
Vital Statistics

  • Name: Scrizer
  • Position: Leader for the Bridak Tribe
  • Species: Cart'hen
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 175 lbs
  • Eye color: brown
  • Hair color: short tan fur
  • Build: stocky
  • Skin tone: short tan fur

Description Scrizer is slightly larger than most men of his race. His short fur is also slightly darker. He has a scar that runs from his chin up to his forhead, that was made by a Klingon batleth. He still has the batleth and has practiced with it till he is extremely deadly with it. His voice is a deep rumbling bass.

He wears typical sand color nomad robes, but prefers desert combat style boots. His equipment is a mix of traditional and off worlder. He can move like a ghost over the desert when he wants to.

History Scrizer was born in the Klingon mines of Cart'hen III and spent his first 7 years there. His oldest memories are of pain, carrying water to the workers and the constant dark. He saw his first glimpse of the sky and the sun the day his people were released.

He spent the next 20 years relearning the survival sklls that most of his people had forgotten. During this time he became active with a radical native faction. This faction attacked a number of Klingon warriors during their desert survival training.

Scrizer was lucky. He was one of only a few that survived and escaped. It was dureing this attack that he was scared. He had been knocked down, blood flowed into his eye's from the cut. He pawed at his eye's, frantic, sure he was about to die. Then the Klingon fell. Killed from behind by another native. That man was then killed and Scrizer did the smart thing, he grabbed the batleth and ran.

Since then he has learned, grown into the role of leader of the largest and most powerful tribe of his people. Under his leadership the Bridak Tribe has learned to blend the best of there old customs and culture with that of the off worlders. They have accepted off worlders into the tribe, learning and teaching them.

Scrizer has also learned that the Klingons are way to powerful to beat... at least at this time. He has also learned that they are willing to pay and pay well for him to provide a few warriors to play the enemy for war games. It has proven to be just as good a training tool for his people as it has for the Klingons.

Additional Information Created by Lt. Tal Tel-ar