey! Is there a PROBleem here?
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| :: The group of Narusicaans spun round, glaring at her. Blackwood glared right back. ::
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| Narusicaan 1: Whatzit Tooya?
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| oO Diplomatic. Be diplomatic. Lets TRY not to start an incident. I just wanna have a couple of drinks and laughs. Oo
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| Blackwood: I don't like your attitude. I strongly SUGGEST you move on. Go on, off you go... enjoy your night - AWAY from us.
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| :: Blackwood was getting pretty angry now, and she could feel herself starting to shake with rage. ::
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| Anyone: response
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| :: The aliens were a good bit bigger than Blackwood, going by the smell they were too smashed to see reason. One of them pushed Blackwood, she stumbled backwards banging into someone behind her, spilling their drink. Blackwood turned her head towards them. ::
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| Blackwood: So sSorry about that!
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| oO Oh they did not just do that Oo
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| Anyone: respond
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| oO If I can just get them out of this crowded club... Oo
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| Blackwood: Yeh-wanna step outside and sort this out... :: strained:: gentlemen?
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| :: The Narusicaans spat at her and made comments about her in their own tongue. ::
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| Anyone: respond
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| oO Talking scumbags, that?s what they are. Oo
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| ::Eerie struggled to get out of the booth, it was small it took a couple of seconds, before he could get his footing on the dancefloor, the music was still playing but most of the crowd had started to move away from the disturbance, and the noice level had decreased::
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| oO: Finally, this party was getting pretty boring, now I have to save that pip-squeak before we all get toss in the brigOo
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| :: The third Narusicaan, the one braying like a donkey threw something into the group of Starfleet officers. Blackwood didn't wait to see if it hit anyone, she punched the first one right in the face sending him reeling backwards, then head butted another. The first alien, the one that got the first punch came charging over to Blackwood knocking her over. He leapt on her and threw a punch, which was barely blocked by her arm.::
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| Eerie: Gentlemen, lets stop this before it begins.
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| ::With quick reflexes, Eerie grabbed two of the Narusicaans with his hand, in their chests and easily picked them off of the floor, stunned by what happened they were able to start to swing at him hitting him in the head, but the blows were not noticeable to him in the least.
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| ::The Narusicaans, started to spit at Eerie, as he held them firm in his grip, ::
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| :: Blackwood was on the floor, and seemed to be handling her self adequately, she was doing a leg whip which caught the third Naruicaan, knocking him down::
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| oO She's a fireball alrightOo
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| :: Eerie spread his arms out wide with the flagging Narusicaans, srcreaming insults and spitting, and striking at Eerie's arms::
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| ::Eerie brought the two Narsicaans together in a dull thump, and released them to the floor::
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| :: Seeing his quarry in the middle of a bar fight Barnes walked over and grabbed the closest Narusicaan by the shoulder and spun it round. Pining his hand up against the shoulder blade Barnes whispered in his ear.
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| Barnes: Did your mummy not tell you it's not nice to hit women, Now I suggest you take your two drunk friends and leave, otherwise I'm sure a night in the station brig will cool your temper.
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| ::As the Narusicaan struggled Barnes pushed his hand higher so his fingertips where touching his earlobe, twisting his 'dance partner' towards the door, giving him a final push he turned back to his colleagues. Sitting on a stool he looked around the table.
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| Barnes: I can't leave you lot alone for a minute.
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| :: Blackwood scrabbled back to her feet, hastily adjusting her scuffed uniform. Feeling her breathing becoming tight, face reddening. ::
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| :: SssSs Sorry Sir
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| Anyone respond
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| Blackwood: No, Sir
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| Anyone: respond
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| Blackwood: Well no, I wouldn't say that...
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| Anyone: respond
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| Blackwood: Well... they earned it. ::mutters quietly, scowling:: alien scum
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| Anyone: respond
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| :: Blackwood goes to take a step forward and finds herself falling, she sucks in a huge gasp of surprise! The gathered crowd roared with laughter, loving every minute of the unfolding drama.::
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| oO Oh my GOD was that a FOOT? Oo
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| :: Blackwood fell right into Lt Cmdr Barnes, knocking him backwards into the gathered crowd. She hit the ground with an audible thud, smashing her nose and crying out with the pain and humiliation, twisting her arm beneath her. A big strong hand gripped her firmly, hauled her roughly to her feet where she stood with head hung in shame, licking blood off her lips, fighting back tears; waiting to be made a show of and marched to the brig::
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| Anyone: respond
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| oO I'll be setting some kind of record in speedy discharges I am sure. Oo
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| Blackwood: Understood. ::sniffle::
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| Anyone: respond
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| Ensign Blackwood
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| Science Officer
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| USS Aurora
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| | 2011-05-24 21:55:48
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| | [SB118-aurora] JP: LtCmd T'Lea & Ensign Re'Maru: a dinner for two ...
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| | ((Aurora: Sickbay office))
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| T'Lea: =/\= T'Lea to Doctor Re'Maru. =/\=
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| ::Re'Maru lifted her head from the desk, groggily and looked around.::
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| Re'Maru: huh? ::Taps her comm badge:: =/\= This is Doctor Re'Maru. =/\=
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| T'Lea: =/\= I did not wake you, did I? =/\=
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| Re'Maru: =/\= Is there something I can help you with? =/\=
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| T'Lea: =/\= Would you be interested in joining me for a late
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| dinner? Is the Mess Hall in service? =/\=
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| ::The offer of food made her stomach rumble in hunger. She hadn't
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| eaten in some time.::
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| Re'Maru: =/\= Certainly. I'll meet you there. =/\=
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| ((Aurora: Mess Hall))
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| ::The Engineers did a good job in getting the Mess Hall back in
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| operation quickly. If they didn't, they would have had several hungry
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| crewmen upset at them. The Romulan doctor glanced around to see T'Lea.
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| She went over to order a vulcan dish, and a terran beverage that was
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| called coffee. She had grown a taste for it at the Vulcan Science
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| Academy. Her former roommate would keep a pot of it made. She made her
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| way over to T'Lea and sat down, giving a nod.::
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| Re'Maru: Greetings, Lt Commander.
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| T'Lea: Doctor.
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| :: A cozy table for two at a window, that?s where T?Lea had seated herself.
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| The Mess Hall was pretty empty, given the late hour, but every now
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| and then one of the night shift crew would venture in, order something
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| from the replicator to-go, and then leave. It was actually really
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| nice having the Mess Hall all to herself.::
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| :: Having already started on her meal, T?Lea watched the
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| Romulan Doctor venture over with her selection of eats. Immediately
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| she recognized the heavy, nutty smell coming from the Doctor?s cup.::
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| T?Lea: Thank you for coming. ::lifting a eyebrow:: Coffee?
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| Interesting choice.
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| Re?Maru: I had a human roommate at the Vulcan Science Academy. I
| |
| developed a taste for it.
| |
| | |
| :: T?Lea carefully skimmed her spoon across the top of her soup, blew
| |
| on the hot liquid and sipped. It was tomato soup again, twice in one
| |
| day, but for some reason it was all she wanted.::
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: Ah, my bond-mate is fond of coffee, as well. ::slight smirk::
| |
| I think she came close to overdosing on it once. I find the taste to
| |
| be foul. ::lifting her cup to take a sip:: Spice Tea.
| |
| | |
| :: She glanced at Re?Maru over the rim of her tea cup, wondering if
| |
| the woman would piece together that her bond-mate was female. Once
| |
| again, T?Lea was looking for an emotional reaction. Re'Maru kept a
| |
| neutral, and vulcan-like expression on her face.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: My mother enjoys that flavor of tea.
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: ::casually blowing on her soup:: So, you grew up on Vulcan.
| |
| Is that where you were born?
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: No, I was born on a freighter vessel in the Kaleb Sector.
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: I was ship-born also. The IRW Hexce.
| |
| | |
| :: She kept a close eye on the Romulan Doctor to see if the ship
| |
| name, and its infamous demise meant anything to the woman sitting
| |
| across from her. It was probably years before Re?Maru?s time, and
| |
| kept quiet from the Romulan public.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: I am not familiar with that ship name.
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: It?s a long, complicated story. ::another sip:: The
| |
| condensed version is that my mother is a treacherous Tal-shiar bitch
| |
| who was sent to Vulcan to infiltrate and assassinate my father, a
| |
| council member. She then double-crossed the Empire, blew up the Hexce
| |
| and dumped me in a life-pod to be picked up later by my Uncle.
| |
| ::biting into a cracker very nonchalant:: This reunification your
| |
| parents invested in? that had been my mother?s cover-story, years
| |
| prior to your
| |
| parents voyage. She was an Ambassador from Romulus seeking to revive
| |
| the idea of reunification -- it was a Tal-Shiar plot. ::beat, faint
| |
| smirk:: Any plans for Shore Leave?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Nothing, thought T?Lea as she tried to gauge the woman?s reaction
| |
| to all that she?d said. It was hard to miss the barbed little hint
| |
| that perhaps Re?Maru?s parents had been following a lie, but there
| |
| wasn?t even a flinch, or a blink of an eye.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: T?Lea knew, however, from their previous chat that Re?Maru wasn?t a
| |
| total Vulcan-zombie.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: My husband will be arriving within a day or two. I have not
| |
| seen him since I was at the Academy.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru nibbled at her dish, trying to be on her proper vulcan behavior.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Right. Good.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: There was a small pause of soup sipping to regroup her thoughts.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| T?Lea: Have you been together long?
| |
| | |
| ::The Romulan doctor hesitated but began to answer T'Lea's question.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: That too is a "complicated story". As I mentioned before,
| |
| S'bien and I met at the Vulcan Science Academy. During the first year,
| |
| I had ... performed an experiment without following all the proper
| |
| protocals. ::Sips from her Coffee.:: After being placed on Academic
| |
| probation, S'bien was assigned to oversee my progress. We had gotten
| |
| close, and I developed ... feelings ... for him.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Feelings. T?Lea noticed how thoughtful the woman was not to reveal
| |
| too much through that one word.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: That?s perfectly normal.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: This was before I perfected my emotional control. S'bien
| |
| began to mentor me, and teach me more about the pathway of Kohlinar.
| |
| He didn't complete his path, but he taught me what he knew. During
| |
| this time, he and I would mind meld, and we learned a lot from each
| |
| other, even our growing fondness for each other. One night, I showed
| |
| him how I felt, and he returned the feelings.
| |
| | |
| :: T?Lea gave a small nod, allowing the woman to continue. She could
| |
| see that Re'Maru's bond-mate meant the world to her, and that perhaps
| |
| she was dealing with feelings of loneliness. Not that the Doctor
| |
| would ever admit it.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: That was near the end of my second year. Early in my third
| |
| year, he informed me of his betrothal. However, we had already bonded.
| |
| While I remained a resident in the dorms, I was spending most of my
| |
| nights with him. When the time for the ceremony arrived, S'Bien
| |
| rejected his betrothed, and we married instead.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: I can?t imagine that went over well. You never mentioned who she was.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I did not make it a priority to remember her name, but her
| |
| parents were ... dismayed, and viewed it as an illogical decision.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Of course they would see it that way. You?re not Vulcan, and
| |
| you?re not *their* little girl. They would never admit it, but I?m
| |
| sure that a certain amount of pride was wounded that day. ::beat:: Let
| |
| me ask you
| |
| something, why did you decide to further suppress your emotions? Was
| |
| it for your bond-mate, your parents, or simply to fit in?
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru paused, reflecting back upon S'bien. Every task she has
| |
| undertaken in the past few years has been for him. She fiddled with
| |
| the fork in her hand idly, trying to find the right words.::
| |
| | |
| Re?Maru: The logic behind my choice to suppress my emotions began with
| |
| my parents. It is how I was raised. During my adolescent years, I
| |
| rebelled against that upbringing, embraced my emotions. I was almost
| |
| rejected from the Vulcan Science Academy, and nearly evicted from it
| |
| also for my lack of control. If it wasn't for S'bien, I would not be
| |
| here now.
| |
| | |
| ::She looked down at her plate, but the rush of emotions flooded her
| |
| from loneliness and even regret to her love for her bondmate. She set
| |
| the fork down gently and looked to T'Lea with the barrer dropped.::
| |
| | |
| :: Listening to the woman sitting across from her, T?Lea had been
| |
| mildly surprised to hear that Re?Maru had lived freely with her
| |
| emotions at one point, but the hybrid was left to wonder how much so.
| |
| Had she ever wallowed in the filthy pits of anger, lust, and revenge,
| |
| or maybe she?d gotten high off of the prettier colors of the emotional
| |
| spectrum like joy, and love.::
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: That is an interesting way to stumble upon one of the most
| |
| powerful emotions of all, Doctor. Love.
| |
| | |
| :: And now T?Lea was toying with the woman. Wasn?t suppressing
| |
| emotion, and then finding emotion a malfunction of logic?::
| |
| | |
| :: Dabbing at the corner of her mouth with a napkin, T?Lea?s thoughts
| |
| came to a screeching halt after she looked up and saw the Romulan
| |
| Doctor wearing an expression of? what was that? Sadness?::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Are you all right, Doctor?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: You want to know my emotional state? I miss S'bien deeply.
| |
| The only way I am able to properly do my job is from the meditations
| |
| he taught me, and the ability to suppress and control my emotions.
| |
| | |
| :: T?Lea blinked, and suddenly leaned back in her seat, feeling like a
| |
| royal jackass, which was nothing new.::
| |
| | |
| :: All this time she?d been trying to provoke an emotion out of the
| |
| ?practicing Vulcan?, and now that she?d finally succeeded, it didn?t
| |
| feel right at all.::
| |
| | |
| :: Good grief, what if T?Lea broke the Doctor?::
| |
| | |
| :: Careful to consider that, the next words that came out of T?Lea?s
| |
| mouth were cautious and precise.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: If that is what helps you function, then you should continue to do so.
| |
| | |
| ::She looked to T'Lea and leaned in some.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: How do you do it? How do you exist with such overpowering
| |
| emotions and not controlling them?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: I?
| |
| | |
| :: Wait. Was that an insult? Probably, but T?Lea felt she deserved
| |
| it, and let it go.::
| |
| | |
| T?Lea: ::Vulcaning-up:: I owe you an apology, Ensign. I am sorry. I
| |
| should not have sought to incite you. The choices you have made in
| |
| your life are your own, and I have no opinion about them. If this
| |
| path fulfills your needs, then continue practicing, and I wish you
| |
| success. ::she got up to excuse herself:: We should not discuss this
| |
| any further. Good night, Doctor.
| |
| | |
| :: The Vulcan hybrid had her reasons for ending the conversation as
| |
| abruptly as she did, and it had nothing to do with feeling offended by
| |
| what Re?Maru had said about lack of control. In fact, T?Lea wasn?t
| |
| offended by the remark at all. The only concern T?Lea had was the
| |
| danger in Re?Maru?s questions. She couldn?t tell if the Romulan was
| |
| simply curious, or seeking something else, and T?Lea wanted nothing to
| |
| do with possibly ruining what S?bien and Re?Maru had worked so hard to
| |
| achieve together. That is why she left so quickly.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Re?Maru: Until later, Commander.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru tried to regain her compsure when T'Lea left. The point she
| |
| was trying to make was hopefully clear. She pondered a moment over the
| |
| apology that her superior gave. Before her emotional control
| |
| stablized, she bent the fork she had in her hand in half a if it were
| |
| nothing but a plastic straw. She doubt anyone saw the simple, yet
| |
| obvious display of her frustration. At the moment, she really didn't
| |
| care. Once T'Lea had left the room, she got up and left as well.::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea
| |
| Diplomatic Officer
| |
| USS Aurora, NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-05-25 12:28:02
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176058
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1388
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: Meditations
| |
| | ((Aurora: personal quarters))
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru had decided to stay aboard the ship during leave, at least
| |
| until S'bien arrived. She really didn't have any reason to leave. Her
| |
| room was spartan, save for a few vulcan decorative items, and a
| |
| picture of her and S'bien together when they formally married. She
| |
| reflected on the day it was taken, and the smile on her face in the
| |
| picture. She was so happy that day, and not even all the vulcan
| |
| control in the galaxy could have prevented that smile. She still felt
| |
| that way to this day.::
| |
| | |
| ::She opened the top drawer of her dresser, took out a small
| |
| decorative wood box, and opened it to reveal a number of personal
| |
| items which included some candles. She stepped over to the control
| |
| panel for the room and disabled the safety protocals. The last thing
| |
| she wanted is to be sprayed by the fire suppression system while
| |
| security bashed down the door when she meditated. She spread out the
| |
| candles around her on the floor, sat crosslegged in the center of
| |
| them, and lit each one. She steepled her two forefingers and thumb
| |
| together, and the rear two fingers curled down against her palms. She
| |
| brought her hands up and lowered her head to glare off into the
| |
| distance at no particular destination.::
| |
| | |
| ::Time seemed to stop as she began her meditation. Her thoughts
| |
| focusing, and her grip over her emotions tightening slowly. She
| |
| relfected back on the conversations she had with T'Lea, and even
| |
| wondered if the implications were true. Was she just pretending to be
| |
| what she wasn't? She doubted herself, but she refused to show it.::
| |
| | |
| ::She nearly didn't hear the chime of the door, having been so deep
| |
| and lost to her meditations. She blinked, probably for the first time
| |
| since her meditations started, and looked at the clock display to see
| |
| that several hours had passed by since she began meditating. She stood
| |
| and brushed her vulcan gown smooth. She opened the door. Her heart
| |
| leaped into her throat when she saw him.::
| |
| | |
| ::S'bien stepped in and lifted his right hand, extending the two
| |
| forefingers. Re'Maru responded and brushed her fingers against his at
| |
| the vulcan gesture of being married. She glanced out the door to the
| |
| crewman who escorted S'bien to her quarters, dismissing him, and
| |
| closed the door.::
| |
| | |
| ::Once alone in private, no words needed to be said. She leaped into
| |
| his arms, embracing him for dear life. Overwhelmed by the emotions
| |
| that she had been dealing with, she poured them out into the embrace,
| |
| and the kiss that followed. She could tell that S'bien missed her as
| |
| well. He was better at hiding and controlling his emotions, but he
| |
| couldn't with her. She locked the door to ensure no one interrupted
| |
| them for the duration of shoreleave.::
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
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| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-05-25 13:01:52
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176059
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1389
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Ensign Eerie - USS Aurora -Wandering
| |
| | ((Corridors -USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::The rest of the starbase had been a disappointment, and Eerie found
| |
| himself walking the corridors of the Starship, he was still a bit
| |
| wound up after the encounter in the Comet Club, but he was trying to
| |
| avoid the decks with living quarters, so he ended up on Deck 3,
| |
| walking a circle::
| |
| | |
| oO My skills need to be better, if those Narsicaans had not been
| |
| drunk they would of side stepped me in the club, I need to improve on
| |
| my agility training, my blunt force training was fine on Brikar, but
| |
| most of the aliens I now met will be faster the meOo
| |
| | |
| ::He continued to walk around the the deck, it was pretty quiet, it
| |
| was late shift, and we were docked::
| |
| | |
| ::Passing the brig, it appeared dark, and not manned::
| |
| | |
| oOA least that redheaded Blackwood was not occupying it, might cool
| |
| her thrusters thou Oo
| |
| | |
| oO Wonder if the Holodeck is unoccupiedOo
| |
| | |
| ::Taking the lift to Deck 4, he found them both unocciped, so he
| |
| entered the first one::
| |
| | |
| ::The lights came on to show the checkbox walls of the small Holodeck
| |
| | |
| Eeire: Computer run Eerie file 04.
| |
| | |
| ::Suddenly the scene changed to the Brikar countryside, there was a
| |
| worn path through jagged rocks, that snaked around small hills, the
| |
| air was hot and dry, with a mild wind and bit of sand in it. The sky
| |
| was a funky blue::
| |
| | |
| ::He walked following the trail, the computer would make random
| |
| changes to the path, but it was quiet except for the rush of the
| |
| breeze and the dusty particles whipping around::
| |
| | |
| ::After some time, he stopped and he hear foot steps comming up behind him::
| |
| | |
| oO The program was not set for anyone else in the program Oo
| |
| | |
| ANYONE: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tag
| |
| | |
| Ensign Eerie
| |
| Tac Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-05-25 14:51:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176065
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1395
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: Morning
| |
| | ((Aurora: Personal quarters))
| |
| | |
| ::S'bien woke up first sometime during the night. He draped his robe
| |
| loosely over his shoulders as he sat down in a chair and watched his
| |
| wife sleep. He didn't show it, but he enjoyed these moments where he
| |
| could just sit and watch her. She laid there quietly asleep, as if she
| |
| were his own angel from the earth religious myths that he's read. His
| |
| vulcan control keeping his face stoic and expressionless, while deep
| |
| inside he was filled with the strong fierce emotions that his people
| |
| try to keep a tight control over.::
| |
| | |
| ::He stepped over to the replicator, quietly ordering a hot tea of a
| |
| vulcan blend that he preferred. He sat back down and watched his wife
| |
| sleep. He knew that she missed him. They hadn't seen each other since
| |
| she left to join Starfleet. He appeared briefly at her graduation from
| |
| Starfleet Academy, but she was rushed off to the Aurora. She always
| |
| had issues with loneliness.::
| |
| | |
| ::He reflected back to when they first met. From the first day, he
| |
| knew she was trying to catch his eye. Internally, he was amused at her
| |
| efforts, but he would never show it. He had grown used to her presence
| |
| over the couple years after they met, and he enjoyed having her
| |
| around. Then she started staying at his place more and more. He found
| |
| it ironic that the only illogical decision he ever made in his life
| |
| was to keep the one woman in his life who was inherently illogical.::
| |
| | |
| ::He knew as much as she did, that Re'Maru's vulcan-like behavior
| |
| wasn't as strong as she made it seem. She struggled with her emotions
| |
| greatly. Moments like these were the hardest for her. These quiet
| |
| moments where she was either with the focus of her emotions, or
| |
| without it. He was that focus. All of her control revolved around her
| |
| thoughts and feelings for him. It was an old technique, often used for
| |
| the young vulcan children, to give them something or someone to focus
| |
| their emotions toward. S'bien taught this to Re'Maru, along with
| |
| various meditations and mental diciplines. He didn't mind being the
| |
| focus of her control. In fact, he rather enjoyed it, and was amused by
| |
| the fact that a Romulan could find the inspiration needed to adopt a
| |
| vulcan way of life.::
| |
| | |
| ::He sipped his tea, and watched as she rolled over from her side to
| |
| her back. Her arms slid up and her fingers combed through her long
| |
| chocolate hair. She stretched some and rolled back over to her side
| |
| facing where S'bien would have been had he not gotten up. Her pretty
| |
| brown eyes opened, and looked around until she saw S'bien in the
| |
| chair. She couldn't help but smile playfully. She slid off the edge of
| |
| the bed and stood, wrapping herself in the sheet. She tiptoed
| |
| carefully over to S'bien and crawled into his lap. He sat the cup down
| |
| and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled into his embrace and
| |
| laid her head on his shoulder.::
| |
| | |
| ::He held her in his arms for the longest time. Her eyes closed as she
| |
| felt his strong arms holding her. Finally she got up, and gave a
| |
| playfull wink as she dropped the sheet and walked into the refresher
| |
| area and cleaned up. S'bien followed. Eventually, they emerged and got
| |
| dressed, both in vulcan attire. When the door opened, it was like a
| |
| switch had been flipped. The smile faded and her emtional control came
| |
| on. The only hint of her affections for S'bien being her holding his
| |
| hand as she gave him a tour of the Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| S'bien
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-05-26 11:38:40
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| |-
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| | 176067
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| | 12
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| | 1397
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| | 2616
| |
| | Ensign Eerie - USS Aurora
| |
| | ((HoloDeck 1))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: The sun was now over head and the temperature had be close to 35 degrees
| |
| Cent., and the dust and the wind had died down to a just a breath, but he
| |
| continued to walk along the barren rock filled landscape, it the foreground
| |
| were the mountains, there he could see the green on the higher elevations.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He continued for hours and he was quite sure that it was morning in the
| |
| Starship, but no one had bother to ask for the holodeck so he continued to
| |
| walk on, the events of the past few days continued to play on his thoughts::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::His roommate at the academy, was a Vulcan, and he was awful quiet, and not
| |
| much as a few words were spoken between the two of them, but they both
| |
| enjoyed the room temperature of some 30 degrees, at least the Vulcan never
| |
| objected, it was difficult if he enjoyed anything.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oONow I have that redhead firecracker, calling me Buster!, of all things, I
| |
| had been called a lot of things at the academy, and a lot of them were even
| |
| worst, but straight to my face, ?.was she quick!Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He continued to walk briskly in the strong Brikar sunlight, it was one of
| |
| his favorite pastimes when he needed to think::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Training, ??..what was the name of that warrior class on Earth with the
| |
| extremely quick moves,?they talked about it at the academy,..a Ninja?..I
| |
| will have to look into that, but first things first, getting even with the
| |
| redheadOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : End simulation.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The landscape passed into nothing and the bare walls of the Holodeck of
| |
| reappeared::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:Exit
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The exit appeared, and he walked to it, and the doors sprang open, and he
| |
| exited into the hallway::
| |
| | |
| ((Corridor))
| |
| | |
| ::He checked the clock on the side monitor, it was morning, but there was
| |
| no activity in the corridor, he was starting to get tired, finally, but he
| |
| walked to the Recreation room, finding it empty, he found a terminal and sat
| |
| down in front of it::
| |
| | |
| ((Recreation area Deck 4))
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Computer : List of Terran fictional characters,?.. characteristics,
| |
| long red hair, very strong personality, good strength, stubborn, very
| |
| stubborn.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The computer quickly showed a listing of fictional characters with
| |
| drawings of them::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie spend the next hour going through the records that were storied in
| |
| the memory banks::
| |
| | |
| ::Looking at one entry, he looked at the picture and the characteristics of
| |
| strong willed redhead::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO This will be perfect!, it fits her well,?..but how to delivering it for
| |
| the most effect ... carefully?I will have to give that some more thought?Oo
| |
| | |
| :: He spend the next hour creating a holographic training program with what
| |
| he learned was a Terran Warrior class called the Ninja, which used rapid
| |
| movement with antique weapons and sticks::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Computer, end session
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::He was ready to get some rest, he left the recreation room, and walked
| |
| around the corner to their quarters, he looked at the screens by the side of
| |
| the quarters, both Eerie?s and Blackwood were listed ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Interesting, but it is too obvious Oo
| |
| | |
| ((Shared quarters Eerie -Blackwood))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie entered the shared quarters, the lights were off, he did not bother
| |
| to turn them on, he found his bunk, and stretched out, there was a very
| |
| minor odd order in the air::
| |
| | |
| oO No matter, probably the environmental controls were being worked on, I
| |
| should raise the temperature to something reasonable, but ?Oo
| |
| | |
| ::He quickly fell asleep, ..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tac officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-05-26 15:06:42
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176073
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1403
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Ensign Re'Maru: Moments
| |
| | ((Aurora: personal quarters))
| |
| | |
| ::The ship tour went predicably well. S'bien was mildly impressed by
| |
| the ship's capabilities. He commented that the science labs were
| |
| "amazingly efficient", which coming from S'bien was very high praise.
| |
| The tour ended with a quiet meal in the mess hall, and concluded at
| |
| Re'Maru's quarters. They meditated together, and practiced more on
| |
| Re'Maru's discipline techniques before finally retiring for the
| |
| evening.::
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru was the happiest and content that she's been since she left
| |
| for Starfleet. Although he would never admit it, S'bien was proud of
| |
| her accomplishments. During the day, he was complimenting her often.
| |
| While many would see it as a simple and even bland sequence of events,
| |
| it was romantic for Re'Maru. She had spent time with her husband and
| |
| bond-mate. They spent their time together, only leaving her quarters
| |
| the one time. The rest was spent together in solitude.::
| |
| | |
| ::S'bien was a quiet one. Typical of a vulcan male, he was strong and
| |
| physically impressive, but always logical. He rarely spoke, save when
| |
| it was important. To the unlearned, he was cold, and even unfeeling.
| |
| Re'Maru knew different. His touch was always gentle. His eyes had a
| |
| certain warmth when they looked at her. He even liked holding her
| |
| hand. These simple gestures screamed to Re'Maru about how he felt for
| |
| her.::
| |
| | |
| ::If S'bien had to describe Re'Maru, he would relate her to the
| |
| mustangs of Earth who used to roam free across the Utah plains.
| |
| Compaired to the vulcan society, she was seemed as wild and untamable.
| |
| Dispite this, she learned to calm down, and even adopted the vulcan
| |
| way of life as her own. When S'bien first saw her at the hearing
| |
| concerning the prank she pulled at the Vulcan Science Academy, he saw
| |
| the passion and full range of emotions she displayed. Her rebellious
| |
| nature as she literally laughed at the Dean of the Academy amidst all
| |
| the others.::
| |
| | |
| ::He often wondered what could tame a woman like her. In many ways,
| |
| she still has that fire and passion as before, but she's learned how
| |
| to curb it, and keep it under control. Could the emotion of love be
| |
| really strong enough to change a person's nature? Re'Maru seemed to be
| |
| proof that it could.::
| |
| | |
| ::When S'bien rejected his betrothed, the uproar that followed
| |
| escellated when he walked in with Re'Maru and announced her as the one
| |
| he would marry. People thought he went insane. They called it an
| |
| illogical decision. Re'Maru's defiant nature inspired him to set aside
| |
| logic and follow his instincts. He has never regretted that
| |
| decision.::
| |
| | |
| ((Aurora: shuttlebay))
| |
| | |
| ::The couple awoke efficiently to help S'bien get ready for departure.
| |
| While not as long as she would have liked, she was overjoyed to have
| |
| S'bien around. She escorted him to the shuttle. The pilot stood
| |
| outside the shuttle, waiting for S'bien to enter. S'bien stepped away.
| |
| Re'Maru held onto his hand until the last possible moment, when she
| |
| was forced to let go due to distance. He could see the sadness in her
| |
| eyes.::
| |
| | |
| ::Those pretty brown eyes told volumes about what she was feeling. He
| |
| stopped and set down his satchel. She darted forward, embraced him for
| |
| dear life, and kissed him deeply. It was clear that she didn't care
| |
| who saw her control fail at that moment. The shuttle pilot blushed and
| |
| coughed softly, then stepped into the shuttle to give them a moment.
| |
| S'bien held her close.::
| |
| | |
| ::The kiss ended. She looked up at him. S'bien brushed a hand back
| |
| through her soft and long chocolate brown hair.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: ::whispered:: I don't want you to go ...
| |
| | |
| S'bien: ::whispered:: We will see each other again soon.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: ::whispered:: Not soon enough, tho ..
| |
| | |
| S'bien: ::whispered:: Focus, Beloved ... We have our duties that keep
| |
| us apart. Time will bring us back together. Until then, remain
| |
| confident.
| |
| | |
| ::She gave a nod and kissed his cheek and stepped back. He picked up
| |
| his satchel and stepped over to the shuttle and entered. He paused and
| |
| looked back, giving a simple wave. She gave a soft smile and waved
| |
| back gently. She stood there for the longest time, watching the
| |
| shuttle take off and leave from sight.::
| |
| | |
| ::Once alone, she brushed a hand across her eyes. Her face went stoic
| |
| and vulcan like. She turned and left for her quarters, where she
| |
| changed into her uniform, then made her way to the sickbay to resume
| |
| her duties.::
| |
| | |
| -tag-
| |
| | |
| Ensign Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| S'bien
| |
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| |
| | 2011-05-27 13:34:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176097
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| | 12
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| | 1427
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| | 2616
| |
| | Ensign Eerie -USS Aurora Briefing
| |
| | ((Starbase 23))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Vetri to senior staff. I'd like you in my Ready Room in an
| |
| | |
| hour - we have some things to discuss. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =/\= Acknowledged. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Oo I guess that will be briefing for the next mission, thank goodness shore
| |
| leave is over, at least I hope Barnes liked the tactical problems he had
| |
| forwarded to him, will will see, I guess I have time to go to the quarters
| |
| to pick up my PADDOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Aurora: Captain's Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: He entered the Ready Room it was certainly starting to get full, he
| |
| nodded at the Captain, the captain acknowledged his attendance and the rest
| |
| of the officers that were assembled::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO A new face or two, yea that right we have a few new officers, but I guess
| |
| that this is not the time for introductionsOo ::Looking around the room::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He found a corner, if your could call it that and stood there, of course
| |
| everyone noticed the Brikar enter the room::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOGood Luck on making your self, not noticed Eerie, you stick out among this
| |
| Terrans like a sore ??thumb, that is the term, I wonder if they knew that I
| |
| am a bit short for my race?interesting?.I certainly took care of myself in
| |
| rugby on Brikar, however, Provincial team 3 terms in a row ..hmm?Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Looking around most of the officers were quiet, waiting for the briefing
| |
| to get started, a few of the Lt. Cmdrs were talking in hushed tones, the
| |
| Captain was reviewing something on her monitor, waiting for the rest of the
| |
| staff to come.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Turning his head, he saw Ensign Blackwood, she looked no worse for the
| |
| wear considering the bloody nose, she looked quickly at him and continued to
| |
| scan the rest of the room::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Can?t wait for her to get her little present in the Starfleet
| |
| communication, I hope she enjoys it, wish I could tell her on who it is
| |
| fromOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Focusing his attention on the Captain::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO remember, Lt Cmdr Barnes would answer for our department, ?keep your
| |
| comments simple and to the point, if askedOo
| |
| | |
| tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tac Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-05-31 12:35:06
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176111
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1441
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie - USS Aurora - Shock and Surprise!
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Captain's Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::grinning slyly:: Well, I didn't get any screaming from Starbase
| |
| Security, so you must have been either well behaved or discrete...
| |
| | |
| :: With a mildly embarrassed laugh, Barnes looked around the room before
| |
| answering.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Sorry captain. I think may be a bit of both. I'm not going to name
| |
| name, but to say some of the crew let their hair down and enjoyed themselves
| |
| will suffice I think.
| |
| | |
| :: There was a whispered comment from Gilaars at that, but Della chose not
| |
| to enquire - especially as Blackwood was looking faintly uncomfortable as
| |
| well.::
| |
| | |
| oO Why am I starting to think I really *did* miss something here...? Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Still, now that everyone was present, it was time to get down to
| |
| business. Setting her coffee aside, she glanced over at her desk to make
| |
| sure the box she was going to need was there, then took up a spot where
| |
| everyone could see her clearly.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: There are a few items we need to cover in this meeting, so I'll get
| |
| started. The first is one of the duties of a Commanding Officer, and is one
| |
| of the most serious parts of the job. ::looking around the group for a
| |
| moment:: Lieutenants Tali and Malcolm?
| |
| | |
| :: Beckoning the pair to join her, she kept her whole demeanour deliberately
| |
| neutral, not giving away any hint as to what this was all about - though she
| |
| suspected at least *some* of the more senior officers present had figured it
| |
| out already.::
| |
| | |
| :: Once the summoned pair had joined her, she reached over to the box on the
| |
| desk, flipping open the lid and removing two smaller ones. Turning back to
| |
| the women, she popped both of *those* boxes open, revealing the two solid
| |
| pips that rested inside each one.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: You've both been solid, dependable officers, and it's been a pleasure
| |
| serving with you. Combined with the hard work you've put in since joining
| |
| this crew, it is my distinct pleasure to inform you that you can both drop
| |
| the "JG" part of your ranks. ::hanging over the new pips with a smile::
| |
| Congratulations to you both.
| |
| | |
| Tali: ?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::still smiling as she retrieved another pair of little boxes:: Take
| |
| a seat, ladies. Ensigns Re'Maru and Eerie - your turn.
| |
| | |
| oO Oh my gosh,........ what the **HECK** is going on here?, I better get
| |
| down there, what ever it isOo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie moved from the wall and walked over to the Captain with
| |
| Ensign Re'Mara::
| |
| | |
| ::There was the slightest of redding in Eerie face, but his face showed
| |
| no emotion, perhaps a ting of surprise and shock, it was extremely difficult
| |
| to tell::
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: After waiting for everyone to either return to their seats or come up to
| |
| join her, she started speaking again.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: There are those that say the first step is always the hardest, but
| |
| I'm not sure I agree. Either way, you two have both proven yourselves
| |
| valuable assets to this ship and it's crew. ::handing over the boxes and the
| |
| one-and-a-half pips inside:: Ensigns, it is my privilege to promote you to
| |
| the rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade. Congratulations to you both, and I
| |
| wish you the very best in your continuing careers.
| |
| | |
| :: With a smile, she stepped back, letting everyone chime in with their own
| |
| congratulations for all four of the newly elevated officers.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you Captain, ....I....::His voice trailed off into silence::
| |
| | |
| oO Thank goodness, you don't have all those facial muscles like the terrans,
| |
| time to make a graceful with draw, but ....Whow!, ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie nodded the now LT JG Re'Mara, and seeing that everyone was looking
| |
| at him, he did a slight nod to the rest of the assembled officers, he saw a
| |
| bit of surprise on Ensign Blackwood's face, but no more that some of
| |
| others::
| |
| | |
| ::He took the tiny box carefully and returned to the back of the room, with
| |
| a little extra spring in his step, he took his position, but was not hiding
| |
| now, just standing there, looking a bit more rigid than normal if that was
| |
| possible::
| |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tac officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-02 12:31:31
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| |-
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| | 176121
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| | 12
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| | 1451
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| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie USS Aurora - A favor needed
| |
| | ((CRR))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie continued to hold on the small box with the pips, he would have them
| |
| put on later, he was listening to the details from the Captain, there was
| |
| going to be a change in the Science Dept, but he had not heard anything yet
| |
| to tell him of the destination or the purpose of the crew of the Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| oO:I hope we something that I might be able to get an away mission, perhaps
| |
| I would get the chance to pilot a shuttle craft, I was a pretty fair pilot
| |
| at the acedemy, Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked around the room, most of the rest of the staff were looking
| |
| like they were sitting on the edge of their seats, Eerie looked around
| |
| looking for a likely candidate, he still had not spoken more that a few
| |
| words to any of them even in the line of duty::
| |
| | |
| oO: As soon as the briefing is over, I will have to ask .........Oo
| |
| | |
| oO: OK, I will ask Ensign Blackwood, for better or probably worse, as soon
| |
| as we are out of hereOo
| |
| | |
| -tbc
| |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tac Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-05 14:12:15
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176126
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1456
| |
| | 2619
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Ensign Zonhar - A Counselor's Work Has Only Just Begun
| |
| | (( On Board the USS Aurora inside the Captain's Ready Room ))
| |
| | |
| :: Zonhar sat on edge taking in every bit of the experience of being aboard
| |
| a star ship and actually a member of the crew. He delighted at the
| |
| opportunity to be here in the Ready Room, though he also found it a bit
| |
| daunting. As he surveyed the faces of those around, he was somehow aware, as
| |
| he had always suspected, that being a counselor aboard a star ship would
| |
| indeed have its work cut out for him. He would never profess to be such a
| |
| quick judge of character to even at all suspect that he could deduce each of
| |
| the officer's personalities and quirks just by glancing at them, but he had
| |
| been a counselor for quite some time now, and little expressions, movements
| |
| in body gesture, comments back and forth and what was both said and unsaid
| |
| between them all were telling clues and further places of inquiry for him.
| |
| Rubbing his thigh absentmindedly, right above his scar, he reminded himself
| |
| that he would have to tread lightly and not overwhelm or burden any of the
| |
| members of the crew as he got to know them.
| |
| | |
| oOI cant help but wonder at what the cold shoulder was all about from this
| |
| science officer. Perhaps she is not really the talking sort? She did turn
| |
| awfully beat red at mention of shore leave activities...perhaps she simply
| |
| did not wish to draw much attention to herself. I will let it slide until i
| |
| can approach her more formally when not all of our concentration is needed
| |
| on the matters at hand.Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Commander Vetri inquired if there were any other points of interest on the
| |
| crews mind, and when the Lt. Commander spoke up Zonhar snapped his thoughts
| |
| back to attention.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Just that I hope we leave the Neutral zone alone for a while. I've
| |
| had enough for some time.
| |
| | |
| :: Della gave a soft hum of agreement with that, then looked over at Barnes
| |
| when he addressed her.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Captain. Is there any news from fleet about our next assignment?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: There is, and I'll get to it in a moment - there's a little something
| |
| that I almost forgot despite the mental notes not to. Now, some of you might
| |
| have noticed an unfamiliar face here, and it's about, well actually it's
| |
| *past*, time I introduced him. Ensign Zonhar will be taking over duties as
| |
| our counselor.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure you'll have your agenda busy ensign.
| |
| | |
| ::Zonhar smilled and stood up addressing the Commander and all present::
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Thank you Commander. I am quite sure I will, but I am eager, as I am
| |
| sure everyone else is, to get down to work. It is a great honor to join on
| |
| board with the Crew of the Aurora as I heard fine things from Star Fleet
| |
| before being assigned. I just hope I can be of adequate assistance and lend
| |
| a helping hand and willing shoulder when needed. ::He tried to make eye
| |
| contact with everyone when he said this, flitting his eyes back and forth
| |
| with a warm expression on his face, trying to show that just because he was
| |
| ship's counselor, didn't mean he was the mental equivalent to a boogie man
| |
| or vampire feasting on their deepest darkest secrets in hopes for personal
| |
| gain and rising to the top.::
| |
| | |
| oOIn fact, I have my own secrets...so I know all to well how painful things
| |
| can be to be brought too quickly into the light.Oo
| |
| | |
| Vetri: It's a small crew, Ensign, so I doubt you'll get out of your depth.
| |
| ::smiling softly:: Just be glad you didn't get posted to something like a
| |
| Galaxy-class for your first time out.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: ::Zonhar chuckled::No Commander, I am quite pleased with my
| |
| assignment. Nova Class is much more manageable, and aside from being a fine,
| |
| fine ship...
| |
| | |
| ::He paused nodding to the Lt. Tali for compliments on keeping such a fine
| |
| ship up and running, before continuing on.::
| |
| | |
| Zonhar:.. I find a smaller number of patients is more ideal. It makes things
| |
| much easier when trying to get to know each member of the crew on a more
| |
| personal level. Which I certainly hope to do.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay, now all that's out of the way. Command, apparently reluctant to
| |
| risk us finding another inter-stellar plug hole to get sucked down - has
| |
| assigned us something pretty simple.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What would that be?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: A routine sweep of this area along the Klingon border, keeping an eye
| |
| out for trouble and generally being a Starfleet presence in the area.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If there *are* signs of anything brewing, nobody's seen fit to inform
| |
| me. Personally, I'm glad we've got a job where we can take things a bit
| |
| easier for a while. That doesn't mean we'll be slacking off, however. Mr.
| |
| Barnes, any training you want to put your security people through, this
| |
| might be a good chance.
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Gilaars: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Also, this *is* a border, so keeping an eye out for anything hinkey
| |
| would not go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Eerie: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: T'Lea, Blackwood, there's still some relatively uncharted
| |
| phenomena in that area, so feel free to take a closer look as we pass by.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea/Blackwwod: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Now, there's hopefully not going to be any major emergencies for the
| |
| medical team to deal with, but if you need something to amuse yourselves...
| |
| May I suggest checking over the data and such from what happened to Lt.
| |
| Tali? We may not need a way to protect her from the effects of that anomaly
| |
| again, but any progress on shielding a Laudean from energy surges might not
| |
| go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Tali: Dr. Malcolm and I had discussed some ideas we can test out...
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Re'Maru:
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::turning to the HCO officer:: MacKenzie, I'll make sure you get all
| |
| the updated nav data I can get you before we leave. We don't have a defined
| |
| pattern to follow here, so work one out that gives us the best coverage of
| |
| the area.
| |
| | |
| MacKenzie: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Fair enough. Oh, and you all might be interested to know that
| |
| Starfleet has decided a little exploration of the other end of the Rabbit
| |
| Hole is warranted. I'll make sure you're kept up to speed on anything found
| |
| if you want to be.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Marcus, anything you want to add?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, for the science team we could end near the Azure nebula, it'll
| |
| be a good chance to investigate it and check if there could be any movement
| |
| in there. As you know it'll not be the first time it's used to enter or exit
| |
| Klingon space without being noticed.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not that I'm expecting, however it'll be a good test for our
| |
| sensors and both, tactical and Science to work together.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Zonhar, as you're new here it'll be good for you to review
| |
| our past mission to get up to date of our status. Also it'll be good if you
| |
| could give su a review of the nearer planets in the Klingon border and check
| |
| past activity on that zone and what we could find if we're to meet any
| |
| problem there.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Commander I will get right on top of that. As well I will begin
| |
| making further introductions to crew in the interim meantime, and begin
| |
| getting to know everyone and will make any reports as needed to the status
| |
| of the crew. Always is a good idea before going into any situation, peaceful
| |
| or not, to have both a physical and mental/emotional evaluation of all crew,
| |
| just as we will be checking out the ship. Perhaps Medical could further
| |
| assist as we can collaborate our efforts and report directly?
| |
| | |
| Dickens/Vetri: response
| |
| Malcolm/Re'maru/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Tali, Set'al, I'm sure that Commander T'Lea will demand a lot of
| |
| the sensors, check them and try to fill their needs as they come. Maybe a
| |
| set of probes will be good to keep an eye on the most wide area possible.
| |
| | |
| Tali/Set'al: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I trust your judgement, do your best.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| Ensign Zonhar
| |
| Counselor
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | 2011-06-05 19:26:41
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176127
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1457
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie - USS Aurora - Klingons
| |
| | ((CRR))
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Just that I hope we leave the Neutral zone alone for a while. I've
| |
| had enough for some time.
| |
| | |
| :: Della gave a soft hum of agreement with that, then looked over at Barnes
| |
| when he addressed her.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Captain. Is there any news from fleet about our next assignment?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: There is, and I'll get to it in a moment - there's a little something
| |
| that I almost forgot despite the mental notes not to. Now, some of you might
| |
| have noticed an unfamiliar face here, and it's about, well actually it's
| |
| *past*, time I introduced him. Ensign Zonhar will be taking over duties as
| |
| our counselor.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure you'll have your agenda busy ensign.
| |
| | |
| ::Zonhar smilled and stood up addressing the Commander and all present::
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Thank you Commander. I am quite sure I will, but I am eager, as I am
| |
| sure everyone else is, to get down to work. It is a great honor to join on
| |
| board with the Crew of the Aurora as I heard fine things from Star Fleet
| |
| before being assigned. I just hope I can be of adequate assistance and lend
| |
| a helping hand and willing shoulder when needed. ::He tried to make eye
| |
| contact with everyone when he said this, flitting his eyes back and forth
| |
| with a warm expression on his face, trying to show that just because he was
| |
| ship's counselor, didn't mean he was the mental equivalent to a boogie man
| |
| or vampire feasting on their deepest darkest secrets in hopes for personal
| |
| gain and rising to the top.::
| |
| | |
| oOIn fact, I have my own secrets...so I know all to well how painful things
| |
| can be to be brought too quickly into the light.Oo
| |
| | |
| Vetri: It's a small crew, Ensign, so I doubt you'll get out of your depth.
| |
| ::smiling softly:: Just be glad you didn't get posted to something like a
| |
| Galaxy-class for your first time out.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: ::Zonhar chuckled::No Commander, I am quite pleased with my
| |
| assignment. Nova Class is much more manageable, and aside from being a fine,
| |
| fine ship...
| |
| | |
| ::He paused nodding to the Lt. Tali for compliments on keeping such a fine
| |
| ship up and running, before continuing on.::
| |
| | |
| Zonhar:.. I find a smaller number of patients is more ideal. It makes things
| |
| much easier when trying to get to know each member of the crew on a more
| |
| personal level. Which I certainly hope to do.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay, now all that's out of the way. Command, apparently reluctant to
| |
| risk us finding another inter-stellar plug hole to get sucked down - has
| |
| assigned us something pretty simple.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What would that be?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: A routine sweep of this area along the Klingon border, keeping an eye
| |
| out for trouble and generally being a Starfleet presence in the area.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If there *are* signs of anything brewing, nobody's seen fit to inform
| |
| me. Personally, I'm glad we've got a job where we can take things a bit
| |
| easier for a while. That doesn't mean we'll be slacking off, however. Mr.
| |
| Barnes, any training you want to put your security people through, this
| |
| might be a good chance.
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Gilaars: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Also, this *is* a border, so keeping an eye out for anything hinkey
| |
| would not go amiss.
| |
| | |
| *Eerie: Yes, Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie internally stirred a bit at the comment about the Klingon border, he
| |
| knew that the border was vast, but they wouldn't be all that far from the
| |
| Brikar homeworld, it had been a long time since he had been home, to see his
| |
| adaptive Security Detachment::
| |
| | |
| oO: I will have to forward my logs to the gang at the detachment, they will
| |
| be impressed with the change in rank.....Klingons however, well......just
| |
| have to deal with them if need be.Oo
| |
| *
| |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: T'Lea, Blackwood, there's still some relatively uncharted
| |
| phenomena in that area, so feel free to take a closer look as we pass by.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea/Blackwwod: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Now, there's hopefully not going to be any major emergencies for the
| |
| medical team to deal with, but if you need something to amuse yourselves...
| |
| May I suggest checking over the data and such from what happened to Lt.
| |
| Tali? We may not need a way to protect her from the effects of that anomaly
| |
| again, but any progress on shielding a Laudean from energy surges might not
| |
| go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Tali: Dr. Malcolm and I had discussed some ideas we can test out...
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Re'Maru:
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::turning to the HCO officer:: MacKenzie, I'll make sure you get all
| |
| the updated nav data I can get you before we leave. We don't have a defined
| |
| pattern to follow here, so work one out that gives us the best coverage of
| |
| the area.
| |
| | |
| MacKenzie: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Fair enough. Oh, and you all might be interested to know that
| |
| Starfleet has decided a little exploration of the other end of the Rabbit
| |
| Hole is warranted. I'll make sure you're kept up to speed on anything found
| |
| if you want to be.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Marcus, anything you want to add?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, for the science team we could end near the Azure nebula, it'll
| |
| be a good chance to investigate it and check if there could be any movement
| |
| in there. As you know it'll not be the first time it's used to enter or exit
| |
| Klingon space without being noticed.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not that I'm expecting, however it'll be a good test for our
| |
| sensors and both, tactical and Science to work together.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Zonhar, as you're new here it'll be good for you to review
| |
| our past mission to get up to date of our status. Also it'll be good if you
| |
| could give su a review of the nearer planets in the Klingon border and check
| |
| past activity on that zone and what we could find if we're to meet any
| |
| problem there.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Commander I will get right on top of that. As well I will begin
| |
| making further introductions to crew in the interim meantime, and begin
| |
| getting to know everyone and will make any reports as needed to the status
| |
| of the crew. Always is a good idea before going into any situation, peaceful
| |
| or not, to have both a physical and mental/emotional evaluation of all crew,
| |
| just as we will be checking out the ship. Perhaps Medical could further
| |
| assist as we can collaborate our efforts and report directly?
| |
| | |
| Dickens/Vetri: response
| |
| Malcolm/Re'maru/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Tali, Set'al, I'm sure that Commander T'Lea will demand a lot of
| |
| the sensors, check them and try to fill their needs as they come. Maybe a
| |
| set of probes will be good to keep an eye on the most wide area possible.
| |
| | |
| Tali/Set'al: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I trust your judgement, do your best.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| LT JR Eerie
| |
| Tac Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | 2011-06-05 21:13:58
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176132
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1462
| |
| | 1992
| |
| | [SB118-aurora] Lt. JG Re'Maru
| |
| | ((Aurora: Captain's Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| ::The mission briefing seemed to be a simple one. Unless something
| |
| major and unexpected happened, then all should be fine, medically
| |
| speaking, at least that's what Re'Maru was thinking.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Now, there's hopefully not going to be any major emergencies
| |
| for the medical team to deal with, but if you need something to amuse
| |
| yourselves... May I suggest checking over the data and such from what
| |
| happened to Lt. Tali? We may not need a way to protect her from the
| |
| effects of that anomaly again, but any progress on shielding a Laudean
| |
| from energy surges might not go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Tali: Dr. Malcolm and I had discussed some ideas we can test out...
| |
| | |
| ::Re'maru gave a glance over to Dr. Malcolm and spoke up.::
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Since Dr. Malcolm is already familiar with the situation,
| |
| I'll defer to her expertise. If my services are warrented, I'll
| |
| contribute.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Tali: response?
| |
| | |
| ::As the briefing continues, Re'Maru made a couple more mental notes
| |
| to herself on things to check up on. Her attention was caught by the
| |
| new counselor.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Zonhar, as you're new here it'll be good for you to
| |
| review our past mission to get up to date of our status. Also it'll be
| |
| good if you could give su a review of the nearer planets in the
| |
| Klingon border and check past activity on that zone and what we could
| |
| find if we're to meet any problem there.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Commander I will get right on top of that. As well I will
| |
| begin making further introductions to crew in the interim meantime,
| |
| and begin getting to know everyone and will make any reports as needed
| |
| to the status of the crew. Always is a good idea before going into any
| |
| situation, peaceful or not, to have both a physical and
| |
| mental/emotional evaluation of all crew, just as we will be checking
| |
| out the ship. Perhaps Medical could further assist as we can
| |
| collaborate our efforts and report directly?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I'll can assist if required.
| |
| | |
| responses?
| |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| Lt. JG Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| | |
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| | |
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| |
| | 2011-06-06 12:18:04
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176136
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1466
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie USS Aurora - Details
| |
| | ((CRR))
| |
| | |
| :The captain had just finished with the new counselor, on board, Eerie
| |
| collected his thoughts::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO Just we need is a counselor about the ship, but I guess they have their
| |
| duties as well, not that I will be planning any sessions with him?.he seems
| |
| a friendly humanoid, ?..I think his species has some interesting ideas
| |
| concerning mates, I will have to do a bit of research???..not that I am
| |
| going out of my way to meet him, I guess I will run across him from time to
| |
| time, it is a small crewOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO Perhaps he could do some psycho analysis of that roommate of mine,
| |
| Blackwood, what a challenge she would be for him?..but she does have spunk,
| |
| I give her that , I wonder what it would be like to work with her on a
| |
| project.??Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay, now all that's out of the way. Command, apparently
| |
| reluctant to risk us finding another inter-stellar plug hole to get
| |
| sucked down - has assigned us something pretty simple.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What would that be?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: A routine sweep of this area along the Klingon border, keeping
| |
| an eye out for trouble and generally being a Starfleet presence in the
| |
| area.
| |
| | |
| Barnes:: Laughing: Command has a strange idea of routine. Is there
| |
| anything in particular we're to look out for. I've heard nothing out
| |
| of the ordinary coming out of Kronos.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If there *are* signs of anything brewing, nobody's seen fit to
| |
| inform me. Personally, I'm glad we've got a job where we can take
| |
| things a bit easier for a while. That doesn't mean we'll be slacking
| |
| off, however. Mr. Barnes, any training you want to put your security
| |
| people through, this might be a good chance.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Aye ma'am. I have one or two tricks up my sleeve. I'm sure Lt
| |
| Gilaars has as well.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Also, this *is* a border, so keeping an eye out for anything
| |
| hinkey would not go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I understand. I'll make a few calls 'Home' to some old
| |
| friends. Also on the tactical front we've been upgraded to mk 9 phaser
| |
| emitters and the fore tube is now a double multi launcher, so
| |
| defensively we're okay.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Sir, we may not be the biggest Starship around, but we will pack a
| |
| pretty good punch,.. if needed....Ah, Sir.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: T'Lea, Blackwood, there's still some relatively
| |
| uncharted phenomena in that area, so feel free to take a closer look
| |
| as we pass by.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea/Blackwood: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Now, there's hopefully not going to be any major emergencies
| |
| for the medical team to deal with, but if you need something to amuse
| |
| yourselves... May I suggest checking over the data and such from what
| |
| happened to Lt. Tali? We may not need a way to protect her from the
| |
| effects of that anomaly again, but any progress on shielding a Laudean
| |
| from energy surges might not go amiss.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Re'Maru/Tali: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::turning to the HCO officer:: MacKenzie, I'll make sure you
| |
| get all the updated nav data I can get you before we leave. We don't
| |
| have a defined pattern to follow here, so work one out that gives us
| |
| the best coverage of the area.
| |
| | |
| MacKenzie: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Fair enough. Oh, and you all might be interested to know that
| |
| Star fleet has decided a little exploration of the other end of the
| |
| Rabbit Hole is warranted. I'll make sure you're kept up to speed on
| |
| anything found if you want to be.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I'd like an update, when they come in ma'am. I'd like to know
| |
| how that D7 is getting on and what else is out there.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Marcus, anything you want to add?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, for the science team we could end near the Azure nebula,
| |
| it'll be a good chance to investigate it and check if there could be
| |
| any movement in there. As you know it'll not be the first time it's
| |
| used to enter or exit Klingon space without being noticed.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not that I'm expecting, however it'll be a good test for our
| |
| sensors and both, tactical and Science to work together.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked around, maybe it was the new rank, but it was starting to
| |
| sink in, a little::
| |
| | |
| oO;Maybe I could make a suggestion here, and volunteer.......Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Sir, I would be willing to assist Ensign Blackwood with the senor
| |
| array work.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Zonhar, as you're new here it'll be good for you to
| |
| review our past mission to get up to date of our status. Also it'll be
| |
| good if you could give us a review of the nearer planets in the
| |
| Klingon border and check past activity on that zone and what we could
| |
| find if we're to meet any problem there.
| |
| | |
| Zonhar/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Tali, Set'al, I'm sure that Commander T'Lea will demand a lot
| |
| of the sensors, check them and try to fill their needs as they come.
| |
| Maybe a set of probes will be good to keep an eye on the most wide
| |
| area possible.
| |
| | |
| Tali/Set'al: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I trust your judgement, do your best.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| LT JG Eeire
| |
| Tac Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-06 20:27:51
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176138
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1468
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie - USS Aurora - favor requested
| |
| | (( Corridor))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: As the Captain?s briefing broke everyone headed for the turbo lift, Eerie
| |
| was able to squeeze in with Blackwood and a few other officers., the doors
| |
| opened and a few of the officers got out on Deck 4::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Blackwood was moving fast down the corridor, moving quickly toward the
| |
| shared quarters::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Blackwood, could I see you in our quarters for a minute?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: It would be just for a minute, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Blackwood entered the quarters, with Eerie, following a respectfully
| |
| distance behind::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lights
| |
| | |
| ::The Lights popped on in the shared quarters, and Blackwood spun around to
| |
| face Eerie::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO This was probably a bad idea, but you have already started so you better
| |
| go through with itOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I have favor to ask you, if you would not mind, then you could be on
| |
| your way.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I do not ask you lightly, frankly you are the person that I know the
| |
| best, on this ship.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Handing her the small box of pips to Blackwood, she seemed to be nervous
| |
| to take anything from him, but she accepted the box, she stared the box and
| |
| then at Eerie, uncertain on whether to proceed::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : If you would do me the honor of pinning this to my uniform, they are
| |
| small and I have a bit of trouble with something like this, but?...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Looking at his 3 large fingers, it would be difficult for him to put the
| |
| new pips on his uniform, ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: In my society is it considered an honor, to be asked Ensign, but I am
| |
| sorry if I offended you??..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: You certainly have,??. what do you call it?.....vigor?.an admirably
| |
| quality or at least I think so.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tac officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-07 13:26:47
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176147
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1477
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie -USS Aurora - Checking out new equipment
| |
| | ((Corridor, Deck 4 ))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Tranya was a pleasant diversion, and it had given him the chance to
| |
| look at some of the raw intell from the Klingon border region, he had make a
| |
| coded message to Brikar to the Security Detachment, to see if there was
| |
| anything that would assist them on the Klingon Empire of late, but he had
| |
| not gotten any news back yet. The entire episode with Ensign Blackwood was
| |
| confusing and he was trying to put it out of his mind, she had been nasty to
| |
| begin with, and then offered some conversation::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :He turned to corner in the Corridor and entered the Aft Phaser Control
| |
| room, the small room was unmanned, not that he expected it to be so::
| |
| | |
| oO This is nice, we should get a decent increase in phaser fire, and the
| |
| regeneration time increase is just a few seconds as most, I hope they got it
| |
| aligned properlyOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He checked out the phaser array status board, he had read the specs on the
| |
| new mark Type 9 emitters, but he wanted to make sure that it was aligned
| |
| properly with the sensor array and that it was set up for manual control if
| |
| there was a problem::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oONot bad at allOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::After fifteen minutes, he was satisfied with the setup, and just about to
| |
| leave, when the door snapped open::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Crewman Weeks: I didn?t know you were in here sir, ?.I am just here to run
| |
| an software update on the computer controls.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Carry on crewman, just taking a look?.make sure that you run Level
| |
| One Diagnostics on the new software, and run a few simulations to make sure
| |
| it works properly., before we leave Star base.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Crewman Weeks: Of course, Ensign?.I mean Lieutenant
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eeire nodded, and left the Aft Phaser control room and was back out in the
| |
| Corridor, there was a few officers and crewmembers about, getting the ship
| |
| ready for departure::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Deck Four Corridor))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tac Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-08 16:31:53
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176154
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1484
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie USS Aurora - Deck 4 -Tag Dickens
| |
| | ::Eerie had moved from the Phaser Emitter Room and was going to go down to
| |
| the Deck 5 to check on the Aft Shield Generator and see if he had gotten a
| |
| response from Brikar yet:
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Lieutenant, good to see you. What are you up to?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Sir, I wanted to check on the new main Phaser Emitters and make sure
| |
| they were working correctly.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ah, and are they in working order?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: They checked out fine, Crewman Weeks is doing a update, and I have
| |
| ordered a Level One, done before we leave, just to make sure , Commander.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was glad to be back on regular duty status, while shore leave was
| |
| interesting to say the least, it was good to be back almost on a regular
| |
| routine::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: It'll be a good addition. I don't expect major problems there,
| |
| however it's good to have the better with us. Are you working well with
| |
| Commander Barnes and Lieutenant Gilaars?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes Sir, they are both good to work with.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Will you be joining the security trainings?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I will be looking forward to it, there are a few aspects of my
| |
| training I will to improve on sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Will be mostly for Security personnel, however as you work closely
| |
| with them it'll be good for you too.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I agree, Sire.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Commander, I have contacted Brikar, as you know they monitor the
| |
| Klingon border, I have requested any recent movement along the border that
| |
| may be of interest to us on this next mission, with your permission, I will
| |
| review and make a report to you, the Captain and Cmdr. Barnes
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Response
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Of Course, Sir,
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens : Reponse
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eeire : I am going down to check on some more of the upgrades, checking
| |
| from the bridge is adequate, but I like to check out the systems for myself,
| |
| Sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Response
| |
| | |
| -tag
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-10 06:06:27
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176165
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1495
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie USS Aurora - Data Collection and Coffee
| |
| | ((Deck 5 ? Aft Shield Generators))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the readouts on the display everything looked normal, the
| |
| repair work on the shields had been completed, and it appeared that
| |
| everything here was good to go::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::He checked the status board, and again, everything was ready. He could of
| |
| checked most of this systems from the bridge, but he liked to make a
| |
| personal inspection of the units, while he was familiar with their function,
| |
| and knew of their operation, he still missed a couple of weeks during his
| |
| hibernation, and he waited to have a better understanding of the systems for
| |
| his department., he wanted to have a detailed report to Cmdr Barnes if he
| |
| requested it, and you never knew.:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Leaving the Aft Shield Generators, he went to the Aft Observation Lounge,
| |
| he wanted a place to read the subspace report he had received from Security
| |
| Detachment were he had grown up, there would be a comm station there and
| |
| hopefully it would be empty.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Aft Observation Lounge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The room was one of the larger public spaces on board, but is was not
| |
| inhabited and that was fine with him, for the report would be coming from a
| |
| mentor, and he knew it could expect some grief in the report::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::He sat down next to a comm station, and faced the monitor::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: Computer, play last subspace message from Brikar
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The face of another Brikar came on the monitor, he was much older and
| |
| there was a bit of scaring on the face to show that he had seen some action
| |
| in his life, he was wearing a uniform of some type and there was some type
| |
| of symbol in the background::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Supervisor Tredd : Eerie, good to hear from you, I see Starfleet is really
| |
| getting scrapping the bottom of the barrel to promote you!
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::There was a hint of a smile of his face, and Eerie picked up on it
| |
| immediately, but it faded to show the old stoic face again, but the fire in
| |
| his eyes gleamed::
| |
| | |
| Supervisor Tredd :Information on the Klingon border?, well, I have a friend
| |
| in the border security, hell when you are my age you know everyone that is
| |
| still alive, they tried to retire me last year... 90 years old, why I am
| |
| just getting started, but I know too much crap on...., OK but ?.. you owe me
| |
| a favor next time you get in the neighborhood, by the way...... there have
| |
| been some shadow readings from time to time, it might be smugglers or
| |
| Klingon ships coming across the but we don?t have anything solid?. There is
| |
| some reports of political infighting in the Empire, more that usually, from
| |
| a trader, that while I wouldn't buy a moon from him, is usually pretty good
| |
| on the political end of things. Darn Ferringi however? I sent you the raw
| |
| sensor readings, have fun, there are hours of data?perhaps that fancy
| |
| starship can sort through some of the background stuff?
| |
| | |
| ::A small sad smile or appeared to show on the old Brikar's face::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOHere it comesOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| .Everyone here misses you, your old team was 7-3, so far this season, I
| |
| guess they miss that ?little guy?,............ you might still grow some?bet
| |
| you stick out like a sore claw on that ship of yours, Eerie, ?.. I mean
| |
| Lieutenant....... if you are in the sector you better stop in for a visit..
| |
| I can still kick your, well I would give it a pretty good try, my boy.::
| |
| | |
| :: There was a pause, the officer quickly regained his stoic view::
| |
| | |
| :: Senior Supervisor Tredd Security Detachment out::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The screen when blank but the attachments then appeared on the screen::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO Tredd always did like to give him the business, but he was a great
| |
| officer and a father figure, and they had been in scrap or two together,
| |
| ...I miss him, damn?.retirement for him, ha..... great.... a lot of work and
| |
| then a briefing with the senior staff....who's great idea was this ?.EerieOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::He went over to the replicator::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Raktajin, hot and large
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: A large dark drink, appeared and Eerie took it and went back to comm,
| |
| and started to go through the reports::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Computer, Cross check Brikar sensor records with Starfleet sensor
| |
| readings same stardates check for similar readings and report.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Computer : Working....report on completion
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Computer Display Klingon border.....Access regular ship movements
| |
| for the past 3 months in the following , and check for irregular movements.
| |
| Display on the monitor in the following sectors.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie touched the screen in several places, and the computer started to
| |
| display ship movements:::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::It was an hour later, and while he had some ideas, his head was starting
| |
| to spin with data, he needed a break, he saved his conclusions and shut down
| |
| the comm, the coffee was all but gone, and what was left was cold::
| |
| | |
| tag-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-10 21:31:55
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176184
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1514
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT JG Eerie - USS Aurora Briefing Comments
| |
| | ((Bridge Briefing Room A))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Captain and gentlemen, what we have here is the contacts that we
| |
| don't know about, and while most of them are scattered, as I would expect,
| |
| there is one area of concentration, right here is the Y989 system, it is not
| |
| regularly paroled, and there is no inhabited planet around it:
| |
| | |
| Vetri: So... Any ideas at all what might be going on there?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Whatever... Having no inhabitated planets is a good thing for
| |
| ilegal trafic, either of ships, of materias.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I just placed a call home to Kronos, they've had an unusual amount
| |
| or Orion traffic of late, several raiders have tried to make inroads along
| |
| the Romulan/ Klingon border, could that explain the contacts?
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Unknown, but there have been some speculation about the Orion
| |
| syndicate, but the information, is ?..about 3rd hand, I don't know how much
| |
| good it is
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Still worth bearing in mind. Barnes, how solid is what you got from
| |
| your contact?
| |
| | |
| Barnes:The person I spoke to.. Well to say he's reliable is not 100%
| |
| accurate, if he thought that telling me the truth would harm the empire,
| |
| then he'd lie all the way to my flying into a star.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : The Klingons have standard patrols on their side of the border, but
| |
| a marked decrease in Klingon contacts for a while, they seem to be
| |
| concentrating on their own concerns.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: They should be trying to know as much as possible on what's
| |
| happening on the Romulan empire so that part of the border is mostly on our
| |
| side so it's relatively normal that they focus there.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: That's an understatement, since the breakdown of the Romulan empire
| |
| there's been a marked increase in patrols and a stand off or three.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: We're going to be feeling that explosion for a long while to come, I
| |
| fear. ::falling silent, then giving a decisive nod:: Okay, keep an eye on
| |
| the Y989 system and surrounding area. Anything unusual, we may just take a
| |
| closer peek.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Our mission is to patrol the border, aren't you willing to face the
| |
| whole pirate problem on our own, right?
| |
| | |
| Barnes: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Don't worry, I've no plans for us to get into a slugging match -
| |
| though I've no doubts the old girl will give as good as she gets should it
| |
| come to it. Still, I'd rather not get the evil eye from our Engineering team
| |
| for denting the ship again. ::looking to Eerie:: Nice layout, Lieutenant. I
| |
| appreciate it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you Captain, If there are any further questions.
| |
| | |
| oO Almost finished, so far, not too, too bad, ...remember this was your
| |
| idea, and not a first date, you are doing fineOo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Given the location of the system and our approach path, could you
| |
| give us a way to scan the most part of it. I think that looking for
| |
| ionization trail could be our best bet in finding something wrong in there.
| |
| | |
| Eeire: Yes, Sire.
| |
| | |
| oO Something that Officer Tredd told him years ago about his service in the
| |
| Brikar Space ServiceOo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm not eager to enter straight. Any way to scan in there without
| |
| entering directly?
| |
| | |
| Eerie :One moment, Sires.
| |
| | |
| oO Was the correct formal term for a lot of Senior Officers, oh, well it
| |
| will just have to do for the momentOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was thinking something that Security Officer Tredd told him years
| |
| ago, he went to the computer station and typed in a few commands, he could
| |
| of done it verbally but didn't want to break the chain of thought, and there
| |
| it was::
| |
| | |
| ::The information came up on the screen::
| |
| | |
| Eeire: Computer, display information on screen, and interface with Eerie K3
| |
| and display in adjusting for size, highlight sensor net.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The running program now showed some strange static devices located just
| |
| out side of the Klingon border, they appeared a small starfleet symbols, one
| |
| of them was near the system Y989.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: These are an old sensor array put up by Brikar Space Forces some
| |
| 50 years ago, they were put up to keep an eye on the klingon border, but
| |
| there turned off after the Brikar-Klingon well ...understanding, they have
| |
| been maintained and are operational if need be, but their use is prohibited
| |
| to direct sensor scans of the Klingon Empire......however their old style
| |
| sensors are direction-able, we could scan the area in question without
| |
| breaking the agreement. We would have to get the permission of the Brikar
| |
| Space Force to do it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes/Vetri/Dickens:?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: If it's the Orion syndicate as Eerie suggested, they're very good
| |
| in hiding themselves. Even if they're in a commercial base, they'll
| |
| difficult to track as they're good in mixing themselves with the local
| |
| populations. That's how they'e gained their fame.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tac Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| Reply to sender|
| |
| Reply
| |
| to group|
| |
| Reply
| |
| via web post|
| |
| Start
| |
| a New Topic
| |
| Messages in this
| |
| topic(
| |
| 1)
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-13 05:49:27
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176190
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1520
| |
| | 2620
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] PNPC Ensign York - A Quick Thanks
| |
| | ((OOC Penny you are so funny, I loved the stuff about sleeping with new shoes, then leaving and returning to your room before leaving again. You know what I KNEW you were going to find the new guy cute. I KNEW it!!!! Brilliant! Honetly you're so funny, I am really looking forward to this. ONly thing is can we make sure T'Lea or Sykarr takes the bridge when Penny and York are busy - just in case someone tries to randomly drop me on it again LOL Oh I like to add my bits in blue so you can see what I added easier. Once we're happy with it we can change it to black and it will be ready to roll out.))
| |
| | |
| |
| |
| PNPC Ensign Penelope "Penny" York
| |
| Science Geek
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| ((OOC: You can get to this anytime after your convo with Rathbone, Evanna! :] ))
| |
| | |
| ((USS AURORA ? Junior Officer's Shared Quarters ? York's Quarters))
| |
| | |
| :: With a growly little yawn, Penny York rolled over in bed with just enough alertness to feel the cool cotton sheets tickle across her skin.::
| |
| | |
| :: She'd worked the late shift last night, and was finally getting up.::
| |
| | |
| York: Computer, time please.
| |
| | |
| :: People had often made fun of her for saying "please" and "thank you" to the computer, but she honestly felt that machines were doing just as much work, if not more, than most living breathing humanoids, so why not be polite. Besides, it made *her* feel good to be nice. And not to mention, she had a weird little idea that one day machines would take over and the roles would be reversed ? humanoids would be running around performing tasks for the circuit boards. If she was nice to machines *now*, maybe they would be nice to her when the "Machine Surge" happened. That's what she called it, the "Machine Surge" of power. She thought it was clever.::
| |
| | |
| Computer: 1300 hours.
| |
| | |
| York: Oh, wow. Good morning to me, sleepyhead. Thank you, computer.
| |
| | |
| :: Sitting up in bed she tugged her Psycho Zombie Bunnies T-shirt back into place and stumbled into the living area for a cup of coffee, and another long, loud yawn.::
| |
| | |
| York: Starbucks breakfast blend coffee, with two sugars and three creams, please.
| |
| | |
| :: As the replicator got to work, Penny lifted her wrist and jingled the gift that Evanna had given her. Not unusual for Penny, she'd slept with the bracelet on. She'd also been known to enjoy the smell of new shoes and sleep with them, as well.::
| |
| | |
| :: The next hour was spent slowly waking up to full functionality and reading the new schedule and changes that the new Chief had issued.::
| |
| York: Wait? wasn't she the diplomat? Whysa, howsa, whosa? oh forget it? better get some chow in the Mess, but first? Hi-ho. Hi-ho.
| |
| | |
| :: Whistling her way back into the bedroom she got dressed and headed out. Actually, she headed out, and then headed back to put her bracelet away, and then she headed out again.::
| |
| | |
| ((BRIDGE))
| |
| | |
| :: Exiting the lift, Penny eyeballed the new guy at the helm and smiled at him as she passed by. Having found her target working at the science station she headed over, snuck up on Evanna and gave her a friendly poke.::
| |
| | |
| York: Psstt? who's the new guy. He's cute.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood had been concentrating on her work and did not realise there was company sneaking up on her, she almost jumped right out her chair when Penny poked her in the ribs. ::
| |
| Blackwood: What the.... oO There goes your reputation!! Oo
| |
| |
| | |
| York: Oops, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. ::pointing at the helmsman with her eyes:: Don't you think he's cute?
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood doubled over, laughing so hard her head banged off the console. ::
| |
| Blackwood: I knew you'd say that! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! ::More laughing:: Oh i'm really sorry Penny. Chalk it up to a bit or stir craziness. oO Blackwood you are the worst kind of friend - no kind. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood clapped a hand on Penny's shoulder and pulled the young scientist towards her so she could whisper in her ear, without Smilie Joe overhearing, coz apparently he had great hearing. ::
| |
| Blackwood: Pssst! ::whispery whisper:: He's smart too. Real smart! huh? huh? How about that?
| |
| :: Blackwood released Penny and gave her a wink as she straightened up again. :: York: Just sayin', I like to appreciate "the cute" that's all. Hey, thanks for the bracelet. I love it. I'd hug you right now, but that would probably be weird.
| |
| | |
| oO Weird? Aw i'm unhuggable.... Well you're unlikable too so get over it.Oo
| |
| :: Blackwood made a point of not commenting on the cuteness/ugliness of Smilie Joe. She was sensible enough to wait until he was on a different deck. ::
| |
| |
| York: ::pointing at the console:: So what are you working on?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Oh this? I was just agreeing with the new guy the flight path for the nebula we'll be going through to collect protons. Telling him about the planned research, that kinda thing...
| |
| |
| York: Nah, I'm not on duty till the night shift, unless a cosmic catastrophe happens ::laughing:: and I'm called to probe it. I just stopped by to say thanks, and then head to the Mess for breakfast... well, technically lunch, but it's breakfast for me.
| |
| | |
| oO Okay? shutting up now. Oo
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well, since you're here... Fancy catching up some time. ::Winking:: girl talk? oO PAH! Girl talk! Listen to yourself... HMMPH Well I can LISTEN at least. Oo
| |
| | |
| York: ?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Ok. Well hopefully we can find a time we're both free, had a bunch of stuff I was looking forward to telling you. Including this...
| |
| :: Blackwood fishes out a PADD from inside her jacket pocket and dangles it in front of Penny. ::
| |
| | |
| York: ?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Don't ask me about it coz I don't know myself. It's a bit of a mystery to be honest.... exciting huh?
| |
| | |
| York:
| |
| | |
| ((Where do you want to take it/cut it off? ))
| |
| |
| | |
| PNPC Ensign Penelope "Penny" York
| |
| Science Geek
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-13 22:34:54
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176201
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1531
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie USS Aurora -Reflections-Mess hall tag Elya tali
| |
| | ((Briefing Room A))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: The room was empty now, he had contacted the Security Forces on Brikar,
| |
| and talked to Supervisor Tredd, he would make a call to the Defense Force
| |
| for them, but would not promise anything::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The room was quiet, the briefing had gone OK, but Eerie was relieved it
| |
| was over with, public speaking at the Academy had been easy compared to
| |
| this, there was no one other that the instructor to impress::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He left the Briefing Room and when out on the Bridge, Blackwood was at the
| |
| helm talking to the officer on duty, the Captain was on the bridge looking
| |
| at a report it looked like::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Good, I don?t have to deal with redheaded, perhaps I can get a bite to
| |
| eat, before my next duty shiftOo
| |
| | |
| ::Another officer was at tactical, Eerie wasn?t scheduled for bridge duty
| |
| for a while, it wasn?t that he minded standing, if fact it was easier that
| |
| sitting in those small Starfleet chairs::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He went to the turbo lift, and it opened immediately, and he entered::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :Computer Deck Two
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The doors closed, and the in a instant they opened again , and he walked
| |
| out on the Deck 2.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Mess Hall))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He walked in the Mess Hall, and their was the engineer Elya Tali, sitting
| |
| eating something, he wasn?t sure::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He went to the replicator, and programmed it::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The replicator did its usual thing and a large sandwich appeared with a
| |
| hot drink::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie walked over the table next to the one that was occupied by the
| |
| Engineer, and started to eat, ::
| |
| | |
| oO These chairs are such pain, one of these days I going to sit down and
| |
| break one of them, ?.. I should have gone to eat in the quarters as usual,
| |
| ?..I will have to do better at a briefing, you are there to share
| |
| information, not entertain them?..but I guess there is a social function as
| |
| well, at least for the terrans., they would probably collapse in laughter
| |
| or horror at me , if I told one on those academy jokes? Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Elya Tali : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Lieutenant?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Elya Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((OOC- we can go forward with this if you would like, Tali))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Lt jg Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tac Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-15 13:47:40
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176222
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1552
| |
| | 2452
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Lt. JG Re'Maru: overdue responses
| |
| | Ha ha this OOC part happens to me all the time.
| |
| | |
| On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 1:41 PM, Bruce wrote:
| |
| > OOC:
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Clutches the keyboard, staring wide eyed at the monitor. He looks
| |
| > over his shoulder with a worried glance to the dark armored figure,
| |
| > breathing asthmatically behind him.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Darth Vader: Luke ... YOU ... have a lot of emails!!
| |
| >
| |
| > Luke: ::crying out in grief:: No .. That's not true!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!
| |
| >
| |
| > Darth Vader: Look at your in box, Luke!! You know it to be true!!
| |
| >
| |
| > Luke: NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!
| |
| >
| |
| > /end ooc. :P
| |
| >
| |
| > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| |
| > ((Aurora: Sickbay))
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Re'Maru sat in her office, speaking to a cadet.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Doctor. Do you have a moment?
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: Certainly, Cadet. Something I can do for you?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh. Nothing critical. I just wanted to make sure you knew I was
| |
| > being shuffled over to Science for a while. ::smiling a little:: No
| |
| > more pesky trainee to get in your way.
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: We have already been notified of potential changes to our
| |
| > department personnel. Surely your visit here isn't to notify us of
| |
| > what we already know?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: Well, I wasn't sure the news would have gotten to you yet, ma'am...
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: Are you certain that is your only motivation for being here?
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: ::glancing toward where Dr. Malcolm was talking to T?Lea and
| |
| > Della.:: It was until I got here, ma'am. But I know enough not to
| |
| > interfere.
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: As you wish, Cadet.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: It is often considered an ethical breach to get involved in
| |
| > the care of family, is it not? Much as I may like to go over there,
| |
| > unless you have anything you need me to do here, I'm probably better
| |
| > off staying clear. Ma'am.
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: It is your family, Cadet.
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Re'Maru gave a soft nod to the cadet.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Re'Maru: You are dismissed, Cadet. If you wish some "busy work", I
| |
| > have some medical scans that need reviewing.
| |
| >
| |
| > Es-Aleh: response?
| |
| >
| |
| > -tbc-
| |
| >
| |
| > Lt. JG Re'Maru
| |
| > Medical Officer
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ------------------------------------
| |
| >
| |
| > =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| > UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| > This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| > http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| > =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| >
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| >
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| >
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| >
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| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| |
| | 2011-06-20 14:07:59
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176223
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| | 12
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| | 1553
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora-Bridge-Guests for dinner?
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| :: Data from Brikar had come in, Eerie enjoyed keeping an eye on the data,
| |
| at least it was some connection to Home, while he was manning the Tactical
| |
| position, Commander Barnes was checking in from time to time on the data
| |
| was comming in::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Helm, change our course toward the Y989 system. Tactical, take us to
| |
| yellow alert, if you please.
| |
| | |
| Anyone:Response
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie signaled yellow alert, it did not take long then, and all decks
| |
| were not listed on yellow alert, he expected that Commander Barnes would
| |
| be up with the change in alert status::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Suspect Orion vessel crossing over into Federation territory.
| |
| Intelligence thinks they might be involved in smuggling, and since we're in
| |
| the neighbourhood...
| |
| | |
| Eerie :We are getting this informaton from the sensor net, I doubt they have
| |
| not picked us up their scans, as we have not picked up any thing active from
| |
| them and they are moving in our general direction, Captain
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Indeed. ::smiling to herself:: Let's see how close we can get before
| |
| they notice us, shall we?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Yes, Sir
| |
| | |
| oO This should be interestingOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone :Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-20 14:52:47
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176230
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1560
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie, USS Aurora - confusing data
| |
| | ((Aurora Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: Once we are within range begin scanning for bio-signs. We need
| |
| species identification and a head count on board the Romulan shuttle.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: 15 Lifesigns. 9 Romulan, 2 Klingon, 4 Orion.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: Give tactical some eyes out there -- begin emitting a long range
| |
| tachyon pulse to detect any cloaked vessels in the area.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Speaking of cloaking devices, that shuttle is equipped with one
| |
| so by rights we should not have spotted it so easily. Do you think they wish
| |
| to be seen? I am not detecting any damage to the vessel... It is equipped
| |
| with six ship-mounted disruptors and two photon torpedo launchers.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the read outs, the relative data came from the science
| |
| department he had to admit that Ensign Blackwood was good officer on duty,
| |
| but was a disaster area while off duty::
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie)This shuttle craft is above specs for firepower, and this is
| |
| certainly an interesting crew or passengersOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I am detecting a cloaked ship. I imagine that is where the
| |
| shuttle is headed.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie check the data from the science department and did a quick
| |
| calucation with the difference in the locations of the Aurora and the now
| |
| cloaked and unknown vessel, taking in difference between speeds of the
| |
| relative ships and the locations::
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) This is really odd, why would a uncloaked shuttle craft would be
| |
| heading for unspecified cloaked ship, and from the sensor reading from the
| |
| beam, the ship was at least the size of the Aurora, it was
| |
| certainly impossible to tell so farOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain: That shuttle craft is above specs for for firepower, and
| |
| they are on an intercept course for the cloaked vessel, it displacement is
| |
| at least that of the Aurora, it is difficult to tell, and I'm not able to
| |
| get any configuration on the cloaked vessel....yet.
| |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: I am prepping our sensors to conduct a focused scan of the shuttle's
| |
| cargo, if the Captain should request it. We'll be able to detect all known
| |
| contraband such as Kemocite, bio-memetic gel, the components for Remat
| |
| detonators, and so on... If their shields are still up, we will need to find
| |
| a way to penetrate them to perform the scan.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: This is a simple matter. I have already determined their shield
| |
| harmonics.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: This is the configuration they are using, and these are the
| |
| configurations we can use to "sneak past" their shields and carry out our
| |
| scans. There is a chance they could catch us in the act and change their
| |
| configuration. We may need to prepare a more... "aggressive" approach as
| |
| back up.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: Agreed, and if we require a more aggressive approach a charged
| |
| particle burst should momentarily disrupt their shields.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Indeed.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: See to it.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Aye, sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood:::mumbling:: Quite a bit of activity in the end, this could get
| |
| pretty ugly. Not sure I fancy our chances.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I am getting the data now, taking a look.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie's three fingers danced over the controls of the tactical board,
| |
| his little eyes darted from one readout to another and then back, He looked
| |
| at Barnes, who nodded he head in agreement, at the read out::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Speaking of holding our own. I would like to be prepared in case
| |
| this does get ugly. I already know a bit about what weaponry we're up
| |
| against, I can do some further probing for more details and adjust the
| |
| shields, ready to provide maximum resistance to any attack.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I have the data from Science, I am making the adjustments to our
| |
| shields now....::Finally,. his fingers hit a few final controls::.., they
| |
| are ready upon your order, Sir:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tags
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-21 15:54:58
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176234
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1564
| |
| | 2452
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] LT jg Eerie - Reflections
| |
| | "hell we just point the red headed supernova, Blackwood in the right
| |
| direction!, she could probably insult them into surrendering!"
| |
| | |
| Aaaa ha ha I love it ;D
| |
| ~Elya
| |
| | |
| On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:27 PM, mark swift wrote:
| |
| | |
| > **
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ((Bridge))
| |
| >
| |
| > ::The yellow alert still flashed as everyone on the bridge carefully
| |
| > monitored the situation::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::He checked the readouts again, with the data coming in from the science
| |
| > station to tactical, he was thankful that Cmdr Barnes was there to assist,
| |
| > not that he could not of done an adequate job, but was a tense
| |
| > situation:
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oO This was puzzling, a decloaked Romulan shuttle craft heading toward an
| |
| > unknown cloaked ship, it was certainly confusing as wellOo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Eerie when not staring at the readouts, he was watching the senior staff
| |
| > on the bridge, watching them in the situation. While he had watched and
| |
| > interacted in countless simulations in the academy, there was nothing like
| |
| > the real thing, and he was learning that hindsight was 20/20, or that is
| |
| > what the terrans called it, he could feel the main muscle pulse just a tad
| |
| > bit quicker, Brikars had a very slow heartrate at rest, or in a stationary
| |
| > position, earthers sometimes called it the statue position, a position that
| |
| > he could hold for hours if needed .::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oOThe Captain appears calm in the situation, or at least portrayed it, I
| |
| > wonder if she as keyed up as I feel, Brikar warriors lived for the
| |
| > action, ??I?m sure that the Commander Barnes is also keyed up.Oo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oO Eerie, what would you do in the same situation?Oo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > :: He thought about, but realized that he could think of any other
| |
| > alternative, he was there at his post, doing what he was supposed to be
| |
| > do::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oO Remember, just the facts, and if you have an opinion, think it out
| |
| > first, of course think on your feet,?.whatever. ?keep it simple stupid?.,Oo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::He laughed at himself, internally::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::He wondered what the other junior officers were thinking about the
| |
| > situation, but they seemed to be handling their duties well, of course most
| |
| > of the department heads were on the bridge::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oO I ready for anything, my density is back where it should be after the
| |
| > hibernation, and the lost 23 kilos was back plus an another 4 kilos, even
| |
| > on replicator foods Oo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::He looked around the bridge, he did not know any of them really well, but
| |
| > whom would he really like to have his back as he rushed into danger::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > oO They are all Starfleet, they all took basic combat training and I?m
| |
| > sure the Vulcan would be good, Commander Barnes was good in action,??. I
| |
| > shouldn?t have hit the Narscassians so hard, they might have been fun for
| |
| > another minute or two?? Too many science types, but we would do fine, hell
| |
| > we just point the red headed supernova, Blackwood in the right direction!,
| |
| > she could probably insult them into surrendering!Oo
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Eerie focused on the task at hand, ::
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > -eof-
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > --
| |
| > LT JG Eerie
| |
| > Tactical Officer
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-06-22 21:17:08
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176237
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1567
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Lt jg Eerie USS Aurora -Chase continues
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Suspect Orion vessel crossing over into Federation territory.
| |
| Intelligence thinks they might be involved in smuggling, and since we're in
| |
| the neighbourhood...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: We are getting this information from the sensor net, I doubt they
| |
| have not picked us up their scans, as we have not picked up any thing active
| |
| from them and they are moving in our general direction, Captain
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Well if it's what I think it is then he's one crafty SOB, the only
| |
| anomalous vessel is a Romulan shuttle bearing 345 mark 189. Heading this
| |
| way at warp 4. At our present speed and course we should cross his 'bows'
| |
| in 12 minutes.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Indeed. ::smiling to herself:: Let's see how close we can get before
| |
| they notice us, shall we?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Yes, Sir
| |
| | |
| | |
| T'Lea: Once we are within range begin scanning for bio-signs. We need
| |
| species identification and a head count on board the Romulan shuttle.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: 15 Lifesigns. 9 Romulan, 2 Klingon, 4 Orion.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: T'Lea and Balckwood were trading comments and ideas as Eerie piped up
| |
| again.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain That shuttle craft is above specs for for firepower, and they
| |
| are on an intercept course for the cloaked vessel, it displacement is at
| |
| least that of the Aurora, it is difficult to tell, and I'm not able to get
| |
| any configuration on the cloaked vessel....yet.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: This is the configuration they are using, and these are the
| |
| configurations we can use to "sneak past" their shields and carry out our
| |
| scans. There is a chance they could catch us in the act and change their
| |
| configuration. We may need to prepare a more... "aggressive" approach as
| |
| back up.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Agreed, and if we require a more aggressive approach a charged
| |
| particle burst should momentarily disrupt their shields.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Indeed.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: See to it.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Aye, sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Romulans don't tend to be so ease on their defensive systems, maybe
| |
| we'll need to be ready for a trap of some kind. With Romulans, Klingons and
| |
| Orions you should be ready for something tough
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Speaking of holding our own. I would like to be prepared in case
| |
| this does get ugly. I already know a bit about what weaponry we're up
| |
| against, I can do some further probing for more details and adjust the
| |
| shields, ready to provide maximum resistance to any attack.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure Lt. Eerie will appreciate that. Check with him that data
| |
| you've gathered. Mr. Rathbone, time to intercept?
| |
| | |
| Rathbone: ?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Have they reacted to our approach?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Not yet, or no indication....::correcting himself :: Sire, still
| |
| nothing on the cloaked ship.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain what about jumping over them. After all, they're in the
| |
| Federation side of the border. Or do you prefer to follow them to that ship
| |
| if that's where they're heading?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Let's see what happens for the moment. That other ship will have to
| |
| reveal itself fully when they hook up, and that will be our chance to get a
| |
| better look. ::glancing at Dickens:: You have another suggestion?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We could board them while scrambling their comms and see by
| |
| ourselves where they're heading, or try to do that with the ship risking to
| |
| loose the shuttle in the process.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Hmmm... What bugs me is the fact that the shuttle's not cloaked.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Whispering :: Could it be that some romulans are playing piracy
| |
| given the situation of their empire?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::equally quiet:: Possible. Things have got to be pretty desperate
| |
| over there...
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Yes, there are rumors of Romulans, working with the Orions, I think
| |
| the scan of the shuttle, gives that "rumor" more weight, Captain.
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Something feels wrong about this situation, almost like a setup or
| |
| trap, but still don't have answer, mind your stationOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Dammit, they must have seen us. Had to happen eventually... Helm, lay
| |
| in an intercept on the cloaked ship. Forget subtle, I just want it caught.
| |
| | |
| Rathbone: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: T'Lea, Blackwood - give me everything you can breaking that cloak. We
| |
| need to know what it is we're facing here.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea/Blackwood: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::looking to Eerie and Barnes:: Take us to combat readiness. Not full
| |
| red alert just yet, but as close as you can get - just in case.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at Barnes who motioned what he would take care of on the
| |
| tactical board, the both started to raise the capabliities of the Aurora to
| |
| combat readiness::
| |
| | |
| Eeire: Making it so Captain,....... decks are reporting ready, the new
| |
| phasers and topedos are on line, defensive fields are ready.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie's main muscle ticked just a little bit faster,
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::flashing a smile:: That'll do. Marcus, I suspect the KDF might be
| |
| interested in all this as well - relay our findings and the shuttle's
| |
| current course to them. If we have to let one of these ships get away, I'm
| |
| happy to let the Klingons snag the other if they want it.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: A little credit with the Empire might come in handy one day.
| |
| ::looking over at Tali:: Engineering ready to give us some extra power? We
| |
| might need it - especially if this guy tries to run.
| |
| | |
| Tali: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Best make sure the tractor emitters are ready to go, I think.
| |
| | |
| Tali: ?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| |
| --
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| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-06-23 09:55:19
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| | 176293
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Giant problems
| |
| | ( Orion Freighter )
| |
| | |
| OOC: I think I have made it to mix both posts, after all it wasn't as difficult as it could have seemed.
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| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| :: The federation team had arrived as expected. The first to arrive was a big quite old seeming human with a rifle in his shoulder. He found it quite stupid as they could surround them at the second surprising them but their orders were others.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Oh shut up, theres nothing wrong with you. ::Pointing the rifle at the screaming body.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Now what's all this about us causing damage.
| |
| | |
| Hanak: He isn't used to pain, our doctor will be here soon. This is a result of your attack to our shielding system.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: I am a physician. May I take a look?
| |
| | |
| Hanak: You can if you wish. I have to worry about this and other things you can see it for yourself. In the next room we have a mess going on there, some cargo had been damaged.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: This will help with the pain until your ship's doctor arrives.
| |
| | |
| Hanak: I want you to make note of it for your captain, see it for yourself.
| |
| | |
| :: Hanak moved to the next room while the doctor attended to Nakesh. As they entered the room they could see some canisters and bigger ones. As they approached they obviously requested what was there. ::
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Hanak: This are some valuable parfums made from some curious lifeforms that we're transporting to trade them. As you can see we're loosing part of it.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Hanak: The containers? ... other trading material.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: What is in these containers? "Living" material?
| |
| | |
| Hanak: Yes, they're alive. We don't tend to trade with dead things, they're more... valuable being able to interact.
| |
| | |
| :: Hanak could see they're beginning to be dubitative, as the gas was making it's effects. He decided to make a step forward ::
| |
| | |
| Hanak: I'll allow you to take a look, but don't be surprised by what you'll find.
| |
| | |
| :: He moved to the container and the away team looked curiously. Inside there could be seen some men and women tied with chains. Mostly they're Orion females, but there were some males and females from different species. At this point three of the guards that were escorting the away team moved behind them, their weapons lowered but ready for use if necessary. ::
| |
| | |
| Hanak: What do you think of them? There's a very good price for them, as Ferengi will say they're worth a good price. Wouldn't you be interested in them?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: Did you know there are 211 bones in body of an Orion adult male?
| |
| | |
| anyone: response?
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: The sternum holds the bones of the ribcage together, which
| |
| protects the vital organs. Strike it properly and it crushes the
| |
| heart, which for the Orion is positioned right behind the sternum.
| |
| Death is instantanious.
| |
| | |
| ::Re'Maru gave a mild glance to the guards who started to focus on
| |
| Re'Maru. She turned her glare back to Hanak, and tilted her head
| |
| slightly. The defying looks where cut by Evanna's question that seemed more focused on the Orion injury than on the slaves.::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Re'Maru, tell me about this man's injury please.
| |
| | |
| Re'Maru: ?
| |
| | |
| :: While Re'Maru looked over the injured Orion Blackwood conducted an investigation, using her tricorder to take in the evidence. Several things did not add up. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I agree doctor, my readings also indicate the injuries are not consistent with damage caused by the kind of console overload they suggest. The injuries are not the correct type for this, they are consistent with disruptor weapons however. As the doctor said, I would expect injuries from the type of malfunction you claim to be on the arms, upper body and face... not the leg. Did you have a disagreement with your "friend"? Shoot him in the leg?
| |
| | |
| Hanak: Do not be preposterous, we are clearly unarmed, You suggest we would willingly damage ourselves and our own systems? You federation dogs are even worse than we could believe possible.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood continued to scan, the two Orions began to grow restless. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Landau, have you discovered the source of the console damage?
| |
| | |
| Landau:?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Okay.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood scanned the area with her eyes and tricorder looking for anything out of place. Slowly she walked towards the Orions, they grew more and more uneasy by the second. Blackwood stopped at the vent, the readings were strongest here. She looked around to see where the readings could be coming from, looked back to her team with a slightly puzzled look. ::
| |
| | |
| Anyone:?
| |
| | |
| :: At this suggestion Blackwood lifted the covering of the air vent away, reached inside. She had to reach right back, but there is was - a disruptor pistol. Looking triumphant Blackwood challenged the two Orions for answers. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Care to explain this-
| |
| | |
| :: The game was up and the Orions knew it. Blackwood was cut off mid-sentence as Hanak grabbed her, pulling out a pocket knife and putting it to her throat, simultaneously disarming her. .::
| |
| | |
| Anyone:?
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| TBC:
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| | |
| Ensign Evanna Blackwood
| |
| Science Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lieutenant Jg. Re'Maru
| |
| Medical Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
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| | |
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
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| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-06-30 18:29:28
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] 2nd Lt Kagran - Gaurd Duty
| |
| | Haha. That was short and to the point. ;)
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| Sent using BlackBerry? from Orange
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| -----Original Message-----
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| From: "Raiden Dimmer"
| |
| Sender: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2011 06:48:34
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| To:
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| Reply-To: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
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| Subject: [sb118-aurora] 2nd Lt Kagran - Gaurd Duty
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| ::Kagran watch as an Ensign cam onto the bridge. The Ensign trundled over to the vacant science station.::
| |
| | |
| York: Ma'am, you may want to send somebody down to the brig. We have a lot of crew locked in the holding cells.
| |
| | |
| Kagran: Captian me and my team will head down to gaurd the Orions, Unless you need us for anything else?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
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| | |
| | |
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| | |
| --------------
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| 2nd Lt Kagran
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Lead Marine Officer
| |
| | 2011-07-02 08:47:31
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| | 176317
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| | 1647
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| | 1876
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] LtCmdr T'Lea - Special Delivery
| |
| | If you need me, I?m here :)
| |
| | |
| Cadet Aria Vine
| |
| seeking_infiniti@live.co.uk
| |
| http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=User:Della_Vetri/Vine,_Aria
| |
| | |
| - Alex
| |
| | |
| --------------------
| |
| Commander Della Vetri
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Vetri,_Della
| |
| | |
| "Understanding is a three edged sword - your side, their side, and the truth."
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| From: riffraff_blondie
| |
| Sent: Friday, July 01, 2011 6:56 PM
| |
| To: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| Subject: [sb118-aurora] LtCmdr T'Lea - Special Delivery
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| |
| Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea
| |
| Chief Science Officer
| |
| USS Aurora, NCC-72750
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| :: Unable to pay attention to anything going on around her, T'Lea slumped to the floor as another tremendous growth spurt pushed at her insides. The expansion project taking place in her womb was so horrifically agonizing that it honestly felt like she was going to explode at one point.::
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| | |
| :: Perhaps the only thing keeping her from blowing out everybody's eardrums with a hellish scream was her unwavering focus on her child's katra. Through all the punishment of pain, T'Lea could only marvel at the pure innocence of life -- that shiny little beacon of light, untainted by the world, was the only thing keeping the Romu-vulc calm.::
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| | |
| :: As long as the child was safe, and healthy, *her* condition didn't matter, thought the hybrid.::
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| | |
| :: The growth spurt had passed, and T'Lea suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder. Correction, she didn't really *feel* as much as she saw somebody's hand pecking at her. Any kind of awareness of touch didn't connect in the hybrid's mind right now. Unless it was excruciating pain, everything else just felt numb.::
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| | |
| Malcolm: S'cuse me. You are in very big trouble.
| |
| | |
| :: Panting as if she'd just run a marathon, the hybrid's eyes glazed over a little as she tried to focus on the woman. There were a broken attempt to say, "Doctor Malcolm" as a grateful greeting, but eventually she settled for something easier to breathe in a single word.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Jen
| |
| | |
| :: The Doctor pointed at her stomach in a way that would have been mildly amusing, had not the situation been so serious. Oddly, it was at that moment that T'Lea realized just how big her belly had become over a few short minutes. It was truly terrifying seeing herself *that* large.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: What's all this? You promised me you'd keep me informed on any changes!
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: I
| |
| | |
| :: Was that a joke? Was she joking? Was the Doctor seriously cracking jokes at a time like this?::
| |
| :: The small hiccup that came quickly after warned the hybrid that her Doctor was slightly, if not very, loopy from the gas.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Jen ::cringing:: Listen to me ::scooting up with a wince:: I have to get off the bridge ::stifling a gasp:: Coming accelerated grow
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| | |
| Malcolm: What?
| |
| | |
| :: Oh for frak's sake! She couldn't say it any more clear than that Well, maybe she could, if she hadn't been trying to BREATHE and *not* alarm the bridge crew, namely Della, with earsplitting screams of torture.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Accelerated mmffng
| |
| | |
| :: That last bit wasn't a nice word so it was probably a blessing that a contraction had mangled it.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: I don't know what you are saying, but I know you need to get to
| |
| Sickbay.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Yes!
| |
| | |
| :: While the prospects of getting to sickbay was uplifting, as she was lifted up by Doctor Malcolm, T'Lea was definitely worried about Malcolm's mental capacity to "doctor" anyone. Could Jen properly deliver the baby while high on pheromones? Mister One had said it would need to be a C-section, and the idea of a surgery-under-the-influence was not a happy thought.::
| |
| | |
| :: Doing her best to keep her feet under her, and somewhat walkative, T'Lea relied a *lot* on Malcolm's shoulders to keep her upright and balanced. Before they stumbled into the turbolift a Marine had picked up the other side of T'Lea to add support.::
| |
| | |
| ((OOC: Kagran, you mentioned you had a NPC Marine Medic, if you want to join us, I'm poking a little hole for you to do it. :] ))
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| Medic: ?
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| | |
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| | |
| :: Another growth spurt buckled the Romu-vulc to the floor as the car set in motion. This time, knowing Della wouldn't hear it, she let herself bellow in agony, and claw at the carpet like a rabid animal.::
| |
| | |
| :: Rolling over on her back as the expansion passed, she batted away hands as they tried to assess the situation.::
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| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
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| | |
| :: Moving again to swat the attention away, which she didn't know why she was resisting the help -- it was more like a unconscious reflex more than anything, T'Lea noticed that her arms felt extremely heavy and weak. When she looked at her skin it looked ridiculously pale, like death. Like something was sucking the life out of her.::
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| | |
| :: It stood to reason that the baby's rapid growth rate was taking nutrients from its only source -- its mother. T'Lea didn't have her wits about her to comprehend it though. Her eyes went wide and she tried to pay attention to the voices around her.::
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| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
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| | |
| T'Lea: ::comm. slap:: =/\= T'Lea to Cadet Es-Aleh. ::growling in pain:: Report to sickbay.=/\=
| |
| | |
| :: Since Della couldn't be there for this, T'Lea wanted Gina there, not only because she was family, and not only because she had medical training, but also because she needed to know that the young girl was okay.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ::panting, and another comm. slap:: =/\= T'Lea to Ensign York. Report to ::grunting heavily:: bridge. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: Curling up in a ball, the hybrid forced herself not to scream, and instead gruffed, huffed, and growled her way out of it.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| :: It didn't register with T'Lea that they had left the turbolift and were on the move to sickbay until they were actually in sickbay, and she was being lifted onto an examining table.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Gina? Where's Gina?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| :: A debilitating contraction hit and she nearly rolled herself off the biobed. After being secured to the bed, the Doctor set to work with scans and whatnot, questions kept coming at T'Lea, but she was finding it very hard to concentrate.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| :: The hand coming towards her with a hypospray was instantly snapped up by the remains of T'Lea's alien strength, and she was not about to let go.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ::raspy voice:: No painkillers. Hurt ::gulping air:: child
| |
| | |
| :: Only after they gave a nod of certain understanding did she let the hand go.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Whatever happens - ::gasping:: save the child. Promise me. ::grabbing an arm:: Promise!
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/Medic: ?
| |
| | |
| :: Time for surgery apparently. Malcolm seemed more clear headed, at least. That was encouraging.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: nerve pinch
| |
| | |
| :: It was a pathetic plea to find someone who could nerve pinch her unconscious before they started cutting the baby out of her, hopefully Gina would get there in time. T'Lea had instructed both her and Della on how to perform the pinch, but whether or not they could actually do it properly had yet to be seen. If anybody else in the room was capable of doing the job, T'Lea didn't have a clue, all she could do at this point was scream as the next monstrous contraction tore at her guts.::
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| Malcolm/Medic: ?
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| | |
| TBC/TAG ((OOC: Have a great 4th Jen, and the rest of you as well! :] Wee!! Sparklers!))
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea
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| Chief Science Officer
| |
| USS Aurora, NCC-72750
| |
| | 2011-07-03 13:47:52
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| | 176319
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| | 1876
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| | Fw: [sb118-aurora-ooc] Romulan Shuttle Craft - changing course again? simmed by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | Just bumping this to the right list... :)
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| - Alex/Della
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| From: mark swift
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| Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 12:42 PM
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| To: sb118-aurora-ooc@yahoogroups.com
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| Subject: [sb118-aurora-ooc] Romulan Shuttle Craft - changing course again? simmed by LT jg Eerie
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| ((Romulan Shuttle Craft))
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| ::It had be an eventful journey across the Klingon border to pick up some cargo, Klingon women of all things, but luckily that had been the easy part of the trip, the return part was not, they had found themselves scanned the instant they had crossed back into 'federation space'. First they had fled back to the boarder and now back to the Freighter, and a big pay day ::
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| ::The shuttle was spacious by Romulan standards, it would be tight fit for docking with the Orion freighter ::
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| ::The had received the hail from the Federation starship but it had been dismissed as a bluff, but the person sending the hail certainly sounded like he believed it::
| |
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The two Orions working the controls, knew they would be range of the Federation ship soon, and they knew that they were well armed but their shields would not take much punishment::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Theren(startled): Renrre, I have phaser fire from the Federation ship, they have fired on the Freighter!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Renrre turned from watching the Romulan assult crew sitting in the back watching the drugged Klingon women slumped and bound in the back of the shutttle::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Renrre) What sicko would want Klingon women slaves, it is more like a death wish, you would have to keep them drugged to a certain....Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Renrre: Darn that Federation ship , Leishani had said that he would take care of things, ?....(to no one in-particular)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Renrre) Can't risk tangling with starfleet, can't go back to Klingon space, they had probably been alerted by now, not too many options leftOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Theren looked back to Renrre, they would be in weapons range soon, and the Federation ship had them still hopelessly out classed::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Renrre : Theren, drop the cloak, and alter course to two one eight mark nine, maximum warp
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Theren : That will bring us close to Brikar space:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Renrre : They don't patrol that far out and maybe while the Federation ship is busy with the Freighter we can slip away, and get that darn cloak working properly, engage.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
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| | |
| simmed LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-03 14:07:56
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176330
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1660
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Lt jg Eerie USS Aurora - changing course-
| |
| | Eerie: Captain , I have a Brikar Patrol Craft at long range, it appears
| |
| interested in what is going on, but its maintaining it's current position.
| |
| | |
| ::The captain looked a-bit amiss::,
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Well I hope they're enjoying the show. Give me a channel to the away
| |
| team.
| |
| | |
| Eerie:Channel open, sire:
| |
| | |
| | |
| :Eerie noticed some changes on his tactical board and before the Captain
| |
| could hail the away team::
| |
| | |
| oO Darn, I hate to break in on the Captain,Oo::Eerie was still a bit wound
| |
| up, but coming down quickly::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Captain....::Double checking his readouts, but they were correct::
| |
| The Romulan shuttle craft has decloaked and changed course and speed, it is
| |
| now breaking off its intercept course and heading toward.... the Brikar
| |
| craft, it probably hasn't picked it up yet on its scanners: There was a hint
| |
| of surprise and excitement in his voice::
| |
| | |
| oO It's going to have a Big Surprise!Oo
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Vetri to away team. Status? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens/Anyone: ? =/\= ? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= How convenient, maybe she can give you an explanation as to why
| |
| I currently have members of her crew being dragged off to the brig. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens/Leishani: ?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-04 17:35:46
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176352
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1682
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Lt jg Eerie -USS Aurora - tac duties and reflections
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at his tactical display, he was getting his board back in
| |
| order, he had recently routed Communications and some transporter controls
| |
| in to his board, but luckily he was getting the hang of thinking and
| |
| reacting on his feet, which was a good thing for everything at once was
| |
| happening. Luckily Cmdr Barnes had shortcuts to almost very system on the
| |
| ship already routed to the tac board., he was thinking that he could almost
| |
| run the ship single handed if required::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He watched the officers come back on the Bridge, first it was Ensign York
| |
| looking a bit hung over walked over to the science station, looking a bit
| |
| pre-occupied , her uniform was a bit off centered, and looked like she had
| |
| put it on a hurry, but Eerie was in no position to complain at least she had
| |
| all of hers, she looked his way and gave him a weak smile.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I could be considered out of uniform, but I don?t think anyone really
| |
| matters at this pointOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Then First Officer Dickens came back on the bridge and started to talk to
| |
| the Captain, about the Orion Ship, Eeire half heard the conversation, but
| |
| was too busy trying to get things back in order, they were still at red
| |
| alert and there were a lot of items that distracted him from a conversation
| |
| that was not meant for him anyways::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I hope the rest of the away team is OK, ??Blackwood?why did her name pop
| |
| up in your mind?still not thinking completely straight probably?, I
| |
| wondering how Cmdr T?Lea is doing in Sickbay, but we have a good medical
| |
| staff, hmm?wondering if the cadet is down there right now?.better keep an
| |
| eye on the Brikar Ship and see what it is up toOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at his long range scanners and back checked the log, the
| |
| ships were stationary and it appeared a tracker beam held the shuttle::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Scanning the Orion Ship found that he could still not penetrate all of the
| |
| ship, there was some type of force field that was reflectioning his scans::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: First Officer Dickens looked a bit distracted or disoriented, while
| |
| talking to the Captain::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was feeling a bit more level headed, at least he didn?t want to take
| |
| anyone?s head off right now::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -eof-
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-07 12:31:17
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176358
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1688
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - hailing frequencies
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie had just noticed a change on his long range scans, he was spending
| |
| the majority of his time on the Orion Freighter, when he noticed the change
| |
| of the Brikar Patrol Craft and what appeared to be the towed shuttle craft,
| |
| at the speed they were heading the Brikar Captain was still in saftey margin
| |
| for his ship but still making the best possible speed with a towed ship, he
| |
| had to admit with everything that was going on, he wouldn't mind to have
| |
| another person at the tactical station, but he was coping::
| |
| | |
| ::He was about to tell the change to the captain with the hail came in::
| |
| | |
| Ttrete: =^= USS Aurora, this is the Verter we have the shuttle craft in tow
| |
| and we have plotted an course towards you and the Freighter. We be there in
| |
| about 30 of your minutes =^=
| |
| | |
| ::The captain turned to her command chair console, she looked like she had
| |
| the weight of the universe on her shoulders::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Nice job, captain. Find anything interesting?
| |
| | |
| Ttrete: =^= We have Romulans and Orions in custody, they appear to gone
| |
| across the border and kidnapped two Klingon women, who are in our medical
| |
| bay?..we figured you might need assistance =^= ::There was absolutely no
| |
| inflection in his voice like he was stating a fact and not an opinion.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::smiling tiredly:: Thanks... We're good for the moment, but having
| |
| you around will certainly open up options. Along with the fact we have their
| |
| captain in custody.
| |
| | |
| Ttrete: =^= Interesting, Captain ??? ::The tone changed in the slightest to
| |
| a bit more friendly:: I hope you would do me the honor of a visit at some
| |
| point, Brikar is not the garden spot of the Sector and we do not get many
| |
| visitors =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: I may just take you up on that. Unfortunately... not for a little
| |
| while, I think - no idea when we're going to be done here. ::thinking for a
| |
| moment:: Since you rescued them, I'll leave returning those Klingons home to
| |
| you. If nothing else, the fact the Empire will have to thank you for it
| |
| should be a fun experience for you.
| |
| | |
| Ttrete: =^= Of course, Captain, ::Then it was back to business:: I will
| |
| make the arrangements, Verter out =^=
| |
| | |
| ::The thoughts of a warm ship crossed his mind, while he was pretty used to
| |
| the colder enviroment of the Federation ship, he was thinking of the
| |
| wonderful heat that was problably on board the Brikar ship,::
| |
| | |
| oOThink about those nice wide hallways, you would have a difficult time in
| |
| a Federation starship with two Brikar passing by,Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The captain to seem to be in slightly better spirits after the
| |
| conversation ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Well, at least *something* good has come of all this, even if nothing
| |
| else does.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain :: Looking up from the tactical board, and focusing back on
| |
| the work at hand:: The Empire will be pleased, as much as that is possible
| |
| with Brikar involvement.::Still not sure why anyone would what to have a
| |
| slave, let along a Klingon one::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Not sure I want to think about what they wanted them for... But I
| |
| suppose I get to ask. Keep an eye on things here, I need to go talk to
| |
| Dickens' guest. Tali, keep working on getting things fixed up. Eerie, watch
| |
| that Orion ship closely. If they try and run, call me.
| |
| | |
| Tali: ?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: York.See if you can't get a breakdown of that gas they were using. If
| |
| we can formulate a decent counter to it, we can spread the word and that's
| |
| one less thing someone can try and use against us.
| |
| | |
| York: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::smiling:: Do the best you can.
| |
| | |
| :: The Captain moved to the Ready Room, perhaps feeling that something had
| |
| gone right, and maybe some answers might be forthcomming.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie when back to keeping an eye on his station ::
| |
| | |
| oO The weight of command appears to be quite consummng, I'm sure that T'Lea
| |
| is also weighting on her mind, it would be good to get a status report on
| |
| her and the rest of the away teamOo
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-08 12:36:46
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176373
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1703
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Captain Leishani, Aurora: Between the sword and the wall, I choose the wall
| |
| | (Captain Ready Room )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: The brigs of the Federation starship wasn't as bad as the ones they use with the slaves. She had a bunk and access to water, so it wasn't bad at all and she'd been trained to resist worse conditions. After a few minutes a young officer came to take her up to talk with the federation captain. It'll be interesting to know her and see what kind of person it was. He's worried for her ship, to know what'll be happening after her capture. After a short walk and a ride in a lift he entered the bridge of the starship that she analized trying to get as much info as possible. It's an open structure with a few places to hide in case of a firefight, however the three guards were too much to take them in one move. Soon she entere a room where a Trill woman that she recognized as the captain of the ship was sitting.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Gilaars: Captain Leishani, ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Thank you, Lt. Please, take a seat, Captain.
| |
| |
| Leishani: Are you trying to be nice with me,... now?
| |
| |
| Vetri: I see no reason we can't at least *try* to stay civil about all this. In fact, in that spirit, I'll even let you start things off with your explanation of why your crew invaded my ship.
| |
| |
| Leishani: First, your ship appears from no where and attacks my ship, renders our protection weakened and some of my crew wounded. Then you try to look innocent and friendly but you didn't fool me. If I've not agreed to allow your people in you'll have forced the situation to do so or bring us to one of your starbases where they'd have dismantled my ship looking for whatever that fits your willlings.
| |
| | |
| :: The Trill woman nodded as if she's listening to her, but Leishani wasn't confident about this at all. At one point, though, she did hold up a hand to interrupt her, however, as the door chimed once again.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: Excuse me, please. Come in.
| |
| |
| :: The door slid open once more, this time to reveal one of the people that went to her ship that sat at one side of the room::
| |
| |
| Zonhar: ?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Not a problem, Ensign. Now, Captain... ::smiling politely:: I believe you were coming up with some excuse for your crew's behaviour? I'm afraid that anything based on "we started it" isn't really going to work, since we were well within our rights to intercept your vessel. Not only that, but you took advantage of the fact that we accepted your invitation send people to your ship for a proper face to face chat to slip attackers onto this vessel.
| |
| |
| :: At that point, all traces of warmth and friendliness dropped away, revealing the fact that Della was more than a little displeased right now.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: I don't appreciate people trying to screw me around that way, Leishani. This is well and truly your last chance to convince me not to haul you and your crew off to the nearest penal colony and dump that piece of junk you call a ship into the local star.
| |
| |
| Leishani: That's what I was talking about, if you don't like the answers you came with threats. You're no different than the others that your Starfleet spit things of. Ok, you win, I propose you a deal.
| |
| |
| Vetri: What sort of "deal" am I supposed to agree to?
| |
| |
| Leishani: The one that will give you a surprise. The one that you were not looking for that that came up to you and that will surely please you and your Starfleet superiors. I get that you're not able to check on the Bajorans that were on my ship hiding.
| |
| |
| Vetri: And why, precisely, are you carrying a group of Bajoran passengers hidden on your ship, and why the great lengths to conceal them?
| |
| |
| Leishani: Not different from you they came paying a good price for transport and discretion, however once on the ship and on our way they suggested me to do a change of course to rendezvous with another shuttle and to travel to a location not on our usual ports.
| |
| |
| Gilaars/Zonhar: ?
| |
| | |
| Leishani: They're very secretive on their intentions but they make sure taht we don't move against them. In fact one of my guards did and he's not with us anymore.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars/Zonhar/Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: Somewhere on sector 321, I doubt we can ever find his body. Telling you this I'm putting in risk, not my life, but that of my entire crew. However I don't know what will be happening at this time there. Kidnapping me you've left my ship completely in their hands so you better let me return to my ship before it's too late.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: You have my ship with a tractor beam, right?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: I supossed it that you'll not allow free movement after what happened. What will happen if a reactor explosion occurs in my ship while you have it tractored?
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: I won't discard it.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: At least she's given a chance to do something. ::
| |
| | |
| Leishani: I could speak to my ship, convince them that they'll be escorted out of Federation space while I was kept on your ship to be trialed for whaever charges you think you must have against me for what happened.
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Gilaars/Zonhar: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: It's the only thing I can came up to avoid a disaster.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Leishani: All I know is that they some day told me that what they're doing will be remembered and that the Federation is so confident in their strength, a strength that they'll put in test.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| Captain Leishani
| |
| Orion captain
| |
| | |
| by
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-07-10 18:02:52
| |
| |-
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| | 176374
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| | 12
| |
| | 1704
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, Aurora: Updating on the condition
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: As the doctor came up and cleared him for duty he asked her about T'Lea's condition. He's surprised to know that she's given birth and taht was recovering at that moment. He's glad for her and wanted to go and see her, however he decided to allow her choose the time for his visit. Instead he went out of sickbay towards the bridge to check on things and inform the captain if no one had done it already. ::
| |
| | |
| (Bridge)
| |
| | |
| :: As he arrived on the bridge he could see that the captain wasn't there so he assumed she was in the interview with captain Leishani. He used that chance to check on the status of the situation. He didn't saw Tali un the engineering station and neither Landau so he called the Chief. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Tali =/\=
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= What's our status? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Is ensign Landau with you =/\=
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: After the transport from the Orion ship he hadn't seen him. =/\= Hasn't reported to you yet? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Check that he's ok and that has reported to sickbay. If don't make him go immediately. If he's not release send someone over. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| :: As engineering seemed to be holding he checked with another department ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Eerie, what's the status of the Orion Freighter?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Keep an eye in case they try something nasty.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Anything on the long range sensors?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What about the shuttle we detected before encountering this ship? Has crossed the Klingon border?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok.
| |
| | |
| :: He's tempted to call the captain and inform her but knew that her conversation with Leishani was important. Instead he wrote a message for her to read it if she want as it's a sensible information. However he wasn't specific, just a note that he's on the bridge, that T'Lea condition was good and that he'd news regarding her for the moment she's free. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Blackwood =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Resopnse
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= How're things on the department? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= That nasty gas was something we need to get rid off. I hope that you're able to work something along with medical. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Aside from that, could you get a way to overcome the interferences on our scans on some parts of the Orion ship? I'd like to know what they're hiding there. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Lt. Tali is on engineering in case you need her. Oh, and by the way, as commander T'Lea will be unable to perform the CSO duties you're the ACSO for the time being. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: response
| |
| | |
| :: Dickens was pleased that Blackwood seemed to be in good order and working. At that moment the captain exits from the CRR room ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| | 2011-07-10 21:33:51
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176377
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1707
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - talk with first Officer
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched as the marine detachment brought the Orion captain in the
| |
| ready room for the talk with the Captain, he was thinking of his "own" type
| |
| of interview, but he knew the captain would do fine, he when back to his
| |
| work on the tactical station, later Blackwood appeared on the Bridge looking
| |
| a bit under the weather, but of course no one was looking pretty good today,
| |
| she gave him an unusually long stare as if she had not seen a half naked
| |
| Brikar before, she talked to officer and quicky left the bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO It would be nice if she would send up a clean uniform for me, but I am
| |
| guessing that would be too much to for her to doOo
| |
| | |
| ::The First officer started talking with various bridge personnel about what
| |
| had happened since his departure, he turned to Eeire::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Eerie, what's the status of the Orion Freighter?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Still maintaining her position, we are still having problems with
| |
| some of the internal scans, Commander, there is some type of force field.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Keep an eye in case they try something nasty.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Anything on the long range sensors?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Nothing out of the usual, we are still recieving data from the Brikar
| |
| Sensor net, I'm not sure when they will deactivate it, Commander.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What about the shuttle we detected before encountering this ship?
| |
| Has crossed the Klingon border?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Commander, a Brikar Patrol Craft intercepted the shuttle making a run
| |
| toward Brikar space, they have it in tow, and joined us on the other side of
| |
| the Frieghter, they have matched our course and speed, and are trying there
| |
| own scans of the Freighter, but I'm guessing with no luck, they are standing
| |
| by to assist if needed.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie motioned to an over head screen and the Brikar Patrol Craft could be
| |
| seen, a dark rock like wedge in space, there were few lights but it appeared
| |
| dark, like a flying rock::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok.
| |
| | |
| ::The First Officer turned to talk with other members of the bridge, The
| |
| rest of the staff continured on their various tasks, Eerie continued to
| |
| monitor the situation on the long range scans, short range scanners, keeping
| |
| an eye on the Orion Ship, and from time to time getting the data from the
| |
| sensor net, and checking out the Brikar ship, it was a busy job, but the
| |
| standing didn't bother him::
| |
| | |
| oO Wish I had a new uniform to wearOo
| |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-11 07:35:11
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176383
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1713
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Sylkar, SO, Aurora: Bad moods all around
| |
| | ( Sylkar's quarters )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: The last hours had been strange. She wasn't sure what's happened
| |
| but she'd become conscious of awakening from what he could tell as a
| |
| live dream in a corridor of deck three without being able to know what
| |
| she's doing. Right now she's on her quarters recovering of what seemed
| |
| a kind of a drug that was vented through the ship, from what the
| |
| reports of the bridge had shown. She's abruply interrupted by his
| |
| commbadge.::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= Sylkar, I need you to come man the science station on
| |
| the bridge.
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: =/\= I'll need a few minutes... =/\= :: Then she's interrupted ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= Send one of your staff if you are too occupied, but
| |
| make it snappy. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: oO What? Oo :: =/\= No,... I'll handle it myself. Sylkar out =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: She knew Blackwood has a strong personality but that was rude even for her. Taking a deep breath while she stood and put on the upper of the uniform she thought if the responsibility wasn't too much for her to deal with or if it was something related with what happened to them on the Aurora. After all, she'd been with the Away team in the Orion ship and she just could wonder how'd it be to be surrounded of Orions and felt sorry for her and became a little worried. Moving steadily she took the nearest turbolift towards the bridge ::
| |
| | |
| ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| :: As she took the science station and checked what's being done, she noticed that the Orion ship has some kind of blind spots, mostly on the cargo bays but didn't know what's causing them. As she saw Marcus enter she felt a little more relieved 'cause she liked the man, not in a passionate way, more like someone to trust in case of need and to get the work done. She saw that there's a Brikar ship near and had a look as she hadn't met any ship of them ever. It's a curious design but well built, her thoughts interrupted by another comm call ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= Blackwood to Sylkar, how are things on the bridge? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: =/\= Controlled, sensors operationals, radiation from the Nebula within safety parameters, we're keeping the Orion ship checked but has some blind spots from unknown source, =/\= :: She followed a mental list of everything she'll want to hear and expected a request from her once she's finished, however she's cut in her speech ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= Listen, I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it was uncalled for... =/\=
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: :: Now that was a surprise for Marthia :: =/\= Eh... it's ok, =/\= oO No, it isn't but let's play nice Oo =/\= We've all had a bad time before. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= I need you and Penny to begin working on a solution to overcome the interference in scanning some parts of that Orion ship. Tali is in engineering if you need her help. I will catch up on your progress tomorrow afternoon. I won't be cleared to return to duties until tomorrow afternoon at earliest, otherwise i'd begin the work myself immeditely. =/\=
| |
| |
| Sylkar: oO Not cleared? That could explain a few things Oo =/\= Ok, I'll work with engineering as soon as I have a theory to develop, have a good rest =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: The comm went out and she breathed deeply. It's time to focus as hard as it may seem and co-operative work wasn't something appealing at this moment, so she did her best to analize what could be causing the interferences and then bring it up to the engineering team. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lieutenant Sylkar
| |
| Science officer
| |
| | |
| | |
| by
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-07-12 06:03:57
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176389
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1719
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Captain Leishani, Aurora: There's no choice, for the moment.
| |
| | ( CRR )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: The starfleet captain was quite impassible and thoughtful. She's more used to male captains, they're easier to manipulate but that woman was proving to be tough for her. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ::muttering:: Why do I have a bad feeling about this...?
| |
| |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Nasty suspicions. Leishani, I need to know anything you do about who these people are, and I need it now.
| |
| |
| Leishani: I won't bet my arm on this, but knowing that they're bajorans and what I've overheard in one conversation or other... Have you heard about a Scarlett Brotherhood?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Where were you taking them?
| |
| |
| Leishani: The co-ordinates they've gave us are on the Farius sector.
| |
| |
| Vetri: Very well.. Thank you, captain. You can return to the brig now.
| |
| |
| Leishani: The brig? Wouldn't you allow me to help my crew? I see, you want the fame for you only, right? :: raising from her chair he saw the other two officers become tense. However she restrained herself from doing anything that allows them to render her unconscious ::
| |
| |
| Vetri: *If* your information proves accurate, and is of assistance, the maybe you'll get credit for it. Right now, however, you're more of a problem than an asset. ::to Gilaars:: Lt, get her secured then inform LtCmdrs Barnes and Dickens and Lt. Kagran that I wish to speak with them. Quickly.
| |
| |
| Gilaars: ?
| |
| |
| :: Leishani grunted but the security officer grabbed her tightly by the shoulder and she moved out, releasing her shoulder with a quick move. On the way to the brig she studied a possible way to knock her custody, but there were three of them and in the unprobable case that she overcome them she didn't know the ship enough to plan a escape to her ship. Unavoidable, she was put on the brig again, separated from the members of her crew. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Captain Leishani
| |
| Orion Captain
| |
| | |
| by
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-07-13 18:33:01
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176391
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1721
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, Aurora: Bringing up the news
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| OOC: Tags Gilaars, Zonhar and Vetri
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus looked at the CRR doors opening and expected for the captain to exit, however it's Leishani followed by Gilaars and two other security officers. Leishani shot a look at him that he maintained until the security officer approached him, signaling the security detail to wait. ::
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes?
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Resposne
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Barnes is out of duty for the moment but I'll tell Kagran. Thanks Lieutenant. Don't give your back to our guest, she'll use it.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| :: As the security left he thought for a moment and made a decision. Standing from the chair he looked around. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Lieutenant Tali, I'll be with the captain in her CRR, please take the bridge. If something unexpected moves out there, call us immediately.
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| :: He walked to the CRR and pressed the chime, a second later he's granted access and saw Zonhar still on the room. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain, how it went?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Found anything interesting ensign?
| |
| | |
| Zonhar: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Good, if you're done with that issue, I'd like a moment with you captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Zonhar: Response
| |
| | |
| :: As the ensign left the captain gestured him to take a seat, that he did at immediately ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Did she revealed something of interest?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Really? Who? Where are they going?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: He thought deeply, the brotherhood was something that has caused problems in the past and it won't be unthinkable of them using Orions to travel without calling too much the attention. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Have you reported that to the Command?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We'll need to know for sure, and if they are there, capture them for questioning, however I doubt they'll allow us to take them prisoners easily.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Oh, about that, Barnes is still to be cleared for duty, he seems well, but the doctor wants to be sure as he and Blackwood were the most affected. If you wish I can call Kagran and we'll update Barnes once he's fully recovered tomorrow morning.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: 'Cause, first I don't think they'll move anywhere with two ships escorting them and I doubt they'll sacrifice themselves if they still have a way to fight to reach their goals. And there's another thing...
| |
| | |
| Vetri: response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain I think that you'll need some time for yourself, for T'Lea...
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: And for another person... I'm glad to inform you that if I've been informed right you're.... well, second mother of a lovely daughter.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Her lack of response lead him to just say one word. :: Congratulations.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: They're all right for what the doctors told me, they're just recovering. As you were busy in so delicate matter as our rescue they didn't told you to not affect you. And lately the vital interview with Leishani, I thought it's something you'd like to be done, as your daughter was already born there's no rush for you to come and become agitated. If I've been mistaken I'm sorry and accept the responsibility.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll be on the bridge.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-07-13 18:55:35
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176397
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1727
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - on duty
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was at the Tactical Station, still manning his post, keeping an eye
| |
| on the scanners and the ship was still at red alert, but this was not a
| |
| concern, Eerie was starting to feel that he had been born at the position
| |
| but this was no matter, Brikar were used to standing at duty posts for many
| |
| hours, The captain and FO were heading in to the CRR, the Orion green thing
| |
| had been returned to the Brig according to the internal sensors.:
| |
| | |
| Tali: Certainly, Sir.
| |
| | |
| :The Chief engineer had just been given the Conn, and she did not look
| |
| particularly happy about it::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Eerie, you heard the FO -- let them know if that Orion ship
| |
| tries anything interesting.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of, Course, Lieutenant
| |
| | |
| oOwish I could of been given the Conn, but that would be too much to hope
| |
| for, their are still a lot of officers senior to meOo
| |
| | |
| Tali: What is the situation with our Brikkar friends? Are they still in
| |
| pursuit?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Sir, W e are a very patience race, I am sure they will be here as
| |
| long as required or requested,if there is any chance of action, they will be
| |
| here to assist.
| |
| | |
| oOWe will have to have that chess game sometime, she seems like an
| |
| interesting personOo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched the LT out of his eye, but maintained his thoughts on his
| |
| station, she looked not happy, Eerie wasn't sure if she was bored or just
| |
| wanted to get back to the engine room, he knew she did not spend much time
| |
| on the bridge::
| |
| | |
| (OOC - will continue conversation if you would like))
| |
| | |
| | |
| end?
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-14 06:36:50
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176412
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1742
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie & (PNPC) Ensign Peiy USS Aurora - Bridge- (JP) - Relief
| |
| | (( Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The engineer left the bridge after the first officer came back to take the
| |
| Conn, Commander Barnes came up on the Bridge and talked with the First
| |
| Officer, he noticed and was a bit surprised to see Eerie in not much of a
| |
| uniform; but he left after a short talk with Dickens:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy was in her quarters getting ready to go on shift. She enjoyed the
| |
| morning routine of shaving her head and getting ready. To her it was in
| |
| these simple ways she adhered to her people?s traditions and showed her
| |
| dedication to hard work and routine. After she finished her routine she
| |
| grabbed a quick snack and headed down to the security office to see where
| |
| she would be needed today. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie received the notice from the Brikar ship the Verter that the shuttle
| |
| would be leaving to take the Klingons to rendezvous with a Klingon ship, and
| |
| it appeared from the Long range scanners that is was being powered up after
| |
| some transporter activity::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I have received a communication from the Verter, the shuttle will be
| |
| taking the Klingon captives back to Klingon space the will probably be
| |
| leaving in an hour or so, Commander.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the Stardate, he had been on duty for at least 12 hours
| |
| and needed to get a shower, new uniform and some food would be good, even a
| |
| couple hours of sleep would be nice, but he could stay much long on his feet
| |
| if needed..::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Sire, if it is OK I would like to call in reserve for a few hours.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you, Sire
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Ensign Peiy, can you spell me for shift?=^= ::Eerie tried to
| |
| sound nice, it was a fair attempt::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy :=^= Of course, I?ll be there momentarily.=^= :: Peiy was upbeat and
| |
| looking forward to getting a little time on the bridge. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie=^=Thank you, ensign, report the Bridge=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie closed the channel and looked around the bridge, it would be nice to
| |
| get something to eat, and a couple hours of sleep perhaps more::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Don't know much about the Ensign but seems like the friendly type,
| |
| perhaps Blackwood could take some lessons from the Bolian, ?.that would be
| |
| asking too much, she seems pretty uncomfortable around non-terransOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Bolian reported to the Bridge a few minutes, later, she came over the
| |
| Tactical station::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy : ::Concerned by the Brikars appearance:: Sir! Are you alright?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Nothing to report, just some random disruptor fire, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: What?s the situation sir?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : The Orion Ship is still masking some of our scans, the Shuttle will
| |
| be leaving soon, and I think the Brikar ship will be here till they are
| |
| needed or dismissed, Ensign:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie spent the next 15 minutes going over the situation and going over
| |
| the tactical situation with the young Bolian::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Do you know any of the Brikar on the ship out there?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Don?t know for sure, there was on cadet that I knew, he is listed on
| |
| the crew roster, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Have you talked with them at all?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: No, just received the statement about the shuttle.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: I would like a look around one of those ships sometime, it would be
| |
| fascinating. What are they like inside? They look pretty formidable from
| |
| what I can see?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Somewhat bear by Federation standards, I?m sure the tempture is a
| |
| nice 34 degrees Celisus.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: You must miss your people sir, do you find it hard?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eeire thought for a minute, it would be nice to visit home, he did not
| |
| have the chance after graduation, just a representative meeting after the
| |
| ceremony from the embassy::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Perhaps I will have time to run a holoprogram the ensign appears to have
| |
| things here in hand Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: No regrets, Ensign. ::Dryly and formally::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Feeling guilty for stalling Eerie:: Sorry sir?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOWhat a pleasure to work with such an officer, seems pretty good, but I
| |
| want to be here if something happensOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I will taking care of some personal business, Ensign, if there is
| |
| anything to report tell the First Officer, and if you require assistance,
| |
| contact me or Cmdr. Barnes, but I think he is on another duty, but report
| |
| any changes.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy : Of course sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy thought the Brikar looked reluctant to leave, he stood
| |
| expressionless as though waiting for something. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: I understand if you don?t wish to be disturbed? but do you want to be
| |
| notified of any significant news also?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOThank you, I would hate to miss anythingOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie loved the tactical position, he got to watch the senior officers at
| |
| work, but he needed rest and food, and knew he would start slipping if he
| |
| didn?t get a bit of both::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Smiling:: Enjoy your rest sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you, Ensign
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned and walked out of the bridge, he was the solo officer on the
| |
| deck from the time of the shooting and the gas attack, there was a lone tech
| |
| still working on a secondary system, but the entire bridge crew had left to
| |
| be replaced. Dickens was sitting in the command chair looking at report, as
| |
| Eeire entered the turboshaft:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Joint Simm
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tac Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| And
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| (Simmed by Blackwood)
| |
| | 2011-07-18 06:03:21
| |
| |-
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| | 176420
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1750
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Planifications
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| OOC: Ok, my computer is working, not perfectly but working. I've read through almost twenty posts and tried to get up to date. I don't know if I'll be available tomorrow due personal events. See you on wednesday.
| |
| | |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: As Della looked at him he understood that she's weighing her options. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll be on the bridge.
| |
| |
| :: With a grateful look, she headed for the door, pausing as she passed him to quickly touch a hand on his shoulder.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: Thanks. I'll try not to be too long...
| |
| | |
| :: He dismissed that with a hand gesture, just then the comm badge of the captain came to life. ::
| |
| |
| Malcolm: =/\= Sickbay to Captain Vetri =/\=
| |
| |
| :: A soft laugh escaped her lips as she tapped her commbadge to reply.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: =/\= Here, Doctor. =/\=
| |
| |
| Malcolm: =/\= Captain, you are needed in Sickbay, when you have a moment. =/\=
| |
| |
| Vetri: =/\= I think I can carve some time out. I'll be down as soon as I can. =/\=
| |
| |
| :: Ending the call, she shook her head with a smile at the Doctor's timing.::
| |
| |
| Dickens: Playing with the Doctor?
| |
| |
| Vetri: She didn't tell me why she wanted me down there, so I didn't tell her I'm on my way right now. Seems fair to me.
| |
| |
| Dickens: God enough. Give the baby a kiss from me, and T'Lea.
| |
| | |
| :: She moved to the lift while Marcus smiled. He'd have expected a reaction from the captain regarding her, however she must know that Dickens won't consider appropiate to kiss the captain and less in the bridge, even if it was in the cheek just as a congratulation. As soon as he's returned Tali reported to him.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Commander, I'll be down in the marine center -- they've reported
| |
| some damage to their holoemitters.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: It's ok, Maybe we'll need them so it'll be good that they could have their trainig tools working.
| |
| | |
| Tali: At this rate it seems like we might be using them again in the
| |
| near future...
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Once on space you have to be ready for anything and Marines like to be ready at any moment.
| |
| | |
| ::With a nod Elya headed to the turbolift as well, waiting briefly for
| |
| it to return from Della's recent trip.::
| |
| | |
| :: As he sat on the command chair he saw that they're good on the Beta shift so after a few minutes checking thing he decided to do a quick call. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Kagran. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\=Kagran here sir.=/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= I'd like to see you up here when you have a moment, there's something I'd like to discuss with you. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\=Ok Sir, I will be up there in a few minutes Sir=/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= It's ok I'm not in immediate rush. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: As the 2nd Lieutenant presented himself he requested the status of the Marines and for them to do a report of the weak points of the Orion ship and a way to seize the ship and to reunite with him in the morning. ::
| |
| | |
| :: As he waited Eerie came up with a report on the Brikar ship. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I have received a communication from the Verter, the shuttle will be taking the Klingon captives back to Klingon space the will probably be leaving in an hour or so, Commander.
| |
| | |
| Dickens : It's ok, they'll be glad to have their people back.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Sire, if it is OK I would like to call in reserve for a few hours.
| |
| | |
| Dickens : Of course, you've been there more than required. Get rest and be ready on the next Alpha shift.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you, Sire
| |
| | |
| (Next morning )
| |
| | |
| :: Barnes entered the bridge and moved towards Dickens while he's on the captain's chair and she's on the CRR. ::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Reporting back for duty sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Glad to see you commander, have you finished your check ups?
| |
| | |
| ::Smiling slightly Barnes shrugged.::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Doctor Malcolm has cleared me, the Counselor thinks I'm okay. I feel okay, a little embarrassed at what happened, but other then that I'm okay, to be honest I'm bored.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure that will be solved soon.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: So whats happening with the heap of junk we stopped?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: They're still holding position, we've contacted them stating that their actions were questioned and that the captain has suggested an arrangement for them to get back to their route, the captain report on her interview with Leishani was interesting, it included the Scarlett Brotherhood.
| |
| | |
| Barnes; The brotherhood: Pause: Will we ever be rid of those fanatics.:: Sighing:; I suppose theres a mission to the Orion vessel to 'arrest' these bloody nuisances?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We're working on it, I've asked 2nd lieutenant Kagran to work with the marines to do a report of the Orion ship in case we need to get there and seize them.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I don't know if you ever met Hella on the CHallenger, she lead the Shadow team there. Her XO is now serving here as a member of the SAR detachment, so if their going over then theres a chance we'll all come home. I'll head down to the armory, get geared up and report to Lt Kargan.: Pause: I take it he's in charge of this mission?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No, I haven't met that Hella, go and prepare the equipment, however it's yet to be decided who'll go, when and if we'll go. I have to speak with the captain, so what about a meeting in the CRR with the captain in half an hour? Inform Lt. Kagran too. I think it'll be good for Gilaars too to attend and she'll be less influenced in case there's a problem with those pheromones again, I think.
| |
| | |
| ::Nodding once Barnes left the bridge and headed to the armory. As all the bridge crew get ready he headed for the CRR ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain, Barnes and Kagran are getting ready with a plan to board the Orion ship. I've told them to come here when they're ready. It'll be up to you to decide wheter to make it or not.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I think that if we can capture them they'll give us some info on where they're going and for what reason.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Given their fanatism and willing to sacrifice, stun phasers might not be enough. I was thinking of some kind of ultrasonic stunner. This way we won't need to have a direct sight of them and it could work behind a barricade.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Let's see what they come up with.
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-07-18 23:01:24
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176423
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1753
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eeire & Ensign Blackwood ) USS Aurora - duty posts(JP)
| |
| | ((Shared Quarters))******
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eerie quickly got his new uniform on and headed out the door, he headed
| |
| back to Cargo bay two, or at least that what it was previously, On the plate
| |
| was the name ?Marine Command Centre? the door slide open::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ((Marine Command Centre))****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eerie entered the open space, there were was the normal hologrid on the
| |
| walls and the floor, and several open spaces leading to other areas around
| |
| the vast area::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| oOThis place is plush!, I live in a small cubical and look what a bunch of
| |
| Marines get!Oo****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::He went back to the briefing room, there was the odd marine around, they
| |
| did not give him any mind after seeing the Brikar officer, then he checked
| |
| out the locker room and then back to the Armory, and seeing that the weapons
| |
| were secured he spun around on a ::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| REX : WOOF! WOOF!****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::The dog was standing in his kennel, not angry but on alert::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| oO We have a dog on board!, they probably have a tea room and sofa to sit
| |
| there on as well. ?.A 2nd LT gets to run this entire thing!...hmmm?, what
| |
| a soft cushy job this is, thank goodness it is almost time for Alpha shift,
| |
| and back to the bridge, well I like the dog, at least something down here
| |
| is on alert!, Oo****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eerie quickly exited and made his way up to the Bridge::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ((Bridge))****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eerie got off the turbo lift and took a quick look around, Dickens was
| |
| still on duty, Blackwood was at the science post, helm officers he did not
| |
| know, and of course Peiy was at the tactical station. He looked Blackwood
| |
| who was looking at the science center who briefly looked up::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| oO That was fun hike, despite being a target for rocks being thrown at me.
| |
| Oo****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eerie walked over the Science station::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Eeire : I hope you enjoyed your climb, Ensign:: The tone was formal and
| |
| dry, but there was something a tad bit more relaxed in his body manner::***
| |
| *
| |
| ** **
| |
| Blackwood: Sure Buster. :: Embarrassed :: ?I mean Eerie? I did enjoy it. I
| |
| can?t wait to show you MY home planet. ****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Eerie : I will be looking forward to it, Ensign Blackwood :: I better do
| |
| some research on Scotland, and be prepared for anything::
| |
| ** **
| |
| Blackwood: Oh you will love it. The geology of the area is especially
| |
| fascinating!****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Eerie: Hmm?Interesting Ensign.****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Eeire straighten up to his usual stance and walked over the tactical
| |
| position, and stood next to Ensign Piey, who was reviewing scans, but turned
| |
| to the Brikar::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Eeire : Ensign anything new?****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Piey: Actually sir, quite a bit has happened. I overheard the science
| |
| officer you were just talking to conversing with a Klingon. She was saying
| |
| there are 10 Orions and 5 Bajorans on that ship, and that there is something
| |
| nuclear over there, possibly a power generator, or even some weapons! She
| |
| sent a report down to the marines, but maybe you should ask her about it? as
| |
| for the rest?****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Piey updated Eerie on everything she?d found out through her own duties ?
| |
| or general eavesdropping for the period that he?d been away.::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Piey spent the next few minutes reviewing and updating Eerie on the
| |
| changes over the last 5 hours::****
| |
| ** **
| |
| Eerie:: Thank you Ensign, you stand relieved.****
| |
| oO A good report, a a good set of ears as wellOo
| |
| **
| |
| Piey : Thank you sir.****
| |
| ** **
| |
| ::Piey moved away from the tactical station, and Eeire moved to his normal
| |
| position looking like he had never left::****
| |
| Lt JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| | |
| Evanna Blackwood
| |
| Science Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-19 14:40:47
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176424
| |
| | 12
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| | 1754
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Sylkar, SO, Aurora: Updating the Ensign In charge.
| |
| | ( Science lab 3 )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Marthia had been working for some hours but decided to have a rest and enjoy a good juice to clear her mind. She'd been unable to find out what's blocking their scans but reduced the list considerably. It's then that the red haired ensign entered the lab. She looked at her waiting a dry comment. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Hello Lieutenant, how are you today?
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: :: a little surprised :: Fine,
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Have you had a break recently?
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: Yes, enough to not collapse.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Anything you need?
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: Yes, a solution to our ongoing problem.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: How is it coming with the Orion scanning problem?
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: Not bad and not good, :: She turned giving her back to the ensign and engaging a display:: I've managed to reduce the list of what could cause our scanning problems. As you see I've reduced them to five items, including a tricorder jamming that the maquis tend to use and exotic materials like radioactive actinides, but we would detect the radiation. We also have Thalium and Thoron particles. However given that they're Orions and their resources shouldn't be strange for they to have them.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood stood with an arm rested behind her back and the other on her hip, and listened carefully to the woman's overview of the situation. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: :: She seemed more relaxed than the last time they talked so she relaxed a little too. :: I've checked with engineering but they couldn't still find a way to surpass this interference.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| Sylkar: How's commander T'Lea?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| OOC: Just giving a hint of what could be the problem with the scans.
| |
| | |
| Lt. Marthia Sylkar
| |
| Science Officer
| |
| | |
| | |
| BY
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| |
| | 2011-07-19 22:13:54
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176429
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1759
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - new life sign
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at tactical board, it was like he had just left, but there
| |
| were some subtle changes on the bridge, the Captain had just come out of her
| |
| ready room, with the First Officer coming out as well, she looked around
| |
| taking in the scene, she seems much more at ease the last time Eerie had
| |
| seen her, she looked directly at him and there was a faint smile on her
| |
| face, something had changed, but Eerie had not a clue.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Good to have the Captain on the Bridge, maybe we?ll kick some more Orion
| |
| butt Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical board, and maintained the display for just one
| |
| operator::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Brikar ship was still there, the shuttle had long since departed, he
| |
| wasn?t sure if they would return or head directly back to the home word, it
| |
| also depended how long they would have to wait for the Klingon ship::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He checked the internal scanners and noticed something odd, there was a
| |
| new lifeform on board the ship even in accounting for the Orion prisoners ,
| |
| after checking the computer records, it was a humanoid baby and it had just
| |
| been registered to T?Lea and the Captain as the parents::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOWell, that is certainly explains a few thingsOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::It appeared the Ensign Blackwood would be in charge of the Science
| |
| Department for the foreseeable future::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOAs long as we keep her away from any nightclubs , and rocks the science
| |
| department should be in good handsOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie continued to monitor and check out all the tactical systems since
| |
| his last shift, it appeared the Bolian had done a good job, but he would
| |
| check the systems out himself as he always did when he got back to the
| |
| tactical position::
| |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-20 15:07:36
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176435
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1765
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Boom!
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eeire was on the bridge when a shock wave rocked the ship it only pitched
| |
| a degree or two, he put his hand on the tactical board, but with his center
| |
| of gravity there wasn't much of a need, the lights on the tactical board
| |
| started to flash, he quickly checked the ships reports, some type of force
| |
| had struck the ship, but there appeared to be no damage, luckily they were
| |
| still at alert and the shields had handled the explosion that had
| |
| occurred.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, I am reading no damage to the Aurora, but ?.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Taking a look at the external scans he saw where it had originated, from
| |
| the Orion Ship, and taking a look at the small screen on this tactical
| |
| scanner he put it up on the big screen for everyone to see::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Orion ship was venting plasma from a small hole near the aft of the
| |
| ship::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= Mr. Eerie, what was that? =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: There has been an explosion on the Orion Ship, it is venting plasma
| |
| near the aft engine Lieutenant, I'm reading a drop in the enviromental
| |
| condition aboard the ship, they will lose atmosphere in about 25 minutes at
| |
| this rate of loss ::Eerie quickly feed the scanner reports down to the
| |
| Marine C&C, for the engineer::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= On the Orion ship? =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= Tali to Captain Vetri =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= If you wanted that Orion ship in one piece you had better
| |
| | |
| hurry. Their hull has been breached by an explosion and although its
| |
| | |
| secure for now, they are venting plasma and will run out of power
| |
| | |
| sooner than later. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tag
| |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-21 11:38:59
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176437
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1767
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Time to move!
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| OOC: Tags Barnes, Kagran and Vetri.
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Indeed. ::looking around her desk:: Well, I'd better get back onto the bridge. If you want to go help them out, feel free. Otherwise... ::smiling:: Well, you know your job.
| |
| |
| Dickens: I think I remember the instruction guidebook...
| |
| |
| :: With a soft laugh, she headed for the door and back out onto the bridge, looking around as she entered to see what was going on. Marcus followed her and checked the initial report from Barnes and Kagran, it looked good and ready to go at any moment. Ensign Blackwood was continuing to scan and gather data, she nodded politely to the Captain and himself and updated them both on the situation and gave them the same report she'd sent the marines. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Here is the results of our latest scans sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We've advanced but there's still blind zones. Our assault team will need to be cautious.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I am working on an update for the tricorders alongside our programming expert Crewman Deq'vish Neth. It ought to be ready soon.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Will be good, any assistance will be of help as I don't want to be fooled again.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Anything else sir?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: At that point there was a shock on the ship. As they checked and realized it wasn't from the Aurora their attention went to the Orion ship. The Engineering chief reported quickly. ::
| |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= Tali to Captain Vetri =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ?
| |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= If you wanted that Orion ship in one piece you had better
| |
| hurry. Their hull has been breached by an explosion and although its
| |
| secure for now, they are venting plasma and will run out of power
| |
| sooner than later. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ?
| |
| | |
| Tali: =/\= Sir, I seriously doubt this was an accident. The location
| |
| of the explosion makes no sense... =/\=
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok, we'll go now.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Barnes and Kagran =/\=
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Kagran: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Get suited up and get your team ready, bring me a face mask with autonomous breathing systems and meet me in transporter room two inmediately. We'll go to the Orion ship right now. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Kagran: REsponse
| |
| | |
| :: Entering the turbolift ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Seems that the remaining crew of the freighter decided that if they can't escape they'll blow their ship, we need to hurry. =/\= :: Remembering his suggestion that they didn't have time to prepare he thought of an alternative:: =/\= Bring stunning grenades or whatever similar you have in your armory. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Kagran: REsponse
| |
| | |
| :: As he arrived to the transporter room he checked with the transporter chief the proper locations giving the situation of the explosion and the damage to the structure, as well as the supossed location of the Bajorans pertaining to the Scarlett Brotherhood. Soon the team arrived and Marcus took his facemask, checking that it worked. As well he took a type III phaser rifle and two flashbang grenades. The marines were suited in full body gear that will grant protection against the unknown on that ship. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Vetri, we're ready =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-07-21 20:37:40
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176445
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1775
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Assault!
| |
| | ( Orion Freighter )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: As the team was transported Marcus lead the team to the cargo bay where they had problems scanning. On the way them met with some scattered Orions that were surprised by their presence and the Marines team dealt with them quickly. As they approached the cargo bay, the Orion presence was lesser, as much as that the last twenty meters or so they've seen no one. Then transporter effect could be seen and the team reacted, only to discover that it's some Federation tricorders, probably sent by the Aurora to help them locating the hiding Bajorans. As they proved useful clearing much of the interference they came to a direct fight with the Brotherhood members that have scatered around the cargo bay, trying to catch them in a cross fire. However Barnes and Kagran directing the marine group quickly moved to one side, taking the position and facing only one front. Soon the equipment and preparation of the Starfleet officers overcome them, and suddenly the fire from the Brotherhood stopped. As they approached they could see the bodies lying, some without breathing, some gasping for some air. Marcus decided that it's time to call the Aurora and tapped his badge. ::
| |
| |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Aurora. =/\=
| |
| |
| Vetri: =/\= Good to hear from you. What's the news? =/\=
| |
| |
| Dickens: We've taken the cargo bay, the brotherhood members seemed to have decided that facing defeat was too much. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Barnes/Kagran: REsponse
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Seems that they've poisoned themselves to avoid capture. =/\=
| |
| |
| Vetri: =/\= All of them? =/\=
| |
| |
| Barnes/Kagran: ?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Seems that we have one who's not fully succeded but he's in great pain. I don't know how much he'll resist. =/\=
| |
| |
| Vetri: =/\= Then get him over here as soon as you can for the doctors to get to work on him. If he can botch killing himself, maybe he'll screw up resisting questioning as well. ::taking a deep breath:: What about your team. How are they? =/\=
| |
| |
| Dickens: =/\= Ok, I'll send him over right now. I'll secure the ship and assess the damages. If an engineer could transport to our location we could escort to do what's needed, unless you have another thought? =/\= :: He signaled Kagran to have a marine transport with the half dying Bajoran to Aurora's sickbay ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= We can make this place strong and if necessary secure the rest of the ship. It occurs to me that they like to have their pheromones running through the ship so if we can tap in the enviromental system we could send an anhestetic through it and for the moment they realize something's there, it'll be too late. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| |
| | 2011-07-23 21:56:27
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176455
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1785
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eeire - USS Aurora - Another shuttle to hunt down
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie was watching the tactical board as usual, when an barely audioably
| |
| alert focused his attention on the Aurora's security board, there was a
| |
| shuttle launch, and there had been no word about it to him or anyone else,
| |
| he tried to close the bay doors but the shuttle was aready in the path of
| |
| the doors and they were programmed not to close with a shuttle in their
| |
| path::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain!, I have a launch of one of our shuttles, and I can't close
| |
| the bay doors.::There was a slight strain in his voice::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Put it onscreen, and hail them.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie quickly put the shuttle on the big screen,it had just cleared the
| |
| bay doors and someone was in a big hurry, to the point of being wreckless::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Captian, no response. ::His tone had fallen back to the normal
| |
| montone::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Gilaars: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= I think I know where they went.=/\=
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Gilaars, find out how the hell they managed to bust out of the
| |
| brig and boost a shuttle. ::thinking for a second:: Check computer access -
| |
| I have a feeling we didn't catch them all. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: ?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, it appears that computer access has been breached., Do you
| |
| want to pursue?
| |
| | |
| ::There was a pause from the captain::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: No, we need to stay here. Hail the Verter, and ask them if they fancy
| |
| going hunting.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie signalled the Verter and in a strange language he asked if they were
| |
| prepared to corral the shuttle::
| |
| | |
| ::The response was immediate, it appeared while a very patient race, they
| |
| were also very interested in action::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, I am recieving a message from the Verter, they plotting a
| |
| course ....::Eerie looked at his control board, there was information
| |
| comming in,::.... they will be warping out momentarily:
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Evanna, grab all the readings you can about where that shuttle is
| |
| going and hand it off to the Brikar ship.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: ?
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie looked at his control board, he wasn't very happy with the lastest
| |
| turn of events, a shuttle launch under their own noses, he didn't feel the
| |
| least bit sorry for the Orions with the Verter caught up with them. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone:?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-26 12:56:53
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176460
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1790
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The B plan
| |
| | ( Orion Freighter )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: As the wounded was transported they made the cargo bay a stronghold to move around and take control of the ship. As they began sweeping the surroundings an engineering team arrived to their location and they set up a plan for the damages. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Landau, hope you have the last damages report.
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We'll move in a group and try to stabilize the ship. What's the priority?
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Lead us, without further interference it should be a matter of minutes, right?
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| :: The Miradorn leaded them to the most critical areas where repairs are needed and Marcus couldn't find any more Orions than those that they've neutralized in their way to the cargo bay. After a few repairs and avoided the risk of explosion Marcus decided it's time to check with the Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Aurora =/\=
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Things seems to have settled down in this freighter, We don't detect any more Orions wandering on this ship. How're things there?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Ok, I'll get back in a moment. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: After he let Landau with Kagran and the other marines Marcus returned to the Aurora to speak with the cpatain. ::
| |
| | |
| ( Aurora )
| |
| | |
| :: The travel to the bridge was quick and soon he met with Vetri. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain, the Orion freighter is under control, somehow the rest of the Orions of the ship left the ship as they're no where to be seen.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Seems that they know a lot of tricks and don't like direct confrontation. We need the Brikar ship to hunt them before we can proceed on using that ship.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Has the prisoner been stabilized? Has he talked?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I hope he gives us a hint on what're they up to this time.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC :
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
| |
| | 2011-07-27 13:21:41
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176462
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1792
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The B plan (Repost)
| |
| | ( Orion Freighter )
| |
| | |
| OOC: This is a repost to include Barnes and Kagran last sim and fix what the situation is with the people transported to the freighter. Tags: Landau, Vetri and anyone.
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: As Marcus was contacting the Aurora he's thinking of a way to use this ship to their favour. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= We can make this place strong and if necessary secure the rest of the ship. It occurs to me that they like to have their pheromones running through the ship so if we can tap in the environmental system we could send an anaesthetic through it and for the moment they realize something's there, it'll be too late. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Sneaky. I like it. I'll get Tali to send someone over to you, Commander. Good work, all of you. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I doubt we'll find anyone else alive commander, the brotherhood are rather good at leaving no witnesses to their activities. All we're going to find is more dead Orions.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Could be, however they've kept themselves closed here to avoid detection and the Orions we found on our way here are a sign that they're more worried on other things.
| |
| | |
| Barnes:: Pointing at the bodies: I've dealt with these before. |They tend to be very thorough in their attention. I'll take Kagran and his team and search the rest of the ship.
| |
| | |
| Kagran: I feel a quick sweep of the ship should be fine will only take about 20 minuets
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok, do so, I'll wait here for the engineering team and check what's needed to be done.
| |
| | |
| :: Barnes, Kagran and another marine went to seek the ship. Meanwhile the wounded was transported they made the cargo bay a stronghold to move around and take control of the ship. An engineering team arrived to their location and they set up a plan for the damages. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ensign Landau, hope you have the last damages report.
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We'll move in a group and try to stabilize the ship. What's the priority?
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| ::The team lead by Barnes headed back to where they had left the FO and two marines.::
| |
| | |
| Kagran: Lots of dead bodies on this ship now.
| |
| | |
| :: Kagran went over to his team to see if everyone was ok and ready to head back to the Aurora::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: As the engineering team is here we'll stabilize the ship. We'll escort them until they finish the task.
| |
| | |
| :: The group nodded and he turned to Landau that seemed to be instructing the other engineer on what they'll do. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Lead us, without further interference it should be a matter of minutes, right?
| |
| | |
| Landau: Response
| |
| | |
| :: The Miradorn leaded them to the most critical areas where repairs are needed. After a few repairs and avoided the risk of explosion Marcus decided it's time to check with the Aurora.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Aurora =/\=
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Things seems to have settled down in this freighter, We don't detect any more Orions wandering on this ship. How're things there?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Ok, I'll get back in a moment. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: After he let Landau with Kagran and the other marines to end other minor repairs and check that there were no surprises, Marcus returned to the Aurora to speak with the captain. ::
| |
| | |
| ( Aurora )
| |
| | |
| :: The travel to the bridge was quick and soon he met with Vetri. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain, the Orion freighter is under control, somehow the rest of the Orions of the ship left the ship as they're no where to be seen.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Seems that they know a lot of tricks and don't like direct confrontation. We need the Brikar ship to hunt them before we can proceed on using that ship.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Has the prisoner been stabilized? Has he talked?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I hope he gives us a hint on what're they up to this time.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| TBC :
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
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| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-07-27 17:39:40
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176466
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1796
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - Baby on the Bridge
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was focused on the tactical board when he heard the Turbo Lift doors
| |
| open, but he didn?t look until Commander T?Lea came passed by him with a
| |
| small bundle of a baby and a blanket which they quickly disappeared into the
| |
| Captain?s quarters::
| |
| | |
| oOBaby on the Bridge!Oo
| |
| | |
| oO It is cute, but I hope I don?t have to hold itOo ::Remembering his first
| |
| experience with a human baby::
| |
| | |
| | |
| (Flashback)
| |
| | |
| ::It was Eerie?s second year at the academy and his tactics instructor had
| |
| invited the class over to the mess hall for a going away party, he had
| |
| received his first command and had invited everyone over for a party, Eerie
| |
| took it as an order and showed up , the party was in full swing, there were
| |
| so many people there including some of his classmates, he found a wall and
| |
| stood there watching the spectacle::
| |
| | |
| ::He was standing near the door, and no one was paying attention to the
| |
| Brikar that looked like a cigar store Indian, just standing there like a
| |
| statue in a uniform.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOIt appears that everyone is engaged in boring conversations, they just
| |
| stand around and talk ?.....how do I get out of here?Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Just as Eeire had decided that 15 minutes of this was more then
| |
| sufficient, the instructor Commander Herwen came up to Eeire with a young
| |
| woman who was carrying a baby in a blanket, which was not having a very good
| |
| time, were was some whining which was bearly audioable with all the
| |
| background noise::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Commander,. . I mean Captain Herwen, congratulations on your
| |
| promotion:: Eerie nodded to the woman
| |
| | |
| Herwen: Eerie, it was good of you to come, I would like to introduce my wife
| |
| Renare, ::Turning to his wife :: Honey, this is our Brikar student Eerie, I
| |
| have talked about him, and this is our new son, Walton:
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Yes, Mrs. Herwen and ...Walton.::Very unsure of the social ettique::
| |
| | |
| Renare:(laughing) Oh, you are something Eeire.... how polite.
| |
| | |
| oOWhat did I do?Oo
| |
| | |
| Renare :Eeire would you mind holding Walton for a few minutes, there are a
| |
| few people I would like to talk to?
| |
| | |
| Herwen ::Looking a bit shocked, he turned to his wife :: Dear....Eerie as
| |
| probably never....
| |
| | |
| Renare: He will do just fine, he could probably hold him for hours look at
| |
| those arms. :: She sent a look at Herwen, that he better change is tone in a
| |
| hurry::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Herwen: Eerie would you mind?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I.......::
| |
| | |
| ::Renare thrusted the baby and blanket in Eeire hands, and he did his best
| |
| imitation of her holding the baby which wasn?t too bad::
| |
| | |
| oO I better be really carefully with WaltonOo
| |
| | |
| ::Strangly the baby quieted down and fell fast asleep in his arms, not that
| |
| he needed both but he wasn?t going to drop a human baby who compared to a
| |
| Brikar baby you could drop but off course you didn?t::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Is this right?:: The baby was softly cooing, as is slept like it
| |
| didn?t have a care in the world::
| |
| | |
| Renare: you are a natural,... what are you doing tomorrow night?, I have a
| |
| ton of people I would like to see
| |
| | |
| Herwen:Cadet, you have the 15 kilometer hike tomorrow right? ::Looking at
| |
| Eeire::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie nodded, he was wishing he was doing the hike right now::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie spent the next hour holding the baby Walton who seemed to enjoy the
| |
| warm rocklike skin of the Brikar, who stood there with the baby as people
| |
| came and went from the party, Eerie decided that was the last party he would
| |
| attend unless it was a direct order by superior officer::
| |
| | |
| ((End of Flashback))
| |
| | |
| oOThe Commander would not do that to me, ...........I bet it has some nice
| |
| spots Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| -eof-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-28 14:04:55
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176471
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1801
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: What's up Doc? ( Tag: Malcolm )
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Marcus, go and check in with sickbay, see if Dr. Malcolm has anything to share.
| |
| |
| Dickens: It's came just a few minutes, you think he'll be up to himself?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Probably too soon, but...
| |
| | |
| :: The captain suddenly stared blankly without ending the phrase. Marcus looked at her and calle her attention subtlely. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Sorry, just... :: shaking her head:: Nothing to worry about.
| |
| |
| Dickens: :: Seeing her reaction that showed her worried and her look directing towards her quarters, he realized it must be something family related. :: At least for us, right? Ok, I'll check with Dr. Malcolm and see if our guest is ready to talk.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus went to the turbolift and during the ride he thought about the situation and that being a non-civilian ship it'll be difficult for them to deal with the situation, what made him think about the conversation he'll need to have with Vetri after this mission was over. A few minutes later he's entering sickbay and localized Dr. Malcolm. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Doctor, how're you doing? How's our guest?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'd wish to speak with him once he's able to maintain a coherent conversation. What's the prognosis?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| |
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| | 2011-07-30 10:04:21
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176474
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1804
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - random thoughts
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was maintaining his position at Tactical, he had been monitoring the
| |
| activity on the Engineering deck, and had recieved a update from the Verter
| |
| which had surprised him, the Klingon Empire had let the Verter on a hot
| |
| pursuit enter Klingon space, this was the first time in many years
| |
| officially an Brikar warship had entered Klingon space:
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at Blackwood who was intensely working at the science
| |
| station, she was hard at work::
| |
| | |
| oOShe'll make a good officer, if she can focus all that energy of hers,
| |
| .....that is right, she wants to do another Holodeck climbing here soon, I
| |
| better look up where she is from and dress warmly I have a feeling I'm
| |
| going to be in for it, ..........as long as I don't have to worry about any
| |
| babies I'll be fineOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie realized with the Brikar ship gone, his change of seeing any of his
| |
| species was at an end for a while, but he was feeling a little bit more at
| |
| ease with the crew, not that he could count on any real friends as of yet
| |
| there were a couple of people that he had actually talked with Blackwood and
| |
| Lt. Tali, and his counselor at the academy would be happy::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to Aurora =/\=
| |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Commander, Lt. Eerie here, how are you progressing?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Things seems to have settled down in this freighter, We don't
| |
| detect any more Orions wandering on this ship. How're things there?
| |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Commander, we have some type of device on the Engineering deck,
| |
| probably left by the Orions, who have ecaped in one of our shuttles, the
| |
| Verter is in pursuit and has entered Klingon space in pursuit.=^=
| |
| | |
| oO Other than that is business as usual, Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Ok, I'll get back in a moment. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Eerie :=^= I will notify the transporter room, Commander=^=
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie signaled the transporter room to be ready for a signal from the
| |
| First Officer::
| |
| | |
| oOWhat was going on in Klingon space, I hope we don't end up with another
| |
| war with the KlingonsOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| -eof-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-30 17:59:15
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176481
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1811
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora duties
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Pssst Buster.... :: Clicking noise:: Looking good buddy. Hows it
| |
| going over there?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Fine, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Shrugging:: Whatever.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::
| |
| Dickens: Captain?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Sorry, just... :: shaking her head:: Nothing to worry about.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: ::glancing in the direction of her quarters:: At least for us,
| |
| right? Ok, I'll check with Dr. Malcolm and see if our guest is ready to
| |
| talk.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Just... be careful with him. He's likely a fanatic, and they're not
| |
| kown for being overly stable.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Sir, I?ve just had some news from the federation - there has been
| |
| a major terrorist assault on Starbase 118.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Interesting, I hope that no one has been hurt, Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: I?d heard something about that. Any details?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Several bombs, placed at strategic locations were detonated.
| |
| According the the very latest news the total injuries and fatalities are
| |
| still been calculated but it?s big numbers. They lost one of their senior
| |
| officers too, a Lt Commander Hunt, did anyone know him?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:No, but I did have a classmate on the Starbase.: : Eerie was thinking
| |
| of the person he knew at the academy that made the holoprogram for him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Sorry. ::opening her eyes again:: I?d heard of him, but never had the
| |
| chance to meet him. From what I picked up though... he was a good officer.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: What?s the latest on the station?s situation?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Grumpy and glaring:: All traffic in and out of the area has
| |
| been stopped naturally, but they say there is one ship on approach that will
| |
| not stop or turn away. ::sighing:: Seemingly it just keeps on approaching.
| |
| oO I hope they blow it into a million tiny fragments.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Frowning, Della considered that. There was a good chance that one vessel
| |
| might be tied in with everything else that was happening over there... and
| |
| she had a nasty suspicion that the person they had in sickbay right now
| |
| might just have a connection or two to it as well.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Any reports on who the terrorists are?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Blackwood folded her arms and answered with a glare so intense it caused
| |
| a headache to start forming. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Not as of yet no, but they have two terrorists detained for
| |
| questioning.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Well, given that our Bajoran guest is almost certainly a member of
| |
| the Scarlet Brotherhood, and Leishani told us they were apparently planning
| |
| to ?test? Starfleet... I?d say we?ve got good odds this bunch are connected
| |
| to what?s going on at SB118 - and Bajor?s upcoming admission to the
| |
| Federation. There are just too many coincidences otherwise.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Agreed...
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Keep an eye on the situation. I... oO need to get myself under
| |
| control.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Shaking her head sharply, she looked at Eerie, who was standing as solid
| |
| as ever at his station.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Eerie, you have the conn for the moment.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was internally a bit surprised, but he hid his surprise and remained
| |
| at the tactical station::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought for a quick minute, but he would remain at the tactical
| |
| post, he could route almost anything to his position, and he thought quickly
| |
| about the situation, there was a lot going on, but he knew that he would not
| |
| hesitate to call the captain for almost anything, and anything out of the
| |
| usual happened::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO She will be back soon, and I would prefer to stand,Oo
| |
| | |
| Vetri: I need to do a couple of things. I won?t be long, and I?ll be back as
| |
| soon as you need me if anything develops.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Aye, Sir...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: HMMPH
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought about a glare at Blackwood, but thought better of it, he
| |
| continued to focus on the tactical board, but now was very much aware of
| |
| everything that was going on the bridge, time seems to slow and speed up at
| |
| the same time, no simulator could do your first Conn watch even if it was
| |
| just 5 minutes::
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-07-31 22:46:40
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176486
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1816
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA:The weakest link of the chain (Tag:Vetri, Anyone )
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: I'd wish to speak with him once he's able to maintain a coherent conversation. What's the prognosis?
| |
| | |
| ::She sighed and sat back in her chair::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Our "guest" is going to be just fine. He's still in a bit of
| |
| pain, but you could probably talk to him now if you'd like. Though, good luck getting anything from him. He almost took my head off.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sorry to hear that.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: He was pretty combative for someone dying of poisoning. ::She straightened a few hairs that had come loose from her ponytail:: But, like I said, he'll survive.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok, I'll take care of him, thanks for your work. Oh, another thing, take some rest, you look a bit tired.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen gestured in the direction of the Bajoran's biobed::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: He's all yours.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He made a half smile to the doctor :: Thanks...
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus moved through sickbay to the biobed where the Bajoran was lying. After a few seconds he decided that this was a job better suited for Kelfod so he took control of Marcus body and decided to enjoy it. He looked at the Bajoran that looked back with some kind of contained fury. He stared at him for a minute without saying anything, just there, standing. After that, he began moving around the biobed and at a point glanced at the monitor. While doing that he began sensing the man's feeling, that was the good part of not being fully Betazoid, people don't feel intimidated by him just being there. As he moved to the other side he just put his hand on the man's shoulders and looked at him from above. It seems that the man couldn't stand no more. ::
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: Are you enjoying the view?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I don't know, depends... On what kind of person you are.
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: The kind of person that will kill you at the first oportunity, so don't bother to torture me, I won't tell you anything!
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I haven't asked you anything... and I don't expect you telling me anything useful. You should be one of their last recruits, right?
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: You wish... to manipulate me easily? Are you a professional interrogator?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No! haha, nothing like that, I'm just a science officer that came up through the ranks. See, I like people that is true to himself and that do what they say they'll do and you don't seem to be one of those.
| |
| | |
| :: Jenaro looked at him not knowing for sure what he's talking about.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Oh, you don't get me? Let me explain it easy, you're a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood and you've ... swore, or wathever you do to work for them and die for them, right?
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: Yes and I'm proud of it.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: And you have swore to comply your task and don't reveal any information to anyone outside the brotherhood, that's why you've given so little information to the Orions right?
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: They're just a tool and you'll taste our revenge.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Oh, we did, but let me tell you that you're far from doing us any major damage. Your team attack on Starbase 118 was a failure and you've failed here too, look at yourself, you're not even able to suicide yourself, how did you expect to fulfill the Brotherhood expectatives.
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: You're lucky to find me before it makes it's effect and cured me. Give me a chance and you'll regret it.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, yes, yes, you're so loyal, but the truth is that in the last moment you're afraid and didn't took all the poison, right?
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: ...
| |
| | |
| Dickens: You don't need to tell me, I know people like you. To tell you the truth... ::Whispering :: I'm not a starfleet officer. :: Jenaro looked at him confused :: Yes, I took control if this body a long time ago and just a few persons know it.
| |
| | |
| Jenaro: Good story...
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I understand that you don't believe me, and I like it as it'll give me the chance to play with you a bit more. I'll see you later, I have a surprise for you.
| |
| | |
| :: With that he left sickbay and headed towards sickbay. It's clear that he'll not tell anything under normal circumstances and infiltrating his mind will require him to concentrate on another thing to avoid any mental defens he could have so he decided to play a little sadistic game with him. ::
| |
| | |
| (An hour later - Holodeck 2)
| |
| | |
| :: With the man almost crying and begging him to stop, he just needed to mention Farius Prime for him to think about their contact there that he caught telepatically while holding his head. After revealing
| |
| the truth, the man tried to insult him but realized that he's been fooled so Marcus moved out of the holodeck leaving security to take care of the man with the instructions from Malcolm on how to treat him. The short ride to the bridge give him time to *talk* with Kelrod. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO That was a bit too much, wasn't it? Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Hey, we got the info and after all it wasn't real... Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO For you but for him... I should recognize that you have a hand on those things, it wasn't the first time, right? Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Well, when you're a soldier they train you to do many kind of things and before loosing my body I was a good soldier. Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO I'm sure and I'm glad you're on our side Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Well I have no choice after all Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO Uh? what? Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Don't worry, It's a joke. I like this federation of yours. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: The bridge appeared and he moved towards his chair ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Captain, I've... managed to get some information. We certainly need to head to Farius Prime. However going there with the Aurora will trigger any trace leaving the system. I think we'll need an undercover operation there.
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: True and we can't gather a merchant ship, however we have an Orion ship right there that's warp capable.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Resposne
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We could need a team to work as the Brotherhood members, what do you think? It's the only way I know to get information about if they're planning any other major attack of what's their real objective.
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-08-01 22:45:09
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176499
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1829
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - worries
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the Captain came back on the Bridge as Ens. Rathbone left the
| |
| bridge in a hurry she looked at Blackwood and Eerie::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Seems he's taking the news real bad, it seems he knew Commander
| |
| Hunt... Harsh blow.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I think everyone knows some one from Starbase 118.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Damn. ::shaking her head:: Okay... just keep an eye on him, okay?
| |
| Loosing friends can screw you up, and he may not actually ask for the help
| |
| he'll likely need.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I plan to sir, he seems a nice enough guy and right now he's
| |
| gonna need a few more friends.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie pulled up the causality report from Starbase 118, and quickly
| |
| scanned the report, where was Ensign Treade, he not listed under the
| |
| report, but he knew that reports like this could change quickly, he and gone
| |
| through most the the years at the academy without any real conversation with
| |
| him except for that hike::
| |
| | |
| | |
| (Flashback)
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The weather was wonderful, and Eerie was the solitary hike, while most of
| |
| the other cadets dreaded the 15K hike with the backpack, he thought that
| |
| this was great, the weather was a nice 32 degrees centigrade. The cadets
| |
| were left the start in a staggered 5 minute intervals and that was fine, he
| |
| wasn't really looking for company::
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: His backpack was about 100 pounds due to his weight, but someone who was
| |
| having fun had put another 100 pounds, but it make little difference to
| |
| Eerie::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Death valley reminded him a bit of Brikar Prime, he did not have much
| |
| further to go, another 5 kilometers or so, and he had passed a few slower
| |
| | |
| cadets but everyone was still moving, then he rounded the next bend and
| |
| there was Cadet Treade, sitting under a overhang::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie stopped::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Treade can I assist you?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade : Eerie, the rock man, leave me alone, I have had it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| OO A promising cadet but too many parties and demerits Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : OK. ::Eerie started to walk away but had gotten only about 150
| |
| meters when he turned around and returned to the spot were he was now laying
| |
| | |
| | |
| down trying to sleep, Eerie grabbed him by his back pack and lifted him up
| |
| on his feet::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade: HEY! ?.....Eerie what are you doing?:: Eerie set him on his feet::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie's eyes bore into him but his tone was level and measured as
| |
| always::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: You will finish this course.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade ::Dusting himself off:: Why?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : You have the making of a good officer, if you would stop partying.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade: From the ...man...who had never been to a party, you and the Vulcan
| |
| barely come out of your quarters except for class and food.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade : Well, I have had it, anyways this is an unassisted hike, and you
| |
| don't want to break the rules.::Dryly::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I will make you a deal, I will assist you and you will finish the
| |
| course and graduate.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Treade thought for a minute::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Treade : OK, but ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : No but, you will finish.
| |
| | |
| Treade: Yes, mister police officer
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie and Treade headed off together, only at the very end did they
| |
| separate to finish the course::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((End of Flashback))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I hope he is ok, I will try a message as soon as I'm off duty , maybe it
| |
| is time to come clean with Blackwood as wellOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie focused back on the Captain::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: We all need help, now and again, Sire, I will make a point to keep
| |
| an eye on him.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: I know from experience.
| |
| | |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-03 12:56:23
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176500
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1830
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The right to choose.
| |
| | ( Bridge )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus sat next to the captain thinking of what should be their next move. As the idea came to his mind he suggested it to her taht seemed to approve it. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We could need a team to work as the Brotherhood members, what do you think? It's the only way I know to get information about if they're planning any other major attack of what's their real objective.
| |
| |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: Very well. Once we've gotten this little situation on Deck 8 resolved, we'll make a move. Marcus, you'll be in charge of the infiltration team, and the Orion ship. Work up a list of who you want to take with you, I'll see if I can't cook up a way for us to give you some back-up without blowing your cover.
| |
| |
| Dickens: I'll make a list and check it with you later. I'll speak it with medical to see their opinion in surgery alteration. :: He stood to move to his office when the captain called his attention. ::
| |
| |
| Vetri: Very well. Oh, and Marcus...?
| |
| |
| Dickens: Yes?
| |
| |
| Vetri: If there's going to be trouble over how you got this intel, I'd like to know in advance.
| |
| |
| Dickens: :: he looked inside himself but the image he had of Kelrod just shrugged at the comment. :: Ok captain, but I didn't do anything out of the regulations.
| |
| |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus then moved to the tactical station to get the scans of the Orion ship and it's characteristics when second Lieutenant Kagran called up. ::
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Kagran to Bridge =/\=
| |
| | |
| Bridge: =/\= Bridge here, what can we do for you lieutenant? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Can you engage emergacy force fields around this section. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Bridge: =/\= We're on it, you'll have them in a few seconds. Take caution and good luck. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Thank You kagran Out =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: As he's leaving he could hear Evanna letting out a comment. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: There is nothing quite so deplorable as people using religion to justify their crimes and the taking of innocent lives... It makes me sick to the core.
| |
| |
| Anyone:
| |
| | |
| :: He couldn't disagree at all, however he'd seen things in his life that he could consider more deplorable. After he got the information about the ship, he moved to his office to check on the profiles of the crew to see who'll be better suited for an infiltration mission. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
| |
| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
| |
| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| |
| | 2011-08-03 22:39:13
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176504
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1834
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - personnel choices
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We could need a team to work as the Brotherhood members, what do
| |
| you think? It's the only way I know to get information about if they're
| |
| planning any other major attack of what's their real objective.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: Very well. Once we've gotten this little situation on
| |
| Deck 8 resolved, we'll make a move. Marcus, you'll be in charge of the
| |
| infiltration team, and the Orion ship. Work up a list of who you want to
| |
| take with you, I'll see if I can't cook up a way for us to give you some
| |
| back-up without blowing your cover.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll make a list and check it with you later. I'll speak it with
| |
| medical to see their opinion in surgery alteration. :: He stood to move to
| |
| his office when the captain called his attention. ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Very well. Oh, and Marcus...?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If there's going to be trouble over how you got this intel, I'd like
| |
| to know in advance.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: he looked inside himself but the image he had of Kelrod just
| |
| shrugged at the comment. :: Ok captain, but I didn't do anything out of the
| |
| regulations.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus then moved to the tactical station to get the scans of the Orion
| |
| ship Eerie moved aside for the First Officer::
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Kagran to Bridge =/\=
| |
| | |
| Bridge: =/\= Bridge here, what can we do for you lieutenant? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Can you engage emergacy force fields around this section. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Bridge: =/\= We're on it, you'll have them in a few seconds. Take caution
| |
| and good luck. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Kagran: =/\= Thank You kagran Out =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::The First officer started to head towards his office and Eerie moved back
| |
| to his position::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie had listened to the First Officer and the Captain talk about the
| |
| upcoming operation, did not hear all of it but he got the general gist of
| |
| the operation, while he knew that he would love to go, the physical
| |
| reconstruction of the Brikar was a long and involved process, the only other
| |
| race that Brikar could possibility be would be Klingon, it was a lot easier
| |
| to add to, then subtract from a body mass::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOWho would want to masquerade as a Klingon anywaysOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOLets see, without looking at the personnel records, who would you pick for
| |
| the operation off of the top of your rockOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Lets see, Barnes is good is a scrap, the Orion woman, Corsetto is a
| |
| given, Lt. Tali would be a major assistance with the Orion ship, Grey,
| |
| probably a Marine, I guess, York?not her cup of tea, Rathbone, no?not right
| |
| now, Lucien Landau well, not both but him or Tali. Blackwood, now that would
| |
| be an interesting choice, but with T?Lea out of the rotation, she will
| |
| probably have to stay here?..Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought for a minute, keeping an eye on his tactical board, he had a
| |
| holodeck program that he was going to share with Blackwood at some point in
| |
| the near future, a hike would be a nice diversity, as long as she wasn?t
| |
| going to compare him to a rock ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO It will be interesting to see who is picked, and if it matches up at all
| |
| with mine, at all. You better mind your duties EerieOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The First officer went to his office, and as he passed::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: There is nothing quite so deplorable as people using religion to
| |
| justify their crimes and the taking of innocent lives... It makes me sick to
| |
| the core.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie agreed but decided to keep his opinions to himself::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-04 15:45:36
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176507
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1837
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Flashback part one graduation
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::There was an uneasy silence on the bridge, the Captain was monitoring
| |
| events on Deck 8, Blackwood was at her post and Eerie maintained his
| |
| station as well. the attack on Starbase 118 was having a effect on a lot of
| |
| the crew, Eeire didn't know the the Cmdr but he did know Ensign Treade, and
| |
| the last time they spoke briefly at the graduation ceremony:
| |
| | |
| (Flashback- StarFleet Academy-Graduation)
| |
| | |
| ::The last of the speakers had gone, and the crowd had cheered, Eerie
| |
| scanned the crowd for anyone that he knew, but he didn't expect anyone from
| |
| Brikar Prime to come all this way for the celebration, but he continued to
| |
| hope that someone that he knew might have come, but he was already planning
| |
| on what his would do. Assignments had been delayed but the counselor told
| |
| him that he would get a posting on a starship, and this was all that
| |
| mattered, or most of all that mattered, He would perhaps travel a bit, he
| |
| had heard that the grand canyon was nice, and he did have a week or two
| |
| before he would be required to ship out somewhere.::
| |
| | |
| ::The throng of well wishers had enveloped the new officers, and but Eerie
| |
| did not have much problem trying to get out of the crowd and then he noticed
| |
| a Brikar, which while there were probably a few on Earth it was a very rare
| |
| occasion to see two in one spot. Eerie headed for him, he was about 6'7" and
| |
| older as he approached Eerie, it was pretty clear he had never met him
| |
| before::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Ambassador GGrete: Ensign Eerie ::As the two Brikar came together he was
| |
| carring a box about a foot and length::
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Yes, Sire :: They stood about 2 feet apart, the Brikar put out his
| |
| hand::
| |
| | |
| Ggrete:: I am the Ambassador to the United Federation of Planets, I would
| |
| like to congratulate you on your graduation. ::They grasped each others
| |
| hands::
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::Thank you Sire, I appreciate that you took the time to come.
| |
| | |
| Ggrete :: I have something from my office, my doctor has told me to quit,
| |
| and I thought you might like it:: He handed the box to Eerie::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie took the box, but did not open it::
| |
| | |
| Ggrete: It is from the First Federation, it is the real stuff.....Tranya, I
| |
| hope you enjoy it.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie had heard about it, but had never had it, as with most liquor only
| |
| the most potion stuff would have any small effect on a Brikar, he had not
| |
| had any since leaving Brikar::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you, Sire
| |
| | |
| Ggrete : I am sorry I must go, but again congradulations, Ensign I hope you
| |
| have a fine career, and if you need anything let me know. :: The Brikar
| |
| turned head headed away::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOWell, that was something I guessOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned and started to head back to his dorm room when Treade
| |
| appeared:
| |
| | |
| Treade: Congrad's Eerie
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie stopped and turned to Treade, since the hike Treade had been a bit
| |
| nicer to Eerie, but never saying more then a word or two to each other::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Congratulations I was pleased to see you had stuck with it.
| |
| '
| |
| | |
| Treade: I wanted to thank you and I owe you a bunch, for what you did, you
| |
| helped get my head turned on straight, but I have news, unofficially....
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie knew that Treade was a wizard with computer systems, and even Eerie
| |
| had heard the rumor of Treade possibly breaking into the Academy computer
| |
| system::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Do I really want to hear this?
| |
| | |
| Treade : Two pieces, of news for you, Ensign .....::He looked around like
| |
| he had stolen the keys to a shuttle, than back at Eerie::
| |
| | |
| Treade :: Relax, Eerie, you really need to you know. :: There was no effect
| |
| on Eerie:: OK, I have heard you have been assigned to the USS
| |
| Aurora...great, you will be on a small ship instead of some huge ship
| |
| pushing papers or something::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was thrilled, if true, it was a Nova class star ship, small
| |
| complement but perfect::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : What is the other one?
| |
| | |
| Treade: Well if you would turn around you would see it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-06 07:09:58
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176513
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1843
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The Dickens list
| |
| | ( FO Office )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: As the time passed he reviewed the different profiles of the crew trying to choose who he considered appropiate for this kind of mission. He'll need someone from engineering so he thought of Lt. Tali as the ship will remain in a second line. From security he doubted but Barnes was clearly to be on the list and as they're going to infiltrate a dangerous zone another one was required so he listed Gilaars too. In case something went wrong he wondered if Dr. Malcolm will be up to the mission, he didn't know her well and seemed so gentle person that for an infiltration he didn't know how she'll perform so he listed Chris Davies too. He didn't know what they'll find in their destiny so aside from him, someone from science will be good and thought of Ensign Dominic Gray. They'll need someone in case things get really nasty and despite the confidence he had in Barnes and Gilaars looked over the Marines profiles and finally got two good options, Sally Archibald and Griffon Rawlings. Finally there's a point he'd almost forgot, as it's an Orion ship he's not used to pilot them, so ensign Rathbone could be the choice to do that task. ::
| |
| | |
| :: As he had the list he looked again at it and despite he didn't like to have people on it that's been married or that have children he considered the need of them and thought of Vojana and how she must feel everytime he's sent on a mission and understood how Della should feel everytime she send out an away team. Also considered the matter of someday commanding his own ship were those were the kind of decisions one should make when going up through the ranks. He's used to take those decisions on his department but involving the entire crew and departments seemed different and weighed a lot more. He re-checked the list and send it to the captain to acknowledge it and a message to all the involved informing them to confirm the reception and to go to sickbay to undergo the necessary cosmetic alteration, fortunately for them they have the bodies of the Brotherhood as a model to follow up. Once this was done, he moved to sickbay to be the first to be altered.
| |
| | |
| ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| :: As he entered sickbay he didn't saw Malcolm who seemed to have followed his counsel on taking some rest ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Hello, I hope you're not too busy.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: As we're going with the Orion ship soon I thought I should be the first to ressemble one of the Brotherhood suicidal.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: The prettiest, of course :: He smiled a bit while the doctor told him to wait in a biobed.
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| OOC: Tomorrow, more.
| |
| | |
| Lt. cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
| |
| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
| |
| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
| |
| | 2011-08-07 00:06:07
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176516
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1846
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Through the stars to the fangs of the beast
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: While he's being altered he asked for a sedative as he didn't like the sensation of cutting and changing. In his dream he saw himself living in a house in a mountain with some trees here and there. He's standing at the front of the house and then saw two children, girls, of aproximately five and seven years one with black hair the other was blonde that were coming towards him but he couldn't hear what they're saying but they had a bird in her hands. He smiled and they entered the house from where Vojana was exiting wearing some loose pants and a T-Shirt and embraced him from behind. He felt good and calm and hoping that nothing disturbed them, however the effects of the sedative faded and he's again in the sickbay with people around him. He sat slowly, being helped by the doctor. ::
| |
| | |
| Doctor: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Strange, but well. can I see the results?
| |
| | |
| :: He's given a mirror and he could see his new face. The first sensation was strange, not recognizing himself but for a few traits. He could see that two or three of the members he'd chosen were on sickbay as if waiting to see if his surgery has gone well to do theirs. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not bad doctor, I hope you keep my features well saved. I like my own face and want it back.
| |
| | |
| :: As he's given the answer with a mild joke he gestured to the others to take their places for their turn and he moved out of sickbay and took a lift ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Bridge
| |
| | |
| :: As the lift moved up he thought about the different things they'll have to keep in mind their culture and the little info they've managed to hack from the Orion ship and what the prisoner had told them. As he moved out of the bridge he could see the surprise on the others face. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not a laugh... :: He moved towards the central chair :: The crew is undergoing surgery, how's the Orion freighter?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll check a few things and move onto it. Once everyone is ready and transport there, we'll plot a course to Farius Prime. We'll send the reports in bursts instead of standard communication to reduce the chance of being intercepted. Whoever is free will contact you once or twice a day to receive and give information.
| |
| | |
| Vetri/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| :: He moved to his quarters to check that he had everything he needed in a small replicated brown bag and send a short message to his wife telling her that he's ok and that the mission was going well without giving much detail to not worry her. Then moved to the Orion ship and waited 'till the officers began arriving. ::
| |
| | |
| (Time later)
| |
| | |
| :: As the whole required crew was in their posts and after the last checks he signaled the Aurora that they're ready to go. Soon the impulse system moved the ship out of the sector and once they're free from the spatial phenomena they engaged the warp drive towards Farius Prime. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Here we go...
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| OOC: Ok, this will give you time to end what was going on with all of you and the ship and whenever you're ready to board the Freighter and start the travel. As I said in the OOC I'll be out until sunday evening. Have a good week!
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-08-07 22:12:18
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176517
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1847
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Flashback part 2
| |
| | (Flashback- StarFleet Academy-Graduation)
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned around and saw the old Brikar heading his way, Eeire had to
| |
| muster all of his self control, but he maintained his composure as he walked
| |
| up to Eerie and Treade::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Supervisor Tredd: Well, what do we have here, a newly minted star fleet
| |
| officers? :: The old Brikar was still impressive at 6'6" and towered over
| |
| both of the star fleet officers:
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie not forgetting Treade and then to the tall Brikar and turned to the
| |
| old security officer, his mentor on Brikar and the officer in charge of
| |
| security department 534::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Supervisor, This is Ensign Treade, he graduated with me today:: He
| |
| was trying to keep it professional, but the supervisor would have little of
| |
| it:
| |
| | |
| Tredd: Ensign Treade, a pleasure to meet you I hope Eerie has not been too
| |
| much trouble.
| |
| | |
| Treade::I pleasure to met you sire, I will leave the two of you to talk::
| |
| Treade was very confused, usually Brikars were cold and aloof but this
| |
| almost human, but figured he would try to figure it out later :: Eerie, take
| |
| care :: With a quick wave he was off and back into the crowd.
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire watched Treade head off into the crowd and turned to Tredd::
| |
| | |
| Tredd : Eeire, I mean Ensign congrads on your graduation :; He attitude had
| |
| changed back to the formal tone he had known for all those years:
| |
| | |
| Eerie :: Sire, what are you doing here? :: Eerie was very confused but happy
| |
| to see his mentor::
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: He motioned Eerie to follow him as he started to walk away from the
| |
| crowd, they were heading in the general direction of the dorms, the received
| |
| some strange looks from
| |
| various starfleet and others that were on the campus that day, Eerie
| |
| saluted appropriately as needed as they headed toward the garden::
| |
| | |
| Tredd :: Eerie, what do you have in that box?
| |
| | |
| Eerie :: Tranya, Sire, a gift
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tredd : I think you can drop the sire......how long have you know me?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Always. ::Eerie was confused, while Tredd was his mentor, and knew
| |
| Eerie better that anyone else, it appeared that age was starting to affect
| |
| him::
| |
| | |
| Tredd: You are old enough, Eerie, and now a commissioned officer, but you
| |
| are going to be working closely with terrans, you need to loosen up a bit,
| |
| so lets find a could of glasses and we are going to drink that Tranya.
| |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-07 22:07:42
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176522
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1852
| |
| | 421
| |
| | Lt(jg) Rebecca Gilaars, SO, AURORA: Final Preparations
| |
| | ((Brig Area))
| |
| :: After Rebecca finished what she needed to do, she was about to write her report on the escape and subsequent investigation of the hacking, she received word that she was chosen for the away team and pondered the follow-up instructions to report to Sickbay, for alterations of her features, for the ruse. The report could wait, as this was more important. ::
| |
| ((Sickbay))
| |
| :: Soon Lt(jg) Gilaars arrived in Sickbay and although she was nervous she did her best to hide it. She approached the medical staff. ::
| |
| Gilaars: I'm here for my alteration, Doctor.
| |
| Doctor: Response
| |
| Gilaars: Whenever you're ready. ::shifts, slightly:: I hope I can regain my original looks when we return. ::chuckles nervously.::
| |
| Doctor: Response
| |
| :: Rebecca spotted the XO and acknowledge him, while smiling, trying not to show her uneasiness. She listened as Dickens spoke to the doctor. ::
| |
| Dickens: Not bad doctor, I hope you keep my features well saved. I like my own face and want it back.
| |
| :: Gilaars saw Dickens' gesture and nodded, indicating she was already initiating the request for the change of features. ?Soon she was undergoing the cosmetic surgery and after it was finished she looked in the mirror, handed to her by the doctor. ::
| |
| Doctor: Response
| |
| Gilaars: Very good, doc! I'm sure I'll be able to fool them all!
| |
| Doctor: Response
| |
| Gilaars: Don't worry. I'll be sure to come back for the reversal procedure.
| |
| :: With that, Gilaars left and prepared herself to be transported to the other ship. ::
| |
| ((Later...))
| |
| Rebecca was aboard the other ship and assumed her post, at the tactical console. She quickly had it set up and prepared the system for quick defense, if need be. Gilaars awaited the moment when Cmdr Dickens would signal the Aurora. ::
| |
| :: As the whole required crew was in their posts and after the last checks he signaled the Aurora that they're ready to go. Soon the impulse system moved the ship out of the sector and once they're free from the spatial phenomena they engaged the warp drive towards Farius Prime. ::
| |
| Dickens: Here we go...
| |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lieutenant(jg) Rebecca GilaarsSecurity OfficerUSS Aurora?NCC-72750
| |
| | 2011-08-08 18:00:06
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176524
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1854
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - ideas
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was half listening this conversation as usual, however Blackwood did
| |
| not usually speak in hushed tones, so he got most of the conversation while
| |
| manning his station, and keeping a particular eye on the force fields for
| |
| Deck 8::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: There is nothing quite so deplorable as people using religion to
| |
| justify their crimes and the taking of innocent lives... It makes me sick to
| |
| the core.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Can't say I disagree with you, Ensign. That said... it could be
| |
| worse.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: You think so?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Simple. Their beliefs may be abhorrent to pretty much any sane being,
| |
| but it *does* justify what they do ? which is better than someone acting
| |
| that way simply because it seems like fun. That said, a lot of very horrible
| |
| things get done in the name of making the world a better place.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: At least the Scarlet Brotherhood have a reason for what they do.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: And this is a good thing?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ::smiling thinly:: Oh, but it *is* a good thing. We know why they act
| |
| the way they do, which means we can predict them better. And with that
| |
| knowledge comes the ability to herd them all into a nice secluded area -
| |
| then carpet-bomb it down to the bedrock.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I suppose... ::mutters:: charming...
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: I never claimed to be a nice person, Evanna. Just someone trying to
| |
| make the universe a little brighter before I die. Now, I'd like some ideas
| |
| as to how we can give the infiltration team some backup without blowing
| |
| their cover. Any thoughts?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Sire, I would make sure that any official Federation traffic in the
| |
| area is is not well, is not rerouted, sometimes the lack of something
| |
| normal is taken as .....well, make sure we don't.....::Eerie was having
| |
| difficulty with those English metaphors :: scare the goose? Sire.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood/Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-09 05:51:57
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176537
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1867
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eeire - USS Aurora - Doctor! Doctor? give me the news
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::the sensors picked up the federation long range personnel shuttle, plus
| |
| the transponder code immediately, Eerie checked the sensors, the shuttle was
| |
| certainly not wasting any time in getting here::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He checked to personnel roster of the shuttle, it appeared that a doctor
| |
| was on board, one that had been on leave for a long time, Eerie wasn?t sure
| |
| about the name, he did not think he had met this doctor, of course, sickbay
| |
| was one of the last places he liked to go::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOThose darn biobeds are soooo soft. Glad he did not have to spend any more
| |
| time in there than I have too
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie cleared the shuttle for the approach and then notified the
| |
| transporter room to be prepared to communicate with the shuttle::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Fast Forward))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the readouts, the shuttle had made a swing around the Orion
| |
| Freighter, and then came to a stop, that then the transporter locked on a
| |
| passenger, and a few minutes later a human male in medical garb bounced from
| |
| turbo lift and straight to the captain.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::His rank showed that he was a LT. Cmdr, as Eeire scanned the doctor?s
| |
| file, it wasn?t the personnel file, but a brief summary of the doctor,
| |
| something was strange he was listed in the Science Department at one time::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOWell, you know Starfleet records, we have a Klingon as our head Marine
| |
| detachment, now a new doctor, with a new baby on board, this might be a
| |
| good thing, and of course, and the way Blackwood gets injured all the time,
| |
| it might helpOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-12 14:29:51
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176545
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1875
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie USS Aurora -parting crew member
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the helmsman returned to the bridge he went over the the
| |
| captain, he looked a bit rough around the edges::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Rathbone: I am sorry about that little scene earlier.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :
| |
| | |
| Vetri: It's understandable, Ensign. Don't worry about it. With any luck,
| |
| getting back into work will help keep you from brooding over it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Rathbone: To be honest, I would rather not sit behind the helm right now. I
| |
| need some busy work to do to keep me focused.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Eerie, keep an eye on things. ::rising from her seat:: Come with me a
| |
| moment, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie nodded to the Captain, at least Blackwood did not give him the eye
| |
| this time::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Rathbone: Understood Captain.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((a few minutes later))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Ensign Rathbone came out of the Captain's ready room, he looked still a
| |
| bit rough but he seemed a bit better, he walked around the bridge past
| |
| Eerie::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, while I did not know the Commander, I am sorry, I know
| |
| someone on the Starbase, I don't know his fate, but take care of yourself::
| |
| The tone was formal, but he was he was trying::
| |
| | |
| Rathbone: Response
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Good Luck, Ensign
| |
| | |
| Rathbone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-14 22:06:59
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176549
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1879
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Changing our minds, will not be easy.
| |
| | (( Bridge ))
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| (Few minutes ago)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Captain. Marcus. The supplies are on board that piece of junk
| |
| the Orion's called a ship. It will take ages to get that smell out.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I think I could deal with that.
| |
| | |
| Barnes::Rubbing his ear, Barnes shook his head.:: How these Bajoran's can wear these stupid earrings is beyond me. Anyway, I'll get some weapons shipped over and await your arrival.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We better use the Brotherhood weapons to improve our impersonation and leave our weapons hidden, as a last resort.
| |
| | |
| ( Present time )
| |
| | |
| :: As Marcus was reviewing the data they've managed to gather he also began to familiarize with the Bajoran language and read the available reports on the different attacks the Brotherhood had been involved trying to get a psicological profile common to all of them. He also read reports about the Pah Wraiths and the connection with the Bajoran Wormhole and Bajoran culture. He caught Tali as she spoke to the crew.
| |
| | |
| Tali: If I make too many improvements to the "Rust Bucket" it would surely give us away.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: If you want my opinion, you should do what you can with the materials you have available on the ship. The less Federation technology we use, the better.
| |
| | |
| ::Moving to the side to allow the First officer the main seat, taking
| |
| the short stride to the 'tactical' console Barnes shook his head.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Anyone got any sticks and stones handy?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No, but you can go outside and pick up some meteor rocks if you wish. I don't foresee any problem before arriving to Farius Prime, once there it'll be up to us to find their contact. Something in the logs should point to a place to head on and maybe a contact. However reading the fanatism they are prone to, it's probable that they just had a contact and no direct relationship. Fanatic and terrorist cells tend to be untrustful even of themselves.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I suggest we become familiar with Bajoran language, if not entirely at least basically and work related.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: The report provided by Commander T'Lea along with the others that we've gathered should give us an insight on this group. Review them the best that you can. We have some days and for what I've read our best chance will be to start in the Maltabra City. You'll see a lot of poverty and there could be fights and crimes, but remember that our task is gather information and not bring peace there, :: as he saw some of their faces he added a last word to increase their mood :: ... yet.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| :: The ship continued it's travel followed by the Aurora that was keeping the distance to not be directly related with long range sensors. Marcus was trying to made up his made with one of a religious fanatic. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-08-15 18:28:48
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176557
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1887
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: That little bit of information
| |
| | ( Rust Bucket )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: As he was reviewing some bajoran lexic a doctor approached. He recognized him as one of the new doctors that they picked up on SB23 ::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Sir, I know it is short noticed. But, I've been assigned to join the crew on the away mission as a medic.
| |
| |
| Dickens: :: He looked at O'Hanlon standing and looking around :: Relax yourself, we're all a group of Bajoran fanatics, so leave the protocol behind along with the uniforms. What have you brought with you?
| |
| |
| O'Hanlon: I brought with me a medi-kit with some supplies, sir. I wasn't sure what I should bring from the sickbay that wouldn't be too advanced?
| |
| |
| Dickens: Ok, you better find a good place to hide this except the basic. Oh, and if someone asks you about why you're having something Federation related, you better remember that it's from a good Orion seller.
| |
| |
| O'Hanlon: Yes, sir. I'll make my way to my station, so I can get? settled.
| |
| |
| Dickens: Good thought, and you'll do well in getting up to date on Bajoran phisiology, just in case.
| |
| |
| ::Chris made his way over to the station. He took in a deep breath while he looked at the console in front of him. Obviously the ensign was anxious, but Marcus could sense him focused on doing things right and he was quite confident that he could do it. ::
| |
| |
| :: Just then Tali arrived with something in her mind. ::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Ahem... I've bumped into something of interest below decks.
| |
| | |
| Gray: What do you have there?
| |
| | |
| ::Elya turned the reader around so Gray could see it and skimmed
| |
| through for him.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Some sort of plans for inciting chaos around Federations borders
| |
| after a disaster.
| |
| | |
| Gray: Interesting find, what are your thoughts?
| |
| | |
| Tali: Presumably this "disaster" was not intended to be naturally occurring...
| |
| | |
| Gray: Right.
| |
| | |
| Tali: There is no further information on the device. It is
| |
| malfunctioning. Someone attempted to wipe it before discarding it, but
| |
| the damage left this one document intact.
| |
| | |
| Gray: Plan of action?
| |
| | |
| :: He thought for a moment about the implications of what Tali had brought to them. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: It's obvious that this is a large scale operation.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: First they cause damage and casualties to instigate people's fear, as well as show a poor image of Starfleet. Then, if this is right, they through a propaganda campaign probably followed by other attacks. This could lead to some people to try to flee Federation or even worlds to think twice on joining us.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: This only shows how important our mission is and that we must acquire as much information as we can of the Brotherhood cell on Farius prime and if we can, know what'll be their next objective.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: In fact, our delay could be used in our favour. We've faced a Federation scout that tried to stop us but we managed to either evade or stop it and escape. After that we have been playing cat and mouse until we lost them and returned to our path here. Remember, fanatic thinking.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | |
| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | |
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| |
| | |
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| | 2011-08-16 19:35:00
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| | 176559
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Lt Cmdr Barnes - A cunning plan!!!
| |
| | ::squints::
| |
| | |
| On Tue, Aug 16, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Alistair Macgregor <
| |
| macgregoralistair1@gmail.com> wrote:
| |
| | |
| > **
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Just then Tali arrived with something in her mind. ::
| |
| >
| |
| > Tali: Ahem... I've bumped into something of interest below decks.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gray: What do you have there?
| |
| >
| |
| > ::Elya turned the reader around so Gray could see it and skimmed
| |
| > through for him.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Tali: Some sort of plans for inciting chaos around Federations borders
| |
| > after a disaster.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gray: Interesting find, what are your thoughts?
| |
| >
| |
| > Tali: Presumably this "disaster" was not intended to be naturally
| |
| > occurring...
| |
| >
| |
| > Gray: Right.
| |
| >
| |
| > Tali: There is no further information on the device. It is
| |
| > malfunctioning. Someone attempted to wipe it before discarding it, but
| |
| > the damage left this one document intact.
| |
| >
| |
| > Gray: Plan of action?
| |
| >
| |
| > :: He thought for a moment about the implications of what Tali had
| |
| > brought to them. ::
| |
| >
| |
| > Dickens: It's obvious that this is a large scale operation.
| |
| >
| |
| > Anyone: Response
| |
| >
| |
| > Dickens: First they cause damage and casualties to instigate people's
| |
| > fear, as well as show a poor image of Starfleet. Then, if this is
| |
| > right, they through a propaganda campaign probably followed by other
| |
| > attacks. This could lead to some people to try to flee Federation or
| |
| > even worlds to think twice on joining us.
| |
| >
| |
| > Anyone: Response
| |
| >
| |
| > Dickens: This only shows how important our mission is and that we must
| |
| > acquire as much information as we can of the Brotherhood cell on
| |
| > Farius prime and if we can, know what'll be their next objective.
| |
| >
| |
| > Anyone: Response
| |
| >
| |
| > Dickens: In fact, our delay could be used in our favour. We've faced a
| |
| > Federation scout that tried to stop us but we managed to either evade
| |
| > or stop it and escape. After that we have been playing cat and mouse
| |
| > until we lost them and returned to our path here. Remember, fanatic
| |
| > thinking.
| |
| >
| |
| > Anyone: Response
| |
| >
| |
| > --
| |
| > Lt Cmdr Hugh Barnes
| |
| > Chief Security Officer
| |
| > USS Aurora
| |
| >
| |
| > http://wiki.starbase118.net/wiki/index.php?title=Barnes,_Hugh
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | 2011-08-16 17:47:13
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| | 176565
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| | 12
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| | 1895
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| | 2616
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - strange conversation
| |
| | ::Eerie studied the file on the planet and the Brotherhood, it looked like a
| |
| pirates dream, a place were almost anything goes for a price and the
| |
| government what there was on one did not care too much as long as you stayed
| |
| out of there business, Blackwood shot Eerie a look as he looked up from
| |
| reading the reports.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Turn up anything of note yet Eerie?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:Does not look like I will planning my next leave, there Ensign.::It
| |
| was so deadpan, of course Eerie didn't not that's how it came over:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Rolling her eyes:: Riiiight....
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Cloak and Dagger,... stuff is not exactly my strong point, I like to
| |
| tackle a problem straight on, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| oO Hope I got that expression right Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Wells it's food for thought no?
| |
| | |
| ::Sometimes, double negatives threw Eerie for a loop, while he was well
| |
| versed in standard Federation, english the puns still could cause
| |
| a problem::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, what is your solution to the problem?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Sharply:: SHHHH!!! ...thinking...
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) She brings up to conversation and then when you ask her a
| |
| question, she .....I don't know what to do with this one, I could.....no
| |
| you would regret that Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Blackwood shook her head::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::muttering to self:: Curses...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie wasn't sure if the conversation was over or not, he looked at his
| |
| console, and then back at Blackwood, she was thinking about something that
| |
| she stared at him in one of those wide, eyed, strange stares that Blackwood
| |
| was famous for::
| |
| | |
| oO Human females, are a strange lot, but this one takes the ......cake, that
| |
| is it, got itOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::snappy:: Whatchoo staring at?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Hmm.....nothing?
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO I guess it is the end of the conversation, guess I will reread the file
| |
| and perhaps find something that I missedOo
| |
| | |
| ::A few minutes later, Eerie shot a look over to Blackwood, she was reading
| |
| something and she did not see all that happy about it, But he had been shot
| |
| down once, and it appeared to be of a personal nature::
| |
| | |
| oO I 'll leave well enough alone, what is that other one..... let sleeping
| |
| squirrels rest?, that isn't itOo
| |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-17 13:02:47
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176567
| |
| | 12
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| | 1897
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| | 2616
| |
| | PNPC Ensign Peiy & PNPC Specialist DeBarres - USS Aurora - Tea Time for two
| |
| | ((Lounge))
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres what sitting next to the window watching the stars go by, the
| |
| room was empty, and she was enjoying a break after completing her work in
| |
| the forward phaser control room, as much as it pained her, she knew that
| |
| living statue would check up on her::
| |
| | |
| ::She took a long moment, and then reached for the cup of hot chocolate, at
| |
| least on a starship the replicators worked most of the time, looking out at
| |
| the starfield.::
| |
| | |
| oO How many hours before my shift is over, at least my duty log is pretty
| |
| easy today, I could stop by and see if that new medical doctor is around,,
| |
| hmmm,.... better not don?t want to be too obvious ?..guess I better not. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy put down her PADD and stretched, she was feeling a bit lethargic
| |
| after all the reading she?d been doing. Hopping off the sofa she bounced off
| |
| the sofa and headed to the lounge in search of social stimulation. It was
| |
| her free time and she wasn?t needed on the bridge to relieve Eerie for some
| |
| time. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Hi crewman...
| |
| | |
| :: She wasn?t that familiar with the woman but it seemed as though she was
| |
| always in the lounge. Probably on a tea break... ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Hello, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: So how are you today?
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:It is a wonderful day, and the everything is fine, :: But she
| |
| didn?t sound real convinced :
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Interesting.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy replicated a Bolian Bohana, a refreshing cool drink and sat down
| |
| with the crewman. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I heard one of the security officers had a spot of trouble with their
| |
| identity being hacked... think we should do an inventory of the armory? Make
| |
| sure everything is in order? Would look pretty bad if someone got in there
| |
| too and helped themselves...
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: That would be horrible :: Hoping that no one found out that it was
| |
| her who was feeding that cute dog Rex::
| |
| | |
| oO I will have to play it quiet for a time being with the dog, but it she
| |
| knew I would probably be in the brigOo
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:So Ensign, how are things going?, I just finished with those
| |
| upgrades that ?.Lt. Eeire wanted., what do you think of it, I mean him?
| |
| ::There was dry ness in her voice as she said Eerie::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy could tell by the tone of voice that DeBarres wasn?t exactly a big
| |
| fan of the Brikar, the question was why. She fiddled the straw round in the
| |
| glass thinking how best to play it. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Sliding up and getting pally with the crewman:: Well we work
| |
| opposite shifts, so aside from the handovers we don?t talk. Why? Something
| |
| got your back up?
| |
| | |
| ::Peiy smiled gently and tipped her head hoping DeBarres would spill the
| |
| beans.::
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres thought about this for a while:
| |
| | |
| oO(DeBarres) Eerie has no friends on board that I am aware of, but play this
| |
| cool, she is an OFFICER!Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Well, what can I say he much like a.......stick in the mud,
| |
| formal, and thank goodness they don?t put junior officers like that in
| |
| charge of the bridge.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy could tell she was holding back, but it never paid to push things to
| |
| far, a level of trust had to be established first. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Whats wrong with working the bridge? It?s by far the best part of the
| |
| job. Don?t you fancy getting some bridge time?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::A big sigh, and then she looked straight at the Bolian. ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I guess....not, I did so many long hours on that freighter, when
| |
| I was a kid, that bridge was just a small room, not much fun.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy scratched the back of her head, it was amazing the way StarFleet was
| |
| staffed with so many people with such varied opinions and work ethics. This
| |
| DeBarres was quite unlike anyone she had met before. She noted the woman?s
| |
| work uniform and as much as she enjoyed the conversation she didn?t want to
| |
| keep the woman from her duties if she was still on shift. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Are you on duty just now? Just don?t want to be holding you back if
| |
| you have things to do....places to be...
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Ensign, I was just taking a break from this long list of things
| |
| that Eerie cooked up to keep me busy...::Changing topics, rapidly and her
| |
| voice brightened::... I have a new pair of ?they called them.... jeans quite
| |
| popular in the 20th century I can?t wait to try them,
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Smiling:: Oh cool, they sound great...and it?s just Peiy when I am
| |
| off duty and in my civvies.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I guess I need to get back to duty, Peiy. ::Heavy sighs, and a
| |
| black cloud seemed to appear over her mood::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Laughing:: Honestly cheeer up! What did you think I was going to do?
| |
| Bust your chops or something?
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I don?t know, this is so different from the freighter. Don?t get
| |
| me wrong, but with Barnes gone, I have the rock man, like a mill stone
| |
| around my neck...who is about as ?.I should keep quiet...
| |
| | |
| :: Making one last attempt to dig up some dirt. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Eerie got much more lined up for you for the rest of your shift then?
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Oh, I got to run checks on the deflector system, that were fine
| |
| yesterday, and the day before...borrrrring.......
| |
| | |
| :: Non-verbally encouraging her to continue. ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: He has no personality, the ships computer is more interesting.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy could understand why the woman felt like that, though she actually
| |
| rather like Eerie herself. Peiy felt Eerie was a good guy and that he would
| |
| be a great friend, but you had to be prepared to dig him out his cave first.
| |
| Nevertheless she felt she was starting to build a bond with the woman and
| |
| thought she was one to keep an eye on. Perhaps she was a diamond in the
| |
| rough but if she was someone who needed whip cracking that could be arranged
| |
| too. She thought about pressing the issue but decided it might be better to
| |
| pursue in a less formal setting. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Look I generally have the Black shift, so I?ll be around. Next time
| |
| you?re free why not give me a yell. We can kick back, have a few laughs...
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy fiddled with her sleeves hoping the offer wasn?t about to bounce
| |
| back in her face. ::
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres who was talking like she was in a funeral about work suddenly
| |
| brightened and like a supernova had just gone off, a huge smile enveloped
| |
| her face::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: OH! That would be so much fun, and I have some great ideas about
| |
| clothes that would great with your skin! I?ll wear those new jeans if I can
| |
| fit into them....::There was a small giggle, and she started to play with
| |
| hair:
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: See you later! :: She bounced up and headed out the door::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy grinned and waited for the woman to leave before she returned to her
| |
| quarters feeling refreshed and ready to check over her report before sending
| |
| it up to Eerie. Peiy had a feeling that she was going to like this woman
| |
| after all!::
| |
| | |
| oO (Peiy) I wonder how Eerie is doing on the bridge... I hope he is
| |
| impressed by my report. Can?t wait to get his feedback and see if we can
| |
| isolate the issue before it becomes a major problem. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Looking at her report on the torpedo launchers... she felt the loading
| |
| and firing sequences had become a bit sluggish and there was an unusual
| |
| noise and vibration near the tubes, she had run a few diagnostics but
| |
| hadn?t been able to pinpoint the source of the problem. She was extremely
| |
| concerned about keeping their weapons systems sharp and efficient and took
| |
| great pride in any improvements they could gain over the ?textbook stats?.
| |
| She sent to report to the tactical console, wondering what the chunkadunk
| |
| would make of it all. ::
| |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres
| |
| Tactical Specialist
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Simmed by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Simmed by Ensign Blackwood
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| | 2011-08-18 14:17:54
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| | 176569
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| |
| | Lt jg Eerie & (PNPC) Ensign Peiy - USS Aurora - Tactical concerns
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was tired of looking at the files, he could not see anyway to
| |
| support the Orion frieghter other that the one that had been proposed, he
| |
| knew that he was to be relieved soon, and he was looking forward to some
| |
| good food in their quarters, hopefully Blackwood had something else to do::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie heard the sound of the turbolift doors open, if it was anyone it
| |
| would be Ensign Peiy, she was always on time, unlike that crewman DeBarres,
| |
| at least Blackwood was on time for her shifts. or at least as far as he
| |
| knew::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy swept onto the bridge in a flurry, it was her favourite part of the
| |
| day again and she was especially cheery today. Speaking quickly in an
| |
| excited tone that was perhaps a tad too loud. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Hi Lieutenant!
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Turning to the Ensign::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, always on time, excellent, ?.what is going on?
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy took that as a personal enquiry, even though it probably wasn?t...::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I?m great thanks sir. Bumped into one of our crewman today down in the
| |
| lounge, she seemed a bit down in the dumps at first...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Who was it, Ensign?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Ummm, short brown hair? ::thinking:: BeDarres?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yea, that specialist, what is the problem?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Yeah that was it. Sorry. Not always so good with remembering names...
| |
| problem?
| |
| | |
| :: Scratching her head and thinking for a moment. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Well I haven?t got to the bottom of it yet. It?s a work in progress.
| |
| Whatever is going on...
| |
| oO If there is something going on..Oo ? I think I can turn it around. oO
| |
| Eventually. Maybe. Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, if you could keep an eye on her also, she don?t seem to do
| |
| much work, what she does is good, but not very timely...
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::frowning:: She does seem to be IN the lounge a lot... I will see
| |
| what I can do.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Hmmm......she seems to live there.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Now lets get to something more tangible, and fixable, Ensign, the
| |
| Torpedoes.
| |
| | |
| :: Her cheeks flushed a deeper blue-purple as she realised the Lieutenant
| |
| was more interested in getting down to business than socialising. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Oh... sorry sir. ::Twisting side-to-side on her toes:: Did you get my
| |
| report?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, and it is an excellent report, I did have an idea, we got an
| |
| upgrade at Starbase 23, if you can check the specs, perhaps we have missed
| |
| an upgrade, or something wasn?t simmed properly for the Nova class starship.
| |
| If you could check that out I would appreciate it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Beaming with pride:: Yes sir, I'd be delighted. Thanks for the
| |
| pointers. I can work on that from here and try get it fixed before your next
| |
| shift.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, Ensign ,I feel that tactical station will be in good
| |
| hands, of course call me if there are any problems.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Does that include security concerns? What with the Commander and our
| |
| most senior security officers being away at the moment...
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: It is a lot to do, Ensign, but we if you can manage it, it would be
| |
| appreciated.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: The tactical station is yours, I will relieve you after some
| |
| food and shut eye, Ensign, carry
| |
| | |
| on.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Eerie left the bridge and Peiy immediately got to work with those
| |
| suggestions, hoping to find
| |
| | |
| the root cause of the problem before he got back from his rest.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. JG Eerie
| |
| | |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| | |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| Simmed by Ensign Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-08-18 16:35:44
| |
| |-
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| | 176577
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| | 12
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| | 1907
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| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora -time to get up
| |
| | ((Shared Quarters)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Eerie was sleeping fitfully when the his comm badge went off::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =^=Ensign Peiy to Lt Eerie =^=
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire snapped his eyes open, this was pretty unusual, but if the Ensign
| |
| needed something it must be pretty important, take a quick yawn, he sat up
| |
| and swung his feet over the side of the bed:
| |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Yes, Ensign =^=
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Lights
| |
| | |
| ::The lights snapped on, Eerie was in his grey jumper he usually slept in,
| |
| his boots were near the side of the bed, and he sat quickly struggling to
| |
| get them on::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =^=I am sorry to disturb you sir, I don't do it lightly.=^=
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was now up, the cobwebs had vanished and he was starting to
| |
| process::
| |
| | |
| Eerie:=^=Of course, Ensign, what is the concern?=^= ::Eerie's voice was the
| |
| same tone as usual::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:=^= There is a disturbance on deck 7, engineering office. Security
| |
| officers are thin on the ground at the moment.=^=
| |
| | |
| oOI hope it is not those darn Brotherhood types again, I have had it up to
| |
| here with themOo
| |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Ensign, first, internal sensors, who do we have down there, cross
| |
| reference with comm badges, and then who shouldn't be there, alert the
| |
| captain, and ....::He wasn't absolutely sure but he was going to error on
| |
| the side of caution::...transfer engineering controls to the bridge, I want
| |
| a lock down of all their controls, I'm heading down there, keep me
| |
| informed=^=:
| |
| | |
| ::Get his boots on, he adjusted his anti gravity unit and placed it in his
| |
| boot, he went for his drawers, and found what he was looking for under some
| |
| clothes, a brikar tricorder, and phaser, both fit his hands perfectly::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I can go down and take a look if you want sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Ensign, I need you up there, If there are any of the Marines
| |
| around, oO Do I really want to call in the jar heads? :: Alert them, and any
| |
| security to report to me, and prepare containment force fields around the
| |
| entire engineering department=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: There is no need to trouble yourself sir. I am sure it is nothing, but
| |
| such calls are unusual...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, we will error on the side of caution, you have a lot to do,
| |
| keep things under control up there, you will have a lot to do with all those
| |
| items::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: I understand sir.
| |
| | |
| Eerie :=^= Contact me with information as it comes in, you can feed me
| |
| information on my personal tricorder, you will find the access information
| |
| in my file =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Eerie left the quarters, he was still in his jumper, but no one would
| |
| mistake him for what he was now, a Brikar on a mission::
| |
| | |
| -tbc-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-20 06:15:47
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176578
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1908
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - crisis in Engineering
| |
| | (Engineering)
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::With the Bajoran inches from the capsule, the doors opened behind
| |
| her, admitting several Starfleet security officers. Real ones, this
| |
| time.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie bolted in Engineering a tricorder in one hand and the phaser in the
| |
| other, he noticed the downed crew members , Blackwood and a Bajoran reaching
| |
| for something on the floor, he raised the phaser and focused on the
| |
| Bajoran::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie dropped the tricorder and tapped his comm badge::
| |
| | |
| Eerie :: =^= Eerie to medical team, I have a medical emergency in
| |
| Engineering, need a team here stat =^=
| |
| | |
| Anyone:
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie's full attention on the Bajoran, which had just about reached the
| |
| small object::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Stop!
| |
| | |
| ::The Bajorian did not and took the pill, but just as she was about to what
| |
| to swallow the object, a phaser blast, knocked it out of her hand and sent
| |
| the Bajorian back into a bulkhead, unconscious:
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: muttering::I hate phasers.
| |
| | |
| ::He went over to Blackwood, then motioned to the other security officers::
| |
| | |
| Eerie :: Secure that Bajorian in the brig, and do a complete sweep of the
| |
| area, and Blackwood .....are you OK? ::His voice had grow a bit softer::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood :
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tag! (OOC - Anyone can jump in)
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-20 10:33:44
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176584
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1914
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Engineering cleanup-TAGGIES
| |
| | ((Chief Engineers Officer, Deck 7))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: =^= Eerie to medical team, I have a medical emergency in
| |
| Engineering, need a team here stat =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Corsetto: Both of you, freeze!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Just drop it Bajoran!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie's full attention on the Bajoran, which had just about reached the
| |
| small object::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Stop!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Bajorian did not manage to take the pill before being blasted by
| |
| phasers into unconcious oblivion. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:: muttering::I hate phasers.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Corsetto: Nice shot, though.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: You to , LT. Corsetto. ::Turning he head to the Orion woman::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Discarding the "shield" with a bang she lumbered to her feet. Brushing
| |
| dust from her clothes she realised she'd torn her uniform slightly in a
| |
| couple of places in the struggle. Other than a few bangs everything seemed
| |
| to be in order, she looked round for Neth and Landau desperate to check
| |
| their status, saw Eerie approaching. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Bet he has come to rub it in my face or something... Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: Secure that Bajorian in the brig, and do a complete sweep of the
| |
| area, and Blackwood .....are you OK? ::His voice had grow a bit softer::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Blackwood was pretty surprised, she'd imagined he'd be more concerned
| |
| about the officer who had sustained injuries than his "sparring partner."
| |
| She looked at him suspiciously as if searching for some sign of insincerity
| |
| or a joke.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood : Tougher than I look big guy...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I was concerned, that ?? I am glad you are OK, Ensign, I better check
| |
| on the Neth and Laudau.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Good job Buster!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie wasn?t sure on what to do, he so nodded to Blackwood, and started to
| |
| make sure that Neth and Laudau was receiving the treatment from the medical
| |
| staff and making sure that everything was being taken care of::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Shame about the reaction time.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Corsetto: If there's some kind of explanation about what's going on around
| |
| here, I'd appreciate it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: This fool ::pointing at the Bajoran:: was posing as Gilaars...
| |
| she was trying to recover some technology though what she thought she was
| |
| going to do after is anyones guess...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: any?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Blackwood's approach to Neth was cut off by medical officers. She asked
| |
| to be informed of his status as they took him away, then turned to Landau.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::wiping a brow:: Phew. Intense... How you holding up?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Landau:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: That looks pretty bad...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Landau:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: A medical officer approached the ensign so Blackwood backed off to give
| |
| them some room. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: If you can't make the meeting let me know. I can reshedule easy
| |
| cheesy...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Landau:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= Eerie to Bridge, a Bajorian , it appears a woman was trying to
| |
| pass as Gilaars, tried to take hostages to get some technology they left, we
| |
| have two wounded officers, but I think they will be OK, Captain.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= So what the frak happened down there? I'm not a fan of
| |
| disruptions on my ship I didn't authorise - especially close to the warp
| |
| core. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :=^= Captain, the terrorist, has been subdued, and is on the way to
| |
| the brig, we are running a sweep down here, but I think it is all over,
| |
| hopefully we will get some more details after we get things sorted out =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :=^=Yes, Captain, Lt Corsetto, was a big help, I will leave it to them
| |
| to straighten up, with you permission, I?m got back to sleep and not dream
| |
| about the Brotherhood for a few hours.=^= ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you Captain, I will relive Peiy in a few hours, give my
| |
| regards to her.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-20 20:57:35
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176602
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1932
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC) Specialist DeBarres -USS Aurora - passing the time
| |
| | ((Crew Quarters))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres checked the time on the computer, and then the position of the
| |
| Aurora as it entered the area of Farius Prime. When she was on her father?s
| |
| freighter, she was never allowed to be off of the ship without an escort on
| |
| Farius Prime, or either of their moons::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I wish it was time, waiting for Peiy and York to get off duty, is going
| |
| to kill meOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::As she looked at the monitor again by her bed, the position of the ship
| |
| had changed very slightly. She had already pulled out the clothing that she
| |
| wanted them to try on, and was neatly stuffed in two large bags, ready for
| |
| the fashion party that was to take place. Her new pair of jeans were laying
| |
| neatly folded on the end of her bed::
| |
| | |
| oO I will wear my bright yellow top, it will highlight my hair,?. no jewelry
| |
| it will just get in the way of changing outfits Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::With her father and brother they had tramped all over Federation space and
| |
| sometimes beyond, now that her father was retired and her brother running
| |
| the business, she was unsure on what do next, joining star fleet seems like
| |
| something to do until she knew her place in the grand scheme of things. She
| |
| had tried and failed to gain admission to the academy twice, her test
| |
| grades were fine, but there was something the admitting officer , said that
| |
| was missing, but she would have to find out for herself. Then he suggested
| |
| that some time as crew member might help, DeBarres was not so sure, she knew
| |
| she could the job, but that sometime had alluded her ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She looked at the report about what had gone on in Engineering office, and
| |
| she shuttered about the time that Orions had boarded the ship::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOTime to think about some fun, the fashion party???It is going to be
| |
| blast?, I can?t wait for the page from Peiy to let me know that she is
| |
| ready, ?..should I get that other top?, perhaps Penny would like to give it
| |
| a tryOo
| |
| | |
| ::She felt a small yawn, and decided that nap would help and make the time
| |
| go faster::
| |
| | |
| Debarres :Computer off, set lights to zero and wait me in 60 minutes
| |
| | |
| ::She stretched out on the bed, and dozed off to sleep::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -eof-
| |
| | |
| | |
| PNPC Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres Tactical Specialist USS
| |
| Aurora Simmed
| |
| by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-08-24 15:00:23
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176607
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1937
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Tactical concerns - Tag Peiy
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical display, not much if anything had changed, but
| |
| he continued to review the data for the coming operations, most of it
| |
| involved the science department and that was fine with that, and he was
| |
| hoping that it would work::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Got to prepare if something goes wrong, and prepare for the worstOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie spent some time reviewing the ships that would come and go from the
| |
| system, and Eerie was quite sure that they could handle any one or two of
| |
| them that was their size or even a bit bigger, but the problem was the they
| |
| were still a small ship, and could be overwhelmed if they were set upon by a
| |
| lot of ships, DS9 was close by but if they got into trouble it could be over
| |
| before any help arrives, but that was usually the case::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Computer, identify & display known warp capable ships types known
| |
| to visit Farius Prime at least 4 times during a standard star year, also any
| |
| ships organic to the region, cross reference with Star Fleet records.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Computer: Working??
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::On his screen was a listing of ships types that met his specifications,
| |
| Eerie looked at the array of ships and their specifications, almost all of
| |
| them he had recognized from his own research, but there were a few
| |
| additions, but nothing out of the ordinary::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO If we have to storm in there to save the away team, we can probably get
| |
| in there, but getting out will be the problem?.we will have to do a
| |
| transport on the fly and get out of ?.there or what was that the instructor
| |
| said once?..dodge?. that is the term, terrains had so many slang terms, Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie scrolled the data, there was a lot to go over the data, but he would
| |
| take a look at it::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Ensign Peiy =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^= Can you tie into my display for a minute?=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= I am working on a plan to get us out of the system, and we need to
| |
| be familiar with as many of this ships here as possible, and if we have to
| |
| enter the system for a rescue, it will probably be hot, Ensign.=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie=^= If you could review the data, and give my your opinions we can
| |
| work on plan =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Of course, and you better get DeBarres to check all the deflectors
| |
| readings, I think we will need them working at peak capacity, Thank you
| |
| Ensign=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Bridge, out=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Tag
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-25 13:57:34
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176610
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1940
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC) DeBarres USS Aurora - answering the call
| |
| | ((Lounge))
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres was sitting in the lounge enjoying a particularly long break, she
| |
| was not particularly happy either, the fashion show had been moved due to a
| |
| rescheduling of personnel, she would have liked to blame the rock pile, but
| |
| she didn't have any evidence, with a good percent of the crew on the
| |
| freighter work shifts had been extended and changed all over the place:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Peiy to DeBarres, are you on duty still?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres sighed before answering, she knew it was Ensign Peiy, but it was
| |
| an unexpected call, probably something Eerie had cooked up::
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres:=^= Yes, ...Ensign.=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Trying to phrase it in an encouraging but not dishonest way. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= I know there are others I could ask, but I would prefer your help
| |
| on this, you get great results and this is really important. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres:=^= What is it ?=^= ::Sounding pretty bored ::
| |
| | |
| -eof-
| |
| | |
| | |
| PNPC Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres Tactical Specialist USS
| |
| Aurora Simmed
| |
| by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-08-26 09:20:10
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176613
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1943
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - cap's questions
| |
| | ::Eerie was reviewing the data, and having a conversation with Ensign Peiy
| |
| as the Captain returned to the bridge, she walked by tactical, and nodded at
| |
| Eerie, he gave a quick nod as he continued the conversation, she went to her
| |
| command chair but came back after he finished the conversation:
| |
| | |
| Vetri: So. A insertion and extraction plans, huh? What have you got in mind.
| |
| Just the basics, for now.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: We are going over all ship types and preparing for a hot ride either
| |
| in or out of the system if needed, we might be able to use one or both of
| |
| the moons for cover, but it is going to be hot ride, if we need to entire
| |
| the system to save the away team, Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Good work. Any more news?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: We have news that they are on-planet, but that is about the extent of
| |
| the news, but ..I don't believe in no news is good news, Captain.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-26 14:22:49
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176618
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1948
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Lt jg Eerie & (PNPC) Specialist DeBarres USS Aurora deflectors, etc
| |
| | ((Lounge)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= I would like you to take a thorough look at the deflector
| |
| systems. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Sir, Is there a problem : She had just taken care of one "issue"
| |
| and was taking a break.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Just check there are no issues and make sure they are working at
| |
| peak efficiency. There is a possibility that they'll be needed, so we need
| |
| to know we can rely on them if pushed. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres:::Sighing:: Yes. (dryly)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Let me know the results when you are finished up down there. I
| |
| will be at the security centre on Deck 3 reviewing some data for Lieutenant
| |
| Eerie. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: OK.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Ensign Peiy to Lieutenent Eerie. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Eerie, here, go ahead Ensign=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= I have been looking at the data you sent me. I've sent you the
| |
| suggested configurations to optimize the shields against the known weaponry
| |
| we'll be facing. You can see the sim results as well, it's not great... but
| |
| right now it's the best I can come up with. Do you have any other
| |
| suggestions? =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie pulled up the data and took a minute to take a quick look at the
| |
| data, it was huge with all the different ship types and modifications ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Perhaps, we can have the computer input-ed for deflector control,
| |
| it is too much data for any one person to try to memorize and made
| |
| modifications in the heat of battle.=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy inputed the instructions into the console and ran the sim, the
| |
| readouts were much more favorable to them. She saved the configuration for
| |
| easy access and sent back the new version for Eerie. She made a mental note
| |
| to check on DeBarres shortly if she hadn't heard from her as time was of
| |
| the essence - today was not a day for her to stall and put back the work.
| |
| Then again, as far as Peiy was concerned there was never any time for
| |
| stalling anyway... ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Very good sir, that helps a lot but I still don't feel entirely
| |
| comfortable with the situation... =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= I am not happy with computer control, but this is probably best,
| |
| but we will be prepared to hand it manually if needed, Peiy=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Well I can't think of any way to get better results, I think it
| |
| is the best we can do unless we can improve the hardware capabilities...
| |
| =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Agreed, but we don't have a space dock to do it=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Sounds like a plan sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= Any other thoughts, Ensign I would be happy to hear them=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: A thought occurred to her just as she was about to wrap up the
| |
| conversation and carry out her new orders. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: =/\= Have you checked with the helmsman? Certain factions in the area
| |
| use specific tactics. I am thinking it would good to make sure our helmsman
| |
| is prepared so he would have a better idea of what he is likely to be
| |
| facing. Might help him dodge any incoming fire as he heads to or from our
| |
| target location... =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:=^= I have thought about it, but haven't talked with helm, but yes, we
| |
| should, I see you are scheduled to go off duty, take a good rest Ensign=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| (PNPC) Specialist DeBarres
| |
| Tactical Specialist
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
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| &
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| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-28 06:28:55
| |
| |-
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| | 176619
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1949
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC's) York, Peiy and DeBarres - USS Aurora - Wild Woman on Clothing party part one
| |
| | ((Corridor near Ensign York?s & Peiy?s quarters))
| |
| | |
| ::Charlotte raced down the corridor, she was trying to move fast but the two
| |
| bags stuffed full of clothes were impeding her progress. Not to mention the
| |
| tight jeans which she had fit into, she was also wearing a yellow blouse ::
| |
| | |
| ::She found the Peiy quarters and buzzed the door::
| |
| | |
| :: The door opened, and Peiy was standing in front of her::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: So Sorry I am late, but I just had to get a few more things ... I
| |
| think you are going to look absolutely great! Ensign, ,.:: Turning to
| |
| York::.Ensign, York what a cute outfit, while you are not my size I think
| |
| with me help we can do great things, and that beautiful hair,....
| |
| Thankfully, what doesn?t fit we can use the replicate, but if you ever want
| |
| a tailor made outfit, I know this great tailor, he is the best!, and I know
| |
| absolutely everyone, and can get almost anything outside of a few weapons
| |
| systems. :: It was like a machine gun as the words flew out of her mouth::
| |
| | |
| :: Still trying to process the flurry of words and what DeBarres meant by
| |
| weapons systems clothing, Penny simply smiled and nodded. DeBarres was more
| |
| Peiy?s friend than Penny?s, not that she didn?t like DeBarres, it?s just
| |
| that she didn?t know her very well. Penny had supposed that since she and
| |
| Peiy were roommates she?d kinda got invited to the party by circumstance,
| |
| not choice, which made her a little uncomfortable. But it was nothing that
| |
| booze couldn?t fix.::
| |
| | |
| Peiy : ::giggling hard:: Good to see you in such high spirits. Come on in,
| |
| make yourself comfortable, we don?t stand on ceremony in these quarters.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Excellent, and absolutely no talk about work, except about the
| |
| men.
| |
| | |
| York: And only the cute ones.
| |
| | |
| oO (York)Nobody laughed? dumb joke.Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Was it even a joke at all? Penny had thought it was, and right about now
| |
| she was missing Evanna?s jokes about how everybody was ?cute? to Penny.::
| |
| | |
| :: Shifting uncomfortably in her seat, Penny gave a shy little grin at her
| |
| smurf blue roommate, and tried to ignore how lame her previous comment was.
| |
| Maybe they hadn?t notice. Maybe she was making a big deal out of nothing. So
| |
| she hoped.::
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres making a bee line to the replicator, and punching in a few
| |
| buttons and three glasses appeared, DeBarres grabbed them as she dropped the
| |
| bags of clothing and went over to the table, only to realize that she forgot
| |
| something and raced back to one of the over stuffed bags and started to dig
| |
| through it, clothes came flying out of the bag then she a bottle taking it
| |
| to the table she quickly poured the three short glasses with a blue liquid::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: We are not starFleet tonight, right? ::Looking around at York and
| |
| Peiy, at bit
| |
| Peiy: ::smiling broadly:: Tonight we are just 3 friends having a few drinks
| |
| and laughs.nervously::
| |
| | |
| York: I?ll drink to that, and probably a whole lot more after two glasses of
| |
| ::squinting at the blue liquid in the bottle::? whatever that is? it?s
| |
| pretty.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: GREAT! ::a tiny giggle started, and a broad smile reappeared::
| |
| Bottoms up to get the show on the road!
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres handed a glass full of the blue liquid to both Peiy and York, and
| |
| then took the remaining glass and hoisted up in the air::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :: To friends and fashion! ::Looking at Peiy and York, and she took
| |
| a quick drink of the blue liquid :: The best is the alpha quadrant!
| |
| | |
| ::Peiy raised her own glass in agreement before taking a sip, and
| |
| Penny cautiously
| |
| sniffed her drink, before downing two long gulps.::::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : I know a trader who gets the BEST Romulan ale, hehe:
| |
| | |
| Peiy: HAH! I bet. What is it with everyone and Romulan Ale anyway?
| |
| ::giggling:: You have to try some Bolian S?rat-an, honestly it?s miles
| |
| better.
| |
| York: I?ll try anything once.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I will would love to try it, Ok you get the drinks next
| |
| time::Nodding to Penny::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres::Taking another sip of the blue liquid: OK, Peiy you are first, go
| |
| and I have a lot for you to try on, I had this make for you and tell me what
| |
| you think ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Oh wow... how did you even carry all of that anyway?
| |
| :: Penny raised her eyebrows in agreement. The mountain of clothes that
| |
| DeBarres had brought with her was? impressive. Just how much did Tactical
| |
| officers get paid, wondered Penny behind her glass.::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : When there is a will there is a way, honey, and I had a will!
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres grabbed Peiy by the hand and took her over to one of the bags of
| |
| clothes, and started to pull out items for the Ensign. Penny watched quietly
| |
| and drank, not wanting to interfere with the two tactical officers who
| |
| seemed to be better friends than she was with either of them.::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Hmm so much choice... I hardly know where to begin.
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres :: With your complexion, I think these colors would be
| |
| great,::Showing Peiy a few different outfits:: but of course you have to
| |
| like it, but feel free, we can always go the the replicator and the
| |
| computer.
| |
| | |
| :: Blinking down at her half empty glass, Penny looked disgusted with it.::
| |
| | |
| York: Blah! This stuff is great! ::sip:: It?s a really great color too.
| |
| Blue?s my favorite -- oO don?t say color your roommate will think you?re
| |
| flirting with her.Oo --word.
| |
| | |
| oO (York) And now they?re looking at you like you?re an idiot. Drink and
| |
| shut up. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Tipping back her glass, Penny did just that, sipping herself silly and
| |
| hoping that the other two women would just ignore her. Peiy had to restrain
| |
| herself from diving right into the magnificent pile of clothes. She loved it
| |
| all and wanted to try them all on... simultaneously! Picking two especially
| |
| nice dresses she hummed and fretted over which to choose first. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Holding up two dresses, looking at Penny with a wide smile::
| |
| Thoughts?
| |
| | |
| York: Uuuhh?
| |
| | |
| oO (York) Stop making that noise and say something intelligent! Oo
| |
| | |
| York: The one with the scooped back, that?s an eye catcher. But the other
| |
| one would accentuate your ?front? more. Oh, heck, it?s free try?em both on.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Wearing a big grin, chuckling:: Yeah good point!
| |
| | |
| oO(Peiy) Penny is great, I love her style. She is so unique and funky, I
| |
| scored big when I got this bunk. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy went to change and came bounding back in with a hop and a twirl. She
| |
| nearly tripped over the sea of clothes bursting out all over the room, but
| |
| recovered and hoped no one spotted the mistake. They?d think she was drunk
| |
| already and she?d barely got started! ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Tada! ::excitedly and rapidly:: What do you think? What do you think?
| |
| | |
| York: Yeppers. That?s the one. A tactical knock out. ::laughing she sipped
| |
| her drink:: Definitely.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Great choice, I think it is great!
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy considered their remarks as she browsed some of the other excellent
| |
| choices. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::cheerily:: Okay Penny, it?s YOUR turn. Pick something real fabby!
| |
| | |
| York: Me? Nah. I?m having fun watching you guys.
| |
| | |
| oO (York) And now you sound like a creepy voyeur. Oo
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Yea, Penny, with that great blond hair, and cute figure, it looks
| |
| like I have some tough competition from both of you! : She took another sip
| |
| of the ale and started an playing with her hair, beaming at Penny, the she
| |
| went over to Penny and grabbed her by the hand and guided her over to the
| |
| pile of clothing. Penny was a bit wobbly on her feet, but came along
| |
| willingly:
| |
| | |
| :: This was the first time Penny had ever had Romulan Ale and it was doing a
| |
| wonderful job of getting her drunk at warp speed. She got up and stumbled
| |
| around a pile of clothes, careful not to spill a drop of that precious blue
| |
| liquid in her glass, for it belonged in her tummy.::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : You will look great in almost anything!: Smiling, she started to
| |
| dig through the seemingless endless pile of clothes, and started to pull out
| |
| items and handing them to Penny::
| |
| | |
| York: Oh, getting rained on with fabric-like hail.
| |
| | |
| :: She giggled and picked over a few of the garments that flew in her
| |
| direction.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Just take them all Penny, they will all look good. It doesn?t matter
| |
| if they don?t fir right, you could make a plastic bag look great.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Debarres :: Penny if there is anything that you like, I have the replicator
| |
| codes, and we can take your scans and get anything you like in any color, I
| |
| wish I could design something better that this drab uniforms.....:: She
| |
| quickly put her hands over her mouth and looked shocked::
| |
| | |
| ::Debarres paused for a couple of seconds, the started to laugh::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I broke my own rule!::laughing:: No talk about work!:: She almost
| |
| doubled over in laughter, before regaining herself, but still giggling::
| |
| | |
| York: Well, hello. What have we got here? You want me to wear you, don?t
| |
| you? Yes, you do. Be right back!
| |
| | |
| :: Jumping up with her prize, a little red dress, Penny dashed into her
| |
| room, but not before slamming a shoulder into the door jam, spinning around,
| |
| and bouncing off the other side of the threshold. It took a little longer
| |
| than usual for her to put the dress on, mostly because it wasn?t her size
| |
| and looked more like a nightgown than a dress.::
| |
| | |
| York: Here I am! I conquered it with science.
| |
| | |
| :: Exiting, Penny did a little twirl and fell into a chair, still wearing
| |
| her jeans and white socks underneath the dress.::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: :: giggling:: Well... the STYLE fits perfectly anyway.
| |
| | |
| York: Either I?m a little too small for the dress, or the dress is trying to
| |
| get away from me. But the more you guys drink the better it will fit me, so
| |
| snap to it!
| |
| | |
| :: She held out her empty glass for a refill as the bottle made it around.::
| |
| | |
| Debarres:: Here you go, but not too much, my cute bar slug.
| |
| | |
| York: More. Pour more. Tippy-top. Okay that?s good.
| |
| | |
| :: She took a sip and gave a good long ?MMmmm??::
| |
| | |
| York: What?s in this stuff? It?s like liquefied yum. Oooh! Fun question. If
| |
| you were stranded on a dessert? No, that?s not right. On a desert island
| |
| who?s the cutest guy on the ship? Wait. That?s not right either. Oh, you
| |
| know what I mean.
| |
| | |
| JP
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| | |
| PNPC Ensign Penelope "Penny" York
| |
| Science Geek
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| (simmed by T'Lea)
| |
| | |
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| &
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| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| | |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
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| Simmed by Ensign Blackwood
| |
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| &
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| | |
| | |
| PNPC Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres
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| | |
| Tactical Specialist
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| Simmed by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-08-28 06:42:25
| |
| |-
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| | 176620
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| | 12
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| | 1950
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| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC's) York, Peiy and DeBarres - USS Aurora - Wild Woman on Clothing party part two
| |
| | ((Shared Quarters Ensign York and Peiy))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Debarres motioned for everyone to come over the bed were she went to sat
| |
| down, kicked off her shoes, crossed her legs, and with her free hand pulled
| |
| the blouse out of the jeans, to hang loosely. The Romulan ale was taking its
| |
| effects on her, but she was not drunk yet, years of practice on the
| |
| freighter with the small crew during those loong transits, had trained her
| |
| well::
| |
| | |
| Debarres: Well, for pure eye candy it has to Commander Barnes I love the
| |
| scruffy look! and he is so rugged looking....... But then there is Ensign
| |
| Rathbone, he is the one that ::blushing:: well......, he is one one I would
| |
| take home to oO Keep it clean Oo?...........dad.::Heavy sighs, looking her
| |
| drink, and taking the rest of quick gulp, but it was almost too much ale at
| |
| one time, as she felt it hit her, but the cobwebs passed quickly::
| |
| | |
| York: Aww? that?s nice. ::dipping her finger in her drink she gave it a
| |
| swirl:: Barnesy?s like one of those cowboys in the old cigarette
| |
| commercials. Marble Man? I think that?s the one. He?s too old for me though.
| |
| Have you seen Cmdr. Locke? He?s back. He?s dreamy. He?s out of my league
| |
| though. ::to Peiy:: What about you, blue? ::giggling to herself:: That
| |
| rhymed.
| |
| | |
| Debarres: If you want someone, you go for him, and ? you go for him girl!
| |
| ::Raising a empty glass::
| |
| | |
| oO Marble man? I hope she isn?t talking about old stone face himself Oo
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Gah! ::Pulling a silly scrunchie face and diverting the question.::
| |
| Umm anyone else registering on your ?cute scale? Penny?
| |
| | |
| York: ::shyly:: Nope. Nobody else registers on my cute scale. You?re turn.
| |
| | |
| :: Penny was never good at lying when she was sober, less so when drunk.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Mhmm? Who are you trying to fool. Come on dish it...
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Come on girlie, there is got to be someone else?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| York: I don?t wanna say! You work with him.
| |
| | |
| :: She covered her mouth with her free hand and her eyes when wide.::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Oh! ::excitedly:: Got a couple of tac fans here do we? Come ooooon.
| |
| ::puppy eyes::
| |
| | |
| York: No. I?m not telling. You?ll say something and then I?ll be all
| |
| ::sticks out tongue indicating death:: And he?d be all? eeew, she?s geeky.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::tutting:: Is it..... Lesley... or.... I?ka. Hah, I know! It?s Eerie
| |
| isn?t it. ::singing::Penny loves Eerie...
| |
| | |
| York: Hey, I never said I was in love with Eerie- No! Forget I said that
| |
| name!
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres was shocked, and her mouth flew open then she dropped the glass
| |
| on the floor, luckily it was empty, she leaded over and in a not too
| |
| gracefully maneuver, she grabbed the glass from the floor. Peiy was shocked
| |
| too but tried not to show it, quickly shutting her wide open mouth. She had
| |
| intended it as a joke and never imagined she?d hit the mark with that
| |
| throwaway comment. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Penny slumped down on a pillow and hung her head in shame.::
| |
| | |
| York: I?m too drunk for this. ::giggling:: He?s like a big pet rock, okay?
| |
| A little craggy in places, but cute. That?s all. Not love! Just cute.
| |
| Besides, he?s not interested in me. Or anyone that could possibly be
| |
| squished, for that matter.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :Well, that eliminates the entire crew......::giggling and falling
| |
| back on the bed in delight::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy sipped her drink and chuckled quietly to herself. Charlotte and
| |
| Penny were so much fun, she couldn?t remember having had such a fun time
| |
| since starting on the Aurora. ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : I haven?t had this much fun in a long time::putting her hands
| |
| over her eyes and almost hitting herself with the glass, giggling, and
| |
| getting up from the bed back to the sitting position:: OK, Penny your
| |
| secrets are safe with me, we still have to hear from your roomie,
| |
| Peiy....you are now front and center.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Oh nooooo. No no no no no! ::Chuckling::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Come on, Peiy!
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Honestly most of the crew aren?t.... to my taste... oODarn that sounds
| |
| really bad...Oo
| |
| | |
| York: Really? You go around licking random crewmen? ::bursting out
| |
| laughing:: Just kidding? sorry, ::waving a hand and shaking her head:: I
| |
| couldn?t resist. I be a wee bit drunk and doopid. Seriously? nobody?
| |
| Nobody charges your phasers?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Well don?t get me wrong or anything... most are just a bit pale
| |
| skinned oO and ill looking. Oo
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: There has to be some one, come on we?zzz got to know!
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Well I suppose there is one that caught my eye, but it?s silly. You?ll
| |
| think i?m crazy!
| |
| | |
| oO (DeBarres)As long as it is not that rock pile, or KlingonOo
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Turning deep blue-purple in embarrassment, whispering:: Ensign . . .
| |
| . Landau . . .
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Come on Peiy, it?s ok.
| |
| | |
| York: Oooh, ::hiccups:: the Mirror Dorn.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Well he has nice skin, with a lovely subtle purple tint and his
| |
| features are much more masculine and appealing than most other humanoids.
| |
| | |
| York : He?s the nengineer right? Bet he could build you a yacht and
| |
| ::dreamy:: you could go sailing the stars? ::flashing a curious look:: He?s
| |
| got mysteries. I can see it in his peepers. Shouldn?t there be more of him
| |
| though?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Yes, I wondered about that too, it?s quite unsual. I know I am nosey
| |
| and all but even I have limits to my prying... oO Besides I have been to
| |
| busy, and maybe a bit shy, to approach him to chat. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The conversation paused for a moment, DeBarres got up and got another
| |
| drink, but the bottle was running dry, so she topped of Penny and York?s
| |
| glass, and motioned them come out in the center of the room ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :Ladies, I would like to make a final toast to the night:: Looking
| |
| at Penny and Peiy:: To us, the wild women of the Aurora!
| |
| | |
| ::They clinked glasses and took a drink, it was the perfect end of the
| |
| evening::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JP
| |
| | |
| PNPC Ensign Penelope "Penny" York
| |
| Science Geek
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| (simmed by T'Lea)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| &
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| | |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
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| | |
| | |
| | |
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| | |
| Simmed by Ensign Blackwood
| |
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| &
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| | |
| | |
| PNPC Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres
| |
| | |
| Tactical Specialist
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| Simmed by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-08-28 06:43:52
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| |-
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| | 176624
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| | 12
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| | 1954
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| | 1080
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Impersonation
| |
| | ( Maltabra city )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: After the lesson given to the seller and the group separating Tali in her best impersonation of a Bajoran draw his sttention on someone.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: There is an Orion girl on the boardwalk who seems out of
| |
| place. I have no idea how to approach her though.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He looked and saw the young woman :: She could be an slave, judging by her attire and posing. Maybe there's someone with her we can try to talk with.
| |
| | |
| Tali: Is there some way we can show them that we have the delivery
| |
| they were waiting for, without looking too obvious?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We could try,... wait, where's she?
| |
| | |
| :: The woman had moved to the crowd and mixed with them. Before he could notice it she tapped him on the shoulder. His instinct told him to turn back and get in guard, however he steeled himself and turned her head slowly and then his body facing the Orion woman.::
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Pardon me. You're a targ-faced drenhole.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He blinked twice :: What you've just said?
| |
| | |
| Jalen: I said. ::emphasizing every word:: You are a targ-faced drenhole.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Steady, keep moving and don't draw too much attention.
| |
| | |
| :: Turning back, she glanced them over again, and her eyebrows raised in suspicion at their delay.::
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Hey! ::snapping her fingers to get their attention:: What ship did you arrive on?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: The Jal-Falor, a freighter ship.
| |
| | |
| Jalen: So where the frak is Leishani? She was supposed to escort you guys over.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: ::He looked over his shoulder and saw some looks from his mates.:: She... left us, running when a scum Federation vessel tried to ... INSPECT her cargo manifest. At first she fighted but when she's loosing took a little shuttle and flee.
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Figures. ::sighing:: So do you know the password or not? Cos if you stand here any longer looking lost and limp, you're going to attract even more attention than you already have.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: That's the last thing we need and now, she's pretty secretive to avoid any trick from us. I supose she'd never imagined that she'll need to run when the fleeters hand was felt in her throat.
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure he'll be pleased that you're smart enough to do that. Guide us.
| |
| | |
| :: The woman looked at him as if weighing what kind of man he was as he put on his best stone face and she started walking between the crowd as a fish between the waves. Soon they're driven to a kind of tent where they saw a Male wearing an earring on his left ear that as soon as he could, grabbed the woman by her collar and rudely asked her. ::
| |
| | |
| Kolar: Where the hell have you gone?
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Response
| |
| | |
| Kolar: They? You've definately loosed your sense. I was looking for a woman,... and Orion. Have you greeted them... properly?
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Response
| |
| | |
| Kolar: And the response? Was right?
| |
| | |
| Jalen: Response
| |
| | |
| Kolar: :: sighing :: Damn piece of meat, you'll waste my time? I'm looking for a specific delivery!
| |
| | |
| Sednikc: :: Marcus decided it's a good time to intervene and stepped forward :: If you're looking for Leishani, you'll be deceived, she'll not come, at least in the near future. I'm Sednick and that's all you'll get of me in case you're wondering.
| |
| | |
| Kolar: You better give me a good reason for that!
| |
| | |
| Sednick: Fear... She frightened when she had to face a real threat and leave us braking her contract with us. You're looking for her cargo right? :: He just scowls :: Then you' could be lucky today, however I expect something in return.
| |
| | |
| Kolar: :: He let out a grin :: You like to play right? We'll talk inside. JALEN! take care of them.
| |
| | |
| Sednick: You know what we're here for right? I don't like to loose time.
| |
| | |
| Kolar: Yes, but I rather talk about it not in the middle of the alley.
| |
| | |
| Senick: Wise of you. I'll see you in a moment, oh if I don't, destroy the cargo. :: said to the rest of the group. Jalen moved to the group and he moved in with Kolar, hoping to spend as little time as he could with the man.::
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| as
| |
| | |
| Sednick
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-08-29 00:01:37
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Bridge ops.
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie notied Ensign York leaving the bridge, she was acting a bit strange,
| |
| but he didn't think too much of it, the female members of the crew were
| |
| pretty much a complete mystrey to him and trying to solve that seemed to be
| |
| something of a contradication in terms. Anyways his conversation with Peiy
| |
| had just ended and another one started on the bridge::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: What is it Captain, care to share?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Nothing, just an odd thought.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: You "are" odd.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ::smiling:: I'm the Captain, I can be odd if I want, sometimes.
| |
| ::tapping her commbadge:: =/\= Engineering, we good to go with that probe?
| |
| =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Landau: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Excellent. =/\= Evanna, everything set up for the data feed?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::frowning:: Yes Captain.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding, then to Eerie:: Lock in flight path and target area, Mr.
| |
| Eerie.
| |
| | |
| oO (Eerie) Mister, hmm,... nice term, not that I will be calling her Madam
| |
| any time soon, but I like it Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie locked the flight path and the target location, and made a quick
| |
| double check, just to make sure::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Probe is ready, Captain. :The tone of voice was the standard Brikar
| |
| that everyone on the bridge had learned long ago, that did not change in
| |
| tone or volume, except for extreme situations:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Then by all means, send our little bloodhound on it's way. Helm, once
| |
| the probe is clear, find us somewhere to hide out and listen.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie hit the launch button, and the probe was sent on its way, the data
| |
| started to come back immediatly and he was happy that he had a nice feed
| |
| from the probe.::
| |
| | |
| oO At least Blackwood was a good bridge officer, and usually did not have to
| |
| go to the sickbay while on bridge duty, any place else she needed her own
| |
| medical teamOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Engineering, I want you to power down anything we don't need
| |
| right now, but keep the core on hot standby. We may need to be at full power
| |
| with minimal warning, but until then... make us as quiet as you can. =/\=
| |
| | |
| oO(Eeire) Excellant, Captain, I think I will talk to her at some point about
| |
| DeBarres, however Oo
| |
| | |
| Landau: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie noticed that Blackwood had done a good job filtering out the junk
| |
| data, and he was getting a good feed::
| |
| | |
| oO More data on some of the ships in the area, would not be a bad thing if
| |
| we pick up anythingOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Captain, the probe is now in position. The first data has started
| |
| streaming in - anything relevent is now being routed to the appropriate
| |
| console. I am just filtering out the "trash".
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, I am recieving good data from the probe. ::He looked over to
| |
| Blackwood and nodded to her, she simple stared at him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-29 12:25:53
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| | Commander Vetri & LT jg Eerie USS Aurora - Personnel Issue
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| Vetri: No idea, but it can't hurt to play it safe. Eerie, I probably don't
| |
| need to tell you this, but keep a good eye on our surroundings. Anything
| |
| looks like it's sniffing our way, let me know.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sire
| |
| | |
| :: Standing up from her chair, she gave another long look at the viewscreen,
| |
| then turned toward the door to her ready room.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Whilst we're waiting, I have the joys of paperwork to see to.
| |
| Anything crops up, you know where to find me.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Captain moved from the command chair and into the ready room::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought is was now or never, so he nodded to Ensign Jones, for him
| |
| to watch the station for a few minutes, he grabbed his PADD::
| |
| | |
| ((Captain? Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie went up to the ready room and buzzed to door, and entered, the
| |
| captain was sitting behind her desk checking something on her screen. He was
| |
| holding PADD, which was unusual for him, and didn?t go unnoticed.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Got something for me, Lt.?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Captain, in lieu of Cmdr. Barnes, I have taken some of the
| |
| responsibility of the Tactical/Security Department, and things are going
| |
| fine, ?..but we are having a personnel issue.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was perhaps a bit nervous, Brikar did not like to bring up personnel
| |
| issues, but that was not usually the problem with Brikar warriors, you did
| |
| or you were not a warrior, just a failure, and outcast in the society::
| |
| | |
| :: The little bit of a vibe he was giving off was just enough for Della?s
| |
| empathic senses to pick up on, and the fact that she *could* told her this
| |
| was by no means going to be a minor thing.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri : ::manging not to sigh:: Who?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Specialist DeBarres......Sire
| |
| | |
| :: It took a moment for her to put a face to the name and recall some
| |
| details, but given the small size of the Aurora?s crew, it wasn?t as hard a
| |
| task as it could have been.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Is there a problem with her work?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: It isn?t that she can do the work, it is the motivation factor, sire
| |
| | |
| ::He moved forward and handed the PADD to the captain, who accepted it - but
| |
| didn?t look at it right away.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay... So, you think there?s an issue. ::setting the padd on her
| |
| desk:: Lay it out for me.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I have reviewed her record, and she had a great deal of experience,
| |
| but there has been no structure to it. Freighters captains and crews are a
| |
| pretty loose bunch...Sire.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: They can be, sure. They can also be a more *rigid* bunch than you
| |
| could possibly imagine. From what I recall, DeBarres? background falls more
| |
| into the former category. ::settling back in her chair:: They also have a
| |
| tendency to be very good at whatever ship-board role they are assigned.
| |
| Comes with growing up with the knowledge that screwing up can be a *very*
| |
| bad thing, I guess.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, I think she could fix anything on board with hyperspander
| |
| but she takes not no pride in her work, and there is no motivation,
| |
| Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: So, basically, you think it?s an attitude problem. A hold-over from
| |
| the fact that she failed the Academy entrance exams on two occasions,
| |
| perhaps? ::tilting her head a little:: I can see how that might leave an
| |
| impression. Make her perhaps a little less than diligent toward her duties.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: If she had the drive and caring, she could be officer material, but
| |
| at this point, being a chief is not even a possibility..Captain
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Thing is, I don?t think that?s going to be it. From what I remember,
| |
| she wanted back into space, and when she didn?t make the grade for the
| |
| Academy - twice - she signed up as an enlisted crewman. Now, if *all* she
| |
| wanted was space, why not take a job on another freighter? Sure, getting
| |
| into Starfleet as a crewman is a lot easier than as an officer, but it?s
| |
| till no walk in the park. No, I think she wants to be where she is.
| |
| | |
| :: A moment or two passed as he seemed to absorb and consider that, though
| |
| it was a little hard to tell, given how expressive he usually wasn?t.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I seem to have a difficult time relating to her, I seem to come off
| |
| a bit formal, unfortunately, any suggestions would be appreciated Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Formal? At times, yes... but in my experience that?s when you?re on
| |
| duty, or dealing with something connected to it. Why not try a different
| |
| approach? Maybe try and get to know her a bit - perhaps there?s a hint about
| |
| all this somewhere in her family history, just waiting for someone to
| |
| stumble across it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I don?t know anything about her family but there is an older brother,
| |
| and I guess her father is retired, and the brother now has the freighter, I
| |
| don?t know if that has anything to do with it., Sire
| |
| | |
| :: Her response wasn?t any actual words, more an encouraging little hum of
| |
| sound as he though things through. After another few moments, he spoke up
| |
| again.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : If she was half as motivated like Ensign Peiy we wouldn?t have any
| |
| problems, ?.. I was wondering if Ensign Peiy could do some mentoring with
| |
| her, they seem to get along pretty good....Sire, and perhaps we could give
| |
| her a goal of her choosing something to oO What is that term ? Oo ?..to cut
| |
| her teeth on?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Give her someone less likely to be seen as an interfering authority
| |
| figure to relate to? Could work. ::smiling:: Especially since, no offence,
| |
| Peiy is a lot more of a people person than you tend to come across as.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well,....yes, perhaps ?.I?m sure I could learn something on the
| |
| ?people skills? from Ensign Peiy , It is a very difficult skill Sire.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Then go for it. If Peiy is willing to help, I don?t see any reason to
| |
| scrap the idea - and it *is* a good idea. If it looks like it?s going to
| |
| work out, let me know. Also... if it?s not.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sire.
| |
| | |
| :: Picking up the padd he?d handed her earlier, and she?d still not looked
| |
| at, she gave it back.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Then I?ll leave you to it. Unless there?s anything else?
| |
| | |
| :: Apparently there was, as he gave no sign of intending to leave right
| |
| away.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, on a personal note, I would like to congratulate you and
| |
| Commander T?Lea on the birth of your daughter, I know you will make
| |
| excellent parents.
| |
| | |
| :: He nodded to the captain, Eerie liked the Captain, while sometimes a bit
| |
| emotional, he felt she was an excellent commander and would go far in the
| |
| service:
| |
| | |
| :: There was a second of silence, then a soft smile spread over Della?s lips
| |
| - the kind she felt coming on more and more often since T?Sara?s arrival
| |
| into the world.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Thank you, Eerie. It?s taking a bit of adjusting too, but... Thanks.
| |
| We?ll certainly do our best.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Then carry on, Lt. I?ll be back on the bridge shortly.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you sire, I :: With that Eeire retreated back to the bridge
| |
| and the tactical station::
| |
| | |
| oOBabies, hope I don?t have to do any babysitting duties real soonOo
| |
| | |
| -eof-
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| | |
| JP by
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| | |
| Commander Della Vetri
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-30 12:11:52
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| | 176635
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| | 1965
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: On the Beast belly's
| |
| | ( Brotherhood Base )
| |
| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| | |
| :: The group was leaded towards a kind of a hotel where Kolar and Marcus separated a bit from the group. ::
| |
| | |
| Kolar: So, you're telling me that Leishani left her ship with all the cargo just 'cause a starfleet starship ran over she?
| |
| | |
| Sednick(Dickens): Well, at first she tried to put up a fight and tried even to take their ship. A very ambitious goal that almost cost us our transport and being captured.
| |
| | |
| Kolar: She likes to take risks from now and then, but it's strange that she risked such a profitable deal.
| |
| | |
| Sednick: Aside from her lack of sight when dealing with Federation you have to count with their allies. A Brikar ship showed up and she then loosed her nerves. See, I'm tired of talking of her. Ask what you want to and we'll finish this. I have issues to attend.
| |
| | |
| Kolar: Ok, ... As she's not around I supose you have to decide about the cargo... and the ship. I offer you the same deal and if you wish, I could... buy you the ship. What do you say?
| |
| | |
| Sednick: :: thinking a few seconds turning lightly from Kolar :: Ok, the cargo is yours, I'll give you later where to transfer the funds. About the ship, I have to check. After all, the Brotherhood could make good use of that ship.
| |
| | |
| :: A few words later, he went to join the rest of the crew where he caugt a few words just when Jalen slinked up behind Major Talar submissively, as she entered the conversation and glanced her group over.:
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: ::whispering, to Sednick:: That must be Talar. :: He nodded and approached. The Major moved towards them ::
| |
| | |
| Talar: So you're the group from Thilius, you're late.
| |
| | |
| Sednick: I know, some... problems with our Orion transport.
| |
| | |
| Talar: You'll tell me later, now I want your group to take some rest and meet us in three hours on the assembly room. The plan is going on and you'll need to move to your next target quickly.
| |
| | |
| Sednick: All right, any hint on where'll be heading or the kind of mission?
| |
| | |
| Talar: It's still to be fully defined but you'll be a courier for our next move. If you're successful we'll hinder Federation expansion. How's our cargo, I hope that the problems you mentioned didn't affected it.
| |
| | |
| Sednick: ::Having no idea what she's talking about :: Of course you can get it.
| |
| | |
| Talar: I've already sent a group to pick it up. Now leave.
| |
| | |
| :: She turned and Marcus moved back with the rest of his team. As they're a few corridors off he looked around checking that there's no one else around. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Thoughts?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, seems that for the moment we've managed to do it. As we've been granted some hours we need to start our real job. I want you to separate in groups and try to gather as much info as you can.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Talk with people, have some meal and drinks, they'll speak more freely as they're in their base and in a relaxed ambient they could release their tongues. I'll call Rathbone and Gray to come up and join us so they could update us on their findings. Gilaars you and and Barnes go around and check the place. Look for anything that may come handy as security sensors, armory, exits, etc.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars/Barnes: Resposne
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Rawlings and Archibald, you check out on the mess, I know it might not be your strong point but try to be subtle knowing if there are others moving out or if they're staying here.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll meet Gray and Rathbone and we'll check on the systems of this base. We'll meet in two hours and half in the mess hall to exchange what we've found. Doubts?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| :: He moved out of the compound and went to the transport location to contact with the Rust Bucket ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Gray can you hear me? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= There's a group that will come to the ship to take up the cargo. I want you to transport me there and greet them with you. Once this is done, we'll come down and join the rest of the group. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| :: Soon the transporter caught him and in seconds he was in front of Gray ::
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We've contacted the Brotherhood and for the moment it seems we've managed to pass as Bajorans. How're your efforts?
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok, pick up all you've got and once we've cleared the cargo issue, we'll beam down.
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Receiving a signal he guessed it's Talar's men coming to take up the cargo :: Ok, let's receive our new "friends"
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| impersonating
| |
| | |
| Sednick
| |
| Brotherhood member
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | 2011-08-30 18:53:47
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| | 176639
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| | Lt(jg) Gilaars, SO, Aurora: Too Transparent?
| |
| | ( Brotherhood Base )
| |
| :: The group was leaded towards a kind of a hotel where Kolar and Marcus separated a bit from the group. ::
| |
| Kolar: So, you're telling me that Leishani left her ship with all the cargo just 'cause a starfleet starship ran over she?
| |
| Sednick(Dickens): Well, at first she tried to put up a fight and tried even to take their ship. A very ambitious goal that almost cost us our transport and being captured.
| |
| Kolar: She likes to take risks from now and then, but it's strange that she risked such a profitable deal.
| |
| Sednick: Aside from her lack of sight when dealing with Federation you have to count with their allies. A Brikar ship showed up and she then loosed her nerves. See, I'm tired of talking of her. Ask what you want to and we'll finish this. I have issues to attend.
| |
| Kolar: Ok, ... As she's not around I supose you have to decide about the cargo... and the ship. I offer you the same deal and if you wish, I could... buy you the ship. What do you say?
| |
| Sednick: :: thinking a few seconds turning lightly from Kolar :: Ok, the cargo is yours, I'll give you later where to transfer the funds. About the ship, I have to check. After all, the Brotherhood could make good use of that ship.
| |
| :: A few words later, he went to join the rest of the crew where he caugt a few words just when Jalen slinked up behind Major Talar submissively, as she entered the conversation and glanced her group over.:
| |
| Gilaars: ::whispering, to Sednick:: That must be Talar. :: He nodded and approached. The Major moved towards them ::
| |
| Talar: So you're the group from Thilius, you're late.
| |
| Sednick: I know, some... problems with our Orion transport.
| |
| Talar: You'll tell me later, now I want your group to take some rest and meet us in three hours on the assembly room. The plan is going on and you'll need to move to your next target quickly.
| |
| Sednick: All right, any hint on where'll be heading or the kind of mission?
| |
| Talar: It's still to be fully defined but you'll be a courier for our next move. If you're successful we'll hinder Federation expansion. How's our cargo, I hope that the problems you mentioned didn't affected it.
| |
| Sednick: ::Having no idea what she's talking about :: Of course you can get it.
| |
| Talar: I've already sent a group to pick it up. Now leave.
| |
| :: She turned and Marcus moved back with the rest of his team. As they're a few corridors off he looked around checking that there's no one else around. ::
| |
| Dickens: Thoughts?
| |
| Gilaars: I'm not so sure they completely 'bought our little 'ruse' I sensed suspicions from both Kolar and Jalen, primarily.
| |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| Dickens: Yes, seems that for the moment we've managed to do it. As we've been granted some hours we need to start our real job. I want you to separate in groups and try to gather as much info as you can.
| |
| Gilaars: Like how?
| |
| Dickens: Talk with people, have some meal and drinks, they'll speak more freely as they're in their base and in a relaxed ambient they could release their tongues. I'll call Rathbone and Gray to come up and join us so they could update us on their findings. Gilaars you and and Barnes go around and check the place. Look for anything that may come handy as security sensors, armory, exits, etc.
| |
| Barnes: Response
| |
| Gilaars: ::nodding:: Simple enough, I hope.
| |
| Dickens: Rawlings and Archibald, you check out on the mess, I know it might not be your strong point but try to be subtle knowing if there are others moving out or if they're staying here.
| |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| Dickens: I'll meet Gray and Rathbone and we'll check on the systems of this base. We'll meet in two hours and half in the mess hall to exchange what we've found. Doubts?
| |
| Gilaars: o0 I have 'em, big time! 0o
| |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| :: He moved out of the compound and went to the transport location to contact with the Rust Bucket ::
| |
| Dickens: =/\= Gray can you hear me? =/\=
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| Dickens: =/\= There's a group that will come to the ship to take up the cargo. I want you to transport me there and greet them with you. Once this is done, we'll come down and join the rest of the group. =/\=
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| :: Soon the transporter caught him and in seconds he was in front of Gray ::
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| Dickens: We've contacted the Brotherhood and for the moment it seems we've managed to pass as Bajorans. How're your efforts?
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| Dickens: Ok, pick up all you've got and once we've cleared the cargo issue, we'll beam down.
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| Dickens: :: Receiving a signal he guessed it's Talar's men coming to take up the cargo :: Ok, let's receive our new "friends"
| |
| Gray: Response
| |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| Lieutenant(jg) Rebecca GilaarsSecurity OfficerUSS Aurora NCC-72750
| |
| | 2011-08-30 17:44:10
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176640
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1970
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora Bridge activities
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie walked back on the bridge and looked over to Blackwood, she seems
| |
| some what relived that he was back on the bridge::
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) First time for everything, I guessOo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie went back to the tactical station, Ensign Smith went back to his
| |
| other duties::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I am observing from the reports some interesting meteorological
| |
| changes in the region of the away team.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you Ensign, what do you have? ::Eerie turned to Blackwood,
| |
| there was a personal question he would have to talk to her about but that
| |
| could definitely wait for a another time.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: There is multicell cluster storm pushing across the area
| |
| producing bursts of heavy downpours with modreately sized hail stones.
| |
| Flashflood warnings have been issued. The wind will be strong... in fact it
| |
| is not unknown for storms of this type to produce weak tornados...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : On screen please, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Blackwood pulled up her chart onto the viewscreen offering a visual
| |
| representation of the phenomenon. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, weather systems are not my strong point, what do you
| |
| think?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I would not be too concerned. The area may appear ramshackle and
| |
| dilapidated but by all accounts they have seen and dealt with worse storms.
| |
| They seem well set up to weather this sort of thing and by their
| |
| estimation... and what I can read from the data avialable... it isn't likely
| |
| to last long before dying out anyway.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : How long do you think it will affect the local area, that our away
| |
| team is in, Ensign?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood 4-7 hours.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I would think, to them.... it's like a rainy day in New
| |
| Scotland... pretty small news.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Scotland? Sounds like a fun place(very dryly)Oo Concerns for the
| |
| away team, Blackwood?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ...Well as long as they take shelter... buildings, and shelters
| |
| are not scarce in the region...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, if there are any major changes, we will contact the
| |
| captain, but there appears that there is not much we can do about it, if you
| |
| can keep an eye on it, I would appreciate it, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) I hope she enjoyed the Conn for a moment, I will have to make sure
| |
| there is someone senior next time, but the ship did not blow, or we did not
| |
| declare war on anyoneOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical board, there were no changes to the last
| |
| report, the probe was continuing to send good data, but he was also
| |
| concerned about having to charge into a potential very hostile system, he
| |
| wanted to call Peiy, he wanted to go over tactical duties if they were both
| |
| on the bridge, but he figured she could get a bit of down time before he
| |
| called her, he had run her pretty ragged of late::
| |
| | |
| -eof-
| |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-08-31 16:09:14
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176643
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1973
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Lt jg Eerie USS Aurora - Eerie's attempt at idle conversaton
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical data, but he was also concerned with the Bridge
| |
| operations, Blackwood was at her station looking at the probes data, and she
| |
| would shoot a look around the bridge occasionally, Eerie had no wish to try
| |
| out the captain?s chair, she had not formally given him the CONN, and he was
| |
| not assigned as OOD, but he would function as it until she returned or a
| |
| senior officer came on the bridge::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Looking to Blackwood ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Blackwood anything on the weather pattern?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood :: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: What part of Scotland are you from anyways, are you near to Ocean?
| |
| ::Trying his hand at the terrans ?small talk?, it came out pretty formal::
| |
| | |
| oO How does one get good at this, .....stuff Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood :
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Hmm, sounds interesting Ensign.
| |
| | |
| oO Pretty weak, Eerie, even Klingons do better at it than youOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie had did little traveling while spending time on Earth, other and the
| |
| Academy and required trips, he had not left the West Coast except for a trip
| |
| to Mexico were while the climate was wonderful, the native dishes had not
| |
| agreed with him, however he was fond of some of the other ethic foods,
| |
| perhaps he should have traveled more.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie left for a moment to go down to the navigators position, and peek at
| |
| the position of the ship, finding it in order, he went back to the tactical
| |
| position, from his passive data and the probes, the ruse was working they
| |
| had not attracted any attention, but how long could it last ?::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -TAG-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-01 16:36:05
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176647
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1977
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie USS Aurora - Questions
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Blackwood anything on the weather pattern?
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood did not raise her head, but her eyes flicked up to peer at him.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood :
| |
| | |
| Eerie :: What part of Scotland are you from anyways, are you near to Ocean?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I am from NEW Scotland... a planet in the New Scotland System
| |
| located at 03-04-12. It has a 36 hour day, so getting used to the day/night
| |
| cycle adopted by this ship was... is... interesting. It IS connected to
| |
| Scotland, Earth, Sol System... and I can tell you about that at length! It
| |
| is a topic of great interest and importance to my clan. Thats a discussion
| |
| for another day though.... OFF duty.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Hmm, sounds interesting Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie walked around the bridge and, took a look at the helm and back to
| |
| the tactical position::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: As to your original question... Well, who in their right mind
| |
| would want to live by the sea?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Well, something we actually agree upon, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well in is not unheard of for whole coastal towns to be eaten up
| |
| overnight by various tidal disasters. Well it is very rare anyway.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Brikar Prime, has a bit of water, but I lived in a more like the
| |
| ...Grand Canyon on Earth. Ensign.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I prefer to live near the mountains or forest. If there is a
| |
| river in the area I "have" to live uphill from it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Rivers are not a major concern on Brikar, Blackwood.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well rivers flood, they can rise considerably, especially with my
| |
| people's insistance on building on floodplains despite compelling advice and
| |
| evidence against it. I always make sure to be on high enough ground to never
| |
| be affected.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Perhaps some type of regulation against building on these flood
| |
| plains would be in order, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Pfft. Nonsense.
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) No wonder small talk is highly over rated particularly with Black
| |
| wood, back to business Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie glanced at Blackwood, something appeared to chatch her eye ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: What do you have Ensign?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I have movement on the scanners Eerie....
| |
| | |
| Eerie:Helm, stand by....maneuvering thrusters only
| |
| | |
| oO I could call the Captain but first....Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie, took a look at his scanners, he saw something but couldn't make it
| |
| out, it was at extreme range, but its course was following a course that
| |
| take it moving away from the Aurora::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, I have something at extreme range, any ideas?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood:
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie remembered the Captains last orders " if anything crops up" that was
| |
| good sufficient for him::
| |
| | |
| Eerie=^= Captain, we have something on our scanners, and it does not match
| |
| any ship that we are expecting, it is at extreme range=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Yes Captain.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-01 21:38:55
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176650
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1980
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC Ensign Peiy) & LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Tactical Discussion
| |
| | ((OOC- call this a back simm before the sensors picking up something))
| |
| | |
| ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical display, Blackwood was continuing to monitor
| |
| the data coming in from the probe. He was gleaning some information on
| |
| current ships in the area and he was keeping up to date with expected
| |
| arrivals and departures of ships. It appeared that is was a busy place.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= Ensign Peiy=^=
| |
| | |
| Peiy : ::Yawning:: =/\= Yeass Sir? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Eerie: =^= Ensign, I am sorry but if you have a few free minutes please
| |
| report to me on the bridge.
| |
| | |
| Peiy : =/\= Right away Sir. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Eerie: =^=Bridge, out=^=
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy rolled out of bed and meticulously shaved her head and prepared for
| |
| another duty shift. She made a point of always finding time to keep up with
| |
| her grooming routines which are very important to her race. Once finished
| |
| she changed into her red duty uniform and headed up to the bridge. She
| |
| passed one or two people on the way up and greeted them all with a friendly
| |
| nod and smile. She entered the bridge quietly and approached Eerie from the
| |
| rear. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was continuing to review the data, he felt a presence behind him::
| |
| | |
| Peiy : ::Smiling:: Reporting for duty Sir.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you Ensign, I would like to go over this data, and tactical
| |
| one more time before we have to get in the thick of things. :Eerie glanced
| |
| over to Peiy, she was dressed as always in perfect uniform, and ready for
| |
| duty::
| |
| | |
| oO I will have to talk to her about DeBarres, afterwardsOo
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Sounds great sir. Whats the set up?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I have configured the tactical board for possible two person
| |
| operation, basically we might have to beam the away team out while shields
| |
| are up, we could have to create a gap in the shields to beam the away team
| |
| back aboard ship:: Eerie engaged the two person display and he looked at
| |
| Peiy:: What do you think?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I never like the idea of making a gap in the shields... especially in
| |
| a combat scenario...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I agree, but we might have too, for a brief moment, we would probably
| |
| handle the beam out here, just to make sure, Our main goal will probably
| |
| will be getting out of their with our skin intact, so targeting engines and
| |
| enemy weapons systems will be our primary goal, if both of us are on
| |
| tactical board I thought we could split duties which will be quite
| |
| demanding in a fire fight.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Excellent idea sir, how did you want to split the duties?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, what do you feel is your best, of course if we have time will
| |
| be another matter.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie stole a quick glance at the the ensign, and then back at the
| |
| tactical board and business at hand::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy fidgeted slightly as she considered how the tactical duties could be
| |
| split to ease the burden. There were two ideas the immediately occurred to
| |
| her, she weighed them up carefully and they came up even. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: One of us could focus on disabling the ships while the other handled
| |
| the extraction of the away team. Hmm. Once that is done we could have one
| |
| focus on targetting the ships and their systems, allowing the other to focus
| |
| on firing off the weapon systems..
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Excellent, Ensign, I like to go over this now, for practice makes
| |
| right.
| |
| | |
| ::A moment pass and he continued::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : If we run into a lot of little ships perhaps,going through them
| |
| might make them hold fire, or hit someone else?s ship and we just slip out
| |
| of the ?....oO Darn these terms Oo bar room brawl.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: True.... thats going to depend on the skills of our helmsman. We don?t
| |
| want to be having too many ?bumps? ourselves...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I?m sure the captain will chose the right course, Peiy.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : You feel good with this set up, Ensign?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: It is great sir. Exactly what we need I think.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I have a special task if your are so inclined, Ensign, it involves
| |
| Specialist DeBarres.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy could scarcely contain her excitement at being chosen for a special
| |
| task. She must have done something to impress the Lieutenant if he was
| |
| giving her a special task. Peiy beamed with delight. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: What do you need sir?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eeire: I would like you to personally supervise her for the time being, and
| |
| find a project that she can find some ?pride? in completing in a timely
| |
| fashion, but something that has to do with work, what do you think?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Very good sir. I am interested in seeing her development. I will find
| |
| some time to talk to her and do some snooping. I hope I can help her improve
| |
| her work attitude.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, Ensign. I do appreciate this and I have talked to the
| |
| Captain about it.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy downloaded DeBarres personnel file to a data PADD to review later in
| |
| the hopes of finding some clues about this mysterious woman. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: If there anything else Lieutenant?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you Ensign, if you are on duty, please feel to contact me
| |
| anytime, and thank you for coming during your time off.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::checking PADD:: My shift wasn?t far away... I like an early start
| |
| sometimes anyway to get things done. I have things that need wrapping up
| |
| with the weapons systems and I?ll start on this... special assignment too.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy left the bridge with a spring in her step. ::
| |
| | |
| -Fin-
| |
| | |
| Lt JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Ensign Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-09-02 10:16:50
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176654
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1984
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - Discussion
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the data from the probe, and from the tactical passive
| |
| scanners and the information on the main view, and then at the captain ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I agree Captain, It is a satellite, I don't think it posses an
| |
| immediate threat to us.::Eerie disliked calling the captain to the bridge,
| |
| but he felt he had made the right decision::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: What's it's current status?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: It has stopped moving again.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay. Keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn't try and spring any
| |
| shocks on us. ::nodding to Blackwood:: It probably won't, given the data
| |
| you've got on it, but at the moment I'd rather err on the side of paranoia
| |
| where this mission is concerned.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : All this stalking about, Captain. ::Eerie was not particularly happy
| |
| with with the waiting, and pretend to hide a starship::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Not the most relaxing of missions, I agree. Hell, with all that's
| |
| going on, I feel about twelve espresso's worth of wired right now and
| |
| haven't actually *had* any coffee for nearly three hours...
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-02 21:36:54
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176659
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1989
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - smoking board
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the data from the probe, and from the tactical passive
| |
| scanners and the information on the main view, and then at the captain ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I agree Captain, It is a satellite, I don't think it posses an
| |
| immediate threat to us.::Eerie disliked calling the captain to the bridge,
| |
| but he felt he had made the right decision::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: What's it's current status?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: It has stopped moving again.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay. Keep an eye on it, make sure it doesn't try and spring any
| |
| shocks on us. ::nodding to Blackwood:: It probably won't, given the data
| |
| you've got on it, but at the moment I'd rather err on the side of paranoia
| |
| where this mission is concerned.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Aye, right.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : All this stalking about, Captain. ::Eerie was not particularly happy
| |
| with with the waiting, and pretend to hide a starship::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Not the most relaxing of missions, I agree. Hell, with all that's
| |
| going on, I feel about twelve espresso's worth of wired right now and
| |
| haven't actually *had* any coffee for nearly three hours...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: HAH.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie heard the familiar noise of a board overloading, it reminded him of
| |
| the Kobayashi Maru from the academy ::
| |
| | |
| (Flashback)
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire was at helm sitting trying to dodge Klingons ships, he wasn't doing
| |
| a bad job of it either, Cadet Treade, had quickly tried to program a virus
| |
| and upload it into the program, but it was not working when his command
| |
| chair exploded and of course once the flash occurs you are considered
| |
| 'dead'. There wasn't much left, shields were down and the weapons systems
| |
| were off line, only one other cadet was still 'alive' and she walked over to
| |
| Eerie::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I'm taking us in Cadet.
| |
| | |
| Cadet Leftwood : Let's just wait for it to end (tired) :: The bridge was a
| |
| mess, smoke and fake debris littered it::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie punched up the ragged impulse engines to full power and the
| |
| simulator shuddered, as Leftwood grabbed the helm board::
| |
| | |
| Leftwood :Shocked:: You are not!
| |
| | |
| Eeire : ramming speed ::He hit the maneuvering thrusters on, soundly the
| |
| simulation ended, and the exit opened and Captain Leswood, an vulcan walked
| |
| on the bridge, the dead cadets started to get up::
| |
| | |
| Leswood : You and Klingons, ....love to go down with ramming the
| |
| Klingons.....interesting you two tend to do the same thing
| |
| | |
| | |
| (End of Flashback)
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie focused on the present and turned his head to the console ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign do you require assistance?
| |
| | |
| ::Ignoring Erie, she seemed to have the situation under control::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Captain, the console is suffering a cascading overload.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Any:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well, we noticed a minor problem with the console earlier
| |
| and sent the diagnostics down to engineering, requesting it be fixed.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Any:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: I am attempting to shut it down.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: The console frittered and crackled sending out static charges that zapped
| |
| Blackwood's hand. She withdrew her hand in pain momentarily but then resumed
| |
| her effort to prevent the console taking further damage. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Any:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-04 07:30:07
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176665
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 1995
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - mixed concerns
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked his tactical display, the probe continued to send back data,
| |
| and will the sensors he was learning more that he ever wanted to know about
| |
| this system, he was also thinking about shore leave, and would he get the
| |
| chance to go to DS9, where many a battle had been fought::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOI would be an interesting place to visit, and perhaps I would get the
| |
| chance to check out the tacitical station with the blend of Cardassian and
| |
| Federation technology.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked on the torpedo software once again, Neth was a talented
| |
| specialist, and the firing pause had been eliminated and was well within
| |
| specifications,::
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire checked the security board, it looked like a medium level priority
| |
| message had come in to the security office, it was something to do with new
| |
| personnel, it was something that could wait till Peiy came to relieve him:
| |
| | |
| oO Picnic ?..the dictionary mentioned something about eating food outside,
| |
| but there was that other reference ?... an intimate occasion between two
| |
| people ?.. that was more that I bargained for, not the Peiy wasn't
| |
| pleasant, she was perhaps the most dutiful of the younger officers?. I have
| |
| never been on what to the humans call it....a date......good
| |
| grief......perhaps ... I don't know...Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked over at Blackwood, she had turned off the offending station
| |
| and was back at her position at science::
| |
| | |
| oO There?s any choice I have to ask Blackwood what actually is expected at a
| |
| Picnic Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned back to the tactical board and concentrated on the duties at
| |
| hand::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-05 08:32:02
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176672
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2002
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Personal Business
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie knew that Ensign Peiy would be up to relieve him if he needed and
| |
| he needed to talk with Blackwood about this entire 'Picnic' issue that was
| |
| nagging at him, he took a a quick glance and then turned to Blackwood::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign Blackwood, I...would ....need to talk with you in private if
| |
| you don't mind. ::Eerie's tone was normal but there was something
| |
| definitively bothering him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: What are you talking about?
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Great I get to deal with Ensign Hyde as usualOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:Ensign....I require your opinion of a personal matter, if .....I
| |
| could bother you I would appericaite it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie continued to monitor the tactical board while he waited for
| |
| Blackwood to finally come to a decision about meeting with him.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Very well. When do you want to meet?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Starboard Lounge, about an hour would be fine, Ensign:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well I have one or two items of business to attend to first but I
| |
| will be there.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eeire : Thank you Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie sent a message to Ensign Peiy to come up an relieve him for a while,
| |
| who gladly agreed::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-05 20:50:15
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176677
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2007
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - new officers
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw Peiy come up to the bridge, and he felt a bit of a strange
| |
| nervousness as she came by him, it was a strange sensation, but he shrugged
| |
| it off, he felt completely at ease with her at tactical::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOThank goodness DeBarres hasn?t been assigned to the tactical station, she
| |
| would probably show up 15 minutes lateOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Reporting to the bridge as arranged sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you Ensign, Punctual as always. ::Eerie looked at the Ensign
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: What?s our status sir?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie told her of the satellite and to keep an eye on it, also he was
| |
| going to go down to Security office quickly to read a communication that
| |
| had come in, but the situation was about the same::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I will be in the Security office briefly, and then I will be off for
| |
| a couple of hours, If there are any major concerns just call, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Very good sir. Enjoy your lunch.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you. Ensign. ::Eerie nodded to Peiy, and walked of the bridge
| |
| and to the turbolift::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO First things, first than meet with BlackwoodOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (( Security office))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie found the office empty, and quickly pulled up the communication from
| |
| Starfleet Command, it dealt with two new officers assigned to the Aurora,
| |
| and it appeared that they were on there way from DS9::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= Captain, we received a message from Starfleet, it appears
| |
| according to this that we have a shuttle inbounds from DS9 with two new
| |
| officer transfers, they might be having a difficult time finding us=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :=^= Captain, I agree=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri :Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -tbc/tag
| |
| | |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-06 10:59:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176682
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2012
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - checking files
| |
| | ((Security Office))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^= Captain, we received a message from Starfleet, it appears
| |
| according to this that we have a shuttle inbounds from DS9 with two new
| |
| officer transfers, they might be having a difficult time finding us=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Rendezvousing with them without giving ourselves away could get
| |
| tricky... =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^= Captain, I agree=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= We'll figure something out. Thanks for the update. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: =^= Yes, Sire=^= ::He clicked off the intercom::
| |
| | |
| oOPeiy was on the bridge, I'm sure she can handle anything that comes
| |
| up...Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie did a quick scan of document the new officers, it looked like one
| |
| of them was a tactical officer. The other was listed a counselor::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Well, I guess they have their uses,..... can?t think of one right
| |
| now....that's right Blackwood....she'll make an interesting case for the
| |
| counselor and that is who I am going to get advice from, perhaps I need the
| |
| counselor, Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie's head started to hurt thinking about it too much, he went back to
| |
| the file, nothing much jumped out at him, but they were both transfers from
| |
| another ship, and LT jg?s to boot::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Will have to brief the tactical officer on what is going on here Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked a few other things in the office, he knew he would be
| |
| meeting with Blackwood and he did a quick check of the inventory in the
| |
| weapons locker, everything was in place, then he headed for the Starboard
| |
| Lounge, but the nervousness about asking Blackwood started to creep in:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-06 15:45:35
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176688
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2018
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | Ensign Blackwood & LT jg Eerie JP - USS Aurora - Dating Advice?
| |
| | ((Starboard Lounge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was sitting uncomfortably at the table waiting for Blackwood, Eerie
| |
| wasn?t sure if it was the sitting or the topic he wanted to discuss with
| |
| her. He stared at his coffee, but he wasn?t particularly interested in
| |
| drinking it, he had been at the table 10 minutes early, hoping to get it
| |
| over with::
| |
| | |
| oO Advice from Blackwood, that?s scary, I will probably end up in the
| |
| sickbay....Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie finally saw Blackwood enter. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Rushing past Eerie to the replicator, Evanna grabbed a mug of hot
| |
| chocolate and returned to sit opposite Eerie slightly out of breath. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Apologies for the tardiness Eerie.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, of course, Ensign. :Then he realized that she wasn?t that
| |
| late, but was so focused on topic:
| |
| | |
| oO(Evanna) I have seen more lively inanimate objects, however we had an
| |
| arrangement... Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Feeling that an explanation was due even to this creature that stretched
| |
| the very definition of ?life? to it?s breaking point she spluttered at him.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: . . . One of the other ensigns was having trouble identifying plant
| |
| organelles and kept bombarding me with questions even as I backed out the
| |
| room...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: How are you today, Ensign? ::Eeire had heard others use this as an
| |
| opening part of a conversation, but he was unsure if this was the time or
| |
| place or the context. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood stared at Eerie uneasily, it wasn?t like him to be particularly
| |
| social. She was more used to getting told off for ?inappropriate? behaviour,
| |
| but then there was still time for that. She looked at him suspiciously and
| |
| spoke carefully. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: :: Brushing away a rogue strand of hair. :: I?m fine lieutenant...
| |
| what?s this about?
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie stared at her, her long flowing red hair, she took a sip of her
| |
| drink, and then he looked at his, in no mood to drink it, she was even
| |
| addressing him by his rank which was unusual, he was more nervous now. ::
| |
| .
| |
| Eerie : I ?.. need....advice. . . of a personal nature.....Ensign
| |
| ::Stuttering::
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna nearly choked on her drink in surprise. This was the second time
| |
| he had stunned her this much. It was becoming an annoying habit. At first
| |
| she thought she?d misheard him. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: What?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : You know Ensign Peiy?
| |
| | |
| Evanna: I?ve . . . seen her around . . .
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I have agreed to go with her on an activity, but I ?......(major
| |
| pause) don?t know ?.something about a picnic was or might have been
| |
| mentioned.....we don?t date...everything on Brikar Prime is arranged.....::
| |
| Eerie was starting to get flustered, the words coming out in drips and
| |
| drabs::
| |
| oO I hope I don?t have to....get me out...you better stay Oo :: Luckily for
| |
| Eerie, Brikar were incapable of blushing, but he could feel him flushing, he
| |
| had to do something so he reached for the now cold coffee and took a sip of
| |
| it, and put it down. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Evanna: :: scratching the side of her head:: So is that something that?s
| |
| arranged at childhood... like arranged marriages?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well......If I had parents, yes...at a certain age, a spouse would be
| |
| arranged, but since....::Eerie? voice trailed away::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Hmm, so in Brikarn relationships is there any ?romance? or is it all
| |
| . . . ::clearing throat:: business?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Can we talk about this some where else? Ensign.
| |
| | |
| :: Drumming her fingers off the table, Evanna drank her hot chocolate for a
| |
| few minutes reflecting on Eerie?s statements and behavior. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Come on then. To the holodeck! ...AWAY!
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Evanna tugged at Eerie?s arm and decisively dragged him to the holodecks.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| ((Holodeck 2))
| |
| | |
| ::The crisscross of the holodeck now showed as Eerie and Evanna entered and
| |
| the door snapped shut. Eerie turned to Evanna. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Better....::He relaxed a bit with he comforting walls of the
| |
| holodeck::
| |
| | |
| Evanna : Okay buster. I will look for a suitable program and you can tell me
| |
| what happens when.... you don?t eh ? get matched up...
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna listened closely as she browsed at the console looking for
| |
| something that might help Eerie with his sticky situation. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Without a family name, ?..I have l little prospects.....I was taken
| |
| in as orphan::Eerie turned away from Evanna:
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Even the Brikar Space Academy was closed to me......now I, have a
| |
| social engagement with Peiy, and don?t have a clue. ::The formal voice was
| |
| still there but there was a change
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna realized she didn?t know exactly WHAT she was looking for. She
| |
| turned round with a guilty feeling gnawing away in her guts. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Aw... Hey pal, cheer up. Ye always got me remember. ::cheesy and not
| |
| so reassuring grin::
| |
| | |
| :: She slapped him a good couple of reassuring pats on the shoulder just to
| |
| be sure. It didn?t dispell the guilt and probably did nothing to help the
| |
| situation either. She couldn?t help but feel she was probably the worst
| |
| choice for advice in the whole quadrant. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned back to Evanna, and straighten up a bit, and turned to
| |
| Evanna.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: What does one do at a picnic , other then eat? What do I talk about?
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna turned back to the console and pulled up a program that she
| |
| thought would help. It was an enormous park with picnic blankets and tables
| |
| as well as a few BBQ stoves and other outdoor treats. Evanna walked over to
| |
| one of the picnic tables and took a seat, motioning for Eerie to do the
| |
| same. She reached into the basket and took a sandwich, after waving it under
| |
| his nose to point out it?s tiny proportions she stuffed it in her mouth and
| |
| chewed. She hoped the sandwich would buy her some time and hide her intense
| |
| discomfort. oO How the heck should I know? Do I look sociable? Oo ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was confused, he saw the small sandwich, and ate it like Evanna, it
| |
| tasted good, but there had to be more to it and eating little sandwiches,::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Is that it?oO If this was what one does I can handle thisOo
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna shook her head solemnly. She reached back into the basket and
| |
| rooted around amongst the miniature savories. She took out a mini sausage
| |
| roll and held it in front of an eye and peeked at Eerie, taking in the size
| |
| of him and his hands, fingers. oO Dear lord a jumbo sausage roll would be
| |
| mini to this guy. Oo She looked at the sausage roll again before cramming
| |
| that into an already stuffed mouth. Watching him in the picnic basket trying
| |
| to get the food... it was hilarious. She covered her mouth with her hand but
| |
| it was no good, she erupted into a fit of laughter spewing food forth onto
| |
| the bench. Of course she felt utterly terrible for it too, but she just
| |
| couldn?t stop. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Sorry...Sorry.... What a shame.
| |
| | |
| :Eeire was unsure what to do, pound her in the ground or get up and leave,
| |
| but he regained his dignity or what was left of it and turned to Blackwood::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I am glad I can amuse you Ensign . ?.but Piey likes to talk, what do
| |
| I say? Do we talk about work?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Evanna slapped her face a couple of times with her hands to regain
| |
| controls of her senses. It was at that precise moment she knew exactly what
| |
| she had to do to solve this problem for Eerie. She made a mental note to
| |
| confer with, or at the very least send a message to Peiy about adjusting the
| |
| portion sizes to something more suitable to Eerie?s size. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: :: Scratching the side of her head and thinking hard.:: Definitely
| |
| avoid talking about work - unless she brings it up first. If she does it?s
| |
| fine but don?t ONLY talk about work....
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie nodded slightly::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: OK.
| |
| | |
| Evanna: What about talking about hobbies?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I can do that....., I like music, that wonderful Mozart you know.
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Yeah perfect. Don?t forget to ask questions. Like ask her what she
| |
| likes too...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Should I ask about her family? ::Starting to get the hang of this or
| |
| at least he thought::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Yes, that is a good idea. Ooh Ooh Ooh. You know, the picnic won?t
| |
| have any Brikarn food, you could take along something for her to try. I bet
| |
| she would like that.
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna paused then burst into a fit of the giggles. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: If I am around I can even smell test it for you first.
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO (Eerie) One of this days, Evanna you are going to push too far Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie:That is a scary thought, but I will see what Bolians like and see if
| |
| what they might like.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was feeling much better now, and now he had a clue, and she had
| |
| stopped asking about Brikar mating rituals, he almost smiled but held it
| |
| in::
| |
| | |
| ::With that he got up from the table, and went over the BBQ which was warm,
| |
| and looked at the utensils, then he realized that most species would need
| |
| them for the hot food., He reached in and picked up a hot coal, then put it
| |
| back::
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna winced slightly and stared blankly at Eerie as he picked up the
| |
| piece of coal. ::
| |
| | |
| (Evanna - Flashback - StarFleet Academy - Physical Chemistry 2)
| |
| | |
| :: It was a simple experiment to illustrate a point in matter manipulation,
| |
| it was be be marked by an examiner who was checking to cadets to make sure
| |
| they had the core skills in using the techniques and equipment required to
| |
| complete the lengthy but not especially difficult experiment.::
| |
| | |
| oO It is just a matter of following the step by step instructions carefully.
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| :: She put the Argine onto the tripod as specified and begin to heat it. She
| |
| knocked it with the tongs as she put the down and it wobbled, nearly
| |
| knocking the argine off the stand. She made a mental note to be careful as
| |
| this was the trickiest part, the argine had to be heated very specifically
| |
| and if it was heated for the incorrect time or at the wrong temperature the
| |
| whole experiment would fail. Of course it was not tricky if you didn?t have
| |
| to worry about a wobbly stand. ::
| |
| | |
| oO Trust me to have the only wobbly one in the room. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna looked around for another tripod but there was none, so she had to
| |
| make do with what she had. She picked up the tongs to turn the piece of
| |
| argine, bumping the table as someone squeezed past. The bump made the tripod
| |
| wobble and the argine slipped off the unsteady tripod. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna panicked - if the examiner saw this she would fail and if she
| |
| didn?t get it back on the tripod immediately she would fail as the whole
| |
| experiment would fail. She instinctively reached out in her panic and lifted
| |
| the argine with her first finger and thumb. Of course she immediately knew
| |
| this was a mistake and the lack of pain that followed gave her another clue.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| :: She rubbed her two fingers together and it felt really funny as though
| |
| the skin had a film over it. The skin was extremely hard and Evanna knew
| |
| that the only reason it didn?t hurt was that she?s burned her fingers badly
| |
| enough that the pain receptors had been damaged. She knew that the damage
| |
| had already been done and that she should be getting the burn treated, but
| |
| she didn?t just go through all of that to fail the experiment through
| |
| incompetence. ::
| |
| | |
| (End Flashback)
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : What types of food is this used for, Evanna, I mean Ensign.
| |
| | |
| Evanna: ::Rubbing her thumb and first finger together:: Huh?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Can you cook all sorts of food?
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Oh.. right... Uhm. Sausages. Bacon.... You know meat. Steaks of
| |
| meat. Some people have been known to do fish on there... like Salmon.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Did not have much fish at the Academy, but I liked it., I will have
| |
| to try this sometime.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was also thinking of the wonderful heat that it would generate.:
| |
| | |
| :: Then, Eerie turned to Blackwood, and stared her in the eye, he slumped a
| |
| tad::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you....
| |
| | |
| :: Evanna didn?t like maintaining eye contact with Eerie, she felt like her
| |
| eyeballs would shrivel up like raisins and quickly looked away. Feeling
| |
| uncomfortable again she blustered. ::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Pfft. No worries Pa... oO NOT Pal... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Pausing::
| |
| | |
| Evanna: Was there anything else you require?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: No, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| oOThere it is again, that on and off of Blackwood, like a real person,
| |
| trying to fight there way out of that redheaded mess.Oo
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Very well.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood turned sharply away from Eerie and removed herself from the
| |
| holodeck at speed leaving Eerie behind with the picnic program. She wondered
| |
| if he would take a few minutes on his own to have another look about. Making
| |
| sure no one was around she took out her PADD and sent Peiy a quick
| |
| communication about portion sizes. She shook her head and slowly moved on
| |
| imagining the ludicrous scene. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Blackwood
| |
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-07 10:49:35
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176694
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2024
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - back on the bridge
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie returned to the Bridge and looked around, Peiy was still at
| |
| tactical, the captain was talking to two new officers, from their rank
| |
| pips they were the new officers from the shuttle , Eerie went over to the
| |
| tactical station::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, thanks for the relief, I see we have a new counselor and
| |
| tactical officer.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy :Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Hopefully, we could certainly use the help with Cmdr. Barnes on the
| |
| away mission, Ensign
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : When he comes on over I will brief him on operations, if you could
| |
| talk to DeBarres, I believe she is on duty, I would appreciate it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Erie ::there was a pause:: Perhaps a academy holodeck test, and then a
| |
| project, what is on the to do list, ?.hmm give her a choice, I would guess ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Perfect, Ensign, anything else of note?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie and Peiy spend the next few minutes reviewing the minor changes that
| |
| had occurred, they also talked about at the arrive of the shuttle, and lucky
| |
| it had not roused any one in the area::
| |
| | |
| oO As always Peiy is a effective officer, everything seems to be just fine
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, Ensign I will see you later and you stand relieved.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie tried to size up the new officers, that were on the bridge, they
| |
| started making the rounds meeting some of the crew::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Welcome, aboard Lieutenants.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan/Matthews.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (( OOC we could continue or end it here, what ever works))
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-08 09:33:09
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176702
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2032
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - new officer
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the new officer and he walked over to him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Thank you for the welcome, and you are? ::Holding out his hand.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I'm Lt. Eerie, I am one of the tactical officers on board:: He put
| |
| his arm and three fingers rock like hand out and let the new officer take
| |
| it::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews :
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Lieutenant as soon as you get your self set up I will be happy to
| |
| brief you on current operations:: Eerie's tone was very formal but he
| |
| motioned him over to the tactical board
| |
| | |
| Matthews:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : There are some open quarters on Deck 4, please feel free to take a
| |
| look at this, and I'm sure the medical staff would like to meet with you:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : As so as you get all settled I would like to get you in the bridge
| |
| rotation, it had been pretty much me and Ensign Peiy while Cmdr Barnes is on
| |
| the away mission.
| |
| | |
| Matthews :
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tag
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-09 12:08:27
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176710
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2040
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg- Eerie - USS Aurora -briefing
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Nodding to Arielle, he really does need to see her in a
| |
| professional manner.:: Understood Counselor. ::Turning back to Eerie, and
| |
| noticing the tone in Eerie's voice. Alexander decides to keep things formal
| |
| for the time being. Being new on the ship, it is just better to observe, and
| |
| learn at first the routine of the department.:: Very well Lt. bring me up to
| |
| speed on the situation.:: Alexander and Eerie walk over to the tactical
| |
| console. Looking to him.:: Not to be pushy, but i will need access codes,
| |
| and a full report of the weapons inventory. What is the situation on the
| |
| planet?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, LT, :: Eeire and Matthews talked about the current situation,
| |
| and he gave him his copy of his access codes, making sure that the tactical
| |
| reports were open to him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO Straight and to to point, GoodOo
| |
| | |
| Eerie: There are some open quarters on Deck 4, please feel free to take a
| |
| look at this, and I'm sure the medical staff would like to meet with you.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Thank you, but the tactical and security operation of the ship is
| |
| more important to me right now than my comforts. Thank you for letting me
| |
| know what deck my quarters will be loacted. I will see the medical staff as
| |
| soon as I am done here. Please continue with your breifing.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : As so as you get all settled I would like to get you in the bridge
| |
| rotation, it had been pretty much me and Ensign Peiy while Cmdr Barnes is on
| |
| the away mission.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Nodding as Eerie spoke to him.:: That will be fine, Lt. Wherever
| |
| you feel I am needed will be just fine. Have you had any contact with the
| |
| away team?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Nothing, unfortunately, but that is do to be expected, LT.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan:: I?ll leave you with your work, see you around.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander looked as Arielle walked away, bowing to the Captain then left
| |
| the bridge. Thinking to himself that she is a very beautiful lady, but back
| |
| to the task at hand.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: May i ask who is in charge of security while
| |
| Lt. Cmd. Barnes is not on the ship at this time?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant (JG) Delvia Corsetto and I have been keeping an eye of
| |
| things, you can report to her, for the time being.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Thank you for the situation report, I will be in sickbay getting
| |
| checked out, then meet with the security officer on duty. If you will excuse
| |
| me, and a pleasure to meet you.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Lieutenant, welcome aboard.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched the new officer head towards the turbo lift, and then back
| |
| to his tactical board::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO He should be a good addition to the crewOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-11 07:17:51
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176715
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2045
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie -USS Aurora - Storm chasing
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was watching the new officer leave, and was turning to the tactical
| |
| board::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Eerie, sorry to interrupt but could you confirm these readings we're
| |
| getting from the probe? What I'm looking at is the entire city that our
| |
| people are in just went black.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie took a look at his tactical board, he read the readouts from the
| |
| probe, and took a look at the data, it looked like the storm had hit the
| |
| city pretty hard, but anyone under shelter should be fine, perhaps the storm
| |
| had ticked up a bit since Blackwood had given her assessment but weather as
| |
| a habit of not playing according to schedule::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain ::Maintaining his focus on the tactical board, while talking
| |
| to Vetri:: It appears from this reading that the power grid had blinked out
| |
| because of the storm,, but as long as they are under shelter they should be
| |
| OK.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If that's storm damage, I really don't envy the people on the
| |
| ground... ::falling silent a moment:: Assessment? Do we need to go in and
| |
| get our people out?
| |
| | |
| :: She had her own thoughts on the matter, but it seldom hurt to listen to
| |
| other ideas.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain :: Pausing for a few seconds, and turning to the Captain::
| |
| While I would prefer to get them out, with out any clear indication that
| |
| they are in trouble, it is difficult to know the best course of action.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: On the other hand, nobody down there seems to be making more fuss
| |
| than you'd expect... Riding in now could do more harm than good.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Sire, I agree, but I dislike the amount of time, they have been on
| |
| planet, out of contact, I would recommend we prepare an ad hoc security
| |
| detail on stand by if we need to go get them, it would have to be a quick in
| |
| and out.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri :
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes Captain
| |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-11 13:21:42
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176733
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2063
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - strange request
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was at the tactical board, hoping that he had not make a mistake
| |
| with DeBarres, but he was hopefully that she would prove him wrong, when he
| |
| saw Matthews and Peiy come up to him::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Hello Mr. Eerie, I have a request that Ensign Peiy work with me
| |
| on my shift.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at Matthews and Peiy, she nodded a little bit, Eerie was a
| |
| bit confused, Cmdr Barnes had left the department in his hands while on the
| |
| landing party, and while he was not given formal approval of the acting job
| |
| of the Tactical/Security Department, he had been acting since his departure.
| |
| Now another LT jr who assigned to tactical/security and he was left without
| |
| any clear chain of command, for all Eerie knew he might have more time in as
| |
| LT jr, which was quite possible::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Well, I guess Peiy could assist if he thinks he needs the assistance, but
| |
| it would be temporary until Barnes came back, I would love the position of
| |
| Assistance Head of the Tactical Department, but ?..whatever?.don?t want to
| |
| create any waves unless needed ?.and he is asking me, I guess it will be OK,
| |
| hmmm???Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: LT, if you need someone to give you a hand for a while.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: I feel that she would be the best for the job, with me at this
| |
| time. With your approval.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant, I am just acting until Barnes returns, but ?.is this
| |
| accept table to you Ensign?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Sir, it is a good opportunity and there is much I can learn from him.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant, I will approve it temporary, but she has other duties to
| |
| perform, and I still would like here to get some bridge time, but she can
| |
| bring you up to date on our plans for a hot run in and out of Farius Prime,
| |
| if need be.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the stare in the LT?s eyes, there it was that Marine glare, not
| |
| threatening, not that it mattered to Eerie, he was not intimidated by
| |
| anyone, he pulled up the appropriate information that both he and Peiy had
| |
| developed for all the ships in the system::
| |
| | |
| ::It was like two grizzly bears, feeling each other out, and deciding that
| |
| they could live together for the good of the ship::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Very well. ::Looking to Peiy.:: Ensign when does my shift start?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Using her PADD to pull up and check the duty rota:: You aren?t
| |
| scheduled to ?officially? begin until tomorrow, but perhaps the Lieutenant
| |
| has other plans?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking at the expression on her face and smiling.:: Erm.. I can
| |
| get the hint. See you both tomorrow.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant, you have the tactical position, till the next watch, if
| |
| there is anything worth noting you will contact me.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews:: Response
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie logoff the station and let Matthews take over the position, he
| |
| turned to Peiy ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : If you are ready Ensign, about 45 minutes if that would work with
| |
| you?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy : Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-13 11:03:58
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176748
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2078
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Back on duty- tags
| |
| | ((Shared Quarters Blackwood and Eerie))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie changed back in the uniform, after finding the holodecks, in
| |
| operable they had decided to postpone the picnic to a later time, so after a
| |
| couple of hours of sleep he decided he would go back up to the bridge::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie walked out on the bridge, most of the regular personnel were not
| |
| there, Matthews were no were to be seen so he went over to the tactical
| |
| station to find Ensign Smith minding the station::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Where is Lieutenant Matthews?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Smith: I relieved him a little while ago, something about a medical exam.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Thank you Ensign, you are relived.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was a bit confused, but this was not the time or place, we would
| |
| find out what was going on, but first things first::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: =/\= Blackwood to bridge, shut down power to all science labs and
| |
| consoles. I want them off the grid and isolated from the rest of the ships
| |
| systems, bridge included. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :: =^=Yes, Ensign what is going on=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie quickly pulled up the science sections and started putting a block
| |
| around all them and taking them off line::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Black wood gave a quick synopsis of the problem effecting the science
| |
| station::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie=^= Very good, Ensign I will take a look at systems up here and we will
| |
| go from there, keep me informed, Eerie out =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie finally got the last of the science stations shut down, including
| |
| the bridge controls but he was going to need some hands up here if they were
| |
| going to do a complete system check, reluctantly made the decision::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie=^= Ensign Peiy, report the bridge =^= oOI don?t like doing this but I
| |
| need staff now, but she is highly capable, and I guess I will call her also
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie=^= Specialist DeBarres, report the bridge =^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres =^= LT. what is it?=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= I need you up here now, just come=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres:=^= O?K=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie started checking the engineering sub systems, patching in from his
| |
| board, they appeared to normal but that was not his speciality, while
| |
| keeping an eye on the tactical board::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres arrived on the bridge she was not in uniform, but her favorite
| |
| comfy clothes, but at this point Eerie didn?t care::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres ::Looking a bit nervous to be on the bridge, particularly with
| |
| Eerie there:: What?s up??Lieutenant?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Man the Engineering station , we have a virus of some type running
| |
| around on the ship, isolate any systems that are affected and double check
| |
| firewalls, and put in emergency firewalls on all key systems.
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres quickly moved to the engineering station and started to examine
| |
| all the systems::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Peiy arrived on the bridge, as always in uniform::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO My kind of officer, always readyOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: There is a virus or something in the science systems, but I want to
| |
| check all key systems and then branch out to non-vital systems, I want to
| |
| lock this down ASAP, DeBarres has engineering, give her a hand with that,
| |
| that is the most critical, I will check tactical, shut down all non-crucial
| |
| systems, and we will bring them up as we clear them later. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-14 13:02:43
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176752
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2082
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie-USS Aurora - Decisions
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Whats the status Sir?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: There is a virus or something in the science systems, but I want to
| |
| check all key systems and then branch out to non-vital systems, I want to
| |
| lock this down ASAP, DeBarres has engineering, give her a hand with that,
| |
| that is the most critical, I will check tactical, shut down all
| |
| non-crucial systems,
| |
| and we will bring them up as we clear them later. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: : Yes Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw that Peiy looked a bit confused ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Where are the engineers sir? They can't ALL be incapacitated surely?
| |
| We'd be at red alert! I'd I'd I'd... sir... :: She took a big breath to stop
| |
| her mouth from running any more. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I don't know, but I don't want to go to alert, that would bring a lot
| |
| of systems on line, and we are still trying to keep this ship hidden, but I
| |
| will try to get someone down there.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Sir, I agree. I hope you can get ahold of one of them...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Whispering to DeBarres:: I never imagined i'd find myself working an
| |
| engineering console... I'm not much of an engineer. You seem to know what to
| |
| do at least.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Just follow my lead and you will do just fine, Ensign :: She
| |
| flashed a quick smile at Peiy, this was certainly a strange assignment, but
| |
| she was starting to have some fun::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: I'll just try not to get in the way too much...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Come Ensign, you're the officer.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Peiy and DeBarres worked very hard to accomplish their orders but it was
| |
| slow going as the system was very resistant and worked against them. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie =^= Okera, get to main engineer, or bridge controls, we have a virus
| |
| or energy surge of some type, take steps to protect engineering systems=^=
| |
| | |
| | |
| Okera: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Planetology 1 on deck 3 is powered down and secured, as are all the
| |
| bridge consoles... and the physics and chemistry labs.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Excellent Ensign, keep working on the sub systems, probably some time
| |
| delayed booby trap by the Brotherhood.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ANY:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Yes Sir. I am reading unusual activity in several occupied
| |
| laboratories, both the D4 holodecks and the transporter systems... ::pause::
| |
| and . . . the Captain's quarters... ::Turning to look at the Captain with a
| |
| concerned face. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : shut down all holodeck programs, and transporter systems, we need to
| |
| get this under control, just stay focus on your tasks, you are doing fine.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri :
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Sirs... I am reading a power build up in stellar cartography...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ANY:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-14 20:32:34
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176759
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2089
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora Captain on the Bridge
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Planetology 1 on deck 3 is powered down and secured, as are all the
| |
| bridge consoles... and the physics and chemistry labs.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Excellent Ensign, keep working on the sub systems, probably some
| |
| time delayed booby trap by the Brotherhood.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Those people are*really* starting to annoy me.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Nodding to the Captain, Eerie, and a smile to Peiy.:: Sorry I?m
| |
| late had a little trouble with a wild EMH that really insisted that I must
| |
| get a haircut. What is the status of the ship?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant, we have virus type energy force in several of our
| |
| systems, we are trying to localized them now.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Yes Sir. I am reading unusual activity in several occupied
| |
| laboratories, both the D4 holodecks and the transporter systems... ::pause::
| |
| and . . . the Captain's quarters...
| |
| | |
| :: Della met Peiy's concerned look with a level one of her own, but Eerie
| |
| beat her to the punch when it came to what to say next.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : shut down all holodeck programs, and transporter systems, we need
| |
| to get this under control, just stay focus on your tasks, you are doing
| |
| fine.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Just cut power completely to the effected systems, that way any
| |
| residual nastiness won?t have anything to work with. And send a notification
| |
| to all crew, make sure they're aware of what's going on and to take
| |
| precautions. ::after a moment:: Somebody make damned sure sickbay's not at
| |
| risk.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Sirs... I am reading a power build up in stellar cartography...
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking down at the console.:: Can you bypass the main
| |
| conduits, and open the them to release the power to other areas that need
| |
| it?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Good, get what you can and see if Neth can started working on
| |
| something that we can release to clear all of our systems, I wouldn?t want
| |
| to do a cold restart of every system.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: =/\= Thank you Delvia. Matthews out.=/\= ::Tapping the channel
| |
| closed, looking to Peiy, Eerie, and the Captain.:: There is a problem with
| |
| the brig containment field. Corsetto is on the way, and I heading down there
| |
| now, by your leave Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Go.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: Bypass some of the power buildup to the
| |
| brig containment field. Thank you.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, LT.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie quickly adjusted the brig containment field, tapping into
| |
| security::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Give me a status report, people. What have we got left that works?
| |
| | |
| Eerie/Peiy: It appears so far that engineering, tactical, and helm controls
| |
| are clear, we are doing a system wide check as we speak Captain.
| |
| | |
| Cooper: I *think* I've got a lead on the source of the problem... Did I
| |
| hear someone mention a planetology lab?
| |
| | |
| Eerie/Peiy: Number 1 is powered down, it could be in the other unit.
| |
| | |
| Cooper: I think that's where it is. I'd have to get eyes on it to be sure,
| |
| though.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Then go. Eerie, go with him, make sure that if anything gets in his
| |
| way, it regrets it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: My pleasure Captain, ?..Ensign Peiy keep an eye on tactical,call me
| |
| if you need anything.
| |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie headed for the turbolift, directly after Cooper heading for
| |
| planetlogy lab, he turned and nodded to Peiy and the Captain on the way
| |
| out::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tags
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-15 12:53:09
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176782
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2112
| |
| | 2620
| |
| | Re: [sb118-aurora] Chat list
| |
| | Thanks for the info, I knew that was arounf "somewhere" but hadn't been able to find it
| |
| | |
| | |
| From: Teagan
| |
| To: Aurora
| |
| Sent: Saturday, 17 September 2011, 14:34
| |
| Subject: [sb118-aurora] Chat list
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| |
| |
| I saw your question in a chatbox, Mr. Barnes, the
| |
| list is here: http://www.starbase118.net/blog/2011/05/30/new-upcoming-chat-events/
| |
| |
| Chat for Ronin is not listed as of yet, but
| |
| announcement is posted here: http://www.starbase118.net/blog/2011/09/15/shipwide-chat-for-the-uss-ronin/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ufopsb118+%28UFOP%3A+StarBase+118%29
| |
| |
| Our chat is tomorrow at 7pm GMT, 2pm Eastern, and
| |
| 11am Pacific. I'll try to come, it's around lunch so shouls be
| |
| able.
| |
| |
| Jamie
| |
| | 2011-09-17 15:43:46
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176790
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2120
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - sickbay
| |
| | ((Sickbay))
| |
| | |
| (backsimm)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, you can struggle all you like you are going to Sickbay and
| |
| they can clear you after that. If you don't know it you have some burns on
| |
| your neck and back Ensign.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked in the sickbay, it appeared that a good percentage of the
| |
| crew was here, he wasn't planning on staying here very long, he needed to
| |
| get back to the bridge::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Doctor, Blackwood appears to have some second degree burns here, I
| |
| will leave her with you, I would suggest restraints.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Thats a bit extreme...
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Thank you, Eerie.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen turned to her patient and placed her hands on her hips. She raised her
| |
| eyebrows::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Back again so soon, Evanna?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I count this as evidence in favor of the argument that bad luck
| |
| comes in threes.
| |
| :: T'Lea stepped back to allow the doctors access to their patients, but
| |
| stepped forward to intercept Gina.:
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Are you hurt?
| |
| | |
| Gina: ?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Why don't I believe you?
| |
| | |
| Gina: ?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Well, if you are healthy enough to make snarky comments like that,
| |
| then you mustn't be too maimed.
| |
| | |
| Gina: ?if any
| |
| | |
| :: The Romu-vulc moved over to Eerie as the Doctor's got busy with an influx
| |
| of injured.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ::to Eerie, nodding at Evanna:: What happened?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie turned the Lt, Commander, and he saw the cute baby, he could only
| |
| think of his babysitting experience all over again, but while it wasn't that
| |
| bad of an experience, he wanted to get to the bridge and back to duty, there
| |
| wasn't a whole lot he could do here::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign Blackwood was putting the anti virus chip in, when she was
| |
| shocked and burned, Commander.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Did the anti-virus work?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, it is working throughout all the systems now.
| |
| | |
| ::T'Lea looked away as Penny York, and then back towards Eerie, and nodded,
| |
| that was all Eerie needed, and he took a quick look around the sickbay, then
| |
| he headed for the door::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-17 20:33:21
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176793
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2123
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - On the Bridge
| |
| | ::Eerie watched and listened to Matthews make he report, the Helm officer
| |
| had put in the course, he noticed T' Lea was back on the Science station,
| |
| then Matthews turned to Eerie:
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: Thanks for diverting that power to the brig
| |
| Mr. Eerie.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of Course, Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| :: Okay, if the Romu-vulc was going to keep things strictly business, that
| |
| actually helped. Taking a moment to make sure her voice was going to be as
| |
| even as she wanted it to be, Della spoke again.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: What sort of information are we getting from their data nets?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: Captain, new information is being broadcast. Martial Law has been
| |
| declared for the city, and local authorities are in place to enforce the
| |
| curfew as soon as the storm subsides. Citizens that are found without proper
| |
| ID, looting, or loitering will be arrested. Deadly force has been
| |
| authorized. ::beat:: Do we have an extraction plan for our away team?
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to the Captain.:: Not to be rude ma'am, but can someone
| |
| kinda let me in on the situation? I know there is an away team, but what is
| |
| really happening, and the Cmd. mentioned something about an extraction?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Short version, LtCmdr Dickens and others are trying to find out just
| |
| what this bunch of terrorists is up to. Looks like they managed it, and now
| |
| we need to get them out of there - in the midst of a major storm and it's
| |
| attendant civil instability. ::glancing around with a dry smile:: Did I miss
| |
| anything?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Unfortunately, that is all the information I have until we can pick
| |
| up there transponders, the storm is still masking them.Captain.
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ?
| |
| | |
| Matthews: If the team is going to be on the run and can't stay in one place
| |
| i suggest a fast fly by pick up. Like using a drop ship. ::Looking to
| |
| Vetri:: Captain, if i may. Does the ship have something that is faster than
| |
| a shuttle, something that can get in and out fast? I am a trained pilot, I
| |
| just need someone that can track the team while I concentrate on flying.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Just what I was thinking. If we can't trust the transporter systems
| |
| right now, we'll have to do it the old-fashioned way. Mr. Eerie, I want the
| |
| Boealis prepped for launch as fast as possible.
| |
| | |
| :: The Aurora's Waverider shuttle, nestled in it's bay on the underside of
| |
| the saucer, was hardly designed for this sort of thing - it bas barely
| |
| capable of making orbit on it's own, after all, but it *was* capable of
| |
| making a hard drop into an atmosphere, as well as the fast retrieval and
| |
| burn for pick-up that this little run was going to need.::
| |
| | |
| :: Tali was probably going to flip at the abuse the little craft was going
| |
| to take in the process, though...::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of Course Captain.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie started tapping in commands into the tactical board, bring the
| |
| Boealis up for an immediate launch, he started an external power of the
| |
| craft, as well as updating its computer with current information::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Excellent. Peiy, you're Matthews' back-up. Grab a couple of security
| |
| guys and a bit of extra firepower.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ?
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ?
| |
| | |
| :: The news that most of the science team was in some way incapacitated
| |
| wasn't all that good - plus it meant that she couldn't send one to give the
| |
| shuttle team the technical assistance she might have liked to...::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Dammit.. Okay, scrap that. Peiy, you're staying here. Eerie, you're
| |
| with Matthews.
| |
| | |
| :: As she was speaking, the tubolift doors slid open once more, revealing
| |
| Teagan.::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: This was interesting experience. Anyone knows how?s Ensign
| |
| Blackwood?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Counselor, it appears she has second degree burns, but I'm sure she
| |
| will be fine.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: She was looking fine, you say. ::Turning to Della.:: I can go and
| |
| check the Sickbay if you don?t need me here.
| |
| | |
| :: As Matthews spoke with Eerie, Della considered the counselor for a
| |
| moment.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: I've got a better place for you, Lt., though you're going to want to
| |
| dust off your first aid training.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: ?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: If we've any sort of luck at all, you won't need it, but you're the
| |
| closest thing to a medic we can spare right now. Go with Matthews - you're
| |
| on the team picking up our guys on the ground.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: ?
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Vetri:: With your permission ma?am?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Go bring our little spies home.
| |
| | |
| :: The assembled group left the bridge, heading for where the aeroshuttle
| |
| was docked, and Della shifted to the officer at the helm.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Flat out, what's our ETA to Farius Prime?
| |
| | |
| Helm: 4 minutes, ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Then get us there. The Borealis is cleared to launch the moment we're
| |
| in position.
| |
| | |
| :: The surge of the Aurora's impulse drives was the main answer she got to
| |
| that, as the ship dumped the last traces of pretending to be subtle and
| |
| began it's high-speed dash across the system.::
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ?
| |
| | |
| :: With a wry smile, Della let her gazer track over her mate and their
| |
| daughter.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ~~ Like I'm letting you anywhere near that planet. And... thanks. For
| |
| stepping in. Are our girls okay? ~~
| |
| | |
| T'Lea: ?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-18 06:59:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176795
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2125
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Kicking tires
| |
| | ((Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ((OOC - this should be an add on to my last post, forgot to blend it in))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was looking forward to taking on a lot of ships of different
| |
| configurations, but an away mission would be fun as well and he was excited
| |
| about the opportunity, even if meant going with the ex marine::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: She was looking fine, you say. ::Turning to Della.:: I can go and
| |
| check the Sickbay if you don?t need me here.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: Mr. Eerie, you up for a ride?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of Course, Mr. Matthews :: There was no change in his voice just the
| |
| standard formal tone::
| |
| | |
| oO Time to get the away team out of there, and not one better get in my way
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| :: He took a quick glance at Peiy, whom he could not read, if she was
| |
| relieved or happy not to be going, but he was sure that she would do a fine
| |
| job at tactical in his stead.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Peiy, good luck, I am sure you will do just fine.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Vetri:: With your permission ma?am?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie, looked at the Captain ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oOShe must be thinking of about a billion things, but she will get us
| |
| through, she's a pretty smart cookie Oo
| |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-18 09:36:48
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176798
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2128
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: In every escape is the chance of failure
| |
| | ( Brotherhood bunker )
| |
| | |
| OOC: Ok people, this is the time of truth. Will we all escape or there will be casualties. The choice is yours, never best said! :-p
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| ::In a matter of minutes everyone else gathered up.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Ok, we're ready to leave. They're busy, but a greater distraction won't hurt us.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Okay Gilaars take point with Gray, everyone else follow on, do not stop for anything and I mean anything. I'm off to go and great some havoc. See you all at home.
| |
| | |
| ::Leaving the others Barnes headed back through the mess hall and towards the tunnels. Marcus was tempted to stop him, but he'd seen that look other times and knew what he's capable of.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Barnes is taking one last look at something of interest -- it might be critical to their plan.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: He'd esperience in causing troubles to the enemy, I trust his words. You said you've found something?
| |
| | |
| Tali: I've found a backdoor out of here I recommend we use. It should take a long while before they realize what has happened.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: The main entrance is not a good chance so if you've anything else, we'll proceed.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya waved her hand for them to follow, leading them back through pitch black hallways to the generator room. The Guard at the door fidgeted from side to side as they all entered the room, but didn't make any more complaints, strange for Marcus but accepted the good luck.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: There is one more coming behind me -- a strong guy, let him in when he gets here.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: What do you need me to do?
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll lend you a hand too.
| |
| | |
| :: Tali lead them on finding the exit and soon they're on their way. Marcus took the rear while the group moved out of the bunker. As the group progressed a rumour was hear behind them, followed by some voices, at that point a great sound rocked the place and they stopped in their tracks for a few seconds. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We should move, they're on their terrain and will be motivated to find us. We need to find the exit.
| |
| | |
| :: As the group moved the sounds and voices approached and when they're reaching the exit some blasts were felt in the near wall. Marcus turned and fired back ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: MOVE OUT NOW!!
| |
| | |
| :: As they reached for the exit more blasts were felt near while Dickens ducked assisted by Gilaars. ::
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Lead the group out, signal the Aurora requesting the extraction :: Firing his phaser again :: If we have to wait, try contacting Barnes, he should be out at this time.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Take this :: He handed Gilaars the data they've gathered :: protect it the best you can. Now go!
| |
| | |
| :: He shot three shots spread through the corridor but he's answered with a lot of fire bolts while the team moved out. He's beginning to loose terrain and decided to build some time. Another few phaser barrels and he ducked behind the exit and began modifying the phaser, blocking the energy release valve and opening the energy chamber making the phaser began the overloading process. He put the phaser on the corridor and moved quick to the exit and finding that the outside was full of clouds and thunders that hindered the hearing. As he looked for cover two of the guards exit and later was heard and explosion that collapsed the entrance to the tunnel. Some bolts followed him while he jumped from cover to cover and found that his team tried to cover him with their own shots. However that drew the attention of the called authorities of the place that were beginning to get out. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Shouting from his cover that was behind some big boxes and below a metallic ceiling that covered an outdoor ceiling :: Gray, where's Barnes and the Aurora?
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: TALI, is Jalen with you?
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| :: It's at this point that some phaser fire shot at the ceiling over him and this began to fall. Marcus tried to move out but other phaser fire prevented it, so soon he's covered by the ceiling and the boxes that were over it. He almost loosed consciousness by being hit with all the debris and only could hear the sounds of phaser and thunders until the first of them subsided. Soon he felt the debris being removed and he was half conscious and only when his face was uncovered he saw his crew mates and their preplexed looks. It's just when he looked to his left arm that he understood them, seeing his hand under the heavy metallic portion of the ceiling that just dropped over him. They tried to move it but it just make the pain appear and in a very hurting way. He couldn't avoid to scream and beg them to stop ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: NO, NO, NO,... UAAAAA... I don't... think I could get it out and if you make it, it'll just give me pain and possibly will be necrotized tissue that... will lead to an infection.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: You see anyone coming?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: And the transport?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: As I see it we ... need to move and take cover until they arrive. You.. only have two options, leave me here and search for cover until the rescue and with a ... bit of luck they won't notice me down here until I'm transported or ...
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Or just cut my hand with the phaser to move me.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: This ceiling had resisted lightnings for a while, phasers will need some time to... cut through it and before it's done, we'll be surrounded...
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
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| |
| NCC-72750
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| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
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| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-09-18 21:38:37
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| | 176812
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| | LT.JG Alexander Matthews: Flight of the Aurora's Borealis ((Backsim))
| |
| | ((Main Bridge ? USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander listens to the Captain as they concive a plan to retrive the
| |
| away team. Counselor Teagan just came on the bridge talking to the Vetri.
| |
| Alexander looks to Eerie with a question.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: Mr. Eerie, you up for a ride?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of Course, Mr. Matthews.
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looked back to Airelle, and the Captain as they continued their
| |
| convestation.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: I've got a better place for you, Lt., though you're going to want to
| |
| dust off your first aid training.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Not so sure...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: If we've any sort of luck at all, you won't need it, but you're the
| |
| closest thing to a medic we can spare right now. Go with Matthews - you're
| |
| on the team picking up our guys on the ground.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Vetri, and then to Arielle smiling.:: Welcome to the
| |
| team Counselor.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: In that case I?ll advise you to pray for them. My First Aid is just
| |
| that. ::Arielle chuckled.::But my piloting skills and Engineering knowledge
| |
| may come in handy.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Vetri:: With your permission ma?am?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Go bring our little spies home.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Aye ma?am. ::Walking to the turbolift.:: oOWith the grace of
| |
| God.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Wave rider-USS Borealis))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander, Arielle, and Eerie enter the lift, taking it down to the deck
| |
| of the Waverider. Upon entering Alexander and Eerie start to prep the ship
| |
| for launch, looking back to see Arielle waking on systems as well.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Arielle followed Matthews and Eerie to the waverider and started checking
| |
| the systems, same as everyone. She chuckled realizing everyone are checking
| |
| everything. She started prelaunch sequence and for that was encountered with
| |
| surprised look from the other two.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: OKay, Okay. I?ll just sit here and let you do your job... are we
| |
| waiting anyone else? ::Shrug.:: Do you want me on communications or you'll
| |
| cover that, too?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Smiling.:: Not a problem counselor, if you don?t mind taking the
| |
| flight engineering station, and since we don?t have a science officer, I
| |
| will add that station to yours. Thank you for helping, it will just make the
| |
| prep time faster. ::Looking to Eerie.:: Mr. Eerie the flight operations
| |
| station, and weapons systems are yours to command. I was hoping to have
| |
| someone that will provide cover for the team if we enter a hostile landing
| |
| zone.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: OF Course, Lieutenant ::Eerie looked at the seat and sat down, and
| |
| looked at the controls, quickly scanning them.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander sits in the pilot seat checking over the controls. Looking down
| |
| to see a flight yoke, and throttle. Smiling to himself as he also saw trim,
| |
| elevator, and aileron controls. Laughing inside to himself. Just like the
| |
| old Microsoft flight simulator, come to think of it whatever happened to
| |
| that?::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::While getting the flight data from the Aurora, a message from the bridge
| |
| comes over the comm system.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Helm:=/\=Bridge to Borealis, you have one more member on the way. Lt.
| |
| Kagran.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Tapping the console.::=/\= Understood Aurora. Can you have the
| |
| tactical officer on duty transfer the callsign for the away team to me so I
| |
| can contact the with the correct one?=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Helm: =/\= Understood, and the data is being transferred.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: =/\= Thank you, Borealis out.=/\= ::Closing the channel.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Just then a Klingon in a marine uniform entered and closed the hatch.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking back.:: Have a seat Lt. Everyone buckle up. ::Taking the
| |
| headset and putting it on, as the rest of the team straps in to their
| |
| seats.:: Welcome to the team Mr?.::Looking to the Klingon.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kagran: :: Giving a nod :: Let?s get going
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking forward to the flight controls and the viewscreen.::
| |
| =/\= Borealis to Aurora, ready for launch.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:=/\= Go get them, Borealis.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews:=/\= Aye ma?am, we will be going in dark and dead stick until we
| |
| reach the atmosphere. ETA, twenty minutes.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Acknowledged. We'll keep the door open for you.=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: =/\= Aye ma?am we are launching in three? two? one?=/\= ::The
| |
| channel went closed.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Just then the Waverider detached from the Aurora, Alexander took hold of
| |
| the yoke and pointed the nose of the ship in a downward position to enter
| |
| the planet atmosphere to build the speed that was needed, so not to use
| |
| fuel, or power until the last possible moment until landing. Looking to his
| |
| side Alexander could see Eerie showing no emotion, Alexander thinking to
| |
| himself that he must be having fun with this. All of a sudden a loud scream
| |
| of joy came from beside him. Looking over to see Arielle with wide eyes, and
| |
| a large smile on her face. Looking back as he could, Alexander could see
| |
| Kargran with an even bigger smile. Alexander thought to himself a smiling
| |
| crew is a happy crew.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Cutting the power to the lowest level possible without losing lifesupport
| |
| the Borealis started to enter the atmosphere at a high level of speed that
| |
| the wingtips started to glow from the heat of re-entry. Alexander still
| |
| holding on to the flight controls started to compensate for the heat and
| |
| speed with small adjustments to keep the Borealis from burning up.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::What seemed like forever, but just under the twenty minute mark the
| |
| Borealis passed the ionosphere of the planet just then Alexander took more
| |
| control of the craft, and turned on the power for the comm system. Looking
| |
| back to Arielle.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Counselor, your station is alive. You have comms and the science
| |
| station. ::Looking to Eerie.:: You have weapons control. Remember we are
| |
| going in as a glider to save fuel. So I will need to be precise in
| |
| correcting for the extraction. Kargran as soon as we touchdown get to the
| |
| hatch and cover the team as they run to the ship. Questions and opinions now
| |
| because we are committed.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Let's just go, we have lot of time discussing things when flying
| |
| down. From the message, or rather from the sound of it I believe they need
| |
| us fast. Beside bad weather and blackout something went wrong. ::Arielle
| |
| trembled.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: yes LT.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kargran: I will be ready.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Smiling.:: Ok we are heading in.::Tapping the console to contact
| |
| the Aurora.:: =/\=Borealis to Aurora, do you read?=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Nothing but static, but the ship just came out of a re-enrty phase like
| |
| the space shuttles of the late 21st century. Alexander tried again.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: =/\=Borealis to Aurora, do you read?=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Response=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Smiling as he wiped the sweat from his forhead.:: =/\= Copy that
| |
| Captain we read you five by five. Requesting vectors for landing to pick up
| |
| the away team. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri:=/\= Response=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: =/\= Understood ma'am. Borealis out.=/\= ::Looking to Arielle.::
| |
| It's your show Counselor. Guide me in.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: I have nothing from away team yet. They were sending pings few
| |
| minutes ago, I?d say to announce team leader that everyone got a message for
| |
| extraction, but nothing ever since.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Eerie.:: Any bad guys around Mr. Eerie?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Nothing but some local shuttles, and they don't appeared too
| |
| interested in us, Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Counselor see if you can contact the away team, i need a bearing
| |
| to make the course correction.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Nothing yet. ::She chuckled.:: You know they will not call earlier
| |
| again if you?ll ask me every 2 minutes. Just head to the town, I?ll tell you
| |
| if hear from them or find them.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Smiling.:: Noted. Use the code Xray for us they are Sunbird and
| |
| enroute to LZ we need a beacon to find it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: I wouldn?t agree with you, Mr. Matthews. I was on the Bridge when
| |
| The message came from them and they called with ?Sunbird to Xray.? ::She
| |
| winked to Alexander and checking the distance waited a bit then opened
| |
| comm.:: =/\=Xray two to Sunbird, we need a beacon, repeating we need nav.
| |
| beacon. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Smiling, Alexander winked back. Looking to Eerie.:: Eerie when
| |
| you have the beacon track it, and see if it is moving.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Lieutenant, some movement , here are the new coordinates. it moving
| |
| slightly:: cross referenced a map with his HUD:: I have a new landing spot
| |
| for us, it's going to be a tight drop in.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander making corrections to not lose speed, because any loss now would
| |
| mean that he had to use the engines to pick up for the loss, and all of the
| |
| fuel was needed to get back to the Aurora. Teagan constantly trying to
| |
| contact the away team.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::After a few short minuets that felt like hours, the Borealis's comm system
| |
| came alive.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: =/\= Barnes =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: =/\=We?re heading toward extraction point. How long do you want us
| |
| to wait for you after we pick them?=/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: =/\= Am inbounds now, give me 30 seconds, if you have the team on
| |
| board then go. I'll make my own way home. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking back to Kargran:: You ready Marine??
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kargran: Just get us down Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Hang on. :: Alexander compensated for the corrections, and the
| |
| speed for the turns, but the Borealis was gaining speed. As he found the
| |
| small, but long clearing that Eerie and Areille directed him to the ship was
| |
| still moving to fast. Looking out to the wings Alexander could see that the
| |
| speed was causing them to wobble with the stress. Looking down at the panel
| |
| Alexander found the control for the drag chutes. Thinking of what he could
| |
| do next, Alexander lined up the Borealis for the landing. Dropping the
| |
| landing gear and locking them into position, Alexander started to read the
| |
| airspeed. It was still too fast. There was only one way, and that was to put
| |
| the Borealis into a dead stall. It was the only other way to slow the ship
| |
| without using the thrusters.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Pulling back on the yoke, the nose of the Borealis moved upward as the
| |
| ship started to slow down but a little to fast, Alexander pulled the control
| |
| for the flaps on the wings backward to lower them, The Borealis's warning
| |
| lights started to flash, and the master caution light and klaxon started to
| |
| sound and light up. Alexander then looked at the altitude indcator to show
| |
| that the Borelias was les than 5 feet off the ground, and then they all felt
| |
| the bump of the rear landing wheels touch the ground, and then pushing the
| |
| yoke forward making the nose wheel touch. Alexander hit the brakes, and the
| |
| drag chute control. As the chutes deployed the Borealis slowed to a stop.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Rock and Roll.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I have them, they appear to be in a warehouse, or part of them about
| |
| 100 meters in that direction, and they appear to be underground ::Eerie
| |
| motioned to the 10'o clock position.:: The other group is slightly behind
| |
| and about 50 meters further back, we should move out.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Alexander running a fast systems check on the Borealis after the more than
| |
| normal landing. To say the least the Borealis is a fine ship. Thinking to
| |
| himself that he would kiss the nose of her if her had time, but right now
| |
| the main issues was getting the away team home.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT. JG Alexander J. Matthews
| |
| Tactical/Security Officer
| |
| U.S.S. Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-19 20:48:39
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| |-
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| | 176821
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| | 12
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Will you take the risk of holding on?
| |
| | ( Farius Prime )
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| | |
| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| | |
| :: Marcus was almost bearing with the pain thanks to the support of Kelrod, if now he'll be unconcsious at this point. In a moment he heard a familiar voice. ::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Hows it going Marcus, soon have you home.
| |
| |
| Dickens: I'll... believe it when we're there.
| |
| | |
| :: Rivers of pain flooded his mind and he wanted to grab his arm that was feeling hot and as if an electrical wire was sparking directly in his brain. Between the hurting sensationg he managed to hear the voices of the other officers as someone prevented him to reach his arm. ::
| |
| | |
| Tali: I'm getting to the surface. I'll try to get in touch with the
| |
| Aurora and... figure something out. You coming?
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: No, I'm staying here with Commander Dickens. I can at least try to defend us if nothing else.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: The information is the first, don't let our effort be... wasted...
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: I am staying. I cannot, in all good conscience, just leave you. I couldn't live with myself if I did and you didn't make it!
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll... consider thisss... a mutiny... :: He tried to smile a bit but it's transformed in a grim of pain. He didn't know how much time passed but soon he felt a familiar sensation that almost evaded him from the pain. However it returned as soon as he's rematerialized. ::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: If you know how to use this, please use it, because with my knowledge I may make it just worse.
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: I am not too much better, but I'll do what I can. ::takes medkit, starts administering first aid, to stabilized the injured hand::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Sir, I'd advise you to look to me. I know you're interested in your hand, but the site is not the best and you're weak from lost blood.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Tell me something... I didn't know. Oh, and I'm not that apprehensive. However, I'll trust... your advice.
| |
| | |
| ::Another member of away team got transported into the small vessel between the movement some kind of nausea overwhelmed him and he felt his vision blurr a little that he tried to regain by doing a long blink and focusing on someone he couldn't really recognize.::
| |
| | |
| Gray: Response
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: ::wrapping hand:: C'mon, Commander, stay with us, okay?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Sir, don't fall asleep, you lost too much blood and need to stay awake till we get back to ship.
| |
| | |
| :: He mumbled something but couldn't quite voice it at that point. A few seconds later he seemed to regain a bit of his strength. ::
| |
| | |
| Gilaars: Almost there. ::manages to staunch the bleeding and finish the bandaging.:: There! That should hold until we can get him to Sickbay. ::to Teagan: What next?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Go, help them. I'll stay with Commander. ::She strapped him to the bench and then turned picking up something and returning a few seconds later.:: I will give you mild sedative, but I can't kill the pain completely because it will most probably put you to sleep and we don't want that.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I... don't know you. Who you are?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: I'm Arielle Teagan, Counsellor. Arrived to ship yesterday, you?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: ::: He could feel her thoughts flying wild. Obviously she wasn't controlling herself good in those conditions :: Your FO... Dickens
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Erm.. ::Arielle gulped.:: Well, err, Sir, nice to meet you. ::Arielle was watching him with a smile doing her best to cover for the heart that was bumping in her head, when realized there's no point, since she saw in his bio that Commander is half Betazoid.:: I'm sorry.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Don't worry ~ but remember first aid, don't give drinks or food to a wounded that could become unconscious~ oO It seems easier to talk this way. Oo You seem... not a typical Betazoid...
| |
| | |
| Teagan: No, actually I will not say that, because this is me. I'm fuzzy, eccentric and lost in time and space. ::She chuckled.:: I served with Captain on Conny, she will tell you? ::Arielle left *what* it may be to hang in the air.:: Tell me about you, Commander. You have impressive career.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Are you trying to keep me awake or you're using the chance that I'm weak to have a foot on me now that you can.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: I don't know, is there something you want to share with new Counsellor?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: A warning maybe... you'll ... have a lot of ... work there.
| |
| | |
| :: The falling sensation overcome him again, obviousely his blood pressure falling from the lack of blood and the extra work his heart was doing to keep his system running with less quantity of the life liquid in his veins. He starts to feel that he's breathing superficially what lead to more work on his heart. He tried to do some deep breaths to increase the Osigen intake and enrich his bloodstream but it wasn't an easy task, and more difficult when the shuttle began to move with evasive maneouvers that increased his nervousness. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Is this another tactic of yours to keep me... distracted from the wound?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Just... tell me that we're arriving to the ship...
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Unfortunately... I think ... I'm fainnn....
| |
| | |
| :: He loosed his strength and downed in his own mind finding himself lying on a familiar floor. As he opened his eyes and looked in front of him he saw Kelrod sitting on a couch with a table in front of him. ::
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Welcome friend, didn't thought I'll find you here in this situation. Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Getting up :: oO What do you mean this situation Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO Please take a seat I need to tell you something. Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO You're being more misterious than it's usual for you. oO :: Sitting :: oO Well, what's it. Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO You're about to die, you know it right? Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO Could be, ... the fact that we're speaking suggest that we still have time. Malcolm or another doctor will do their best to safe our body. Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO That if whoever that's attacking the rescue team doesn't blow all of you aside. And if you live, how'll you be, I mean, with the blood we've lost and the time we'll need to reach the Aurora... you think that Gilaars or Teagan could keep you alive 'till then? Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO I should trust that they do, and if they don't, well, that's life. Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO The problem is how will we wake up. I personally won't like to have a brain issue that kept me in a chair or a bed. I'll prefer to die than that. Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO I thought that you'll be the first interested in living. Why that change? Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO It's not a change, as you know I was a warrior kind of person, and before becoming a disabled people, I prefer the ones I care to remember me at full capacity and not being a weight for them or to be last remembered, unable to care of my self and the ones I love. Would you like to see Vojana having to take care of your body all her life? Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO If you put it that way, of course not, but we don't know if that will happen. Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO And will you risk yourself to find yourself strapped to a bed or having to leave starfleet 'cause of your inhability to perform your tasks? Or to take care of your wife ? Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
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| |
| NCC-72750
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| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| | 2011-09-20 20:11:30
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| | 176842
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| | 2172
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - quarters
| |
| | ((Deck 4))
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres had the panel open and was running another scan, it appeared the
| |
| ?virus? was completely gone, this was the fourth panel in 10 minutes and she
| |
| had not picked up a thing. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(DeBarres) It will be nice to have Cmdr Barnes back on board, better than
| |
| that rock pile, but he had be fairly decent to her the last day or two, ?.he
| |
| was probably too busy to give him that much grief,?.. I?m sure that will
| |
| changeOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She put down the engineering tricorder, and reattached the panel, she
| |
| would check a few more, before heading down to her cabin, while she was
| |
| technically ?off duty? she wanted to get the work done, Barnes could veto
| |
| the entire project if Rock head would put in a bad report::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres had felt the warp engines kick on, and they were underway after
| |
| getting the skiff back on board.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO (DeBarres) About time, all this hanging about is just too boringOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She was closing up the last of the panels when she saw Eerie walking by::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Specialist DeBarres, I have sent a copy of your proposal to Cmdr.
| |
| Barnes, but I think he will approve, good day.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres : Sir
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eeire entered his quarters, it was strangely quiet, and for once he was
| |
| uncertain on what to do, he had not been here except for a quick nap or two
| |
| in days, and now it seemed odd to be here::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I could use some sleep, but first a bit of down time, if they need
| |
| me?..Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Computer, music?Carmina Burana? volume 3.5.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The first music piece started, and it waffled through the shared quarters,
| |
| he went to the replicator, and punched in a code, he was tempted for a real
| |
| drink, but he knew despite the number of tactical officers on board that he
| |
| may be needed, so it would be different drink, of course it took massive
| |
| amounts of alcohol to just register on a Brikar, the only time was after
| |
| graduation ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: A mug of green tea appeared and he picked it up, and took a sip, and went
| |
| over to the computer monitor, he seriously thought about renewing the 3-D
| |
| chess match, but it had been so long, he would restart it, but not today::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Computer display any messages
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::The computer displayed a number of the messages, all of them in Starfleet
| |
| standard format concerning tactical and security concerns and reports, he
| |
| had handled what he could with Barnes out of the office, but the computer
| |
| now, with logging Barnes back on board had rerouted some of them, most of
| |
| them were routine information, and he quickly changed the menu to pull up a
| |
| Medical status:
| |
| | |
| | |
| (on the display)
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Medical Status
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood, Evanna
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| RANK : Ensign
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Status: Serious
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| No further information at this time.
| |
| | |
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Great (dryly)Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie changed back to the Starfleet standard screen, for a moment he was
| |
| at a loss::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
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| | |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-22 14:18:04
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| | 176849
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| | 12
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| | 2179
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| | 1080
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The raw reality
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| | ( Inside Dickens mind )
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| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| Kelrod: oO And will you risk yourself to find yourself strapped to a bed or having to leave starfleet 'cause of your inhability to perform your tasks? Or to take care of your wife ? Oo
| |
| | |
| :: There was an echo in the place that affected just some words, like strapped, inhability, wife, that made him doubt of his willing of succeed, plus having lived all the strange situations he'd lived it almost appealed him, as a relief from the problems and pain. He shook his ghostly head.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: oO NO, ... I won't give up, not yet. It won't be that situation, if I have a chance to return to see those who I care I want it and I'll use it and if it came for the worse, then I'll reclude myself here and let my body die, but I'll try. Oo
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO But... Oo
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He stopped him mid sentence :: THERE'S NOT BUT... :: Kelrod smiled :: Now what the hell are you smiling to?
| |
| | |
| Kelrod: oO That's what I wanted to hear. It's been times in those years that I've had to take the rough parts of your life, in this situation I've wanted to know how will you face destiny alone, without your friends and facing someone who know you better than anyone. I see that you are able to make hard decisions and face destiny as it came. Listen... Oo :: there's a low mumble growing :: oO Seems that your friends out there are looking for you Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus looked around as the voices become bigger, then there's a boom of light and he's out of his inner world, opening his eyes ::
| |
| | |
| ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: ::Approaching the biobed:: Commander, can you hear me?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Seems so, ... but take that sun from my face.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Okay, good, good. ::He turned to the nurse.:: Will you fetch me a medical tricorder please? I'd like to take his stats myself before I continue...
| |
| | |
| McKay: Yes, doctor.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: I'm just going to scan you now, Commander. Okay?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Just do it, and be quick. :: Focusing his eyes, but the vision was stil blurring. ::
| |
| | |
| McKay: ::handing him the tricorder:: Here you are.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: ::Taking the medical tricorder:: Thank you.
| |
| | |
| ::O'Hanlon turned on the tricorder. He began scanning the Commander.::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Okay, looks like there's been a lot of blood loss. Hmm...
| |
| | |
| :: He could see him walking around to the other side of the biobed to look at the Commander's hand. He couldn't see his face but the body language told him that there wasn't good news.::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Nurse? ::He kept his voice a little lower than usual. he couldn't hear him, howeve when doctors lower their voices is a sign that there wasn't good news at all.::
| |
| | |
| McKay: Of course.
| |
| | |
| ::O'Hanlon then turned to face the Commander.::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Sir, I'm sorry to tell you. But I need to prep you for surgery. We have to act quickly, I'm going to have to tend to your hand and tend to the amount of blood you've lost. I should tell you now though, there's a big possibility that you're going to wake up with this hand. I'll try my best, Sir.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Doctor... my wife is a doctor too and if i've learned... something is that from your reaction and... tact in talking me I know there're bad news. My hand is bad, right?
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I trust that you'll do your best, however I have to tell you something.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: If the damage is so great that it'll become a useless hand or a deformed one, ... I want you to rip it off... I'll deal with a replacement later.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll take care of it later,... Don't feel bad, but I'll decide by talking with doctor Malcolm and ... my wife.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: One more thing... I know you doctors prefer local sedation, but in case it came to worse, please, I prefer not to see or feel it, even if I won't feel it.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Thank you doctor.
| |
| | |
| :: He closed his eys as the nurse put him a neural inhibitor to control his brain and put him unconscious for the surgery. He knew that he'll probably wake up without his hand, but that was something he's beginning to make his mind up to it. ::
| |
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| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
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| | 2011-09-23 09:41:06
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| | 176850
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| | 12
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| | 2180
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| | 2616
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| | (PNPC) 2nd Class Crewman DeBarres - USS Aurora - class one probe
| |
| | ((Deck Three, Port Magazine))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::She crawled next to the class one probe and checked the serial number, it
| |
| was the right one, DeBarres started to use her tricorder on it::
| |
| | |
| oOThese things are always just a bit different then the schematics Oo
| |
| | |
| ::She scanned the deuterium microfusion propulsion system, and looked at the
| |
| read outs::
| |
| | |
| oO Starfleet...These things are so complex, typical star trek engineers, a
| |
| backup system for every thingOo
| |
| | |
| ::She looked tricorder, it was certainly going a lot of work, she had
| |
| already received the information from her brother, but she wanted to get a
| |
| look at the actual device before she dove completely in the project. She
| |
| knew that a lot of the work would be done on the computer before the
| |
| actual physical work, and she didn?t want to screw it up::.
| |
| | |
| oO If I make good scans I can create a holo program with all the different
| |
| design compounds, and do a test run in the holodeckOo
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres spend a good amount of time with her tricorder scanning the
| |
| entire class one probe::
| |
| | |
| ::She got back on her feet and got up, it was a good start, she had not had
| |
| much time with everything that was going on, but they were due for some
| |
| shore leave and she was going to get some work done on this, but she would
| |
| spend the majority of her time in socialization and having a bit of fun.::
| |
| | |
| ::She turned off the tricorder, and left the room and headed back to her
| |
| quarters, it had been a long day, she would like to get a hold of Penny and
| |
| Peiy and see if they would like to do some shopping hopefully at a well
| |
| stocked starbase or even better::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| PNPC Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres Tactical Specialist USS
| |
| Aurora Simmed
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| by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-09-23 15:48:37
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| | 176856
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| | 2186
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| | JP (PNPC) Ensign Peiy & LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Delayed Picnic part I
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| | ((HoloDeck 2))
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| | |
| ::Eerie had changed into his jumpsuit, and entered the Holodeck, he was sure
| |
| that Peiy was already there as there was a something of the wooded scene as
| |
| he entered. The temperature was not too bad, Eerie had done some research
| |
| and brought one of the few aged meat receipts that were from Brikarn
| |
| Prime.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie walked up to an open area with some shade and found Ensign Peiy
| |
| sitting on a checkered blanket with a number of items around. Eerie quickly
| |
| noticed that he would be soon sitting on ground::
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Good day Ensign....I mean Peiy: :: It was not to be too formal, but
| |
| adjusting took Eerie some time to get the swing of things:. :
| |
| | |
| Peiy : Good to see you Eerie, how are you?
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie suddenly went blank for a minute, but then the words came out::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I am fine, Peiy, I brought a Brikar Prime speciality, I hope you like
| |
| it........do you mind if I sit down? :: Eerie stood there like a statue, but
| |
| managed to hand the food to Peiy. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Everything that Eerie had planned to say vanished, hoping that Peiy could
| |
| start things off::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy grinned with delight and received the food from Eerie. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Of course Eerie, make yourself comfortable. ::Indicating the food::
| |
| How thoughtful of you... what is it?
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie with a little difficulty managed to sit down on the blanket, next to
| |
| Peiy but hopefully not crowding her, he looked a bit awkward, but was
| |
| bearing up::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: It is an aged meat recipe of Targge, quite good, I have had it only
| |
| on special occasions, I hope you like it :: He placed the container with the
| |
| rest of the food.: I have been reading up a bit on your homeworld, quite
| |
| interesting but too much water for me.....
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Tipping her head to the side:: Oh? Read anything interesting?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Do you have brothers and sisters, I read that normally there are big
| |
| family sizes?
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) I hope that is not too forwardOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: Normally yes... unfortunately my mother was... unable to have other
| |
| children though she wanted to. What about you, do you have a big family?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Can I trust her, hmm...., we don?t usually ?.I guess....Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I was raised as an orphan by an security detachment, it is a
| |
| tradition on Brikar Prime to take care of what is given to you, but I have
| |
| no information other than that.....Ensign, I mean Peiy...I don?t share my
| |
| information easily,:: oO There it is big guy Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie liked Peiy she was a fine officer, and what interaction he had with
| |
| her she would be a good person to know, but he was still nervous, dating was
| |
| not part of Brikar society, mates were arranged, he felt totally out of his
| |
| environment, he desperately wanted to talk about work, something he knew ::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy poured a tumbler of juice for the two of them, handed Eerie the
| |
| larger of the two. She swirled the drink around in the tumbler watching the
| |
| pale milky colours swish around. She loved the faint coconut smell of it and
| |
| took a sip. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: So what was it like to be an orphan, and be raised by the security
| |
| detachment?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well...... I learned a lot about security, and they were good role
| |
| models, But not much of a family life, but I knew almost everyone in the
| |
| province, not too much crime on Brikar....::Eerie took a long drink of the
| |
| juice it was quite good, he almost spilled it on his jumper::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Peiy how did you choose Starfleet? ... Excellent drink...:: He was
| |
| starting to relax, but he really didn?t know were this was going, he feel
| |
| like his first day on Earth, having a good time but completely lost:
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO (Eerie)You are not supposed to talk about work, dunder head Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy had wanted to learn more but Eerie had changed the subject. oOHe is
| |
| so fascinating, but you don?t have to learn everything at once. This isn?t
| |
| an interogation... Oo She took some of the meat Eerie had brought along and
| |
| tasted it as she considered his question. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::munching:: Mmm this is delicious Eerie, thank you. ::pause:: My
| |
| family hadn?t wanted me to join. I just felt it would expand my horizons and
| |
| teach me skills and let me spread my wings in a way no other career could.
| |
| What about you?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I?m glad you like it ...Almost everything is family driven on
| |
| Brikar, so I could not join the Brikar Military Force and be a true warrior
| |
| ?.I saw a starfleet officer in college, and I applied to the academy ...my
| |
| security family helped me ...
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie stood up and put an hand down to Peiy::
| |
| | |
| oO (Eerie)I need to move, perhaps a walk. Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Peiy let?s go for a walk, and tell some more about yourself, as
| |
| you see I am a pretty boring person, but ?.....::Eerie was at a loss for
| |
| words:: ?.but I am having a ...nice time.....:: His tone of voice had
| |
| dropped from his formal tone, and he could find himself nervous and relaxed
| |
| it was a strange sensation, a small smile appeared and vanished ::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy took Eerie?s hand which was cool and felt like fine sandpaper and
| |
| hopped up, squeezing it before she let go. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was totally surprised by the hand squeeze, she must have known that
| |
| she could never have crushed his hand, he had intended just to help her up,
| |
| but a strange another strange sensation::
| |
| | |
| oOWhat is that?Oo
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Smiling:: Come now, if I thought you were boring I would not have
| |
| asked you to be here today now would I?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :Eerie was totally confused, he wasn?t sure what was going on, but they
| |
| started to walk side by side in the huge meadow. Peiy loved the tall grasses
| |
| at the side of the meadow, they rustled in the gentle breeze. It was music
| |
| to her ears. :
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::They walked for a while in silence, but he would look over to Peiy from
| |
| time to time, who seemed to be enjoying the experience::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Peiy, I am not used to a lot of conversation, ?::He had to admit that
| |
| he liked the ridge on her face::. ...so please bear with me.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy looked up at Eerie taking in all the contours of his face. oO Could
| |
| have fooled me... Oo A small mischievous smile played on her face as she
| |
| casually let her fingertips brush against his hand, pretending it was
| |
| accidental. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie glanced over he felt her hand brush against his:;oO Is something
| |
| wrong?Oo
| |
| | |
| Peiy: You are doing fine. ::pause:: So... do you have any hobbies?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I learned to like to listen to the Earth composer Mozart in
| |
| Starfleet, I listen to it quite often, I should of gone to a live ...concert
| |
| while I was on Earth., ?.what about you Piey?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I like Seraku. It is the art and discipline of growing small bushes
| |
| and trees into sculptures. Of course I only have room for one or two tiny
| |
| varieties on a ship like this. It is very high maintenance so I have not
| |
| taken it up on the Aurora. I tend to... concentrate more on my duties...
| |
| | |
| Eerie:If you attend to the trees like your duties I?m sure you have some
| |
| excellent trees....you will have to show me some time. ? I am starting to
| |
| get a bit hungry lets go a bit more and head back, if that is OK with you?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Beaming:: Thank you, I?d love to show you some time.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy took Eerie?s hand and tugged him back towards the picnic. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Come on then, lunchie munchie.
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO Lunchie munchies?,must mean food, at least she is very good company. Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie :OK....
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie let her keep his hand he could feel the warmth in hers and they
| |
| walked back to the picnic area, it took a while but Eerie was in not hurry,
| |
| and for once in a long time, he had forgotten about what duties he had to
| |
| preform for a while. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Joint Post
| |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Evanna Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-09-24 06:21:51
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| | 176857
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| | JP (PNPC) Ensign Peiy & LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Lunch is served Picnic II
| |
| | (Holodeck 2)
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Eerie and Peiy arrived back at the picnic site, and again he sat down
| |
| with trouble on the blanket. He could smell the food; sitting on the blanket
| |
| was a bottle, two cups and several baskets of food with the food he had
| |
| brought. ::
| |
| | |
| oO So far so good I hope Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie watched as Peiy sat down next to him and started to get some plates
| |
| out one of the baskets. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: So what would you like to try first?
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie looked at the different assortment of food, it all looked good, but
| |
| he was not a picky eater by any measure and it all looked good. He looked at
| |
| Peiy who was sort of sitting to one side- to Eerie it looked awful
| |
| uncomfortable. To Eerie sitting was not natural but he?d gotten used to it,
| |
| even if he didn?t like it::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I?ll try some of that and :: pointing awkwardly :: that looks good
| |
| also...
| |
| | |
| Peiy: :: Passing a plate full of larger than usual sized portions:: Here you
| |
| go. The spring role is a curious thing but I quite like it.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie and Peiy ate in silence for a few minutes, while Eerie was still
| |
| nervous, there was something relaxing but exciting about it. ::
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Have you seen the new baby on board yet?
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy perked up. She hadn?t seen the baby, but who didn?t adore babies?
| |
| She was hoping to meet the little one soon. Truth be known she?d been
| |
| feeling a little lonely since hearing the news. Family was so important to
| |
| Bolians and it was difficult to cultivate relationships and grow your family
| |
| with a career like StarFleet. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: No not yet... Have you?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well, just a bundle of blankets ?....not really.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: What does she look like? I bet she was cute.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: It was tough to tell, most human babies look pretty much the same,
| |
| but Commander T?Lea has not brought her much yet.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: So what did they decide to call her? They must be so proud.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy wondered how the Brikar viewed family and what their younglings were
| |
| like. Peiy was a bit worried about asking him in case he was offended by her
| |
| curiosity, which had often been attacked as prying. She continued to nibble
| |
| on different snacks as they talked, offering them to Eerie whenever she took
| |
| something for herself. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : According to the records, T? Sara.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: What about Brikarn families? What are your younglings like?
| |
| | |
| Eerie:They look a lot like human babies before they develop the harden
| |
| skin, which develops as they grow up.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was starting to get nervous, Brikar private life was that private,
| |
| he stuttered and then. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Don?t terrans have a celebration of sorts for the birth of a child?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Oh. I don?t know...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: From what I understand it is a party of some type put on by the
| |
| females.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Fascinating.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Perhaps, you and some of the other women on board could throw a party
| |
| for her and the captain.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I don?t know if something has been done or planned already, but I can
| |
| ask around. It sounds like a really nice thing to do.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : It would be a good thing to do, always good to have a good working
| |
| group particularly with such a small crew, I?m sure that Blackwood or
| |
| DeBarres would know what to do.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I will try pin them down then to discuss it.
| |
| | |
| :: Eerie let the conversation fall silent for a few minutes, he was starting
| |
| to get restless, but he was enjoying Peiy?s company, it was this sitting
| |
| around that was bothering him, chairs were bad but fully exposed was not
| |
| the way of the warrior. ::
| |
| | |
| oO What am I going to do now? We got the the eating part, and I would like
| |
| to spend more time with her, but I really don?t know what to do. I guess I
| |
| will just tell her. Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Peiy ?.I have something to confess ?...::Eerie searched for the
| |
| words, but they did not occur to him so he stood up and looked down at Peiy.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| :: Her face wrinkled up and became etched with concern, it was also very
| |
| unnerving having a big Brikar towering over you. She spoke softly trying to
| |
| appear more calm than she felt. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Is there a problem Eerie?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I don?t know, but I have to be up front with you. :: He could feel
| |
| himself shaking. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy thought she saw Eerie tremble slightly... or was it her? She was
| |
| starting to feel a bit nervous and fidgety. In fact she was starting to
| |
| become really concerned that she had upset him. Was he angry? Was he shaking
| |
| with rage? She didn?t want a beating from a Brikar that was for sure. She
| |
| tried to play it cool but it was hard and she ended up stammering. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: If there is something wr... something you have to say... I prefer...
| |
| upfront...
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:nervously:: I like you Ensign, ?..but ?...:: Again the words came out
| |
| in drips and drabs. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : I?m not sure what is going on here, but I , I or Brikar don?t date,
| |
| or ?.:: He was getting flustered. :: things are arranged normally but.....::
| |
| Eerie seemed completely tongue tied :
| |
| | |
| oO (Peiy) So is that it? He does not know my intentions. Maybe I have
| |
| overstepped the mark. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy?s fretting went into overtime and she became quite tense, gripping
| |
| her sleeves in the palm of her hands. She had to fight the urge to start
| |
| addressing him formally again. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I understand... you have an arrangement. oO Please don?t hate me. Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Peiy ?.I have never dated before, I would like to....spend
| |
| more......
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy perked up at that last bit. She wasn?t sure she?d heard right. Her
| |
| heart was beating so fast and loud she thought it could deafen herself and
| |
| Eerie. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Looking confused. :: Sorry. I didn?t catch that... :: Quietly ::
| |
| What did you want to say?
| |
| | |
| ::It took Eerie a long moment to gather the words but they finally came
| |
| out::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie :What I am trying to say is that I would like to spend more time with
| |
| you. ?.There::Eerie let out a big gasp of air, he sat down again quickly
| |
| making sure not to sit on anyone or any thing, he grabbed a cup of juice and
| |
| took a glug, and looked confused. ::
| |
| | |
| oO (Eerie) This is as worse than and better than combat. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy thought that was the most tense and nerve wracking experience she?d
| |
| ever had. Her relief was immense and it took a few moments before she was
| |
| able to say anything to him. Once his words were absorbed she beamed with
| |
| glee and gave him the biggest grin. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I am so glad you feel that way. :: Calming breath:: I am really
| |
| looking forward to it!
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was pleased to see the smile on her face, then what she had said::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy didn?t really feel like eating. She had been getting full anyway but
| |
| after that awkward experience the last thing she wanted was some more food.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::They didn?t say anything for a long moment, he turned away for a second
| |
| then, Eerie turned toward her, and finally said in a quiet voice. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Good...very good...
| |
| .
| |
| | |
| ::He turned and watched the clouds roll by, and felt very relaxed, nervous,
| |
| scared, happy all at the same time, it was a new experience, something that
| |
| Eerie would be thinking about for a while. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy smiled and watched Eerie for a while, he seemed to be looking up at
| |
| the clouds. He was as impossible to read as ever. She hoped it would
| |
| improve in time. Taking her cue from him she lay down on the grass and
| |
| watched them too. She hardly noticed the giraffes, ships, dragons and other
| |
| assorted creatures and objects sail through the sky as she took the
| |
| emotional roller-coaster and reflected quietly on their day. ::
| |
| | |
| :: They continued like that for some time and Peiy felt like she?d be happy
| |
| if they stayed there like that forever. To her it was a perfect moment and
| |
| she hated to have to end it. She sat up and played with her sleeves for a
| |
| minute, looking at Eerie who turned to face her. ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Eerie... we... we better get going I suppose...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, Peiy let me help you with some of this stuff.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie got up and started assisting in putting things away, the food and
| |
| the company was great, but he was kinda wishing that it would not end::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Peiy, thanks for a wonderful time. We will be doing this again I
| |
| hope? : It was sort of a statement and question::
| |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) I hope that is not too forwardOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Piey: :: Grinning :: Of course!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -end-
| |
| | |
| | |
| Joint Post
| |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Ensign Evanna Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-09-24 06:25:13
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| |-
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| | 176874
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| | 12
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| | 2204
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| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The final moment of a long pain
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: It's been almost like a dream, a dream without dreams at all. This time there wasn't no inner world or Kelrod digging in, just blackness and then the light of the sickbay surgery room directly over him. He couldn't focus, but recongnized doctor O'Hanlon figure over him. Sounds began to make sense and he heard the voice of the doctor ::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Fuzzy...
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon/Malcolm/Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: How... re the rest?
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: good... How it went?
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon/Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: mmm... I see... I was expecting something like that. :: He tried to move a little but could feel the invisible restraints nullifying his efforts. :: I think that you can turn off the field doctor.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon/Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I know, but I should look at it... I need to be used to it asap. Making it longer won't make it easier.
| |
| | |
| :: The doctors finally agreed to his petition and removed the force field. He was helped to sit and almost forcing himself he raised his arm looking through the invisible air where his hand was supossed to be. He looked at the almost invisible suture the doctor has made. It's quite plain that almost looked as if someone has made a slice on the bread, it doesn't matter how ready he was for that, the vision made him tremble even with his efforts to hide it. After a few seconds where he could hear the heartbeat rise he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: How long should I have to remain on sickbay?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I see that my hands doesn't have the Bajoran features, you've used the chance to revert me to my own self?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: When possible I'd like to rest in my quarters. I'll feel better there and I'd like some privacy to make my mind up to this.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm/O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| (OOC: Feel free to add whatever you feel necessary. I'll answer. )
| |
| | |
| :: The doctors finally allowed him to leave sickbay, but was followed by a nurse in his way towards his quarters. He crossed a few crew on the way but none of them talked to him, probably 'cause of his attitude looking at the end of the corridor, or maybe by the company of the nurse. ::
| |
| | |
| ( Dickens's quarters )
| |
| | |
| :: Once in his quarters the nurse gave him the final instructions on what to do and the appointment the next day to sickbay. As the nurse left, he moved to the replicator and asked for a glass of cold water. He took it with the right hand and turned towards the living room and sat sipping the water and feeling it refresh all of him. He moved a bit forward towards the table and tried to pick up the PADD lying there finding that he's still holding the glass and that there's nothing with what to pick it up, having to leave the glass on the table and taking the PADD with his now only hand. As he began reading his vision blurred again and he tried to focus on the letters and signs, but there's no way he could do it. The more the effort he made, the worse his vision was. A spasm run through his lungs that jumped over his throat and even as he tried to avoid it it came running up to his mouth while he was forced to close his eyes and abandon any hope of being able to read the PADD that his hand, his only hand was unable to continue holding as the strength to do it left him as if drained by an unknown entity. It's clear, his time has come, and it came as an unstoppable force that rushed through his body and has took control of it. He understood that there's no way in fighting that moment and he let himself go. A mourn left his mouth and what caused his vision to blurr rushed through his cheeks, rivers of tears flowed unstoppable and he began to cry suffocating it with the pillow on the sofa. He thought that at least it's good that this ship doesn't allow families as he could cry without worrying for Evanna seeing him this way. He cried until he's so tired that became asleep on the sofa, with his arm without hand hanging our of the sofa as if hiding from his tired and wet eyes. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| OOC: What do you think Lt. Teagan, will your services be required? Or you'll be unable to do your work properly?? :-p
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-09-25 18:56:54
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| | 176886
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - meeting
| |
| | ((Deck Seven-Conference Room B-USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie arrived as ordered at the conference room, it appeared that all of
| |
| the Security/Tactical Department was there, even DeBarres was there. Eerie
| |
| shot a very quick look at Ensign Peiy::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO It was a nice time, I am looking forward to the next timeOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie focused back on the duty at hand, a few of the officers were talking
| |
| before the Commander got things started::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to DeBarres.:: Lt. Matthews. Crewman?..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: A pleasure to meet you sir ::She had to resist to put her hand up
| |
| and twist her hair::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Pleasure to meet you. ::Sitting down. Looking over to Corsetto.::
| |
| Delvia, can I see you a little later after the meeting?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Corsetto: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Thanks. ::Looking to Eerie.:: How are you doing Mr. Eerie?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie had reviewed the little run in with the Orion Ship, he would of
| |
| liked to be there, but it sounded like there was plenty of tactical officers
| |
| to take care of things he saw that Barnes wanted to get the meeting
| |
| started::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Okay I'll make a start. After reviewing the logs and reports of the
| |
| last mission I have only one comment to make.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Eerie noticed the pause, he was sure that the Commander had a lot of
| |
| comments over the last operation::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: This is one of the best, no the best department on the ship. As
| |
| you've now doubt heard the rumours, there's to be a new ship. A Luna class
| |
| ::Tapping the screen: As you can see from the specs she's tactically well
| |
| designed. In that vein, the following changes are being made.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) A Luna Class!, this will be great, I will have to reread the
| |
| specifications and get use the layoutOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Alpha shift will as now be under my control along with Ensign
| |
| Matthews, Beta shift will be under the control of Lt Eerie, assisted by
| |
| Ensign Peiy, Gamma shift will be under the command of Lt Corsetto, assisted
| |
| be Crewman DeBarres, Lt Gilaars, will take command of the brig and armoury.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie took another look around the room, there appeared be some exictment
| |
| in the room, DeBarres looked like she was going to celebrate, and he could
| |
| see a small smile on Peiy?s face::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO A shift of my own, well it is a startOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Okay next, Lt Kagran. During alert situations I want your team to
| |
| assist in the following areas. Engineering, Bridge and main sickbay.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Lastly, as I said at the beginning I've been reviewing the logs::
| |
| Removing the cover Barnes revealed a tray of drinks:: I'd like to take the
| |
| opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Now
| |
| I've bored you all long enough, enjoy.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie wasn?t sure about what to do next as the rest of the tactical and
| |
| security officers, went to the drinks, so Eerie hung back for a while, and
| |
| when the table was clear he went over and picked up a drink and went over to
| |
| the side bulkhead and took a little sip, he just stood there as the rest of
| |
| the officers and crew talked in small circles, a few minutes Peiy came over
| |
| to him:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign Peiy ::He looked at her thinking of the wonderful Picnic::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, I see we will be sharing a shift, I will be look forward to
| |
| it.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, a Luna class shift, I be looking forward to the upgrade, of
| |
| course, this ship has served us well.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: I was thinking that we should have a talk about sharing
| |
| responsibilities on the Beta shift, are you busy after this I thought we
| |
| could talk?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eeire: I will look forward to it Eerie, I will meet you in a few minutes in
| |
| the Lounge and we can look at the specifications, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie::Feeling the room starting to crowd around him:: Ensign, I have
| |
| something that I need to check on and I will meet you in 15 minutes.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-26 06:57:13
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176890
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2220
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC) Specialist DeBarres - USS Aurora - Big Meeting -Tag Barnes
| |
| | ((Deck Seven-Conference Room B-USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres entered the conference room, wearing her cutest uniform, but she
| |
| looked around it appeared that she was not the last one there, Peiy came in
| |
| and she gave the Ensign a big smile::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to DeBarres.:: Lt. Matthews. Crewman?..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: A pleasure to meet you sir ::She had to resist to put her hand up
| |
| and twist her hair: oOthis guy is almost as good looking as the Commander!,
| |
| I wonder if he is spoken for, ?..doesn?t matter if I want him I can get him
| |
| officer or notOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres looked around the room, seeing LT. Eerie::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(DeBarres)There was the lug head himself, probably thinking up new things
| |
| for him to do once this is overOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres had no trouble focusing her attention on the Commander when he
| |
| got up to speak::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Okay I'll make a start. After reviewing the logs and reports of the
| |
| last mission I have only one comment to make.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres noticed the slight pause, something was up::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: This is one of the best, no the best department on the ship. As
| |
| you've now doubt heard the rumours, there's to be a new ship. A Luna class
| |
| ::Tapping the screen: As you can see from the specs she's tactically well
| |
| designed. In that vein, the following changes are being made.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(DeBarres) A Luna Class!, great?.probably so many things wrong with it, I
| |
| never get my AEP done, ?..but there will be lots of men and people to talk
| |
| too?.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Alpha shift will as now be under my control along with Ensign
| |
| Matthews, Beta shift will be under the control of Lt Eerie, assisted by
| |
| Ensign Peiy, Gamma shift will be under the command of Lt Corsetto, assisted
| |
| be Crewman DeBarres, Lt Gilaars, will take command of the brig and armoury.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(DeBarres)I won?t be working for old rockpile himself!....Corsetto, well I
| |
| guess she is not a Klingon at leastOo ::Taking a glance at the tall
| |
| Klingon::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Okay next, Lt Kagran. During alert situations I want your team to
| |
| assist in the following areas. Engineering, Bridge and main sickbay.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Lastly, as I said at the beginning I've been reviewing the logs::
| |
| Removing the cover Barnes revealed a tray of drinks:: I'd like to take the
| |
| opportunity to thank you all for your hard work and dedication. Now I've
| |
| bored you all long enough, enjoy.
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres headed over and grabbed a drink, and found Commander Barnes a few
| |
| minutes later during a quiet moment::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres : Commander, I am certainly happy to see you, that must have been a
| |
| rough mission.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes :
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: You make is sound so interesting, ::slight blush, and there was a
| |
| minor change in her poise, a bit more open, but there was a formality in her
| |
| voice:: I want to tell you that I have been given permission by LT. Eerie
| |
| ::trying not to gag:: to modify a class one probe, have you had the chance
| |
| to read my proposal for the Anti Energy Probe?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes :
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres : I haven?t done any modifications on the probe, I am still
| |
| working on the specs, but I would like to have permission to continue the
| |
| work::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Yes Sire, you can ask the LT, I have been getting my assignments
| |
| completed::Straighten up::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Of course, Sire, I understand.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TAG/TBC ? as needed
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Crewman 2nd Class Charlotte DeBarres
| |
| Tactical Specialist
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Simmed by LT jg Eerie
| |
| | 2011-09-26 14:26:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176892
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2222
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie & (PNPC) Ensign Peiy - USS Aurora -making plans
| |
| | ((Aft Observation Lounge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| (Feel free to move the conversation pretty much anywhere you would like this
| |
| is basically an outline, or a start))
| |
| | |
| :: The stars streaked by the window, but Eerie was deeply engrossed with
| |
| specifications of the LUNA class starship, he was excited, this was a ship
| |
| with a complement of some 350 officers and crew, it was a major step up, and
| |
| while he had no other details he knew that there was one or two that had
| |
| been recently commissioned, but that did not mean they would get one of the
| |
| new ones of course::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie was looking at a computer display, drinking a cup of Turkish coffee
| |
| when he noticed Peiy sitting across from him::
| |
| | |
| Eeire : Thank you for coming Ensign, I had some ideas about the new
| |
| arrangement for our shift, would you like something to drink?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: No thanks sir.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Is there any thing special that you would like to do, or suggestions
| |
| you would like to make?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Nothing springs immediately to mind sir.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : We are going to have a lot more ground to cover with this size
| |
| starship, but I want us to continue to make inspections of the various
| |
| systems ourselves, I don?t trust readouts, and want us to do visual
| |
| inspections still.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I agree, I prefer to do the manual inspections and have found it a
| |
| good way to pick up on trouble early.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Excellant, Ensign, I would like you to spend about half your shift
| |
| on the bridge at the tactical station, I will spend about 60 percent of my
| |
| time on the bridge, there will be a bit of over lap of course.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Understood. What other duties would you have me attend... other than
| |
| the inspections of course.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : If we do get the Luna Class starship, I would like both of us to be
| |
| familiar with all of its tactical systems both inside and out Ensign. I
| |
| think that and what ever Commander Barnes comes up with will keep us busy.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Thats true...
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I think supervision of DeBarres would be a good thing, just keep an
| |
| eye on her project if the Commander keeps it going.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: I?ll have to see if he let her keep it on. Boy will she ever be gutted
| |
| if it?s cancelled.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I hope she gets go keep the project.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, I mean Peiy ?..I would again like to thank you for the
| |
| ?picnic? I enjoyed that, I needed that, ?...thank you
| |
| | |
| Peiy: :: Smiling:: You are most welcome sir...Eerie... I look forward to
| |
| doing something else another time.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: We do have some shore leave, I would ?...::nervously:: like to spend
| |
| some time with you? ::Eerie was now staring at Peiy, he wasn?t sure why ::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: That would be lovely. Did you have anything specific in mind?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Honestly, I ?...don?t....I perhaps we could take a look around,
| |
| perhaps we can take a ?.weekend trip to Earth together?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: That sounds nice. :: Peiy rested her head in her hands thinking about
| |
| where they could visit. ::
| |
| | |
| Eerie:Well, there are a few places I would like to visit, but please give me
| |
| some suggestions, lets keep it not the polar ice caps however...ok?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Tapping her chin with her finger whilst thinking.:: You?re not a fan
| |
| of the ocean right? Do you like the quiet of outdoors? :: Peiy didn?t think
| |
| he seemed like a city lover, but she could be wrong.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie ::Yes, how about the Appalachian National Scenic Trail* *in the
| |
| Eastern US, it goes for hundreds of kilometers we could stay in some small
| |
| cottages that run along the trail. But if you had any ideas?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Actually, that sounds perfect!
| |
| | |
| Eerie::Ok, well call it ?..........::he wasn?t sure but he wanted to:: a
| |
| date?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Yes, great, I can?t wait. ::She could barely contain her excitement::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie ::Not quite a nervous, but now thinking what he would say for a couple
| |
| of day: Thank you Ensign. I will looking forward to it., well.....::Not sure
| |
| on what else to say:: I will let you go Ensign, but ?......Peiy, thank
| |
| you.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Nodding:: I will return to my duties.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy patted Eerie?s shoulder gently as she passed him and headed out the
| |
| room. ::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| Joint Post
| |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Ensign Evanna Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-09-26 16:52:37
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176913
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2243
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - bridge
| |
| | ((Main Bridge-USS Aurora))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was talking to Commander Barnes when Ensign Piey and LT jg Matthews
| |
| came on the Bridge:
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Barnes, and Eerie.:: Not really much to report, the
| |
| weapons inventory has been updated, the reports have been completed, and
| |
| some weapons training has been completed. Other than that a very quiet day.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie:Agreed LT. Normal routine, I plan some routine realignment of the
| |
| phaser array.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: I have the report here on the systems checks as usual.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: I stand relived.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: How is Specialist DeBarres and her project the AEP?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: DeBarres checked in briefly. Her project is going well. I plan to meet
| |
| with her later in the week to go over the finer details and arrange the next
| |
| steps.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched as Matthews left the bridge, the did a strange wink with his
| |
| eye at Peiy::
| |
| | |
| oO (Eerie) looks like there is something wrong with his eyes, he should have
| |
| that checked out with medical::
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-28 06:38:02
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176916
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2246
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT Elya Tali & LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Chess
| |
| | (( USS Aurora - Observation Lounge ))
| |
| | |
| ::Elya woke in a bit of a daze, a feeling of having overslept sending her
| |
| into a brief panic until spotting the time -- she had only managed to sleep
| |
| a few hours. Yesterday?s horrible mission was still fresh in her mind, but
| |
| putting Jalen?s death a few hours further into the past seemed to help...::
| |
| | |
| ::She made her way around the ship, checking up on the state of things. The
| |
| bio-digital virus that had infected Evanna was taking up most of the ship?s
| |
| resources, but from most perspectives the ship was running smoothly,
| |
| hurrying back toward home. Elya supposed that the tactical types were busy
| |
| in meetings discussing what they had found on Farius Prime, but Elya had
| |
| little interest in that.::
| |
| | |
| ::Rounding a corner, Elya entered the observation lounge. Her eyes first
| |
| wandered out to the streaks of starlight spreading out behind them, but
| |
| settled on Eerie who?s enormous stony figure was hunched over a
| |
| comparitively small game of 3D chess.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Good afternoon Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Oh, ?..huh, good afternoon Lieutenant. ::He had not seen the LT, come
| |
| up behind him, as he was focused on the game:
| |
| | |
| Tali: Taking a short rest after the away mission.
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::Eerie was not sure if it was question or a statement,:: Of course,
| |
| LT, I hope it was not too difficult, from what I have read, it was a
| |
| success. ::Eerie voice was formal as always, this type of interaction was
| |
| always difficult for him:: It was my first time on the short mission to
| |
| pick you and the team up it was quite interesting.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Tali: It was... successful I suppose. I think the cost was too high,
| |
| however.
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) She does not sound to be in a very good mood, but I?m sure the
| |
| actually away mission was a lot more stressful then what was going on board
| |
| the shipOo
| |
| | |
| ::An awkward silence passed::
| |
| | |
| Tali: I believe I owe you a game of chess?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, I would be nice to play an individual....I mean yes Lieutenant.
| |
| ...please sit down, would you like something to drink. Lieutenant? ::Eerie
| |
| quickly rearranged the pieces back to their starting positions::
| |
| | |
| Tali: oO Something strong would be preferred... Oo
| |
| | |
| Tali: Some juice would be nice.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya sat down across from Eerie as he reset the game to a new board.
| |
| Elya?s eyes slowly drifted over the pieces, a few opening plays running
| |
| through her mind without effort.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie got up and got two glasses of pineapple juice and came back and
| |
| placed one near the engineer, and sitting down with a bit of difficulty::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: LT, you may go first, if you wish. ::Eerie had learned from the
| |
| academy never to take an opponent lightly::
| |
| | |
| Tali: It has been a while since I played, I have to admit.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: LT, if you need to think about something........focus on the game.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya shot Eerie a small glare, but settled down and took the first move --
| |
| the traditional opening. A few minutes of play passed by in silence, Elya
| |
| playing defensively and protecting as much of her pieces and the board as
| |
| possible, until an especially complex position was left on the board.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie also played defensively at least in the beginning starting to feel
| |
| out his opponents weaknesses, and seeing what tendencies she would employ.
| |
| But the aggressive nature that he used against the computer started to
| |
| show::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Excellent LT. ::As he found that she would not go for a ploy::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Laudeans are not renowned for their patience, but in chess it seems to
| |
| suit me well.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: You are a good player, you seemed to pick it back up quickly
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie moved his rook, hopefully to bait Tali, but of course he would give
| |
| it up for the king. which would end the game. While Eerie enjoyed the game,
| |
| it was the victory, which he had none against the computer, but he had once
| |
| gotten a stalemate.::
| |
| | |
| ::Elya?s eyes wandered back out to the stars for a moment, half her mind
| |
| stewing over the next series of moves, but part of it still swelling on
| |
| Farius Prime, one of the distant specks of light in their wake. After taking
| |
| the rook, a few more moves passed before she frowned, realizing the mistake.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Hrmmm not quickly enough it seems. Well played.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : If you have not played in while it takes time to pick up again, but
| |
| you played well, you will do better.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked over at Tali, he did not know the engineer well, of course
| |
| that could be said for most of the crew, probably all of the crew except
| |
| Peiy and Blackwood, and that was a learning curve::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Let?s play again. Why don?t you tell me about what happened on the
| |
| ship while I was away? The reports are such a lifeless way to hear it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well, we had a escaped Bajorian terrorist, and then we had the
| |
| Bajorian or Brotherhood virus infect a lot of the systems of the ship, and
| |
| two new crew members, but I?m sure nothing that you had to deal with.
| |
| Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya nodded thoughtfully. It seemed the Aurora had gotten into more
| |
| trouble than expected while they were below. Elya tried another opening --
| |
| something a little reckless, but that perhaps Eerie had less experience
| |
| with.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the opening moves by the Engineer, it was odd, and for the
| |
| next couple of minutes Eerie played a more defensive game as he tried to
| |
| figure out what Tali was doing:
| |
| | |
| oO (Eerie) I am not sure what she is trying but I am slowly getting pushed
| |
| in a corner here, time to push backOo
| |
| | |
| ::However, Eerie made a move that he instantly wish he could take back::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Hmmm......
| |
| | |
| ::Elya smiled slightly. Somehow it didn?t seem fitting for the large
| |
| ponderous Eerie to have such immediate second thoughts. She slid the attack
| |
| board down into position, her bishop targetting in at the opening Eerie left
| |
| unguarded.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: How are the new officers? I see I have a new Engineer, but I haven?t
| |
| been back to duty just yet...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, I haven?t really had time to meet him, and I have just been
| |
| introduced to the Counselor, but the new Tactical officer is an former
| |
| marine, with the attitude
| |
| | |
| Tali: Are there any games unique to Brikar culture?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well, LT. I played a form of rugby in college, just ?..just a local
| |
| team....pretty physical.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was quickly starting to feel that this tactical position was failing
| |
| in the game, he focused hard on the next move, but it resulted in Tali
| |
| taking his bishop now leaving his king exposed::
| |
| | |
| ::Elya nodded. Given that she?d seen the Brikar take light phase fire
| |
| without stopping, she imagined any Brikar sport must be pretty brutal
| |
| indeed. Elya considered the next few moves carefully, and soon it was clear
| |
| she would win by the end.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Excellent game, Lieutenant.
| |
| | |
| Tali: A fun game. Thanks for the distraction, my mind has been stewing over
| |
| the away mission...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Any time Lieutenant, we should have a tie breaker are you up for
| |
| another one. ::Eerie was already thinking of his strategy for the next game:
| |
| | |
| Tali: No, I think I had best get to Engineering and see about introductions.
| |
| We can call it even for now. ::smiling::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you, I will be looking forward to our next game. Remember you
| |
| did you duty,.....
| |
| | |
| ::Tali nodded and left the lounge::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JP
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Lt Elya Tali
| |
| Chief Engineer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| LT jg Eeire
| |
| | |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| | |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-09-28 11:12:53
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176924
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2254
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | JP: Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA & Lt. Malcolm, CMO, Aurora: The missing part
| |
| | ( Dickens's quarters )
| |
| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| :: Morning came and Marcus woke up feeling his eyes burning from the last night tears that dried in his eyes during the night. He had been relieved of duty by doctor O'Hanlon and oficially he can't take care of the ship, thing that was a bug eating him on one side and a relief in the other as he had time for himself. He took a shower, warming it until it's really hot. When he'd finished he moved out of the bathroom and selected some clothes to put on, as an electric blue T-shirt and a white loose pants, thing that proved a bit difficult with only one hand what almost brought back the feelings of the evening, but he managed to control them and thought that there was nothing to do at the moment so he has to move on. As he finished he made a call to Vojana to explain what's happened, however as he's about to ask for the connection he re-thought and discarded it focusing on reading what's the status of the ship. He did another call. ::
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| | |
| Dickens: =/\= Dickens to captain Vetri =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= When you're free I'd like to have a word with you. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: =/\= I'm about to visit the doctor, is ok when I'm done? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus exit his quarters and avoided passing by the bridge taking a turbolift discretely. As he moved down he thought about what the doctors will tell him. ::
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| | |
| ((Sickbay))
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| | |
| :: After the surgery and being recovered a little, Marcus returned to sickbay for a visit with Dr. Malcolm. He knew that O'Hanlon was a good doctor, as he'd performed the surgery well enough to keep him alive, despite the loss of his hand that was unavoidable, but was more used and confident with the good looking doctor. As he entered sickbay he could see that the situation has eased after the high demand of the department with the Virus and treatment of the away team members. ::
| |
| | |
| ::Jen looked up and greeted Dickens with a warm smile. She had been unaware of a scheduled appointment with him, but was not at all surprised to see him::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Commander Dickens. It's very nice to see you looking so much better. How are you feeling?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Quite fine, but not used to being... shorthanded. :: Trying to smile ::
| |
| | |
| ::She smiled and rolled her eyes good-naturedly::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::chuckling:: oh dear?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: That's the best I can do right now, as I can't do anything about it. Humour is something good in those situations.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: That's what they say.
| |
| | |
| ::She closed the distance between them and carefully placed her hands on his arm, raising it so she could get a look at his surgical site.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: So, how does it look?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Absolutely textbook. O'Hanlon did a fine job. I'm sorry you had to lose it, but I'm sure you know you won't be without a hand for long. ::She patted the biobed:: Have a seat and I'll take a closer look.
| |
| | |
| :: The doctor made the scans on his arm and looked at them for a few seconds. Marcus barely could see at the place where his hand was supposed to be so decided to look at the display on the wall. He could recognize some of the elements, the bones of the forearem doesn't seem to be so touched and the nerves seemed to be all working. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Diagnostic?
| |
| | |
| ::Jen laid her tricorder aside and sat next to him on the biobed. She wasn't sure how he was adjusting to losing his hand ? but from his attempt at humor and the way he'd avoided looking at the wound ? she knew at the very least he was somewhat nervous. It'd be a while before she could fix the fact he didn't have his hand, but for now, she could at least try to put him at ease::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Well, we're definitely going to want to get you another working hand.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Replacement, yes I was thinking of that too. What are your suggestions?
| |
| | |
| ::She swung her legs, bouncing them against the side of the biobed and tried her best to keep her tone conversational.::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: We have two options. We can grow you a new hand or fit you with a bionic prosthetic.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well, I think that it'll be best to have a hand of my own again, if it's possible.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: This is what I would suggest. It'll take a while to grow you a replacement ? so we'll fit you with the prosthetic for the meantime.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I thought you'll suggest that. What kind of prosthetic, wouldn't it seem very artificial? Wouldn't be a problem later retiring the prosthetic and implanting the biological one?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: It's your decision of course. There can be complications with the genetic replacement ? nerves can be tricky things. But we'll attempt it if you want. And, you might find you like the prosthetic. ::She patted his knee:: Either way, you'll be twiddling those thumbs again soon.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He barely could fake up a smile :: Either way, you're right I guess.
| |
| | |
| ::She smiled and hopped off of the biobed::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: We'll get started on that for you. In the meantime, I'm keeping you off-duty. Please remember to take it easy.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well, being off duty has an effect on having things going easy.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Next time you see me I'll have a shiney new hand for you.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Send me the catalogue, I'll choose one.
| |
| | |
| :: Malcolm moved off and he's left on the biobed when someone entered. ::
| |
| | |
| TBC:
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| Dr. Jen Malcolm
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| |
| USS Aurora
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| | |
| and
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-09-29 18:48:59
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| | 176925
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| | JP LT jg Eerie & Ensign Black wood USS Aurora - quarters talk
| |
| | ((Shared Quarters))
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| | |
| ::Eerie stared at the computer screen, he had heard of the Appalachian trail
| |
| but he had never been there, in fact he had only been away from the academy
| |
| with his academy class. But he had heard that it was good for hiking, he
| |
| scanned the records. His defeat of the chess game did not bother him too
| |
| much, he had learned from it, and he would be a better player despite the
| |
| loss. The wonderful picnic was still replaying in the back of his mind::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::While he had enjoyed the picnic, he was really looking forward to spending
| |
| so time with Peiy::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie heard the door slide open to the quarters::
| |
| | |
| ::He felt the steps of Blackwood come up behind him, he turned to Ensign
| |
| Blackwood::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Ensign, I am glad you are out of the sickbay, I hope you are feeling
| |
| better.
| |
| | |
| :: Blackwood deflated somewhat at the sight of Eerie, her smile faded and
| |
| vanished. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Sighing:: I am on the road to recovery again.
| |
| | |
| Eerie : I am sorry I had to carry you to sick bay but it was for your own
| |
| good, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: What do you want? A pat on the back? A medal? ::Pausing:: Take a
| |
| biscuit from the tin.
| |
| | |
| oO She is feeling better I can tell, a few more insults and she will right
| |
| as rain?...Is that the expression. Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::Changing the subject:: I hope you are looking forward to some shore
| |
| leave?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: I haven?t given it much thought. Do you have any plans?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Peiy and I are going to do a weekend trip on Earth.
| |
| | |
| oO Even boulder buster can get a date... Oo
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Bizarre.... Did you have that other thing then? Picnic was it?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Ensign
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well! How did it go?
| |
| | |
| Eerie : It ?.went well......I guess, she did something I?m not sure about:
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Oh? Whats that?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: She, I mean Ensign Peiy, held my hand?
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well that is what people do when they feel affectionately to each
| |
| other. Problems with that?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I..........No....::Eerie seemed tongue tied:: was it the right thing
| |
| to do..? oO Yes, it is true, he liked Peiy Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The computer suddenly showed an incoming message, it was for Eerie to
| |
| report to the counselor after his next duty shift, he quickly scanned the
| |
| message and deleted it. ::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well it seems that way to me... but... you seem really
| |
| uncomfortable with it...
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Evanna, I don?t ...I mean I ?.. I care for her....I have to go on
| |
| duty, ?
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie stood up, and turned to Evanna but he did not move, he seemed to be
| |
| searching for something, but in some respects lost::
| |
| | |
| Eeire: I am in uncharted territory Evanna...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood: ::Heavy sigh:: oO You and me both Buster. Oo So whaddaya want me
| |
| to do about it?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I like her a lot. ::The wind seemed to vanish from his sails. :: What
| |
| do I do now?
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire was surprised he was confiding in Blackwood::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: What? Do I look like an expert in dating?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I would....forget it.....Ensign ::Straightening back up::
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: Well... it seems to me you already have your next date lined up.
| |
| What do I suggest? Roll with the punches....
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Thank you Ensign, you have been quite helpful. ::Eerie shut down the
| |
| computer terminal, he nodded at Blackwood as he left the quarters. ::
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| | |
| JP
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| Ensign Blackwood
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| USS Aurora
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| | |
| &
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| | |
| | |
| LT jg Eerie
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| | |
| Tactical Officer
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| USS Aurora
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| | |
| | |
| --
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| LT JG Eerie
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| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
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| | 2011-09-29 16:39:48
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| | 176926
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Things that need to be sorted
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| | |
| ::Arielle entered Sickbay and Dickens looked at her, hoping that she'll just pass by or attend to other business. His hopes dropped when she adressed him.::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Commander, you look much better than last time I saw you. How do you feel?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Better certainly, doctors doesn't did a bad job. But it's hard to get used to be one handed.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: You tell me, I never tried losing a limb. ::Arielle watched him seriously.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Certainly it's not an experience I recommend you to do. It's hindering even the usual things everyone do.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: I don't see the reason for you to feel that way. I know lot of people who lost a hand even a leg and with bionic one live and work in Starfleet. ::Arielle watched him climbing on the biobed and despite the wish to help him, she steeled herself and let him do it himself.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He used his one hand and made a jump to get on the biobed again. :: I know and I plan to have one, it's just the time until then.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Doctor O'Hanlon has some ideas. I asked him about it but he pointed me to the fact that you're due for appointment soon, so I decided to hear them with you, rather than stealing his time twice.
| |
| If you don't mind me listen it with you, of course. If you want me to leave and let you to do it in private I can leave.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No problem if that's what you wish. I've already talked with Dr. Malcolm, she suggested some options but as Dr. O'Hanlon performed the surgery he'll probably want to say a word on it.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Doctor. ::Turning to Dickens.:: I'll just sit here behind.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: So it seems that you've done a good job with this. :: raising his forearm ::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I've talked to Malcolm and she said something about making a new hand from me.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: You may want to perform the process, right?
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well, it seems logical to me. After all you've taken my hand so may want to give me another one. :: He doesn't mean to harm the doctor, however the frustration has to get our through somewhere. ::
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I know, you did a wonderful job, the cuts and repairs where quite good. Seems as if you've done it before.
| |
| | |
| O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Then I was a good experience, next time you'll have a reference to decide how to proceed, don't you agree counselour? :: she turned to her seeking of what's her opinion on the issue to see the cards that she's holding over him. ::
| |
| | |
| Teagan/O'Hanlon: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-09-29 20:52:47
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| | 176949
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Reporting and fixing things.
| |
| | ( Aurora )
| |
| | |
| IC:
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| | |
| :: After the meeting with the doctors Teagan was eager to know what's on his mind. However he had something else to do and need some time to face the counselour and her surely pointed questions. He moved up to the deck 1 and exit from the turbolift, rounding the bridge to the Captain's quarters. He hesitated a moment before pressing the chime but did it finally, waiting just a second before he's allowed entrance. ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Thank you captain, I hope I'm not interrupting you.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: ::Marcus looked around at the room, noticing it wasn't the usual he'd seen from other captains, probably due the fact that she has a child :: I thought you'll want to hear from me what happened on the last mission. Plus I'm interested in knowing what's on what we've found on the data Barnes and us retrieved.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: Sitting on a couch he waited 'till the captain sat as well. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: We managed to enter the bunker and despite that we have to ruse ourselves as Brotherhood members we succeeded, at least in part and managed to get some insight on their organization. That base seemed a larger one than what they're used, and they don't know each other very well as we managed to fool them with some help, but.
| |
| | |
| :: He stopped a moment to get some air and continued. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: They're... deficient in technology, but what they lack on that side they supply it with talent and suspicion on everything. They seem to not know everything but what's needed, this way if a cell falls, the plan can be modified to continue. We're lucky to find the help of an slave that helped us at the end. What's intriguing for me is the bio stasis unit we've transported that we couldn't have a look into. Maybe some of the data we get could get some insight onto it's content. Probably it's related to what they're planning against.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm sure starfleet intel will find that interesting.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| :: And there it was, the question he had expected. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Good, the doctors are planning on making a new one probably soon.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, they've put me off duty and counselour wanted to have a chat with me. You know counselours, don't you? :: smiling a little ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm doing fine, that's just something that happens. We know what we're at when we signed for starfleet. At least I'm not dead, everything else is good enough.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No, ... I still haven't told her. I prefer ... not to worry her for more time than necessary. If we approach to the starbase and she's there, I'll tell her as we're arriving. I'm more concerned for you.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: The surprise attack worked as she asked :: I'm off duty by medical, despite that I could still do things, so who'll be acting as FO while I'm out. Barnes? T'Lea is still off duty too, right?
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: He managed to get out of that bunker by himself, so he's quite capable of doing it.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Maybe the doctors are right and until I don't have my other hand I'm ... useless... or trashy. Anyway there are things that needed to be done while I'm... out.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Who's now, my captain or the former counselour asking?
| |
| | |
| Vetri:
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| OOC: I'll gladly continue whatever you want to ask.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
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| Individual Email | Traditional
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| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-10-02 00:04:38
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| | 176964
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| | 2294
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Reflections
| |
| | ((Bridge - Beta Shift))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie checked the tactical board one more time, there was not change, now
| |
| with Cmdr. Barnes back and the addition of LT. Matthews he work load had
| |
| decrease significantly but it had given him the opportunity to check on
| |
| things first hand,.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie had not heard much from Peiy lately, and she had been unusually
| |
| quiet even for Peiy, he hoped everything was fine, he would talk with later
| |
| hopefully ::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie scrolled for through the data from the long range scanners, there
| |
| was some vessels in the area, but none of them presented any threat to the
| |
| AURORA, and there was nothing in the flight characteristics about any
| |
| concerns, the bridge activity was like to the lull after the storm, he was
| |
| thinking about what had happened since leaving Starbase 23:
| |
| | |
| oO Let?s see on the profession side, run in with an Orion Ship, Brikarn
| |
| Patrol Craft, being boarded by the Orions, Bajorian terrorists, strange
| |
| devices aboard the ship, virus aboard the ship, rescue of the away team,
| |
| new crew members and a baby, interesting to say the least.....and perhaps
| |
| the most important, having the CONN for little while, probably won?t happen
| |
| with a crew of some 350, if the rumors are true Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie paused for a moment, remembering what Teagan had said to him, and
| |
| his counselor from the academy:
| |
| | |
| oO Come on Eerie, let?s look at the other end of the spectrum, you have
| |
| started to develop some friendships, a couple...Peiy....it was a wonderful
| |
| picnic, what a nice female, I?m not sure were this going but I have really
| |
| enjoyed the time with her, and I can?t wait to have a couple of days with
| |
| her hopefully ?..I don?t know about Blackwood, one minute she is nice, then
| |
| the insults start to flow. If anyone needs a time counselor, and a medical
| |
| team following her, it is her, they are probably both good for you
| |
| blockhead, but you need to branch out moreOo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie reflected on this for a few minutes, and focused on the bridge
| |
| operations which were humming along like the last weeks had never occurred::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO You really need to get out of your cabin more, you spend most of your off
| |
| time, on duty or in the cabin, except for the chess game and some hikes on
| |
| the holodeck you still need to get out moreOo
| |
| | |
| -fin-
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| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-10-03 14:02:14
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176972
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2302
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - getting close to Sol
| |
| | ((USS Aurora, Bridge))
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie was still on the bridge, he continued to scan Long Range Scanners,
| |
| now that they were getting closer, the traffic continued to get a bit
| |
| heavier, he knew that the Sol System had strict quotes on ship traffic in
| |
| the system, he heard the turbolift open, and LT Matthews. ::
| |
| | |
| oO Interesting officer, good pilot, don't know anything other that his
| |
| record, but he is Star Fleet, that will have to do for the momentOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched the LT move toward the CONN and the Captain::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Ma?am do you have some time? I have to review something with you
| |
| and it is very important.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Certainly. What's the issue?
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Ma?am may we speak in private please?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: If you think it necessary.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Thank you ma?am.
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the Captain look his way::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Anything exciting out there I need to know about?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Nothing out of the ordinary, just increase ship traffic, most ships
| |
| are giving us a wide berth, not problems, Captain.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: How about the Veter? Did they make it to their patrol from the
| |
| Starbase okay?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I recieved confirmation from Brikar,, they returned safely, and it
| |
| appears the Klingon and Brikarn Prime relations are on a positive note,
| |
| according to new reports both Klingon and Brikar, Sire.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Goo to know... and I haven't forgotten what their captain said about
| |
| a present or two. Whatever it is, it's in a big box.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Hmm.
| |
| | |
| vetri: I checked once I knew we weren't heading to SB23. I've arranged for
| |
| it to be shipped to meet us, so hopefully the suspense won't last that much
| |
| longer.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Well, I pretty much know what the one item would be, but it wouldn't
| |
| be that big, don't have a clue about the second item, Captain.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::The Captain nodded and went with Matthews in the Ready Room, he had a
| |
| concerned look on his face::
| |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-10-04 06:51:16
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176974
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2304
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Friend's assessment
| |
| | ( Captain's quarters )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: He wondered how the captain will feel about him, and the question shock him and took a defensive position. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: Who's now, my captain or the former counselor asking?
| |
| |
| Vetri: ::sighing:: Does it have to be either? Why can't it be just as a friend? I'd like to think we're at least some way toward that.
| |
| |
| Dickens: :: Sighing :: We are... it's just that you reminded me of Teagan and can't avoid seeing the counselour in you instead of you alone.
| |
| |
| Vetri: Whichever one you pick, I'm not going to walk away if I can help. ::smiling softly:: Simplest way to get me to stop bugging you is to answer the question. So, do you honestly believe you're no use to anyone right now?
| |
| |
| Dickens: Maybe not no use,... but certainly I'm hindered and that off duty resolution only make things worse. But they're somehow right, as FO I need to be able to do whatever's needed and that's not the case right now.
| |
| |
| Vetri: Oh, for... ::shaking her head:: Marcus, you've lost a hand. Bad, yeah, and I'm really sorry it happened. But it's not everything. You've got a damned good mind under that haircut of yours, and *that* is far more use to this ship, this crew. You may be off major duties, but that doesn't stop you *thinking*, does it?
| |
| |
| Dickens: :: Haircut, that almost made him smile due his very short hair. :: If it's only one mind up there maybe things will be easier. Well, in fact you should know as you have your own. :: signaling to her belly. ::
| |
| |
| :: Raising her hands a little, she sighed as she realised that he couldn't help but watch the pair of hands. She quickly moved them down.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: Okay, I'll drop it. For now. You're not going to just sit in your quarters and brood about it though.
| |
| |
| Dickens: That's sure, there'll be no time until I'll have that counselour of us calling at my door.
| |
| |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: Okay, good. Whether you believe it or not, she'll be able to help. And Marcus... call your wife. She probably won't like hearing it, but she needs to know, and you'll get each other past this together.
| |
| |
| Dickens: You think? She'd had a very hard time when she loosed his legs and it took her a lot of time to accept the new ones and use them properly, I think that she'll get this as a bad memory hitting her. But well, you're the expert on that.
| |
| |
| Vetri: Gods, no. I'm far from an expert. But I *do* have a lot more experience in this sort of thing, and most of the time it worked out.
| |
| |
| :: With a slight movement, she tapped her abdomen over where her symbiote lay, making sure he knew exactly what she meant.::
| |
| |
| Dickens: Ok, I'll think about it, but if it goes wrong it'll be your fault!! :: He said that trying to sound humorous, but wasn't sure he'd succeeded. After that he left the quarters heading towards his own. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
| |
| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| |
| | 2011-10-04 16:41:17
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176984
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2314
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC) Crewman DeBarres - USS Aurora - planning
| |
| | ((Starboard Lounge))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres had just finished her shift, and she went to her favorite spot in
| |
| the Starboard Lounge, she inserted a data crystal into the terminal and
| |
| pulled up the old holoprogram, she smiled at it as she had not reviewed it
| |
| in a long time::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I will have to run this program sometime in its original configuration,
| |
| this was so much fun, the first combat program on the freighter that she was
| |
| allowed to use a hand phaser::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oOGot to make some changes to it, we got to get Ensign Peiy, qualified
| |
| againOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She could tell that her comments was wrong when talking about Eerie, but
| |
| she was going to get her qualified if it was going to take some time to do
| |
| it::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO Confidence, that is was she need, and that is something that I excel it,
| |
| between me and that good looking Alex Matthews we going to get her qualified
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She requested a virtual control panel and she started making changes to
| |
| the program, she changed a lot of the parameters and make the holoprogram be
| |
| more flexible on its input before running::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::She beamed after about 15 minutes and finally::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres: Computer, save to private library as DeBarres file 01c::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Computer : File saved
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres took the data crystal, and shut down the terminal, she wanted to
| |
| talk to Peiy about getting back in the Holodeck as soon as possible, she
| |
| wasn?t going to let her mope about, time to try it again::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::DeBarres left the lounge, and headed down to her quarters, time to get
| |
| some of her favorite relaxing clothes on::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Crewman Charlotte DeBarres
| |
| Tactical/Security Specialist
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Eerie
| |
| | 2011-10-05 14:25:56
| |
| |-
| |
| | 176985
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2315
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | (PNPC) Ensign Peiy & (PNPC) Crewman DeBarres - USS Aurora -What's up Doc!
| |
| | ((Holodeck one))
| |
| | |
| | |
| : DeBarres and Peiy entered the Holodeck, and DeBarres went over to the
| |
| control panel::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :: Computer run DeBarres program 01c, freeze program and give us
| |
| two standard hand phasers type 01, stun only, safeties on.
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres took the phasers and handed one to Peiy::
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: The computer created a wild west town, with town folk frozen, they were
| |
| standing in front of a long dirt street with shops and buildings on both
| |
| sides of them::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: Peiy what is something that you don?t like, has to be pretty big;
| |
| | |
| Peiy: For me it is the Jem?Hadar
| |
| | |
| DeBarres::Computer, program bad guys as Jem?Har
| |
| | |
| Computer : Comfirmed, how many would you like? 14
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :: looking at Peiy :: This is not like the program Matthews ran, we
| |
| have to clear out the town, but it is not going to be hard, but we can not
| |
| shoot any of the town folks, as we are the new marshals in town ::smiling,::
| |
| | |
| oO (Peiy) Marshals? Oo
| |
| | |
| Computer:: run simulation, normal speed
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: look at the environment and try to pick up on sights and sounds
| |
| and peoples expressions, they will tell you a lot, be part of the
| |
| environment ::Giggles:: This is going to be fun, I can? wait.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Smiling uneasily:: Well, if you say so.
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres and Peiy started to walk down the dusty street, and coming out of
| |
| the general store was a six foot teddy Bear, with a phaser::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: What the frak is that? I don?t know whether to cuddle or shoot it! I?m
| |
| confused.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Shoot! ::Laughing:: Come on!
| |
| Peiy: I feel evil... Thanks a bunch. Who?s the baddies now?
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy lifted her phaser and pointed it at the too cute teddy. Agonizing
| |
| moments dragged out, but she shot it before the killer carebear could shoot
| |
| her. ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Computer, freeze program :: The town stopped dead in its tracks
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : This is my a version of my first phaser program on the freighter
| |
| when I was about 10, I was so scared but I learned that opponents could be
| |
| anything, and if you could shoot your favorite item, that the real baddies
| |
| would be a piece of cake.
| |
| | |
| Piey: ::Laughing:: Well that's a good way to think about it!
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: Come on mate, 13 more lovable teddy bears to go, and they get a
| |
| bit harder as we go, but perhaps some Jem Har other day!
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Computer run program
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy grinned, it was kinda serious but kinda a game too. She tried to
| |
| follow DeBarres advice about minding the environment.
| |
| | |
| ::They walked down the street and there was a creak of a door, and DeBarres
| |
| aimed but a little girl came running out across the street, she was
| |
| terrified, as a huge rolly polly teddy bear came out after her and DeBarres
| |
| shot and killed the teddy bear::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : One for me! ::smiling, there was another door opening on the
| |
| other side of the street, and Peiy turned::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Comming out of the sheriff's office was a large white teddy bear with a
| |
| phaser rifle, looking the other way. Peiy zapped the teddy before it even
| |
| knew what hit him.::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Hah! Got it.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Good shot Tex!, Computer: Ten gallon hat on Peiy::
| |
| | |
| ::A large hat appeared on Peiy, it was quite comical::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: ::Laughing:: Whats with the wonky hat?
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: Just what they wore, on their heads as a cowboy!
| |
| | |
| ::They continued walking down the street, and they continued to rack up the
| |
| dead teddy bears:: When they came to the last house on the street::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: We have to go inside of this one.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Lets go get them!
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy was quite enjoying the experience and DeBarres was fun in a team. ::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I will go in but you watch my back, Ok?
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Right then
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres pushed the door in staying low, the only light coming in was from
| |
| the sun streaming in the house, Peiy followed, there was a stair case, to
| |
| the left and Peiy motioned to stop and put her hand up to her ears, Peiy was
| |
| standing closer to the stairs, and heard the noise of something coming down
| |
| them,::
| |
| | |
| :: It was a small noise and then it stopped:
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : you take a look, I will follow you.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: OK
| |
| | |
| ::Peiy started up the stairs, but the sound retreated to a back room, as
| |
| they came up the stairs. There were two bedrooms and it appeared that both
| |
| doors were open::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres:: quietly :: go low and be careful.
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Sure, okay.
| |
| | |
| ::DeBarres crouched down and moved up against the wall only to slowly look
| |
| inside , she could see a large 5 foot bunny rabbit sleeping on the bed, and
| |
| then it got up and said:
| |
| | |
| Large Rabbit : What?s up Doc!
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Woah!
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy was really surprised, but there was a lesson in that too. She
| |
| quickly and confidently dispatched the rabid rabbit. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres looked at Peiy who looked like she could take on the entire Romulan
| |
| Empire, with a hand phaser and smiled::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres: I am so proud of you, you did great, you will have no problem
| |
| next time ::A huge smile appeared on her face:: that is the last one! it is
| |
| over!
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Thanks... that really helped. You?re a good friend.
| |
| | |
| :: Peiy reached out to give DeBarres a big hug., knocking the hat off her
| |
| head:: DeBarres gave her a big hug back::
| |
| | |
| | |
| DeBarres:: End program :: The black and white of the holodeck re appeared::
| |
| | |
| DeBarres :: Peiy, you are a great friend, and we will make it a bit tougher
| |
| next time, but you will do just fine, just remember big teddy bears
| |
| ::Smiling::
| |
| | |
| Peiy: Yeah. Well, I hope so anyway.
| |
| | |
| DeBarres : Still smiling :: you just have to tell your self, you will be
| |
| fine, and you will, you will rack up raiders left and right next time::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| -fin-
| |
| | |
| JP
| |
| | |
| (PNPC) Crewman DeBarres
| |
| Tactical/Security specialist
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| simmed by Eerie
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (PNPC) Ensign Peiy
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| Simmed by Blackwood
| |
| | 2011-10-05 16:23:21
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177003
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2333
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: A long due call
| |
| | ( Dickens's quarters )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Just one more thing. ::She paused with a serious face.:: Get out of that room and talk to people. You need it as much as they do. ::Smile and turn around leaving the doors to close.::
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus stood in the room thinking of her words, curiously very similar to what the Della told him so after a few minutes he did the call he'd been posposing. As she accepted the call he took air deeply. ::
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Darling, how glad you have called.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Hello my love. How're you doing?
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Quite well, I've been told that you're returning to Sol, so I came to see you. How's your last mission?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Not very bad, it could have been worse. We've had to infiltrate the Scarlett Brotherhood and had some problems for and from us.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: At least you've returned alive and safe.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: Sighing he decided he need to tell her and came with a way to say it. :: Yes,... well mostly but I think I forgot something there.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Forgot? what?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I don't know
| |
| | |
| :: he said shrugging and crossing his right arm over his chest and putting his left arm upwards as if catching his chin while thinking. Obviously he couldn't get is due the lack of his hand that Vojana was being aware at that moment. ::
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Where's... ? What.. ?? How?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Sickbay, a falling wall and seems that I tried to stop it from falling with a single hand. Fortunately it wasn't my good one.
| |
| | |
| :: Seeing his face and almost smile she knew he's doing an effort not to show how it hurted him. She tried to ease the mood despite the situation
| |
| | |
| Vojana: How it was? You're jealous of my legs?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: You could say that... I think that after this we'll be the perfect couple...
| |
| | |
| Vojana: We weren't?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Don't fool me. :: He stared at the screen not sure how to follow. Fortunately Vojana could almost read him by his expression. ::
| |
| | |
| Vojana: How're you coping with it?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Almost as good as you. But I have two pain in my back that doesn't leave me. I could deal with one, but the other is more difficult to avoid.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Who's it?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Della, the captain. It's in her as she's former Counselour, so she doesn't do counseling to me, but at the same time she does. She convinced me to call you as I wanted to wait to be on the Starbase.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Why? why didn't you told me right away?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: It's 'cause... because I love you and I don't want to see you suffering remembering those days.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: Yes, but that's what I promised when I married you, on the good and the bad things. Now it's your turn to receive bad thing, so allow me to help you like you did to me before.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: From all the people that's digging on me, you're the one I can't refuse, drive away or scold for doing it.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: You poor of even trying. Listen, as I heard of your ship coming I picked up a transport that was going there too. Good to still have some friends I'm over the Silver Bow, a courier ship that was heading towards Sol system. I'll see you there once you arrive, then we can have a talk over it and some time together.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Sure. Once we've spent time I want to introduce you to the captain. I think you'll find her interesting.
| |
| | |
| Vojana: You think? I've seen a lot of strange things so don't expect me to be surprised. What she has so special?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well, I don't know if callign it special, but considering that it's a joined Trill, woman, that has married T'Lea my former Chief Science and that both just had a child together... the rest you'll find it by yourself.
| |
| | |
| :: Both continued talking for a few minutes and promised to spend time together. After that he realized it's time to eat something and after looking at the replicator for some moments he decided to go to the mess hall and try to follow the Counselour and Captain suggestions. He didn't know if it'll work, but at least he'll give it a try.::
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| OOC: Ok, I'll release Dickens from his confinement in his own sorrow, at least for some minutes. Will anyone find him on his way towards the mess hall? What will you tell him?
| |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| LT. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| |
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| | 2011-10-08 22:00:24
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| |-
| |
| | 177016
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| | 12
| |
| | 2346
| |
| | 2452
| |
| | Lt Elya Tali - Last Aurora Meeting??
| |
| | ((Ready room))
| |
| | |
| ::Elya slipped into the ready room, still a bit sweaty from the phaser
| |
| test in the holodeck.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Well, that was certainly an eventful mission, wasn't it?
| |
| | |
| Barnes: It was interesting to say the least.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: It certainly was.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya glared at everyone involved. It was too casual a way of saying
| |
| what had happened on that miserable planet.::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: From what I've been hearing from Command, it was worth it.
| |
| ::rising from her seat:: Anyway, time for the next item on the list.
| |
| In this case, I hope you all know where to find your dress uniforms.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya nodded to herself. At least something useful had come out of it
| |
| all. Dress uniforms was a more curious request -- weren't they
| |
| supposed to go on shore leave?::
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Don't tell me that the brass are coming to thank us personally ??
| |
| | |
| Vetri: We have a few things to attend to, and they're pretty much a
| |
| formal event, so... Tomorrow, noon. Holodeck 1. ::smiling:: It might
| |
| even be fun.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Is it fully formal or...
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: We're not going to be alone on this one, so that's
| |
| a definite yes. Which reminds me, we need preparations made for a
| |
| visiting Admiral. I doubt he's planning to be here long, but I'd like
| |
| us to put on a good show for him regardless.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I was actually.... I'll have security on standby along with
| |
| our marine unit, I'd like a list of who's coming aboard if possible
| |
| ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay, anyone got anything else?
| |
| | |
| ::Elya kept her mouth shut. She had plenty of work to do getting the
| |
| Aurora back into service, especially with the scraped the waverider
| |
| had taken. They could find someone at the Starbase to worry about
| |
| parties and Admirals. She idly glanced from person to person at the
| |
| table, trying to decide who would look the most ridiculous in dress
| |
| uniforms.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt Elya Tali
| |
| Chief Engineer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| tinyurl.com/elyatali
| |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
| |
| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
| | |
| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to:
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| http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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| | 2011-10-09 16:26:37
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177024
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2354
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - Admiral?
| |
| | ((Ready room))
| |
| | |
| :Erie watched as the rest of the crew filtered in the Ready Room, T'Lea was
| |
| there with the baby, it was his first real opportunity to see the baby, it
| |
| brought back visions of the party and the hours he had spent taking care of
| |
| the Terran baby during the academy. Blackwood was there, Cmdr. Barnes came
| |
| in, as did most of the rest of the senior staff::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Well, that was certainly an eventful mission, wasn't it?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Barnes: It was interesting to say the least.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: It certainly was.
| |
| | |
| :
| |
| | |
| Vetri: From what I've been hearing from Command, it was worth it. ::rising
| |
| from her seat:: Anyway, time for the next item on the list. In this case, I
| |
| hope you all know where to find your dress uniforms.
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Dress Uniform?Oo
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Don't tell me that the brass are coming to thank us personally ??
| |
| | |
| Vetri: We have a few things to attend to, and they're pretty much a formal
| |
| event, so... Tomorrow, noon. Holodeck 1. ::smiling:: It might even be fun.
| |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Is it fully formal or...
| |
| | |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: We're not going to be alone on this one, so that's a
| |
| definite yes. Which reminds me, we need preparations made for a visiting
| |
| Admiral. I doubt he's planning to be here long, but I'd like us to put on a
| |
| good show for him regardless.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie thought about this for a minute::
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Something pretty big must be in the works, Dress Uniform, I know
| |
| were it is, if an Admiral is coming then there will probably be a lot of
| |
| others to the event, hmmm.....perhaps a solitary walk on Mars might be more
| |
| interesting.....could be about us getting a new ship... probably a
| |
| party....great.....Oo
| |
| | |
| Barnes: I was actually.... I'll have security on standby along with our
| |
| marine unit, I'd like a list of who's coming aboard if possible ma'am.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Okay, anyone got anything else?
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-10-10 05:56:25
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177026
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2356
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: What the minds need is activity
| |
| | ( Corridor )
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| ::Marcus moved through the corridor towards the Mess hall thinking about the conversation he'd had with his wife. He missed aside from her to have a true friend on the ship like C'elest Moranta or Devana Franks, two persons with whom he'd been able to help openly, even Ramirez will be a goo friend to talk with. However he'd been little time on this ship and now that he's FO he felt more isolated from the rest of the crew, maybe for his own sake. The moment she passed round the corner she almost stepped on Dickens but Marcus stopped her before colliding.::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Sir. It's good to see you out of your... *retirement place*. You're on your way to sickbay or missed mess hall entrance?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No, this time I'll let the doctors in peace, but yes, I was thinking and could have lost myself on the way.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: I'm on my way there, I need a tea. ::Arielle almost escaped the thought, but she recalled Dickens being telepathic, so she purged her mind of the recent encounter and everything related.::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: catching that she's shielded herself from some embarrassing thought he choosed not force it. :: Please lead the way, I need a tea too but no counselling this time, right?. ::
| |
| | |
| ( OOC: will end this conversation later )
| |
| | |
| ( Time later )
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus had enjoyed the talk with the counselour out of uniform and was now reviewing some status reports of the ship when the call of the captain was heard. ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= All hands, this is the Captain. Prepare stations for docking... ::smiling:: and welcome to Mars. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: He sighed and there was no time until another call was made. ::
| |
| | |
| Vetri: =/\= Vetri to senior staff, once we're docked, I'd like everyone in my ready room. We've got a few things to cover. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ((Fast Forward, Ready Room))
| |
| |
| :: Running over a few reports, and dressing in duty uniform, she nodded to everyone as they arrived then. When doctor Malcolm arrived he asked her for a second. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Doctor, I want to check something with you before you say nothing to me. I'd like you to review my condition to put me on duty again. I've decided that until you grew one, I'll go with a prosthetic hand to help me.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'll visit you on sickbay once we finish the meeting, ok?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Response
| |
| | |
| :: Once the group had gathered, set the padd down and looked around.::
| |
| |
| Vetri: Well, that was certainly an eventful mission, wasn't it?
| |
| |
| :: The first response to that came from T'Sara, and Della tried hard not to consider the baby's loud burp as some kind of editorial comment...::
| |
| |
| Barnes: It was interesting to say the least.
| |
| | |
| Blackwood: It certainly was.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: It was more than that ma'am. It was not just a job, but an adventure
| |
| |
| :: In the interests of keeping a straight face, Della kept her attention away from what her daughter was doing, instead giving Evanna a nod of agreement. Marcus couldn't agree at the moment but decided not to say anything on that regard. ::
| |
| |
| Vetri: From what I've been hearing from Command, it was worth it. ::rising from her seat:: Anyway, time for the next item on the list. In this case, I hope you all know where to find your dress uniforms.
| |
| |
| Barnes: Don't tell me that the brass are coming to thank us personally ??
| |
| |
| Vetri: We have a few things to attend to, and they're pretty much a formal event, so... Tomorrow, noon. Holodeck 1. ::smiling:: It might even be fun.
| |
| |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| |
| Teagan: Is it fully formal or...
| |
| |
| Vetri: ::nodding:: We're not going to be alone on this one, so that's a definite yes. Which reminds me, we need preparations made for a visiting Admiral. I doubt he's planning to be here long, but I'd like us to put on a good show for him regardless.
| |
| |
| Barnes: I was actually.... I'll have security on standby along with our marine unit, I'd like a list of who's coming aboard if possible ma'am.
| |
| |
| Vetri: Okay, anyone got anything else?
| |
| | |
| ::Elya kept her mouth shut, thing that didn't escape Marcus gaze and O'Hanlon nodded and let escape a gaze to his lack of hand. ::
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Are we required to stay aboard till the ceremony or we can go and return for it? ::She sighed again looking at T'Sara.:: I have a little boy who just undergo drastic change in his life and not knowing of the formal event you plan for us tomorrow I let him come with my mate to pick me up. They should be docking with us any time now.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: From what I know a shore leave it wasn't declared, is it captain?
| |
| |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Network of teleporter relays can bring me here from my home in Brazil within 2 minutes. They are here because of my luggage, mostly my pet Fluffy who always feels sick after use of teleporter.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I think that the transporter network could have a problem to be used this way, lot of papers, authorizations and clearances. Howeve I think that we can dispose of our class 8 shuttle and she could test it's performing in planet atmosphere.
| |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I've seen that we're recovering some personnel and receiving new too. Please doctor make sure they're clear. I expect that I can have the department reports before we have the meeting tomorrow. If you have any problem or need anything don't hesitate to call me. Captain...
| |
| | |
| :: He allowed the captain to end the meeting while downloading the communication of the new additions to the crew. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| TBC:
| |
| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
| |
| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| (Yahoo! ID required)
| |
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-10-10 14:24:35
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177036
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2366
| |
| | 2616
| |
| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora -New officer
| |
| | ((Captain?s Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Are we required to stay aboard till the ceremony or we can go and
| |
| return for it? , I have a little boy who just undergo drastic change in his
| |
| life and not knowing of the formal event you plan for us tomorrow I let him
| |
| come with my mate to pick me up. They should be docking with us any time
| |
| now.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: From what I know a shore leave it wasn't declared, is it captain?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Network of teleporter relays can bring me here from my home in
| |
| Brazil within 2 minutes. They are here because of my luggage, mostly my pet
| |
| Fluffy who always feels sick after use of teleporter.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: I think that the transporter network could have a problem to be
| |
| used this way, lot of papers, authorizations and clearances. Howeve I think
| |
| that we can dispose of our class 8 shuttle and she could test it's
| |
| performing in planet atmosphere.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Dickens: I've seen that we're recovering some personnel and receiving new
| |
| too. Please doctor make sure they're clear. I expect that I can have the
| |
| department reports before we have the meeting tomorrow. If you have any
| |
| problem or need anything don't hesitate to call me. Captain...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie was watching what was going on in the ready room, there was nothing
| |
| really to contribute, most of the senior officers were there, he had only
| |
| been in the ready room once since the last mission briefing::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) it was good to see Cmdr. Dickens make an appearance, in fact he
| |
| seemed to be stepping into things pretty quicklyOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::He looked at the T ?Lea and the baby, it appeared to be making bubbles,
| |
| but was being good::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie heard the hiss of the door, Eerie turned his head, and a Caitian
| |
| walked into the Ready Room. The Catitan was wearing the pips of an ensign,
| |
| and the uniform looked like it was pretty new and had not seen too much use,
| |
| but new officers usually wore their best duty uniform for good impression::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie had met one while at the academy, but he was an upperclassman, he
| |
| had seen him on the practice field once during a intramural game, the
| |
| species had quick movements, and some heighten senses::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| S'Acul: Commander Vetrrrrri. Ensign Ssssss'Acul Aveunalliv rrrreporting for
| |
| duty.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) OK, S?.that is for a male, at least that is what I can remember
| |
| from class, ?.probably a new officer, out of the academy?not that I have
| |
| been out all that longOo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Vetri/Anyone:
| |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| LT JG Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | 2011-10-11 12:32:46
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177038
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2368
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | JP Lt.Cmdr. Dickens Lt. Malcolm, Aurora: Lending a hand ? Part 1
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus entered in the doctor's little world and didn't have to spend a lot of time to find the doctor checking onto something. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I'm here doctor.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::looking up from the PADD she'd been reading:: Oh, good.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I thought that after all I'm not that bad. The counselor and the captain can be pretty insistent.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: A double dose then, huh? ::she smiled::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well, that and a little kick in the you-know-what from my wife. So I decided that it's time to return to work, the counselor could treat me while I do something profitable, of course if you don't have nothing against it.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Absolutely not. As long as you aren't experiencing anymore pain. How's the arm feeling?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Doesn't feel bad, a bit itchy but I'm getting used to it. You can check.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen waved him over to the nearest biobed. She took her arm in her hand and checked the surgical site. It was healing nicely, which meant they should be able to move onto the next step. She took a tricorder and ran it over the area::
| |
| | |
| :: A few minutes passed and the doctor looked at the scans with interest, Marcus couldn't avoid willing to know what the doctor was thinking but restrained himself from a full reading. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: What's up doc? Something wrong?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: I think we're ready for your next surgery.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: A new surgery? What's wrong?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::patting his shoulder:: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. Your prosthetic is ready, and from what I'm looking at here, the site is healed enough for us to attach it.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: You already have one? Can I have a look?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Certainly. Ensign Davies has been working on it almost non-stop. Come with me.
| |
| | |
| ::She led him back to the lab. Ensign Davies nodded a hello to the commander, and knowing why he'd come, took the prosthetic hand from the sterile storage container for him to see::
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus looked at the piece, very neat, almost real, with slight imperfections that denoted to a careful observer that it wasn't natural, but enough to pass in the day to day. ::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: And you say you can implant it now? How long will be the recovery? And the adaptation?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Recovery from the surgery would only be about half a day. You'll need physical therapy to learn how to manipulate the prosthetic which could take months. It all just depends on how quickly you get used to it.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Months... that's a bit too much, but if it's the best you can give me I'll take it. How soon can we start?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: I don't see why we couldn't do it right now. ::She looked to Davies:: Are you available?
| |
| | |
| Davies: Sure thing.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::to Dickens:: What do you think? Are you ready now?
| |
| | |
| Dickens: No time like the present. Plus this way I'll be able to attend to tomorrow ceremony.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::nodding:: I have to get the surgical area prepped, and I'd like to see if O'Hanlon would like to assist. Give me a little time, then we'll get started.
| |
| | |
| :: Marcus nodded and moved to a near replicator next to the doctor's office and ordered a Raktajino. It wasn't his usual drink but he thought that the moment deserved it. As he drank he thought of the long time he'll need to get used to it, but if they don't transfer to a new ship he'll request the change in destination to be with his wife and recover properly. It wasn't long until the doctor came back so he finished the drink and recycled the glass going to the surgery room and sitting in the biobed waiting for the doctor's orders. ::
| |
| | |
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| | |
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| | |
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| | |
| Dr. Jen Malcolm
| |
| |
| USS Aurora
| |
| | |
| &
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-digest@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| sb118-aurora-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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| http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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| | 2011-10-11 22:22:31
| |
| |-
| |
| | 177043
| |
| | 12
| |
| | 2373
| |
| | 1080
| |
| | JP Lt.Cmdr. Dickens Lt. Malcolm, Aurora: Lending a hand ? Part 2
| |
| | ( Sickbay )
| |
| | |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| ::The doctors moved around the biobed, getting equipment prepared for Cmdr. Dicken's surgery. There seemed to be a pile of hardware, some looking more like engineering equipment than medical tools::
| |
| | |
| ::Jen re-checked the sterile field she had set up, and pleased with its status, turned back to Davies.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: Well, I'm excited. I've never done one of these before.
| |
| | |
| ::Davies raised his eyebrows dubiously, but stayed silent::
| |
| | |
| ::Now they just needed their patient::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Seems that you have a lot of things for me.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: We're all ready for you, Cmdr.
| |
| | |
| ::As he climbed atop the biobed
| |
| | |
| Dickens: How will it be, general anesthesia?
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: No need to knock you out. Just lie back and relax.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Well I think I can cope with it this time, you don't mind If I don't look right?
| |
| | |
| ::Jen took an osetotractor and placed it over his arm to immobilize it::
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: We usually use these for setting broken bones, but it'll work to keep your arm still.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Yes, it'll be better, more if it takes time for you to finish.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen removed the dressings from his surgical site::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: I see that the engineering had done a pretty good job creating this.Hope it feels as good as it seems.
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| | |
| ::While Jen worked Davies prepared the prosthetic hand::
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| Dickens: Here comes the nasty part.
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| | |
| ::He looked up and distracted himself looking at Davies that was giving Jen what she needed and looked back at Jen whose sight was concentrated on the task. He thought that she was a beautiful woman and remembered his profile wondering how was that a man doesn't do anything to retain her as wife, but thought that people tend to be different in his personal life than while at work. Jen bent over Dickens' arm and removed the autosutures. Davies carried the prosthetic over to the biobed. They put it in place and Jen covered Dickens' arm with a bioregenerative field so his skin would adhere to the new hand. She initiated a second sterile field to prevent any infection. Dickens also looked at Davies and was surprised by the blue eyes of the ensign that certainly could help him dating womans. He wondered if he could have tried something with Jen. Those thoughts of Marcus distracted him enough that before he realize it Malcolm give him the news that she'd finished.::
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| Malcolm: Now we just have to wait a little bit.
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| | |
| Dickens: Just wait... I think I can do that...
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| | |
| ::They waited as the machines and Dickens' own body did their work.::
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| | |
| Dickens: I feel an odd sensation in my forearm.
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| | |
| Malcolm: That should about do it.
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| | |
| ::She removed the bioregenerative field and inspected the prosthetic hand::
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| | |
| Malcolm: Cmdr. Dickens, why don't you try wiggling the fingers?
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| | |
| Dickens: I could try... :: Marcus took a deep breath and began to think of moving them, this time looking at his new hand attached to his forearm. She watched the slow movements, encouraged to see he had control over it. Marcus on his side felt a strange sensation of joy and sorrow 'cause he had a hand, but it wasn't his own.::
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| | |
| Malcolm: Very good. It'll take some work getting used to it but we'll help you with that.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Anything helps, it's an amazing job you two did here. Give my thanks to the engineers that did this. ::raising his new hand.::
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| | |
| ::They helped him sit up and watched as he flexed the hand::
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| | |
| Malcolm: Let's see if you have a full range of motion. Rotate your wrist.
| |
| | |
| Dickens: Let's see how it works. :: His hand waited a few seconds but it started rotating to the left and then to the right. It stoped two time in the move but it's better than not having one.
| |
| | |
| Malcolm: ::nodding:: Very good, indeed. ::She held her hand out to him and waited for him to place his own in hers::
| |
| | |
| Dickens: :: He looked at her hand, knowing that it's another test more than just a friendly gesture.
| |
| | |
| ::Jen felt the fingers of the prosthetic press against her own, and after a few attempts she felt them close around her hand. She smiled as she shook it. Marcus felt glad just with that move.::
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| | |
| Dickens: Doctor, you don't know how important that is for me. Thank you a lot.
| |
| | |
| :: Almost without thinking he motioned towards her and give her a hug that he kept for some seconds, then he moved back and turned to doctor Davies too, giving him a hugh too. A sngle tear run through his cheek but this time was one of joy. At least Vojana would not see him without the hand thing for what he's grateful. ::
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| TBC:
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
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| First Officer
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| NCC-72750
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
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| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
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| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| | 2011-10-12 10:30:44
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - arriving early
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| | ((Shared Quarters))
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| ::Eerie got his dress uniform on he was pretty sure that it was a noon, and
| |
| he wanted to get ready before Blackwood took over the shower, the news that
| |
| the Captain had formally been promoted to Captain was great news, He
| |
| finished with his uniform , Eerie took another final look at his formal
| |
| uniform, it was binding, and he did not particularly enjoyed wearing it::
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| | |
| | |
| oO Formal Dress!,...... wonderfulOo
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| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie exited his quarters and headed to the space dock::
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| | |
| ((Utopia Planita's Holodeck ))
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| | |
| Eerie arrived at the Holodeck, the scene was a lot of small tables and
| |
| chairs, there was a long table, a few crewmen were setting things up still
| |
| with the food, and there was a starfleet podium in front of a large open
| |
| area, A security team was milling about, getting things ready and checking
| |
| their uniforms::
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| | |
| oO( Eerie)Great, I am the first officer of the crew to arrive, I guess I
| |
| will just wait here till the ceremony get startedOo
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| | |
| ::The arch opened and a tall terran woman entered, Eerie could see captain?s
| |
| pips on her collar, who came over to him::
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| | |
| Turner: ::Extending her free hand:: Good afternoon, Lieutenant. I'm Captain
| |
| Toni Turner of the Embassy, Duronis II and the USS Thunder. It looks as if
| |
| we are in for quite a festive day.
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| | |
| Eerie: Captain, ?a pleasure.....thank you ::extending his hand, and letting
| |
| the Captain take his:: a good day.....I think we met once before I shipped
| |
| out...sir.
| |
| | |
| Turner: Yes, I remember you. I believe you wanted to be a Tactical Officer,
| |
| and I see you were successful in doing so.
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| | |
| Eerie: Sir, yes, I count myself ?...oO OK, Eerie was is the earth
| |
| term?......Oo ...lucky
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| Turner: Has it proved to be all that you hoped it would be?
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| | |
| Eerie: It has been more so.......... and we have a good crew..... and
| |
| Captain Vetri.....Sire . :: Eerie saw Lt. Matthews arrive, and he came over
| |
| to Eerie and the Captain::
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| ::Alexander waited until there was an opening for him to speak.::
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| | |
| Matthews: ::Walking and standing next to Eerie, nodding to him.:: Good
| |
| afternoon ma'am. Lt. Alexander Matthews, pleasure to meet you. ::Looking to
| |
| Eerie.:: Good afternoon Lt.
| |
| | |
| Turner:Response
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| | |
| Eerie: LT ::. nodding at him::please join us.
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| | |
| Matthews: ::Looking to Turner, and extending his hand.:: Tactical/Security
| |
| ma'am. I work with Mr. Eerie.
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| | |
| Turner: Response
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| | |
| Eerie: Captain, hopefully, Social functions are not my strong point.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: I'm not sure ma'am, the rest of the senior staff should be along
| |
| soon.
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looking around to see the security teams are in place.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: Response
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| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sire,
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| LT. JG Eerie
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| Tactical Officer - Beta Shift
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| USS Aurora
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| | 2011-10-12 06:37:32
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The chat of two new friends.
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| | (( Mess Hall ))
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| OOC: This post happens before Dickens's surgery
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| IC:
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| ::Spending some time trying to do her work, without sounding like it, will be much more beneficial, to both her and Dickens. She just had to be concentrated enough? yea, definitely.::
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| Dickens: Can I invite you to something?
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| | |
| Teagan: Not this time, Sir. ::She smirked.:: You order and I bring drinks.
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| | |
| Dickens: A Saurian brandy... :: He waited to see the reaction of the counselour that doesn't made him wait. ::
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| | |
| Teagan: Nope, no alcohol. Not even sintahol before operation. ::She winked.:: I know you're joking, so what will it be?
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| | |
| Dickens: Just cheating you. A Jestral tea please.
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| | |
| ::She grabbed drinks and followed him to the table in the back. He choosed that table in purpose as it'll give them some privacy.::
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| | |
| Teagan: It is really good to see you out of your quarters. May I ask you how do you feel or it will be too much Counsellor from me today?
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| | |
| Dickens: Kind of...
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| | |
| Teagan: But friends when meet and are starting conversations always ask how are you? Why is it wrong when Counsellor asks it? ::She smiled.::
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| | |
| Dickens: I'm glad that you already consider me a friend. You ask your friends that way always?
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| | |
| Teagan: What do you ask a friend you meet in the corridor? What is first you say?
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| Dickens: eeh... :: thinking for a moment and realizing the truth in her words.:: How are you?
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| | |
| Teagan: See. ::Chuckling.:: Fine, you mate?
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| | |
| Dickens: Trying to cope up with things, you know. Doctors here, counselours there,... Where were you going so distracted before?
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| | |
| Teagan: I was on my way to read last reports and finalize mine. I'll have it in a few hours. ::Arielle didn't want to say it, even think it, but the fact he was interested in ships dealings was good and really good sign.::
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| | |
| Dickens: Good, you'll surely have lot to report after that mission, plus the fact that you have to make an initial report of the crew.
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| | |
| Teagan: I'm new to Aurora, tell me about your experience of this little beauty. My first impression, one thing I noticed as big difference from Swan is that it's really easy to get from one point to another. I walked the ship. For the exercise, made a stroll of all the places I may need to access from my quarters and none required more than 20 minutes.
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| | |
| Dickens: Certainly it's a small ship. This has 165 m of length and 62 wide, my previous post was on Challenger-A was 385 m long and 224 wide. So this almost seems a runabout compared to the Challenger. What's your opinion, you like it?
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| Teagan: Like? No Sir, I love it. ::Smile.:: What was your first impression?
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| | |
| Dickens: I could say that I felt something similar of what people will feel the first time in a submarine, maybe not as exagerated but kind of the sentiment. You know, it's easy to find almost everyone everytime.
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| | |
| Teagan: Resposne
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| | |
| Dickens: That's right, this is why it's important to keep a good atmosphere between all the crew. You're important to this ship and it's members. No one is flawless, as ... I've shown.
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| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| :: Her reaction told him what he'd been suspecting the two times he'd seen her. Something was not quite right with her and it doesn't seem to be work related. ::
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| | |
| Dickens: No, I don't. It's just that when I see a counselour working with difficult persons, and I'm one of them a phrase always comes to my mind.
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| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: Who counsels the counselour?
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| | |
| Teagan: Resposne
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| | |
| Dickens: :: Sipping from his drink. :: Of course you're fortunate, our captain was former counselour, however I know it's difficult to come to the captain telling her, hey, I have a personal problem.
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| | |
| Teagan: Resposne
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| | |
| Dickens: I think that Zonhar is about to return so you could ask him or...
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| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: ::leaning forward a bit :: Well, I'm not a counselour but I'm half Betazoid, raised in Betazed, you're part Betazoid and seem to be worried 'bout something, not mentioning that you're looking everytime the door opens, as if checking if someone comes in and...
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| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: We're here, I'm not back to duty so this is not an official talk,... as you said, just two friends talking.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
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| |
| NCC-72750
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
| =\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=Yahoo! Groups Links
| |
| | |
| To visit your group on the web, go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/
| |
| | |
| Your email settings:
| |
| Individual Email | Traditional
| |
| | |
| To change settings online go to:
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| http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sb118-aurora/join
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| |
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| To change settings via email:
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| sb118-aurora-fullfeatured@yahoogroups.com
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| | 2011-10-12 12:05:23
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| | LT jg Eerie - USS Aurora - the Blackwood incident Tags- Matthews/Blackwood/Turner
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| | ((Utopia Planita's Holodeck ))
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| Turner: ::smiling warmly:: I'm sure you both make a good team. ::glancing
| |
| around the room:: Do you think we will be starting soon?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Captain, hopefully, Social functions are not my strong point.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: I'm not sure ma'am, the rest of the senior staff should be along
| |
| soon.
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looking around to see the security teams are in place.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: It looks as if Lt. Commander Barnes' handiwork is in play. He and I
| |
| served together on the USS Challenger. ::glancing at them quizzically:: Tell
| |
| me, does he still curse in Klingoneze?
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| | |
| Eerie: Yes, Sire.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Response
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| | |
| Turner: ::laughing slightly:: Yes, we would be on the bridge and he would
| |
| come out with something that would totally crack us up.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Of course, I took Klingon in secondary school, I know sufficient to
| |
| get me in trouble. Sire. ::It was meant to be a statement, but it came off
| |
| very dry and cool::
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| Matthews:
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| | |
| | |
| Turner: We did have fun, but ::more seriously:: the main thing was that we
| |
| trusted each other's abilities, and when the chips were down we knew we
| |
| could count on each other.
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| | |
| Eerie: Captain, Matthews, here is a good pilot, we and the rest of our little
| |
| team had one little adventure together, were we went after Lt. Cmdr.
| |
| Barnes, Lt. Cmdr. Dickens , and the rest of the their away team, it was an
| |
| interesting trip.
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| Matthews:
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| | |
| Turner: Other than Lt. Commander Barnes, I served with Lt. Commander T'Lea
| |
| on the Challenger and the Constitution. And served with Captain Vetri on the
| |
| Constitution and at the Academy, as well as Lt. Commander Dickens. I guess
| |
| it is fair to say we all came up through the ranks with each other and the
| |
| friendships have survived the test of time.
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| | |
| ::Eerie thought about this for a moment, he had not formed any close
| |
| attachments during his entire time at the academy, but he felt he was making
| |
| headway on the Aurora.
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| | |
| Eerie: Hopefully Cmdr. Dickens will be at the ceremony, Captain, but good
| |
| to have close friends, Sire.
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| | |
| Matthews: response
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| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie scanned the room quickly, the number of guests were starting to
| |
| arrive and he noticed that Ensign Blackwood, heading there way, she looked
| |
| very nice in her formal attire::
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| | |
| oO(Eerie) She must have gotten ready at warp speed, for a person who can
| |
| usually take light years to get ready. Look at her now Oo
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| | |
| Blackwood: Looking very smart in your dress robes Eerie. Very nice.
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| ::She continued walking by them::
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| Eerie: Ensign Black wood,::raising his voice a bit:: please join us.
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| | |
| | |
| Blackwood : Response
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw Blackwood?s head turn and then she changed direction, coming
| |
| over to the Captain and LT. Matthews
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie : Ensign, This is Captain Turner, ::turning to the Captain:: Captain
| |
| this is Ensign Blackwood, she is in our Science Department, working with Lt.
| |
| Cmdr. T?Lea.
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| Blackwood : Response
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| | |
| Turner: Response
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| | |
| Matthews: Response
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| ((OOC - any one can join))
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| Tag/tbc
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| --
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| LT JG Eerie
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| Tactical Officer
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| USS Aurora
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| | 2011-10-12 14:53:27
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| | 177069
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Private talks
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| | ( Mess Hall )
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| IC:
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| :: Marcus payed special attention to what the counselour says and what doesn't. ::
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| Teagan: It's not like? ::She shudder.:: Sir, it's not? I can't, I'm sorry. ::Arielle squeezed in the corner of the bench and pulled her legs up.::
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| | |
| Dickens: We're here, I'm not back to duty so this is not an official talk,... as you said, just two friends talking.
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| | |
| Teagan: Can we talk without names?
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| | |
| Dickens: If that's your wish, of course
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| | |
| Teagan: ~In private?~
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| | |
| Dickens: ~Ok, what's bothering your mind?~
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| | |
| Teagan: ~Main problem is I don't have a slightest clue what happened! That's frightening part.~
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| | |
| Dickens: ~How is it? You're frightened of something you don't know what's it or if it happened? Ok, tell me step by step.~
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| | |
| Teagan: ~There's a part of, well long time during which I had no idea? it's blank, I don't remember anything.~ ::Arielle shifted into another position extending hand, than retracting it.:: ~I want to show you, but. Give me a moment, will you. I? touch feels bad. I need to concentrate hard for a mere handshake.~ ::Marcus knew how Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome could play on one's mind so he just left his hand on the table his palm down for her to feel free to leave whenever she wanted to. She extended her hand and touched his, opening her emotions for him to read.::
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| | |
| Dickens: :: A raw of emotions flowed through the slight physical contact, anger, fear, worry, love, but all seemed to come after whatever that happened::~Have you any evidence if your memory loss was forced on you? or if previously to that you're psichycally assaulted?~
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| | |
| Teagan: ~No, I don't have a feeling there was any force used or that anything was done against my or his will, but it still feels wrong.~ ::Arielle watched his hand in hers or vice versa and was surprised how soothing it felt.:: oOExcept Askade and Jimmy only one who's hand I ever held?Oo ::She pulled her hand from his fast.::
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| | |
| Dickens: :: The break of contact and disconnection was like slamming a door right in front of your nose. He had to blink twice to re-focus on her:: ~Ok, ok, was that a reaction to touch? Are you feeling disconfort with that?~
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| | |
| Teagan: No Sir, not because of ?it was not reaction, I did it intentionally.
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| | |
| Dickens: Intentionally? I thought we're willing to know how to help you? What's it that you did it this way? What where you about to feel?
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| | |
| Teagan: Don't ask me that, please.
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| Dickens: I may not have a doctorate but it's not good that you restraing yourself of your own feelings...
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| | |
| Teagan: I did it *for* you. Memory returned me to somebody who's hand I touched and the feeling I had when did it. The hand was bionic. I don't want you to form your opinion of the hand you'll get tomorrow through my sensation of another one I touched.
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| Dickens: What? You wanted to ... protect me? Why?
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| | |
| Teagan: Because most of the people will have a sensation of it just through their physical senses and it will feel to them as real one. When anything don't seem like it looks I always reach for it with my senses. I was blind and it left a mark on me.
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| | |
| Dickens: Blind? :: He grew worried. Obviously this counselour has more on her past than what a report could tell. ::
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| | |
| Teagan: Long story. An accident on the meeting I was swimming during my Academy years which turned into being a terrorist attack. Very smart and vicious one.
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| | |
| Dickens: So young and you felt the pain of terrorist act. Should have been hard being so young? What did the investigation said about it? Didn't they had any warning?
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| | |
| Teagan: See, you're talking about your imperfection. It took Starfleet and Intelligence almost 2 years to figure out that. On a missions like the one we just finished UFOP is rarely sending a small science ship. In most cases it's a group of highly prepared and educated Intelligence Officers. You jumped in and accomplished miracles. You should be proud of yourself, not angry for what you, and only you see as your failure.
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| | |
| Dickens: I won't say miracles, just an operation that was lucky to have so good people and lucky that the Brotherhood operates in so small cells that they almost didn't know each other. Good for some things bad for another. Let me tell you that you're a very smart person.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: It's amazing how you changed the conversation from you to me again. But you just have left me more... interested in helping you. That thing of touch it's a relevant one that should be taken care off.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: I know, I remember what I said and I'm speaking like a friend, not like the FO. What worries me is that blank space in your memories. Have you tried returning to the previous moments of that blank and trying to re-construct what happened?
| |
| | |
| Teagan: response
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| | |
| Dickens: If that doesn't work I know of someone that could lend a hand. It's an old friend of mine, I met him when I was at the academy and he was a Lieutenant. He's temporarily retired and he'll be pleased to help you.
| |
| | |
| Teagan: Response
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| Dickens: He's a true friend, and there's few people I call TRUE friend. If you're interested, he's an Ullian named Kalin Terpes and you know their abilities when it comes to retrieve memories. He's about... ninety years old, but given the Ullian lifespan it's mid-life. If you feel stuck in your... recovery, just tell me and I'll call him. Aside from that, my ear and my other ear ::pointing to the side of his head:: Will be here whenever you need it.
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| Teagan: Response
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| TBC:
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
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| First Officer
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| NCC-72750
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
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| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-10-13 17:21:41
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: Meeting old friends
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| | ( Dickens's quarters)
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| IC:
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| :: As the Surgery had gone well, he'd spent the rest of the day in his quarters doing the exercises he'd been told by the doctor. The next day he started quite late for what he's used to do and when checked the messages he found that his wife was arriving just after the ceremony to Mars, thing that made him happy. As he progressed with his exercises he's able to grab things with the bionic hand so it's not bad at all and he'll be able to be at the ceremony. Another of the messages was from the Doctor with the approval of counselour Teagan. He's granted to return to active duty with some scheduled visits to both of them. He smiled at the thought of the two woman talking on not letting him go away so easily. After a hot shower, he began to put on his Dress uniform that took him more than usually given the limited movement of the left hand but managed to do it on his own what he thought it wasn't a bad thing. Once he's ready he moved to the place where the ceremony will be held.::
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| ( Utopia Planitia Holodeck )
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| :: As he entered he could see a lot of uniforms, and the image brought a smile to his face as he liked this kind of meetings both for what it means in terms of being an official act and that you can met with a lot of people in a single place to keep contact with the ones you're not used to work with so directly. Soon he saw a group of people and between them recognized a woman. It's Captain Toni Turner with whom he'd served in the academy some times. ::
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| Dickens: oO That's what I was talking about Oo
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| :: There it wsa, someone with whom he'd almost lost contact that was now in front of him. He wondered if he'll find captain Riley of whom he didn't know anything for quite some time. As he approached he saw that she's talking with Barnes too. Lot of pips there sharing with new people like Matthews or Tali. He approached slowly. ::
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| Dickens: So, look who's come to the party!
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| | |
| Turner: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: Captain... It's good to see you again and out of a testing or work related issue. How're you doing on the Embassy? I've read of some disturbing news?
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| | |
| Turner: response
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| | |
| Dickens: I see that you're right, I'm glad for that. I haven't had time to contact captain Riley, do you have news of her?
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| | |
| Turner: response
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| | |
| Dickens: Time goes by, right? See, T'Lea is around here and she's had a baby recently. Make you think of passing time, right?
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| Turner: Response
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| | |
| :: As they exchanged words he looked around when he saw T'Lea entering with T'Sara in her hands, he then looked at his companiong whom he'd hard time recognizing but came to his mind the name. Amazed he waved to her. ::
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| Dickens: T'Lea, WE'RE HERE, COME.
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| :: As they approached he couldn't avoid looking at Tash wondering if he'll recognize him all this time after. ::
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| T'Lea: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: I see you've brought T'Sara to her first ceremony and another old friend. Tash... good to see you around.
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| | |
| T'Lea/Tash: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: Long time, when was the last time, let me think... I think it's on the Arrow, under Moranta's command. We're disbanded, I to the Independence and you... to the Constitution-B. How's there?
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| | |
| Tash: response
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| | |
| OOC: Continue as long as you wish, I'll backsim.
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| (Few minutes later)
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| :: The crowd was exchanging stories and memories when the captain arrived. After a short exchange both moved to the front of the room to begin the ceremony. ::
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| OOC2: All yours, captains!
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| TBC:
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
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| First Officer
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| NCC-72750
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-10-13 18:25:26
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: What people talks about.?
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| | (Utopia Planitia: Holodeck)
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| OOC: Just to fill some tags left for me.
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| IC:
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| T'Lea: So, Marcus, will your wife be joining you?
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| Dickens: I expect her to come in a few minutes, about after the ceremony so I told her to come as soon as she can.
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| | |
| T'Lea: I look forward to meeting her. Where has she been all this time?
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| Dickens: She's been in Starbase 23 making some arrangements for her professional life.
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| T'Lea: What has she been doing there?
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| Dickens: Making a study to work privately. She doesn't consider returning to starfleet at least for the moment, but we also want to be together and on the Aurora this will be a difficult thing so that chance could be good in a stationary position such an starbase or a planet.
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| :: T'Lea was glancing at Marcus's hand, noticing that he had one, whereas in the meeting yesterday he did not.::
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| T'Lea: ::nodding at his hand:: How is it?
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| Dickens: Well enough, I... still have to get a hold onto it but it's good to have something instead of ... nothing.
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| T'Lea: It looks good. I-- ::losing her train of thought.:: Sorry. Excuse me?
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| Dickens: ::looking in the direction she'd moved his head for he saw the captain entering the room. :: Of course, go ahead.
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| Tash: Is something wrong...?
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| :: Della approached to the group and obviously she knew Tash too. ::
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| Vetri: Thank you, Tash. And thank you for coming.
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| Zubowskivich: Hope it's not a problem... I won't cause any problems.
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| Vetri: I didn't think you would, Tash. Just relax, enjoy yourself. ::glancing at Marcus:: That is why we're here, right?
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| Dickens: That's what those occasions are for, despite what's going around us.
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| Vetri: Okay, Just checking.
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| Es-Aleh: Sorry to interrupt, but I think someone important just arrived.
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| Vetri: Okay, thanks, Gina. I'll go talk to him... ::to the others:: I'll catch up with you again later, okay?
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| Dickens: Sure, All those pips require the attention. ::smiling::
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| :: Tash simply nodded. ::
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| Es-Aleh: It'll give me a chance to Mr. Z again. ::grinning a little:: Assuming he has the slightest clue who I am, of course...
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| Zubowskivich: I remember you, but... you've grown. Quickly.
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| | |
| Es-Aleh: ?
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| | |
| Zubowskivich: You've joined Starfleet then?
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| Es-Aleh: ?
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| | |
| Zubowskivich: Can't stay away from all the excitement, the away missions...
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| :: More recall, some pleasant and some not, though he sounded a bit nostalgic about it all. ::
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| | |
| Es-Aleh: ?
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| | |
| Dickens: Well, away missions can turn to be exciting,... :: raising his left arm :: or dramatic.
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| Zubowskivich: We've all had our share. ::meaning the experiences:: I think... it's enough to make us appreciate a boring, uneventful lifestyle.
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| Es-Aleh: ?
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| | |
| Dickens: You aren't talking about this ceremony, right?
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| :: A few minutes later the admiral moved to the podium followed by the senior staff and he made official the promotion of Della to full Captain. Captain turner surprised him with her words.::
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| Turner: Speech! Speech! ::He smiled inwardly ::
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| TBC:
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| | |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
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| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
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| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
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| | 2011-10-15 13:02:17
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| | Lt. Cmdr. Dickens, FO, AURORA: The honored ones
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| | ( Utopia Planitia )
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| IC:
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| :: As the captain was promoted Marcus was proud of her and serving under her command. Despite the problems and dangerous situations she left the captain attire aside to help him personally. He smiled as she approached the podium to make her speech as some of the crew requested, not venturing himself to clasp with his new hand.::
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| Vetri: The USS Aurora is a fine ship, and she's done us proud. Starfleet Command, however, has decided that she doesn't fit the profile of the work they want us to do. In addition to me being put on the spot today, we are also here to bid farewell to a faithful and valiant ship and pass her into the care of another Captain, another crew.
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| ::There was, the moment he'd heard her talk about before arriving to the station. She paused for a moment to let that sink in, then carried on.::
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| Vetri: Two weeks ago, the crews of Utopia Planitia declared themselves satisfied and done. They had put a lot of work into what they'd been doing, and now they are passing the fruits of their labour on to us. The latest Luna-class starship to finish construction is waiting for us to take her into the unknown, and I know we will all work to be worthy of her.
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| :: The scene hovering in the air shifted, dissolving into the brand new starship hanging in her dry-dock, the red light of the planet below reflecting across her sleek hull, the name and registry numbers clear to everyone in the room.::
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| Vetri: Ladies and gentlemen, our new home - the USS Avandar.
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| :: As the crew admired the new ship and clasped again, he looked at Della that looked back at him and he nodded to her in approval for the reaction of the crew. ::
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| Vetri: Now on to the last little detail. Ensign Blackwood, Lt. Eerie and Lt. Kagran. If you'd join me?
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| :: Another issue largely discussed, or maybe not that as they've made enough merits to deserve what was about to come. The three officers moved up in front of the new captain and received their new pips to their collars. ::
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| Vetri: Congratulations to all of you. Now... ::making a shoo-ing motion to both them and the rest of the gathering:: ...go. Play. You've earned it.
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| Anyone: ?
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| :: As the crew began to mingle he approached the captain. ::
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| Dickens: So, wasn't bad at all, right?
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| Vetri: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: When we'll be able to board the Avandar?
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| | |
| Vetri: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: I... understand that there it doesn't apply the policy of... no civilians?
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| Vetri: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: That's a relief,... Honestly I was wishing to spend more time with my wife and if there's a chance for her to be with me, I could try to convince her to come with us. The only other solution was to request a transfer, thing that, despite what's happened, I won't like to do.
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| Vetri: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: She should be here soon, I've told her via subspace to come here as soon as she arrives. I'm sure she'd want to say hello to you once she arrives.
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| | |
| Vetri: response
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| | |
| Dickens: I'd like to congratulate the honored, if you excuse me.
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| :: He moved down the podium to the crowd and walked to the three recently promoted. ::
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| | |
| Dickens: Hey, new shining pips... Congratulation to you all.
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| Blackwood/Eerie/Kagran: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: So, what do you plan to do with your new privileges?
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| | |
| Blackwood/Eerie/Kagran: Response
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| | |
| Dickens: Well, a round for all the presents shouldn't be bad...
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| | |
| Anyone: Response
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| | |
| TBC:
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| | |
| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
| |
| First Officer
| |
| |
| NCC-72750
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ------------------------------------
| |
| | |
| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
| |
| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
| |
| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
| |
| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-10-17 22:07:59
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| | LT Eerie - USS Aurora - message from home
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| | ((shared quarters))
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| ::Eerie arrived back at he shared quarters and looked around his half of the
| |
| quarters it was cold and sterile, there was not a single personnel item in
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| sight, and what few items were in the drawers with his uniforms and the few
| |
| jumpsuits he owned::
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| | |
| oO It will not take much to pack, you can be out of here in five minutes,
| |
| ?..it is like you were never here Eeire, is that how you want to be
| |
| rememberedOo
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| | |
| ::Eerie looked at himself in the mirror, the new pip, meant that someone had
| |
| some faith in him, he changed into the winter gear he had, now that Teagan
| |
| had left he felt secure that Kagran could keep an eye on things in the
| |
| Holodeck for a while::
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| | |
| ::He got ready for the Holoprogram with Blackwood, at last she was going to
| |
| take him on hike::
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| | |
| oOProbably end up on some frozen landscape some whereOo
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| | |
| Computer : New message for you.
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| | |
| Eerie : Computer ...play message.
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| | |
| ::Eeire looked at the flat monitor, and the emblem of the Brikar Home
| |
| Security Division flashed on the screen, and then the face of Commander
| |
| Tredd appeared on the screen::
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| | |
| -filtered voice-
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| | |
| Tredd :: We have enjoyed your last personal logs, Eeire, it certainly sounds
| |
| like you have been keeping busy, and don?t try to keep things from me, I
| |
| heard from my sources about your promotion, ?.I have to say... I am sure now
| |
| that there are no other officers in Starfleet, if they promoted you to full
| |
| Lieutenant, and you are getting a Luna class ship. ....I hear that is has a
| |
| complement of some 350, were are you going to hide now? ::There was a
| |
| glimmer of a smile on his face::
| |
| oOHow does he find out about all of this stuff?Oo
| |
| | |
| - and what is this about you had a picnic with a Bolian female?. a single
| |
| line in your personal journal, well, I know all about her Eerie, it would be
| |
| better if you just gave us the details instead of me having to use my
| |
| contacts, you know I know everyone......or I have something on everyone
| |
| ?.Peiy that is her name, you want more details, I could tell you all about
| |
| her....
| |
| | |
| Oh, the Brikar Defense Forces have given you the right to transfer to them
| |
| if you every wanted to....my boy....Brikarn and Klingon relations have been
| |
| much better since the return of their two citizens.
| |
| | |
| All in all Eerie ::He voice became much more serious, but personal at the
| |
| same time:: Stay in StarFleet, and keep seeing that Bolian if you want. you
| |
| have make us proud here.....::Getting a bit more stern:: more details,....
| |
| and Con-graduations Lieutenant Eerie. Commander Tredd Brikar Home Security
| |
| Detachment 534 out
| |
| | |
| ::The screen faded back to a standard Star Fleet emblem::
| |
| | |
| Computer:: Save or archive message?
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::Archive message
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| | |
| -eof-
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| | |
| | |
| --
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| LT Eerie
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| Tactical Officer
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| USS Aurora
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| | 2011-10-18 11:18:39
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| | (Backsim) Lt.Cmdr. Dickens, FO, Aurora: What you find along the way
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| | ( Mess hall)
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| IC:
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| :: As Marcus talked with Arielle he felt more confortable and knowing the personal issues she's dealing with, he found that they're going through similar experiences. ::
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| Dickens: He's a true friend, and there's few people I call TRUE friend. If you're interested, he's an Ullian named Kalin Terpes and you know their abilities when it comes to retrieve memories. He's about... ninety years old, but given the Ullian lifespan it's mid-life. If you feel stuck in your... recovery, just tell me and I'll call him. Aside from that, my ear and my other ear ::pointing to the side of his head:: Will be here whenever you need it.
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| | |
| Teagan: Yes I know... he's your friend, as you say one of not many true friends, so you see him through love and affection of a friend. For me the mere mention of Ullian is frightening. That ability of theirs is... ::She shuddered heavily.::
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| Dickens: Yes, it could be frightening that someone can pull things that you don't even know they're there. As he's been in starfleet for long he told me that the few times he'd been asked to do that he'd done it with someone else on the room, either family or friend of the asking.
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| Teagan: I don't know, I can try! ::She took a deep breath.:: Lieutenant reported for evaluation and I invited him to join me for a ride in a holodeck.
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| Dickens: Do you like riding? :: Finding a common interest was something that's always good. ::
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| |
| Teagan: To be honest, no I'm not big fan of riding, but it's equally good for body and muscle development as swimming and I have a pet who loves riding and hates water, so I chose it for him.
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| Dickens: Your pet loves riding? Can I ask what kind of pet?
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| Teagan: Fluffy. ::Arielle laughed.:: He's a bug. Lot of people asked me how do I know it's he, since not many people can say bugs gender, but we have something. ::She smiled and her eyes got blurry as always when she was reminiscence of something.:: I was?
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| :: He felt that she's retrieving some memories and enjoying them, so he opened his mind a little to catch up whatever that escaped from her, feeling an curious sensation of joy and confidence with it. A few seconds later Arielle watched Dickens and felt that she became worried looking at him as if it was not usual for her to share things like that. The feeling that she was doing something wrong came to his mind before closing it, or better said, she closed her thought of him.::
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| Teagan: I'm sorry. I think it would be best to go now.
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| Dickens: As you wish,...
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| :: He finished his drink and stood, walking with her out of the hall. They moved to a near turbolift where they stood there in some kind of akward silence. When the lift arrived to Teagan's destination he put his hand on her arm lightly ::
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| | |
| Dickens: I've enjoyed our talk Arielle, it's good to brake with the official thing and I hope we can do it again sometime in the future.
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| :: He watched her go until the doors of the turbolift closed and thought about his problems with the posting without Vojana and the recent events. Suddenly he felt better as they approached the starbase ::
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| Lt. Cmdr. Marcus Dickens
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| First Officer
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| NCC-72750
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| ------------------------------------
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| =/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=/\=\/=
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| UFOP: StarBase 118 Star Trek RPG
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| This is the adventure you've been waiting for!
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| http://www.starbase118.net
| |
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| | 2011-10-20 10:33:46
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| | Re: [sb118-aurora] LtCmdr T'Lea - Last Call
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| | OOC: "date?!" outrage! ;D
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| ~Elya
| |
| | |
| On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 3:49 PM, riffraff_blondie wrote:
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| | |
| > **
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| >
| |
| >
| |
| > Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea
| |
| > Chief Science Officer
| |
| > USS Aurora, NCC-72750
| |
| >
| |
| > ((Utopia Planitia Holodeck))
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ... Siphex... his name is Siphex...
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: Tell him to go frak himself from behind, and then *you* get on with
| |
| > your life, Red. Go get that degree in cultural anthropology if that's what
| |
| > you want, but stop letting Sphincter mind frak you. ::wagging her head to
| |
| > herself:: It's not right, doing it from behind like that. Mmm... very good
| |
| > fish.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: T'Lea witnessed, and then merrily ignored Tash as she covered his face
| |
| > with his hand. It was good to see some human emotion in the man, even if she
| |
| > had to embarrass him, or punch him to get it out of him.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: Perhaps not the best way to say it, lilyali?
| |
| >
| |
| > :: She shrugged like she didn't care and continued feasting.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ::going a bit warmer, though he was smiling through it:: ... it's
| |
| > really not how it sounds... she really does know how to phrase things,
| |
| > doesn't she...
| |
| >
| |
| > :: A sly grin from the Romu-vulc as she modestly chewed her food.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: Yup. Then ignores it. The idea has to have occurred to you, though.
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: They'd come after me in a heartbeat. There's no way.
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: If you ran, yes. If you went out for a while, letting them know
| |
| > first... Well, you're here aren't you?
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: I suppose... so far nothing has exploded or been attacked. That's a
| |
| > good start, right?
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: Usually.
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: ::mumbling to herself:: If good equals boring then yes. Good start.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: A huge yawn emanated from the baby in her arms, and Della smiled down at
| |
| > her before looking to T'lea.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: I think someone's a little worn down. I'll go settle her in... ::to
| |
| > Tash::: And you, c'mere.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Not really planning on giving him a choice, she gave him a hug and a
| |
| > quick peck on the cheek.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: Stay in touch, dammit.
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: Ditching your own party so soon? I demand you sit your butt back
| |
| > down and make more conversational type things while I finish eating.
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: Pfft. I'm a Captain, I don't have to put up with abuse like that.
| |
| > Work on it a bit and try again later. ::grinning:: I'll see you in a bit,
| |
| > T'Lea, and Tash... It was really good to see you again. Thank you for
| |
| > coming.
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: Now she's kidnapping my newborn. Come back here with my tiny
| |
| > offspring, that's an order.
| |
| >
| |
| > Vetri: ::grinning:: Nope, still needs work.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Shrugging that she'd given up her will to fight, T'Lea glanced over her
| |
| > shoulder and watched the Trill disappear through the doors. Once the Captain
| |
| > was gone the hybrid took a better look around and noticed that the room had
| |
| > pretty much cleared out.::
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: Looks like it's you, me, Lt. Tali and the big furball over there. I
| |
| > should probably get going too, unless you want to ask me to dance.
| |
| >
| |
| > :: There was no music, but she gave him a wink.::
| |
| > T'Lea: Seriously, what are your plans after this? Back to the Sphinx?
| |
| >
| |
| > :: She meticulously placed her knife and fork on her plate, almost in an
| |
| > OCD way, and folded her hands on the table.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: Just promise me one thing? don't give up. ::she reached over and
| |
| > placed her hand on his:: I lost my uncle to that witch; I don't want to lose
| |
| > you too, okay, stupid?
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Calling him stupid was T'Lea's way of conveying her affection for him.::
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > ((OOC: Happy to back sim if you wanna expand on this Tashy-kins!))
| |
| >
| |
| > :: Squeaking back her chair she stood, which prompted Tash to stand as
| |
| > well, and she gave him a more gentle hug than the first time she'd seen
| |
| > him.::
| |
| >
| |
| > T'Lea: You know where to find me, if you need me.
| |
| >
| |
| > Tash: ?
| |
| >
| |
| > :: With that she gave him a little grin and headed out, nodding as she
| |
| > passed by Tali and her date.::
| |
| >
| |
| > TAGs
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| >
| |
| > Lt. Cmdr. T'Lea
| |
| > Chief Science Officer
| |
| > USS Aurora, NCC-72750
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| >
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| | 2011-10-20 17:28:23
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| | RE: [sb118-aurora] Zubowskivich - Positive Returns
| |
| | Thanks much! Shall we post this and let Cordian have at his tags before going any further?
| |
| |
| ~Kaycie
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| Lieutenant Ashley Deneve Yael
| |
| Chief Counselor
| |
| Federation Embassy Duronis II
| |
| USS Thunder, NCC-70605
| |
| | |
| and
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| | |
| PNPC 1st Lieutenant Hella
| |
| Special Assignments
| |
| Federation Embassy Duronis II
| |
| USS Thunder, NCC-70605
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| ((Embassy Sickbay - Yael's recovery room))
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| | |
| :: Ashley had turned on his side away from the door, and the lights had been diminished, and he closed his eyes to try and rest. His body felt the abuse still, though of course the worst of things had been healed by his talented crewmates. Still... it refused to allow him to sleep. He felt a bit more stable after talking with Captain Turner and Doctor Vess, but... ::
| |
| | |
| :: But he kept thinking about... everything... and the terror was still fresh. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Just as he was about to relive it all again in his mind... the motion near the bed, which was Hella plopping down into her targeted chair, had him jumping in sudden fright. Purple eyes flew open, and it wasn't until her heavy heels were resting on the edge of the bed that he really registered who it was so near and that they... she... wasn't a threat. ::
| |
| | |
| Yael: Lieutenant... Hella?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| :: It wasn't a welcome, but a question. Ashley had to fight out of the sudden wave of fear that had surged in him at her sudden appearance. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: So what kind of mess have you gotten yourself into?
| |
| | |
| Yael: ::recovering from the scare, but not answering:: I'm... are you... are you visiting, or...?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| :: Please don't let it be her... please, he knew he deserved punishment, but Hella *hated* him, as far as he could tell. Their last encounter had been a bit reversed, and nowhere near friendly. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: Look, Yael, I'd much rather be skiing down the slopes with my daughter and Bolden, but when the Captain called me back to the Embassy to be your personal guard, I could hardly turn her down. So get use to it. Until further notice we are joined at the hip. Besides, I never was one for standing guard outside a door when I could be comfortable inside.
| |
| |
| Yael: ::not capable of saying "no" to her:: Then... make yourself comfortable.
| |
| | |
| Hella: So what kind of food you got around here?
| |
| | |
| Yael: ::uncertain:: I think they have a replicator in the main room.
| |
| | |
| Hella: Sickbay food? Yuck! None of that for me. ::tapping her commbadge:: =/\= 1st Lieutenant Hella to Chef Cordian =/\=
| |
| | |
| Cordian: =/\= Cordian here; what can I do for you Lieutenant? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Hella: =/\= Chef, what's the chances of getting some food delivered to sickbay? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Cordian: =/\= I think the odds are in your favor. Is there a culinary emergency?=/\=
| |
| | |
| Hella: =/\= Well, I need something bland but palatable for someone recuperating from surgery. He'll feel better with something warm in his gut. And I want a steak smothered with mushrooms, baked potato, and salad with your special house dressing. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Cordian: =/\= I can do that. How do you want that steak cooked? =/\=
| |
| | |
| Hella: =/\= Well, as long as it's not mooing, it's done enough for me. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Cordian: =/\= Alright then. If the patient has any dietary restrictions, you might want to run it by the doctor. I'll grill you up that steak and bring some classic chicken soup for that patient of yours. Depending on whether I get lost, the food should be there in around 30 minutes. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Hella: =/\= Thank you, Chef. We'll be in Counselor Yael's room. Hella Out.=/\=
| |
| | |
| :: It was a moment before he worked up the nerve to speak again, wondering why his specially called in guard was ordering him food. Off her family leave, of all things. It was said quietly enough, but the small room and lack of other noise left her quite capable of hearing his words. ::
| |
| | |
| Yael: I'm not really hungry.
| |
| | |
| :: There was no way he could eat. After not having eaten since the last afternoon, and healing from the surgery now, he should have been famished. But the idea of eating was not one he liked, and his empty stomach was oddly dense and still. As he contemplated it, Hella's boots clomped to the floor one after the other. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: :: placing her feet back on the bed:: You'll eat it... even if I have to shovel it down your throat. The sooner I can get you well, the sooner I can go do other things.
| |
| | |
| Yael: Why *are* you here?
| |
| | |
| :: He meant why she had been chosen as his guard, but didn't realize she had an ulterior motive for having been sent to him. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: It was the luck of the draw, so consider yourself damned fortunate to get me.
| |
| | |
| Yael: Right... fortunate.
| |
| | |
| :: It wasn't said sarcastically, but with a sense of absolute disbelief. That was likely the last word he would use to define himself in this moment. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: Dang right it is, and it's an order, and I'm here to get results.
| |
| | |
| :: He stayed silent, hardly having moved from his original position curled up on his side. He did take hold of the sheet he'd been afforded, tugging it further up to cover what of him that the sickbay garb didn't. His eyes closed. He didn't want her *looking* at him with those accusing, observant eyes. ::
| |
| | |
| :: She'd proven to him she could see things others didn't want seen. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: In thirty minutes your food will arrive, so don't be getting too comfortable in that cocoon your making around you.?
| |
| | |
| Yael: I'm tired. That's all... ::there was a pause as he opened his eyes again:: Sorry for cutting your leave short.
| |
| | |
| Hella: ::matter-of-fact::They'll be other leaves.
| |
| | |
| Yael: You should be with your daughter.
| |
| | |
| :: He knew she'd been ordered to guard him, but he was almost hopeful he could bait that independent streak she seemed to pride herself on. If he could tempt her with her family, she could "reassign" another guard and... to use a Marine phrase... get the heck outta Dodge. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: You counselor's are all alike, and I ought to know. I've seen enough of them to recognize a "head game" when I hear one so save your breath if you're trying to get rid of me. I don't shirk orders.
| |
| | |
| ::Getting up she went to the cabinet and took out a robe, tossing it to him. It landed across his legs atop the sheet. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: You've got just enough time to take a sonic shower before Chef Cardian arrives, and put on some fresh clothes.
| |
| | |
| Yael: ::a little repulsed by the personal directive she gave:: I'll pass, thanks.
| |
| | |
| Hella: Either you do it or I will. You stink of antiseptic, and I don't intend to have the aroma of my steak tainted by it. Now move!
| |
| |
| :: Purple eyes widened... he'd been given orders before by Marines. A Cardassian Marine had once threatened to carry him up a jefferies tube if he didn't climb on his own... and he knew full well they followed through with such proclamations. ::
| |
| | |
| :: He didn't speak, but pushed himself up, slowly reaching down and pulling the robe up to his chest almost protectively as he slowly sat up. He didn't complain about or abide the gut-wrenching instinct that told him to lay back down. The robe was around his shoulders before he moved out of the sheet and then the bed, but he did manage to set bare feet to the cool floor. ::
| |
| | |
| :: Gingerly. ::
| |
| |
| :: It was no race, but wordlessly he made his way into the small restroom attached to the private room. ::
| |
| |
| :: It was an odd thing, to step into a sonic shower, run his hands down his own body, and feel revulsion at doing so. Was he going to be afraid of his *own* hands now? ::
| |
| |
| :: But he finished his shower, propelled by the knowledge that Hella would come in to "help" him if he languished very long. Carefully, not bending about too fast, he pulled on a pair of soft, black pants and a simple V-necked t-shirt... wrapping the robe back over his shoulders for good measure... and then stepped back out into the room, unable to look his bold guard in the eyes as he did so. He slipped up to sit on the edge of the bio-bed, but didn't rewrap himself into that cocoon she'd forced him to reluctantly leave. ::
| |
| |
| :: While he was indeed cleaner after a little self-care, he felt no more "clean." ::
| |
| | |
| :: It had taken up the remaining time he had before the expected delivery, and in a little less than those predicted 30 minutes the doorway chimed, and Chef Cordian appeared with a covered transport case suitable for food stuffs. ::
| |
| |
| Hella: ::smiling:: Smells good, Chef. Thank you. We owe you one.
| |
| | |
| Yael: ::quietly:: Thank you, Chef.
| |
| | |
| :: The El-Aurian came in with the ordered food, setting it on the table and prepping it carefully for the people he'd brought it for. Ashley hadn't gotten to know the man very well yet, but more than the food, he appreciated the smile on his face. It seemed like one of those enduring smiles, and appeared entirely genuine. It was one of those wise smiles, something Ashley hadn't noticed before. ::
| |
| | |
| Hella: What time will you be serving breakfast in the morning, Chef?
| |
| | |
| Cordian: ?
| |
| | |
| Hella: Good, I'll clear it with Yael's doctor and we'll start taking meals in the lounge starting tomorrow.
| |
| |
| :: Her boldness continued to shock him, even when he knew to expect it, and he gave her a concerned look. He didn't want to get into any more trouble than he was already in. ::
| |
| | |
| Yael: I can't do that.
| |
| | |
| Hella: Don't be silly, of course you can, and after that, we'll take a short walk in the gardens out back.
| |
| |
| :: A walk in the gardens? He looked at her as if she were an alien... an unknown alien, of course... and stared a moment into the light steam rolling off the now-uncovered chicken noodle soup. Since when had Hella turned into a counselor? ::
| |
| |
| Yael: ::mumbling to himself:: I suppose... if you clear it first...
| |
| |
| Hella: ?
| |
| | |
| Cordian: ?
| |
| | 2011-10-21 15:19:04
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| | [sb118-aurora] Captain Toni Turner - wondering (tag Barnes and Tali)
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| | (( Utopia Planita's Holodeck 1 ))
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| ::Matthews introduced Elya Tali, the Laudean that Toni had wanted to meet.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Ahhh Captain Turner ::extending a hand::. I understand you're
| |
| heading up the Embassy back on Til'ahn,
| |
| | |
| ::Elya looked the woman over, probably less discretely than was
| |
| appropriate. To be handling the chaos back on Elya's home planet she
| |
| seemed... less intimidating than Elya had hoped.::
| |
| | |
| ::Toni had the distinct feeling that Tali was sizing her up, and some how didn't meet the Laudean's measure. Perhaps it was her missing hand that put the woman off. In any case she chalked it up to her Laudean traits, and greeted her warmly in a one-handed Laudean way.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: Very nice to meet you. And yes, the Thunder crew is manning the? Embassy on Til'ahn. How are you finding life in Starfleet?
| |
| | |
| Tali: The Aurora has been an interesting change from the Victory. For m being a science vessel we have had remarkably little time for research.
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::nodding:: It's much the same at the Embassy as far as our diplomatic endeavors, but the election campaigns are about to start, and perhaps we will be able to keep votes fair and protect the candidates better than in the last election.
| |
| | |
| Tali: I... haven't been keeping touch with home very well actually.
| |
| | |
| ::Elya shifted uncomfortably. To be specific, she hadn't made any effort to contact home every since her brother went missing. She occasionally made an effort to avoid the news as well.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::somewhat surprised:: I see. ::And with that she changed the subject.:: I suppose you find engineering on the Aurora fascinating, in that the technology of the Nova class is very unlike the Laudean ships.
| |
| | |
| ::Toni really wondered how she came to be in that position, or better, why Starfleet was allowing it when the Laudeans, as basically a new species, and as a non-member of the UFOP, still fell under the Prime Directive in technology sharing.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::smiles:: Ah, I can see how Fielding abilities could come in handy.
| |
| | |
| ::Toni decided not to push it by asking anymore questions. It was something that she could look into later. Besides, this was Della's day to shine. She turned to Hugh.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: Perhaps we should find a good table before the crowd gets any bigger?
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: Yes, I would like to sit with or close to T'Lea. I have a gift for the baby, and ::laughing slightly:: I want to harass T'Lea a bit, like she did me.
| |
| | |
| Barnes: Response
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| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| ~Toni
| |
| Captain?Toni Turner
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| Embassy Duronis II
| |
| USS Thunder NCC - 70605
| |
| Deputy Commandant UFOP SB118 Academy
| |
| Captains Council Magistrate
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| | 2011-10-13 08:56:27
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| | [sb118-aurora] Captain Toni Turner - Holodeck Link Up
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| | ((Captain Turner's House - Embassy, Duronis II))
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| | |
| ::After Angie Reynolds (OOC: The children's Nanny) tucked the children in their beds, Toni went into Garth's room to kiss him goodnight. Standing beside his crib, caressing his blond hair, it was hard to believe that if had been just over a year since T'Lea had acted as midwife to bring him into the Universe. She chuckled at the thought of the Romulan/Vulcan's face when she caught him in her arms. Choking back laughter until he was asleep, Toni then tiptoed out of his room to Vee's? to tell her a story. ::
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| | |
| ::With the children down for the night, Toni took a hot water shower, and preceded to get dressed to attend the official pinning ceremony that would bring her old friend, Della Vetri, into the realm of Captaincy.::
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| | |
| ::Her dress was white satin, striking her just above her knees, and the only adornment was the four brightly shining pips on its stand up collar. Slipping into her crisp white jacket, she stopped to admire its golden braid trim before having Angie to tie her hair back with a satin ribbon.::
| |
| | |
| ::Folding a square white satin scarf into a triangle, Angie draped it around Toni's neck fastening it securely under her hair. Slipping her hand-less left arm into the sling it made, Toni was ready to go.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::smiling:: Thank you. Angie.
| |
| | |
| Reynolds: I'm glad I could help.
| |
| | |
| Turner: If you need me, I'll be in Holodeck 3. I had it linked to Utopia Planita's Holodeck 1. I hate to leave in the middle of the night, but to get there at the designated time, it's necessary.
| |
| | |
| Reynolds: I understand completely. Don't worry about the children. I'll take care of them.
| |
| | |
| ::Nodding Toni smiled and left, hurrying through the garden paths to the Embassy. When she arrived at the holodeck, the engineer was just finishing the link up, and assure her that it would hold as long as she wanted.::
| |
| | |
| ::She thanked him, and stepped into Utopia Planita's Holodeck 1 beside a Brikar Lieutenant JG, who like her, had evidently arrived early. She turned to him and smiled.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: ::Extending her free hand:: Good afternoon, Lieutenant. I'm Captain Toni Turner of the Embassy, Duronis II and the USS Thunder. It looks as if we are in for quite a festive day.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
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| | |
| Turner: Yes, I remember you. I believe you wanted to be a Tactical Officer, and I see you were successful in doing so.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| Turner: Has it proved to be all that you hoped it would be?
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Response
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Guest of the USS Aurora
| |
| Captain?Toni Turner
| |
| Commanding Officer
| |
| Embassy Duronis II
| |
| USS Thunder NCC - 70605
| |
| Deputy Commandant UFOP SB118 Academy
| |
| Captains Council Magistrate
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| | |
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| >
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| | 2011-10-11 16:40:50
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| | Re: [sb118-avandar] Fwd: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
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| | See, why can't you all be like this one? ::points accusingly at the
| |
| rest of the crew::
| |
| | |
| On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:47 AM, Lucas Villanueva wrote:
| |
| > LOL I'm always losing myself in your prose ;)
| |
| >
| |
| > On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| >>
| |
| >> On my beautiful prose... or something... ;D
| |
| >>
| |
| >> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| >> > Yeah I know, just wanted to make sure nobody was missing out ;)
| |
| >> >
| |
| >> > On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:44 AM, Lucas Villanueva
| |
| >> > wrote:
| |
| >> >> LOL I appreciate the attention, but we already did this one ;)
| |
| >> >>
| |
| >> >> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> ::facepalm:: In case anyone else didn't get this -- old habits die
| |
| >> >>> hard I
| |
| >> >>> guess.
| |
| >> >>> ? ~Elya
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| |
| >> >>> From: Teagan
| |
| >> >>> Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:37 PM
| |
| >> >>> Subject: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| >> >>> To: Elya Tali
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> You know you sent this to old Aurora list?
| |
| >> >>> I removed myself from new Avandar lists, so I wouldn't get a sim if
| |
| >> >>> it's
| |
| >> >>> sent to proper/new list.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Jamie
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> ----- Original Message -----
| |
| >> >>> From: Elya Tali
| |
| >> >>> To: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| >> >>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:37 AM
| |
| >> >>> Subject: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> (( Holodeck ))
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> S'Acul: I imagine you're excited to get your hands dirrrrty in the
| |
| >> >>> Avandarrrrr's warp core.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Tali: There's no dirt aboard my ships. ::smirking:: I know what you
| |
| >> >>> mean though. It will be a nice change of pace.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> S'Acul: I can't wait to get my paws on that operations consssssole. I
| |
| >> >>> sssspent so much time focussssed on learning the Aurrrrrorrrra's
| |
| >> >>> syssstems I didn't bother looking at any other ship classsssessss.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Tali: I am sure you'll get the hang of it quickly.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> ::The two of them turned to T'Lea briefly as she exited the Holodeck.
| |
| >> >>> Elya couldn't help wonder if this new ship had more to do with this
| |
| >> >>> strange relationship between the Captain and T'Lea than anyone would
| |
| >> >>> mention. ::
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> S'Acul: It looksssss as if everyone has jumped ship, and we're the
| |
| >> >>> only ones left. If you care to keep talking, I know a comfortable
| |
| >> >>> lounge that has a wonderrrrrrful view of the planet and drydocks.
| |
| >> >>> ::pausing:: But if you have other thingssss to attend to, I do have
| |
| >> >>> sssssome packing to do mysssself.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> :: Elya's brain tripped over the request a little bit, like some gear
| |
| >> >>> had slipped off axis and her thoughts couldn't resolve.::
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Tali: That does sound enjoyable... but I had best wrap my head around
| |
| >> >>> this new ship. ::she looked up to the holographic image of the ship
| |
| >> >>> that still rested in the air.:: It isn't too big a ship -- I'm sure
| |
| >> >>> we'll get the chance to talk more.
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> :: Elya paused awkwardly, stumped again. How did one properly greet
| |
| >> >>> and leave a Caitian anyway? ::
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> S'Acul: ?
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Tali: I imagine you are ready to get off of stations and onto a proper
| |
| >> >>> starship at any rate. ::smiling::
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> S'Acul: ?
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> Lt Elya Tali
| |
| >> >>> Chief Engineer
| |
| >> >>> USS Avandar
| |
| >> >>> tinyurl.com/elyatali
| |
| >> >>>
| |
| >> >>> --
| |
| >> >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
| |
| >> >>> Groups
| |
| >> >>> "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| >> >>> To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| >> >>> sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> >>> For more options, visit this group at
| |
| >> >>> http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| >> >>
| |
| >> >> --
| |
| >> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
| |
| >> >> Groups
| |
| >> >> "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| >> >> To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| >> >> sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> >> For more options, visit this group at
| |
| >> >> http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| >> >>
| |
| >> >
| |
| >>
| |
| >> --
| |
| >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
| |
| >> "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| >> To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| >> sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| >> For more options, visit this group at
| |
| >> http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| >>
| |
| >
| |
| > --
| |
| > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
| |
| > "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| > To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| > sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > For more options, visit this group at
| |
| > http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| | 2011-11-02 00:50:51
| |
| |-
| |
| | 208156
| |
| | 37
| |
| | 16
| |
| | 2624
| |
| | Re: [sb118-avandar] Fwd: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| | LOL I'm always losing myself in your prose ;)
| |
| | |
| On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| | |
| > On my beautiful prose... or something... ;D
| |
| >
| |
| > On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| > > Yeah I know, just wanted to make sure nobody was missing out ;)
| |
| > >
| |
| > > On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 12:44 AM, Lucas Villanueva
| |
| > wrote:
| |
| > >> LOL I appreciate the attention, but we already did this one ;)
| |
| > >>
| |
| > >> On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:43 PM, Elya Tali wrote:
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> ::facepalm:: In case anyone else didn't get this -- old habits die
| |
| > hard I
| |
| > >>> guess.
| |
| > >>> ~Elya
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| |
| > >>> From: Teagan
| |
| > >>> Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:37 PM
| |
| > >>> Subject: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| > >>> To: Elya Tali
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> You know you sent this to old Aurora list?
| |
| > >>> I removed myself from new Avandar lists, so I wouldn't get a sim if
| |
| > it's
| |
| > >>> sent to proper/new list.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Jamie
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> ----- Original Message -----
| |
| > >>> From: Elya Tali
| |
| > >>> To: sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| > >>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:37 AM
| |
| > >>> Subject: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> (( Holodeck ))
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> S'Acul: I imagine you're excited to get your hands dirrrrty in the
| |
| > >>> Avandarrrrr's warp core.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Tali: There's no dirt aboard my ships. ::smirking:: I know what you
| |
| > >>> mean though. It will be a nice change of pace.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> S'Acul: I can't wait to get my paws on that operations consssssole. I
| |
| > >>> sssspent so much time focussssed on learning the Aurrrrrorrrra's
| |
| > >>> syssstems I didn't bother looking at any other ship classsssessss.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Tali: I am sure you'll get the hang of it quickly.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> ::The two of them turned to T'Lea briefly as she exited the Holodeck.
| |
| > >>> Elya couldn't help wonder if this new ship had more to do with this
| |
| > >>> strange relationship between the Captain and T'Lea than anyone would
| |
| > >>> mention. ::
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> S'Acul: It looksssss as if everyone has jumped ship, and we're the
| |
| > >>> only ones left. If you care to keep talking, I know a comfortable
| |
| > >>> lounge that has a wonderrrrrrful view of the planet and drydocks.
| |
| > >>> ::pausing:: But if you have other thingssss to attend to, I do have
| |
| > >>> sssssome packing to do mysssself.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> :: Elya's brain tripped over the request a little bit, like some gear
| |
| > >>> had slipped off axis and her thoughts couldn't resolve.::
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Tali: That does sound enjoyable... but I had best wrap my head around
| |
| > >>> this new ship. ::she looked up to the holographic image of the ship
| |
| > >>> that still rested in the air.:: It isn't too big a ship -- I'm sure
| |
| > >>> we'll get the chance to talk more.
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> :: Elya paused awkwardly, stumped again. How did one properly greet
| |
| > >>> and leave a Caitian anyway? ::
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> S'Acul: ?
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Tali: I imagine you are ready to get off of stations and onto a proper
| |
| > >>> starship at any rate. ::smiling::
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> S'Acul: ?
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> Lt Elya Tali
| |
| > >>> Chief Engineer
| |
| > >>> USS Avandar
| |
| > >>> tinyurl.com/elyatali
| |
| > >>>
| |
| > >>> --
| |
| > >>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
| |
| > Groups
| |
| > >>> "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| > >>> To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > >>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| > >>> sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > >>> For more options, visit this group at
| |
| > >>> http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| > >>
| |
| > >> --
| |
| > >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
| |
| > Groups
| |
| > >> "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| > >> To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > >> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| > >> sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > >> For more options, visit this group at
| |
| > >> http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| > >>
| |
| > >
| |
| >
| |
| > --
| |
| > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
| |
| > "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| > To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
| |
| > sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| > For more options, visit this group at
| |
| > http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| >
| |
| >
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| | 2011-11-01 23:47:09
| |
| |-
| |
| | 208157
| |
| | 37
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 2452
| |
| | Fwd: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| | ::facepalm:: In case anyone else didn't get this -- old habits die hard I
| |
| guess.
| |
| ~Elya
| |
| | |
| ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| |
| From: Teagan
| |
| Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 11:37 PM
| |
| Subject: Fw: [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| To: Elya Tali
| |
| | |
| | |
| **
| |
| You know you sent this to old Aurora list?
| |
| I removed myself from new Avandar lists, so I wouldn't get a sim if it's
| |
| sent to proper/new list.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Jamie
| |
| | |
| ----- Original Message -----
| |
| *From:* Elya Tali
| |
| *To:* sb118-aurora@yahoogroups.com
| |
| *Sent:* Friday, October 21, 2011 9:37 AM
| |
| *Subject:* [sb118-aurora] Lt Elya Tali - Jumped ship
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| (( Holodeck ))
| |
| | |
| S'Acul: I imagine you're excited to get your hands dirrrrty in the
| |
| Avandarrrrr's warp core.
| |
| | |
| Tali: There's no dirt aboard my ships. ::smirking:: I know what you
| |
| mean though. It will be a nice change of pace.
| |
| | |
| S'Acul: I can't wait to get my paws on that operations consssssole. I
| |
| sssspent so much time focussssed on learning the Aurrrrrorrrra's
| |
| syssstems I didn't bother looking at any other ship classsssessss.
| |
| | |
| Tali: I am sure you'll get the hang of it quickly.
| |
| | |
| ::The two of them turned to T'Lea briefly as she exited the Holodeck.
| |
| Elya couldn't help wonder if this new ship had more to do with this
| |
| strange relationship between the Captain and T'Lea than anyone would
| |
| mention. ::
| |
| | |
| S'Acul: It looksssss as if everyone has jumped ship, and we're the
| |
| only ones left. If you care to keep talking, I know a comfortable
| |
| lounge that has a wonderrrrrrful view of the planet and drydocks.
| |
| ::pausing:: But if you have other thingssss to attend to, I do have
| |
| sssssome packing to do mysssself.
| |
| | |
| :: Elya's brain tripped over the request a little bit, like some gear
| |
| had slipped off axis and her thoughts couldn't resolve.::
| |
| | |
| Tali: That does sound enjoyable... but I had best wrap my head around
| |
| this new ship. ::she looked up to the holographic image of the ship
| |
| that still rested in the air.:: It isn't too big a ship -- I'm sure
| |
| we'll get the chance to talk more.
| |
| | |
| :: Elya paused awkwardly, stumped again. How did one properly greet
| |
| and leave a Caitian anyway? ::
| |
| | |
| S'Acul: ?
| |
| | |
| Tali: I imagine you are ready to get off of stations and onto a proper
| |
| starship at any rate. ::smiling::
| |
| | |
| S'Acul: ?
| |
| | |
| Lt Elya Tali
| |
| Chief Engineer
| |
| USS Avandar
| |
| tinyurl.com/elyatali
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| | 2011-11-02 00:43:47
| |
| |-
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| | 208418
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| | 37
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| | 278
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| | 2616
| |
| | LT. Eerie & LT (jg) Matthews - USS Aurora - Hand to Hand training
| |
| | ((Main Holodeck-USS Avandar))
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander and Eerie walk into the holodeck, today is Eerie?s hand to hand
| |
| combat evaluation. Looking to his friend, Alexander programs the computer
| |
| for the planet of Terra Nova. The room changes to the lush green planet
| |
| near the edge of a massive woodland treeline. The pair walked to the edge
| |
| and entered::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie looked at the Lieutenant, while he was looking forward to the
| |
| combat he was interested in the choose, but he was looking forward the
| |
| challenge, and Eerie had not done much practice, of late, but he knew he
| |
| was in good condition, the long hike on Earth had kept him as limber as he
| |
| was going to get, and it hand to hand combat, he had a tendency to use his
| |
| strength, but that was the point, but he needed to keep his skills honed,
| |
| and he was a lot more at ease with this officer, whom he could count on:
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie watched as Matthews program the holodeck::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Matthews, what are we doing today, straight combat, or something a
| |
| bit more diverse?
| |
| | |
| Matthews:Today we are hunting 8472 my friend. They could be anyone.
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Then I will be keeping my eyes out, what weapons if any do you want
| |
| to use?::Eerie quickly remember species 8472, they would prove an good
| |
| opponents ::
| |
| | |
| Matthews: For this one, I would suggest bladed weapons, since this is hand
| |
| to hand.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eerie: Computer, access my personal file, give me my Bat ?leth ::Eeire had
| |
| trained with the university students going into the Brikar Space Forces,
| |
| while at the University, while he was not allowed to join, he had been
| |
| given permission to train with them after his was formally accepted to the
| |
| Federation, and there he had done some Bat?leth training, and learned some
| |
| Klingon as well::
| |
| | |
| ::A Bat? leth materialized on the floor of the holodeck, and Eerie picked
| |
| it up with confidence, it had been a while but it felt at ease in his
| |
| hands again, the grips were modified to his unique hands::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie moved a bit away from Matthews, and took a practice swing::
| |
| | |
| oOFeels good again, those Brikar Space rocks called me shorty only oneOo
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander walked over to pick up his katanna that he programed for this
| |
| test. Holding it loosely at first then giving it a quick twirl to get the
| |
| feel of the weight.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: I am ready :: taking a standard hand position with the Bat leth,
| |
| waiting for the program to start::
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Nodding to his friend.:: Computer, begin program.
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander and Eerie are faced with images of Starfleet officer?s ranking
| |
| from ensign to admirals then they run off to hide in the woods to gain an
| |
| advantage.::
| |
| | |
| oO Interesting choice Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie motioned for Matthews to come close up to his face::
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: Password is Pippi Longstocking, if we get separated, I don?t want
| |
| to be hitting you if we get separated:: whispering in Matthew?s ear, moving
| |
| farther apart:: I suggest we stay in close eye contact.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: Works for me. oOWhere in the hell did that come from? Pippi
| |
| Longstocking? What ever works.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Eeire : Let?s go and about 6 meters apart we will do a sweep:: starting to
| |
| move out slowly but with purpose heading to the farthest left of were the
| |
| first one had gone off to Eerie?s left::
| |
| | |
| ::Matthews and Eerie entered the woods, with the leaves on the trees, the
| |
| light was reduced about 30 percent, and while it was not too thick, they
| |
| would have to use their wits about them::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie heard a branch break in his 11 0?clock position and he motioned
| |
| Matthews to take one side, while Eerie tried to be to be quiet, there was a
| |
| pause as if everything is the forest stopped, ?..then two star fleet
| |
| officers came running at their positions, seemingly like out of nowheres::
| |
| | |
| :: There was an audible scream from the first as he rushed Eerie?s
| |
| position, but the officer had grown to some three meters in size, Eerie
| |
| dodged the rush and brought the Bat ? leth down on the neck of the huge
| |
| officer, with such force decapitating the foe, as it crumbled to the
| |
| ground.::
| |
| | |
| ::The second one turned toward Matthews, with a death defining speed.::
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looked over the oncoming enemy officer, ducking low and
| |
| sticking out his leg tripping the alien. Taking his sword and with a quick
| |
| downward slash splitting it?s head in two.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : Good work, Alexander::Taking a quick glance at the officer, but
| |
| then scannning the area for more ?foes?, a smile almost appeared on the
| |
| Brikar?s face but quickly faded back to the express-less the he usually
| |
| portrayed::
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Thanks, that was close. You handle that thing pretty good. oOGlad
| |
| I?m not on the other end of that thing.Oo
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: Good training at the University, Klingons do make some useful stuff.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie used his Bat? leth, that they should move out again, Eerie moved
| |
| but making sure that he keep Matthews at his twenty, as they combed the
| |
| woods for a few minutes without hearing or seeing anything::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie paused, and Matthews stopped as well, they were close to a slight
| |
| ridge it appeared, the woods was a bit denser, and Eerie picked up on
| |
| something in the woods, there was a sudden burst of birds from just ahead,
| |
| something had spooked them::
| |
| | |
| :: The Brikar pointed to himself and then to the location, looking quickly
| |
| over to the Lieutenant, and then started out making sure Matthews was
| |
| following slightly behind::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie moved as quietly as possible, and getting lower he climbed the
| |
| ridge finding a suitable tree to hid most of him, he looked around and he
| |
| saw four officers ahead, they appeared to be just walking in the woods,
| |
| heading in their direction, at about 50 meters in front. Eerie turned to
| |
| Matthews, with only 3 fingers he raised his fingers and the closed his hand
| |
| toward him, and then raised 1 finger and motioned the direction they were
| |
| coming::
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander looked over to Eerie, seeing his hand signals. Nodding to him
| |
| he moved to adjust his position and keep his companion in sight. Looking
| |
| back he spotted an image of the Captain running over to Eerie. Following
| |
| the image he caught up with it and with a side slash took the head.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: oOThere can be only one Della Vetri. I know I have heard that
| |
| some where before.Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie saw the Captain come toward him, and Matthews taking on the
| |
| Captain, he looked forward, the other four were now heading up the ridge,
| |
| now they had large heavy wooden blocks of wood them, he stepped back to
| |
| get a better grounding and he broke a branch under his boot, and then they
| |
| all rushed him on masse as Eerie was the first one in line.The image of
| |
| Blackwood appeared and she landed a heavy crash on the tree, missing
| |
| Eeire who stammered back a back, getting a bit of room and then he
| |
| sent the Bat leth into the alien, but then he felt a crash coming down on
| |
| the Bat?leth knocking it out of his hands, just after the connecting with
| |
| the evil Blackwood. ::
| |
| | |
| oO So much of the Bat?leth Oo
| |
| | |
| ::With out the Bat?leth he ducked as another swing of a large wood block
| |
| just missed his head::
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie)Time to take it to them, and hope Matthews can get me out of
| |
| thisOo
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie rushed the red- shirted star fleet officer with a large heavy pole,
| |
| but at this close distance, the wood was more of hindrance, and Eerie
| |
| jammed he three fingers into the heart of the alien, picking him up and
| |
| tossing him away with ease, as he felt the slam of a heavy blow on his
| |
| back::
| |
| | |
| ::Eerie who was a bit off balance, stammered a bit, but regained his
| |
| balance quickly.::
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander can see the Eerie is in a little trouble. Running towards them
| |
| and climbing on a rock nearby he attacks from the air with a flying kick to
| |
| the head of one. Then rolling to the ground to pickup the Bat?leth and
| |
| throwing it to Eerie.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie grabbed the Bat?leth, and nodded to Matthews, but he saw another
| |
| officer coming up behind him, this time with a large old fashion scathe
| |
| raising it over his head preparing to bring it around on Matthews,::
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::stay down now!::Raising his voice:: Eeire took the Bat? leth and
| |
| prepared to swing it at the new starfleet image
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander ducked and rolled on the ground staying down as Eerie took his
| |
| swing.::
| |
| | |
| ::Eeire swung the Bat?leth and let it fly catching the alien in the throat,
| |
| and it collapsed on the ground next to Matthews. There was a strange
| |
| silence that fell on the ridge as Eerie looked at Matthews with the
| |
| bodies now all over the place::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Eerie took a quick 360 degree look around, but there was nothing out
| |
| there, he moved over to Matthews, and put out his hand toward him::
| |
| | |
| Eerie : You OK? and what do you do for your day job? :: Eerie cracked a
| |
| small smile::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Laughing taking his hand.:: I happen to hide from 8472, Yeah
| |
| I?m fine. Mr. Eerie you have passed the hand to hand and bladed weapons
| |
| test.
| |
| | |
| Eerie::Still smiling but it faded: I was just starting to have fun,
| |
| Alex.::Eerie pulled him up gently to a standing position::
| |
| | |
| Matthews: ::Standing up.:: Oh we still have the Gorn for fun. ::Laughing.::
| |
| By the way nice attack with the Bat?leth.
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: A trick, my instructor, showed me, but I knew you had my back, and
| |
| thank you, you are pretty good with that sword,............ I would
| |
| certainly like to give that a try some time.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Thank you. Anytime my friend, anytime.
| |
| | |
| oO(Eerie) Sword , Matthews and Gorns, now that would be a great
| |
| combinationOo
| |
| | |
| Eerie : How about swords and Gorns? Soon.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: Hmmm, swords, Gorns, and we must have our knives too. Sounds
| |
| great. Next week between shifts?
| |
| | |
| Eerie:: That sounds like a plan to me, do you think Ensign S?Acul would be
| |
| interested?
| |
| | |
| Matthews: I think he might be. I have to run his test so we can have fun,
| |
| and he has to pass his test. ::Laughing.:: I?m joking.
| |
| | |
| Eerie:Of course ::Finally getting the joke:: And you didn?t get hurt this
| |
| time.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: I?m glad of that. I think Doctor Malcolm is getting tired of
| |
| seeing me in sickbay to tell the truth. By the time I get done with the
| |
| evaluations we might have to get a new stock of pain killers. ::Laughing.::
| |
| | |
| Eerie: Between you and Blackwood, I think you two should have a memorial
| |
| biobed.
| |
| | |
| Matthews: You know I?m going to have a plaque engraved now that you mention
| |
| it.
| |
| | |
| Eerie ::Hmm
| |
| | |
| oO Probably a good idea Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Alexander and Eerie walk out of the holodeck as the image fades to the
| |
| black and yellow walls.::
| |
| | |
| ::The holoprogram had distracted Eerie for the moment, but has he walked
| |
| back to his shared quarters thoughts about Peiy started to invade his mind::
| |
| | |
| | |
| -FIN-
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Lt.jg. Alexander J. Matthews
| |
| Tactical/Security Officer
| |
| USS Avandar
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lieutenant Eerie
| |
| Tactical Officer - Beta Shift Leader
| |
| USS Avandar
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Avandar" group.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-avandar@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sb118-avandar+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-avandar?hl=en.
| |
| | 2011-12-04 07:04:56
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881781
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| | 17
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| | 1095625
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| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James: "Introductions and Psych exams" TAG: Frazier & Kaji
| |
| | "Introductions and Psych exams" TAG: Frazier & Kaji
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((OOC: Someone else tagged me so this is a partial backsim that covers the
| |
| time after the medical staff meeting and Kaji's psych evaluation. ))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Counselor's Office, 1145))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora glanced up from her PADD and checked her chronometer and decided
| |
| to take a walk outside. She smiled as she headed out the door. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Grounds, 1150))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Frazier: Excuse me.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora saw someone she didn't meet yet and when he caught her by
| |
| surprise. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Frazier: Are you Ensign James?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: She looked at him like he was crazy for a moment before regaining her
| |
| bearings. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Yes, I am. Ensign Aurora James, the new Counselor for both the
| |
| Embassy and the Thunder.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Frazier: Sorry for the interruption, I am Lt.Cmdr Samal Frazier, one of the
| |
| security officers here at the embassy.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Apology accepted Sir; it's a pleasure to meet you. Is there anything
| |
| I can do for you?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| oO I'll need to make this guy an appointment...well I can schedule him after
| |
| I've dealt with the majority of the senior staff. Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Frazier: ?
| |
| | |
| James: Well I have to get back to my office, but drop by my office say
| |
| around 1600 and we can talk then.
| |
| | |
| :: With a final smile and wave at the Lt. Commander, Aurora finished her
| |
| walk and headed back to her office. ::
| |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Counselor's Office, 1257))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora was looking at the PADD in her hand reviewing the psychological
| |
| files of the Embassy's current crew, especially that of her first
| |
| appointment, Talia Kaji. Aurora looked up when Kaji knocked on the open
| |
| door. ::
| |
| | |
| James: oO That file wasn't very helpful, she'll have to talk to me instead
| |
| Oo Welcome Lt, have a seat. Let's start with the basic's, how are you
| |
| feeling today?
| |
| | |
| Kaji: Umm, pretty good.
| |
| | |
| James: Okay, well I've read your file but it's not very descriptive; why
| |
| don't you start at the beginning.
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora noted the look on Kaji's face and flashed a reassuring smile. ::
| |
| | |
| Kaji: Well, I'm from Rodul, and I just joined Starfleet recently. I've
| |
| been a doctor for over sixty years, so medical just seemed a natural fit.
| |
| I have a bond partner and a son.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora listened intently to Kaji's tale making notes on her PADD ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Do you have anything in particular I can tell you about?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Aurora was about to say something, but Kaji cut her off before
| |
| she could speak. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Well, recently I had an ectopic pregnancy, and found out I can't
| |
| have any more children, so I've been struggling with that.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Noting Kaji's struggle with that kind of news, Aurora could relate on
| |
| some level. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: That kind of news can always be hard, but you must trust that your
| |
| son will grow up to be healthy and strong. Let's talk about you and your
| |
| partner. How did you meet?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Listening to Kaji's account of how her and her partner met was moving;
| |
| Aurora could sense the love in her words. Aurora also noted that Kaji
| |
| didn't seem to be comfortable talking about her personal life, which wasn't
| |
| uncommon. Aurora hoped tea would help her feel more comfortable. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Thank you, that was very enlightening; it's clearly an important
| |
| part of your life. How would you describe your current home-life?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-embassy+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
| |
| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08pzXcJaKf8%2Bfkv_4Vh8GBkwd8EAcvkEUca96%3DJqT4Sh8Ew%40mail.gmail.com.
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| |
| | 2014-02-01 18:44:59
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881797
| |
| | 17
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| | 1095641
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| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James: "Psych Apts." TAGs: Kaji & Rossh
| |
| | "Psych Apts."
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Listening to Kaji's account of how her and her partner met was moving;
| |
| Aurora could sense the love in her words. Aurora also noted that Kaji
| |
| didn't seem to be comfortable talking about her personal life, which wasn't
| |
| uncommon. Aurora hoped tea would help her feel more comfortable. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Thank you, that was very enlightening; it's clearly an important
| |
| part of your life. How would you describe your current home-life and would
| |
| you care for some tea?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Rossh: =/\= S'Kahh Rossh to... ::He paused as he remembered the woman's
| |
| name from the report he had read on her arrival.:: ..Ensign Aurora James.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: Suddenly Aurora's com badge went off ::
| |
| | |
| James: ::To Kaji:: Excuse me a few moments. :: Tapping her badge. :: =/\=
| |
| Go ahead. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Rossh: =/\= Hello, I'm the chief of science here at the embassy. :: After a
| |
| short pause. :: I'm sorry for this introduction, but...but I need to
| |
| schedule some time with you on a professional standing.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| James: =/\= Alright, but I'm with a patient right now.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| Rossh: =/\= I'm afraid it's a matter of urgency, so your nearest available
| |
| time.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| James: =/\= How bad are the symptoms?
| |
| =/\=
| |
| Rossh: =/\= Visual and Auditory hallucinations.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| James: =/\= Um... I see... do you know the cause?
| |
| =/\=
| |
| Rossh: =/\= Some months ago I was...during the bluegill invasion something
| |
| happened to me, and to one of my staff. That's the cause, but...well, it's
| |
| not going away.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| James: =/\= Understood; meet me in my office tomarow at 0730. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Rossh: =/\= Understood, thank you counsellor.=/\=
| |
| | |
| James: =/\=You're welcome, I'll see you then. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora tapped her combadge, checked the chronometer, and turned to her
| |
| patient::
| |
| | |
| James: Sorry about that, why don't we finish up here and schedule your
| |
| appointment for your actual psychological examination then I can let you go.
| |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| (( Time skip, the next day.))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Counsellor's Office - Duronis II Embassy))
| |
| | |
| :: S'Kahh stretched himself out again as he paced outside the office,
| |
| wondering if he should just bite the bullet and enter, or run before the
| |
| allotted time arrived. Finally he stepped up and tapped the door attention
| |
| button. ::
| |
| | |
| James: ::Looking up from her PADD:: Enter.
| |
| | |
| :: The door swished open, and Rossh stepped inside. ::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Counsellor.
| |
| | |
| :: Rossh nodded and Aurora smiled, she indicated the chair in front of her.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Welcome Lt. Commander, have a seat. So you spoke of hallucinations,
| |
| let's start with how long you've been having them.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Rossh: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Alright, now that we have that established, what have these
| |
| hallucinations entailed? oO I hate hallucinations...but it comes with the
| |
| job...why do I love this job again? Oh yeah...helping people... Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Rossh: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora made several notes on her PADD and listened intently. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-embassy+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
| |
| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08px8QR9RkwozB6T91i8Fmf5B971D5PmWgZ61ENXS-ORohg%40mail.gmail.com.
| |
| For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/groups/opt_out.
| |
| | 2014-02-04 21:53:31
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881858
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095702
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| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James : "Appointments and Meetings" TAG: Allison/Parker/Rossh/Frazier
| |
| | ((OOC - This is a long post, sorry for my silence over the last few days, I
| |
| hope this catches me up. ))
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((IC -))
| |
| | |
| | |
| "Appointments and Meetings"
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Counsellor's Office - Duronis II Embassy))
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Looking up from her PADD:: Enter.
| |
| | |
| :: The door swished open, and Rossh stepped inside.::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Counsellor.
| |
| | |
| :: Rossh nodded and Aurora smiled, she indicated the chair in front of
| |
| her.::
| |
| | |
| James: Welcome Lt. Commander, have a seat. So you spoke of hallucinations,
| |
| let's start with how long you've been having them.
| |
| | |
| :: As she spoke he took the offered seat and attempted to relax, his tail
| |
| flicking in agitation behind him.::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: The first occurred over on the derelict D7 we encountered after the
| |
| QSSD malfunctioned. I was hit in the head with a crate... ..er, I was in an
| |
| EVA suit at the time. ::He added quickly.:: But was out cold for some time
| |
| before waking up on my own tied to a pillar.
| |
| | |
| :: He shrugged, ears flattening slightly at the memory.::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Started to see movements in the corners of my vision from then on.
| |
| | |
| James: Alright, now that we have that established, what have these
| |
| hallucinations entailed?
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora made several notes on her PADD and listened intently as S'Kahh
| |
| spoke.::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: They initially start with... ..your aware of what happened some
| |
| months ago here on Duronis?
| |
| | |
| James: Vaguely.
| |
| | |
| Rossh: the Bluegill invasion.
| |
| | |
| James: Ah, yes I read about it.
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Yes, I lost a member of my staff during the...incident and had a
| |
| very close call myself in the process.
| |
| | |
| James: I'm sorry to hear that, it must have been a horrifying ordeal for
| |
| you.
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Sorry yes, they start with me seeing things crawling...scuttling in
| |
| the edge of my vision.
| |
| | |
| :: His skin seemed to crawl even describing it. ::
| |
| | |
| Rossh: Grows more pronounced, I think with rising stress, and I start to
| |
| see and feel more definite shapes. :: He then paused. :: Then there's a
| |
| humanoid who talks to me.
| |
| | |
| James: Humanoid that talks to you? Can you describe it?
| |
| | |
| Rossh: It changes, usually it's the staff member I lost. Crewman Jawik. But
| |
| it's been a couple of other people.
| |
| | |
| James: Do you know these other people?
| |
| | |
| Rossh: An... associate from back at the academy and another from here on
| |
| Duronis.
| |
| | |
| James: I see. Well based on this conversation, I'd say it's possible you
| |
| may have developed a very mild case of post-traumatic stress disorder; but
| |
| to confirm that I'd like you to fill out this questionnaire
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora opens the file cabinet behind her and hands Rossh a printed set
| |
| of questions. ::
| |
| | |
| James: I know it may look like I'm giving you a test, but I'm not. Your
| |
| answers to the questions are purely to confirm my diagnosis. However, I
| |
| would like you to have a neurological scan done anyway to ensure there is
| |
| no permanent physical damage done to your brain. Please have the questions
| |
| and scan results on my desk by 1100 hours tomorrow morning. Any questions?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Rossh: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Well then, Sir, you are free to go. oO I hope it's nothing that
| |
| can't be fixed but we'll see. Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Rossh: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora watched as Rossh stood to leave, as soon as he was out of earshot
| |
| she looked at the PADD on her desk and then decided to head to the Medical
| |
| center to tell the staff in person. Before she could get out the door; her
| |
| combadge chirped to life with Nugra's voice. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Nugra: =/\= Nugra to Embassy staff. There is a senior staff briefing to be
| |
| held in Embassy Briefing Room in two hours. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: =/\=James Acknowledged. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: With that in mind, Aurora headed out of her office through the Medical
| |
| Center and stopped before the massive Marine. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Realizing she was just standing there:: Hi, I'm Ensign Aurora
| |
| James.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Allison: Forgive him, Ensign...he's under a little stress right now...I'm
| |
| Lieutenant Commander Kamela Allison, and the big grumpy one is Major
| |
| Hannibal Tiberious Parker. He is also my husband....
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Well, it's a pleasure to meet you both.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Allison: Same here....
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Parker: Good to meet you Ensign. Now, if you will excuse me....
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling :: Of course. oO I have a feeling he will take some time
| |
| to adjust...Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Allison: Well, Ensign...once this is over, you can schedule a session with
| |
| me....
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Sounds good. :: To Parker. :: However, I'd like to schedule a
| |
| session with you as well Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Allison: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Parker: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: With that, Aurora left the medical center figuring she'd talk to the
| |
| docs after the meeting. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy, briefing room; sometime later))
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora walked into the briefing room and sat down in one of the chairs,
| |
| she didn't know what the meeting was about, but she had a bad feeling that
| |
| something was seriously wrong. She smiled at Frazier who was already there.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Hello again Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Frazier: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08py_XN6UZSf40GXmVowEWJRQDJ0LxtND_%3DD9Lb1%2BOcz6Mg%40mail.gmail.com.
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| |
| | 2014-02-11 10:41:48
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881693
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095537
| |
| | 2887
| |
| | Cadet Aurora James, Arri Duronis II Embassy
| |
| | (OOC - I wasn't sure how to introduce myself into the story, but I hope
| |
| this is a good start.)
| |
| | |
| | |
| "Arrival at Duronis II Embassy"
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy, Grounds))
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora exited the transport she had booked passage on, double checked
| |
| her PADD for her duty assignment and headed inside. Her first stops would
| |
| be the medical center and science tower, just so she could acquaint herself
| |
| with her new surroundings, and then she'd probably head to tactical if she
| |
| wasn't needed immediately. This was it, her first real duty post outside of
| |
| training. As a trained Counselor and Diplomat she was sure she was about to
| |
| be a very busy woman, but even still she was excited and happy to be here.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Quietly to herself as she walked towards the medical center::
| |
| I've heard this place is full of nuts, guess it's my job to straighten them
| |
| out.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy, Medical Center))
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora stepped inside the Medical center and saw some of the med staff,
| |
| she recognized them from their files, but figured it would be a good idea
| |
| to introduce herself. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: She waited for a break in the current conversation to end before
| |
| she jumped in. :: Hi, I'm Ensign Aurora James, but you can call me AJ...I'm
| |
| the new Counselor. It's nice to meet you all.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling :: So rumor has it that this place has a hard time
| |
| retaining Ensigns, do any of you know why?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: I see, I guess I have my work cut out for me then. I will get
| |
| started on that as soon as I've had a proper tour of the facilities. Would
| |
| anyone like to volunteer to be my tour guide?
| |
| | |
| | |
| \ oO I just hope I can keep a clear head long enough to prove myself here.
| |
| Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-embassy+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08pxLPSqmboAJjq9mQxUioZHQsFFUhLqzUoaYZN2%2BohD7Hg%40mail.gmail.com.
| |
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| |
| | 2014-01-22 19:38:14
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881723
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095567
| |
| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James, ?Physicals and psych evaluations?
| |
| | ?Physicals and psych evaluations?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy ? Medical Center))
| |
| | |
| Kaji: Hi, I?m back!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora tapped her fingers on the bed nervously while the doctor ran her
| |
| scans. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Am I free and clear Doctor?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Yes, I have a question, though. Would you like me to consider you
| |
| part of medical? Your offices are connected with ours, so I didn?t know if
| |
| you wanted to be part of our staff meetings and such. I?m going to
| |
| schedule a meeting for tomorrow morning, so if you want to come, you can.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: It doesn?t matter much to me, but if me being considered medical
| |
| is easiest for right now then I will be at the meeting. And speaking of
| |
| meetings and appointments, I will see you in my office for your appointment
| |
| tomorrow at 1300.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Alright, you are free to go, then! Your offices are right up
| |
| stairs!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: ::Smiling:: oO That went smoother than I thought Oo Thank you
| |
| Doctor, I will see you tomorrow morning at the meeting.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora smiled and headed back into the main waiting area of the med
| |
| center looking for Devonshire. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: =/\= Medical Personnel, I?m scheduling a staff meeting for first
| |
| thing in the morning. Meet in the conference room at 0730. =/\=
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: =/\= Acknowledged. =/\= ::Turning to Devonshire:: So, how about
| |
| that tour?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Devonshire =?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling happily :: Sounds great.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Embassy Grounds))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora happily followed Devonshire around the grounds for the tour
| |
| making mental notes of places and people. Aurora started making an
| |
| appointment chart in her head starting with Kaji; it would take some time
| |
| to evaluate the staff of the Embassy, and it would be a complete pain, but
| |
| she vowed to herself that she would make it look easy. They ran into
| |
| several people on their tour and although she recognized them from their
| |
| files, Aurora took care to introduce herself to each of them in as friendly
| |
| a manor as possible. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Hi, I?m Ensign Aurora James, the new Counselor.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08pz0aceZaNhXB70aw0KuFJzYYeGa%2BberYTKS9CBNhPHmmA%40mail.gmail.com.
| |
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| |
| | 2014-01-25 20:26:24
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881708
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095552
| |
| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James, "Physicals" TAG: Kaji/Devonshire/Hendon/R'acha
| |
| | ?Physicals?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy, Medical Center))
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora stepped inside the Medical center and saw some of the med staff,
| |
| she recognized them from their files, but figured it would be a good idea
| |
| to introduce herself. ::
| |
| | |
| James: :: She waited for a break in the current conversation to end before
| |
| she jumped in. :: Hi, I?m Ensign Aurora James, but you can call me AJ...I?m
| |
| the new Counselor. It?s nice to meet you all.
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: :: smiling at the rather attractive Counselor:: Well, hellooo
| |
| there, AJ. Nice to meet you too.
| |
| | |
| Hendon/R'acha/Kaji: Responses
| |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling :: So rumor has it that this place has a hard time
| |
| retaining Ensigns, do any of you know why? oO Oh grate I?m not even here
| |
| ten minutes and someone?s flirting with me?Oo
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: ::kidding:: I hear it's because we either drive them crazy, or
| |
| promote them. Could be a little of both.
| |
| | |
| James: I see, I guess I have my work cut out for me then. I will get
| |
| started on that as soon as I?ve had a proper tour of the facilities. Would
| |
| anyone like to volunteer to be my tour guide?
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: I seem to be getting a lot of request for that today, but first
| |
| things first. I believe you have a date with the CMO for your physical
| |
| evaluation.
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora cringed, she hated physicals?but they were standard procedure
| |
| and she took it with a lighthearted smile. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Response
| |
| | |
| James: I do believe that is correct; we can do that tour when I?m done.
| |
| Speaking of which, shall we get started? oO And after that tour I need to
| |
| print up the list for the psych evaluations, this is going to be a long
| |
| night. Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Devonshire: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| Anyone: Response
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/CAOK08pzmLh1FQKtd7P7DO9AbsgH1oZwv5fOTw%2BeHCAq7h0g37Q%40mail.gmail.com.
| |
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| |
| | 2014-01-24 00:13:45
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881720
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095564
| |
| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aura James, "Aurora's Physical" TAG: Kaji & Devonshire
| |
| | "Aurora's Physical"
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy, Medical Center))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Yeah, it's the SOPs.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: I do believe that is correct; we can do that tour when I'm done.
| |
| Speaking of which, shall we get started?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Very soon, and I'll make it as painless as possible, I promise. Let
| |
| me see how my patient is doing first. Would you make yourself comfortable
| |
| on that bed there?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: :: Cringing. :: Of course. :: Smiling at Devonshire:: I'll see you
| |
| after.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Devonshire: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora took a deep breath and made her way to the indicated bed. She sat
| |
| down and tried to make herself as comfy as possible despite the fact that
| |
| she hated the damned things. She waited patiently for the doctor to proceed
| |
| with her exams. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora waited for the Doctor to do her thing and check her scans. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: Am I free and clear Doctor?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| |
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| |
| | 2014-01-25 16:04:52
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1881741
| |
| | 17
| |
| | 1095585
| |
| | 2887
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James, "Tours, Meetings, and Work" TAG: Kaji
| |
| | ((OOC: This sim covers the rest of her tour, the meeting, and the Kaji's
| |
| psych evaluation.))
| |
| | |
| | |
| "Tours, Meetings, and Work" TAG: Kaji
| |
| | |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Medical Center))
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora smiled and headed back into the main waiting area of the med
| |
| center looking for Devonshire. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: =/\= Medical Personnel, I'm scheduling a staff meeting for first
| |
| thing in the morning. Meet in the conference room at 0730. =/\=
| |
| | |
| James: =/\= Acknowledged. =/\= ::Turning to Devonshire:: So, how about
| |
| that tour?
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: :: smiling :: We could start with your office, but it's a lot
| |
| more beautiful outside in the gardens.
| |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling happily :: Sounds great.
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: You can call me Will if you like.
| |
| | |
| ((Embassy Grounds))
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora happily followed Devonshire around the grounds for the tour
| |
| making mental notes of places and people. Aurora started making an
| |
| appointment chart in her head starting with Kaji; it would take some time
| |
| to evaluate the staff of the Embassy, and it would be a complete pain, but
| |
| she vowed to herself that she would make it look easy. They ran into
| |
| several people on their tour and although she recognized them from their
| |
| files, Devonshire introduced her for the most part, but when she started
| |
| making her own introductions, she noticed the slight decline in Will's
| |
| mood. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Hi, I'm Ensign Aurora James, the new Counselor.
| |
| | |
| Random Civilian: Hi, nice to see a new face glad to meet you.
| |
| | |
| :: Aurora finished her conversation and was glad when Will made a
| |
| suggestion. ::
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: Why don't we go to the Kofi Bar for a bite of lunch? If it's
| |
| people you want to meet, then that's the place to be. Most everyone eats
| |
| there, making it a perfect place to introduce yourself.
| |
| | |
| James: Really?
| |
| | |
| Devonshire: Well to tell you the truth, I could use something to eat, and
| |
| they have the best hotdogs on the planet.
| |
| | |
| James: :: Smiling :: Sounds good.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora and Devonshire wandered off to lunch. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((In the morning, 0730, Medical Center - Conference Room))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora walked into the conference room, she didn't really need to be
| |
| here, but she felt it was important for her to be, if nothing else to get a
| |
| feel for the medical staff before she started the psych evaluations. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Ok, I'm going to go ahead and start this. Thanks for coming in a
| |
| little early, everybody! I have a little surprise for us. I know we need
| |
| a little more workspace around here, and especially on the ship. Sadly we
| |
| can't have special offices for everybody, but I do want everyone to have a
| |
| special place to work. I've actually been working on a plan for a couple
| |
| of weeks, and I got approval and arranged for engineering to help out. So
| |
| here is the plan for the new sickbay.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Kaji passed out a printed copy of the design. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: This is just the plan for the shipside offices, I'm still working on
| |
| the one planetside. It's mostly just a reorganization of the standard
| |
| Akira-class facilities, nothing really special. I hope, though, that we
| |
| can figure out our duties and areas so that we can serve the crew better as
| |
| a team. Any thoughts?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| R'acha: The Deckplan design seems adequete for all the needs of the staff
| |
| and patients..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: oO This looks sufficient Oo
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Red Elk: I call not *it* on cleaning that fish tank. I used to have to
| |
| clean my little brother's fish tank, I've paid my dues...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| R'acha: It would be my pleasure to clean the fish tank..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Red Elk: You have no idea... With all of our advanced tech, those things
| |
| still stink to high heaven.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: I have an idea for the arrangement of our duties. Day shift, I'd
| |
| like R'acha to cover Obstetrics, Gynecology and the Nursery. You can have
| |
| the desk in the Nursery as your personal desk. Dr. Hendon, you are Chief
| |
| of Surgery, so you of course have the Surgical Bay, and the office there is
| |
| yours. If you don't have appointments or current patients, I'd like you to
| |
| help in the main sickbay. Dr Devonshire, I'd like you to take the night
| |
| shift covering main sickbay and the ICU, if you don't mind. The desk in
| |
| the ICU is yours if you want it. How does that sound?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| R'acha: Obstetrics desk...reasonable. Looks fine, M'am.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: I'm going to split the medical staff into two teams, Blue and Red.
| |
| R'acha, Hendon, Benelat, Franklin and I are on Blue team; Devonshire and
| |
| Red Elk are on Red team. When the Thunder is at the Embassy, I'd like Blue
| |
| team to be working planetside, and red team working shipside. When the
| |
| Thunder leaves, the teams will switch. That way both centres are staffed,
| |
| but the majority of the doctors stay with the majority of the crew. Any
| |
| questions or concerns?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| James: oO Seems fair, but it sounds stressful Oo No, I think it's a
| |
| well-organized plan.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| R'acha: Well organized plan...
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Red Elk: Nope.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: Alright! I'm so glad we're all on the same page. Then, unless
| |
| there's anything else, I think we should all get to work!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora smiled as she headed to her office. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ((Embassy - Counselor's Office, 1257))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora was looking at the PADD in her hand reviewing the psychological
| |
| files of the Embassy's current crew, especially that of her first
| |
| appointment, Talia Kaji. Aurora looked up when Kaji knocked on the open
| |
| door. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: oO That file wasn't very helpful, she'll have to talk to me instead
| |
| Oo Welcome Lt, have a seat. Let's start with the basic's, how are you
| |
| feeling today?
| |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| James: Okay, well I've read your file but it's not very descriptive; why
| |
| don't you start at the beginning.
| |
| | |
| | |
| Kaji: ?
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora listened intently to Kaji's tale making notes on her PADD ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| Embassy Duronis II - USS Thunder NCC-70605-A
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| | 2014-01-27 16:51:51
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| | 1882765
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| | 17
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| | 1096609
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| | 2601
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| | PNPC Aurora Elliston - Rise of Aurora Elliston
| |
| | (OOC: Thanks for TAGS there Paul, I owe you one. I was going to meet up later on but I figure I may as well while I'm here)
| |
| | |
| ((Turbolift - USS Thunder-A))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora paced up and down the turbolift half controlled half panicked. She'd never done anything like this before, she'd never even seen the interior of the bridge let alone walking onto it with the confidence and self assuredness of an officer twice her age... But it needed to be done, and it was her duty as a Star Fleet Officer to do it.::
| |
| | |
| oO You're not an Officer yet Aurora remember? Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Her cynicism didn't help her self esteem one bit::
| |
| | |
| oO Calm down Aurora, its okay. You can do this. This go up there and ask for Mr Sharpe. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The doors opened up revealing the bridge. She froze for a second, like a fox caught in the headlights on an oncoming car, before composing herself. She stepped onto the bridge.::
| |
| | |
| oO One step in the right direction Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Two officers stood at the tactical station paused and looked around to the sound of the turbolift doors.:: Yes Mr?
| |
| | |
| oO Oh great! He thinks I'm a guy! Oo
| |
| | |
| Aurora: MISS ::making sure to stress the femininity:: Aurora Elliston. I'm ah... I'm... oO Words! Find them! Oo
| |
| | |
| :: She pointed to either of the two gentlemen, and in the cutesy voice she used to get out of however many detentions at the academy asked who was who::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Which one of you is Commander Paul Sharpe?
| |
| | |
| Nugura: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| ::She nodded to her superior::
| |
| | |
| Sharpe: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Yes sir... I I I...
| |
| | |
| Sharpe: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Yes sir... Sorry, sir. Um yes, I've been working on modifying a probe for the past couple of hours... I THINK, think mind you, that it should be able to cut through the interference around the subspace anomaly, find out more about it while we're here? I'm co-ordinating with the sciences also, and well... ::her voice became serious:: I need your sign off to do it
| |
| | |
| Sharpe: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Nugura: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| |
| =======================
| |
| MCPO Aurora Ellis
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Thunder-A
| |
| | |
| as simmed by
| |
| | |
| Simon Arrington
| |
| Civilian Trader
| |
| FCS Charybdis
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| |
| | 2014-05-27 19:04:53
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| | 1882861
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| | 1096705
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| | 2601
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| | PNPC Aurora Elliston - "Health and Safety" Insane [TAG: Ayhan]
| |
| | ((Engineering - Embassy))
| |
| | |
| :: Looking at her padd,she re-read her orders running them over in her head. She hated to overstep or underachieve her mandate.::
| |
| | |
| oO Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Perform a "Health and Safety" check on the trader FCS Charybdis. Oo
| |
| | |
| :: The trader had been transferred to the engineering section, which was run by a mister Ayhan. ::
| |
| | |
| oO Sounds Vulcan to me. I hate Vulcans Oo
| |
| | |
| :: She reached the engineering doors, and took one last read before stepping through. Inside was a man sitting at the desk, evidently reviewing some material or some such. Disinterested in anything she had to say he redirected her to a hangar bay where the crews were working on repairs. She followed the directions of the computer on the walls which lead her to a massive steel cavern. Its walls lined with panels and consoles showing diagnostics and analyses from every angle of the ship on the centre. The stern was lowered, providing a ramp into the cargo hold. A vulcan walked emerged from inside::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Aurora ::Handing him the Padd in her hand:: I'm her to conduct a health and safety inspection of the ship in your possession
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| oO He's pleasant enough... So far Oo
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sure, if you want. I don't expect anything to find anything interesting
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Have you met the Captain?
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sounds... Interesting? ::She laughed awkwardly, she had no idea how to talk to Vulcans:: Can you, um well, do you... That is... ::She paused to compose herself:: I'll start over here.
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| ::Turning to the console at her side she began scanning through the inventory looking for anything... health and safety related. Which obviously meant she was to search the hold for any contraband. A few moments later she turned up nothing, or at least nothing official. She pulled out her tricorder and began scanning the mainframe for any hidden or encrypted files. Still nothing. She turned at the call of her Vulcan counterpart::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Watcha got?
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| =======================
| |
| Master Chief Aurora Elliston
| |
| Tactical Officer
| |
| USS Thunder
| |
| | |
| As Simmed By
| |
| | |
| Simon Arrington
| |
| Civilian Trader
| |
| FCS Charybdis
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| |
| | 2014-06-03 14:51:29
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| |-
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| | 1882892
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| | 17
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| | 1096736
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| | 2924
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| | Ensign Ayhan - "Old Things are New Again" (Tags: Aurora / Arrington / Turner)
| |
| | ((OOC: Thank you again for your patience and working through this back-sim
| |
| to bring us more in alignment with the current situation. If I missed a
| |
| tag or important piece of information, please let me know as sorting
| |
| through all the subsequent posts made things run a bit together at times?))
| |
| | |
| *((Surface of the Prison Planet, Future Timeline))*
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Debris continued to rain down from above the group after the initial
| |
| burst as dust and dirt that had accumulated on the starship panels over the
| |
| decades was violently discharged into the air. The atmosphere crackled
| |
| with electrical charge, the tachyon burst and now subsequent missile
| |
| strikes filling their nostrils with ozone. It was a place of combat and
| |
| not conversation though the *Thunder?s* crew attempted the latter in loud,
| |
| staccato bursts::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Adarnis: Ensign, the probe that Science have orbiting the planet. Is it
| |
| still functional?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan thought for a few moments before bringing the tricorder up in front
| |
| of him. He was unsure how this pertained to their current plight but, his
| |
| usefulness at the current moment being low, acquiesced to the request::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: According to my scans, it is operating at 97% efficiency.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Adarnis: Can we use it to get a bounced transport back to the ship?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::The Vulcan immediately understood the Marine?s request and began working
| |
| furiously on the portable screen and input device. Why hadn?t he thought
| |
| of using the satellite to boost the teleportation signal to evacuate them
| |
| all from the planet? True, some might suggest that his rank of Ensign
| |
| might have something to do with it but given his already decade-long
| |
| enlisted career in Starfleet and his time before that, the idea should have
| |
| at least occurred to him.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Mentally chastising himself and making a future appointment to redouble
| |
| his studies and meditation time, he finally found the information that he
| |
| sought::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Affirmative. I?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Before he could complete his sentence, tachyon energy landed amongst the
| |
| group, sending more particulate into the air and sending a wave of coughs
| |
| from the crew and groans from the metal that was barely protecting them. If
| |
| he were human, he would be slightly perturbed that he was unable to finish
| |
| his thoughts without being interrupted. Regardless, time was of the
| |
| essence::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Adarnis: Can you get an arc wide enough to take everyone?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Yes, I have already created the necessary nodal inputs and
| |
| coordinated with the *Thunder*?s transporter relay. I recommend that we
| |
| leave with due haste. ::To say that Ayhan was a master of understatement
| |
| would be one as well::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| :: Another blast from the machine sent sparks and rocks flying into the
| |
| air. A thunderous explosion from the shattered shielded dome lit the yard
| |
| up in a bright blue haze for a second, illuminating those faces in the
| |
| dark.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| Waltas: Ensign get us out of here if you can. The Marines will form up on
| |
| me and we go out after everyone else has been transported. Clear?
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Adarnis: On your signal.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::The engineer nodded in response to the two Marines and input the
| |
| appropriate sequence to begin the phased transport. Given the distance
| |
| involved and the use of an intermediary device, however, the process did
| |
| not occur immediately. Unfortunately, snaked tendrils of missile
| |
| projectiles were hurtling toward the shielded dome now barely holding it
| |
| together, carving their path out along the black sky. As they hit the
| |
| shielded covering, the ground beneath their feet cracked and split, opening
| |
| up the cavern in the center.::
| |
| | |
| |
| |
| ::Screams pierced the air with shrapnel aside as bodies were washed in a
| |
| blue glow. The Vulcan was unsure if he were indeed falling as his vision
| |
| faded from the courtyard, to black, to blue and then re-filled with the
| |
| not-so-familiar image of the transporter room. As he fell the remaining
| |
| two feet to deck, his mind was momentarily?pleased that he had sufficiently
| |
| programmed the satellite and transporter signal to retrieve them. That
| |
| pleasure, however, was quickly replaced with the pain of impact. True, he
| |
| could not have foreseen their falling and compensated for it in the
| |
| sequence but the?shame of causing additional injury to the crew beyond what
| |
| surely had already been suffered was a far different sting than the
| |
| flooring::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Standing, he assisted the awaiting security and medical personnel with
| |
| bringing a majority of the away team to their feet before they were again
| |
| rocked to their knees, the ship lurching beneath them as the lights
| |
| flickered, died and then returned again at less-than-full capacity. A
| |
| pulsating yellow band illuminated at shoulder level caught his attention as
| |
| it indicated an engineering damage control team was needed immediately. Ayhan
| |
| rushed to the nearest open console and after only a few strokes, determined
| |
| that the port nacelle had been damaged to such a state that warp speed was
| |
| impossible. Sure that Lieutenant Commander Pandora had her synthetic hands
| |
| full with other matters, the Vulcan quickly made his way to the damaged
| |
| section.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Crewmembers, blown out panels, smoking isolinear conduits and other
| |
| various detritus littered the corridors as he closed in on the most
| |
| critical section. Ayhan attempted to open a Jefferies tube access panel
| |
| but the bulkhead had warped in such a way that removal was nearly
| |
| impossible. With his hands.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Kicking the panel several times, the thinner material buckled enough so
| |
| that he could get his fingers inside the gaps and pry it loose. Upon
| |
| satisfactorily gaining entrance, the Vulcan positioned his large frame in
| |
| the narrow area and began making repairs in earnest. It was not before
| |
| long, however, that his body and mind simultaneously began feeling the odd
| |
| sensation that he was to identify with the QSSD, his repairs obviously
| |
| enough to allow FTL travel. The feeling, however, was superimposed with
| |
| one in which his memories and essence was being ?unraveled?, the memories
| |
| of an additional 35 years being plucked away like stitches from an old
| |
| wound. Sounds, sights, relationships, lives, deaths; all played in a rapid
| |
| reverse motion, a holovid stuck in the wrong direction. Then, as soon as
| |
| it had started, it was complete::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan ?lay? upright in the tube, his mind searching out for the already
| |
| faded memories as one tongues sockets of long-removed teeth. Minutes?
| |
| Hours? Time marched as he thought, repaired, and thought again before
| |
| Fleet Captain Turner?s voice penetrated his revere. Shore leave? Truly it
| |
| was deserved and he would finally have the time to investigate the embassy
| |
| and area where he would spend the majority of his time. Unfortunately,
| |
| that time would have to wait? he was on Bravo shift.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| *((Duronis II, Embassy Shipyard))*
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::The Vulcan engineer looked up as footfalls approached the *Charybdis* and
| |
| stopped outside the main cargo door. As he was the only one inside, it was
| |
| logical to assume that someone was here for him so he secured his tools,
| |
| stood and turned to walk down the gangplank.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ::Before him stood a tall and slender young human woman that was not
| |
| un-pleasing to the eye. Her black hair flowed down to her shoulders and
| |
| framed her face well, dark blue eyes set against her white skin. His
| |
| glance moved to her gold collar and enlisted rank before returning to her
| |
| gaze::
| |
| | |
| | |
| Ayhan: Yes, Master Chief?
| |
| | |
| Aurora ::Handing him the PADD in her hand:: I'm Master Chief Aurora
| |
| Elliston and I?m here to conduct a health and safety inspection of the ship
| |
| in your possession
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan took the PADD and reviewed its contents with several sweeps of his
| |
| fingers. ?Health and Safety? inspections had been the bane of many of his
| |
| co-enlisted crewmembers existences in his ?prior life? and were not unlike
| |
| the contraband inspections Starfleet forces carried out in the Badlands
| |
| with ships friend and foe alike in a life before that. He understood why
| |
| they were conducted but chaffed under the idea that items
| |
| in-and-of-themselves were ?bad? or ?good?. Were they not amoral, lacking
| |
| intrinsic worth outside of that which its owner/user has now given it? Why
| |
| was it that humans (and, unfortunately, more and more other races and even
| |
| Vulcans) so adamant to restrict things rather than behavior or (even
| |
| better) the results of said behavior? Glancing up, he saw that now was not
| |
| the time to re-hash his thoughts on item control and handed the PADD back::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Understood. Given the size of the ship and lateness of hour, might
| |
| I assist you in this endeavor?
| |
| | |
| oO He's pleasant enough... So far Oo
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sure, if you want. I don't expect anything to find anything
| |
| interesting
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: If that were the case, Master Chief, we would not need to conduct
| |
| the inspection. ::The Vulcan?s response was not condescending but bordered
| |
| on bemusement::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Have you met the Captain?
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Only in passing during our mission and from what I hear he is quite
| |
| the?eccentric.
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sounds... Interesting? ::She laughed awkwardly, she had no idea how
| |
| to talk to Vulcans:: Can you, um well, do you... That is... ::She paused to
| |
| compose herself:: I'll start over here.
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Of course.
| |
| | |
| | |
| ::Ayhan left the mainframe search to Elliston while he focused his efforts
| |
| on a physical search, one in which he felt far more suited than his
| |
| counterpart. Contraband was something that was a specialty of his some
| |
| time ago and the movement of said items was a very intricate dance between
| |
| searcher and seeker. Hidden panels, recessed access ports, shielded holds,
| |
| mis-labeled containers, holographic cargo?all this and more was used to
| |
| move things and people where they were not legal or desired.::
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| :: Suddenly, the Vulcan?s intimate knowledge of smuggling (though not the
| |
| ship in particular) produced a very unexpected result. He called out to
| |
| Elliston who had just completed her scan of the ship?s computer core::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Watcha got?
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: I think we need to converse with Captain Arrington immediately?
| |
| | |
| |
| Aurora: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| ***
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= Captain Turner, I believe that you and Captain Arrington should
| |
| join me at his ship?an inspection has revealed something that demands your
| |
| . =/\=
| |
| | |
| Turner: [TAG]
| |
| | |
| Arrington: oO Uh oh Oo
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| ----------
| |
| Ayhan
| |
| Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
| |
| | |
| *USS Thunder / *Duronis II Embassy
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
| |
| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-embassy+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
| |
| To post to this group, send email to sb118-embassy@googlegroups.com.
| |
| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-embassy.
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| To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/sb118-embassy/7cfab9b1-ab39-4c7c-be41-aed2e70b428c%40googlegroups.com.
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| |
| | 2014-06-04 23:16:33
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| |-
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| | 1882907
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| | 17
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| | 1096751
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| | 2924
| |
| | Ensign Ayhan - "From Contraband to Welcomed 'Cargo'" (Tags: Aurora / Arrington / Parker / Partiers)
| |
| | *((Duronis II, Embassy Shipyard))*
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= Captain Turner, I believe that you and Captain Arrington should
| |
| join me at his ship?an inspection has revealed something that demands your
| |
| attention. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Turner: =/\= Can it wait until tomorrow, Ayhan? Say around 0800 hours?
| |
| Captain Arrington is having dinner and I'm on my way home to see my
| |
| children. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan's gaze swept over the 15 bioluminescent canisters neatly tucked
| |
| into the compartment as he crouched on one knee beside their
| |
| previously-hidden entrance. While their integrity was somewhat
| |
| questionable, they were not going anywhere as long as access to the ship
| |
| was restricted. The Vulcan would have rather taken care of the issue
| |
| tonight but understood (begrudgingly) that the Captain had other plans.::
| |
| | |
| ::Standing, he looked to Aurora who had moments before joined him at his
| |
| side::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= 0800 will be acceptable, ma'am. I will see you then. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Turner: =/\= Thank you. I appreciate your consideration. By the way, where
| |
| is his ship located. Arrington was asking me earlier, and I told him he
| |
| would have to ask you. =/\=
| |
| | |
| :: Ayhan nearly sighed audibly; the *Charybdis' *location was no secret and
| |
| he had not gone to any length to keep the information from Arrington. Why
| |
| the civilian Captain had to go through Turner to get the information was a
| |
| far departure from standard protocol and chain of command. If Ayhan knew
| |
| better, it would almost seem as if the man was attempting to frustrate the
| |
| engineer:: =/\= Captain Turner, please inform Captain Arrington that he can
| |
| find his ship at the shipyard, enclosed bay Theta, though access to it will
| |
| be restricted until our coming-together tomorrow. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::While Ayhan turned to the Master Chief to begin a conversation, the comm
| |
| channel that they had thought closed chirped again.::
| |
| | |
| Turner: =/\= Ayhan, looks like the senior staff has been invited to dinner
| |
| tonight. I hope that you will be able to go. It will be a good place to
| |
| meet everyone. Oh and if Arrington gets in touch with you, perhaps you
| |
| could bring him with you too. =/\=
| |
| | |
| oO A dinner party? Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Given formality and custom, a dish and gift for the hostess was
| |
| acceptable practice among humans and given the subject of the message that
| |
| his Captain had just forwarded to his PADD, a gift for the new father was
| |
| understood as well. Where was he to find gifts at this hour and in a place
| |
| that he had barely unpacked in, let alone researched the shopping options?
| |
| The idea of a boisterous party of Starfleet officers and Marines coming
| |
| back from a nearly-fatal mission did not appeal to him in the slightest but
| |
| Ayhan knew that if he were to establish relationships on the ship and in
| |
| the Embassy, it would not be spent meditating in his room.::
| |
| | |
| ::The sigh this time was audible though not so even for Aurora merely two
| |
| feet away. Ayhan tapped his comm badge::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= I will endeavor to be there and see you at Major Parker's
| |
| residence. I will also seek out *Charybdis' *Captain for his attendance.
| |
| =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Waiting a moment longer than he would have normally to make sure that the
| |
| channel was indeed closed, he finally spoke to his female companion::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: "Chief Elliston, I'm sure you overheard but this ship and its
| |
| contraband here" ::he said with a subtle sweep of his hand to his
| |
| right-rear:: "and ship will need to be secured. We will be meeting
| |
| tomorrow morning with the Captains to better understand the situation.
| |
| Until then, it seems that my presence is...requested elsewhere. Have a
| |
| pleasant evening."
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| *****
| |
| | |
| *((Duronis II, Junior Officer Quarters, Room 27A))*
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan looked into the pot as it rolled to a subtle simmer, the thin, tan
| |
| liquid steaming and leaving rivulets of steam up the container's aluminum
| |
| walls. Taking several leaves from the "tableside" (what he assumed would
| |
| be his candle shelf once he unpacked completely), the Vulcan crushed the
| |
| green leaves between his thumb and forefinger, gently rolling them together
| |
| to allow the chemicals to be released from the plant matter, a tang wafted
| |
| from the flakes as they fluttered down and began floating atop the soup
| |
| like ships on a stormy sea. Inhaling deeply, Ayhan nodded to himself and
| |
| reduced the heat to the lowest setting::
| |
| | |
| ::Turning to the second dish, the engineer frowned...the krei'la he was
| |
| attempting to make was an abomination given the substitutions that he was
| |
| forced to endure. True, he knew that nothing else would truly emulate the
| |
| yon-savas (fire-fruit) of Vulcan, but he hoped that the flavor of the
| |
| apricot he did find would blend well with sage.::
| |
| | |
| ::As he worked the large balls into smaller ones, he flattened them and
| |
| placed them on the hot surface he had jury-rigged by running heating
| |
| conduit under a (now removed) maintenance access sheet in the room. As
| |
| they baked, the very appealing smells filled the room and brought the Ayhan
| |
| back to meals around the meager table his family shared on Volan III.
| |
| True, it might have been considered meager by outsider standards but the
| |
| conversations; lessons in logic, life and liberty; and familial bonds that
| |
| were created there would be foundational to who he was as a Vulcan. The
| |
| fact that his mother was a cook of ability beyond words did not make
| |
| mealtime a drudgery, this was for sure.::
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan's comm badge vibrated on the floor next to where he knelt. Picking
| |
| it up, he called out::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= Ensign Ayhan =/\=
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\= Yes, I was told you were attempting to reach me. We will meet
| |
| tomorrow with Captain Turner at 0800 in the Embassy Shipyard, Theta
| |
| hangar. Access to your ship until then is restricted. =/\=
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\=I apologize for the inconvenience but it is necessary. On
| |
| another matter, I have been directed to extend an invitation to you for
| |
| Major Parker's celebration this evening. I know that Captain Turner
| |
| would...appreciate your attendance. =/\=
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: =/\=Understood. I will see you then. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::The timer buzzed softly and Ayhan placed the comm badge back on the
| |
| floor, removed the traditional Vulcan pastries and placed them on a serving
| |
| dish before covering the Plomeek soup. Standing, he moved to the modest
| |
| dresser and changed into his off-duty attire: sandals, a subdued dark
| |
| bluish-brown long-sleeved robe with thin, muted gold script running
| |
| vertically astride the center clasps, and an overjacket, the latter held
| |
| around his shoulders with a red triangular clasp with his family's crest
| |
| emblazoned upon it in gold script. It was simple and practical, muted in
| |
| appearance and brightened only by the clasp and Vulcan script. It also was
| |
| all that he had and he was thankful that it had been offloaded this
| |
| afternoon while he was away::
| |
| | |
| *****
| |
| | |
| *((Duronis II, Senior Officer Quarters, Parker Residence))*
| |
| | |
| ::Ayhan immediately recognized the problem when he arrived to the doorway.
| |
| Leaving his room was a simple enough affair though now that he was here, he
| |
| needed to actuate the enunciator, a task made more difficult by his hands
| |
| being quite full. He obviously was in the right place given the amount of
| |
| conversation that was spilling through the wall and determined that it
| |
| would be an unknown amount of time before another party-goer arrived so he
| |
| used his elbow to strike the chime, carefully balancing the krei'la so that
| |
| they would remain on their intended plate. The sound was soft against the
| |
| multitude of voices inside and it was several moments before the door
| |
| opened to reveal the Marine for whom the party was held::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Greetings, Major Parker. Might I congratulate you on your wife's
| |
| pregnancy.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: I apologize that I do not have an appropriate gift for you but I
| |
| hope that these additions will help feed your growing crowd.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: You are too kind, sir.
| |
| | |
| ::Following the black Marine, Ayhan stole several looks around the crowd.
| |
| Many he had seen before (at least in passing) though some were brand new.
| |
| Many children were here as well and seemed as jubilant as the adults.
| |
| Alcohol was flowing freely as a short and slender brown-haired woman drank
| |
| a clear liquid that she seemed to find quite agreeable while Major Adarnis
| |
| finished what was obviously not his first libation of the night. A
| |
| slight-in-stature female Vulcan in a (somewhat non-Vulcan) fetching
| |
| midnight blue and jade dress was conversing with a dapper and
| |
| ostentatiously-dressed...Human? Betazoid? Humanoid at any rate though
| |
| Ayhan was unsure.::
| |
| | |
| ::Placing the soup and pastries on the table astride other delectable
| |
| items, the Vulcan engineer met the gaze of Parker's wife::
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: This, ::slowly dropping his chin and gaze to the pot:: is Plomeek
| |
| soup while this, ::performing the same action though towards the scone-like
| |
| objects:: are krei'la, a traditional Vulcan pastry.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: It is the least I could do though I apologize that I do not have
| |
| something more...personable for you to commemorate the occasion. Perhaps
| |
| at a later time.
| |
| | |
| |
| | |
| Ayhan: Of course. I'll leave you to your guests and thank you for the
| |
| invitation.
| |
| | |
| ::Turning and stepping away from the food so that others could move past
| |
| him, Ayhan surveyed the room. He was not often one to start conversations
| |
| and thought it best to at least observe for a few moments before wading
| |
| into the social sea that swirled around him. If he wished to meet his
| |
| fellow crewmen, this most certainly was the place and time to do so...::
| |
| | |
| ((OOC: Feel free to start up a conversation...don't worry, Ayhan doesn't
| |
| bite (luckily, Vulcans are vegitarians!).))
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - Duronis II Embassy" group.
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| |
| | 2014-06-06 00:06:02
| |
| |-
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| | 1812598
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| | 13
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| | 107860
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| | 2930
| |
| | Ensign Aurora James, Meeting with Skipper
| |
| | ((Sickbay, USS Atlantis))
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Sarah...have you tried talking to Tama or Emerson or about this?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TALENS: No.. No, I haven?t.. I doubt they?d want to talk to me anyway.. I
| |
| betrayed their trust!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Okay, the first thing you have to do is stop blaming yourself.
| |
| What's done is done. Think you can try that?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TALENS: ::after a long pause:: I think I can..
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Good. Step two, is talk to Emerson and Tama.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TALENS: ::looking away:: But.. it?s not that easy!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: I know it's hard, but you need to confront them.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TALENS: Confront them? The last I confronted them all hell broke loose!
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| ::Their conversation was interrupted by the Captain hailing Crewman James.
| |
| Sarah cringed and turned her entire body to her side, bringing up her knees
| |
| to her chest and hugging them tight. How was she ever going to face
| |
| Blueheart again? Did he even know? When their conversation was over, she
| |
| heard Aurora sigh and speak to her.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Sorry Sarah, I have to go. But Start with Tama, confront him. I'll
| |
| check in with you tomorrow for an update and a followup.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| TALENS: Okay...
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Aurora walked out of sickbay hoping Sarah would just talk to them They
| |
| needed to hear an apology, from her. The first step to regaining trust was
| |
| conversation. Aurora walked to the Captain's ready room and Rang the chime.
| |
| ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| ((Captain's Ready Room))
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Reporting for duty Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: AJ was unusually stiff in the presence of the Captain, last time she was
| |
| in here she had just gotten a demotion and was here for a counseling
| |
| session. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| BLUEHEART: Please. ::gesturing for her to take a seat:: Can I get you
| |
| something to drink?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: No, thank you Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| BLUEHEART: How is Sarah Talens doing? I hear you?ve been working with her?
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: She's a mess, but I told her to confront Tama...I intend to do a
| |
| follow up with her tomorrow.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| BLUEHEART: Good job, and.. thanks. ::He smiled.::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Thank you Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| BLUEHEART: ::pause:: I?ve been reviewing your files and well.. long story
| |
| short, I?m promoting you to ensign. Congratulations, Ensign James.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Thank you Sir.
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: Her eyes sparkled with joy as he spoke. She wasn't expecting the worst
| |
| of it to be over this soon. ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| BLUEHEART: ::nodding:: Keep up the good work, Ensign.
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Thank you again Sir. Now back to Sarah for a moment, I get the
| |
| feeling that there is more to her guilt then she's lead me to believe...
| |
| has she done or said anything that worried you as her CO that I need to
| |
| work with her on?
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Okay, I'll bring it up.
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| JAMES: Now on to you for a moment if I may, how are you holding up?
| |
| | |
| | |
| |
| | |
| | |
| :: AJ just nodded as the CO continued ::
| |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| --
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora James, AKA: AJ
| |
| | |
| Counselor
| |
| | |
| USS Atlantis
| |
| NCC-74682
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Atlantis" group.
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| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-atlantis+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-atlantis.
| |
| For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
| |
| | 2014-11-22 20:33:48
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1829517
| |
| | 45
| |
| | 2354
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| | 2977
| |
| | Ensign Aurora - The Shuttlebay Incident
| |
| | (( Deep Space 17, Shuttlebay ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora stood by the wreckage of what was formerly a shuttle, raising her
| |
| chin. She knew the cause, and who did it, but it would not be beneficial
| |
| to her should she release details of the incident to the higher brass.::
| |
| | |
| oO Let them wonder... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::However, she did have a duty to report the incident.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: If... ::Beat.:: I must...
| |
| | |
| ::Completely unaffected by the flames that rose from the wreckage, she
| |
| slowly tapped her commbadge.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= Lieutenant... ::She corrected herself.:: I mean Ensign Aurora
| |
| to Commander Yates. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::The Deltan woman ran her hand over her bare skull, feeling the touch of
| |
| her fingertips. It was a habit that she picked up from a man which she
| |
| once admired.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= I have an incident to report Commander... =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::She slowly walked around the shuttle, ensuring that none of her
| |
| fingerprints or other materials were anywhere in the vicinity.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= ::Insincerely.:: It was a tragedy. Two casualties, it may be
| |
| hard to identify the bodies... =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::She tugged at her uniform, it felt uncomfortable, yet all too familiar.
| |
| The woman wore the gold of security, tasked with protecting the space
| |
| station from a number of tragedies from occurring. Though, she did not
| |
| seem to feel very bad about the passengers in the shuttle.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= I would gladly wait here for.... Ahem, the possibility of the
| |
| transgressor still being present. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Her hand held a phaser, though she did not appear to be concerned about
| |
| the security of the area. Inside her mind lay a multitude of unsaid
| |
| words.::
| |
| | |
| oO Trust the untrustworthy. Oo
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security
| |
| Deep Space 17
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Gemini" group.
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| To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to sb118-gemini+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-gemini.
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| |
| | 2014-12-22 23:25:10
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1829554
| |
| | 45
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| | 2356
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| | 2977
| |
| | Ensign Aurora - Cryptic Messages, Falling Pieces
| |
| | (( Deep Space 17, Shuttlebay ))
| |
| | |
| ::The woman held her phaser loosely, either not aware or unconcerned about
| |
| the danger that may be near. Instead, she calmly continued the
| |
| communication.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= I would gladly wait here for.... Ahem, the possibility of the
| |
| transgressor still being present. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= Aurora. Tell me what happened down there.=/\=
| |
| | |
| ::She paused, realizing that indeed she had not passed on the full incident
| |
| of the report.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= Of course Commander... ::She began detailing the incident.::
| |
| There was a rather loud explosion that was heard as I was going on my
| |
| rounds. I entered the shuttlebay and found the wreckage of a shuttle...
| |
| ::Beat.:: I can send you the details if you like. Anyway, no alarms or
| |
| other notices went out, which is why I contacted you sir. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= Have you contacted your Chief yet? =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::The words hit her ears as she stared questioningly into the distance. Of
| |
| course she didn't contact her chief yet. Pieces needed to fall into place
| |
| in order, and breaking the chain of command was one of those pieces.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= Not yet sir. I was hoping to inform the higher brass as soon
| |
| as this occurred so as to prepare for the diplomatic repercussions. This
| |
| may be murder, and there are no sensor readings regarding the assailant who
| |
| started all of this. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Questions needed to be asked, investigations started. She raised her
| |
| hand and looked at her fingernails. Had she informed her chief, there
| |
| would have been passageways blocked, a manhunt started, alarms raised.
| |
| No... things needed to go much more smoothly.::
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= If you think this is a murder then it's in Security's
| |
| jurisdiction. Ops will clear the shuttle-bay and keep it that way, and
| |
| assist in any way we can. =/\=
| |
| | |
| oO Interesting response... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Her eyes gazed towards the shuttle which contained the charred bodies.
| |
| She wondered if Yates would be so willing to pass this off if he knew the
| |
| passengers that lay inside.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= If that is the way you would like to proceed, so be it sir. I
| |
| shall contact my superior immediately. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::About to tap the commbadge to cut off the communication, she stopped.::
| |
| | |
| oO Another piece... Oo
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= Just... one more thing sir. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= Response? =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Coughing gently to convey a level of sincerity, she spoke.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= There was a cryptic message that was uploaded to my PADD as
| |
| soon as I entered the bay. I will send the original message to the chief
| |
| of security and yourself, since it is directed towards your department. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= Response? =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::Smiling softly, she nodded her head.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: =/\= Of course Commander. =/\=
| |
| | |
| Yates: =/\= Response if any. =/\=
| |
| | |
| ::The Deltan woman tapped the badge, ending the communication. With little
| |
| hesitation, she began the procedure of sending the message to the
| |
| appropriate departments. As she did so, she read the message internally.::
| |
| | |
| oO Beware the syndicate. Sue shall pay for her transgressions. Yates will
| |
| bury himself in a hole of his own making. Remove the snake's head, and
| |
| more shall grow. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::It was grim, and rather disorganized. However, it did not concern her.
| |
| She had a task to fulfill, and her time was running out.::
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security
| |
| Deep Space 17
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Gemini" group.
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| Visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sb118-gemini.
| |
| For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
| |
| | 2014-12-23 15:16:22
| |
| |-
| |
| | 1829630
| |
| | 45
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| | 2369
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| | 2977
| |
| | Ensign Aurora - Better Things to Do
| |
| | (( Deep Space 17, Security Offices ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora sat at her desk with her arms folded. She wore a white dress and
| |
| heels. It was hardly a practical outfit, but she was also not on duty.
| |
| Despite her aversion to socializing on the Starbase, she preferred a
| |
| certain style of dress that was extravagant The dress flowed down her
| |
| side, with a slit that ran up her leg. Its material accentuated her
| |
| curves, displaying her Deltan roots.::
| |
| | |
| oO Such an exciting dress for such a boring evening... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Her ears picked up the whispers of the other officers. Some were scared,
| |
| some... just did not know what to think. It had been a full day since the
| |
| incident, and there had been no leads.::
| |
| | |
| oO And there will be none. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The musings were all-knowing, but there would be no telling from her lips
| |
| what happened or what will come. To the casual observer, she was merely
| |
| looking through security logs and other reports. However, what was
| |
| actually happening was a series of encrypted signals being sent from
| |
| discreet locations. Every touch of the keyboard was another fragment, sent
| |
| off to be picked up like a breadcrumb.::
| |
| | |
| oO So little time... yet all the time in the world. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Her work was difficult, but she did not let the strain show on her face.
| |
| Despite her outward heritage, she pulled off a very cool and almost
| |
| heartless personality. This was a rather new development, as officers
| |
| still came up to her thinking that they were still acquaintances... or even
| |
| more hilarious, friends.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::In a hushed whisper.:: Just a few more...
| |
| | |
| ::Every word was calculated, every movement of her hand had a meaning. She
| |
| would have sat there for hours, had not she received a message.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Raising her eyebrow.:: And... what is this?
| |
| | |
| ::Her eyes scanned the lines as she, only for a moment, flashed with
| |
| anger. Her cool deposition returned a second later, but she was not
| |
| pleased. Immediately, she stopped typing, and stood up. It was with such
| |
| speed, that the chair that she was sitting in careened towards the wall
| |
| behind her, and made a very noticeable dent. The security office became
| |
| silent as faces glanced towards her direction, a mistake on their behalf.
| |
| Aurora met their gazes with cold eyes, intimidating most of them.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Stiffly.:: Mind your business.
| |
| | |
| ::She was certain she had offended at least one of the Lieutenants, but she
| |
| did not care as she walked gracefully towards an office in the back. Soon,
| |
| she reached the door and hit the chime.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Without emotion.:: Ensign Aurora as requested... ::Beat.:: Sir.
| |
| | |
| OOC: This is the Chief of Security's office. Should anyone want to, they
| |
| can create an NPC and join in on the fun :)
| |
| | |
| IC:
| |
| | |
| Anyone: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Her eyes drifted towards the nameplate on the wall. It was dusty due to
| |
| age, and the current chief of security had yet to update it. Within
| |
| seconds, the door opened and she walked inside.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Irritated.:: Sir, I would have you know that I was on my....
| |
| ::She looked to her right, seeing another man in the room.:: Commander
| |
| Yates?
| |
| | |
| Anyone/Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::As a matter of fact.:: I guess it would be safe to assume that
| |
| things have escalated?
| |
| | |
| Anyone/Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Soundlessly, she grabbed a chair and sat down in it, not asking
| |
| permission to do so. If the Chief had the audacity to call her in on her
| |
| time off, she would be more than willing to be more lax in her own
| |
| behaviour.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Crossing her arms.:: I believe all of the information I provided
| |
| in the report was comprehensive... ::Beat.:: Involving me further.... ::She
| |
| coughed.:: would be above my rank so to speak.
| |
| | |
| Anyone/Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Her eyes flashed, looking at the two officers. She had a timeline, and
| |
| here she was, things slowly moving off schedule due to bureaucratic
| |
| oversight.::
| |
| | |
| oO I must have been a part of the Orion Syndicate in a past life. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The woman raised her right hand and waved it in defeat.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Bluntly.:: Very well... what would you like to know?
| |
| | |
| Anyone/Yates: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::The Deltan woman's emotions were in a flurry. A million things that she
| |
| would have liked to say, but would have compromised her mission. Lives
| |
| were at stake... and the officers here were more of a liability than
| |
| anything else.::
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Distinct Security Officer
| |
| Deep Space 17
| |
| | |
| --
| |
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| |
| | 2014-12-26 00:35:11
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| |
| | JP: Lt. Cmdr Yates & Ensign Aurora: Intrigue at DS17
| |
| | (( Deep Space 17, Chief of Security Office ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora sat in the Chief’s office, not at all pleased that she had to be
| |
| moved away from her research. The rather large man who sat next to her
| |
| seemed to look ill.::
| |
| | |
| Yates: Lots, Aurora. Lots. ::He leaned slightly forward.:: For one, are you
| |
| alright? You seem a bit stressed out about having to be involved with this.
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Raising her eyebrow.:: Stressed is not the word I would use….
| |
| Commander.
| |
| | |
| ::Yates emotions kept going, and he wasn't going to let up. He needed to
| |
| figure out what was going on, and now. Really, right this moment,
| |
| immediately, instantly, now!::
| |
| | |
| Yates: No, I mean, hell, I'd be a bit shaken up at least, but you just seem
| |
| frustrated! It makes me think that you might know just a bit more than
| |
| you're letting on. ::Beat, voice raising.:: And I very much would like to
| |
| find out before I, a random bureaucrat *explodes* in a fiery death!
| |
| | |
| ::Yates was nearly yelling now, pupils wide and breath heavy. Then he looked
| |
| at her head. It was bald. Very bald. No... she couldn't be Deltan? He looked
| |
| down at his hands, clenched. His brow, moist with sweat. His heart pounding,
| |
| more than it would have with standard explosion-fear. Not normal.
| |
| Pheromones? Likely. Deltan? Most likely.::
| |
| | |
| ::He took a sharp breath in and staggered backwards, knocking over the chair
| |
| behind him. Definitely not good. Not good at all.::
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora’s eyes coldly watched the situation unfold before her. With her
| |
| quick reflexes, she immediately steadied the larger officer and sat him down
| |
| in the chair.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::She turned to the security Chief.:: If you could help hold him
| |
| down…
| |
| | |
| Yates: What?! ::Huffing:: Don’t you dare!
| |
| | |
| ::Despite her rank, it was an order, not a request. Reaching around her
| |
| into a purse, she pulled out a hypo that she always had on hand, a
| |
| requirement for all Deltans. Since she was off duty, Aurora was in her
| |
| civilian clothes and had the ability to carry extraneous items.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Putting her hands on the man’s shoulder, she forced him down.::
| |
| This will just take a second.
| |
| | |
| ::She pushed down on the hypo, as she watched the contents flow into the
| |
| large man’s body.::
| |
| | |
| Yates: Wha-- Stop! ::He bellowed, his thick arms moving too slow to push her
| |
| off in time.:: Wha--- ::He felt his strength leave him, rage falling to
| |
| nothing. It was an artificial low as his emotions were brutally
| |
| suppressed.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: That is a stop-gap measure at best since my hormones are active
| |
| since I am off duty. ::She looked deep into Yates eyes.:: Are you lucid
| |
| enough?
| |
| | |
| ::Yates could still feel his emotions bubbling within, forced down beneath a
| |
| weakening barrier.::
| |
| | |
| Yates: Make this quick, Aurora.
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Continuing.:: As I was saying… This is much larger than I
| |
| originally anticipated. And all that I can tell is that there is danger in
| |
| the fleet.
| |
| | |
| Yates: Beyond a threat on my life?
| |
| | |
| ::All of her work lead to this point, but she didn’t want to make it obvious
| |
| her intentions.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Softly.:: The Gemini sir… And the only way to uncover more
| |
| information would be to send me there. As an Ensign, I would remain under
| |
| the radar.
| |
| | |
| Yates: What? Why? What does that have to do with me?
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::The woman spoke as if her words were above her rank.:: You need
| |
| to authorize the request. ::She paused to take a breath, almost
| |
| exasperated.:: It is vital that it does not appear to be my own idea.
| |
| | |
| Yates: Aurora, I am sending you nowhere unless you tell me what is going on.
| |
| Then, if you give me good reason I’d be more than happy to send you wherever
| |
| the hell you want.
| |
| | |
| ::The woman fumed internally, clenching her fists from view. While she did
| |
| so, she quickly thought of the optimal way to respond.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Biting her lip, something that was not prone to her personality.::
| |
| Because it's important to the good of your well-being Yates. ::She looked
| |
| directly into her superior’s eyes, without emotion.:: You will die if I do
| |
| not uncover this, and what makes this worse is that others may perish at
| |
| well. Lives that I cherish more than your own.
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| | |
| Lt. Cmdr Yates
| |
| Operations Officer
| |
| Deep Space 17
| |
| | |
| Simmed by Lt. Cmdr Atimen
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security Officer
| |
| Deep Space 17
| |
| | |
| Simmed by Lt. Cmdr Roy
| |
| | |
| --
| |
| You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "UFOP: StarBase 118 - USS Gemini" group.
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| |
| | 2015-02-20 23:05:02
| |
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| | 1885017
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| | 2663
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| | 2977
| |
| | PNPC Aurora - Subterfuge
| |
| | (( Atimen's Office, USS Gemini ))
| |
| | |
| ::Sitting comfortably in the chair, the young woman waited patiently. She
| |
| hadn't set up a formal meeting with the lieutenant commander, but given her
| |
| rather quick transfer, Aurora was more than patient. The Deltan woman knew
| |
| that Atimen's shift would be starting soon, and she wanted to see him in
| |
| person. Hearing a sound behind her, she tilted her head.::
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Standing up, the woman brushed herself off. A PADD in her other hand,
| |
| she proffered her free hand forward.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Commander Atimen. ::She smiled.:: It is a pleasure to finally meet
| |
| you.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Gripping her other arm, she evaluated the tall man.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Apologies, the name is Ensign Aurora. I am going to be the newest
| |
| member of your security staff.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Clasping the PADD she had in hand, she tapped it a few times to pull up
| |
| an encrypted message.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Oh right. This is for you. ::She handed the device over.:: The
| |
| message is encrypted, so I am afraid that I don't know the contents. You
| |
| should be able to unlock it with your security key.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::It was a lie, but a small one at best. Such devices were easy to decrypt
| |
| if you had the right tools.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sorry if I am so forward, I just heard so much about you. ::She
| |
| paused, letting the words sink in.:: Given your service record, there are a
| |
| number of things I would love to learn from you.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::She was impressed about his service record, but had lied about needing to
| |
| learn from him. Years of marine training had taught her almost everything,
| |
| security being what was needed, she had adapted accordingly.::
| |
| | |
| oO So much to know Atimen... Oo
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security Officer
| |
| USS Gemini
| |
| | |
| --
| |
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| |
| | 2015-03-01 10:30:16
| |
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| | 1885028
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| | 2667
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| | 2977
| |
| | Ensign Aurora - Late for a Date... Medically Speaking
| |
| | (( Security Office, USS Gemini ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora was very aware of her social faux paus. However, in order to play
| |
| her part completely, the woman had to made calculated errors in her
| |
| behaviour, as to not arouse suspicion.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Sorry if I am so forward, I just heard so much about you.
| |
| ::She paused,
| |
| letting the words sink in.:: Given your service record, there are a number
| |
| of things I would love to learn from you.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Hah!
| |
| | |
| ::Luckily, Atimen appeared to take the comment normally as he chuckled.::
| |
| | |
| Atimen: My service record... ::He turned, picking up a picture and looking
| |
| at it.:: Don't read too much into that; there's not much good you can learn
| |
| from me.
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Frowning slightly.:: Nonsense! No one makes Lieutenant Commander
| |
| believes that Ensigns can't learn anything from them.
| |
| | |
| ::She leaned her back against the chair. Despite her joyful outward
| |
| appearance, Aurora inwardly was concerned. If Atimen was less than up for
| |
| the task that would be thrust upon him, people could die. Worse... he
| |
| could die.::
| |
| | |
| oO Its too early to tell. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Her eyes gazed towards the picture, as Atimen put it into his bag.::
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Either way, it's a pleasure to meet you, and I'm looking
| |
| forward to working
| |
| together in the upcoming months. ::He smiled as he looked at the PADD.::
| |
| Appreciate this as well, I'll take a look at it shortly.
| |
| | |
| ::The woman looked to the PADD, realizing that something had completely
| |
| fallen out of her control. However, she didn't let it bother her as she
| |
| cleared her throat.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: The pleasure is all mine.... ::She let out a small gasp.:: Oh no!
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Looking at the time, she realized that in her wait for Atimen, Aurora
| |
| almost missed her appointment with the medical officer. If she wasn't
| |
| cleared for duty, her entire mission could be in jeopardy.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Flustered.:: I am still adjusting to the ship apparently. Things
| |
| seem to move so much slower here than on Deep Space 17. ::She rubbed her
| |
| temples.:: Just hear me rambling in front of a superior officer.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Bowing her head slightly.:: Thank you very much for your time
| |
| Atimen.... ::She paused.:: It is very much appreciated as things are a
| |
| bit rushed.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::She was completely unaware that she had called the superior officer so
| |
| informally. It was almost as if it was a habit that had just recently been
| |
| remembered.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Rushing towards the door.:: Have a good day sir! Let the stars
| |
| shine favourably among you.
| |
| | |
| Atimen: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::Making it into the hallway, Aurora resumed a slow walk, her face losing
| |
| all emotion. Her body became stoic and prepared, as if waiting for the
| |
| worst to happen.::
| |
| | |
| oO Eyes and ears.... everywhere. Oo
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security
| |
| USS Gemini
| |
| | |
| --
| |
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| |
| | 2015-03-01 15:21:20
| |
| |-
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| | 1885097
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| | 45
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| | 2676
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| | 2977
| |
| | PNPC Ensign Aurora - Blemishes and Imperfections
| |
| | (( Shared Quarters, USS Gemini ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora completed her packing in a short amount of time. So far,
| |
| everything was on schedule and according to plan. Sitting in front of the
| |
| mirror, she gazed at the reflection of her roommates side of the room. It
| |
| was clean to the point of obsession, something that caused the woman to
| |
| smile.::
| |
| | |
| oO Alice... you will never change. Oo
| |
| | |
| ::The thought quickly turned to a flash of anger after having to deal with
| |
| the transporter chief, who had been the former occupant of the room.
| |
| Frankly, Aurora had very little patience to deal with the human woman, so
| |
| her actions were a bit more... direct than usual. It was likely that Arisu
| |
| would retaliate in the future, but that was a calculated risk.::
| |
| | |
| oO And it appears that other people do not change either... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::In a small handbag that she had brought with her, inside was a brush that
| |
| she gingerly pulled out. To anyone else it would have seemed strange, as
| |
| Deltans were bald. However, for Aurora is held a very specific purpose.
| |
| Taking one more glance towards the entrance of the room to ensure she was
| |
| alone, she stared long and hard at the mirror before her. She touched the
| |
| smooth skin of her skull and ran her delicate fingers around it, looking
| |
| for discontinuities. With a sigh, she felt the all-too familiar feeling of
| |
| a hair.::
| |
| | |
| oO Not again... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Bringing it to the light, she noticed how it flickered in colour.
| |
| Slowly, she took the brush in her handbag, and moved it across the stray
| |
| hair. Almost instantly, it was absorbed and disappeared, leaving a
| |
| completely smooth area.::
| |
| | |
| oO What else... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::Standing up, she examined her body for other blemishes. One area she
| |
| looked in particular was her right elbow. To her disdain, she saw another
| |
| familiar landmark in the form of a heart-shaped birthmark that she carried
| |
| for her entire life. This time, she ran her index and middle finger
| |
| against the afflicted region, in which the birthmark slowly dissipated,
| |
| replaced with cream coloured skin.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: Hmm?
| |
| | |
| ::Taking her brush and almost throwing it into her handbag, she looked up
| |
| and saw that her roommate had returned.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Gently.:: Why hello Mr. Maes. ::She motioned to the items she
| |
| had unpacked.:: I tried to leave the room in as good of state as I could
| |
| while I moved everything in.
| |
| | |
| ::The ensign before her looked nervous, but replied in earnest.::
| |
| | |
| Maes: Alice is fine... ::Her eyes drifted towards the room. It had never
| |
| been this clean while she roomed with Arisu.::
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora stood up, and continued talking.::
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Smiling.:: You may call me Aurora then. Would you mind if I
| |
| happened to take your attention for the next hour as to meet my new
| |
| roommate?
| |
| | |
| ::It was obvious that Maes yearned to say no, but she swallowed her
| |
| intentions, forcing a smile.::
| |
| | |
| Maes: I don't see why not.
| |
| | |
| Aurora: ::Clapping her hands together.:: Wonderful!
| |
| | |
| ::Putting her handbag away, she began chatting with Maes. Small talk
| |
| really. However, out of the corner of her eyes, she kept eyeing the
| |
| woman's arm.::
| |
| | |
| oO I hope she didn't notice... Oo
| |
| | |
| TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security Officer
| |
| USS Gemini
| |
| | |
| --
| |
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| |
| | 2015-03-02 17:39:02
| |
| |-
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| | 1886182
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| | 45
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| | 2843
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| | 2977
| |
| | PNPCs Ensign Aurora and Lieutenant Jill Adrura - Displaced in Time
| |
| | (( Outside Main Engineering, USS Gemini ))
| |
| | |
| ::Aurora was patrolling the hallways for gamma shift, a task that she was
| |
| certain she received due to her rather impersonal nature. Not that she
| |
| particularly cared of course. Other than trying to strike up the most
| |
| basic of friendships with her roommates, Aurora had much better things to
| |
| do while she was off duty.::
| |
| | |
| oO Privilege of Starfleet... Oo
| |
| | |
| ::She continued walking down the hallway, noticing that she had yet to
| |
| encounter anyone. Gamma shift was as it always was, dead. However, as she
| |
| was thinking about how such a large ship had such inactive crew, the woman
| |
| was thrown off of her feet completely. With a crash, she landed head first
| |
| towards a wall, where darkness greeted her.::
| |
| | |
| (( Timewarp, Minutes Later ))
| |
| | |
| ::The throbbing pain of head trauma woke the woman up in the corridor.
| |
| Opening up her eyes, she saw that the hallways were dark, likely due to
| |
| loss of power. Shivering, she stood up, realizing how cold it was in the
| |
| hallways. Another bad sign.::
| |
| | |
| oO Where... am I? Oo
| |
| | |
| ::She reached up to her forehead, and felt a caked layer of blood.
| |
| Whatever happened to her, at least the bleeding had stopped. Getting a
| |
| feel for her features, everything seemed to be in order. Running her hand
| |
| through her hair, which was a calm light green at the moment, she exhaled
| |
| calmly.::
| |
| | |
| Adrura: ::In relief.:: What kind of mess has the Tiger gotten into this
| |
| time?
| |
| | |
| ::Still feeling that her head was reeling from pain, she clenched her jaw.
| |
| With all of her changes in department, it was her duty as a marine to keep
| |
| things under control. As such, the woman headed into another room, still
| |
| trying to ascertain her location.::
| |
| | |
| (( Main Engineering, USS Gemini ))
| |
| | |
| ::Jill slowly became aware of the fact that she was no longer on her own
| |
| ship. Even in the darkness, she could tell that she was in Main
| |
| Engineering, but it was on no ship that she had ever been on. This brought
| |
| up a number of questions, all of which brought pain.::
| |
| | |
| oO What is... this? Oo
| |
| | |
| Konstava: :: Hoarsely. :: Anybody alive out there?
| |
| | |
| ::Instinct drove her as the woman walked over to the man's location.::
| |
| | |
| Adrura: Lieutenant Adrura, Marine support. Do you need assistance?
| |
| | |
| Konstava: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::It would be natural that the man had no idea who she was. Furthermore,
| |
| there were other discrepancies that Jill was beginning to take hold of.
| |
| The first of which was the fact that she was wearing a gold uniform
| |
| as opposed to her typical marine green.::
| |
| | |
| Adrura: ::Nervously.:: I'm not quite sure what is going on here....
| |
| | |
| Konstava: Response?
| |
| | |
| ::The woman's head continued to ache as she continued to gain her bearings
| |
| and use of all of her facilities.::
| |
| | |
| oO But... where am I? Oo
| |
| | |
| TAG and TBC!
| |
| | |
| Ensign Aurora
| |
| Security
| |
| USS Gemini
| |
| | |
| and
| |
| | |
| Lieutenant Adrura
| |
| Marine Security
| |
| USS Tiger-A
| |
| | |
| --
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| |
| | 2015-03-23 08:05:30
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| |}
| |