SIM:German Galven - Bravery or Stupidity

((Havley’s Hope Mining Colony, Middle Level))
Rosek: ::stops and pauses:: Take the lead, Mr. Galven. ::pauses:: And make sure that blasted hologram doesn’t activate and draw attention.
:: He didn’t want to respond right away because the aggravation he had with her was growing. He tried to calm himself down, but his human emotions was getting the better of him. Although, he was in some sound mind and tapped the device to mute the audio going to Engineering.  ::
Galven: ::looks down and chuckles sarcastically and raised his head back up at her and cursed in Denobulan::  Taa ke mai loo! If you have such a problem with my device, then why did you put me with you, Lt. Commander.
Rosek: Now is not the time or the place, Ensign.
:: His tricorder and ocular device was picking up something further down the mine. His emotions were getting the better of him and ignored the “proceed with caution” signal. He walked up closer to her and grabbed her hand so he’d show her how much her attitude towards him made him feel. ::
Galven: ::raises voice:: I didn’t make the device and I don’t know if the hologram will appear again!
Rosek: Let go.
:: German was wanting an apology, although he knew he’d never get one from her. He released all of his emotions built up inside him and squeezed her hand harder before letting go. He turned his back to her and attempted to turn on the light in his device, but finally noticed the warning signal. He tapped the side of it and the atmosphere further in the mine had changed dramatically. He turned his head sideways to Lael and cocked his head in the direction of the unexplored mine::
Galven: Do you feel that?
Rosek: ::glares at Galven:: Don’t EVER do that again.
:: German looked back at her and raised his hand to shush her. His ocular device automatically set to a night vision mode. He noticed her eyes were in fact glowing… He cocked his head because he had heard about that in his Xenobiology classes, but never saw that in person. He shook off his slight stare and remembered to turn back on the audio for Greyson in Engineering. Although, it wasn’t working and he tried tapping his commbadge, yet to no avail. ::
Galven: We have a problem… See if you can talk to engineering, ma’am.
:: After he saw how infuriated Lael was with him, his frustration with her toned down a bit. Hopefully formalities were key in calming them both down. The glowing eyes was a pretty neat effect, but if getting an Al-Leyan to that point wasn’t on the top of German’s bucket list. ::
Rosek: ::taps her commbadge:: =/\=Rosek to Greyson.=/\=
:: A little bit of nervousness set on the Denobulan. His ocular device was still working, but he wasn’t picking up anything with engineering. He shook his head at Lael as a reaction to his no signal. :: 
Rosek: ::taps her commbadge:: =/\=Rosek to Greyson. Can you hear me, Carter.=/\=
:: She turned to German with a grave expression. ::
Rosek: I knew I should have listened to my instincts and not split us up.
:: He tried tapping his commbadge to see if they could still talk with the other teams on the planet and also the others that had to split up, but all he came up with was a strange massage he was giving his chest which reminded himself of the nonexistent abnormal atmospheric surroundings  ::
Galven: My commbadge isn’t working. Can you see if you can reach Skyfire and the rest of our team, ma’am? ::taps his device and murmurs:: I need to figure out why there’s no temperature readings.
Rosek: ::taps her commbadge:: =/\=Rosek to Skyfire.=/\=
::No response. She shook her head and tapped her commbadge again.::
Rosek: =/\=Rosek to Moonsong.=/\=
:: German was about to panic, but refrained from it. He remembered from his training at the Academy when all hope seemed to be lost, he managed to pull through unharmed. He straightened his composure as he wondered what they should do now. If they turned back, they’d be losing ground. If they continued forward towards the atmospheric disruption in the mine, they might be able to figure out what was going on. ::
Galven: I think we should continue moving forward, ma’am. With your engineering experience and my developing know how of this device, we may be able to find out what happened to those miners. What do you think?
Rosek: ::pauses:: While I admire your dedication, Mr. Galven, I think it would be best to regroup. We don’t know what we’re up against here and there’s strength in numbers.
:: The device picked up a signal he had never seen before. His positivity was hoping it was Engineering. Although, it was a weak signal that wasn’t doing much of anything at the moment. ::
Galven: I’m picking up some sort of signal. I’ll link it to your tricorder.
Rosek: ::murmurs:: Strange.
:: He turned around and continued forward ahead of Lael as she was working her tricorder. With his device in night vision mode it picked up a blockade up ahead along with the shape of a person. He put down his kit and took out his own tricorder and scanned the area and it showed a cave-in. He tried looking for the figure, but couldn’t see it. ::
Galven: ::clears his throat:: Ma’am, we’re coming up to the first cave-in. ::beat::I saw on my ocular device that there was a presence there, but when I scanned::beat::the area, it was no longer there.
Rosek: ::exhales:: Something really strange is going on down here. I’m beginning to wonder if the cave-ins had anything to do with it.
:: German nodded with agreement, but then felt something really strange. The ground began to shake under him and he looked around with his device still in night vision and noticed some small rocks begin falling around them. He knew with his knowledge in geology that it seemed to be a earthquake, but this didn’t feel like it. As the ground shook even harder, he saw a small open space and grabbed his kit and threw it over, then grabbed Lael as well. As he pushed her forward a few rocks and debris hit his head and upper back. His body acted like a like a shield with the adrenaline pumping through his body, he didn’t feel the debris hit him. ::
:: As the smoke cleared, he was still holding onto Lael, protecting her from any other debris that might fall. There were random stragglers of debris that fell on him and he braced it by holding himself and Lael even more still. He looked down at her and she looked back at them as their gazes met. ::
Galven: ::wincing:: Are you okay, ma’am?
Rosek: ::breathily:: Yeah, I--I think so.
Galven: ::smiles wanly:: Good.
Rosek: ::scowls:: That was a stupid thing to do. You could have gotten seriously hurt or killed.
:: Another set of debris hit him, but he didn’t react to it. Lael seemed to be distracted by his presence. He looked around with his device not thinking about his choice of words. ::
Galven: ::says matter of factly:: I didn’t want to lose you, Lael. 
Rosek: ::grimaces:: I--Thank you, German. For pulling me out of the way.
Galven: You’re welcome, ma’am.
:: He looked at her with such compassion and care. He noticed her eyes looked briefly at his lips and was confused and didn’t know what to do. His awkwardness and most likely his conscious was telling him to back away, but he didn’t want any other debris to hit her. He heard footsteps and felt Lael pushed herself off of him. He reached for his phaser in case it was someone they didn’t know, but found out it was Taz and Raissa quickly coming towards them. ::
Shandres: Um… commander?
:: He situated himself and adjusted his uniform and that’s when he felt the sharp pains on his head and back. He reached his hand and felt a sharper pain in his shoulder. He dropped his arm and reached with his other hand behind his head and felt that he was bleeding pretty bad. He didn’t want to alarm the others, so he stayed quiet. He did enough damage earlier by talking out of line with Lael. ::