SIM:USS Eagle/A Chat with Valentino/Daydan Taboo

(( Holodeck 2 - Eagle Island ))

Always wanting to perform in front of audiences and having an extroverted personality meant that Michael Valentino was an ideal host for an interview show of this nature. His sociable demeanor and sense of humour would hopefully bring levity to the show. Both the host and his first guest made themselves comfortable on the couches.

Daydan relaxed watching the younger mans body language and listening out for any give away thoughts about his up and coming questions, feeling rather relaxed and on top of the situation Daydan spread his arms out across the back of the couch and pulled up his left leg and tucked it under his right leg so that he was almost sitting on top of it.

Valentino: :Gazes into the camera lens: Welcome ladies and gentlemen. It’s the premiere for my new show. This is a weekly program and I’ll be having a chat with ALL of you... :Points into the lens: ...sooner or later! You cannot escape! :Laughs: On my premiering show, we have, as my guest, Captain Daydan Taboo!

The Captain raises his hand off the back of the couch lazily to the camera and looks on with a beaming smile and gracefully nods.

Valentino: Let’s start with the most important question, your favourite colour and why? :Michael smiles and lets out a soft laugh:

An odd question Daydan thought to himself, he looked around at the setting and smiled.. The island had a majestic atmosphere. The air was warm, the breeze was cool, the water glistened in the background.

Taboo: I'm not sure really, I tend to go through phases, as a boy it was Yellow, I think because I loved the sunshine, then as a got older, Green, the colour of life and vegetation, while on Vulcan, Black, Black as the night, but now, :He shrugged: I think blue, the blue of the ocean.

Ever smiling, Michael asks his second question. He didn’t want the show to become too formal or rigid.

Valentino: So Captain, if you could have dinner with any three people, dead or alive, who would they be and why?

Taboo: Dead or alive, wow, what a great question. :His hand came to his mouth as he teased his lips with his finger and then pointed to Michael: The Goddess Karawati, I met her once in a dream, I think.. :His finger came to his lips again: oOThat's it, now everyone thinks I'm nuts.Oo :He closed his eyes: My biological father, I never met him. :Then Daydan looked up: My last choice is easy, Dr MacGowan, we always have a great time together, and she makes me laugh.

Valentino: That’s rather interesting, a good bunch!

Taboo: Ask me again in ten years time and it might have changed. :Smiles at the camera and relaxes his arm across the back of the couch again.:

Valentino: The Betazoid mind has always fascinated me. What’s your earliest memory? I mean, was it a thought or an image?

Taboo: That's easy, it was a voice, calm and comforting, it was my mother, before I was born she use to talk to me and rub her tummy. :He looked at Michael's face and chuckled.: Freaky huh. My first image was a clock, a wall clock, Betazoids call the face clocks, they have spikes radiating out from the face like rays of the sun. That was the first image I remember. I remember at the time I was quite afraid of it.

Valentino: :Raising his eyebrows: That’s fascinating sir. :Looking into the camera and speaking to the audience: Now it might interest some of you to know that not only is our captain quite adept at martial arts, he’s actually formed his own style called “Wind and Water”. Clearly, that’s not the original Chinese name. :Laughs softly:

Taboo: True, but wind water fire and air are used to describe different styles and forms, Water is life, and the study of how water moves is essential to understanding the technique, as for wind, wind is the essence and the voice of nature herself. Together they are graceful and effortless, beautiful and spiritual, and in the right hands, absolutely deadly. :Daydan let out a soft sigh, the breath of wind that passed through his lips reminding him of his training.:

Valentino: How long did it take you to create this form?

Taboo: :Daydan thought for a moment, he looked into space and then back to Michael.: about 40 years.

Valentino: Care to show our audience an example of this style?

Daydan nodded, then slowly stood up. Michael stood and took a few steps back to give Taboo some space.

Taboo: One should really warm up first.

Daydan stood up straight, his classic loose white pants and long sleeved shirt, unbuttoned floated around him, he moved to a little area of the beach where the sand was warm and white under his bare feet. Closing his eyes Daydan stretched reaching up as far as he could, then with his hands like paddles he he slowly drew his arms around him like waves, his feet and legs gently feeling the ground around him, the whole time his eyes were closed and his face showing the bare hint of a content smile, the form was one of many turns graceful and smooth, often a trained eye could see a carefully planned parry and break, lethal to an attackers limbs and bones, his hands and fingers like blades... The Kata started slowly and then increased it's speed, all the time graceful and majestic like a dance, in the middle of the Kata were some high kicks and at the very end Daydans hands floated against the air and then as he rotated around with a long leg sweep he stopped with his head bowed and his hands up, one towards and invisible assailants neck and the other low to protect the groin and torso... Even when Daydan was still the air around him was thick with the dust of the sand whirling around him in different directions until it to settled on the floor at his feet.

Valentino: oO Wow, that's really good! Oo Impressive! That’s rather different to some of the styles I’ve learnt.

Taboo: Thank you, I found it fills in the gaps perfectly, I have found that your opponent creates his or her own weaknesses, this style exploits that, simply turning your opponents attacks against themselves. You dance too? :As a Quin, Baterzoid Warriors call their martial arts Katas a dance. :

Valentino: Yes, I’ve learnt a few styles. I started martial arts when I was about four. I mastered many forms during my time with the Vulcans.

Taboo: Hmm, the Vulcans have aloot to answer for, I must confess my inspiration came from the ancient Betazoids and the Chinese Shaolin Priests. I'd like to see one of your katas. :Daydan bowed to him and stepped away to give him some space:

Valentino couldn’t really say no to the captain’s request. Also, Michael would never pass up a chance to show how good he was. Young arrogance eh?

Valentino: No, I don’t mind.

Standing straight he spun on his right foot and executed an impressive head-height side kick with his left. His foot remained in mid air for a few moments, demonstrating the strength of his quadriceps. Without landing his foot, he then continued kicking in a 360 degree motion, kicking in every direction. He stopped and executed a double back flip acrobatically. There was an air of confidence to his demonstration.

Taboo: :Daydan laughed: You look like you enjoyed that, not bad, not bad at all.

Valentino: Thank you sir, I mean sensei. :Smiles:

After their demonstrations, they re-took their seats and Michael resumed his interview.

Valentino: That was fun! ::Clears his throat:: Captain, you’ve been in Starfleet for quite some time. But before you joined, I understand you were a civilian martial arts instructor at the Academy?

Taboo: Blimey, you have been busy, yes that is correct, I had no idea what I wanted to do, my family wanted me to study mind sciences with the Vulcan's when I was a boy, but they grew weary of my, always asking questions and going against tradition, they couldn't wait to exchange me with a Chinese Priest who wanted to study the Vulcan ways. I think in some ways it did me a favour, at the monastery where I lived for the next 15 years my tutor and master instructed me well, he was like a father to me. The Academy was hard work but my classes were very popular, mostly Science and Medical Personel, Security seemed to enjoy rather more brutal styles. Wrestling and Tiabo. :Daydan scoffed: "Wind and Water" was still being developed then. I worked hard and perfected my art, and in my spare time I would study the Sciences and Engineering.

Valentino: That's alot of hard work!

Looking back into the camera, Michael speaks to the audience once more and changes the subject.

Valentino: I’m sure you're well aware that the captain is half Betazoid and half El-Aurian. :Turns to Taboo: If you had to pick one of those to be, which race would you choose?

Taboo: :Daydan smiled: That's easy, Betazoid.

Valentino: :Crosses his legs: Why’s that sir?

Taboo: Because I don't know what it means to be El-Aurian, as i said I never knew my father, I know very little about my El-Aurian side, their customs, I have a friend called Gabriel, he is pure El-Aurian, I learnt much of what I know from him... I have feelings some times, a connection to the universe around me, it's hard to explain. :Daydan looked away from the camera clearly embarrassed:

Valentino: :Smiles at the camera lens: So, not only is our commanding officer physically active and strong, he’s also very intelligent not to mention his striking hazel green eyes! :Turns back to Taboo: The ladies will be after you now sir, If they already weren't before! :Chuckles:

Taboo: You are very kind, as for the ladies, I think while they find me charming, I am a mystery to them. :He looks up at the camera and smiles.:

Fully into his stride, Michael was clearly enjoying himself.

Valentino: Coming back to the Academy, you’re clearly very educated.. From your records, I see that you’re very well versed in subjects such as physics, engineering and psychology. Were you always academically inclined, even as a child?

Taboo: Nosey you mean.. :He chuckled: remember when you were a child and you use to ask why? :Smiles: I never stopped asking, but when people could no longer answer my questions, I would go and find out for myself. Knowledge is a wonderful thing, and the mind is a true marvel of evolution. Never stop asking questions, better still never stop looking for answers. What about you, what brought you to Starfleet?

Valentino: When I was a child, I wanted to be pilot. I wanted to fly everywhere! Starfleet seemed the way to go. What did you want to be when you were a child? What was your dream?

Taboo: I wanted to stay with my mother, as for profession, I think I wanted to be a teacher. Like my... He smiled and left his sentence unfinished

They both reach for towards the table and grabbed their cold drinks to take a sip. It was a warm day on Eagle Island.

Valentino: Now, you spent some time with the Vulcans, much like myself. They must have taught you how to...suppress your emotions. oO I hope it’s okay to ask Oo I understand if this may be difficult to talk about, but how did you feel towards the Bajoran freedom fighters when they shot and killed your brother?

Taboo: :Daydan nodded: As I said, my life with the Vulcans was very very difficult, how do you teach a Betazoid not to show emotion, that is in essence what we are, passionate and over emotional. I do my best to keep my feelings to myself. :Daydan paused and looked the young man right in the eyes.:

The conversation suddenly took a serious tone. Michael’s lightheartedness stopped for a moment as he asked a personal and heartfelt question. The captain leaned forward and spoke.

Taboo: I hardly knew him, we were kept apart most of the time, we could still talk to each other even though we were miles apart... I miss him dearly, he was a very calming influence to me. :Daydan looked away into the calm blue sea trying not to let his sadness show.:

The captain showed little emotion as he spoke about the event. He seemed to remember it quite vividly.

Valentino: :Soft, low voice: Do you think your pacifist nature would have wavered without your Vulcan teachings?

Taboo: :Pausing for a few moments: I think my gentle side comes from my mother. And my desire to help people, there is more to that story Michael, maybe one day I will tell you.

Michael's experience with the Vulcans were clearly very much more different than his own.. As for his brother, it was not over yet.

Valentino: :Looking into the camera: I think we have to give him an enormous amount of respect for that ladies and gentlemen. A true peace keeper. :Looking back at the Captain: I’m sorry for loss sir.

Michael reaches for a PADD next to him.

Valentino: :Voice becomes a little more cheerful: I have something quite interesting here Captain. These are questions from the crew, some are anonymous and some aren’t.

The captain smiled and leaned back into his chair, almost expectant. Michael grinned as he read the first one.

Valentino: Our Chief Science Officer, Xoet 12, wants to know; what is your favourite and least favourite alien meal?

Taboo: Favourite is easy, Apple pie, my mothers. Least favourite.. Gahk...

Valentino: Our councilor, Miss Scott, wants to know that if you could change one aspect of yourself, what would it be and why? :Looking into the camera again: Should be interesting.

Taboo: Fear of making mistakes, and the fear of being the cause of someone elses suffering. Try dealing with that and being a Captain... :Daydan shook his head:

Valentino: She also has another question. :Chuckles: Ooh, it’s a tricky one; What do you think about the political and diplomatic aspects of the Federation and the influence and power it holds? :Looks into the camera: Really Emmalyne? :Smiles:

Taboo: Are you trying to get me court marshaled Ensign? I don't think my political views should be the concern of my crew, at least not yet. :He smiled looking into the camera: Emmalyne, ask me in private if you really want to know. :He looked back to Michael:

Valentino: Good answer! Very...diplomatic. Tal Tel-ar, our Chief Security Officer would like to know; if you had to pick one activity as your favourite to relax, what would it be?

Taboo: Good question, you mean besides a good nights sleep, I think perhaps playing my Saxophone, or my martial arts, they both give me a great deal of pleasure.

Valentino: Mine's sleeping! :Laughs: I have a question from an anonymous member of the crew. :Smiles at the camera: I wonder who it is? The question is, are you single at the moment?

Taboo: A Betazoid is never single, we have many relationships, if you mean am I single for the moment yes, but I hope not for to long, it is always nice to fall asleep with someone special in your arms, don't you think?

He puts the PADD back and stands up with the Captain.

Valentino: :Smiles: It seems that those were the only questions the crew wanted to ask you. Seems that the others know you well enough! :Extends his hand: It was a pleasure talking to you. :Shakes the stocky captain’s hand firmly:

Taboo: The pleasure was all mine, some great questions, and some very awkward ones. I look forward to your next show Michael, very nicely done.

Daydan smiled as he sat back on the couch letting Michael take the lime light and the full angle of the camera.

Valentino: :Looks towards the camera: And next week, we have another great guest. :Smiles brightly: She’s beautiful, she’s soulful and she cheats at poker! It is, of course, our very own Commander Arista Devar. :Leans in towards the camera and speaks softly and cheekily: I’m just kidding, she doesn’t cheat at poker, she’s just very good and always wins!! :Winks: Hope you enjoyed the show! See you next week! Addio mio amicos (Goodbye my friends)!

A Chat With Valentino; Hosted by Michael Valentino.

Guest appearance by Captain Daydan Taboo