Uploads by Canreb
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Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
16:36, 4 July 2019 | Whar'Da.jpg (file) | 202 KB | This pic has been borrowed from the 7th season of the TV reality show Face Off which is a special effects contest. It seemed to best suit this alien species concept. | 1 | |
12:07, 24 May 2019 | Jzzahn.jpg (file) | 183 KB | This pic is a free pic borrowed from the reality TV show Face Off on the space channel. It is a special affects make up challenge program | 1 | |
15:01, 11 April 2019 | Ferfi.jpg (file) | 16 KB | This is a free pic borrowed from the IMATS International Make Up Artist Trade Show in Vancouver, Canada. It seemed to suit the concept for this species. | 1 | |
14:29, 11 April 2019 | Papagaj-ferfi.jpg (file) | 16 KB | This is a free pic borrowed from the IMATS International Make Up Artist Trade Show in Vancouver, Canada. It seemed like the perfect pic for a bird man | 1 | |
16:18, 22 January 2019 | Fevalen.jpg (file) | 201 KB | This is a pic borrowed from the Sci-Fi reality tv show called Face Off which is a special affects make up contest program. This is from season 6 | 1 | |
19:47, 18 January 2019 | Ohanze.jpg (file) | 1,006 KB | This pic has been borrowed from season 3, week 8 of Face Off the Sci Fi channel special Affects TV show | 1 | |
12:25, 18 January 2019 | Black Talon.jpg (file) | 5 KB | This is an image of a curved karambit knife in black borrowed from a web site that offers pics with no copy right tags. | 1 | |
17:40, 5 November 2018 | Sha No Vak.jpg (file) | 6 KB | This pic was chosen as it best depicts the image of the character. It is off of a free website with no copyrights. | 1 | |
23:13, 15 May 2018 | Egarian.jpeg (file) | 317 KB | An standard free fashion pic heavily altered for our use by a member of the crew of the USS Atlantis | 1 | |
13:25, 21 April 2018 | Dahri.jpg (file) | 491 KB | This pic is of the character Davy Jones from the Walt Disney movie franchise, "Pirates of the Caribbean" It was the inspiration for the creation of the Dahri species | 2 | |
13:07, 21 April 2018 | Female Rigelian Security.png (file) | 96 KB | This is a stock pic of a female Rigelian security officer from the Star Trek online game | 1 | |
16:15, 14 April 2018 | Hafiff.jpg (file) | 7 KB | Free stock photo of an Arabic male | 1 | |
18:12, 10 January 2018 | Earl Ardunas Sethaz.jpg (file) | 297 KB | This is a free pic of the actor Al Pachino | 1 | |
04:25, 20 December 2017 | Beruna Stars.jpg (file) | 4.98 MB | A random pic of space and stars taken frm a free web site | 1 | |
18:48, 5 November 2017 | Nass Buttai.jpg (file) | 5 KB | Based on the description of the Zeldan species I felt that a pic of a native north american Indian would probably be the best match. This pic is untitled and unnamed and was found on a free site with lots of pics of native Indians. | 1 | |
18:40, 5 November 2017 | Solara Cariso-Stone.jpg (file) | 7 KB | This is a pic of the actress Morena Baccarin as a Cardassian. It seemed to suit for this character. | 1 | |
18:30, 5 November 2017 | Jason Stone.jpg (file) | 9 KB | This pic is from a free site and the true identity of who it is is not mentioned. This closely meets the visual image I have had of this character for years so that is why I picked it. | 1 | |
13:36, 26 May 2017 | Galadoran.jpg (file) | 55 KB | This pic was selected as it most closely represents the species in question. It was borrowed from a Russian government ocean studies site. | 1 | |
16:44, 25 May 2017 | Ameoneian.jpg (file) | 197 KB | This pic was selected as a basis for the visual image of this species. It was borrowed from the reality TV show Face Off season 6 which is a special affects makeup contest. | 1 | |
13:03, 29 April 2017 | Husnock.jpg (file) | 180 KB | This is a pic borrowed from the 6th season of the TV show Face Off which is a reality special effects show. I picked this as it seemed to reflect the limited description of this species (Husnock), intelligent and hostile. | 1 | |
14:27, 24 April 2017 | Apollo the God.png (file) | 652 KB | This is a pic from the original Star Trek series, Episode, TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?" | 1 | |
19:44, 20 April 2017 | Ash`lie.png (file) | 113 KB | A generic pic of an albino colored individual which would seem to be an ideal image for the base look of the majority of the population minus the fact this this individual has no tattoos. | 1 | |
14:28, 10 February 2017 | Elzizabath.png (file) | 107 KB | This is a pic of my daughter that the Image Collective was kind enough to transform into a member of the Ash'lie species which I created in honor of my daughter | 1 | |
12:47, 12 August 2016 | Koropian.jpg (file) | 59 KB | This is a pic from the TV series Buck Rogers made in 1979. It was of the Alien Princess played by actress Pamela Hensley. It seemed to best suit the idea of how Lwaxana Troi must have looked at her daughter's sixth birthday party. The sight was embarra... | 1 | |
12:30, 12 August 2016 | Kotakian.jpg (file) | 7 KB | This is a random pic of an individual who has the right look for this species. | 1 | |
12:31, 2 August 2016 | Jarpax.jpg (file) | 186 KB | This pic was taken from the TV Reality show Face Off season 7, which is a make up and special affects contest. | 1 | |
16:09, 20 July 2016 | Black dagger.jpg (file) | 3 KB | Image selected from the internet as a good version of what this item should look like. Not taken from any website. | 1 | |
13:48, 28 June 2016 | Jivvrn.jpg (file) | 192 KB | This pic was borrowed from the reality TV show Face Off, season 6 which is a special affects/make up contest. This pic had the right feeling of aggression and tension that I was looking for for this species. | 1 | |
19:35, 18 February 2016 | Jeuws.jpg (file) | 50 KB | this pic was borrowed from the IMATS-International-Make-Up-Artist-Trade-Show in London, England. It was a creation made just for this show by one of the artists there. Pictures of it were taken by many individuals and were free to use. | 1 | |
18:55, 18 February 2016 | Ga'teran.jpg (file) | 201 KB | This is a pic of a Special Affects make up done on the TV reality show Face Off. Season 7. | 1 | |
17:24, 18 February 2016 | Bilarian.jpeg (file) | 14 KB | This pic was borrowed from the Vancouver trade show for IMATS - International Make-up and Special Affects artists. It has no copy right and was an entry into one of their displays, with pics taken by any and all present. | 1 | |
18:47, 15 May 2015 | Onash.jpg (file) | 14 KB | This pic was borrowed from the web site for the IMATS (International Make-Up Artist Trade Show) in Vancover. It was selected as it most closely matched the description given for this species. | 1 | |
16:05, 14 May 2015 | Irriol.jpg (file) | 7 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Beta | 1 | |
16:43, 24 April 2015 | Mrend.jpg (file) | 6 KB | This is a pic of a wrestling star that best seemed to match the look and feel I was looking for in this character. | 1 | |
16:37, 24 April 2015 | Chalf.jpg (file) | 6 KB | This is a pic of an old wrestling character Bruiser Brody whose face and hair best seemed to suit what was needed for this character. | 1 | |
20:00, 23 April 2015 | Ruchard.jpg (file) | 5 KB | This is a pic of the actor Rutger Hauer who I have picked to represent this character. | 1 | |
05:38, 23 April 2015 | Del'ack.jpg (file) | 16 KB | This pic was borrowed from the TV show Stargate Universe. It was a good match for the character. | 1 | |
05:34, 23 April 2015 | Gronk.jpg (file) | 9 KB | This pic was borrowed from one of the original Mad Max movies. It suited the character of Gronk perfectly. | 1 | |
17:09, 21 April 2015 | Tesnian.jpg (file) | 171 KB | This pic was taken from the reality special affects and makeup TV show called Face Off which is on the Sci-Fi and Space channels. Since there is absolutely no description available as to what they look like I picked this to represent them. | 1 | |
15:31, 20 April 2015 | Barbee.jpg (file) | 11 KB | This is a free pic taken from a game discussion site. | 1 | |
12:39, 19 April 2015 | Medusan insignia.jpg (file) | 5 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Beta | 1 | |
13:48, 11 April 2015 | Selkie.jpg (file) | 25 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Beta | 1 | |
19:52, 7 April 2015 | Mongminzu.jpg (file) | 6 KB | This pic was found on a free site. Some kind of idea for a character for some kind of game. It very closely resembles the basic concept for this species. | 1 | |
14:18, 7 April 2015 | Malgorian.jpg (file) | 29 KB | This is a free pic found on the internet of someone with two heads... it was the best I could find that seemed to approximately match what was needed | 1 | |
05:02, 7 April 2015 | Melthusian.jpg (file) | 3 KB | this is a pic of a character from the movie Kill Bill. It seemed to best meet the vague description of the Methusian species | 1 | |
16:13, 4 March 2015 | Mazarite shuttle.jpg (file) | 5 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Alpha | 1 | |
16:10, 4 March 2015 | Mazarite warships.jpg (file) | 5 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Alpha | 1 | |
14:07, 3 March 2015 | Hermat.jpg (file) | 7 KB | This pic was borrowed from Memory Beta and is a pic of Lt. Cmdr. Burgoyne 172 from the Star Trek: New Frontier novels. | 1 | |
21:02, 30 January 2015 | Anjurwan.jpg (file) | 95 KB | This is a random pic taken off the internet. It suits the species who appear to be human. It is a free pic. | 1 | |
17:09, 26 January 2015 | Manchovite.jpg (file) | 40 KB | This pic was borrowed from the TV reality show called Face Off which is on Space and the Sci-Fi networks. It is from season 2 | 1 |