Uploads by Eyas Wtine

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
20:10, 30 December 2014 Albion118.jpg (file) 87 KB USS Albion passing by Starbase118. 1
09:50, 2 June 2014 Eth.jpg (file) 48 KB An Eth Elder of Pleethion 1
09:41, 2 June 2014 Muddome5.jpg (file) 89 KB The Giant Mud Dome, Pleethion 1
09:40, 2 June 2014 Muddome2.png (file) 264 KB The Giant Mud Dome, Pleethion 1
09:39, 2 June 2014 Bocasa2.png (file) 700 KB The City of Bocasa 1
09:39, 2 June 2014 Bocasa1.png (file) 595 KB The City of Bocasa 1
09:38, 2 June 2014 Bocasa Palace 2.png (file) 172 KB The People's Palace, Pleethion 1
09:38, 2 June 2014 Bocasa Palace.png (file) 254 KB The People's Palace, Pleethion 1
09:37, 2 June 2014 Bocasa Citadel.jpg (file) 209 KB The Ancient Citadel of Bocasa on Pleethion 1
11:20, 10 April 2014 Kaitlynleo2.jpg (file) 31 KB Kaitlyn Falcon and Leo Handley-Page, in battle gear 1
11:19, 10 April 2014 Kaitlynleo1.jpg (file) 185 KB Kaitlyn Falcon and Leo Handley-Page 1
19:18, 23 March 2014 Niauniform.jpg (file) 127 KB Nia Calderan, in her red tunic! 1
10:43, 21 March 2014 Niacalderan-shy.jpg (file) 50 KB Nia Calderan, in quiet reflective mood. 1
16:00, 20 March 2014 Niacalderan1.jpg (file) 61 KB Nia Calderan of Byzatium 1
18:10, 15 February 2014 Britishleoland.jpg (file) 41 KB Emblem of British Leoland; parent company of all of Leo's PNPCs and worlds 1
17:00, 10 January 2014 Sianspider.jpg (file) 32 KB Sian Douglas, having been infected by a spider mutant gene - latter stage 1
17:00, 10 January 2014 Sianzombie.jpg (file) 16 KB Sian Douglas, having been infected by a spider mutant gene - early stage 1
19:34, 27 May 2013 Scania3.jpg (file) 27 KB Scania Calderan; one dangerous lady! 1
17:34, 20 January 2013 Starfleet ID Handley-Page.jpg (file) 54 KB Leo Handley-Page, Starfleet ID Badge 1
15:56, 17 July 2012 Bardeezhouse.jpg (file) 10 KB A small community on Bardeez. 1
15:56, 17 July 2012 Losifar.jpg (file) 69 KB Landinam Losifar - Chief of the Bardeezans 1
00:09, 7 April 2011 Svornadestave.jpg (file) 66 KB Svorna Destave, the Hardest Woman in Town 1
13:28, 6 April 2011 Bluesphere.jpg (file) 10 KB The Blue Sphere of Byzatium 1
13:14, 6 April 2011 Sedrinbelasi.jpg (file) 7 KB Lt JG Sedrin Belasi, Pilot 2
10:36, 7 February 2011 Pythrona.gif (file) 30 KB A female 'Astian' Pythron in civilian clothes. 1
13:39, 6 February 2011 Vignian Pythron.gif (file) 24 KB A typical 'Vignian' Pythron male in ceremonial armour. 1
13:38, 6 February 2011 Astian Pythron.gif (file) 31 KB A typical 'Astian' Pythron male in civilian clothing. 1
13:37, 6 February 2011 Thrax.gif (file) 7 KB Conzaneyas Thrax - saviour, father and supreme ruler of the Pythron Nation. 1
13:36, 6 February 2011 Pythrov.jpg (file) 3 KB Pythro V - dawn on the horizon 1