Sally Strange



Sally Strange


  • Gender: Female
  • Position: Former First Officer
  • Ship: USS Indria-A
  • Rank: Commander
  • Race: Terran
  • Spouse None

  • DoB: Classified
  • Weight: N/A
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Eye color: Greyish Blue
  • Hair Color: Light Brown


  • Purple Star
  • Scotty Cross
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Commander Sally Strange is the former first officer of the USS Indria-A. She is currently retired.


  • Full Name: Sally Strange
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: Classified
  • Place of Birth: Bermuda, Earth
  • Age: N/A
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: None


  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: N/A
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Length of Hair: Long
  • Eye Color: Greyish Blue


  • Marital Status: Single


  • Children: None




  • Brothers: Captain Spencer Strange USS MONASTIC; Commander Hudson Strange, USS ZULU; Ambassador Wallace Strange, Starfleet Command; Admiral Richard Strange, Professor of Temperal Physics Starfleet Academy; Lt. Commander Deven Strange, USS THUNDERBIRD

Personal History

Commander Strange is of an athletic build on a solid but slight frame. Her hair is a light brown almost blond –worn in various styles through the years she currently has a long braid that keeps it neat and out of her face – and matches a rather “British complexion.” Her appearance is far from unique except for her grayish blue eyes, that in a younger version flashed an impish agenda but are now deeper reflections of the world around her.

Sally Strange has had a “uniquely brilliant” and well documented past within the Federation. She left the Federation for undisclosed reasons and disappeared for several years on “an unknown” sabbatical.

Sally's days at the academy were not particularly stellar. She was however gifted in design and spent many hours working through advanced ship schematics and coming up with new ideas for spaces that were functional, efficient and comfortable. Her field experience only enhanced her intuition for the perfect ship and when she left active duty for a posting at Starfleet she naturally became breath of fresh air to the engineering faculty.

Sally Strange comes from a long line of Federation elite. Her mother is a well respected Diplomat and Ambassador within the Federation and 5 older brothers who are various high ranks throughout the fleet and Starfleet Administration. Complex, independent and slightly rebellious Strange very rarely sees life in the same context of her family (and sometimes her superior officers), let alone with her distant and cold mother.

Sally’s personal life is somewhat nonexistent. Her father was killed when she was a young cadet at Starfleet, as the 2 were vacationing in Paris. A famous diplomat and vocal advocate of Peace, he was assassinated by an unknown miliant group. Sally was seriously hurt in the explosion but more deeply pained by the loss of her father whom she was extremely close. She has never completely dealt with his loss and feels somewhat responsible for not being able to help him as he died inches away from her. She has never had a great relationship with her Mother or fit in with her over ambitious brothers. As a result it is a rare occasion that she lets people get close.

She has had few relationships, spending more time in her own universe pursuing her electic hobbies or studying Jazz musicians. Often misjudged for her cavailier attitude, Sally indepthly absorbs all environments, situations and persons that surround her. She notes instantly all intitutive perspectives of a situation and/or subject knowing the probable outcome before most. Only people who truly get to know her can appreciate this unique vision.

Sally is a horrible shot with a phaser and it is usually luck that hits the target not skill. However what she lacks in marksmanship she makes up for in martial arts. Sally is an excellent hand to hand fighter usually using well practiced close quartered fighting techniques to over come her attackers.

Although physical fit, Sally is no fan of exercise. Her martial arts daily training rountine is short and sweet and is about the extent of her workout. She much prefers the mediation side to the art, but this does not make her any less apt in a hostile situation.

Outside of that Sally can be rather clumsy and often ends up in humorous predicaments adding a light hearted tune her often serious and reserved side.

Professional History

Sally's Starfleet Career began under the Captaincy of from Fleet Captain Jeff Pelletier on the USS-Freedom A. Here Sally moved up the ranks quickly to Chief Engineering Officer. She served on the Freedom until being asked to serve on the USS Indria-A where she eventually took over the role of First Officer.

Sally, ready to write her own Captaincy exam, suddenly left active duty in Starfleet for unknown reasons. Some suspect that is was due a falling out in her close relationship with former Rear Admiral Shaun Marlin others have speculated their friendship was more than it appears and the possibility of a broken heart blurred the lines of duty.

Sally returned to Starfleet academy for a time as a Professor of Engineering and Advanced Ship Design She then left the Federation for undisclosed reasons and disappeared for several years on “an unknown” sabbatical.

Sally's professional history includes a career of starting and serving with such greats as Captain Allen O'Malley, Rear Admiral Shaun Marlin, Captain Skyfire, Captain Leigha Jacobs and Fleet Captain Jeff Pelletier. As well years later she was honored by the Federation with a Duty Post Award in her honor

AWARDS The Order of StarFleet Merit and Achievement First Class (TOSMA I) The Purple Star The Scotty Cross


Sally loves to Karoke and is an expert on 20th century Jazz. She has a fascination/hobby of Pink Flamingo's and has written several recognized science papers about the species. Additionally Sally was a competitive sailor having achieved semi-professional glory before joining Starfleet.